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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    I'm back with a quick post, and not a good one. You know how they say deaths come in 3, well I've had my 3rd one. Our SuziQ has passed away. My lil doity butt has been on my mind for the last few months and I just haven't called. Would forget, or it just wasn't a good time. Decided to get it done today. I called her cell and it had been disconnected, I started to think the worse right then. Thank goodness I had her home number and as I was leaving a message, her DH picked it up. Sue passed mid February. She had been struggling this last year and really bad these last couple of months. She was on hospice at home and pretty drugged up when she passed with her kids and husband by her side.

    RIP my friend, I love you.

    This is from when a group of us met up in Vegas.

    No photo description available.

    We had met up in KY to visit another breasty and had a lampshade party, had sillystring and a grand time!

    No photo description available.

    No photo description available.

    And this is my LDB Lil Doity Butt

    No photo description available.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2022

    Oh, Lori, so sad to hear about SuzyQ (MemaSue?). Take care of your wrists & forearms--a FOOSH (Fall On Outstretched Hand) injury can be a bear, with effects creeping up.

    Jazzy, just got a photo from a pen pal (literally--he sells & restores vintage fountain pens) in Alamagordo--snow on the ground and a still-bare tree. We're finally getting a little spring--going up to 50 today, all the snow that fell Thurs-Fri. has melted or evaporated (sublimated, if I remember physics).

    Kim, hearing about awful blizzard conditions up in ME--between that and the still-high case rates in the interior, glad it's a Sunday and you can stay indoors.

    Last night had Ch. Ste. Michelle (WA) 2020 Sauv. Blanc. Going out downtown for surf (me) & turf (Bob) early tonight after his haircut and a quick refill of our (very) dark chocolate stash from Teuscher--if I drink it'll probably be a glass of bubbly,

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 942
    edited March 2022

    Hello friends, I'm trying to pop on and keep up but between the loooooong response times and the fact that when you return to a favorite thread it takes me to the end instead of where I left off...well call me confused and frustrated. I worked in technology and this was an embarrassing, poorly done implementation. I hope it was free otherwise I think they overpaid!

    My DH has been away so I had a few girls nights out; one with a sangria so large I couldn't finish it and last night Coppola pinot noir. Delish with Italian food. 🍷👍

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited March 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! It's been a really nice weekend for the most part, getting to know Cold and Zoe and getting them settled in. For a dog who supposedly never lived in a house, Zoe sure has gotten the hang of house training and claiming furniture pretty quickly. Colt has started training me already. When he wants something he looks at me with the big blockhead of his, and tilts his head back and forth until I figure out what he wants. Only one real spat so far, over food this ayem, that I immediately broke up, and they will keep being fed in different places and with me nearby to make sure Zoe gets her share without having to fight for it.

    Visited Mom yesterday. She didn't feel up to going out for her birthday day lunch, come to find out she's been playing with her medications again, and stopped taking a pill she's prescribed for her arthritis pain, a med that should not be stopped abruptly. No wonder her blood pressure was through the roof! She was predictably appalled that I adopted 2 dogs, and for one to be a rottweiler mix, well, how could I get such a dangerous dog? Not as much of a scene as I expected, though.

    Goldie--wow, the infusion situation seems to have gotten more confusing. I hope you get it all figured out soon.

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Colt Cruise and Zoe Walker!

    Wren--yup, the dogs adopted me. I just paid the fee!

    Illi--good luck with the search! I've seen some bonded pairs on Petfinder. The right ones will find you, too, I'm sure.

    Goldie--Yikes, on the fall, hope you are not hurting too much. You really haven't had much luck with the chemo pills, have you? I wish the infusion was working better.

    The Bees Knees sounds like it tastes like the bees knees!

    Jazzy--I like getting the evening light, too, but really do not like going back to getting up in the dark. Finding Colt in the road that morning really was a turning point for me and a signal that it was time. I just didn't know he would be the one! I like the idea they have each other for company while I'm at work. Hopefully that will keep them out of trouble!

