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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2022

    BabyGirl, I like that you "appreciate each other every day". Certainly your DH was not gone for 10 months straight? I assume something like gone for 5 days, home for 2?

    Wren, it's my MIL. She is in Ohio and my brother in law takes care of her. Well not litterally, she has her own place. I can mention those ideas to him.

    Karen, we might get a tad bit of snow as well, but supposed to be windy today/tomorrow.

    Sounds like a nice meal reader.

    NM, glad you guys got your money back, but that was pretty mean. What day are you returning? How many of you are going? Will you be MIA from here while you are gone? Any plans while there, Disney World? Aren't I full of the questions! I'm confused on the job front. You will still be able to work at the school, or at least another one?

    Went round and round with Lowes yesterday, they hadn't refunded me for the first washer I bought. I call, GM is at lunch I'll have him call when he returns. Hour and a half later I call back. He asks me for my number and my name, so obviously no one even told him I called. He calls me back later and says that it was refunded. No, it's not showing on my credit card. He tries telling me it could take up to 3 weeks! NOOOOO, 3-5 business days. He says let me look into it and I'll get back with you. Meantime I call AmEx, and no there is no refund. So he calls back and says they tried to call me and couldn't get ahold of me so the money is in their safe with my name on it. Yeah right, and how was I to know that? No one called me, I had no missed calls, no messages. He says maybe they called the wrong number! I can't imagine a company that big keeps money in a safe for customers! I've got enough stuff to deal with, I didn't need this.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    Lori, I’m so sorry Lowes is giving you such a hassle. Are they expecting you to come in for the money?! Hope it gets refunded to your credit card sooner than later. You don’t need the BS!

    Kim, I didn’t realize you were still contract. Hope things work out with a position for next year. My district uses contract but at end of year person is done. We only go contract when we can’t find anyone as it’s more expensive for the district. Mask mandates for our district end on the 25th. They’ll be strongly encouraged but not required. We haven’t been quarantine classes nor pool testing. Nurses just keep track of those positive. Even if you’ve been exposed to someone positive you don’t have to quarantine.

    3 days…..Lori asked the questions all inquiring minds want to know!

    Have a great Tue

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2022

    Karen yes, they wanted me to come in. I told him it's an hour and 15 minutes one way, and that I preferred it back on my card. He said he would call me when he got to a terminal. He did....couple hours later. So I will be watching! It's not like $50, it was over $800!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited February 2022

    Goldie, he was gone for the entire rock n roll tour, usually about 2 months at a time, except for the show that came through town (our “one night stand”, lol). He was booked Feb-Nov generally with the winter holiday at home. Sounds strange but it worked really well for us. The post Covid period has been an adjustment (mostly for me) but it’s going well.

    I’m going to El Paso for treatment tomorrow (currently at our cabin) and getting more building supplies. The plan is to return in a couple weeks and install the lighting and finish the interior walls. Plumbing will be the biggest issue since we’ve got no water source except large tanks that we know nothing about, it’ll be interesting.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2022

    BabyGirl, our water is in tanks, but we have a well that pumps the water to them. They are up on a hill, so gravity fed, no pump needed. Alot of people out here have those tanks but no well, so they have the water hauled in by a company. What kind of hauling does DH do (or did)?

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited February 2022

    Goldie, he was a tour bus driver for rocks bands like Alan parsons, Sebastian Bach (skid row), Ted nugent and many others.

    There’s a community well but we’re at 7,000 ft, so it’s haul to the tank for us and DH built the cabin on pillars, so gravity is against us until we figure out a good plan.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited February 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Waking up to another bitterly cold ayem, and very looking forward to the predicted mid 80's weather of Florida next week. And very happy to have all the Pool testing pools come back NEGATIVE again this week! Granted, almost half the kiddos have had COVID by now, so I'm only testing about half the kiddos that have signed up, but I'll take it. Now as long as I don't develop symptoms between now and Friday, I'm good to go!

