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how about drinking?



  • piksie
    piksie Member Posts: 132
    edited October 2021

    Greetings again! I made it back from the cruise. We were on the Carnival Miracle, and it truly was a miracle that we all made it. One girlfriend had a COVID scare with her son that was confirmed negative the day before we left, and I ended up in the ER with chest pain four days prior. Luckily, my heart was not in distress. I was sent home with a shoulder shrug from ER and MO, and antibiotics for a possible lung infection. It began to improve at 48 hours, so I got the green light to cruise. However, I firmly believe now that the pain was related to bone mets because it recurred at T6, right scapula, and a rib that have fortunately and bizarrely dissipated since. I'm not quite sure what's going on there, but I'll take it...

    I hope you all are well.

    My new favorite Carnival cocktail: Espressotini

    • shot of espresso
    • shot of vanilla vodka
    • shot of khalua



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    You raise a good point BabyGirl. My DH is a pesimist, glass always half empty. Makes the worst out of any situation. For example, I misplaced my credit card last week between getting gas and home. He's thinking someone's charging all kinds of stuff on it, I got call all these companies, my stomach hurts, he acts pissed at me, etc. I'm calm, it's no biggie. Call the bank, cancel the card, dispute the charges, period. Half hour later, card is found, it fell to the back of the truck under the seat. He's a grouchy person, racist (if you ask me), doesn't talk to his kids but a couple times a year, mom once a month, brothers once a year. Of course these are things I did not realize in the beginning of our relationship. SO, to answer your question, not a happy person, but not really a complainer either. But it's his way or the highway! He's always right (NOT). LOL, sorry you asked?

    Don't get me wrong girls. My DH takes very good care of me, has taken us on many great adventures, we are taken care of financially, everything we have is paid for. He doesn't help with domestic stuff, but was always helping outside with stuff and taking care of the home. Living off grid has lots of things to care for. I don't want for anything. But that's not me anyways. The only thing I ever want for, is to see my kids/brothers/family.

    I'm really sorry guys and don't really expect replies from y'all. I think it's more venting, just putting it on paper, and I know I can do this here. So don't feel like you need to respond. I know you are reading it.

    Sandy, sounds like things are looking up for you and Happy.

    Piksie, sorry about the scares prior to your cruise, but glad they were nothing serious and you were able to go. Nice picture, is that you in the front?

    DH asked if we could go out for a ride on the quad today. We did that last week and he seemed to enjoy just getting out of the house.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    DOTD: Halloween Bowl


    Bacardi and rum mixes with pink guava pureé, pineapple juice and Angostura bitters for fruity flare and then is piled with heaps of cotton candy. To complete the Halloween Bowl, wearable spider rings, plastic eye balls and crazy curly straws stick out the top.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited October 2021

    Goldie, I kinda suspected that personality. My DH has streaks of it too. He’s steady seen and fine a lot, so not much is new or exciting for him. He almost never loses things, someone always steal stuff, until I actually find it. He’s always “getting sick” but rarely does and has lots of aches and pains, definitely not a guy who would handle a devastating disease like we do.

    I can imagine what you’re dealing with and you have all my sympathies and good vibes. But, scream and break old dishes, if you need to 😁

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2021

    Goldie - sending you hugs. Come vent any time you want. We're here for you.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2021

    Happy Sunday Funday all!

    Catching up here on a sunday morning on a pretty fall day. The weather has been lovely and the trees are coming in to peak color. Yes we get fall here in the high desert, a lot more yellows than anything else, but some other colors too. The colors seem really good this year, think our better than normal summer monsoon season helped. I have an ash tree that has turned purple and waiting to see if my chinese pistache will change color this year (it can be a vibrant orange but so far is still very green). I have a lovely red oak that is the last to go in November and brings some lovely deep red foliage to that tree. Only a few trees here on my little property but I am working hard to keep them deep watered and healthy in the drought.