    Goldie--I was so surprised to hear about MemaSue's passing. I was so blessed to meet her on the Disney cruise. I cherish the memory of that trip more and more every year.

    Chi--I got lucky and missed the Blizzard conditions this time around, kept itself mostly to the mountains. The wind Sunday was bitingly cold, though.

    Reader--I noticed the Avatars are back today and the font is black rather than gray, both are welcome signs of progress. But I agree, not the best example of a software transition.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2022

    Lori - I'm so sorry to hear about Sue. I remember her from theses pages. When FB memories come up and I see my former friends from here who have passed it just cuts my heart. Too many wonderful women taken way too soon. Good luck with your appointment. I remember all the side effects you were having on some oral meds. Are you sore from your fall? Glad it wasn't worse. Hugs my friend.

    Kim - love the stories about the pups. They are so lucky to have you for their forever mom. My son rescued a malamute/shepherd many years ago and Bear was a fantastic dog. He would howl!!! So loving and sweet but big. He was 82# when we got him and was over 115# a while later. Keep the stories coming.

    Have a great Monday. Two weeks till spring break. Kim we don't get as many vacations as you do back east. Thanksgiving week, 2 week winter break and 1 week spring break plus all the legal holidays everyone gets.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited March 2022

    NM, thanks for the pet finder tip, I’ll check it out.

    Sad to hear about memasue, thank you for letting us know Goldie. I hope things are going ok for you with everything you’re still dealing with.

    Jazzy, the move is in high gear now, packing up the last non essential stuff and scheduling realtors out in a couple weeks. I have a brain MRI on Thursday and will return to Houston every 3 months for scans but I’m already getting my maintenance infusions locally in El Paso every 3 weeks. Progress on the cabin is slow but moving forward.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2022

    NM - I had a feeling your mom would have something to say about your new pups 🙄

    Goldie - I saw your post on FB about MemeSue. Very sorry to hear this new 😞

  • lalbo
    lalbo Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2022

    Popping in and out since I'm at work!

    Here's my Peachy Pink Empress. First one is prior to mix and the second one is mixed. It was very good.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited March 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! I may not like getting up in the dark, but it was awfully nice to have a double dog cuddle in bed this ayem after hitting the snooze button. Colt sleeps on the bed with me, I think Zoe sleeps in the recliner, but I don't know for sure because she comes into the bedroom as soon as the alarm goes off. She parks in the recliner every chance she gets. I have figured out that Colt knows "sit" but does not know "down" and I'm still not sure about "come" but time will tell. Zoe's training will be starting from scratch, but she looks to Colt for leads so I think she'll learn quickly.

    It was a bit wild at school yesterday. Between the time change and having 2 substitute teachers and a substitute music teacher there was lots of wild energy floating around. Lots ofyelling and noise, too, and so lots of sore throats. Either there is an outbreak of strep (didn't see any signs of that) or COVID (always possible) or monkey-see, monkey-do, get a cough drop (most likely) going on.

    Karen--115# is a lot of doggo! We may get more breaks than you, but the same amount of time--we get a long weekend at Thanksgiving, winter break is just a bit more than 1 week, February break is 1 week as is spring break in April, along with the usual holidays giving us 3 day weekends.

    Illi--You must be getting excited about the move to the cabin getting closer. It sounds like everything is coming together.

    Jazzy--I knew what mom would say, too. I was surprised how little she actually said, though. She was more focused on getting her new credit card activated, so I helped her with that. And then I spent some time lecturing her about messing around with her medications and trying to make her see that her blood pressure being all over the place is probably related to her picking and choosing which pills she'll take on any given day.

    Lalbo--the Peachy Pink Empress is BEAUTIFUL, mixed and unmixed!

    Morning, Teka!

    The Cuddle Buddy


    1.5 oz Cathead Honeysuckle vodka

    6-8 oz prepared hot cider

    1 oz Pomegranate juice

    3 fresh sweet cherries, whole

    3 fresh raspberries

    2 fresh sweet cherries (for garnish)

    2 fresh raspberries (for garnish)


    Place fresh fruit in heat safe cup. Add pomegranate juice, hot cider and vodka, stir. Garnish with cherries and raspberries on a skewer.

