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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    Karen, I'm excited for you. I use this waiting time as exciting time, cuz it always comes and goes too quickly.

    Sandy, I hope you're feeling better. I had to look up torticolis, didn't know what it was.

    Wren, I totally agree it was DH telling me he's ok. But boy did I bawl like a baby!

    Got my letters off yesterday. I just can't believe how unprofessional they are being. Just blows my mind. Tring to figure out what to get Nora for her b-day. Mom says she doesn't have much for outside. All I can think of is some kind of little riding toy. Any suggestions?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    DOTD: Devine

    Eat North: H2 Rotisserie & Bar Divine Cocktail

    This cocktail is homage to Harris Glenn Milstead, the famous drag queen Divine. It is a combination of three notorious tiki drinks: Blue Hawaii, Hurricane and Pina colada.

    1/4 oz. Bols Blue curaçao

    1 recipe Hurricane

    1 recipe pina colada foam

    3 pineapple leaves, for garnish

    Pour blue curaçao into bottom of a pilsner glass. Add crushed ice to nearly top of glass. Layer Hurricane over top of blue curaçao and then top with piña colada foam.

    Garnish with pineapple leaves, flag and a brightly coloured straw.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2022

    Lorrie, do you have trouble logging in here? I tried with Edge... can't do it! Then I tried with Chrome, and at least got to THIS thread. Is anyone else having problems?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    ED, I use Microsoft Edge. My laptop stays on and I just leave BCO up, same with FB. So I don't turn my computer off unless I need to take it with me somewhere. I'm not sure if the browser matters. The site is just f'd up.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2022

    Hopefully, the forums "construction" is complete now! 4 days here is like forever.

    No alcohol for the past 2 days (though I'd thought of making an Aperol spritz yesterday after my weigh-in, but it was just too cold & wet out for anything iced). I tried an "enhanced" K-up (antioxidants & extra caffeine), mocha flavor. Bleccch. (I think it was meant to be drunk with the "bulletproof" MCT-oil creamer advertised on the box, and I don't put anything in my coffee except for cappuccino). So I made a decaf breve cappuccino instead.

    Had planned to have my weekly cheat meal at Regalia, but Bob called and said he couldn't make it because he got three new consults (he's sensing how expensive our end of the wedding will be and also wants to take a long weekend in DC to see my sis in late May, so he's taking every new patient who comes down the pike). He said to go out and treat myself, but no way was I walking alone even 3 blocks in a raging icy downpour (nowhere to park there). So no wines for me.

    But tonight I will do bubbly (assuming what's open in the fridge hasn't gone flat) to celebrate no side effects from yesterday's booster-to-the-booster; and finding out I'd gained only 5 lbs. since Sept. (and, fully clothed, am 2 lbs. down from my "despair" weight, buck naked 2 weeks ago). If the bubbly is flat, I will make that Aperol spritz (or maybe figure something out with St. Germain or a spicy Skinnygirl Margarita), predicted wet snowfall notwithstanding. (And tentatively being able to post here again before the Mods put the "under construction" scaffolding back up).

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2022

    Just lost my post, so I'll just say hi!!!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited March 2022

    Finally able to get back in and catch up on posts.

    Goldie - I remember MemaSue's posts. Thanks for letting us know. She seemed like she would be a fun person to meet up with. Hope you are recovering from your fall. Echoing other posts about adorable Nora. She must bring you and your family a lot of joy.

    NM - Double your pleasure, double your fun, you got yourself two dogs instead of just one!

    ChiSandy - Safe travels to NOLA. Sounds like your son's wedding will be a wonderful time.

    Had a lovely St Paddy's Day celebration. A beautiful 72 degree day. I have a good friend who is recuperating at her daughter's after a hospital stay & was invited for dinner/drinks. Guinness Draft (bottled) was the DOTD.

    Reminiscing about the last really great Irish Coffees I had. It was at The Buena Vista Café in San Francisco, credited with introducing Irish coffee to the United States. What a great atmosphere and experience!

    A big hello to all and hope to be able to jump back in again soon!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited March 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Yesterday was pretty exciting, there was a huge fire at a potato processing plant in the town where my school is. The immediate area, including the high school and school bus garage, was evacuated, with a nursing home's residents evacuated to the Middle School, so school was initially delayed and then canceled. There was a lot of concern about ammonia tanks that were close to the fire. At one point the thought was at least one of them would blow, but the fire departments were able to prevent that from happening.


