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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited March 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Nice and sunny here/ 19 degrees/Looks like some more snow, maybe some rain coming in tomorrow. I keep hearing how spring is only a few days away but it sure doesn't feel or look like it! Time change coming right up, too. I really do not like the time change. Too much change going on as it is. I really hope someday we will get rid of that and I expect one day the entire world will be on one time system to simplify the global communication that is already going on.

    Chevy--I hear you. The new look is hard to work with, but I'm holding out hope the Mods will get it changed over time. At least it looks like the avatars are coming back!

    Goldie--There are no pics of the parents. These pups were brought up to Maine from somewhere in the south. Both are boys. The site tends to give litters theme names, these are in the Canadian Crew,the Fruit Group has Mango, Clementine, Kumquat, Kiwi, Guava. Then there are Larry, Moe and Curly.Another group is Zeti, Orzo, Rotini, Penne, Farfalle.The breed description is a best guess most of the time. Another transport is arriving today, so there will be more pics up on the site soon. Here's the link: season will be here before much longer, too. I hope yours stay manageable!

    Lalbo--I think they are pretty cute, too.

    Jazzy--I'm glad the boss knows he/she needs you and is being nice to you! The Great Resignation is really going to make for some serious changes in staffing in the healthcare deliveryindustry, changes that are long overdue to my way of thinking. Healthcare delivery has worked hard to stay in the dark ages, now it's being forced to move into the 21st century, and senior leadership is NOT happy about the resulting shift in control from their hands exclusively to the hands of the people actually doing the work and interacting with patients and clients. I bet healthcare will look very, very different 25 years from now. I doubt hospitals will become a thing of the past completely, but they certainly won't be the center of healthcare delivery anymore.

    Wren--How far did DH walk to get to a store? Sounds like he has a serious sweet tooth. When I do get a pup or pups, I probably will DNA test them just for the entertainment of figuring out what they're made of! I've had German Shepherds, toy poodles, a lab, hound mixes, and pure mutts but I've not had a husky mix yet. I hear huskies shed more than GSDs, and GSDs can really shed, so that could be interesting to deal with. One reason I want to get a puppy or puppies is to be able to get them used to being vacuumed. Regular vacuuming works really well with GSDs

    Misty--I never thought of mixing cream soda with orange soda and adding ice cream! I have added ice cream to orange soda before, but I bet the cream soda really makes the flavor great. No pollen issues here, yet, but in a couple of months the Pine pollen will be turning everything yellow-green!

    image alt="How pollen damages your paint |">

    image alt="">

    The Pollenator


    • 1 oz Victoria Gin
    • 1/2 oz Cocchi Vermouth
    • 3 drops Fresh Ginger Juice
    • 1/2 oz Turmeric-Ginger Tea Syrup
    • 1/2 oz Lime juice
    • 2 cracks Fresh cracked pepper
    • Garnish Bee Pollen
    • Garnish Pink peppercorns


    Shake ingredients without ice. Pour in a 5 oz glass over a large ice cube. Garnish with bee pollen and hand crushed pink peppercorns.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2022

    Good morning ladies- we got a big wind storm that came in last night and brought 60 mph. The spring winds have begun, and it's colder today and snow around in the mountains. Next Saturday, we spring ahead and get our evening light back. There was jaw dropping sunrise today which I will try to get a picture posted here for you to see. I stood in the back door and just watched it unfold in such awe.

    Wow, this page took almost 5 minutes to load today, not good.

    NM- I have worked in a couple other careers with my science background and also in some other industries in my IT work the past 20 plus years. Healthcare is the most backwards of anything I have done, and when I bring my best self to any organization, they both love what I can do but also can't get on board with some of the changes they need to do to move into the 21st century. So I am with you on the changes that the industry is being forced to make. One of the medical leaders in the organization calls it "growing pains" but now they can't ignore what has to be done. I find I get more heard in this place than in others, and my boss is reassigning my two old team mates to work with me on the new project as of yesterday. They are so happy, they wanted to work on this and now there is more to do (and this will be better for them). I am happy too! I actually won't work long hours for them, they don't want you working nights, weekends, etc. (the joy of the state job) but some things can't be parked forever either. This is the biggest and most important IT project going on and been pushing to get this resourced right. Whew.

    Got some chores to do and errands to run. Hoping everyone is enjoying their first weekend of March.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2022


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited March 2022

    Goldie, I would fight the bill. They would send you to collections over $800 so it's not chump change. Get hold of customer satisfaction in the insurance company and tell them they were fraudulent telling him it would not cost.

