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how about drinking?



  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited April 2022

    Goldens are the cutest puppies. Every time I get an LLBean catalog I want to go out and get some.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2022

    Jazzy - London is a cutie - not sure though that I'm cut out for puppies anymore.

    Lori - DD#2 became an Israeli citizen in 2017. She did a gap year program after high school and we pretty much knew that she would become a citizen when she left for the year. I asked her this morning if she was stressed about the shooting and she said no. She said random shootings happen all the time in the States. At first she didn't know it was a terror attack.

    Gorgeous weather here this afternoon. Sunny and in the 50s. Tomorrow will be near 70.

    Have a great week-end.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2022

    Ohhh! She's beautiful! Heart

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited April 2022

    Beautiful pup!

    We got some two! Brothers, terrier/chihuahua mix, adopted yesterday. Super tiny and getting a bit of extra care. Monkey is 1.2lbs and Pig is a shockingly tiny 400 grams, underdeveloped a little but otherwise ok as far as we know right now. Favorite place to sleep… DH’s beard, lol


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2022

    Illimae - congrats on the new pups 🤗

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2022

    Illimae, so cute they make my head explode!

    Karen, have both your daughters made aliyah or just DD#2?

    Cold & wet here--rain turned to snow 90 min. ago. Tailor at drycleaners left the pants way too long--did she even shorten them AT ALL? They're 2" longer than the Chico's knit pants I brought for reference. They won't be ready till after 4:30 Wed.--and we leave early Thurs. morning for a 2:30pm arrival (stopping in San Antonio but staying on the plane). I hate, hate, HATE last-minute packing!!!

    Last night we went to Regalia with our friends who owned Cellars (he was their chef too). The place was packed, and everyone in there who'd been Cellars regulars (basically half the place) came over to say hi. DsOTD were an Aperol spritz and a bottle of Barbera d'Asti. Not sure if I'll drink at home alone tonight with leftovers.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited April 2022

    Sandy, It's a temporary fix, but fabric stores sell iron on hem tape. You put the hem where it should be, insert the tape where you would normally sew, and iron. If you want them to finished properly, the iron releases the tape. Some people use it to hem pants for heels and for flats. Just change the length.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2022

    Wren, I've resorted to that tape many, many times. I also carry strips of double-stick "Hollywood tape" for hem ermergencies, but the dispenser definitely doesn't contain enough to do two pant legs. Hope I don't have to now--but I won't know till late Wed. afternoon.

    That was the tip of the iceberg. Right after that I got a nasty paper cut (R hand, of course--always the R hand) on a corrugated-cardboard "flat" as I reached for cans of cat food in Petsmart. It stopped bleeding, but I hope it doesn't get infected. Last thing I need--on my LE risk arm--is cellulitis.

    Then the low-tire-pressure light on my dash came on (maddeningly, it doesn't say WHICH wheel's sensor, just as my "door/liftgate open" light doesn't say which door--so I have to pull over & try each one). Looked at my car and did a double-take: BOTH front tires were low. Subaru had just installed & balanced them 2 weeks ago--no wonder my steering was so hard. After 3 tries I found a repair shop willing to put air in them for me--and they confirmed they were simply grossly underinflated. Now, just one tire? "Road hazard" would have been a plausible explanation. But BOTH? And the rear tires were fine. So much for dealership service.

    Got home, turned on the TV and found that SW's computer systems were down and dozens of flights were getting canceled. Then it started to snow. Only hope everything's fine by Wed. (when the kids fly down and there's a 20% chance of a severe t-storm in NOLA) and it isn't raining so hard Thurs. morning that our flight gets delayed or worse.

    Is the universe trying to tell me something?

