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how about drinking?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2022

    Happy Birthday gals! Illimae & Kim! Enjoy every minute of your B-day week! Going to be COLD and snowy here these next few days I'm ready for Spring already! !

    It's days like this I should clean out my freezer, and frig! Maybe even the closet? Hah!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    Chevy - . Shoulda, coulda, woulda! Remember that saying! Stay safe and warm. I’m watching the morning news and confused when the snow is actually arriving! They make is so confusing. But the cold, that is clear. Tomorrow is a professional development day and I meeting my co-presenter at our ad bldg at 18th and Lincoln. Thinking of taking the RTD. Shorter walk than if I park where it is free and I don’t want to pay parking garage prices. Now need to check if RTD takes cash and what senior rate is. DH thinks I’m foolish. He doesn’t do the bus! 😂

    Everyone stay safe, warm and healthy. Have a great Monday

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited February 2022

    Late Happy Birthday wishes to Illi and NM. We are having really great Florida weather so I am sure NM is enjoying the sun.

    I got the cast off my ankle on the 16th and am now wearing a walking boot. It feels good to be able to get around a little better now. I go back on March 9th, so maybe they will tell me I can walk without the boot.

    Goldie, grief is such a hard and tiring journey. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2022

    Last night's DOTD was the same Mumm Napa sparkling Pinot Meunier I opened for my Super Bowl gathering. Still bubbly. Will likely have some more tonight (seafood leftovers).

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    Bitter cold here. Zero but feels like -15F. Snowing lightly. Will continue the same through Thursday. Single digits for high temperatures.

    I think I'm ready for the professional development. I had planned to take the bus downtown but hubby thinks I'm this weather I best drive and pay the parking garage fee. Normally when I'm downtown all day I drive and park about a mile away where it is free. Not doing that today as that is a farther walk than the bus.

    Kim- hope you are having a wonderful time

    Stay warm and stay safe.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2022

    ED, I need to clean out my freezer too! I have 2 huge roasts in there, a huge pork shoulder, a huge pork loin, etc. Looks like I'll be cooking dinner for all the neighbors!

    Karen, not sure about our weather either. Windy yesterday and today. Snow coming tongight into the morning. Don't blame you for not walking in those frigid temps.

    Misty, you would know, thanks. It truely is hard and so much to take care of. Glad the weather there is nice, I'm sure NM is having a great time!

    I've had several people tell me that it was a blessing that my DH passed like he did, as it was going to get real ugly with that disease. So I have to keep reminding myself of that. He was already in elec. wheelchair, voice was coming to a whisper, coughing more, ventilator at night and some times during the day, couldn't clean himself after using the bathroom, I had to shower him and help him get dressed.

    Yesterday was tough, woke up with my tummy feeling crampy. Drove to my appt., 4 hours. When I left, my tummy was feeling worse, cramping real bad. Then I start with drive heaves, come upon an accident, can't get through, sat there for a half hour. Glad I had my coffee cup, ended up throwing up in that several times. Can't get home soon enough! Bumpy 6 mile drive on my dirt roads was horrible. Really let loose when I got home, all bile, as I hadn't eaten all day. 5:30 I went to bed! Feeling much better this morning, but not 100%. Not sure what the heck that was all about.

    Phone meeting with SS tomorrow morning, bank meeting Wednesday weather permitting.

  • lalbo
    lalbo Member Posts: 68
    edited February 2022

    I finally got to try Empress Gin this weekend in Savannah, GA. I'm obsessed with the color. :-)

    It was in a cocktail with elderflower simple syrup. Delish!!!


  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited February 2022

    Lalbo - it looks so pretty and the cocktail with elderberry sounds delicious.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    Another sub zero morning. It’s been snowing lightly the past couple days but not much accumulation. Need to shovel the sidewalk and driveway Might do the sidewalk and top of driveway just to get some fresh air before work Yesterday I was inside and sitting all day co-facilitating a training I think I did okay, but it’s exhausting

    Lori, glad your feeling better. Hugs my friend.

    Stay safe and have a great Wednesday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2022

    Hi and welcome Lalbo. Pretty color indeed on that Gin. I also like blue bottles. I have half a dozen or so. Where are you from?

