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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited February 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! This day next week vacay begins!I finally feel like it's really going to happen. Time to get all the little details taken care of and finalize the packing. I'm going to visit the mother tomorrow and make sure she remembers I'm going away.

    I almost got myself a new dog yesterday. Driving to work, came around a corner and standing in the middle of the road was a good sized, brown dog. I managed to pull over without hitting him, got out of the car and he care right over to me, and then jumped right in the car! He had a tag with an address and phone number. The number was not working, of course. I couldn't find the address, the people in the area that were home and answering the door didn't know him. So I took him to work with me, left him in the car, called the Animal Control Officer. The ACO recognized the dog, and the address. Apparently he's a frequent flyer found running loose on that road. The ACO said she'd drive over and knock on their door, but the last couple of times she went they wouldn't open the door to her. If they did this time she'd give them my contact info so they could come get the dog, if not, she'd come pick up the dog and would have to take him to the humane society. I was thinking that I would find out what humane society she would take him too, and if he wasn't claimed maybe I could adopt him. He's a sweet, friendly dog. But, the owners called, he couldn't come get the dog because he'd lost his license, so I got directions to take him back on my way home. It was one of the places I had stopped at but no one answered the door. A little later the woman called, and came and got him driving her work truck. So I did the good deed this time, but if I ever see him in the road loose again, I'm keeping him!The ACO was clearly frustrated with his current peoples. Dogs seem to come into my life when the time is right, so I'm taking this as a message that the time is getting to be right again, so maybe something will happen after vacay and I'll have a new fur baby to keep house for.

    Busy day at work, but not all COVID related, finally. We're actually at the lowest count of positive testing students/staff than we've been for a month or so. Absenteeism is way down, under 10%, as low as 6%, so we're on our way out of outbreaks status (14 consecutive days of less than 15% absenteeism)

    Jazzy--wow, I wonder if Roadrunners would be interested in moving north? We've got plenty of bugs, not so many lizards, but lots of snakes and bugs!

    Big Dog Cocktail

    • 1 oz. Kahlua® coffee liqueur
    • 1.5 oz. vodka
    • 4 oz. milk
    • 1 splash Pepsi®

    Pour Kahlua and vodka over ice in glass. Fill remainder of glass with milk then top with Pepsi. Stir.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    Kim, after vacation would be better than yesterday. Sounds like a plan.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2022

    BabyGirl, my 30 minute drive in is only 6 miles, and when it snows or rains, gets very trecorous.

    Jazzy, glad you got a visit from Rocky! We have them out here, but only see them occasionally. LOL at the stink eye!

    Sandy, I willl be sticking with Ford or Toyota, but thanks for your input.

    NM, thanks for the Ford cocktail! Glad things are slowing down at school with Covid. But I'm affraid with so many states removing mask mandates, we will spike yet again! That poor pooch. You DID do the right thing, but it doesn't look like those owners diserve him. Don't blame you for keeping him next time.

    I have to go town today for my injections and return the bedside commode our doctor let us borrow, that DH never even got a chance to use. I'm also going to take a bunch of meds for them to dispose of. I'm still feeling ok, no symptoms at all, same with my kids. I can't believe none of us caught it from my brother. I know we aren't out of the woods yet, but looks better each day!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited February 2022

    NM, you went above and beyond for that dog, good for you. Can’t wait to see pics when you find the right one for good.

    Goldie, our drive is similar (my 40 mins is about 8 miles), it passes through dry creeks, rocky patches and the last part is literally the edge of a cliff.

    Heading to the cabin tomorrow as I am receiving my infusions (every 3 weeks) at the localish (El Paso) place now. Today will be packing and food prep since we’re staying in our RV while finishing the cabin and have a limited kitchen. Then, back later next week, just in time for my birthdays.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    Illi- enjoy the cabin. Safe travels.