    I managed to recover from the booster and got through a busy week with go lives. I also saw my PCP on Thursday and got my flu shot so I consider myself all vaxed up for the time being. I felt more like myself on Tuesday after getting through a few days of ups and downs over the weekend. I survived the week of vaxes and a busy go live week. Always glad to get to the weekend, but they always feel too short too? In another month, I have a week off and counting the days. And I celebrate my year anniversary Tuesday with one of my co-workers who started with me and we hope to get out to lunch, but have more go lives and clinic time.

    My PCP visit was good, a follow up from my first appointment with her this summer. We went through all my referrals and where I am in the process. I told her the cancer center told me the nurse navigator said they did not need to see me for an annual check in, and checked in twice on this. She knows I have been followed by both my BS and MO since my diagnosis and treatment, but made an interesting comment that in a university hospital, they may not be as inclined to follow me as closely as in a private for profit healthcare org. Because I work in healthcare and know money talks, I get that too. Or maybe it's the health care rationing I know is going on here now with the recent shift to crisis care. Anyways, she said with me being out 8 years now, just keeping up with the annual imaging is what I need to focus on and that is done. I will see her again in the spring. Next up is my dental impant in early Nov to finish up that process that started earlier this year.

    You probably all heard on the news about the accident on the Santa Fe film set here that killed the 42 year old director of cinematography and injured someone else with live bullets vs. blanks. The local news has had this covered constantly given it's here. Sounds like there were safety issues on the set prior to what happened and the crew walked off the set prior to that accident happening. The film union was just about to go on strike right before this happened anyways, but they worked it out for everyone to continue to work. New Mexico is knicknamed "Tamalewood" as it has become a huge filming industry. Netflix has a huge production facility here now and NBC Studios just opened something as well. Sounds like this was a smaller budget film with Alec Baldwin as one of the stars and producers. He was the one who fired the gun and is also one of the producers of the film. A husband and 9 year old son left behind. Really tragic and think there is more to come here. This kind of accident is the kind of thing that can end a career (meaning Baldwin).

    Goldie- I love the idea of taking DH out for a ride today. We used to do that with my grandfather during his final years after Sunday dinner each week at our home. My sister and I also used to do the same when our mom was out in CT and living in assisted living. Easy for them to not have to move, etc. We used to take mom out for a ride along the CA coastline and then go to a drive in for a bite to eat or ice creme. I hope your time out today is enjoyable, probably nice break for you too sister.

    Chi- you sound like you need to take it carefully as you heal up from your back issues.

    Beaver- sorry to hear about the gout. Glad DHs test came back okay.

    NM- hi to you and Sadie. Is your foliage all done for the season up in Maine?

    Hi to Teka up in North Country!

    Hi to Cami if she is lurking. I always look forward to seeing her posts and her kittys GIFs.

    Hoping Celia C, Minus Two, Misty Eyes, Ill, and everyone else I am missing is having a good weekend.

    Will be back next weekend to say BOO for Halloween. There is an all day scary movie thing going on Cinemax next weekend on Sunday. Bring it on!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2021

    Taking baby steps, Jazzy (though longer strides would probably be more conducive to stretching). If, by this time next week, my back is "at baseline," I'm gonna get a PT referral. Meanwhile, because first thing in the morning I've been feeding the cats (to stave off hunger-pang regurgitations), I've interrupted my usual upon-arising routine of eyedrops & nasal sprays. Our lovely "extended-summer" weather has ended, and massive storms (with drenching rains) are about to start; but the pollen hasn't gone away. If anything, the pre-storm winds have kicked it into overdrive. My body is telling me that the front is about to move in: the CZ solitaire I wear on my R hand as a "barometer" (and lymphedema-warning)--which yesterday was so loose it fell off and I feared I'd lost it--won't get past my knuckle this morning unless I twist it. This morning, I picked whatever few tomatoes have shown signs of ripening--the plants will likely blow over once the downpours start. In anticipation of the basement flooding from overloaded city sewers, I made sure to have a bag of litter and a couple of new boxes at the ready up on the first floor so the kitties can safely go when they "gotta go."