    Goldie--I am coming home on the 26th. There are 4 of us, my cousin and her husband, her husband's best friend is joining us from Michigan, and me. We have tickets or passes or whatever they call them for Disney World, Epcot, Animal Kingdom,with one day we were going to go to Kennedy Space Station to see a launch, but the launch has been rescheduled. We may just veg that day or go to Gatorland, depending on what we decide when that day arrives. I will have my tablet, don't expect I will be MIA but may not be on daily. On the job front:my current position is funded through COVID relief money through the state and feds. That money is what is allowing the district to have one nurse in each school building. That money is not being renewed, and with COVID beginning to wane and the movement towards reducing or removing the work related to COVID, the district budget will not support one nurse per building next school year. My school and the sister school down the road have historically shared one nurse. The nurse working at the sister school is a district employee and is getting done at the end of March. I am working as an independent contractor through a staffing agency. So, (1)I anticipate there will not be money for a contract nurse next year, (2) based on the principal's statement that there won't be a full time nurse at my school next year the district is planning to go back to one nurse for the 2 buildings, (3) the other nurse's position, posted as full time, hasn't been filled yet, so (4) I applied for that position yesterday, thinking I can transition from contractor to district employee and (5) start covering both schools in April.If all that doesn't work out, the staffing agency I am contracted through now has openings in other schools that I can apply for. I prefer to say where I am, and I hope that already working for the district for a year and a half will give me an edge getting in. The pay would be a little less, but the income and benefits would be year-round, which would be easier for me. That was quite the go-round you had with Lowes! And the money is in the safe? That sounds very odd to me.Maybe you should sick AmEx on them? I hear the credit card companies can be really dogged about getting refunds back from recalcitrant business.

    Karen--yup, I'm still contract, but was planning to transition to district employee at the end of this year if I could, knowing the COVID money won't last forever, and that contract employees are a more expensive option for just about any employer. It sounds like our district is headed toward dropping the masking policy. We nurses have not had to contract trace for a while but have been as a service to the parents. I really think none of this will be going on next school year, no matter what is happening with COVID world-wide. Just keeping track of the positives would be a lot easier.

    Goldie--this refund thing is sounding dodgier and dodgier all the time!

    Illi--The cabin is sounding more and more intriguing all the time! So much to learn.

    Lychee Contract


    1.5 oz Buchanan's Deluxe

    .25 oz Elderflower Liqueur

    .75 oz Lemon Juice

    .5 oz Simple Sugar

    Garnish: Lychee


    Mix all ingredients in a shaker over ice, pour over ice in a rocks glass.

    Garnish cocktail with Lychee

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    Kim, hope you get hired on by the district. Only 2 days….your vacation sounds action pack. You’ll need a vacation to recover from your vacation.

    Snow moving in this afternoon through the night. Predicted for up to 8”.

    Illimae, post pictures of the cabin. It sounds lovely.

    Stay safe and stay warm

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2022

    Morning gals! Just want to let you all know how being able to "talk" to you like this.... HELPS more than you will ever know. Kim, (NM) has been a God-send with helping me go through this with my Husband.

    Sometimes we just need someone or someplace where we can talk, and it helps being able to talk to someone who understands. My Husband is having such a hard time with his Dementia... and I am trying to understand, and not lose my temper, but sometimes it is really hard. I keep telling myself I can do this forever, right? That I can handle this.... but then I go outdoors, slam the door, and lean against the garage & cry.

    It isn't anything new.... I think I noticed gradual changes last year... Him losing interest in daily things, like driving, walking, or even visiting friends. And I know our daughter's know SOME of what is going on, and I just don't want them to know the extent of hos this is taking over. So that's why I can talk to you guys.

    Last night, we were just talking, watching TV, and he said " What is Janie's last name?" And I looked at him, not believing what he just asked. But he was serious... Please help me to understand that I shouldn't get mad, that I should just casually answer his question, and then change the subject. Maybe if I talk to you, I can see how I can handle this better.

    Janie DOES come over at least once a week, and always brings lunch, and helps her Dad get his food ready.... She understands what is going on... and we talk about twice a day... And she always says "Tell big daddy, little Debbie says hi!" She always brings him those little donuts by Little Debbie... Hah!

    And our other Daughter in Orlando is going to come out, maybe next month... We all hate for her to travel right now because of this virus! She knows some of what is going on with her Dad... so hopefully this visit will go okay!