    Snow and cold by me. Supposed to get anywhere from 2" to 5". We need the moisture to have water this summer. Have a good weekend

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited February 2022

    WOW illimae, You sound very brave and I envy you the quiet. What a great adventure! Best wishes and star gazing!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2022

    Illimae, what an ordeal getting there--may the peace and quiet help you through the infusions.

    We went to Coco Pazzo tonight for early Valentine dinner (Bob's working late tomorrow, Sun. is Super Bowl, and Mon. is his office hours). DsOTD were Moet Brut Imperial and 2016 San Silvestre Barolo. (Pricy, but I couldn't see opening or even Coravining our only bottle of Barolo in our cellar, which is even younger).

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2022

    May be an image of text that says 'The decent people will keep being decent and wearing a mask without a mandate. The mandates were there to help protect us from the people who refuse decency if given the option. @JonPavlovitz'

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2022

    Good afternoon friends- happy Super Bowl weekend and Valentines coming up on Monday too for those of you who celebrate. I decided to take a three day weekend and asked my boss for Monday off, time for a break from the madness. My new project is better than the last but been very intense the past few weeks. I set a goal to have a three day weekend every month this year and here we are!

    It's warm here in New Mexico today, up over 60 but I hear winter is returning next week with more cold and rain/snow. We need the moisture and winter is our time to build up the snow pack for the water supply. But I see signs of spring, trees are budded way out and the fruit trees will be out in a few more weeks. Already eyeing the yard and garden for where I will start with some clean up that will begin in March, but many things needs lay quiet for a bit until we get into April.

    Goldie- I saw one of those red Bronco sports you posted earlier today. It's really cute and think it looks perfect for you. I hope DH's family can help you get a discount if you end up trying for one. With the driving you do to PHX for medical care, having a new car would be a great thing to have. We are back to warmer weather again and no snow here, but heard it was snowing up north today.

    NM- you are days from your trip now and am sure you are packing this weekend. I am glad you found that lost pup and got him back to his rightful owners. I used to have a neighbor in my hood whose little dog was a great escape artist, and would find her running around in the street and would grab her, bring in her the house and call the neighbors. She was a little girl and they called her the Great Houdini of the dog world, lol. I do like that you see this as a sign that you may want to get another dog. I know you love labs and perhaps there is a lab rescue in your area? I know the shelters are full again and lots of pets looking for a nice home. Something to look forward to when you get home.

    Karen- my friend who lives up your way said it was a white out up there today. It was also snowing in northern NM today too, so our state caught part of that storm. Hope you are staying safe and warm.

    Ill- I was wondering where you were going to get your ongoing medical care and hope you get excellent care in El Paso. It should be so lovely and peaceful where you are. You will need to create protection in your gardens from those delvish-ish javalinas that I know love to dig and root. We have them south of here in New Mexico, they are a common sighting in the big bird refuge about 90 min south of ABQ. I have yet to see one there though.

    Chi- is Bob back to his old self? You mentioned the wedding is coming up soon, that happened fast. New Orleans, right? You were disciplined before and will get down some on your weight before the special weekend. My scale went nuts recently and has me weighing 30 lbs less, but knew that was not right. I had a visit to the doctor Friday that gave me a true relaty check. But my blood work was good, I soldier on to continue to eat better and move my body more.

    BTW, I saw Rocky running around with a mate on the way in to work the following day and had heard it's breeding and nesting season here for the birds. Maybe I was interfering with Rocky's attempts to lure in her mate? I do think Rocky may be a female, the males have much more colorful tails and Rocky is very drab colored to fit in with the landscape. That will keep her and the nest very safe. Maybe we will see some youngsters this spring, I have been lucky to see a family in the past of parents with young roadrunners, dang they are cute.