    From what I understand, the gun incident was in no way Baldwin's fault, and the Twitterverse is by and large not blaming him (in fact, the tech unions are absolving him). The propmaster & weapons-master were the ones who fell down on the job and did not follow the protocol of demonstrating to the A.D. that 1) the gun was a prop (shortened chambers incapable of accepting a shell with a projectile), 2) "cold" (all chambers empty) and then 3) loading it with the blank and handing it to him; it was the A.D. who handed the gun to Baldwin. There should never even be live ammo (real bullets) anywhere on set. The project was extremely low-budget and likely lacked the tech that would have enabled the optics (mirrors) to make a gun fired at an angle appear to be head-on (and a cinematographer such as Hutchins should have known that--but maybe she'd never worked on a film involving firearms, much less a Western); and the post-production to edit in muzzle flashes and Foley-in the shot sounds. The crew had complained about lax weapon-safety protocols; several had even walked off a couple of days earlier.

    My next weigh-in is Nov. 3, and I'm going to postpone it. I haven't stepped on a scale in weeks, but my clothes seem tighter aroud the abdomen. Between worries and four instances of backaches (including this last doozy of a strain), I've been unable to fitness-walk and have been, uh, "comfort eating." Not so much to relieve stress as to distract from the physical pain. I'm fine during the day--in fact, when I drive past the fro-yo parlor I have no desire to go in. I'm even fine not having any dessert. But it's late at night when the cravings kick in. And nuts, cheese, celery, sugsr-free chocolate, zero-carb keto bread, etc. just aren't cutting it. It's as if my body knows I'm trying to fool it with pseudo-carbs and says, "nope, bring on the real stuff."

    Killed off the Mumm blanc de blancs (with a little seltzer to boost the bubbles).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited October 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! I spend all day yesterday writing a paper for my class, it's still not complete, got to finish it tonight when I get home from work. I am so looking forward to having the kiddos back in school today, but will still have a few out in quarantine that developed over the weekend. It's a never ending thing now.

    Sadie says Hi to everyone!

    Goldie--I'm glad it didn't turn out the way I was thinking it was going to, as well. Sometimes Sadie returns the favor, if she gets to dreaming while her paws are against me I can get a nice bit of a massage, but mostly I get the nose nudges when she wants attention or thinks I've been on the computer or phone too long. I wish I knew something to say that would help with DH's situation. The deciding to live with it or die with it is a real thing, and not just with ALS..Love the Voodoo Magic!

    Illi--good question for Goldie!

    Chi--glad to hear you are improving, and that Happy is as well!

    Piksie--I hope you really enjoyed your cruise, after all you went through to get to it! That Espressotini looks marvelous, if I could drink cold coffee I would certainly try it! Which one of the lovely ladies are you in the pic?

    Goldie--If DH was pessimistic before, he's not likely to change now. I know you and he have had a lot of good times together and he takes good care of you. It's still hard to listen to the negativity all the time, though. And yes, you can come and vent and we will understand. I hope you did get to get out of the house for a quad ride and had a good time. Crazy looking Halloween Bowl!

    Morning, Karen!

    Hi, Teka!

    Jazzy--it sounds like the colors in your area can be very intense and vibrant, I bet its beautiful. I"ve got to figure out when it would be good to get my booster, I don't want to lose any work time and don't want to give up a weekend, either, so I need to decide which way I'm going to go and just do it and get it over with. It's hard to believe that you've been in the "new" job for a year already! I did hear about the accident on the film set. So tragic. That kind of accident certainly can be a career-ender for a lot of people, and if there were safety concerns before it happened, well, there's no getting out of that one, and raises the question of was it truly an accident? The foliage is past peak just about everywhere now, and there's been enough windy days to have taken down a lot of the leaves too. It's starting to look pretty bare.

    Chi--I'm inclined to agree with you that the body knows what it's getting and what it's not getting, and has it's own wants and likes! And comfort eating is a real thing.

    Pouring apple cider cocktail from cocktail shaker into glass

    Poisoned Apple Cider


    • ▢ 4ozapple cider
    • ▢ 1 1/2ozspiced rum
    • ▢ 1 1/2ozpomegranate juice
    • ▢ 3/4ozgrenadine
    • ▢ scant 1/4tspedible luster dust (I used a gold color, but silver is also beautiful)


    • Add ice to cocktail shaker, add ingredients, cover and shake. Strain into glass and serve!

