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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    Sandy, All of us are triple vaxx. Not sure if doctor would Rx Paxlovid for DH as they probably won’t let him stop any of his heart meds including statins. He’ll have to wait till Monday to call PCP, who he has only seen twice as his PCP of 25 years or so retired, unless he goes to urgent care tomorrow. Enjoy the Chinese food. Sounds yummy.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2022

    Morning gals.... I think it's my age that makes me really afraid to go out much... Also, my Husband with all his issues, including a pacemaker, really keeps us grounded.

    We haven't been out to a restaurant nor take-out ever since all this started... Only go to a store when we need something, or just to get out for a change of scenery. And we always mask-up, like everyone else in the store!

    Yes Karen, with all this snow we had, not to mention the ice, that also keeps us in, Hah! My Husband isn't on any meds.... even with his pacemaker! Actually, neither one of us are on any meds... Maybe when you get old enough, you out-grow a lot of problems? Man, I remember having so many allergies, and asthma problems, taking Prednisone, using inhalers, nebulizers, and trying to keep ahead of rashes & welts!

    Janie is coming over today with a Salad Pizza from Parisi's, and a Hamburger for her dad... So happy and grateful we have her living sort of close and wants to see us on one of her days off! It's really sweet to watch her watching over her dad, & cutting up his food, etc.!

    Take care gals.... I think we are a long way from feeling safe, and getting back to "normal".....

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited February 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunny Sunday Funday! Spent a good part of yesterday catching up on the tracking and computer work I couldn't do Friday after the internet went out. We've got a good solid 3 feet of snow on the ground after Friday snow finished up. Mostly light and fluffy stuff, lots of sparklies when the sun hits it right. Got some more branches down in the back yard from the wind. At least I didn't lose the electricity.

    Chi--wow, that sounds like a really great drink recipe. I can imagine how the changes in the ingredients over time have changed the taste and experience.

    Jazzy--very pretty!

    Morning, Teka!

    Goldie--Hugs and prayers.

    Chevy--Prayers and hugs.

    Jazzy--12 days to vacay!Many of the Wednesday, Women and Wine ladies are school teachers, many have February break plans, all are trying to minimize exposure outside of school, so no meeting this month. We'll pick up again in March. Glad to hear the dental work is nearly done.

    Illi--talk about different approaches to packing up! I can imagine your patience is wearing thin after all this time.

    Misty--It must feel like it's taking forever for the ankle to heal up. Love the idea of knee scooter racing, though!

    Karen--it's amazing how covid is getting around these days. Prayers for negative tests.

    Chi--interesting side effects of Paxlovid. Glad it's working for you.

    Chevy--I'm beginning to wonder if we will ever really feel safe again.

    Yield: 1

    Adult Capri Sun Recipe

    image alt="Adult Capri Sun Recipe">


    • 1 cup of your favorite juice (orange, lemonade, blue raspberry, fruit punch, raspberry lemonade, ice tea or bloody mary mix)
    • 2 ounces of alcohol (vodka, rum, or bourbon)
    • Adult Capri Sun Pouches
    • Straws


    1. Combine 1 cup of your favorite juice and 2 ounces of your favorite alcohol in a glass measuring cup with a pourable spout. Add the mix to your Adult Capri Sun Pouch.
    2. Add ice if you like and serve with a straw.
    3. For a slushy drink, leave some air in the pouch, and lay flat in the freezer overnight.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    DH tested negative on the Binax Now home antigen test. He made an appointment for tomorrow morning for PCR, but he is impatient and wants to see if he can get it done at urgent care today - they charge $150 and insurance will cover up to 50%. He's convinced the symptoms are Covid and nothing else - his biggest complaint is sore throat and feeling lousy. I told him it could be strep and he said how could he have gotten strep, and I said, how could you have gotten Covid?

    Kind of gloomy out - no sun and only in the 30s. Time to get out and go for a walk shortly. Need it!!

    Have a great Sunday

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2022

    Karen, no offense but that sounds fishier than a Red Lobster: COVID testing, even PCR, should be free of charge. Insurance will cover up to 50%, but the Feds (Medicare/Medicaid) should cover the rest. There should be NO co-pay. Your DH should be PCR-tested STAT so that if positive, he can begin therapeutics ASAP. Statins do have a rather long half-life (that's why my PCP and the ID doc both said not to resume my Crestor till tomorrow) so discontinuing his statin for a week or so should neither cause his bad cholesterol to spike nor his HDL to tank. But antivirals are not the only arrow in the high-risk COVID patient quiver: your DH sounds like a good candidate for sotrovimab, the anti-Omicron monoclonal antibody Bob got. I was given Paxlovid because my antibody titer was too high for me to be considered immunocompromised. He should, of course, also get a nasal swab for A&B strains of flu as well as a rapid throat culture for strep if telltale signs are visible. (My NP explained that she saw only a slightly red throat but no purulence, so that's why I wasn't given a strep culture).