    So I wound up turning around and coming back home again. Which was a good thing, because Colt is limping around and I'm trying to figure out if he's hurt himself wrestling with Zoe or if something more is going on. He laid pretty low yesterday, but was moving around more as the day went on. He's still eating and drinking, doesn't look like he's in pain except when he is limping around, and still playing with things, so I'm hoping that whatever just needs a day or two of rest.

    I am really glad to see the forums back online, even if they are still glitchy.I really missed this part of my morning routine!

    Chi--I hope all your dresses show up in time to give you a nice variety of choices for the wedding.And I hope your neck feels better--that has got to be awfully uncomfortable.

    Goldie--praying the letters bring about some movement from the infusion company. I bet Nora would love a riding toy for outside. And what a beautiful DOTD!

    Teka--I'm expecting mud season to be twice the fun this year!

    Chi--I'm glad your booster to the booster didn't give you any side effects.

    Good Morning, Karen!

    Celia--MemaSue was a lot of fun to be with on the cruise a few years back. Sounds like your St Paddy's day celebration was great.

    Welcome Back Cocktail

    3 slices English Cucumber

    1 small piece of green chile (I used a small piece of Serrano pepper, about an inch long)

    1 sprig fresh cilantro

    1 1/2 ounce gin (I used Hendricks)

    1/2 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice

    1/2 ounce simple syrup (I had already prepared cucumber simple syrup on hand, so I used that)

    First, fill your cocktail glass with ice. Then muddle 2 slices of the cucumber, the cilantro sprig and the chile pepper in a cocktail shaker. Pour the ice from the glass into the cocktail shaker, then add the gin, lime juice and simple syrup. Shake, shake, shake! Strain and pour into the cocktail glass. Cheers!

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    Teka, too funny that cartoon you posted fir NM. And happy you can lurk and post, yes yippee!

    Sandy, I think the "construction" is far from complete! Lots of angry gals around here.

    Karen, sorry about the Gremlins. I don't think I recal you losing a post ever. I always type in notepad or word first, then copy/paste.

    Celia thank you. Nora is just a happy baby, and yes brings a ton of joy.

    NM, I'm glad those tanks didn't blow, especially when it was said "not if, but when". Hopefully there were no incidences?

    I have heard nothing from Amerita. They should have received my letters M and T. I included my email and phone. I got nothin! So, I ain't payin nothin!

    Due this BIG mess here on BCO, I'm going to add another DOTD:

    A BIG Bloody Mary! It's actually featured at a restaurant in Phoenix.

    AZ's Biggest Bloody Mary Bar Also Serves Giant Mimosas And Alcoholic Capri Suns

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    I thought about getting Nora a riding toy, or something with water, but decided on this. She'll get many years use out of it.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2022

    Hi friends- just a quick note before to say hello. March has been filled with the good, the bad and the ugly but so it goes sometimes in this world of ours.

    It's been nice here for the most part but we had a surprise snow storm over night Tuesday that dropped four inches of snow here in the valley. It was gone by noon, lol. We had two full days of moisture this week which is really good for us. The fruit trees are coming out slowly, and not sure how much the snow ruined the blooms but know many here say the late snows ruin the chance for fruit. Yesterday it was back up to 70 and going to be up to 80 tomorrow. That is warm for March, and of course, we have the spring to winter to spring whiplash over here right now too!

    Ended up with a major car repair this month that took a lot of time and money. Just got the car back on Monday. In the perfect world, I would have probably traded it in for what I could get for it and buy new (its 12 years old, but new cars have to be ordered and take months to get and don't want a pre-owned car. I bought this car new, and know it's history at least. Anyways, moving past that now and had good luck with this vehicle with very little repair work needed. A reminder the car is older and that things are changing. The car is running well, but I ended up postponing a long weekend trip to the hot springs down south planned for this weekend until I have had more time with the car to feel comfortable before I go out of town. I probably will have another 100K I can get out of this car and will run it into the ground or it will run me into the ground, lets see who wins!

    ChiSandy- I hope the tornado in NOLA has not changed anything for the wedding plans. That poor city just gets hit over and over, Katrina, Covid, now a tornado. Wishing you a great time!

    Goldie- I hope your trip to see the family and meet little NOLA goes well. A break from all you have been through in AZ and connection with family will be a very good thing. Also wishing you a good time!