    From <>

  • Joseph_34
    Joseph_34 Member Posts: 4
    edited October 2021

    Cheers to you! Drink looks nice!!

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited October 2021

    Goldie, thanks for asking about our son. He is feeling much better and is back at work full time although working remotely most of the time. After his NEAD scans he chose to do a "just in case" four dose round of chemo lite. He only got half way through that as three of their five kids got Covid (all better now) so he was quarantined for several weeks since, of course, the kids got sick in sequence instead of all at once. Once out of quarantine, a PET scan showed one active lymph node so he is now finishing a four dose round of chemo and will be rescanned. He and his wife are keeping busy keeping up with college football games. They have a son and a daughter in different area colleges and both in the marching band of their respective schools.

    Also, Goldie, please do feel free to vent here. You have a huge load on your plate and need an escape valve.

    NM, hope all goes well at school today and the rest of the week. Sounds like the contagion will be (or is) working it's way through the school/community.

    Hi to Sadie. Perhaps an extra belly rub?

    Sandy, may your back continue to be less bothersome.

    Jazzy, it's really been a year?! Seems that time just whizzes by. Hope the next year goes as well with your new project.

    Hi to any I have missed, haven't tried to do side by side on my Kindle so can't scroll back and forth.

    Still hot and very humid here but forecast is for a sharp drop in humidity on Wednesday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    LOL BabyGirl, I had to laugh at your comment about DH never losing stuff, it's always someone stole it! I can't break my old dishes, they belonged to grandma! Blue Willow dishes.

    Thanks Karen, I know y'all are here for me, that's why I do it.

    Jazzy, the trees in your yard sound pretty. Pretty much the color here is yellow too. There are no changing trees within my view, all Juniper and Pinion Pines. Yay for the good PCP visit.

    Love the "weather forcast" Sandy....LOL!

    NM, enjoy your work week and may the school remain Covid free. Are they doing Halloween dress up at school? You hit the nail on the head about listening to all the negativity, ALL THE TIME!

    Beaver, I remembered them all getting Covid, and that your son had tested good, was checking to see if things are continuing on the good side. And for the most part, sounds like it is. May it continue to stay that way.

    Thanks to my Loungettes for all the support. Like I said, I think it helps just putting it down on paper. I just wish I could change his mindset. On top of all the negativity, then that causes him to cry. We did not get out yesterday, it was too windy and will be for the next couple of days and a bit cool. Perhaps we can go out later in the week. This morning he had to holler for me, he was using the bathroom and couldn't stand long enough to clean himself. Needed me in there to get his walker up behind him so he could sit down, as his legs were giving out.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2021

    My ring is loosening again, so I think the front has finally moved on...for the next few days at least. The worst of the rain ended by 2 am but I stayed up past 3:30 to make sure the basement hadn't flooded--if it had I would have set up a new litterbox in the first floor bathroom. We didn't lose any of the green tomatoes still on the vine, despite gale-force winds. This morning I was able to get out of bed without groaning (well, maybe a little wince or two). Happy is still throwing up--but only from hunger pangs. He is no longer moaning "whoa, whoa, whoa" before letting loose--and what he does bring up is clear with a few white bits, instead of voluminous and full of undigested food. The flip side of the steroid is that his appetite is more ravenous than ever.

    Will probably Coravin a little Zin or red blend tonight to go with leftover meatloaf. Or I might just teetotal.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021


    Just me blowing steam, feel free to skip over! LOL

    Tonight DH and I kind of got into it. Long story short, he says to me "I'm sorry I'm putting you through this". I have said that many times over the years and reminded him of that. He says something to the affect of "well, what you had to deal with isn't as bad as what I'm dealing with".

    WHAT? REALLY? Did you really just say that??? Calmly, I lay into him. Do you think having a port put in and going through chemo/radiation was fun. Having a port taken out, getting a bone biopsy, knowing you are gonna be diagnosed with stage IV cancer (more fun). 7 years of treatments, most that have left me with daily D, 5 years of severe hand/foot syndrome, for the last year driving 8 hours round trip for an hour infusion every 3 weeks. Ya, the last 13 f'ing years of my life has been a blast!