    Off to wash the car while it's warm and take a walk. I love having two more days ahead of me to live my life!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2022

    Bob & I are back to our pre-COVID selves (though I continue to sneeze from my hyper-snuggly cats and have my lifelong drippy "vasomotor rhinitis" nose, especially the colder, windier & drier the weather). We're both rapid-antigen-negative again (me twice, just for good measure). We've been warned not to PCR-test again for at least 90 days--that's how long PCR tests can detect the tiniest shred of COVID DNA. But they can't tell the size of the viral load nor even distinguish between viable particles and dead debris.

    Gordy's wedding is definitely coming up fast--less than 2 months away. I have no idea whatsoever what to wear as mother-of-the-groom: Long? Short? Simple? Ornate? The same "smart casual" advised for the guests? April in NOLA can be lovely and springlike, chilly, or warm & steamy. It's a 6pm ceremony, followed by a "second line" parade around the block and reception dinner. I don't know if we moms are supposed to follow the official color palette (navy/burgundy/forest green/beige). Gordy & Leslie are working tomorrow and can't come over for Super Bowl, but hoping at dinner next weekend I can get an answer.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2022

    Chi- most of the weddings I have seen or been part of, the Mother of the Bride and Mother of the Groom usually follow with something similar to whatever the colors are of the wedding. Maybe ask Leslie and find out what her mom is wearing so you can get a sense of the style, tones, etc. I think something with a nice wrap for evening would be lovely, I have been to NOLA in spring and it's usually warm, but you may get a cool water breeze in the evening so having a good wrap or shawl will be key. Have fun shopping. If you need to do so on line, Dillards has fabulous dresses for such events.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited February 2022

    Chi, advice given me as a mother of sons from a mother of sons was that the role of the mother of the groom is "to wear beige and shut up". Son 1 and his bride needed some assistance from us (they were in graduate school and had a time crunch), son 2 and his bride had the wedding of her mother's dreams. Both went well and I wore pink! Won't comment on the rest of the advice😉

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2022

    I looked at the palette again. For clothing, the three colors were forest green, navy, or deep burgundy/aubergine. Beige, pink, and tan are only for accessories. Dress code (per the kids'site) is "dressy casual" (which for women in a wedding party is closer to "semi-formal"). Bob has it easy: pink shirt, navy blazer & tie, beige pants (khaki, but in tropical wool rather than cotton). The size 10-12 tea-length dress I wore to our 50th anniv. party is navy & forest green floral, but the background is white. I do have two midi dusters in linen (forest & navy). lI don't think Leslie's mom will be wearing a print, so I don't want to stand out. Besides, barring a miracle, because it's a belted defined-waist button-down, Spanx would be a necessity. (And I usually injure myself trying to get into shapewear). I did have a navy blue chiffon knee-length A-line/semi-tent I wore to a friend's belated wedding reception (held for those who couldn't attend the destination wedding in SC) which was also our 20th anniversary party. I was about the same weight then as I am now. It has some self-embroidery on the over-layer. I can't find it, though. (Sad, because it's so classic that it's ageless)

    Then I remembered that in the female folk trio in which I used to sing, we all wore color-coordinated "Holy Clothing" dresses or tops--(maxis or minis, the latter of which were very, very "mini" and basically long tunics). We wore them indoors & outdoors, all seasons. Ethically made in India, they're rayon with monochrome self-embroidery trim, some with subtle sequin detail. As the group's blonde, I was assigned mostly royal blue (the redhead got green and the brunette got burgundy). I did buy a cute burgundy mini for solo gigs, which I wore in 1X at the weight at which I was diagnosed. I'd try to dig it up. but I recall that there was an "I see London, I see France" issue (as a stagehand put it) when I'd bend over to plug stuff in or sit down to play lap dulcimer. Even if I could wear one more demurely, and "the legs are the last to go," I don't think just above the knee is age-appropriate, at least not for my son's only (we hope) wedding.