    BTW, when I tested negative with both BinaxNOW and two days later with FlowFlex, I had no symptoms. By the time I took the two OnGo tests, I had developed a scratchy and then sore throat and low-grade fever (per the ear thermometer--the Immediate Care NP said my oral temp was normal--albeit a degree higher than usual for me). top-rates the QuickVue and FlowFlex, with BinaxNOW not far behind. It found that both the OnGo and iHealth kits had an unacceptably high (>15%) rate of false negatives. I found the OnGo to be a PITA and rather confusing: instructions on the box say to use the QR code to download the app (iOS & Android) and follow its step-by-step directions, including an onscreen timer; but the package insert gives exactly the same step-by-step directions as the app (except you have to use your own timer). Supposedly, with the app a positive result (per a photo of the test cassette with its own dedicated QR code) gets reported to your local public health dept. (the app requires you to input a name, address, & DOB before starting the test); but in my case that was moot because both my OnGo results (even at the height of my symptoms) were negative, The re-test I took in order to confirm I could end isolation was FlowFlex.

    (BTW, I don't dare try to travel internationally, because it is possible to PCR-test positive for up to 90 days after recovering--and no countries I know accept a negative rapid-test for even boarding a departing flight from your home airport to those countries).

    I resumed strict keto this morning because I gained "the quaran20" during the time my back started going out again and my feet got worse. Gordy's wedding is only 2 months away; I have a couple of oversize (even at size 10) long linen Eileen Fisher dusters in the wedding color scheme, but the coordinating size 10 print midi-dress that I wore underneath the forest green one at our 50th anniv. party in June barely buttons over my burgeoning gut. So DOTD might be some extra-brut/"zero-dosage" bubbly (or a Virgin Mary), to celebrate Bob's & my return to civilization, but nothing carb-ier. So much for another egg cream nor even the Aperol spritz I'd been craving (both the Aperol & the requisite prosecco have too much sugar).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2022

    Came across this re-make from the Average White Band called If I Ever Loose this Heaven. Some members of EWF here too (I see Verdine White on the bass for sure). Enjoy!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited February 2022

    Thanks Jazzy.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    Sandy - there are lots of places that do free Covid PCR testing and he is going at 7 tomorrow morning. We've been using Covid Check Colorado since they started Covid checking. Most of the urgent care places here charge. We've used them before (and paid) for international travel as we needed passport number on the results. Urgent care centers are over priced. He waited till today to test as his symptoms only started Friday and wanted to wait to make sure he had enough of a "load" for the rapid test. His cholesterol is under control (it has to be below 60), but it's him having CAD and 23 months post CABG. He's on statins and Plavix. He will call his PCP office in the morning. His doctor is on maternity leave so he will see someone else. We both only have Part A medicare since he's still working and we have insurance (which is a great policy) through his employer. Once he retires we will add Part B etc. Trust me - my DH and I both google and check out everything - we both have too many underlining conditions to take chance on anything. Since I have no symptoms yet, I'm not going to do a rapid test, but will probably schedule a PCR. Work does not require me to quarantine since I'm triple Vaxx and masks are mandatory at work. I appreciate you care and concern. His retired pcp lives down the street from us and we are friends so if my DH was really worried he would call him and/or go to the ER.

    For international travel if you are recovered from Covid, you need the positive PCR test result as well as doctor statement saying you are recovered and then don't need PCR to board flight, but at least to Israel, need to test upon landing and wait for PCR results. Not sure about Canada - no plans to go see the kids before summer but he might have a work trip the latter part of March - but the ways things are there is on hold. If he can't go, he can't go.

    Made a big pot of chicken veggie soup with barley for dinner tonight. Not sure if I put enough veggies in, but I can always add more after dinner - just carrots, celery, onions and potatoes.

    Everyone stay safe and healthy.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited February 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey day! Back to school and back to COVID chaos. Almost vacay time. Cold outside but above zero, more messy weather coming in tomorrow. Same old, same old. I could do with a day of no crises beyond a nose bleed or scraped knee or elbow.

