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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2022

    Sandy, Purim is the 17th but I like eating hamentashen leading up to Purim, then done. Also making them early gave me a chance to mail to DD and SIL (sent FedX)

    Che y, thanks for your email

    Snow is back in the forecast.
    I just skimmed the post so I missed most everyone.

    Lori-good luck with the bill.

    Sweet dreams.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2022

    No DOTD today. Instead, I got handed a wine-pairing challenge tonight. The kids want me to pick a sparkler, a white and a red for the rehearsal dinner at Arnaud' tomorrow. (Dinner for 34. Oy). There will be passed apps (including oysters 3 ways) at cocktail hour beforehand. Dinner menu is shrimp bisque, salad, souffle potatoes with Bearnaise sauce and filet mignon with horseradish cream. Dessert is (duh) Bananas Foster. I chose a Graham Beck Brut Rosé (S. Africa) for both the soup & dessert (the only actual dessert wine on the list is a late-bottled vintage Port, which doesn't match well). As an alternative to the bubbly with the soup, a Sonoma-Cutrer Russian River Ranches Chardonnay. With the steak & spuds, a Crozes-Hermitage (Rhone). The horseradish would beat up on a Pinot Noir/affordable Burgundy or even a gutsy cru Beaujolais like Moulin-a-Vent; and a Zin or a Cab/Bordeaux might be too tannic. Will have all three wines available during cocktail hour too.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    ED, I'm not giving up. I'm staying right here!

    Hi Jojo and welcome. I'm sorry to hear of your stage IV diagnosis. Are you certain or just have a gut feeling?

    Sandy, 34 seems like a lot of people for rehersal dinner. I was looking at Arnaud's website, that's going to be some tab! But beautiful venue, and dinner sounds delish. And I'd say you are probably the perfect one for the wine paring.

    NM, when will you know/decide about the puppy?

    I still haven't heard back from Amerita, but today is only day 2. I did make another copy to send to corp. If I don't get anywhere, I'll do like Karen suggested and send them $10 a month.

    May be an image of text that says 'WINE, 오 Now CHEAPER THAN FUEL DRINK DON'T DRIVE'

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    NM, looks like you got your timing right for Disney!

    Watch | Facebook

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2022

    Maybe it's time I take a break from all my friends on BC.ORG.... It's just too frustrating to try and navigate on here anymore.... Thanks for always being there for me! Chevy

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    Oh ED, we will miss you! If you really do leave, I'll let you know if things get better.

    For the smile factor.....

    My sweet a NORA ble girl.

    Edited to remove photo.

  • lalbo
    lalbo Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2022

    Goldie - that is a gorgeous drink and it sounds delicious! Sweet Baby Angel!

    I can understand leaving. This is about the only thread I follow anymore. Can't pop in and out like I used to. I have one friend I met on here that I am corresponding with through email. She couldn't log in and had to create a new profile. That's just crazy.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited March 2022

    Sandy, Arnaud's is a pricy but delicious choice. I can still remember the food from eating there 40 years ago.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2022

    The kids chose that because it’s the first NOLA restaurant Gordy ever visited with us. He was 4 years old. He was already a raw oyster aficionado—when the Oysters Arnaud combo plate (which also included Rockefeller & Bienville) arrived, he said “Waiter, there’s something wrong with my oysters—they’re warm and they have stuff on them.” For him, they relented and brought raw ones, which are now on the menu. He also saw a nearby table being served Bananas Foster flambé and Cafe Brulot (in whicha flaming combo of cognac & Grand Marnier is dripped down a spiral of orange peel into coffee), and was fascinated. After dessert, he called over the waiter and said “Put coffee on fire for Mommy & Daddy.”

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2022

    And Oysters Arnaud will be among the passed apps; Bananas Foster for dessert. But Cafe Brulot for 34 would set off the fire alarms for sure

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2022

    Snowing - 8F but feels like minus 8. Cold, cold again tomorrow and in the 60s by Sunday.

    Sandy - if there are 34 for the rehearsal dinner, how big is the wedding?

    Chevy - will miss you if you're not here. I will message you my email. Also if anyone else wants it. I'm also on facebook. The mods said things should be fixed this week, but so far it doesn't seem like it. I can get on, albeit slowly on my computer but not on my phone.

    Are you sending everything by USPS? Return receipt? Keep bugging them.