    I can't any of find them either--but since they were 1X or even 2X at the time, I'm sure I donated them to a charity clothing drive. So for the heck of it, I went back to the site and found a couple of short-sleeved midis (which on me would be more like tea-length). Ordered one in navy and the other in forest green, size L. If too big, they're self-belted in back. They should arrive in a week or two--giving me a backup in case I can't find anything appropriate in my size at Bloomie's or Nordstrom. One is "Catriona," the other "Daphne." I notice that a lot of the reviews mentioned using them as Mother-of-the-Bride (or Groom) dresses.

    IIRC, with Holy Clothing I never needed undergarments beyond regular bra & panties. And I did wear them to hospital dinner-dances. Worst comes to worst, I will throw myself on the mercy of Neiman-Marcus (aka Needless Markups) or even a local dressmaker.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    How big is the wedding party? Maybe I missed it, but what are the girls wearing? I was MOB and wore burg and with black calf length. MOG wore gold if I remember correctly. The men wore dark suits. Very small wedding party. Parents of brides and groom walked them to Chuppah. Brides 2 younger siblings walked down also the aisle first. Grooms siblings didn’t walk as both were married with kids. Grooms brother sang. I’m sure you find an appropriate dress that looks great on you.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2022

    BabyGirl, our drives are def. similar! You are 10 minutes and 2 miles longer. We have one hill that is pretty steep and rocky, we call that one Scrambled Egg Hill, then just after that is a hill that we have to drive along the side of it and the road slants down some, so when muddy, you have a tendancy to slide off the side of the hill, but no cliffs per se. Because it gets so slick, we call that one Snot Hill! Glad you found somewhere close for your infusions.

    Jazzy, good for you on the monthly 3 day weekends. I don't like the Bronco Sport, the way it looks from the back. But no Bronco for me, takes too long to get one.

    Sandy, I'm sure you will find the perfect dress and having more than one option can never be a bad idea. You know we will want to see lots of pictures!

    Beaver, LOL at "to wear beige and shut up". How sad that son2's wedding was MOB's dream. What the heck!

    Karen, I too wore gold for my step DD's wedding. She had been married before, but did a traditional one this time too. I also wore that dress about 20 years prior to my son's wedding. He is no longer married, it was very short lived.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited February 2022

    The wedding talk reminds me of my own, DH and I were super casual, our “theme” was overalls, lol. We rented a beach house in Galveston for a week, which slept 12-14, about 20 guests and close friends and family all stayed with us for the week. We hired a JP, served BBQ and homemade cupcakes, it was so nice and easy. The budget was about $2,000, which we paid ourselves. Nothing wrong with bigger weddings, we just didn’t want the added stress or expense.


    Sandy, congrats again and NOLA is a livery place for a wedding.

    Goldie, you look beautiful.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2022

    Ill- so fun! I think people have a better time at small weddings, and love your memories. Love the coveralls theme and the whole way you did it.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited February 2022

    Funny story about the BBQ, a good friend started the brisket the night before, then strapped his smoker/grill into the bed of his truck for the drive. So, Christmas Eve 2000 local drivers would have seen a truck from Houston to Galveston on the highway with BBQ in full action, an odd sight for sure.

    The parents all went home after a few days, the rest of us kept the party going through the week, good times.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited February 2022

    Great pictures Goldie & Mae. Thanks for sharing.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    illimae - your wedding sounds like fun! My wedding was small but not as small as yours - we had 60 people which was plenty big for me. Love the story about the smoker and the brisket. Your friends know how to have fun!

    Hope the commercials are good on the Super Bowl. I need to plan for a presentation on the 22nd will go through the slide show while the game is on. Last year the commercials were lousy.

    Nice weather here today and next couple of days. Snow in forecast for Wednesday. 30 degree drop in temp from Tuesday to Wednesday.