    Jazzy, That is really a dramatic sunset. Glad you could grab a picture.

    NM, Full blood huskies shed like crazy in the spring. Not sure if it's better or worse than GSD.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    NM, I looked at the site. Funny how they do the names. My neighbor does that with her goats. She has Gilligan, Skipper, Mary Ann and Ginger. Cookies n Cream. Thelma and Louise. Can't remember anymore right now. But gosh, they have lots to choose from. That pollenator looks like quite the healthy cocktail!

    Beautiful sunrise Jazzy. Ours have been pretty too. Waking up to just a bit of snow this morning.

    Wren, I hate the thought of having to get a lawyer and fight this. I have no proof, unless it was recorded, which most medical places say you may be recorded. And if so, how does one go about getting that? I will call tomorrow and tell them that what they did was fraudulent and see what they say.

    DOTD: Pomegranate Sunrise Cocktail

    a cocktail with cranberry garnish

    Juice from 1 pomegranate

    20 pomegranate seeds

    2 shots citrus flavored vodka

    1–2 cups of orange juice

    2 slices of fresh orange


    Fill 2 highball glasses 1/2 full with ice.

    Add 1 shot of vodka to each glass.

    Add 1/2 – 1 cup of orange juice to glass.

    Slowly pour the pomegranate juice on one side of the glass; getting as close to the side as possible.

    Add a slice of orange and pomegranate seeds to each glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    Now that I'm older here's what I've discovered:

    I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it. My wild oats are mostly enjoyed with prunes and all-bran. I finally got my head together, and now my body is falling apart. Funny, I don't remember being absent-minded. Some days, you're the top dog; some days you're the hydrant. It was a whole lot easier to get older, than to get wiser. If all is not lost, then where the heck is it? I wish the buck really did stop here; I sure could use a few of them. Kids in the back-seat cause accidents. • Accidents in the back-seat cause kids. It's hard to make a comeback when you haven't been anywhere. The world only beats a path to your door when you're in the bathroom. If God wanted me to touch my toes, he'd have put them on my knees. When I'm finally holding all the right cards, everyone wants to play chess. It's not hard to meet expenses - they're everywhere. The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth. These days, I spend a lot of time thinking about the hereafter - I go somewhere to get something, and then wonder what I'm "here, after". Funny, I don't remember being absent-minded. Have I posted this before?
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2022

    Lori, I'd fight the bill. If they insist, set up a payment plan of $10/month. That is so not right.

    Kim, cute puppies.

    I wrote the moderators and acknowledged that they are getting lots of complaints, but if they are not fixed soon, I would be saying good-bye to bco. I told them I'd been here 16 years but the problems are too problematic. The slowness is just awful. I'm giving it another week to see improvements or I'll be taking a big vacation from here. If I do, I'll let you know and ask someone to PM me when its fixed.

    Snowing here and 17F. Have a great Sunday

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2022

    Last night at Regalia I started with a split of Ruggero rosé prosecco with a seafood app & salad, and a Super Tuscsn (mostly Cab. Sauv. plus a dash of Sangiovese and Nebbiolo) with steak & veg. Instead of dessert I had the remainder of the split.

    Tonight, with an improvised fish dinner, Ch. Ste. Michelle Sauv. Blanc.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2022

    Baked poppyseed and honey nut Hamentashen this afternoon. I used Solo canned poppyseed, but the honey nut is a homemade filling. Have a small package to mail my DD#1 and SIL. Actually going to send FedX. His birthday card took 3 weeks to arrive so I"m sure FedX will be faster. I posted pictures of them on FB and my SIL texted me how good they looked. I had told my DD#1 that I wasn't going to send this year and I could hear the disappointment in her voice. I wanted to surprise them, but since SIL saw them on FB, I wanted to tell him to expect a package. He was quite happy.

    Also made a big pot of chicken soup with barely, carrots, celery and onions. For us, soup by itself is a meal and that's what we had for dinner tonight.

    Showed my DH pictures of a couple puppies and he thought they were cute, but we don't want a young puppy.

    I messaged the moderators today and they said things were to be fixed this week. Let's hope.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited March 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!HappyMonday Monkey Day! Today is the first day at school with masks being optional (except for those in days 6 through 10 of isolation after a positive test). Had our first instance ofa kiddo out sick with symptoms being cleared to come back after 5 days with no fever and improving symptoms who tested positive and having to go home again on Friday. Trying to explain THAT situation to the principal was NOT entertaining. Now I have to start putting out daily notices of which kiddos MUST be masked each day for everyone to keep track of. What a headache this is going to be! I will be glad when this school year finishes up, I'm pretty sure there won't be any of this kind of stuff next school year.