    Karen, did you get dumped on?

    We did! I was supposed to go to the bank today to take care of accounts, but we got dumped on. I was hoping it was going to miss us, looked like it was going to scoot up the west of us, but nope! They even had parts of the Interstate shut down, and part of my route down to Phoenix. It's 19, with a windchill of 9. If it would stay frozen, it wouldn't be so bad. But there are no clouds in the sky, and supposed to be 40. So could end up being a muddy mess on my way home. I dunno, I may give it a try!

    NM must be having a great time!

    DOTD: Disney Pineapple Whip

    A tropical cocktail glass is full of a pineapple vodka cocktail based on the Dole Whip flavor. There is a scoop of ice cream, a strawberry and some lemon slices as garnish.


    • 1 shot whipped vodka
    • 4 oz pineapple juice
    • vanilla ice cream optional
    • strawberry and lemon for garnish if desired


    1. Fill a cocktail shaker half full with ice. Add vodka and pineapple juice. Shake.

    2. Pour into chilled glass and serve with ice cream or desired garnish.

  • lalbo
    lalbo Member Posts: 68
    edited February 2022

    Goldie - Hi! I live in Alabama, near Birmingham.

    My daughter and went to Savannah, GA to celebrate her 25th birthday.

    We had several cocktails over the weekend. Her more than me...I was driving. ;-)

    One I remember, besides the Empress Gin cocktail was at a restaurant called The Fitzroy.

    Pin on ThisMagnificentLife Wine & Refreshment


    Gin, Vodka, Lillet Blanc

    It was delish!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited February 2022

    Thank you for the Birthday wishes! Having a great time, will post details when I get home. Some pics to tease you:


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited February 2022



  • lalbo
    lalbo Member Posts: 68
    edited February 2022

    NativeMainer - Happy Birthday!! :-)

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2022


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    Kim - glad to see post photos and that you are having a great time. Safe travels home.

    Lori, we got the bitter cold but only a couple inches at a time the past few days. The SW mountains were getting hit hard. We got into the 20s today after two days of single digits. Not a whole lot of sun - it would peek out for a bit then cloud up - with wind chills it gown in the minus teens and twenties.

    Lalbo - welcome - glad you found us but wish you didn't need to.

    Chevy - how are you doing with all this cold?

    Everyone stay safe and stay warm.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2022

    Lalbo, another birtday! Happy Birthday to your DD. And again welcome.

    NM, love the pictures, thank you! Especially when they put one of their little animations in it.

    Karen, oh how I would hate to have those temps during the day. Been there, done that, in Michigan. With months on end of not seeing the sun. Gosh, if I get 2 days here with no sun, it's like come on, where are you?

    Got things taken care of at the bank yesterday. Guy I met with suggested I keep DH on the account for 4-6 months, just in cases. Dropped our taxes off with accountant. Ride in was a bit muddy, had to put my FJ into 4 wheel drive when I came to a stop on a steep hill! Was hoping when I put it in park, I wasn't going to slide backwards! I did not. Appropriate drink then would be........

    DOTD: Mudslide!



    • 3 oz. Van Gogh Double Espresso Vodka
    • 1 oz. Bailey's Irish Cream
    • 1 oz. Crème de Cacao
    • ¼ cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
    • ½ cup brewed dark coffee
    • pinch of salt trust me
    • 3 cups ice


    1. Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth

    2. Pour into glasses drizzled with organic chocolate syrup.

    3. Enjoy!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    Lori, me too. I miss the sun when it is cloudy, especially when it’s a few days in a row. Glad you were able to get the banking taken care of.

    Have a great Friday.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited February 2022

    Goldie - perfect drink!!! Glad you didn't slide. I think I'll make one tonight in your honor. Thinking of you in the middle of the nights and hope you are doing OK.

  • lalbo
    lalbo Member Posts: 68
    edited February 2022

    We are going through the temperature rollercoaster right now. It wreaks havoc on my sinuses! I have sinus pressure whenever the pressure systems all.