    Stay safe and stay warm.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2022

    Tried submitting my message and got message saying site is down!!! Let's see if this goes through

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited March 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! Went in to work early yesterday, we had a positive pool that I need to arrange follow up testing on. Found the infected person, who wasn't in school yesterday due to throwing up overnight. Also had an early ayem email from a teacher who was sick overnight, teacher tested positive, too. So far it's mostly people who traveled over February break, so it's probably the expected post-vacation week spike. Overall, attendance is still good, so far, at least.

    I missed out on the pups I was looking at adopting, the website shows one adopted and one pending. So those weren't meant to be. The more I think about it the more I think I want another German Shepherd/GSD mix. It'll happen when it's right.

    Goldie--sounds like you've put in a lot of work on fighting that bill, good for you! I think you stand a good chance of winning this battle. Sending the info to Corporate sounds good. You might also want to contact your state's Bureau of Insurance (or the people who regulate insurances in your state) and report fraudulent billing.

    Lalbo--can't wait to see the pic of the drink! Can't wait to see the Peachy Pink Empress!And very good advice to Goldie.

    Chi--more good advice for Goldie re: bills.

    Chevy--hope we don't lose you from here, and praying the problems are fixed very, very soon!

    Jo-Jo2018--waiting for information is the pitts. Hugs and hang in there.

    Morning, Karen!

    Chi--wow, sounds like quite the wine-pairing job!Well done!

    Goldie--Love the wine cheaper than fuel meme!Too true! I heard about the weather issues at Disney, glad we missed that!

    Chevy--hate to see you leave BCO, but understand.

    Goldie--aNORAble is just, that!

    Morning, Wren!

    Chi--How sweet!What a memory of Gordy's first NOLA restaurant visit!

    Frustration drink




    Cherry Liqueur



    Pineapple Juice



    Sour mix



    Triple Sec






    Mix cherry brandy, triple sec, & Citron in shaker with ice. Then add 50/50 pinapple juice and sour mix then splash of orange juice. Shake then pour in a 16 oz glass with ice. Last rim with Grenadine...drink. In a while all your FRUSTRATIONS are washed away

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    Lalbo, I wouldn't think creating a new account would help matters any, unless she forgot her password?

    Sandy, what a cute story about Gordy and Anauds. LOL, "put coffee on fire". Does Leslie have a big family?

    Karen yes, I will send in the mail with delivery confirmation.

    NM, I guess some cases (covid) are going to pop up. Will you have another break during Easter? Sorry about the pups, but you are right, the right one will happen. Frustration drink is def. in order!

    Well, I got my car all cleaned up about a week ago, as I'm supposed to take it in tomorrow. Blew all the mud and gravel off it and took it through the car wash the next time I went into town. Well CRAP, supposed to snow tonight! Morning temps in the teens, so maybe I can leave early in hopes that the road is froze.

    You guys, what am I missing? How does insurance commisioner or Bureau of Ins. help, when this isn't an issue with insurance. At least I don't think it is. It's in regards to what is left to pay for the infusion med he got. OH, and he got a grant for that medicine, $15K, to last a year. He only did 2 months, 2 cycles. (I may have mentioned this already) I included that information in my letters as well. I'll send one to billing and one to Corporate.

    Thank you for all the comments on Nora. I can't wait to see her.

  • lalbo
    lalbo Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2022

    I'll make a picture of my Peachy Pink Empress next time. I'll have side by side, mixed and layered. I should garnish it as well. ;-) Maybe a lemon slice. I'm not much on tarting them up, just mix and drink. lol

    Almost the weekend! I hate wishing my life away, but dang do I want to get right to the weekends. lol

    We've had chillier weather, now it is inching back up and a big drop on Saturday. Some forecast say a chance of snow. I'm thinking, probably not here in Alabama. But, crazier things have happened. Our biggest snow events have been in March. Hopefully this will be the last cold snap and we'll get back to the warming up.


  • lalbo
    lalbo Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2022

    I'll make a picture of my Peachy Pink Empress next time. I'll have side by side, mixed and layered. I should garnish it as well. ;-) Maybe a lemon slice. I'm not much on tarting them up, just mix and drink. lol

    Almost the weekend! I hate wishing my life away, but dang do I want to get right to the weekends. lol

    We've had chillier weather, now it is inching back up and a big drop on Saturday. Some forecast say a chance of snow. I'm thinking, probably not here in Alabama. But, crazier things have happened. Our biggest snow events have been in March. Hopefully this will be the last cold snap and we'll get back to the warming up.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited March 2022

    NM, GSD mixes are great dogs. We've had a GSD/Border collie, GSD/coyote, and a GSD/yellow lab. All were good family dogs. The coyote mix was scary smart but had decided pleasing people was her mission. You could say stop, and she would reverse her position back to where she heard it. I think she could also identify candy by the sound of the wrappers. She hung around an archeology dig and got fed by being nice. The lab mix was a frisbee dog. Just nuts about frisbees. I miss having a dog but don't want to have to walk a big dog in my 80's. So far I don't like any little dogs.