    Wren--GSDs shed heavily in the spring and the fall. During the spring shed the fur will come out in clumps at times--what's called "blow out" shedding as the winter heavy undercoat is shed as the daylight gets longer. It's a more dependable sign of spring coming than just about anything else in the world! Maybe not as much as a full blood husky, though. These pups are listed as husky mixes, so who knows what to expect, really? Shedding is a pain, but one I'm willing to live with.

    Goldie--I would fight the bill even if the conversation was not recorded. To get at the recording, if there is one, start with filing a request for a copy of DH's records, and on the form write in "transcripts of any recorded telephone conversations and any other recorded interactions." If the bill is sent to collections you can add a note to the entry in all 3 Credit Reporting companies that the charge is disputed and that will change the way if affects your credit. LOVE the list of things you've discovered!

    Karen--I'm hoping the problems will be fixed very soon. I hope you don't have to leave.

    Chi--the rose prosecco sounds very nice!

    Karen--that soup sounds really good! I make a meal of soups, too, sometimes.

    The Regal Beagle

    • 1 ½ oz vodka
    • 2 lime wedges
    • 1 tsp honey
    • 5 oz grapefruit juice
    • Splash of dry white wine

    Muddle lime with honey and add ice. Pour vodka and grapefruit juice over the top and add a splash of wine. Stir a bit. Garnish with a sprig of rosemary.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    Karen, I'm sure the mods are getting bombarded with messages and emails. But they don't really answer any questions, just tell us to be patient. I know some of the gals are wanting to know "why" the change? I assume those Hamentashen's are cookies?

    NM, sounds like keeping track of the sick kiddos is going to be a pain. IF I were to get a dog, which I'm not, but it would have to be one that didn't shed. I'm too OCD about hair. I can't even have my own hair on any of clothes...LOL. Thanks for the advice, re that bill. Interesting cocktail!

    NOW, our accountant and her BF bought our business, along with the property and building in town, for which they are making payments, $1000 a month. Feb. 1 they sent it through Zell, today is the 7th, I still don't have anything. So I have to try and find the contract with them to see what's in it. Like I need more chit to deal with!

  • lalbo
    lalbo Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2022

    Good Monday Morning! I'm not feeling it today. It will be a "just get through it" kind of day.

    Guess what my liquor store had in stock??!!!!???!!! Empress Gin!! WHOOP!

    I made this drink (no name because I made it up):

    • 1 tsp lemon juice
    • 8 drops elderflower essence
    • ice
    • Peach/Honey sparkling water
    • 2 oz Empress Gin
    It was really good. The drink was blue on the top and clear on the bottom until you mixed it, then it was a lavendar pink color. I LOVE IT! lol
    You could smell the gin scent but it did have a little something else to it. I'll be looking up recipes. I sipped a bit straight and it was a little different than the straight gin.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    Whew, I found the contract, which is good cuz I learned something. Payments were to be $1000 per month up until 2/15/22, payable on the 15th of each month, but starting 3/15/22 it's to go up to $2000 a month, then next year $4000 per month.

  • lalbo
    lalbo Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2022

    Goldie - So glad you found your contract!

  • lalbo
    lalbo Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2022

    I see you teka!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2022

    Karen, is it Purim already? Thought it was next week. Jewel & Marianos' kosher sections have loads of hamantashen--but they're all the cookie-dough kind, which are not at all "cheat-worthy." I'm afraid to go up to Kaufman's or Kol-Tuv to buy the yeast-raised ones--maybe just a couple, and cut them up so as not to overeat them. The only thing that kept me from pigging out on paczki was my tummy bug (and the fact they don't keep all that well). Hamantashen & paczki were lethal for my diet last year. Meanwhile, all the aisles of different flavor coconut macaroons & Joyva Passover candies (chocolate-covered ring jells, marshmallow twists & puffs) are tempting...but thank goodness not tempting enough. Did give in and buy a box of chocolate-covered egg matzo because Bob likes them. Bought only one box of matzo: Yehuda Lite Bran Whole Wheat--will eat just enough each day to satisfy halachic requirement. None of the delicious but insanely expensive handmade shmura matzo this year; it's so pricey that I can't resist eating it after the holiday--can't bring myself to toss it when it's still yummy.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2022