    From <>

    The Cuddle Buddy


    1.5 oz Cathead Honeysuckle vodka

    6-8 oz prepared hot cider

    1 oz Pomegranate juice

    3 fresh sweet cherries, whole

    3 fresh raspberries

    2 fresh sweet cherries (for garnish)

    2 fresh raspberries (for garnish)


    Place fresh fruit in heat safe cup. Add pomegranate juice, hot cider and vodka, stir. Garnish with cherries and raspberries on a skewer.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2022

    Kim - we are on a 187 day contract year - kids 175 days if the school is on the traditional calendar (not charter or innovation which gets to decide their calendar and length of school day which are longer). I'm so used to the 2 week winter break after 30+ years working in schools and plus my own schooling, I don't think I could give that up for another week of somewhere else. Staff start mid August and we are done first week in June. Interesting how different things are back east which starting later and going longer into June. That's how it was when I was growing up. Enjoying the daily pup updates.

    I've got a cold or sinus infection - dripping sinus plus coughing - had this 2+ years ago and it ended up being sinus infection. Took antigen test yesterday and it was negative. I felt way worse last night than I do this morning, but time will tell. Need to keep up on the generic "musinex D" (guaifenicin (sp) and cough suppressant) on a consistent basis.

    Have a great Tuesday/

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    Sandy, interesting collection your pen pal has.

    Reader, lol at BCO over paying if the upgrade was free. I'm not an IT person, but you would think they could put it back like it was until it's fixed.

    NM, so glad the pups are getting along. Have they both found there way into your bed? Glad mom's reaction wasn't as bad as you expected.

    BabyGirl, all the best to you on Thursday. Having scans every 3 months, do you get scanxiety each time?

    Lalbo, thanks for sharing your Peachy Pink Empress. It looks perfect.

    Ha ha NM, nevermind about the dogs in bed! That is sweet that Zoe comes in as soon as the alarm goes off. Good luck in the training.

    Karen, sorry you are not feeling well. I too was thinking about how the schools and breaks can be so different.

    I am sore from the fall, both knees hurt and my back some. Wrote to the person I found on DH's computer about that bill. I asked exactly what was I paying $35 per day for and if they billed the grant co. No answer on either, just resent the forms to fill out. I'm not signing anything until they answer me. Got a call from one of my step DD's, their maternal grandmother passed away. With whom I've actually met on a couple of occasions, one being not too long ago. Of course the girls are worried about the funeral possibly happening during the time we are doing their dad's ashes. Temps in the low 70's today and tomorrow, so I need to get my butt outside.

  • lalbo
    lalbo Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2022

    Good morning!

    I'm going to save the rest of my Empress Gin for a once a month cocktail. There are so many recipes out there! Maybe I'll try a creamy one next time. I'll try to post pictures of each.

    Karen - feel better soon! When I was sick after my daughter's b'day trip to Savannah, Ga I think I drank almost a whole bottle of Robitussin Extra Strength cough syrup. It really worked!

    Goldie - I'm so sorry to hear about Sue.

    Illimae - We bought our house from a couple that moved to a cabin in GA. I hope your move goes smoothly!

    I have an appointment with a local PS next Tuesday to talk about reconstruction revision. I'm nervously excited. I don't want to keep on having surgeries. I am building my list of questions. I'm going to TRY not to trash talk my original PS, maybe a little trash talk. Just to explain how I got to where I am now.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday!



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    Lalbo, good luck with that appt. and any upcoming surgeries.

    So this is what was sent to my DH. Still waiting on an answer as to what this $35 a day per diem is for!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited March 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! This week's pool testing results are finally in, all are negative which is good news. Got a coating of snow overnight, so there will be slippery spots on the way into work again today. Hard to believe March is almost half over.