    Karen--testing for Covid is creating a lot of anxiety lately, what with the difficulty getting test appointments and then the wait for results. And places are beginning to charge outrageous test administration fees. It's crazy. Good idea to test for strep as well, maybe even flu.

    Chi--Wow, you have used more brands of Covid tests than I realized are in use! Maybe you should do a YouTube comparison/tutorial video and share your experience!

    Jazzy--nice clip, thanks for sharing!

    Morning, Teka, Minus!

    Monday Cocktail

    Mixed Drink Recipe from Cocktail Builder

    1 1/2 oz of whiskey

    1/2 oz of Brandy

    1/2 oz of blueberry brandy

    1/2 oz of Lemon Juice

    1 tsp of sugar

    Shake all ingredients with ice; strain into an old-fashioned glass. Garnish with an orange slice if desired.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2022

    ED, you ARE doing it right! It just becomes frustrating at times. But as long as you recognize it, you can get through it. The one thing I had to keep reminding both of us, was the fact that this isn't going to get better or easier. I pray you can take care of him for a long time! So glad your DD is near by. I don't go out either, except for doctors and a Wal Mart run about once a week.

    Jazzy, glad you will be able to put that dental work behind you soon. A year is a long time. Not much moisture in my neck of the woods, but in surrounding areas. Maybe I should pick me up some flowers! Listened to the music while posting my replies.

    BabyGirl yes, I'm dealing with things. Trying to stay my positive self! Will the cabin be your permanent home?

    Misty yes, the paperwork. I couldn't do anything until I get the death cert. Which on my way home from Phoenix they called me after I got on my dirt road to tell me they were ready. Had they called me 45 min. prior, I could have swung by and picked them up. Now I have to make a 2 hour trip into town to get them, and I don't need anything else!

    Karen, hoping you all stay Covid free. Glad DH at least tested negative.

    Sandy, ditto what NM said! "Wow, you have used more brands of Covid tests than I realized are in use! Maybe you should do a YouTube comparison/tutorial video and share your experience!"

    NM, OMG 3' of snow? Holy Cow! Do they let the kids out for recess in that? Or is it too cold out for them? Vacay sneaking up on you, and will be here before you know it. Do you leave the 18th? I'm sure you are keeping it under your hat for now with mom?

    So my brother flew out here Jan. 26, Feb 2 he tested positive for Covid and feeling under the weather day before. So this Wednesday will be one week since he tested positive. I still feel ok, no symptoms. When should I feel like I'm out of the woods?

    Missing Cami, and even Sadie NM. I keep wanting to include her in my posts, and have to remind myself I can't do that anymore. I'm sure you are still missing her.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited February 2022

    Goldie, yes, the cabin will be the new home and I can’t wait! Once finished, we’ll have no mortgage, minimal electric bill, significantly reduced auto insurance costs and nearly zero traffic. Our future on the mountain will be much more relaxing and my new life will be focused on growing the majority of our food and soaking up nature. DH will tinker with whatever projects he gets into while I chill in my beach bar she-shed.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2022

    Ill- that sounds like such a wonderful plan you have where you will be living. Growing your own food too, love it. And no mortgage, you are going to enjoy that. I paid my house off end of 2019 and every first of the month since, been enjoying NOT having that to pay that bill. A woman who used to work for me years ago said no (or reduced) debt gives you so much more freedom.

    You and your DH will get where you need to be, moving is hard!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    Illi - your cabin sounds wonderful. Before we moved to CO, we had a small house that was in the middle of 4 wooded acres. Now we live in the city. I sometimes wonder what the house looks like as it is 42 years old - and the area around it is now all developed. We moved 35 years ago. It was a great little house - 24 x 30 feet.

    Gorgeous day today - 50 and sunny. It should be nice most of the week. DH and I didn't walk tonight after dinner - I'm tired and he's just finally feeling better, but I did make my minimum daily steps goal. We did walk when I got home from work, which I try to do to decompress from the work day.

    DH is feeling better today. He went early this morning for his PCR and is waiting on results. He should have them tomorrow. If he is positive, I'll home test, but so far I"m not having any symptoms, thankfully! I'm tired, but that's because I don't sleep well.