    Have a great Sunday

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2022

    The wedding party is four attendants (bridesmaid, groomsman, best man, matron of honor), bride & groom, officiant, and parents. The bridal party had their dresses made by it occurred to me I might have started the process much earlier, because the dresses are all made to order (with the sizes using the same measurement scale as 30 years ago) with a lead time of 7-8 weeks. Too late now. The only ready-to-ship dresses they have are in the wrong colors & sizes (either extremely small or mega-plus), and are final sale. It'll be a secular ceremony at the Napoleon House in the French quarter--with a "second line" parade around the block immediately after, culminating in the sit-down reception. (So my dress shoes need to be super-comfy and conducive to cobblestone sidewalks). Anyway, Leslie likes the Holy Clothing choices I made, and I also found a navy chiffon knee-length tent/trapeze style Ralph Lauren in size 10 (runs large) at Bloomie's. So I have a few options. Since it's a secular ceremony (and Leslie's family is not Jewish), there won't be a chuppah. We'll be walking Gordy down the aisle and then sitting in the front row.

    Our wedding in 1971 was a lot more formal. There was a country club restaurant in Roslyn, L.I. called the Swan Club that had just renovated its banquet facilities. It was, as many venues in the NYC area were at the time, set up to host two formal events simultaneously. We had an outdoor ceremony, under a tent--there was a flower trellis up front as a chuppah (as my family is Reform and Bob's is Catholic, no tallit). Reception was inside on the lower garden level. I had an old-fashioned high-necked white peau de soie & organza gown with Alençon lace & seed pearl trim, leg-of-mutton sleeves, and a full train with floor-length veil. Both sets of parents were adamant that the ceremony be performed by clergy (so the wedding would be "blessed by God"). My parents didn't want a priest but Bob's were fine with a rabbi. Ceremony was performed by a Reform rabbi (wasn't easy finding one back then who'd agree to marry an interfaith couple); reception was blessed by the chaplain of our college's Newman Club. Bridesmaids & flower girls were in pink, my sister as maid of honor wore navy. The wedding gown & bridesmaid dresses were custom-made by Pandora on 7th Ave. The moms and the flower girls' dresses were all bought independently at dept. stores (I think my mom bought hers at Abraham & Straus or Martin's in downtown Brooklyn--both long since gone). The men were all in striped jackets, morning coats & ascots (it was a high noon wedding).

    Two funny things happened: the place had a little pond spanned by a bridge. As our processional started, we heard a splash: it was the other party's maid of honor, who--while posing for pre-wedding photos--lost her footing in her high heels and fell off the bridge. And just before we got to the Seven Blessings, we heard a deafening roar of a helicopter: two of my dad's cousins (they were brothers) who'd flown in from L.A. and Tel Aviv met at JFK and got delayed going through Customs--so they chartered a chopper to fly them to the venue (it landed on the front lawn). Ironically, my Canadian cousins declined to make the 400-mi. trip from Montreal.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited February 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Valentine's Day! It's been a bit of an eventful weekend. Saturday ayem my cousin got a message from the vacation rental company that the house we booked and paid for last May had been sold, and the new owners had not indicated if they would honor the rental or not. 6 days before the rental start they let us know (my cousin and her DH are flying in to Florida on Thursday). When she called the company back, they are closed. I'm like, really? Leave a message like that on a weekend day when you aren't taking calls? Fortunately, my cousin found another 3 bedroom rental house in a complex where we stayed 15 years ago. It's a very nice complex, has a lazy river pool and a couple other pools and hot tubs. Just not in the back yard of the house.