    We're having a warm spell (50's) with rain coming for the weekend.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited March 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! It is so nice to see so much brown ground, it's a sign that spring is coming. Yesterday it was warm enough to enjoy being outside during recess (I was monitoring a kiddo with low blood sugar).

    The Dept of Ed and Maine CDC 'updated' the standard operating procedure for managing positive COVID cases, and did NOT answer one single question that has been put out there about how not contact tracing effects the whole deal. School nurses are still supposed to teach, inform, support, etc, but are no longer responsible for monitoring. Uh, we were never responsible for monitoring, we don't have the authority to monitor anything in a student's home. No real guidance at all. And cases in the schools are, predictably, ticking up. 3 students, 1 teacher testing positive this week, up from 0 two weeks ago. 4 more out with symptoms, waiting on test results. I see another outbreak in our near future.

    Goldie--My next school break is Easter week. I'm already looking forward to it! Don't you hate it when you get the car all clean and then a storm comes through? Insurance commissioners/bureaus are involved with billing of all sorts of medical care, as medical insurance is almost always involved in one way or another. If the insurance people of a particular state do not regulate the infusion company, they will know who does, and you can then contact that state agency for help. Or contact the state Attorney General's office for help, they deal with fraud and billing issues of all kinds, not just medical. The AG just doesn't issue authorization for the infusion company to do business in the state, where the insurance agency does. Enough complaints and a company can lose it's license to work in the state. Contact the grant people, too, and see what they can do to help.

    Lalbo--I am looking forward to seeing the drink pics! So much fun! We've got snow/rain/mix/mess coming in overnight tonight and into tomorrow. I'm hoping I'm in the all rain area, get rid of the rest of the snow on the ground and get mud season started.

    Wren--I've been around GSD, GSD mixes off and on most of my life. The dog the family had when I was very small was a GSD, wouldn't let the milkman come in the yard if I was outside, Mom would have to come out and get the milk, she's told me about that often. I'm beginning to think about what it will be like walking a big dog like that as I get older, too. A big dog needs to be a trainable one, GSDs are trainable as well as able to train me. I have also had a little dog, and like them, but just gravitate toward a dog-size dog.

    Hello Friday


    • Ice cubes
    • 1/4 cup plus 3 tablespoons spicy ginger ale (such as Blenheim)
    • 1 tablespoons (1/2 ounce) 100-proof bourbon (such as Old Grand-Dad Bonded)
    • 1 teaspoon Angostura bitters


    • Step 1
      Fill a rocks glass with ice cubes; add all ingredients. Stir gently, and serve.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    NM, thanks for explaining. At least I know I have other avenues to explore if my letters get me no where. I too think we will be seeing another outbreak. Things look good now, but with mask mandates being lifted....I don't know! Not to mention the new variant Deltacron!

    Temps in the single digits this morning, so I need to get out of here while the ground is still frozen. My appt. isn't until 10, so I'll just have to find something else to do, unless they can get me in earlier, which is doubtful!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2022

    Goldie, Your Nora sure is a sugar lamb! How sweet she looks!

    I'm frustrated with this site too. Takes forever and just weird.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2022