    I finally got my 10 year pin - only 2.5 years late!!! I've been with the district since 2009. Not sure if I'll get to 15 years....14 yes but 15 is iffy. DD#2 has 3 more years to go till she graduates, but I don't know if I can last 3 years. Mondays are getting harder, since winter break. There is time to tell. February 1st is the deadline each year to get a bonus if you tell the district you are retiring the end of the school year. But it's one year at a time. I don't feel old till I realize that I graduated with my BA and MS before many of my co-workers were born - never mind that my two older kids are older than the younger co-workers and this years intern cohort is only a year old than my youngest. I'm not getting older, it's just that the newbies are getting younger and younger!!

    Sweet dreams. Stay safe and stay healthy.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited February 2022

    NM - countdown to Florida. I'm sure you can't wait.

    Goldie - still holding you in my thoughts. Just do what you can every day & don't worry about getting everything finished in a hurry. I liked this quote: "Acceptance is knowing that grief is a raging river. And you have to get into it. Because when you do, it carries you to the next place. It eventually takes you to open land, somewhere where it will turn out OK in the end. " But I know it's a long road & the end is far away.

    Chevy - you are also in my thoughts as you navigate all these challenges with your DH. Try to find some time for YOU, and stay safe.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    Good Tuesday morning. Kim, I can’t believe I’m the first one here today.

    Wishing everyone a great day

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2022

    Morning gals! You know, talking to each other like this, is like a lifeline to me... I mean, just knowing we can let it all out, (or some of it) really helps! See, I can't talk about some of the little things that go on around here, with my daughter's, because it would hurt them... And they don't need to know everything.

    And Minus, I love your quote!

    "Acceptance is knowing that grief is a raging river. And you have to get into it. Because when you do, it carries you to the next place. It eventually takes you to open land, somewhere where it will turn out OK in the end. But I know it's a long road & the end is far away."

    So this gives me hope and strength! I can have more patience, and what is that other saying... " Lord help me to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." My Mom used to say this... She learned it from AA when she was trying to deal with my Dad. MAN, they stayed together through hell and high-water!

    You know, we all have our challenges and heartaches... but we can work through them, if we have support from somewhere!

    So thank you!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2022

    Chevy- as the Beatles said "I get by with the a little help from my friends." It is not always easy to share things with family, certainly been my experience in life. My friends have been my greatest support system and often a lifeline through many a difficult times. We are glad you can share with us, so many of us have had dementia touch our lives with our parents or other loved ones.

    Wishing you a peaceful day sister.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    Hugs Chevy. You are so correct on not sharing things with your children. It was so difficult to watch my mother decline and I was part time care taker. She never wanted anyone to know really how poorly she was doing so she never told my brother or her brother (my uncle). She was so embarrassed about being her degenerative disease. Sometimes it’s better to not know. Come vent to us all you want/need.

    My husband’s PCR came back negative late this morning. He started to feel better yesterday and today almost back to himself. So not Covid but some other virus. So thrilled to be done quarantine.

    Nice walking weather.

    Stay safe and stay healthy

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2022

    Walked to dinner tonight--drank Montepulciano d'Abruzzo. (Because the restaurant's kitchen was "in the weeds" due to the owner & exec. chef both taking the night off on a warm-ish day when the whole neighborhood decided to go out to dinner, they poured me two free glasses).

    Karen, glad your DH tested negative!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited February 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Yesterday was an interesting day at school. Started out with a 2 hour delay due to snow and slush on the roads first thing. So I got to lounge a bit before getting up and discovering the internet was out, no big surprise. So, school opened at 10:30, classes started at 11:00, first lunch served at 11:30. The first question out of at least a dozen students on arrival? "Is there breakfast?" I know some families depend on school breakfasts, but this was eye opening for me. We weren't serving a full breakfast, but fruit, granola bars, and cereal, milk and juice were put out. The day did end on a high note, all three COVID testing pools are Negative this week!

    Goldie--Oh, yes, we let the kids out for recess in the snow. They don't go out for recess when the temperature/windchill is below zero, or it's raining so hard everyone will get drenched. Even in the rain they may get outside for 5 or 10 minutes, if it's not raining hard. They reallyneed that outdoor recess time.Yup, I fly out on the 18th, going to go see Mom this weekend and put it on her calendar so she remembers. I have told her, but I'm sure she doesn't remember and I don't keep bringing it up.For someone testing positive onFeb 2 after feeling symptoms on Feb 1, I would be contact tracing for Jan 30, 31, Feb 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.With him leaving on Jan 26th, you would not be considered exposed by him.If you were exposed on the 26th, symptoms would most likely start Jan 30 through Feb 2.So you are probably clear. I am really missing Sadie. And Cammy. I keep reminding myself it will get better over time. Then I ask myself "how much time before it gets better?" but I don't get any answers. Trying to be patient with myself.