    So he has gone to bed and says to me, thank you for our little talk, I feel better. WTF, you feel better? Well good f'ing for you, I'm still fuming! Of course I didtn't say that. I just said "well, good".

    I have a dentist appt. in the morning. Have to leave here by 10, I think I'll take my time!

  • piksie
    piksie Member Posts: 132
    edited October 2021

    I do so enjoy reading here. I wish I could provide feedback or wisdom on the many trials and tribulations, but just like in life, I tend to be a fly on the wall. Although Goldie, your conversation with DH tonight would have left me fuming, too. I think you handled it well.

    Perhaps some of you have been here: my 13-year-old continues to ruffle feathers at school. Enough so that he is now guilty until proven innocent, and everyone knows it; especially feisty middle schoolers with a bone to pick. When the VP called today saying that he'd been accused of having gummies but his search turned up empty, I overreacted and arranged for him to homeschool while it was sorted out. After talking to him, I feel like I jumped on the "Van's a Bad Kid" wagon. Not my best Mommy moment. He's waaaayyy better off in school, so I'm walking in with him tomorrow to stick up for him like I should have done the first time. I might be wrong, but I need to be in his corner.

    Another development today, seven of the 19 I was expecting for Thanksgiving are going to do their own thing. I love them, but I'm so relieved! Our family seldom has drama, but vaccines and politics have driven wedges between a couple of cousins, and it promised to be ugly. So now I can get to planning without fear.

    Cruise pic, I am in front. I met the girls behind me in a Mommy group when our oldest kids were infants (16 years ago). Our kids have mostly gone their own way, but there are eight of us Mommies who have become lifelong friends.

    That's my day. Thanks for listening. :)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited October 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! It was so nice having the kiddos back in school yesterday, even if one Mom sent her child back 3 days before the child's quarantine was up without a copy of a negative COVID test. Turns out she used a home test, which the district does not accept. So Mom's pissed at me for keeping her kid out of class and sending the kid home, and calling everyone on the contact list when she didn't return my call after an hour. Then Daddy calls and gives me an earful about how I am "denying my daughter her education" and how ridiculous it is that he can get onto a Department of Defense base with a home COVID test, so the school should be accepting it, too. He asked for my boss's name and number when I told him I wouldn't argue with him about it. And, of course, his daughter is sitting right there in my office through the whole thing. So far I've been lucky, very few parents have been uncivil to me, but the trend is building. I keep reminding myself that they are very stressed and adding complications to their lives is not welcome, but I am not going to be yelled at or sworn at. I know how to hang up!

    Sadie wants to me to take her to work so she can bark at the angry parents when they call! It was so hard to tell her that pets aren't allowed in the school.

    Morning, Joseph_34! Welcome to the HTL!

    Beaver--of course your brother's kids would get COVID sequentially! Praying the chemo clears thing up. Oh, yes, COVID and a nasty respiratory virus are circulating big time in the local community. Parents are testing positive every day, more and more kids out to quarantine due to being exposed through a parent. Sadie says thanks for the extra belly rub!

    Goldie--Some kiddos are dressing up this week, but the big dress up day is Halloween day itself. Which reminds me, I still need to figure out what I'm going to do for a costume and actually DO it! And remember we are always here for you to vent to. Venting does help.

    Chi--glad to hear the tomatoes survived the gale and that you and Happy are doing better!

    Goldie--Oh my goodness, what a way to end the day! No wonder you are fuming. Take your time before and after the appointment, and treat yourself to something nice tomorrow!

    Piksie--Good for you for sticking up for your son. He does need to know you are on his side.

    For what it's worth, I see the homeschooling decision as you protecting him from ongoing trouble in school until all the facts get put on the table and the whole situation sorted out and understood. Wow, seven out of 19 doing their own Thanksgiving thing sounds like a lot, but it also sounds like it may be better in the long run for family peace. COVID has had such deep and unfortunate effects in places I never expected. Lifelong friends are great to have, so glad you got together on that cruise. The pic is wonderful!