    Karen--Maine works on 180 day school year, with a minimum of 175 of instruction. We got word yesterday that next school year's schedule will not have half days on Fridays. Not sure what the nursing team will look like and still haven't heard anything from my application. I did see and apply for a school nurse position at a nearby private boarding/day school, so we'll see what happens. Sorry to hear you have a sinus infections, those are NOT FUN. Take good care of yourself.

    Goldie--Colt found his way onto the bed the first night. Zoe joined in last night, but didn't stay the whole night. She got down at some point, but came back before alarm time. I hope the soreness eases up soon, and glad you didn't get seriously hurt. Sorry, too, to hear about step DD's grandmother's passing. Enjoy the warmer temps, I am so looking forward to those myself! Don't blame you for not paying or signing anything until you get answers.

    Well, it sounds like the twice yearly time change may be on the way out. Personally, I'm with the "pick one time setting and stick with it" crowd, don't really care which one we use, just stop the insanity! Even it if passes it will take a year to go into effect, though. Still, light at the end of the tunnel!

    image alt="">

    Daylight Savings

    1 ½oz Four Roses Yellow Label bourbon

    ¾oz fresh-pressed or Ocean Spray Ruby Red grapefruit juice

    ½oz fresh-pressed lemon juice

    ½oz Bigallet China-China liqueur

    ½oz vanilla syrup

    2 dashes black walnut bitters

    1 dash grapefruit bitters

    grapefruit peel for garnish

    Add all ingredients but garnish to a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake vigorously and strain into cocktail coupe or martini glass. Garnish with grapefruit peel.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    NM, unfortunately you have mud season to get through first! That's going to be fun with the 2 pups! With both dogs in the bed, how much room does that leave for you? I guess it's good that Zoe doesn't stay, but she might eventually! I do like the warmer temps, however spring here we get winds, not rain, and with the pollen being so bad I can't stay outside long, my nose runs like a sieve and not to mention all the sneezing. Yay for 0 positives! I hope you hear something soon on your application.

    ED (Chevy) has not been able to figure out how to log in here, which is why she hasn't been here. She posted something on FB and I told her she should share it here. That's when she told me she couldn't figure out how to login. She asked me to do it.

    Well, I got no reply on my email. Why won't they tell me what this is for???? I guess I'll have to call and ask. I like doing the emails, because then I have proof that I'm trying to resolve this and they are the ones dropping the ball. I just don't want it to go to collections.

    I went to the liquor store yesterday on my bicycle, bought a bottle of whisky and put it in the bicycle basket. As i was about to leave, i thought to myself that if i fell off the bicycle, the bottle would break so i drank all the whisky before i cycled home. Finally it turned out to be a good decision because i fell off my bicycle seven times on the way home. Imagine what would've happened to the bottle.

  • lalbo
    lalbo Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2022

    NM - I'm with you on the time change. Pick one and stay.

    I love all these drinks. I think my next purchase will be a shaker, can't believe we don't have one.




    2OZ EMPRESS 1908 GIN








    Add the pear, honey and ½ cup ice cubes to a blender and blend until the mixture reaches slushy consistency. Set to the side and repeat steps with the gin, violet syrup, floral bitters and remaining 1 cup ice cubes. Layer into a glass, adding the pear mixture first, followed by the gin mixture. Garnish with orange zest, stir, and enjoy!

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited March 2022

    Goldie - Glad you drank the bottle- it sure would have broken! HaHa!! Loopy I too am sorry to hear about Memasue.

    NM- so glad you have your dogs. Your home must feel full and lively now. It will be so nice when the weather gets warm to sit outside with them.

    ChiSandy - you must be getting so excited about the wedding. It is coming up so quickly.

    My cousin and his wife were here visiting from NY. It was so nice to see them. He just sent a picture of the snow he came home to. I love to see the family from NY. I am hoping to go up and visit them soon.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited March 2022

    No scanxiety for me really, I’ve been stable in the body a good while now but I always have low level concerns about brain MRI’s, those little shits keep popping up.