    NM- sorry to hear about that terrible fire in Belfast. I have friends and also some cousins that live there. I hope no one was hurt, but do expect that a lot of people now no longer have a job. I saw your note on FB that it was a total loss. Hope the new pups continue to make you happy!

    Teka, Ill, Mistyeyes, Karen, Chevy, and everyone else, hope you are doing well as this month wraps up.

    I have a super busy April coming up so I probably won't be here as much. Family in town next weekend, some mini trips out of town on a couple weekends, work deadlines, and more. Wishing everyone a good wrap up to March and will be back again when I can.

    Stay well friends!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited March 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! The sun is out, the snow is mostly melted off, mud season is moving into full swing. Having the sunlight later into the evening is very nice, but getting out of bed in the dark is still a struggle. Still, I look forward to a time when I don't have to adjust to time changes. Getting up in the dark is going to happen no matter what time zone or type of time is going on.

    Big Boy Colt is limping around on a couple of sprains, and manages to look very, very pathetic while he's at it. But he's able to get up and down off the bed and the ottoman, and doesn't limp anywhere near as much when he doesn't know I'm looking, or when he's coming for his din-din or a treat or to beat Zoe to the recliner, so I'm sure he'll be just fine. Zoe has decided she's a lap dog, and I'm learning to play on the tablet and watch tv around her presence. They are both finding the toys and starting to play with them, too. It is so nice to hear a woof and the pitter-patter of paws when I get home!

    Goldie--this morning's log in notice from the Mods acknowledges the problems with the discussion boards and mentions it's being worked on, so at least they are aware of the effect the changes are having. Hopefully it won't take long to sort things out.We are very lucky, or blessed, that the ammonia tanks didn't blow in the fire. The news team that was out there very early in the ayem was told to move back because at least one tank was expected to blow due to being so close to the flames and the heat. Apparently, more manpower and equipment arrived from other towns very shortly after that and the tanks could be adequately protected. So far the environmental monitoring reports have found no noxious fumes beyond the smoke generated by a structure fire. No hospital treatments related to the fire have been reported. The town has been very lucky, or blessed with a very good fire department, no nearby damages other than soot on the outside walls, and this plant sits on the waterfront, in the middle of a residential area. It's a very old plant, the residential area grew up around it as the town grew. But 138 people are now out of a job unexpectedly. A lot of assistance is being mobilized locally and at the state level. Holy cow, that Bloody Mary is not just a BIG drink, it's a big meal, too! That little picnic table is ADORABLE!!!!

    Jazzy--love the spring to winter to spring whiplash description! So accurate. Sorry about the major car repair bill. Sometimes it's worth it to keep a car running as long as possible, in the long run I think less is spent that way. It will be interesting to see who gives out first, you or the car! No one seriously hurt, a few on-scene minor injuries among firefighters but nothing requiring a trip to the Emergency room, for which everyone is very grateful. All of the working staff got out safely at the time. It was a very old building and it's a bit of a shame to have lost it, but buildings are replaceable. 138 people losing a job in a town as small as Belfast is going to have a huge impact. The pups are continuing to break me in and get me trained, and I am loving it. Have a great time on your trips and with your family, travel save, and drop in when you can!

    It must be Jazzy's birthday!Happy Birthday, Jazzy!

    A sweet and chocolate-y Birthday Cake Martini recipe to toast any birthday girl!!

    Birthday Cake Martini


    • 2 ounces Vodka
    • 3 ounces Coconut Cream (or half and half)
    • 1 ounce White Chocolate liqueur (I used Godiva)
    • 1 ounce Amaretto
    • Ice
    • For Glass rims:
    • 2 tablespoons honey
    • Sprinkles


    1. Place the honey and sprinkles on two separate shallow dishes. Dip your martini glass in the honey first and then into the sprinkles to coat the rim. Set aside.
    2. In a cocktail shaker, combine all the ingredients with ice and shake very well. Pour cocktail into prepared glass.
    3. Enjoy!

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    Jazzy, I'm in the same boat as you with the car. My FJ is 15 yo and has 185,000 miles on it! I just spent over $800 on fixes and they tell me I need about $1000+ more done to it. Like you, I need it to be safe as most of my driving is not only long distance, but higher speeds on 99% of the roads I'm on. Enjoy your little trips and family time.

    NM, so glad no one was hurt from that fire, but sad for those that lost their jobs because of it. You sure sound happy! I do hope Colt is ok. Funny how they can play you. If I remember right, I think I recall Sadie pulling that trick?