    Wren - wow on mixed breed with coyote. I've seen mixed breeds with wolves out here where I live.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited March 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy, Happy Saturday!I have a story to tell:Early in February, on my way to work, you may remember that I stopped for a dog standing in the middle of the road. He came right up to me, said Hi! And jumped right into the car. Tried to find his people, didn't have any luck, so I took him to work with me and called the Animal Control Officer. The ACO was familiar with the dog, Colt according to the name on his collar tag. She knew where they lived, said she would stop by and if they opened the door (they didn't the last couple times she stopped by) she'd give them my contact info. The people called and we made arrangements for Colt to get home.After that I kept a lookout for him every drive to work and home, thinking if I saw him in the road I would dognap him. I never did see him in the road again. One morning, going past his people's place I did see a bunch of blue lights, state trooper cars, and lots of people milling around. Never did find out exactly what was going on, but I kept an eye out for Colt. Fast forward through February vacation, and I've been looking for a companion or two, put in for and didn't get a couple of puppies, waiting for the right one. Yesterday, on my lunch break, I went online and, on a whim, checked out a fairly nearby Humane Society. There in the dogs for adoption page was the picture of a dog that looked just like the one I picked up that day. His name was even Colt. I click on the pic, thinking this must be a coincidence. Not much information about him listed, but it really did look like the same dog. Well, since I had a short day Friday due to working a long day Wednesday, I put in an application and decided to drive over and take a look. I talk to the people, and go into the play room where Cold and another dog are playing. Sure enough, it was the same dog! His story:he was "surrendered" by his people, because they were arrested and jailed on drug charges. That's what I was seeing that morning there were all the blue lights when I went by! Obviously I was meant to rescue Colt, one way or another. Colt and Zoe were playing together, Zoe is a husky mix, absolutely beautiful, I had been drawn to her pic on the website when I checked it out. They were having such a great time together, and my heart strings got pulled a couple of ways, so the question became not Which dog am I going home with, but How Many dogs am I going home with? I couldn't choose between them, so I took them both. Added bonus--the shelter has this wheel to spin a la Wheel of Fortune, my spin landed on 30% off the adoption fee. Not only did I get a special rate for adopting 2 dogs, I got 30% off that!

    So, may I introduce Colt:

    About 3 years old, rottweiler or rottweiler mix, 83 pound, big, goofy guy who slept on the bed with me part of last night. He knows some commands, probably has had some pretty good training, will take some time for him to settle after just being neutered, and getting some regular exercise, is house trained. He comes up to me pretty regularly for attention, and I swear he is saying "Thank you!" but that could be my imagination.

    And please meet Zoe:

    Alaskan Husky/husky mix, 45 pounds, approximately 2 years old. Brought in as a stray, had been running loose for some months before being caught. Probably never lived in a house or with someone, has not had any training. A little shy and skittish, but able to put Colt in his place when he gets out of hand with the humping and chasing. She looks skinny to me, but I'm not an expert on huskies and will need to do some research.

    For all the wild running around they were doing in the play room, I was a bit concerned about the drive home but they both rode in the car really nicely. I let them loose in the yard (fenced in, 6 foot chain link) and they ran themselves tired last night, and again this morning. Morning feeding went well, I did need to put Colt outside when he was finished so Zoe could finish in peace. Zoe did back away from the dish every time I stepped too close (I was making my coffee) but would go right back to the food when I moved a few inches away. She has come up to me looking for attention a few times, so I don't think it will be too hard to gain her trust.

    Right now both doggos are flat on the floor snoozing, Colt in the living room, Zoe in the kitchen. It may be very quiet (I've only heard one bark since I met them), but the house feels alive again.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    Kidi thanks. I like that nick name, "sugar lamb". I don't know of anyone that actually like the site. I just don't understand what's taking so long. It looks like the font is at least black.

    NM, congrats on your new family. I DO remember the dog you rescued and gave back, that is amazing. So sad when you see dogs being skiddish, or backing up like that. You just know they were abused. Anyways, I can hear your mom now! And I think you better get a bigger bed! I'm so so excited for you. Will be anxious to hear stories of your new life.

    My car was taking longer than they thought so after 5 hours they gave me a loaner. Toyota Corolla hybrid. Very low to the ground and worried me driving it on my rough dirt road for 6 miles. So I just took it slow and easy. Well, I was going through DH's emails while waiting for my car and I found some correspondence he was having with Amerita. There is a signed paper, but it almost sounds like he signed a blank form and then they added the charges later. I'll have to look more into it. It also said they would submit it to Healthwell, where he got the grant. The other thing that baffles me is that it says the charge is $35 a day for the first 14 day infusion and then 10 days on the second cycle. $35 for what? I did the infusions, only had a nurse here 4 times to put an IV in. So I'm glad I didn't get those papers in the mail before I did my car. I have more investigating to do on that.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    D'sOTD: (we have 2 today)

    Colt Cruiser

    See the source image

    2 cl rum (white)
    1 cl amaretto
    1 cl creme de bananas
    2 cl lemon juice
    12 cl lemonade
    ice cubes

    Add all liquid ingredients except lemonade with some ice cubes to the shaker and shake vigorously. Pour the mixture through the Bar Sieb onto other ice cubes in a long drink glass. Depending on your taste, fill with lemonade and stir before serving.
    Serve with drinking straw.