    Finding lots of funny things packing up, an old story I typed up in elementary school, a Christmas stocking I made for my cat when I was 6 or so and a work evaluation where I literally wrote “(insert profanity here)” in a rant about coworkers, lol.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2022

    Yup--the wedding is in a little over 3 weeks! Still waiting on Holy Clothing to ship the three "alternate" dresses (they said they're working on it--back in the day they never listed stuff that wasn't in stock, now apparently they make their dresses to order in India. Pandemic personnel issues, not just supply chain). Meanwhile, I'm nervous about being able to wear closed shoes for the wedding. Any sneakers roomy enough to walk in without much pain have me tripping over the extended soles and accidentally stepping on stuff.

    Weather rollercoaster again: froze walking Sat. evening, today it almost hit 70.

    DsOTD: Sun. night at Hugo's Frog Bar, Schramsberg Brut Blanc de Blancs; and 2020 Caymus Conumdrum white. (We won a magnum of it back in 2018 and have no idea what to serve it with, so I was curious). Last night at Chez Joel, a 2019 Sancerre. Tonight? Lavazza decaf K-cup (path of least resistance) and then water. Tomorrow? Irish coffee of course. Bob says that Notre Dame just won, and it was already 3/17 in S. Bend, which is on Eastern time. I'm not buying it. Too late at night for coffee, and if you're using decaf, you might as well just toss back a shot of Jameson's instead.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    Lalbo, that drink is gorgeous! Too pretty to even drink! Are you going to attempt this one?

    Misty, that story actually came from Chevy. I posted it for her. But yes, it would have broken! Glad you had family visit, I too love that.

    BabyGirl, glad you don't get scanxiety, I think I would. Sending good juju that those little shits stay away. How fun in the findings! LOL at the work evaluation.

    Sandy, I hope you get your dresses on time. I would be a nervouse wreck. Michigan weather has been the same.

    So my email correspondences re my DH's bill have been with a Dave K. The bill has 2 phone numbers on it, a reg. number and an 800. I call the reg. one and get a voice mail "This is Dave......leave a message" I did not. I call the 800, press 2 if you are a patient. I press 2, and the phone just rings and rings. No one picks up, can't leave a message. WTH! So I sent another email. I will send another one today. I will also put together a letter to send to corporate and mail that tomorrow if I don't hear anything, but will continue to email every day. What do think? I checked with the foundation that he got the grant, and there is still over $11K in that, and I found nothing that they billed them for this $35 per day per diem.

  • lalbo
    lalbo Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2022

    Goldie - I was planning on attempting this drink this summer. I have the recipe in my phone so I can add the ingredients to my grocery list when I'm ready. I wish I had a bunch of cool looking glasses, but that's expensive. haha

    I'd keep at those people relentlessly. They bank on people just rolling over and not pursuing things. I learned that in my short term disability and cancer claims with Aflac. I squeezed every penny out of them that I could.

    ChiSandy - sending positive vibes your way that the dresses will arrive on time!!! My daughter got married Nov 2019, we did not have these issues. You got this!! :-)

    Illimae - I love finding old things like that. I found some of my kids old school work and one was a little "book" that my daughter wrote about me. Apparently I was 6' tall and weigh 10lbs. (I'm 5'1"). I'm UQUICE (unique) and I drink wine (fact). We use uquice a lot now. haha

    Happy St. Patricks Day all!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022


    Pot O'Gold shots.

    You will need two parts orange vodka, one part pineapple juice, gold luster dust, and for garnish: gold sprinkles and/or rainbow candy.

    To make, first, rim edge of your shot glasses with gold sprinkles. Set the glasses aside. Then, in an ice-filled shaking glass, combine the orange vodka, pineapple juice, and a sprinkle of gold luster dust. Finally, strain the mixture into the shot glasses and garnish with candy!

    Happy St. Patrick's Day

    See the source image

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    May be an image of 1 person and text

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    Teka...I KNOW! Thank you. I can't wait to see her. She is my great neice, but more like a grand baby. My brother's first grand baby.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2022

    Lori -what an adorable picture of Nora. I need to email Chevy and ask for her fb name so we can become fb friends.