    Went to visit Momyesterday, reminded her about my trip. She didn't remember despite my sister-in-law mentioning it to her on the phone on Thursday or Friday. Mom's sense of time seems to be deteriorating, I noticed yesterday. I called her Saturday to make sure she was going to be home, told her I'd be coming over in the morning, and she decided we'd have quiche for lunch. I got there around 11, we visited for little, then she went to the little store right by her place to get stuff for quiche, and as soon as she got back, she started fixing herself her breakfast! She eats a little something with coffee when she first wakes up, which can be anywhere from 3 or 4 ayem, then has breakfast a bit later, eats lunch around 1 peeyem, and had a snack in the evening. Except that when I visit and she is fixing something for lunch, she starts talking about starting it for a couple hours before actually starting, and we often don't eat until 2 or 3 pm. I had breakfast at 6 ayem. So I told her to fix a little extra breakfast and I'd have that for lunch, since it's almost noon and I was hungry. She really was going to eat breakfast and then wait until she was getting hungry to fix lunch. I'm not sure how much is cognitive and how much is my presence being distracting. And the phone saga continues, but with some progress. The guy who has been working on her laptop convinced her to stop paying for the old phone, the one through Straighttalk, and let that run out. They won't give her the pin number the Lively phone people need to transfer her number to their service, saying it's been locked. She's probably called or had someone call so often that they suspect someone is trying to hack the account. That gave me a chance to help program some phone numbers in to the new phone. While I had the phone I turned on Contacts, Text, and Messaging. Hopefully she will now get texts and messages on the new phone. Bit by bit that new phone is getting totally turned on and set up.

    Karen--after vacay would be better. Waiting to see what happens when I get back home.

    Goldie--I really thing my school outbreak has peaked and is on it's way out, but what happens after vacation week will be another story. So far there has been a pretty decent bump up in cases after every vacation week. Each day without symptoms is a good sign!

    Illi--I just hope that poor doggo doesn't get loose and get hit and killed or badly hurt.

    Morning, Karen and KID!

    Chi--Hope your Valentine's dinner was special!

    Chevy--very good point!

    Jazzy--good for you for getting the 3 day weekend every month!I think it will be time to start thinking about a new pet when I get back from vacay. Not really sure yet if I want another lab, or shepherd, or what. I will probably see what develops. I always adopt rescues, so it's always a bit of toss up what breed or mix I'll end up with. The funny thing there is a lab breeder just down the road where I live. I don't buy from breeders, I don't need a purebred, I'm not going to show or hunt, so I leave those for the people who do.I hope you do see some Rocky babies this spring, that would be great fun!

    Chi--Wow, the wedding is coming right up quickly!

    Beaver--interesting advice!

    Illi--what great pics!Looks like it was a really great time for everyone!

    Chi--Wow, what an eventful wedding!

    Wedding Cake Cocktail

    Wedding Cake Cocktail


    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    Weddings have come a long way since the 70s. Tuxedos were the norm as we're long gowns. For my daughter, my “gown" was 2 piece and calf length. I wore proper dress shoes for chuppah (black fabric heels) and changed to flats for dancing.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    Kim…..4 days and the count down is on!

    Happy Monday. Nice weather today and tomorrow, high 50s then 30 degree drop on Wednesday and snow.

    Have a great day

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2022

    BabyGirl, love the overalls wedding. I'm amazed at what people spend on weddings these days. Enough for a down payment on house! How long have you and DH been married? Ha ha on the grill in the truck bed. Reminds me of a guy on a show called Mountain Men, he had a truck that he rigged up and ran it by burning wood in the bed of the truck.

    Sandy, how horrible for that bride that fell in the water! I guess those cousins were hell bent on getting to your wedding.

    NM, that is HORRIBLE about the house rental, glad your cousin found something else. Sorry about your mom's decline, seems as though it's becoming more evident. But glad you got to visit. I can see decline in my MIL as well. No dimensia, but her hearing is getting bad and she wants to know why no one calls. They do, she doesn't hear the phone, but she blames it on the phone, so she wants a new one!

    I have to get more ends tied up today and sort through tons of stuff for taxes, find out where we get our propane so I can order that. Call on a credit card that we don't use but there's an $85 charge on it, and more similar stuff. Close to 70 here yesterday and today as well. Loving it! Looks like I will be looking at the 4Runner, Highlanders aren't available in 4x4, and I HAVE to have that.