    DOTD: 2019 FitVine low-carb Pinot Noir.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2022

    Hi ladies- just a quick hello here on this first Sunday in April. It is nice to see everyone having some great plans that including new pups, planned final moves to West Texas, upcoming trips and wedding celebrations. I am celebrating having some family in town right now from the east coast; a cousin and her husband who were planning a trip out here to the west two years ago when the pandemic first started and rebooked it this spring. They came in to town yesterday and we met up for some shopping in the Old Town area, then a nice dinner (including a blue margarita for me, yum). They are stopping by for a bit in awhile to see the house, then off to do some touristy things. They decided to spend an extra day here too, so I plan to see them after work tomorrow too. As most of you know, I don't have any family here where I live and haven't seen hardly anyone in the past two years with the pandemic. I have more family time planned back east in July.

    Weather here really feels like spring now (or so we hope). The fruit trees are out in their full blooms and my trees are all coming out now too. I planted some pansies last week as it is still a bit too cold to do much of anything else yet. I put my house plants out yesterday and those should be okay at night as we are in the 40s with overnight temps. I will just have to watch for some remaining cold blasts. I have a lot of pruning and yard work yet to do but will pick up with that some more next weekend.

    Hope everyone has a good week!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2022

    Stayed in today--a nice respite, with nothing to do except make packing lists, exchange flight info with my sis, plow through accumulated shows on my DVR, watch the Grammys and of course kitty-servitude.

    I was getting discouraged watching the Grammys (I forgot to vote in this year's balloting) because so many high-quality nominees were losing out to those who sold more records (or the digital streaming equivalent, since you can't even buy downloads any more). 'Twas ever thus, I thought--especially when Brandi Carlile lost out to Olivia Rodrigo, Doja Cat, Sza and Bruno Mars' project with drummer Anderson Paak. (First time a Song of the Year and Record of the Year seemed so generic that I couldn't even find a hook--at least Justin Bieber's potty-mouth driving the censors nuts was somewhat amusing). Just when I thought all was lost, Jon Batiste won the biggest prize, Album of the Year. He got his second standing O of the night (though the first one, at the end of his performance, was more of a "dancing and singing along" ovation). I felt redeemed till I went to the NYT's live blogging of the show--and rock critic Jon Caramanica snottily said "and the album that peaked at #82 on the Billboard charts won Album of the Year. Good night, folks." I never liked his criticism style anyway--and isn't it amazing and redeeming that the Academy (all of whose members can vote in that category regardless of their genres) finally rewarded excellence over sales?

    It was a nice prequel to the wedding trip, as polymath virtuoso Batiste is NOLA through-and-through. So in honor of that, my DOTD was cafe au lait: a K-cup of Cafe du Monde (with chicory) and equal parts steamed FairLife whole milk and unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Tasted surprisingly authentic (even sans beignets).

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2022

    Sandy - only DD#2 made Aliyah. DD#1 lives in Canada since she married 12+ years ago.

    Illi - congrats on the pups - they are tiny!!! how big will they be full grown?

    Starting on planning my menu for Passover and the few days DD#2 is here before. I looked at my sedar menus from 3 years ago and I can't. believe how much food I made. Cutting way back and there won't be a shortage of food. Just about done shopping - just a couple things that haven't come in yet.

    I'm counting weeks till the end of the school year - 9 weeks!!! Lots to do in that time.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2022

    DOTD is Sancerre tonight--the saga of the wedding wardrobe and now getting kicked back to the login page at random when I hit "Submit" has driven me to drink it.

    Bob insisted yesterday that there was "nothing wrong" with his good gray dress pants. Sure--because he only looks at the front of his clothes. There are two raggedy rips in the R butt cheek; none of his colleagues mentioned them because his long lab coat covers them. But his blazer won't. Yesterday I went nuts on every website I could in order to see if any store w/in 25 mi. had men's gray slacks in stock to pick up. Hahahahah. The only thing you can buy and pick up the same day are jeans, tees, or sweats. I decided to let my phone do the talking instead of "my fingers do the walking" (as the old Yellow Pages ads used to say. Two Men's Wearhouse stores wouldn't even pick up the phone despite being open. One had nothing longer than a 32" inseam (not gonna cut it for a 6'2" guy) and the other had nothing already hemmed and insisted he come in to have them pinned up. I finally found one that has the exact same ones he ripped (probably on a nail or splintery chair) and is willing to hem them to a 34" length for me to pick up tomorrow. Wish me luck.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited April 2022

    Karen, I don’t know how big they’ll get but I can’t imagine it would be more than 3-5 lbs.