    I can help him get dressed, and socks right-side-up, and his shoes on the right feet. He seems to sometimes remember our neighbors, when he sees them walk by... And he likes to talk to strangers in the store, when we do go out.

    Yesterday, he sort of tripped, on the door-way coming into the house, fell up against a stand, and now his side is sore... Got him back in bed with a heating-pad.

    And even though it is hard, getting him out of the house, and going to a store, I think it is worth it, just having a change of scenery, right?

    Do you have any other suggestions? I just won't ever leave him, or have someone else take care of him. We met in 1955... right after I graduated... Married since 1957, so I'm in this for "better or worse" right? I can't leave him alone.... Maybe I just need reassurance that I am doing everything okay?

    Yes, we do have canes, and a walker... But he only uses a cane when we go to the store... Maybe I should make sure he has a walker nearby all the time! Just don't want him to trip over it....

    Okay thanks Gals... maybe talking to you like this will give me strength and peace of mind .... Heart

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2022

    Well shoot BabyGirl, good luck with that water situation. I remember you posting a pic of the cabin and it being on stilts. Cool job for your DH. The only name there I recognize is Nugent! Did you ever travel with him. Did you get into some concerts?

    NM, thanks for all the answers! I'm sure that warm weather will feel good! And coming home on a Saturday will give you a day to unpack and all and get ready to go back to work on Monday. Glad things are still good at school, re Covid. I feel confident that they will keep you on.

    Karen, that's alot of snow! Surely a snow day eh? You stay safe and warm as well.

    ED, like I said before, you ARE doing things right. Not sure there is anything else more for you to do. I think sometimes just talking about it helps. And you answer your own questions. Yes, just answer his questions, if he knew he wouldn't ask, right? It will be nice if your DD comes out. How long will she stay and where will she stay?

    GM at Lowes called and took my CC information and AmEx has been notified and already sent me what I need if I need to file a dispute. Yesterday's problem was propane. I call to schedule them to come and fill my tank, they say they can't because I'm not on the account! Well my husband has passed and not able to do this, so what am I supposed to do??? The gal I ended up talking to was very nice and just set me up a new account, so they should be out within a week to fill. What's next?!?! Tomorrow is drive to Phoenix for treatment. Still feeling ok, no signs of Covid, so I think I'm good. How the heck did I get so lucky as to not get it, or either of my kids?

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    Chevy - hope you're staying safe with all the snow. We are always here for you. Of course its hard. Please take care of yourself.

    It's been snowing since 2pm and its now 7:15pm. It's supposed to snow till midnight. Wonder what will be with school tomorrow.

    Lori - glad to hear that the Lowes situation looks like its getting resolved.

    Everyone stay safe and stay warm.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited February 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! From wind chill of 20 degrees to 42 degrees this morning, things have warmed up considerably. The wind was really blowing yesterday and last night, too.Looks like temps will hold in the 40's and 50's through tomorrow afternoon, with the clouds moving out but the temperatures starting to drop about the time my flight leaves. So I'm thinking there should be no real problem with the flight out tomorrow. All I have left to pack is the electronics, meds and a few comfort items in the personal bag, I'll do that tonight after work. I am getting really excited now.My cousin and her husband are leaving Las Vegas on a 5:30 ayem flight (their time) and will be in Florida around 3:30 peeyem. They will book into the townhouse and go grocery shopping, then be able to chill and adjust to the time change tomorrow until time to pick up Me and Duane at the airport in the evening. I get into Orlando about 9:30 peeyem, Duane about an hour later. I expect there will a be a LOT of gabbing and hugging tomorrow evening!