    Enjoy the weekend!!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2022

    We're going through the typical meteorologically-bipolar Chicago February. Snow, cold, melt, rain, ice, more snow, more cold, lather, rinse repeat. Got about 5" from yesterday aft, through this evening. Barely getting to freezing tomorrow, warming into the high 30s-low 40s till it rains nezt Thurs. Hopefully, though, the cycle will be broken and the rain won't turn to ice & snow again.

    Haven't been drinking for a couple of days. Went to Big Jones Wed. night for their Mardi Gras menu (tried my best to "eat around the carbs." DOTD was a hurricane--so sweet & strong that I could get through only a few sips before letting Bob finish it. WIth dinner, Schramsberg Brut Rosé--in old-school cut-crystal coupes rather than flutes (a nod to millennials' & Gen-Zers' cocktail culture). Seltzer last night, almond-breve cappuccino this aft., decaf tonight.

    (Not logging in much--Happy keeps leaping on to my lap and messing up my computer).

    For the continuing saga of the Mother-of-the-Groom dress(es), see the "Older than 60..." thread. If I get there tonight.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2022

    DOTD tonight: the last of the Mumm Napa Blanc de Blancs, diluted 50-50 with seltzer to make it fizzy.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2022

    My goodness, is everyone passed out drunk in the corning or something?

    Not much going on here, had a real bad Friday, pretty much cried all day on and off. Got up yesterday and decided I did NOT want to do that again. So I showered, even put make up on and did my hair! What for, I don't know, I'm the only one to see me! And just stayed busy all day, so yesterday was a good day. Most of what I do is cleaning, and one can't clean all day/every day! Still cold here, especially mornings, but that's ok. Warming up later in the week hitting 70 on W and Th, then back into the 50's after that.

    NM, I'm thinking you are home now?

    Sandy, for your "meteorologically-bipolar Chicago February" weather.

    DOTD: Chicago Cocktail

    Chicago Cocktail Recipe


    • 2 oz Brandy
    • 1 dash Bitters
    • 1/4 tsp Triple Sec
    • Ice


    1. Rub a slice of lemon around the rim of a glass and dip it in powdered sugar.
    2. Fill the glass half way with ice.
    3. Stir ingredients with ice and strain them into the glass.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    Lori, hugs my friend. We finally got above freezing yesterday for first time per the news in 119 hours! Who uses hours😂 Why couldn’t they just sat 5 days. It’s going to be in 50s and 60s all week. And I think we will also see the sun.

    We need to finish getting our taxes ready for the accountant today. I plan to do my weekly online banking, a couple things in the house and sit outside and read.

    Kim, welcome home.

    Have a great Sun

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited February 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! I had a great time in Orlando this week. It really was the break I needed. Warm, sunny, lots of fun and mindless things to do, very little COVID anything, very little work anything, lots of catching up with the family time. I am totally exhausted, in a good way, and am going to vegetate all day today, except for a few little things I need to do to get ready for work tomorrow. I will post pictures, but probably not today. Got to figure out the linkage to the photo pass thingy in my cousin's name and download, as well as transfer her personal pics from Facebook to my computer. Laura is an prolific picture taker and she got some really good ones. Her big project is getting a pic of all of the 50 gold statues of Disney characters created for the 50th anniversary celebration. She's gotten all but a few, and she and her DH are there through this coming week, so she's sure she'll get them all.





    The traveling was sort of eventful. Woke up Friday ayem, no power. Nope, no electricity. Have to get ready for work and load the car in the dark. Not so bad, I was pretty well set to go. Got through the half day at school, got to the airport an hour early and treated myself to a glass of Rose and a burger while waiting to board.I got into Orlando about 10:30 peeyem Friday after a late flight out of Portland (Maine, not Oregon), fortunately the connecting flight was held. After rushing to board we sat in Baltimore for at least half an hour while they transferred luggage. Similar on the way home yesterday. Flight from Orlando got into Baltimore half an hour early, but we had to sit on the tarmac for an hour waiting for the plane in the gate to finish loading luggage, by the time we got to the gate we were 50 minutes late. Again, rush to the connection, then sit and wait for an hour for the luggage to catch up. Staffing issues was the given reason in both directions. Going from sunshine, in the 90's with 80% humidity to cloudy, 25 degrees and new snow was a definite shock to the system!