    Vampire's Kiss Cocktail

    Vampire's Kiss


    • 1 ½ ouncesvodka
    • 1 ounce* Chambord
    • ½ ounce100% unsweetened cranberry juice (not sweetened or cranberry juice cocktail)
    • ½ ouncefresh lemon juice
    • ½ ouncegrenadine
    • Granulated sugar and additional grenadine, for the sugar rim (optional)
    • 1small dry ice cube, optional


    1. Prepare the rim: Place granulated sugar in a single layer on one plate. On another plate, add some grenadine. Spin the rim of the glass in the grenadine until it coats the entire rim. Then dip the glass rim into the plate with the sugar to coat it.
    2. Make the drink: Add the vodka, Chambord, unsweetened cranberry juice, lemon juice, and grenadine to a cocktail shaker. Add 2 handfuls regular ice cubes and shake until cold. Strain the drink into the prepared glass.
    3. Break the dry ice into 1-inch chunks (if using): Do this as close to the time you'll be serving the drinks as possible, though you can buy the dry ice a few hours in advance. Start by dropping the plastic bag with the dry ice on the ground several times to allow it break into large chunks. Remember never to touch the dry ice with your bare hands! Put on goggles and gloves. Use a chisel to break the dry ice into smaller pieces using a screwdriver or ice pick. The ideal size is 1/2-inch to 1-inch chunks that are large enough to sink to the bottom of the drink, but small enough to disappear in a few minutes. Wrap the small chunks in a towel and place them in a cooler with the top off until you're ready to serve the drinks. Do not place the dry ice in the freezer.
    4. Add the dry ice: Using tongs (do not touch the dry ice!), add a 1/2-inch to 1-inch chunk of dry ice to the glass, which will sink to the bottom and immediately make a smoking effect. The ice cube will disappear in about 5 minutes. Do not drink the dry ice! Wait until the cube disappears before enjoying your drink (or you can take sips with the dry ice in the bottom). Review these Dry Ice Handling instructions.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2021

    Teka- that is hilarious Happy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2021

    Ah geez Lorrie! You just crack me up! I mean BOTH of us are kind of going crazy because of our dear Husbands... right? You know, just having someone to talk to, to bounce things off of, really helps. We just can't help some things.... but our friends can really help us out. Because they "listen"... while we are having a melt-down.

    Sometimes, I just have to "talk" to Kim & Sadie, because it makes me feel like I am really not going crazy.... Sometimes we just have to hang in there.... snap back, then go out on the porch, slam the door & flop down on a chair, and cool off!

    We can't help some things.... and in my case, I have to be more patient & realize that "they" really can't help it, and don't understand that sometimes. You know, I am 84.... and I am so thankful that I can help out as much as I do.... And I'm pretty proud of myself when I can let little things bounce off of me.... And I'm pretty proud of myself when I don't kick out a window, or throw a chair out the door!

    We just gotta relax... So believe me.... we are all here for you.... Now I gotta go fix me a chocolate coke. Period.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited October 2021

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Got some wind blowing and some rain coming down, getting the beginning fringes of the Nor'Easter coming up the coast. Power was out in half the area the school serves yesterday afternoon, so this morning we're waiting to hear what's happening with school today. The school itself has a generator, but most of the families don't, so no internet, so no remote learning, and if we have them in school they will get breakfast and a hot lunch. So I'm thinking school will be open today unless there's other considerations going on. We'll see.

    Sadie doesn't seem to mind the wind, but going out to potty in the rain was a challenge!

    Teka--That is a great idea!!!!

    Candy Corn Martini

    Candy Corn Martini

    How to Make a Candy Corn Martini

    Fill a martini shaker about 1/4 of the way up with crushed or cubed ice. Measure 4 oz of whipped cream vodka and add to the ice. Top with 1 cup of pineapple juice. Place lid on tight and shake!

    Pour through the strainer into martini glasses until each is filled about 3/4 of the way to the top. To each glass add 1 TB of grenadine. It is a thick syrup so it will be heavier than the vodka and juice; therefore, it will sink to the bottom of the glass. Then top with whipped cream.