    I was kind of glad when the alarm went off this ayem, I was having a very odd dream. First I was back in the house where I grew up, but as an adult, and was being tormented by someone in the house, tearing up my pillows and blankets, making a mess of my stuff, and then my dog went missing and I went to a shelter to look for him, couldn't find him and ended up in a big fun house attached to a big circus that I kept getting lost in and had really odd shows like the old time freak shows. When I finally figured out how to get out of the scary fun house I ended up in the back lot of the circus, then got lost again trying to find the midway/main show and found myself in a secret military air base (how I knew it was secret is a mystery), somehow got back to the scary fun house, and then worked my way out into a HUGE casino/race track wandering around, inappropriately dressed as I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, everyone else was dressed very formally with lots and lots of jewelry and giving me very odd looks. That's where I was when the alarm went off and rescued me from total social embarrassment. I could read lots of messages into this mish-mash of a dream!

    The big news of yesterday is the Maine CDC announcement that the recommendation for masking in schools is being evaluated, and the plan is to leave masking in place for the week after vacation week, and if the numbers stay stable or keep improving, masking will likely move from recommended to optional. So everyone is pretty much acting as if masking will go away mid-March. Schools should continue to contact trace "if feasible" but I see that going away, too. No contact tracing, no quarantining, and quarantining and isolation will require students/staff wear masks when returning to school/work Day 6-10, which will single those people out, which is a big no-no in elementary schools. It's about to get interesting again!

    Karen--I hope to get hired on by the district, too. The vacation will be busy, but it's a busy that I need, lots of walking, lots of seeing things, will very probably be exhausted when I get home, but that will make for a great reset. I will have Sunday to recover, but will probably wish I had more time.

    Chevy--Hugs and hugs, to you, my friend. You ARE doing a great job taking care of DH. It's human and normal to feel angry, or impatient, or upset with the changes at times. Going outside, slamming the door, stamping around, crying, screaming, doing whatever you need to do is a great way to handle those emotions. I'm not going to tell you that you shouldn't get mad, I'll just remind you that you are mad at the disease, not your DH. The brain damage dementia causes takes away so much, like people's last names, and even first names. But he does, at some level, recognize that Janie is someone important to him, and the emotional connection among family members persists long after the brain damage takes away the ability to consciously remember names and relationships. Getting out to the store is worth it as long as DH enjoys talking with other people. The change of scenery and mental stimulation is a good thing. Using a cane or walker would be helpful, but it's very hard for people with dementia to remember to use them, the brain damage interferes with the ability to learn something new like that. Leave the walker where he can see it and reach it, and hopefully he will use it, but if he doesn't, well, he doesn't. As the brain damage affects more of the parts of the brain involved in coordinating movement and balance, there will be falls and near falls. Making the environment as safe as possible by limiting things that can be tripped over or fallen against helps, but fallsare inevitable. You are doing more than OK, you are doing great. He is very lucky to have you.

    Goldie--I'm really hoping the district will hire me, even if it's for a different school or set of schools in the district. I've applied and done my part, now the ball is in their court, and I don't expect to hear anything until after break week. So I'm going to try to forget about it all for a few day, 8 to be exact. I can't believe that the propane company made you open a whole new account, just because it was in hubby's name! It's not like you don't have the death certificate to copy to them if they need proof. At least you will continue to get service. Some people are just not catching COVID despite multiple exposures, no one knows why. But it's a good thing.

    Teka--packed 1 pair walking shoes, 1 pair comfy sandals, and wearing a pair of comfy work shoes, hoping that has me covered!

    Karen--how much snow have you gotten so far?

    Paper Plane Cocktail recipe

    Paper Plane Cocktail


    Makes 2 Servings

    1½ ounces amaro (preferably Nonino)

    1½ ounces Aperol

    1½ ounces bourbon

    1½ ounces fresh lemon juice, strained


    Combine amaro, Aperol, bourbon, and lemon juice in a cocktail shaker. Fill with ice and shake vigorously until outside of shaker is frosty, about 20 seconds. Strain into 2 coupe glasses

    From <>

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2022

    Aw thanks gals.... Your encouragement means more to me than you will ever know. I DO have to remember it is not him, it is the disease. . It's just that knowing & living with him for over a million years, and then it's like losing him.....I should just think about all there is to love, and not let any of these new happenings take over... right?

    At least I still have him, right Lorrie? He is mine to take care of, to watch over, and I should just appreciate what I have!!

    Yeah, damn lot of snow out there, Hah! I'll get out and shovel a path for just what we need. Have to take the Squirrel food out.... those little brats! Don't know how they are going to get around in this 6-8 inches of snow this morning!