    See the source image

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited February 2022

    Goldie, we’ve been married for 21 years now and it’s been surprisingly easier than I thought but that’s likely because he worked on the road about 10 months per year for the last 20 years, so it felt more like dating and I had plenty of alone time. We’ll do a nice dinner but we stopped gifting early on. Rather than dealing with obligations and holiday consumerism, we opted to appreciate each other every day.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited February 2022

    Goldie, Talk to the phone company about options for your Mom. They have a lot of work arounds for hearing problems (flashing lights, closed caption phones, etc.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    Kim - glad that your cousin was able to find another place so close to your vacation. We've used AirBnB for our travels, but never book that far in advance. Thankfully, we've always managed to find what we want in the part of town we want. We want to see photos from your vacation!!

    We don't do anything for V Day. We celebrate our birthdays and exchange gifts. The kids do mother's and father's day for us. We stopped giving anniversary gifts within the first couple years. There have been years we bought something big - like a house so why would we buy gifts!!!

    3-6" snow predicted Tuesday night into Wednesday. We've already had 2 snow days - I'm guessing it will have to be really bad to get another one so soon.

    Everyone stay safe and stay warm.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 942
    edited February 2022

    I enjoy reading everyone's posts on this thread as always. My DH and I don't make a big deal about Valentine's day but I did make a steak and mushroom thing, over diced potatos and onions in the crockpot for tonight that I thought he'd like. Appetizer was shrimp cocktail (from the freezer - only so-so) and made ice cream in a pampered chef mini maker for desert. Can't beat 4 ingredient ice- cream with only 8 g of sugar serving. ( DH is diabetic so this was a treat). Also had a lovely California red table wine with a bulldog on the label (?) All in all satisfactory and DH felt special. ❤ Hope everyone had a loving day however you spent it.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited February 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! I got a bit of surprise at work yesterday, during a meeting the principal made a statement that there won't be a full time nurse in the school next year. I expect this means that the budget won't support enough nurses for one per building, and the COVID support money is running out. Now I'm going to find out what the plan is, and see if there is going to be a job posting for any nurses by the district. I was planning to switch from contract to district employee anyway, now I have more incentive. Even if there isn't going to be an opening in my current district, there are openings in others. Nothing as constant as change in life.

    My cousin got our money refunded on the originally rented house, and finalized a reservation at the complex we stayed at once before. And she's keeping the cancellable reservation as a back up just in case something else goes wrong. Looks like the only weather coming in for Friday will be rain during the day, if any precip at all, with temps dropping in the evening. Should be no problem with the flight out. Got the bulk of the packing done last night.

    The news people are talking about places that are dropping mask mandates in states and schools. Our district is talking about it, too. I was rereading the Maine CDC guidelines and realized that if we eliminate universal masking, we go back to quarantining close contacts, and those students/staff will need to mask if they come back to school during days 6-10 of isolation or quarantine. I've sent that info out to the superintendent and hope it gets to the school board so they at least know that will happen when they drop universal masking. Parents will be royally pissed if we drop universal masking but their kid has to wear a mask due to being a close contact.

    Karen--things really have changed.Yup, the countdown is on! Waiting for the pool testing results to come back, hoping for a negative for the staff pool, at least, since that's the one I'm in!

    Goldie--Your MIL sounds like my mom, blames the phone when she doesn't get calls, even when the battery is dead! Yeah, the decline is getting more evident. Good luck with the 4x4 search.

    Illi--good for you for opting out of the consumerism of holidays!

    Morning, Wren!

    Karen-- yes, we were lucky to find something on such short notice for school vacation week.

    Reader--that does sound like a special meal!

    Lovebug Cocktail

    Lovebug Cocktail


    Lovebug Cocktail

    • 3 ounces white cranberry juice
    • 2 ounces lemon lime soda
    • 1 ounce vodka
    • 1 ounce grenadine


    1. Fill cup with ice and then pour in the white cranberry juice, vodka, lemon lime soda, and grenadine.
    2. Serve immediately.

    From <>