    We got several inches of wet heavy snow but it melted off the streets by the end of the day. Thankfully, I could work from home this morning and not deal with messy roads. Supposed to be warm Saturday and Sunday and then snow again early next week. Spring time in the Rockies!!

    Sandy - is the wedding April 2nd or the 9th? Look forward to seeing photos. Hope you get your dresses in time to have a choice.

    DD#2 arrives in 26 days - not that I'm counting. Her birthday is Saturday! She will celebrate with her friends and we will celebrate her when she is here. DD#1 is also supposed to come and her b'day is early May so if she is here, we will also celebrate her!

    I have labs at 7:45 tomorrow morning. Appt with hematologist is in 1 1/2 weeks and medical oncologist a couple weeks later. They do both labs at once. I will be able to see them on the patient portal probably by Monday.

    One more week till spring vacation and it can't come soon enough!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited March 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF Day! I got a "sorry, site is down" message when I tried to log in yesterday, had it pop up for a few minutes while trying to get on this ayem, but finally got through.

    It's amazing the difference a week has made with the furry children! Zoe is asserting her dominance over Colt pretty regularly and looks to be the emerging Alpha. At the same time Colt's playing has become less rough and crazy. Both of them are initiating play and coming to me for attention and affection. Zoe slept on the bed with me and Colt most of last night, and she didn't jump off the bed every time I changed position. Both of them have discovered the kiddy pool, which was full of ice but is now melting, and both seem to like playing with and in the water. Both of them ended up smelling like wet dog last evening! I'm hoping for enough good weather, as in not actively raining or snowing) this weekend to start some training outside.

    Goldie--yup, mud season is going to be intense this year, I think. Part of the price paid to share a home with furbabies! We're working out the space on the bed thing, got both of the doggos on the same side of me last night and I could actually straighten my legs out! I've got a queen size bed, so we do all fit, it's just a matter of positioning. And convincing Colt he doesn't get the exact middle of the bed! Springtime allergies can be the pits. I would think the infusion company would answer your email, at least to acknowledge that they got it and are working on it, if you send a copy of the emails sent and not answered to a regulatory committee or bureau they can lose their license to work in your state for violating basic informed consent and not providing required information. You need to stop going to the store on your bicycle!

    Lalbo--beautiful drink!

    Misty--I can't wait to be able to sit outside and watch the doggos play! I remember coming home to snow from February break vacay, it was jarring!

    Illi--oh my goodness, "(insert profanity here)" is hilarious!

    Chi--praying the dresses come in time!

    Goldie--thanks for posting for Chevy! I hope you are saving/printing out all the emails to keep as a record of this whole mess. And stick to your guns, no explanation, no payment. No acceptable explanation, no payment. Also make notes of all the phone calls, dates/times/who you spoke with, what was said, or rang and no answer. When you can pull out a notebook and give dates/times/names/details it makes companies pay attention. Or creates a strong case if it goes to that level. I like the email every day approach.

    Lalbo--love uquice!

    Goldie--Love the leprachaun!And the drink, too! Oh My Gosh, look at Nora!!!!

    Morning, Teka!

    Karen--You must be so excited to have DD#2 coming to visit!

    The Irish Maid


    • 2 ounces Jameson Whiskey Casemates or Black
    • 3 slices of cucumber
    • 0.5 ounce Elderflower Liqueur
    • 0.75 ounce Fresh Lemon Juice
    • 0.75-ounce Simple Syrup with a drop of honey (the honey is optional)
    • Ice Cubes
    • Type of Glass:
    • A standard whiskey or rocks glass


    • Into a shaking tin drop in two (2) slices of cucumber, using a muddler mash cucumbers.
    • Add whiskey, Elderflower liqueur, lemon juice, simple syrup, and lots of ice.
    • Shake vigorously for 30 seconds.
    • Strain into a rocks glass filled with ice.
    • Garnish with a wheel of fresh cucumber.
    • Serve.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2022

    Karen, I didn't know your DD's were coming. You must be ecstatic! I know I would be. Good luck on thoses labs.