    Karen, is it Purim already? Thought it was next week. Jewel & Marianos' kosher sections have loads of hamantashen--but they're all the cookie-dough kind, which are not at all "cheat-worthy." I'm afraid to go up to Kaufman's or Kol-Tuv to buy the yeast-raised ones--maybe just a couple, and cut them up so as not to overeat them. The only thing that kept me from pigging out on paczki was my tummy bug (and the fact they don't keep all that well). Hamantashen & paczki were lethal for my diet last year. Meanwhile, all the aisles of different flavor coconut macaroons & Joyva Passover candies (chocolate-covered ring jells, marshmallow twists & puffs) are tempting...but thank goodness not tempting enough. Did give in and buy a box of chocolate-covered egg matzo because Bob likes them. Bought only one box of matzo: Yehuda Lite Bran Whole Wheat--will eat just enough each day to satisfy halachic requirement. None of the delicious but insanely expensive handmade shmura matzo this year; it's so pricey that I can't resist eating it after the holiday--can't bring myself to toss it when it's still yummy.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited March 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Boy was it different at school being able to actually see faces of the kiddos! Many of them yesterday. I was actually a little surprised how many kiddos are still wearing masks. The adults are doing more picking and choosing, wearing masks in some situations and not others. I know the teachers were concerned that the kiddos would be judgmental about other kiddos and their mask usage, I think the adult picking and choosing is more judgmental, but what do I know?

    Goldie--keeping track of all the sick kids and the details will be a pain in the anatomy, and will depend on info coming in from parents, which often goes to the teachers, who then ask me questions about situations I know nothing about and have to make a bunch of phone calls to get the info I need to calculate the isolation and quarantine dates. Not looking forward to this phase of COVID, at all. Lots of people are OCD about dog or cat hairs on their clothes and furniture. I can get that. I've found that the shed had can be controlled with a little work and don't mind it. I get more from the doggy love! Sorry to hear about the business payment not coming through. Something just isn't right there. Hope you can get it fixed ASAP.

    Lalbo--Oh my goodness, what a wonderful looking/sounding drink you made up!It needs a really good name.Peach Empress, maybe?

    Goldie--glad you found that contract, that's an important detail to know!

    Teka--yes, your post came through!Good to see you!Sorry you are having somuch trouble with the upgrade. Hope it's fixed soon.

    Chi--wow, the variety of holiday foods is amazing!

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Boy was it different at school being able to actually see faces of the kiddos! Many of them yesterday. I was actually a little surprised how many kiddos are still wearing masks. The adults are doing more picking and choosing, wearing masks in some situations and not others. I know the teachers were concerned that the kiddos would be judgmental about other kiddos and their mask usage, I think the adult picking and choosing is more judgmental, but what do I know?

    Goldie--keeping track of all the sick kids and the details will be a pain in the anatomy, and will depend on info coming in from parents, which often goes to the teachers, who then ask me questions about situations I know nothing about and have to make a bunch of phone calls to get the info I need to calculate the isolation and quarantine dates. Not looking forward to this phase of COVID, at all. Lots of people are OCD about dog or cat hairs on their clothes and furniture. I can get that. I've found that the shed had can be controlled with a little work and don't mind it. I get more from the doggy love! Sorry to hear about the business payment not coming through. Something just isn't right there. Hope you can get it fixed ASAP.

    Lalbo--Oh my goodness, what a wonderful looking/sounding drink you made up!It needs a really good name.Peach Empress, maybe?

    Goldie--glad you found that contract, that's an important detail to know!

    Teka--yes, your post came through!Good to see you!Sorry you are having somuch trouble with the upgrade. Hope it's fixed soon.

    Chi--wow, the variety of holiday foods is amazing!

    Horizontal shot of lemon cocktail in a tall glass, garnished with a sprig of fresh mint. A sliced lemon and another sprig of mint sit off to the right side.

    The Purim Pucker - Lemon Mint Cocktail


    • 1 1/2ozrum
    • 1ozfresh lemon juice
    • 1ozsweet and sour mix
    • 2tbspfrozen lemonade concentrate
    • 1 1/2tspchopped fresh mint
    • 5ice cubes
    • Club soda, chilled
    • Fresh mint leaves for garnish


    • In a blender, blend together rum, fresh lemon juice, sweet and sour mix, lemonade concentrate, chopped fresh mint and ice cubes until ice is fully crushed.
      Pour into an iced highball glass. Top off glass with cold club soda. Garnish with fresh mint leaves and serve.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    Lalbo, you didn't take a picture of your cocktail? Well shoot, but we at least have to name it. We can call it "The Lalbo", "Just Get Through It" or "The Pink Empress". Those are my suggestions, anyone else?