    Illi--your cabin in the mountains life sounds so peaceful and wonderful!

    Morning, Jazzy!

    Karen--oh my goodness, the newbies are getting younger all the time!

    Minus--9 days and counting! Love the grief quote.

    Karen, yup, you beat me yesterday, I couldn't get online due to the snow that was coming down.

    Chevy--that Serenity Prayer is a life-saver, isn't it? And we do all need support from time to time.

    Jazzy--another good quote for getting through life!

    Karen--HOORAY for the negative test and end of quarantine!

    Chi--what a nice reward for walking to the restaurant!

    morning doves cocktail

    Mourning Doves


    • 1 1/2 ounces El Jimador reposado tequila
    • 1/2 ounce Amaro di Angostura
    • 3/4 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed
    • 1/2 ounce grapefruit juice, freshly squeezed
    • 1/2 ounce maple syrup
    • 1/4 ounce simple syrup
    • Garnish: lemon wheel


    1. Add all the ingredients to a shaker with ice and shake.
    2. Strain into a rocks glass over a large chunk of ice.
    3. Garnish with a lemon wheel.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    our kids go out for recess at 20F and warmer. They also eat lunch outside. The other week when it was snowing lunch was inside but they had recess outside. The kids so want recess. They take their coats off as they get hot running around and when I had recess duty I’d be all bundled up.

    Been up since before 5 but didn’t want to get out of bed! Lazy till 5:40.

    Have a great We

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2022

    BabyGirl, love the "Beach Bar She-Shed". I hope you will share pictures of it all when you are done.

    Karen, what took so long on the pin? And hey, age is just a number! That's it, you got it! " I'm not getting older, it's just that the newbies are getting younger and younger!!" Ha ha, I was up at 4!

    Minus, thanks for the quote. I know things will be ok, but like it says, it's getting there!

    ED, I feel the same about the gals here, and consider them my dear friends. Which is why I can't leave. Cuz when gals leave, you lose touch and the friendship fades. I can't stop anyone from leaving, but I just can't.

    NM, my brother arrived in AZ on Jan. 26. By Feb. 1st, he was really sneezing, but had been for the last few days, but not alot. I was teasing that my house must be really dusty. We think he contracted it on the plane or in the airport, as he is very cautious with his mask and sanitizing. I'm still feeling ok....fingers crossed! As for things getting better in time, and not getting answers, I get it!

    I went yesterday to pick up the death certificates, so today I will be on the phone to take care of things. I also need to call and get my own meds taken care of. Before my DH passed, we were discussing getting a new vehicle. His dad, who is deceased, worked at Ford's, so we can use what they call a Z plan, which gives you a discount. I looked online, and it does say that "inlaws" are entitled to it as well. So I need to get with my MIL to find out what I need. I just don't know quite how to approach her with it. Or, if I should go through his brother Tony. Which if you remember, I'm not really happy with for hounding me on that death certificate. I want a Ford Bronco.

    2022 Ford Bronco Big Bend Exterior View

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2022

    BabyGirl, love the "Beach Bar She-Shed". I hope you will share pictures of it all when you are done.

    Karen, what took so long on the pin? And hey, age is just a number! That's it, you got it! " I'm not getting older, it's just that the newbies are getting younger and younger!!" Ha ha, I was up at 4!

    Minus, thanks for the quote. I know things will be ok, but like it says, it's getting there!

    ED, I feel the same about the gals here, and consider them my dear friends. Which is why I can't leave. Cuz when gals leave, you lose touch and the friendship fades. I can't stop anyone from leaving, but I just can't.

    NM, my brother arrived in AZ on Jan. 26. By Feb. 1st, he was really sneezing, but had been for the last few days, but not alot. I was teasing that my house must be really dusty. We think he contracted it on the plane or in the airport, as he is very cautious with his mask and sanitizing. I'm still feeling ok....fingers crossed! As for things getting better in time, and not getting answers, I get it!

    I went yesterday to pick up the death certificates, so today I will be on the phone to take care of things. I also need to call and get my own meds taken care of. Before my DH passed, we were discussing getting a new vehicle. His dad, who is deceased, worked at Ford's, so we can use what they call a Z plan, which gives you a discount. I looked online, and it does say that "inlaws" are entitled to it as well. So I need to get with my MIL to find out what I need. I just don't know quite how to approach her with it. Or, if I should go through his brother Tony. Which if you remember, I'm not really happy with for hounding me on that death certificate. I want a Ford Bronco.