    I'm just glad to be able to come back and post. I've been following the "post your glitches...." thread. We have a lot of angry members! I leave Friday for Moab and will probably head back on the 6th or 7th. Sending Nora a birthday gift will throw mom of knowiing of my visit.

    Teka, thanks for...

    See the source image

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2022

    Happy Birthday, Jazzy! Weather-wise, we are in the midst of the Bipolar Vortex--and no way off the roller coaster till at least the second week of April. If it's sunny, it's cold. If it's warmer, it's windy & raining hard. In between, cold raw rain changing to snow. Ugh.

    Thurs. at Regalia I had an Aerol Spritz and we split a bottle of Villa Sparini brut.

    Finished the Mumm Napa DVX last night we'd opened over a week ago and it was still fizzy. Drinking Twining's "Jasmine & Pearls" green tea (silk sachets) I bought in London 5 years ago (!). Still yummy. We're going out to Chez Joel tonight, so will likely have a white or a bubbly with a seafood app and a light red with coq au vin.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited March 2022

    Good morning everyone! Just heard a news story about a school project “pep talk hotline”, which plays recorded advice from kids. My favorite was “if you feel nervous, go get your wallet and spend it on ice cream and shoes” LOL

    We’ve accepted an offer on our house, closing in about 30 days. Lots to be done still but I can’t wait to be a full time mountain girl.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited March 2022

    Good Morning. Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! Back to school day, hard to believe that it's the last week of March. I am looking forward to April break, I must admit. Hopefully by then the sun will be coming up about the time I need to get up. I hate getting up in the dark!

    Colt has gotten over whatever was bothering him, and is back to running around, jumping on and off the deck, and wrestling with Zoe and knocking furniture around. I had to take Zoe's collar off, Colt figured out he could get hold of that and control her, even drag her around by it! I don't blame him, she has been instigating most of the wrestling, and is constantly trying to chew on his ears or face.

    I fell asleep in the recliner last night and the night before, both times with Zoe on my lap. Both nights Colt evicted her and slept over me about half way through the night! I have got to try to get a pic of great big Colt snoozing on me like that.

    Goldie--Sadie did pull the limping trick on me a few times, but she did have arthritis in her later years. Medication made a nearly miraculous difference for her. I still can't decide if Colt really got hurt or was faking the whole time, but I'm glad he's back to his usual behavior now. I'll have to check out the post your glitches thread, I bet people are very upset!

    Chi--that tea sounds absolutely yummy! That weather roller coaster sounds like a real bummer. I hope the end of it comes as predicted and doesn't get prolonged.

    Illi--Congrats on the imminent house closing! You must be excited.

    Mountain Cocktail



    Shake with ice and strain into cocktail glass.Serve in a Cocktail Glass.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2022

    Kim - love hear all about Colt and Zoe. Keep them coming - pictures too.

    Lori - the picnic table is great. What a nice gift. My two older kids always got outside presents for their birthdays since they are in May - picnic table, sand box, wading pool, bicycles etc.

    Jazzy - happy birthday

    Sandy - the wedding is coming up quickly - everyone must be excited.

    Lori - 2 weeks tomorrow till DD#2 arrives and one week later DD#1. I've been mailing DD#2 counting down cards and she is so happy to get them. Not sure if there is enough time for one more card to arrive before she leaves, so will wait and mail a card to greet her when she gets back home.

    Nice week-end hiking in the mountains - will post photos from my phone.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2022

    The wedding is accelerating its approach. Had some wardrobe glitches (never order a dress two months in advance if your weight fluctuates), but it's all ironed out now. Switching to the brunch-planning stage--dunno who on the rehearsal-dinner list will still be around by Sunday afternoon. Had some blood tests today (but not lipids, as I didn't fast). Setting up all my final appointments: dentist, MRI, melanoma MO, mani this week and toenail polish-change next, hair (roots & trim). Arranging game plan for our landscaper who will be staining our deck and also cat-sitting (I fear he has no idea what he's in for, despite sitting his girlfriend's cats when she's away).

    DOTD last night, with leftover chicken breast & green beans, was Sunny With a Chance of Flowers low-carb/calorie/alcohol unoaked Chardonnay. Just had an almondmilk breve cappuccino--not sure what I'll eat tonight so not sure what I'll be drinking.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    BabyGirl, congrats on the sale of your house. I've heard of that pep talk. I didn't know it was recorded, but great advice!