    Zoe Walker


    The Zoe Walker cocktail (Mix 2.0 oz Rock Sound Rum Smoked Coconut with 1.0 oz Cream of Coconut and 0.5 oz Fresh Lime Juice- Shake on ice and strain into Cocktail Glass filled with pellet ice - Float 1.0 oz Rock Sound Rum Smoked Coconut - Garnish Lime Wedge)

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited March 2022

    NM, Wonderful dog story. I think they will both be very happy with you. As you said, when the right dog comes along. . .

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2022

    Kim, the saying goes that "pets adopt you," and so Colt and Zoe were meant to be your furkids.

    Since yesterday, it's been brutally cold, with highs in the 20s (lower than our average low for this late in March). Walking to & from Regalia last night was torture--wearing a mask in the cold & windy outdoors barely helped, as my nose ran so badly once indoors that the PND ran down my throat and caused a tickly cough and vasomotor/exercise-induced asthma that doubtless scared the crap out of those at the tables on either side of me. Water didn't make a dent in it. Didn't stop till I took a hit off my inhaler. Ditched the mask on the walk home (only 3 blocks, mind you) and though my lips felt frozen I didn't feel any worse than had I worn the mask.

    DsOTD: with dinner, Villa Sparini Brut Spumante (Piemonte), made from the Cortese grape grown around Gavi. "Metodo classico" (champagne method, bottle-fermented), unlike prosecco, which is bulk-process (tank-fermented with added CO2 before bottling). Delightful pinpoint bubbles lasting till the end of the bottle. Dry but a tiny bit fruity, just different enough from the usual Pinot Nero (Noir) or Chardonnay that other producers like Franciacorta use. And since it was a cheat meal (see the "What's for Dinner" thread), we gladly accepted the comped after-dinner drink offered to us: a delightful Amaro that was soft and sweeter (hint of cherry) than it was bitter. (Most Amaros I've found are so bitter that they threaten my digestive system into behaving itself after dinner--they are best reserved for cocktails). It wasn't on the booze list so I'm not sure what brand--but that is one of the delights of being surprised.

    Back to the weather. Because it is the weekend before St. Pat's Day (and though next week is closer in time, after the holiday is anticlimactic), today was the annual dye-the-river-green day, followed by the first parade in two years (exactly two years after the shutdown began). Air temp at parade time was 14F, wind-chill -11. One must be resolutely Irish (or a tourist who spent an arm & a leg to be here for the holiday) to willingly endure that. I am neither of those things. The extent of my observance will be on the 17th itself: making Reubens, and Irish coffee from scratch with Jameson's or Bushmill's (brown Swerve for me and Demerara sugar for Bob). Will hand-whip the cream (using a battery-op frothing wand) just enough to thicken it and still allow it to pour and float atop the coffee. I hate it when clueless bars use Bailey's and Reddi-Wip, with a drizzle of green creme de menthe (or worse, green sugar or sprinkles). In these days of millennial craft-cocktail culture, though, we're seeing less of that. In that regard (to quote Pete Townshend), "the kids are alright."

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited March 2022

    NM, “the house feels alive again” brought me to tears this morning. DH and I are looking right now, a bonded pair would be great, it’s been a long 3 years since our last passed on. A very big congrats to you, I know you must be delighted.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    This website, just horrible. The mods, all talk and no action. It's been 2 weeks! What gives? I'm glad I'm able to get around to where I need to be without too much trouble, other than wait times, or error issues. I wonder how long this is going to take?

    Sandy, those are some cold temps...brrrrr.

    BabyGirl, good luck on your hunt for a fur baby or babies. Of course you will post pictures, eh? How are things coming along at the cabin and with the water issues?

    NM, I hope you and kids are having a wonderful getting to know one another day and that those babies are learning what love is.