    2022 Ford Bronco Big Bend Exterior View

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited February 2022

    Goldie, I really wanted a Bronco too when I first heard the were coming back. I test drove the sport model ( not the one I wanted but the only one dealerships had) last year. Unfortunately, gas mileage wasn’t great and it had less get up and go than my Toyota RAV4, plus production was being delayed about a year due to Covid. I got a Toyota 4Runner and love it, great mileage and power, really nice interior and made for off road. Our cabin is 40 minutes from the paved road, so that’s super important. I hope you get everything you want and I’d love a pic of the new ride.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2022

    BabyGirl, just heard on the news that they are having a chip shortage for the Bronco's and could take a year before you get one! I can't wait that long. I have seen the 4 runners and I like those too. My brother in law (not Tony) works for Toyota, so I will ask him what he thinks. I couldn't find anything that gave the gas mileage on the Bronco. My FJ gets about 21 mpg. I'm 30 minutes of rough terrain from the pavement, so I get it! My DD posted a video on FB of my drive in and sped it up. I assume the 4 runner is available in 4 wheel drive?

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited February 2022

    Goldie, I think all 4Runner’s are 4X4, I have the “off road” edition and it’s a very smooth ride.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2022

    Subarus are great too. My sister ordered their new Wilderness addition Outback and got it within 2 months. I have a 2011 Outback and it's been a great vehicle for the past 12 years.

    Came in to the office today and Rocky the Roadrunner was here to greet me


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2022

    Love my 2014 Outback Sport. Bought it as a lease return (its owner was transferred to Europe after only 3 months) with 4000 miles on it. Just passed 40,000 last week. Considering the life expectancy of Subarus (and the shortage of new cars), it may even be the last car I'll ever have bought,

    With dinner, DOTD was Mumm Napa 2016 sparkling Pinot Meunier.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited February 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! I'm getting excited for vacay, now. The school secretary keeps teasing me by saying a big storm is coming in on the 18th, school will be closed or remote and airports will be closed. It works every time, she says that, I go look at the extended forecast--no such storm predicted--I go back and razz her about being a meanie. It really got to be funny when other staff caught on to what she was doing!

    I had a few minutes to play around with some numbers yesterday. 29% of the student body has tested positive for COVID in the last 90 days. Half the students signed up for pool testing aren't eligible to participate right now because they have a positive test in the last 90 days. 25% of the student body is fully vaccinated. Several students have had one shot, so that number will go up over the next month or so. That 29% number is only the students that I have verified a positive test, there are more that I'm sure have had COVID but their parents won't test, and parents who didn't notify the school when their child tested positive. My first reaction to hearing that some states are stopping mask mandates in schools was worry that the one thing that is really working will be taken away, but looking at the numbers makes me wonder if maybe it's getting to be time to get rid of the masks. These same kids are playing with each other without masks after school and on weekends, wearing the mask for 6 hours out of the day is a drop in the bucket. Then I think about how very sick some of the kiddoes have gotten, not being able to come back to school at Day 5, sometimes needing half days when they come back after Day 10, I wonder again.

    Karen--We don't have lunch outside, but when it's warm enough snack/mask breaks are outside.

    Goldie--I misunderstood when your brother's travel dates. He probably did catch it on the plane or, more likely given airplane air quality controls, in the airport.His contagious period would still be Jan 30th to Feb 5th. Your risk period would be the 10-14 days after the last day you and your brother were together. That Ford Bronco looks really cool. Maybe you should tell Tony he gets his copy of the death certificate when you get your Z plan discount on the Bronco?

    Morning, Illi!

    Jazzy--It looks like Rocky the Roadrunner is giving you the side eye!

    Morning, Chi!

    image alt="Ford Cocktail Martini Recipe | PUNCH">

    Ford Cocktail



    1. Combine all ingredients over ice in a mixing glass and stir, about 10-15 seconds
    2. Strain into a cocktail glass and garnish

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2022

    NM- more like the stink eye, lol. If I linger too long, he/she flies away. Yes, they actually do fly but are mostly ground runners. It's mating season by the way, so there are pictures floating around right now of males and females with straw and other bedding materials in their beaks. This roadrunner is seen running around the work parking lot in the summer months and usually has a lizard or the like in their beak. They eat snakes too!