    NM, I'm glad Colt is feeling better. Sneaky boy, grabbing Zoe by the collar. OMG, Colt slept on you? Seems like that would be painful, he's a big boy! Any plans for the April break?

    Karen, what do you do, mail a card every day? What a sweet idea! And to have one there when she gets home. I'm excited for you, having both girls home at the same time. I won't get to see my DD until Sept. I liked the picnic table as she will get several years out of it. Instead of outgrowing it in a few months, like they do with most toys and clothes even.

    Sandy, good luck with all you have left to do. Crunchtime!

    I still haven't heard back from that company on the $840, but then I haven't been to the post office either. I might go out today, I have to go for my Faslodex injections, but it rained. So, depends how wet the roads are. If it's muddy, I'll wait and go tomorrow.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2022

    Lori - I've been mailing cards weekly for the past few weeks. Normally I mail a card every so often, but I think I'll start with monthly after this trip. When I lost post in the past, I generally re-wrote at least part of it. I was too tired the other day to do it.

    Illi - congrats on selling your house. I'm not sure where you are now regarding housing market but by me, many house are selling within days for asking price or even higher. Keep us posted on the move.

    I tried getting on the boards from my phone, but I couldn't get on. On my computer its not letting me post pictures!!!

    Wild fire season has started early here in Colorado. There have been 2 or 3 in the past week or so.

    Cold and damp and rain this afternoon.

    Have a great Tuesday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    Karen, that is such a sweet gesture. I'm sure your DD looks forward to her cards. You can never stop now! Fires have started here too. Nothing too drastic yet, but it's very very dry.

    DOTD: Goblet of Fire

    Goblet of Fire Cocktail

    2 ounces Ty Ku Liqueur

    1 ounce coffee liqueur

    1 teaspoon cream

    1 ounce 151-proof rum

    1 dash grated cinnamon

    Gather the ingredients.

    In a cocktail shaker, pour the two liqueurs.

    Fill with ice and shake well.

    Strain into a wine goblet or cocktail glass.

    Float the cream on top by pouring it slowly over the back of a bar spoon.

    Float the rum on top of the cream using the same technique.

    Light the rum with a match. As the flame burns, sprinkle some grated cinnamon onto the flame (it should spark a little).

    Clap your hands over the flame to put it out (double-check that it's extinguished) and give the drink a quick stir. Serve and enjoy.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited March 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Just a quick poop in, my internet at home is down and out, working on getting the modem replaced, so I will be off line for a few days.

    Will ketchup when I get back on line!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2022

    Happy Wednesday. Spring break is over 1/2 over. Cleaned my ovens and cook top this morning. Will have to do a quick once over just before Passover. I'm always so proud after cleaning but don't do it often enough. Yesterday I did the fridge in the basement and the freezer. Going to tackle the kitchen fridge when I got off BCO.

    Lori - she does like the cards.

    In the past week, there have been at least 3 terror attacks in Israel with 11 Israeli's murdered. The one yesterday was in the town next to my DD#2 and in fact just a mere 5 minute walk from her apt. She sometimes catches the bus there. And her school isn't far from the attacks either. There was a shooting attack during the day with 5 people murdered. I knew about the attack, but when DD texted me to tell me that it happened and that she was okay it just broke my heart. I knew she was okay physically, but I wasn't convinced that it didn't shake her up. This was harder for me than the bomb attacks when she sent us texts with her in the bomb shelter in the fall. I can't wait to see her in 13 days to get a great big hug. I need it and so does she.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    Dang site keeps logging me out!

    NM, we will miss you, Colt and Zoe. I hope you are back up and running soon!

    Karen OMG, that pulls at my heart strings. How do keep from going cray cray! Any thoughts of having DD come back home to live for a bit. I don't think I would be able to sleep at night. Prayers for her safety, her freinds and all affected.

    Ha ha, my oven is a "hot" mess, pun intended! Fridge and freezer cleaned out last week. I'm amazed at how much space there is after getting rid of the stuff DH ate. In my fridge, upright freezer and cabinets! Finally heard back from Amerita. The per diem charge is for stuff that goes on behind the scenes per se. Doctor calls, perscriptions being wrote, blah blah. Nothing that had to be done on a daily basis from what he tried to explain. Just a way to dig into a pocket. The foundation won't cover it if Medicade doesn't and guess what, Medicade doesn't. So I signed the paper and he said it looked like we would def. get the "hardship" and it should be covered 100%.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2022

    Karen, prayers for your DD's safety and your peace of mind. We've had our own nerve-wracking lately: a carjacking in our old neighborhood, across the street on the corner where we'd lived for 7 years; and two days ago, a middle-aged father was gunned down on his way to work in Lakeview, only half a mile from Gordy & Leslie's house.