    Teka, that's crazy! I use a laptop and I keep BCO open and up all the time. My computer stays on 24/7, unless I have to go somewhere and need to pack it up and take it with me.

    I've got my papers together, probably about dozen of them, to fight this bill. I highlighted several areas where they say they will discuss any additional costs with the patient and put it in writing. We have no such thing. DH would not have done the infusions if he had known that, as it was only going to increase his life by a couple months. I also wrote a long letter and also told them that I was on disability due to stage IV cancer. Now I"m waiting to hear back from them to find out which address to send them too, as they have several.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    Thanks for the swim NM, I'll grab one of the Tenders and have them bring us a Purim Pucker. Looking at those ingredients, it would make a person pucker! I hear ya on the puppy love over the hair. Until I met DH, we always had a dog, growing up and in my previous marriage, but they were outside dogs. Only brought in if it were brutally cold out. I guess that's good if there are still quite a few masking. I know my step daughter is telling her kids to mask, but who knows what they do once at school, teenagers. I think the older one (17) will, just because of his aspergers and fear of getting sick. He is not vaxed, also due to aspergers, he doesn't like needles.

    Edited to add....I meant to ask you about mom. You haven't mentioned anything about her since being back. How was she while you were gone?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    The medical company I'm fighting with is Amerita, if I don't get an address from them today, I think I will just send it to corporate! What do you think?

    Edit: Think I've changed my mind, going to send to billing and corporate and also keeping a copy for myself.

  • lalbo
    lalbo Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2022

    I'll take a picture of it next time..because there will be a next time. Winking How about Peachy Pink Empress.

    Goldie - I would send more than one copy and on your cover letter put a cc to everyone that's getting it so they know it's not just going to the one area. And ship it somehow so you can track it and have a record they received it.

    That's a delicious looking drink! Sweet and sour! Yum!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    Peachy Pink Empress it is! After all, it's YOUR drink! I will put it in my personal letter who all is getting it.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    Oooooh, look at this one Lalbo.

    Empress Lavender Lemonade!

    See the source image



    EMPRESS 1908 GIN






    Fill a stemless wine glass with crushed ice. Shake lemonade and syrup on ice and strain into the glass. Layer Empress 1908 Gin on top and add more crushed ice. Garnish with a lavender sprig.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited March 2022

    Goldie, That drink is gorgeous. I would save a copy of your paperwork to send to the insurance commissioner. I know that the one in WA will go to bat for people. If they continue to fight, I would definitely involve the state insurance people.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    Thanks Wren, I'll see where it goes with my letters. However, it's not the ins. co. It's the company that provided the infusion medicine he was gettting.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2022

    Lori, so frustrating to see your avatar still missing. When I was doing probate, a lot of what I had to do at the first hearing was negotiate down "expenses of last illness" with the providers' counsel. You'd be amazed (or perhaps you already know) by how much b.s. the hospitals throw into the bills in the hope that grief will blind the bereaved to the deception so they'll pay unquestioningly. Little things like "parking" for patients who arrived by ambulance and had no visitors, nonskid socks for patients in medically-induced comas on ventilators (and one who was a dual amputee), meal service for patients on G-tubes, and boxes & boxes of overpriced low-quality tissues. I usually was able to cut the bills by half.

    As to holiday foods? The only ones that aren't insanely carb-loaded are turkey on Thanksgiving and corned beef & cabbage on St. Patrick's Day (hold the boiled spuds or colcannon).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    Thanks Sandy. There are no hospital bills, no insurance bills (as of yet), it's for medication. I love turkey and corned beef and cabbage....YUMMMM!

    I have not even tried to change my avatar, just being patient to see how things resolve. IF they resolve!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2022

    Man, this is so frustrating! It looks like a bunch of us are giving up, trying to just talk to our friends! It takes just forEVER to get to "here"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By then, I have forgotten what I wanted to say....

    Here is my email, just in case we lose each other....

  • jo-jo2018
    jo-jo2018 Member Posts: 139
    edited March 2022

    I dont think I have ever drank so much alcohol as I have now waiting for my stage IV diagnosis

    And YES this new forum is very irritating and annoying