    NM, I'm laughing at picturing you and the puppers all trying to get arranged in bed and good for Zoe for stepping up. Just so long as she doesn't get too big a head. No fighting kids! I only called each of those numbers once. And I do have all the emails. My email yesterday was asking if he could kindly point me a direction of someone that could help me. I find this to be VERY unprofessional! Letters going out today.

    So I've had my phone for several years, an iPhone. Not long after DH passed, I picked up my phone and this picture of him appeared. I clicked on it, and it played about 15 pictures of him or him and I. Last night I pick up my phone and it plays these 2 videos, again of him or him and I. They had music to them and the second video that played the music was titled "Heaven"! My phone has NEVER done this before!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2022

    Lori - wow - how sweet to have those pictures and music show up on your phone. DD#2 is coming for just shy of 2 weeks for Passover. DD#2 wants to see her sister so she'll come for the second half of Passover. Her husband is not up to traveling. She will spend the sedars with him and his family and the next couple days. The GI bleed he had in November and so much loss of blood took its toll on hime - he was given 4 units of blood at the time. He is much better and feels good, but not up to his old self yet. And yes, I'm beyond excited to have the girls. I'm counting the days for DD#2 - 25 days - can't wait for her big hug! Still need to book ticket for DD#1.

    Nice weather out today but still chilly.

    Have a great a Friday.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited March 2022

    Goldie, I think he's telling you he still loves you and he's OK.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2022

    Lori, just WOW! Either a divine intervention, amazing coincidence...or the Internet algorithms spy on us and reads our posts across platforms & devices. (Hope it's not the latter). Meanwhile, Nora is indeed adorable!

    The wedding is Apr. 9, and we leave for NOLA on Thurs. morning the 7th. I'm not that worried about the Holy Clothing dresses, as they're backups (and the short green one is likely too small by now, given my alarmingly quickly expanding waistline--more about that later). Leslie likes the navy blue one with crystals (and I'm still waiting for the matching sandals). I also have the plum Azazie one (she'd rather her mom & I don't wear the exact same shade). Both of them still fit with a minimizer bra (amazingly, the Spanx brand one might be the best-fitting bra I own) and light-compression camisole. I have the short burgundy Holy Clothing one from 2015 (and it's still a bit roomy). So I won't exactly be out of luck, just short on options. I have a really cute trapeze dress--mostly red floral on black background--which would be great for the rehearsal or brunch (unless it's outdoors and the yellowjackets are already out in force).

    I've been absent lately due to a nasty case of torticolis that came on Sun. night (why, I have no idea). Dragged my feet about going to the walk-in ortho clinic at Skokie, especially since I got stuck at the Subaru dealership for what I thought was a faulty tire pressure sensor but turned out to be three bum tires (the front two 8-yrs old and most of the way to balding, and one rear--despite being only 4 yrs old--with a couple of irreparable punctures and a screw embedded in the tread, courtesy of construction going on in our alleyway). By the time they were diagnosed, changed, balanced and my wheels aligned, it was too late to get to the clinic. I figure that if my neck & back still hurt on Wed. after my weigh-in I'll just go downstairs to the clinic.

    Speaking of weight, my upper abdomen seems to have increased way out of proportion to the carb-cheating and limited exercise. My hair is also thinning, my resting pulse is in the 50s (and try as I might I've been unable to get up anywhere near my target rate), and I feel chilled all the time--even upstairs where it's warmer. Bob says to demand I get a TSH level tested (thyroid).

    DsOTD: yesterday I did indeed make Irish Coffee: combined the dregs of last year's Jameson's & Bushmills with the Tullamore Dew Bob bought (a shame to put it in coffee, as Tully is eminently sippable). Bob got brown sugar/Splenda mix, I got brown Swerve monkfruit. And I hand-whipped heavy cream. Tonight (I'm making fish because Bob's observing Lent), Mumm Napa 2013 DVX brut.