    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    Piksie, 19 people for TG? Well, only 12 now! Do you do all this by yourself? And here I am complaining about doing it for 6 additional, plus us. Sorry about the issues with your teen. How did that turn out?

    NM, sorry about the not so nice parent. I suppose things can't always run smoothly. Sounds like you handled it poyfectly! It's pretty sad when it's good that the kids come to school so they can get breakfast and hot lunch. But I understand after working in a school for at risk kids, and my own students for that matter. We were cold and windy yesterday, but no rain.

    Teka, the Q-tips are too cute. NM, you should make some of those up for your kids that come in for a visit. Well, maybe you can't in case there are any peanut allergies?

    ED, our DH's issues are so different. Mine has all his faculties, so saying hurtful things is uncalled for. I know he didn't mean for it to be hurtful, but it was. He always talking about killing himself. I said to him, you can't do that, they will come after me. And if you shoot yourself, cuz that's always the means, you will also leave me with a huge mess to clean up. I said if you want to die, all you have to do is quit eating, quit drinking and quit all your meds, simple. And I'm not saying this to be mean, cuz it's just what I would do if I got bad and ended up in lots of pain. I'm good now, I can't let stuff eat me up.

    Well, I got my toofers cleaned yesterday, all is good. DH has yet another person coming to visit. This is our Tawain gal. He says she's coming to say good bye. Well, remember when DH had all of our friends come to Moab, so he could show them all where he wants his ashes? I said it felt like a funeral and I hated it and was terribly embarrased by it. Well, this is the second funeral! If I get Covid from all these visitors, I'm going to kill him myself! I'd like to tell him, you need to quit dieing tomorrow, and live for today.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    .....And a little bit of fun for the day.

    Kicked by Godzilla, while lying in bed, by Haunting Witch Decoy

    See the source image

    See the source image

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited October 2021


    Strung up by killers bees in a graveyard and strange broomstick king wishing you all a happy Halloween.

    Well, my day is off to a start. Woke up by tornado warning alerts, then a snippy DH in a bit of a hurry because he’s rushing out to a doctors appointment the claims but 100% did NOT mention yesterday.

    I had a plan to be “radiation” for Halloween by the glow in the dark pj’s I bought, don’t glow, not at all, so that’s a bummer.

    Reading along and thinking of you all 🙂

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2021

    My workaversary celebration lunch yesterday. Yummy turkey plate 😋


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2021

    Illi, I seem to remember that a lot of glow-in-the-dark stuff needs to be "charged" by exposing it to bright direct light for a short period of time (IIRC, 10 min.).

    Lori, put your foot down and insist DH's visitor wear a mask when she enters your home. DH has no right to overrule you on that. Amen to the "stop dying tomorrow, live for today" comment.

    Last night with a salmon burger & spinach salad, DOTD was a 2019 Txakolina (very dry white) from the Basque country in northern Spain. Not sure what I'm drinking with wings (my go-to the night before a mani) tonight--maybe a Bubly with extra lime. Bought a fresh bag (roast date 10/21) of Dark Matter "A Love Supreme" blend light-medium roast beans. Been alternating between Metropolis' Red Line light-medium roast Espresso blend (ok for drip, but too old to produce a decent shot of espresso) and Dark Matter "Calidad" single-estate light roast Guatemalan. Both roasted 9/28. And my latest shipment of Red Line (roasted yesterday) arrived today--needs till Friday for the CO2 in the beans to "outgas" before I grind & use it for espresso.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2021

    Morning girls! I just saw this on FB and thought it was so beautiful! I just had to share it here.... Heart

    May be an image of text

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited October 2021
    Good Monring, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Well, the Nor'Easter turned out to be a bit of a tempest in a teapot where I live. More of an issue along the coast. I did get to watch the wind blowing the trees around a bit after I got home from work yesterday, though.

    Goldie--have you asked DH what he's going to do if you catch COVID and have to isolate for 10 days? You would need to stay away from him entirely since he is at really high risk of getting severe COVID. Whose going to move in and take care of him? I can see where the funeral type visits are hard to deal with. And I LOVE the quit dieing tomorrow, live for today line!