    Sandy, have a great time. Your trip has me thinking of crab cakes. The best one I’ve had so far was at Mr. B’s in NOLA, totally worth the $14 and better than the meal itself.

    Hi to everyone 👋

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2022

    For me, the Holy Grail of crab cakes is Faidley's in Baltimore. Now, when it comes to stuffed crabs, no city does them better than NOLA.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited April 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! My internet modem died last week, got the replacement last evening, and got it plugged in this ayem, so I'm back online again! It was interesting having a weekend without internet access, trying to watch DVDs on my TV with a remote that doesn't work correctly. Which is a problem that will be fixed soon, as Colt decided to try to eat that remote and now it doesn't work at all!

    Cold and Zoe are keeping me busy, if they aren't looking for attention, they are both trying to get in my lap, or the three of us are negotiating for bed space. Colt thinks because he's the biggest he gets first choice which is the very center of the bed. Zoe thinks because she's the smallest she get first choice, which is wherever my legs are. I'm arguing that I'm the Mom, I make the bed, and I work for the house the bed is in that I get first choice. I'm learning to sleep on a diagonal and pinned down by dogs on either side, insisting they are on top of the covers, trapping me underneath. Funny, but I'm sleeping better than I have since Christmas time.

    School is busy, there's a lovely head cold going around and running right through classrooms and families. Not COVID, everyone is testing negative, and half the students have already had it anyway. Everyone is so sick of the whole covid thing.

    I'll play ketchup tomorrow and through the rest of the week, need to get ready for work today, just wanted to say I'm back!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2022

    Missed you Kim. You need a bigger bed!

    Sandy - hope all the clothing situation is solved. Safe travels tomorrow as you leave for NOLA. Have a wonderful time celebrating you children and their wedding. Pictures please.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2022

    Welcome back to cyberspace, Kim. Stay healthy.

    The Saga of the Travel(ing) Pants: First, Bob's. When I got to Men's Wearhouse we found that the damaged ones are pleated and relaxed fit. They don't stock pleated pants any more, and nearly everything is "Modern Fit" or slimmer. Found a pair of Ralph Lauren's in "classic fit," but the 38 is smaller than the pleated Joseph Abboud 38s. Took a chance on 40x34 (which were pre-hemmed) for twice the price. Fortunately, I made him try them on at home and they fit. One down, one to go.

    Now, mine. Called up the cleaner to see if they were hemmed & ready--they were, but in Skokie (where the tailor was). I drove up there, tried them on and...still too long (puddling on the floor) unless I pull them all the way up to my bra. They are lower-rise (12R as opposed to my black "reference" pants which were Chico's size 2P)--but the tailor measured from the bottom of the crotch instead of the waistband (like my old tailor used to do). They're passable--the elastic is tight enough not to slip down. Unfortunately, my R hip is higher thanks to scoliosis so the R leg is ever so slightly shorter. And the hems are puckered (could not be pressed because their press is too hot). Hopefully, when people gaze downwards, they will be dazzled by the crystals on my wedge sandals and not the hems. At least they charged me half price for hemming--and should I wish to ever wear them again, I can bring them back and try them on while they get pinned, at no charge.

    They're one of those "green" cleaners, and they don't do as good a job as they used to. (Bob's Dockers and shirt cuffs get frayed, and they failed to put a crease in his newer khakis). Hate to try a cleaner that uses PERC (ugh--hate the VOC smell); and as for shirts the old fluff-and-fold laundries are a thing of the past.