    You gals have a great day! SOMEthing is always out there to remind us to be thankful, and happy! xoxo

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    Didn’t get out of bed till 5:30! We got probably 6+ inches at my house. I haven’t looked this morning. DIA is the official weather site but it is so far eat it doesn’t represent what we got in town. 2 hour late start. None of the districts called a snow day. I have meetings this morning and helping with an interview. I will go to the building after I’m done which will be 11:30. I’m guessing the 2 meetings can happen even though it’s before the late start.

    Chevy, sending you hugs across town.

    Stay safe and stay warm

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2022

    NM, Holy the Cow! What a dream! And you remembered so much of it and so vividly! I'm glad you woke up too. Are you working tomorrow? What time does your plane leave? I was pretty surprised at the propane company as well. You are selling a service and a product, but don't want to sell to me? Doesn't seem very cost effective for them. And they should be glad I didn't just say nevermind, I'll go elsewhere.

    ED as always, great words from NM. Yes it's the disease and not him. What kind of walker do you have? If it's not one with 4 wheels, I highly suggest one of those. That is what Darrell used. And maybe to encourage him to use, you could use it as well? Maybe if he see's you using it, he will too? And yes, you still have him. I can't tell you how bad it hurts and how lonely it is. Those squirrells are smarter than you think.

    Karen, we got about that much snow too and it wasn't even predicted. You stay safe.

    So, because of the snow, I won't be going for treatment. Probably not until Monday. And if I were the first one out of here today, I probably wouldn't even be able to tell where the road is in places. I could have made of there, but if there were an accident and the road closed going accross the rim, I would have to turn around and come back home. And being in AZ, most people don't know how to drive in the snow, heck they don't know how to drive in the rain! I got my refund from Lowe's. I'm sure somebody is disappointed, hoping I wouldn't come and get that cash, if in fact that is even true. That GM knew of my situation, so was probably hoping with everything I am dealing with, would forget to check.

    NM, safe travels and enjoy my friend.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2022

    Snowing in New Mexico today too


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2022

    We dodged (well, partially) the predicted weather rollercoaster "bullet." We got rain, but no flooding. In my 'hood, the only ice we got was a patch on the deck near the grill (where there'd been a stubborn frozen snow bank) and a depressed part of pavement leading to our front stairs. Salt made short work of those. My HK wasn't so lucky: her street's sidewalks were totally glazed. It's gonna start snowing soon (2-5", more further south), so it wouldn't have been safe for her to try to drive home from me today. Bob was tempted to take the train(s) to work, but he drove. We will be making creative use of leftovers tonight.

    Tues. night we went to Mon Ami Gabi--DsOTD were Marquis de la Tour sparkling rosé and a 2017 Guigal Côtes du Rhone. Last night? Water & decaf cappuccino. Tonight? Whatever.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2022

    Snow started a couple of hours ago. Hard to tell how much, because of all of the wind and drifting, but it looks like about a couple of inches have stuck. Supposed to last through 7pm.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited February 2022

    NM, happy happy birthday!🎉 I think it’s today, right?

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited February 2022

    Oh - I want to chime in and say happy B-day to NM. A vacation AND a birthday. Have fun.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2022

    Wow it's quiet in here.

    NM, I hope you made it safely and enjoying the warm weather!

    I'm getting close to having everything done with DH's death. I'm just so lonely, the days are so long, I don't know what to do with myself all day. One can only do so much cleaning! Too cold to do anything outside, and before I know it, it will be too hot to do anything outside! I have appts. on the 23 and 24, one at the bank, the other on the phone with SS. I think I might go hang out in town today, get some groceries, maybe look at furniture. The only thing I don't like about this furniture store is they follow you around, like they are stalking you.


    Snowy White Chocolate Cocktail

    Snowy White Chocolate Cocktail


    Light corn syrup
    Shredded coconut
    4 ounces Godiva® White Chocolate liqueur
    4 ounces Smirnoff® Iced Cake Flavored Vodka
    8 ounces half and half (I used milk and the drink was plenty rich)
    4 PEEPS® Marshmallow Snowman


    1. With a small brush, paint the rims of four martini glasses with light corn syrup. Dip each rim into shredded coconut; set aside.