    It was sunny and warm, upper 80's with a couple warmer days, but usually with a nice breeze. We closed down Magic Kingdom on Sunday, and saw the Magic Kingdom fireworks Monday and one other evening from the restaurant during dinner. Our first day was at Epcot Center, walked 16,200 steps that day, going around all these walls that are blocking off where new attractions are supposed to be coming, and I can see why it's been called "Wallmageddon," it's all very long walks around walled off areas without any shade between very few things to actually see and do. Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Universal Studios were great, though, with lots to do and see and shaded walking

    Goldie--glad your got your money back from Lowes!

    Thanks, Illi, by birthday was Sunday, but we celebrated all week!

    Thank you, too, Minus! Yup, vacay and B-day, lots of fun!

    Goldie--I can't imagine how lonely you must be right now. The Snowy White Chocolate looks wonderful!

    Reader--oh my, the coffee on the keyboard! I'm sure they did not get along well at all! Thanks for the B-day wishes!

    Thank you, Teka!

    Belated Happy Birthday Wishes to Illi!

    Chi--oh my, the dress saga continues!

    Goldie--I almost got one of those Cosmic Concoctions!They looked so cool with the light in them.

    Thank you, Karen!

    Thanks, Chi! It was a wonderful vacation.

    Celia--thanks, I did enjoy sunny Florida!

    Chevy--I did love every minute. Claimed it was my birthday in each restaurant, it was super fun!

    Thank you, Misty! Glad to hear the boot is off and the ankle is better.

    Karen--I did have a most wonderful time, and skipped out of professional development on Friday afternoon (which was OK, because it didn't involve me, anyway)

    Goldie--how horrible to feel so badly and be stuck in traffic like that! I hope it blew over very quickly for you. Neurological degenerative diseases can get very ugly and long and drawn out. At least you and your DH were spared the months of ongoing decline and total disability that often happens. Not that makes for much comfort for you.

    Lalbo--Hi! That gin does look wonderful! There's a distillery a few miles from my home that makes gin, I'm going to get some, I already have the elderflower syrup, the combo sounds heavenly!

    Karen--isn't is amazing how exhausting sitting and training can be?

    Goldie--I looked for the Disney Pineapple Whip but didn't find it, but I wasn't looking in the places serving alcohol at the time. I guess I'll just have to add to the shopping list and make myself one!

    Thank you, Lalbo!

    Thanks, Chevy!

    Karen--I did have safe, if delayed travels home. Sounds like you are really getting the cold stuff. Stay warm!

    Goldie--I love the little animation things in the pics, too. So much fun! I'm sorry you had a bad day missing DH. I'm glad you can keep yourself busy. I pray it gets easier with time.

    Karen--119 hours of below freezing weather? YIKES!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2022

    Glad you had a great time NM. Welcome back 🤗

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited February 2022

    Yes indeed NM - welcome back to the cold!!! Glad you had fun and hope you really do NOTHING today.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 942
    edited February 2022

    Hi everyone 🙂🍷cupcake vineyards white tonight with tortellini alfredo. Yum!

    Welcome back NM. Thanks for the fun recap. My nephew's little family (1 year old gal) just got back from Disney. I saw many cute pictures of little girl in mouse ears 🐭 I'm getting weary of the cold and am ready for spring.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited February 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! Boy oh boy what a difference I'm getting up to this ayem! From thinking about sunburn to thinking about frostbite. 8 degrees, feels like 0, temps going down, winds picking up. Brrrrr.It's going to be good to see the kiddos again, though. I didn't do anything yesterday except reading some emails and CDC reports. I did download and organize some pictures to get a start on that job. And relived some fun experiences while doing that.


    My cousin Laura on the left, me on the right. I got 72,300 points, and beat Laura's score! Didn't come close to the guys' scores, though.


    Duane (Mark's best friend, my "part time husband", me, cousin Laura, her husband Mark

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2022

    Good morning Kim, have a good first day back at work. Our mask mandates at schools ended Friday, though strongly encouraged. Will be interesting to see how many will still wear masks. Your weather is like we had last week. This week, in the 60s. Sat outside reading yesterday afternoon for my work book study.

    Have a great Monday.