    I went and picked up my FJ yesterday, and fell going in from the parking lot. With my mask on, I wasn't paying attention to the curb, which is like a smaller speed bump. My boots have a thick rubber tread on them and with my normal stride hit that bump and stopped me, however the top of my body stayed in motion and I was not able to catch myself and down I went, on knees and palms on concrete. Both knees scraped pretty good, palms not so much. People running over to see if I'm ok, I am, but so embarrassing! Just checked my labs from my last treatment, TM's continue to sky rocket. I'm getting close to 5000 now, normal in the mid 30's. I don't get it! I don't feel any different than I have in the last 7 years. Treatment tomorrow. I don't think MO is there this round, so there will be no discussion. He has mentioned switching me to Piqray. Any pill I have been on, SE's have been horrible. I don't really have any with these infusions. Even though that would mean I wouldn't have to make that 8 hour trip every 3 weeks, my choice would still be to stay with the infusions!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    DOTD: Bees Knees


    Honey Simple Syrup:
    In a small, heavy bottom sauce pan, combine 4 oz honey and 12 oz warm water. Bring to heat so the honey melts slowly and cook just below simmer for 5-10 minutes. Use a spatula to scrape sides and bottom of pan regularly. Makes approx 16 oz. Store in a sterilized pint size glass jar and keep refrigerated up to two weeks.

    Ginger Cardamom Infused Gin:
    Combine 16 oz gin (we used New Amsterdam) with rokz Ginger Cardamom Infusion kit. Infuse for 2-4 days, we found that we liked it at the 3 day mark.

    In a cocktail shaker combine:
    2 oz gin – infused with rokz Ginger Cardamom Infusion
    1 oz lemon juice
    1 oz honey simple syrup
    Shake well

    • Rub a fresh lemon slice around rim of a 10oz glass and then dip and turn the rim in rokz Lemon Infused Sugar.
    • Add ice cubes to glass and pour contents of shaker over ice.
    • Garnish with a fresh lemon slice and a honey stick for a stirrer.
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2022

    Good morning friends- happy daylight savings time. I am always happy to get the evening light back, especially because I love to walk in the evenings in spring and summer. It still feels like winter here a lot like most of you are getting. We had some snow here around the state a couple times this week, none here in ABQ, but think we have seen more snow this March than in most of the earlier part of winter. Moisture is always good for us no matter what, and the mountains are getting feet of snow at a time which we need for our water supply. Temps are warming up again and think there is rain coming later this week. I am working this weekend to set up a few things on the back patio and get some clean up started on the gardens. Spring is finding it's way in slowly but surely.

    I was out to a restaurant to dine indoors for the first time since late 2021, I was staying low during the worst of the winter surge which has come down very quickly here the past few weeks. We have gone from thousands a day to hundreds a day and better yet, from over 700 covid patients in house state wide to only around 160 inpatient state wide. It's been good to see our hospital ICU drop below 100% for the first time since early last summer.

    Dinner last was at a fav spot in the valley for a friend's upcoming graduation. Four of us enjoyed some great food, beverage and conversation. There were a couple of nice bottles (one of champagne and one of white wine) recommended by the sommolier. I will post pics of those for you. Social outings are increasing again, and I have some little junkets around the state, a cousin visting, some birthday outings and a concert in the next month. Feels good to be able to plan more fun things again (work/life balance has been sorely lacking for way to long.....)

    NM- I love how Colt came to you initially to show you that you were ready for another doggo. And now he came back to you and with a friend. There is a lot to be said sometimes for the synchroniticy of things that one can never explain but that bring us this kind of joy. I saw your posts on FB and here too and everyone seems like they are settling in. Plus, when you are at work, they will have each other to hang and play with. Congratulations on your new furbabies!

    Chi- I love St Patty's day, have some irish roots on my father's side of the family and have had to attempts to go thwarted since 2017. I was watching something on TV yesterday about Ireland that was county by county and it made me want to think again about planning a trip. Maybe for 2023. I always thought the green river would be cool to see in Chicago, and the area I grew up in back east always had a fun parade this weekend which I saw was back on this year. Not much Irish stuff here, but know there will be people out partying on Thursday just the same. Its a work night so not this girl. The wedding is coming up really fast, you must be getting excited.

    Goldie- sorry to hear about the fight over the bills. I have had to fight things in the past with some genetics tests I was told would be paid for but then weren't because the office didn't do the job to get the prior authorizations required by insurance. I remember getting a bill once for $7K and freaked out. Anyways, I think you can and should fight it and think saying you will take it to the insurance comission via NM is a good idea.

    Ill - how are the preparations coming along on the move out to west Texas? Do you have any scans or other tests coming up or is everything stable for the moment. Eating or drinking anything good?

    Karen- my friend in Denver says it continues to snow there and is very cold. She is a skiier and enjoying the fresh powder when she goes but does not like the bitter cold either.

    Kidi, Wren, Minus Two, Celica C, and others, wishing you a good weekend!