    We're biting our nails hoping the tornadoes miss NOLA this time. Meanwhile, Chicago's in the BiPolar Vortex--rain-snow mix followed by cold & clear followed by warm & stormy--lather, rinse, repeat. Guess what's supposed to happen next Thurs., when we fly out of Midway? Yup--mixed rain & snow showers. So trying to make a dinner res. with our BFFs, my sis & her DH & DD is "up in the air" case our plane isn't.

    Even more stressful is trying to make a Sunday brunch res. for our party (10 days out) for the day after the wedding--as few as 18 people and as many as 22. Any places taking reservations for brunch that day require booking a private room for a party that size--and the private rooms are booked up weeks ahead. Our one hope is the large casual-Cajun Mulate's (aka House of Stuff You Shouldn't Tell Your Doctor You Ate): they told me they don't take brunch reservations but can definitely handle our party as a walk-in. It's a fun, authentically Cajun place with live music, no dress code (no shoes, no shirt, no service--flip-flops count as "shoes"). But health food it's not. (I suppose they can do a plain burger or seared shrimp--but spice levels may be challenging for some). I will definitely have that oyster po'boy I've been craving since summer 2019.

    OK, DOTD: with dinner of pan-seared scallops, 2020 Domaine François Millet Sancerre.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2022

    Thank you for the birthday wishes 🤗

    My sister has a new golden puppy.


  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited March 2022

    Jazzy, your sisters puppy is so cute.

    Karen, I pray for your daughters safety. It will be so good for you both to see each other.

    Goldie- It is great that you will get help with all the medical bills. That is a big relief.

    Sandy- I am sure whatever you decide to wear will be great and just enjoy every moment of the wedding.

    NM- Wow! That explosion was horrible. I am glad that no one was hurt. I bet a lot of people are out of work now.

    Illimae- Glad you got an offer for the house. It is exciting to finally be at your cabin. You both worked so hard building it, and the pictures you post of the area is beautiful and so peaceful.

    We have are having rain and it looks like we will have it until Sunday. I am going through cleaning out some paperwork and it is going slow because I am watching tv while I am doing it. No one here to catch me sloughing off. Mammo tomorrow morning, I always hate them, but I really try to block it from my mind until I am there in the waiting room.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2022

    Spring break is coming to an end. I've been fairly productive in the house.

    Lori - Israel is my daughter's home. She wouldn't be happy living back in CO. She has a very tight knit group of friends. I worry when things happen, but this past week was different. I think she is okay based on texts today - she was working on a school assignment and wanting to get her CC limit raised. You know how low CC limits are on first CC. The card is in her name and tied into her bank account. We will talk tomorrow morning. 12 days till she arrives. When both girls are here we are going to the Botanical Gardens. When DD#2 arrives, I'm working T,W,TH - always off Fridays and I'll be busy cooking for the sedar. I'm taking the following week off and DD#2 and I will do some hiking before her sister arrives. The time will go by quickly.

    Thanks everyone for you care and concern for my DD#2 safety. I've learned over the almost 36 years that I've been a Mom that I'll always worry about my kids. She just happens to live in a country where lots happens.

    Have a great night.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    Sandy, when are you supposed to fly out? And when is your return?

    Jazzy, what a cute puppy. But then again, what puppy ISN'T cute? What's his/her name?

    Misty, I don't know if that bill will be paid or not. It's time to play the waiting game! I hear ya on the paper work. Good luck with the mammo today, in your pocket.

    Karen, I guess I just assumed she was going to school there and would be back after that. Good for her trying to improve her credit. YES, we always worry about our kids, no matter the age.

    Went for my injections yesterday. I'll be leaving in the morning. No set time, just whenever I'm ready. Shooting for 8-9 am.

    DOTD: Golden Dream, for Jazzy's sister's puppy.

    Golden Dream

    3/4 oz Galliano

    3/4 oz Triple Sec

    3/4 oz Orange Juice

    1/3 oz Milk Cream

    Decoration: Orange Twist

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2022

    Her name is London