    2. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Add white chocolate liqueur, vodka, and half and half. Shake until thoroughly chilled, about 30 seconds.

    3. Divide among prepared glasses. Cut a small slit at the bottom of the snowmen and slide onto rim of glasses; serve immediately.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 942
    edited February 2022

    Goldie it can be fun looking in the stores at furniture but I agree about the stalking. I try a firm " just looking" but not always successful.

    Today we have nothing planned so I've been reading a book and the daily papers. Next I'll keep working on my computer. Ths week I poured a full cup of coffee on the keyboard and fried it. I got a new one pretty quickly but it's work to get everything set up right again. Aghh.

    Have a good day! And happy birthday to NM. Hope vacation goes well!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2022

    See the source image

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited February 2022

    Thanks Goldie!

    DOTD was several margaritas!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2022

    Happy Birthday, Illimae!

    Had my mani-pedi and then returned the Ralph Lauren dress to Bloomie's. Walked around the "Special Occasion" dresses--nothing larger than a size 8! And most of them were impossibly tight and skimpy (even the long ones), like sequined bandages. But did find the burgundy Holy Clothing knee length (Ophelia Mini) tucked away in the attic. Wrinkly, at least a size-and-a-half too big--but after washing & ironing it, if I tie the back belt as tight as it'll go it will fit. (And it's longer than when I last wore it in 2015, because...I'm shorter). Leslie loves it. I do have it on order in Forest Green in M--which is equivalent to an 8/10, but reviews say the style runs large. The green might not be dark enough, though. I can wear one to the rehearsal dinner and one to the wedding. I have a really cute trumpet-sleeve A-line mini in a large floral print on black (size S) that fits perfectly--so it'll be perfect for the brunch. (Unless it's outdoors and the bees are out in force).

    I did find an Azazie "ready-to-ship" ("Francine") in the same shade of plum (actually aubergine) as Leslie's mom's "Julia" (and less form-fitting but with a thigh-high slit that'll necessitate pantyhose), in that site's version of a size 14. At $40, I was willing to take a gamble on it not exactly fitting even though it's final sale. It has padding in the bust, so I'll have to have a tailor remove it (or wear a high-compression sports bra--or even ACE wrap--underneath). If I can't get it to fit, there's always eBay.

    Went to Regalia for dinner with the kids. DOTD was rosé Prosecco and a Sardinian Vermentino. The restaurant's latest espresso machine turned out to be a dud (they keep getting superautomatics because professional manual machines require a separate grinder and a steep learning curve that took me several weeks and a barista crash course to master); so the owner comped us a round of caffecello shots. I'm tempted to tell them there's no dishonor in using a Nespresso with an auto-frother--I can even tell, just from the "crema" layer, when I order an espresso in an upscale restaurant whether it came from a capsule.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2022

    BabyGirl, glad you were able to celebrate with SEVERAL margarita's!

    And today we have yet another birthday! And what better place to celebrate than Disney World! The Tenders got with Micky and Goofy and had them make this cake for you. I hope you are having a great time and enjoying the warmth! Happy Birthday my friend!

    See the source image

    Disney Drink Of The Day–the Magical Star Cocktail

    Disney's Magical Star Cocktail

    This cosmic concoction is a mixture of X-Fusion Organic Mango and Passion Fruit Liqueur, Parrot Bay Coconut Rum and pineapple juice. Its fruity island taste is made even more festive with the addition of a souvenir glow cube. It's tasty, fun, fruity.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    Belated birthday greetings illimae - hope you had a great day.

    Happy birthday Kim - hope you are having a wonderful vacation.

    Hugs Lori

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2022

    Happy birthday, Kim! I know you're in your all-time favorite vacation spot--I remember how wonderful your group BCO Disney cruise was a few years back!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited February 2022

    Belated birthday wishes to you illimae!

    Happy Birthday NM - Hope you are enjoying it in sunny FL!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited February 2022

    Thanks everyone, I appreciate it!