    The HTL lost a provider of unique libations when Peculiar Pumpkin Brewer passed away this Halloween. PP Brewer is well known for brewing beers,from Peculiar, or rare and unusual, varieties of pumpkins. Brewer had recently added flavoring vodka with peculiar pumpkin essences, both with and without pumpkin spice. PP Brewer died while tending a secret still while experimenting with making vodka from peculiar pumpkins when, due to having forgotten to bring a flashlight, Brewer was sat upon by a zombie. Donations in PP Brewer's memory may be made to the Hot Tata Lounge, the first (and only) bar to feature the Peculiar Pumpkin Products.

    Illi--strung up by killer bees?OUCH!!! Waking up to a tornado alert would terrify me beyond the ability to think straight! Don't you love it when someone swears they told you something when they didn't?

    Jazzy--that is one very yummy looking turkey dinner!Happy workaversary!

    Morning, Teka!

    Chi--good point about the mask wearing!

    spider cookie truffles and halloween cocktails

    Liquid Web Cocktails


    3 oz. chocolate liqueur

    3 oz. coffee liqueur (such as Kahlúa)

    2 oz. milk

    Lightly sweetened whipped cream


    Pumpkin pie spice or nutmeg


    1. Combine chocolate liqueur and coffee liqueur, milk, whipped cream, and ice in a cocktail shaker; shake until chilled. Strain into cocktail glasses. Garnish with pumpkin pie spice or nutmeg. Top with small plastic spiders.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2021

    BabyGirl, love how your Halloween ended, that was a good one. Sorry about the PJ's, might they need a black light? Are you and DH going to a party?

    Jazzy, I love turkey, DH does not. So by having the kids come this year, I will get to make one. I often hesitate to get it at restraunt cuz more times than not it's pressed turkey and the gravy is out of a jar and almost always salty. Your's looks like real turkey.

    Sandy, visitors are not coming to my house, we are going to Phoenix and DH is having as many people as he can come to see him, it's another funeral per se. I will be taking extra masks for anyone that does not have one. It will be in the 80's, so I'm hoping we could possibly sit outside.

    Very cute story ED.

    NM, I have made mention about me getting Covid. I'm Wonder Woman, I can do it all and will not get sick (what I think he thinks). I too thought my comment about dying today was pretty good, but I haven't used it yet on him. What is this NEWS FLASH? Real story, a joke that went over my head?

    I'll start laying clothes out today. We are leaving sometime on Sunday. I have infusion on Monday, scans on Tuesday. Seeing wheelchair people Wednesday, new nuerologist on Thusday, as we may be switching. Gal from the ALS foundation is not happy with how they are not on top of DH's needs. Right now his breathing is getting bad, and from the tests that the RT did 3 months ago, he should have already been on the breathing machine/ventelator. Then Friday we see his current neurologist. Saturday, I think a free day for visitors?

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited October 2021

    Goldie, sounds exhausting!! Also agree with the live today philosophy.

    NM, glad the storm was limited in your area. We had a thunderstorm with about an inch of rain in a very short time period in the middle of the night a couple of nights ago. The humidity has now dropped and it is much cooler with sunshine today.

    Chevy, loved the teacher story and can identify as I listen better when my hands are occupied with crocheting or knitting. A simple pattern of course!

    Jazzy, yummy looking lunch. Happy you could celebrate with a friend and good food.

    Illimae, know there was tornado activity in the Houston area. Did you have any effects other than being awakened by the tornado alert?

    Hello to everyone else and wishing all an excellent day.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,713
    edited October 2021

    NM and Beaverintx, no issues with the tornado warning, just some tree debris in the neighborhood and a few lose items blown around in the yard by big wind gusts.

    Goldie, no party, I just wanted to make fun use of my brain radiation mask.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2021

    Tonight with seared mahi-mahi & veg., I opened a 2018 Graville-Lacasse Graves (Sauv. Blanc-dominant white Bordeaux). It was all I could do to limit myself to 3 oz. Sipping a decaf breve cappuccino (as dessert) as I type this.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2021

    Chevy - I saw that on fb too and I love it!!!!