    Booked the limo, but got a nasty surprise when I went to SW's site to retrieve and print boarding passes (and send them to my phone's Wallet app). Per the "Early Bird" automatic checkin 36 hrs pre-flight, we were already checked in.But though our receipt says "Business Select" (which provides automatic boarding in the A1-15 group), we were assigned A33 & 34. I called SW: estimated wait time? 79 minutes. Screw that. So now we can't do curbside or kiosk self-check because we need to be reassigned to the A1-15 group (which means other people would get bumped down--something I doubt SW would do) or make sure we get credited for the diff, between Business Select and regular "Anytime." Bob's not gonna be happy that he won't get that free drink (for me, it's way too early in the morning for alcohol)--nor that I'm TSAPre but he's not, and will have to take off his shoes & belt and take his little quart baggie out. (This is what he gets for refusing to take the time to register for Global Entry--there are things I just can't do for him w/o his presence). I also have to store his boarding pass on my phone, because he can't be bothered to set up his AppleWallet or even download the SW app. I feel like I'm living in that Progressive commercial, where new-homeowner millennials "become" their Baby Boomer parents--only he's becoming his Greatest Generation dad.

    With the fish dinner I cooked tonight (last time I go near a stove till next Tues. morning), the rest of that Sancerre.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2022

    Safe travels tomorrow. Glad to hear your parents are doable and you found pants for Bob. DH and I both have Global Entry. His renews on his birthday in 6 months - I need to see when mine renews. I forget how long after him I got mine.

    Looking to rent a car for DD#2 for 2 days when she is here. Enterprise charges an extra $25/day for under age 25, though other companies charge it based on age (eg 24, 23...). A small SUV is one of the least expensive car. The only car less is the smallest size. Compact cars are more money!!! I need to talk to her before renting the car for what time she wants to pick it up as she will return it the same time 2 days later. 6 days!!! 13 days for DD#1!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited April 2022

    Apparently this didn't go through yesterday ayem:

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! I've been really enjoying the sunny and warmer days this week. I hope it keeps up for a while, although it looks like some rain is coming in overnight tonight. The weather guessers aren't calling for snow, so that's a good thing. The furry children seem to be thriving and generally content. I'm getting used to having a lapful of dog whenever I sit down! Now to ketchup on the Lounge goings-on.

    The big healthcare news here in Maine is the separation of Maine General, the largest hospital and healthcare system in Maine and Anthem, the biggest insurance company in Maine. Maine General is no longer going to be in-network with Anthem, due to the difficulty in getting Anthem to pay out and being 3 years behind in payments in some cases. It's going to create huge issues for a lot of people. There are only a couple of commercial insurance companies available in Maine, so a lot of people will only have access to insurance that doesn't include any providers less than 100 miles away, or out of state. This has potential to get VERY interesting.

    Chi--sounds like the wedding is really coming up fast now!

    Goldie--No particular plans for the April break other than puttering around the house and starting real training with the fur babies. I'm hoping it will be dry enough to start working in the yard some, too.

    Karen--fire season sound scary. I hope you and yours all stay safe this summer! It's a great that you send cards like you do, I bet the DDs love getting them!

    Goldie--The Goblet of Fire sounds marvelous!

    Karen--the terror attacks in Israel so near your DD must be terrifying for the both of you. It's an awful world we live in these days. I can't imagine what it must be like for the both of you.

    Goldie--it finally sounds like you've made some progress on the Amerita bill. Such a scam they are trying to pull, and it sounds like they are getting away with it. So crazy.

    Chi--and now more wedding planning craziness! The weather doesn't help, does it?

    Jazzy--the sister's puppy is so CUTE! What's the name?

    Misty--Around 140 people out of work due to the fire, pretty significant for a town of only 7,000 people.

    Karen--I've got one more week before my April break starts. I really am looking forward it!

    Goldie--Love the Golden Dream!

    Jazzy--London is so sweet!

    Illi--Oh, MY, GOODNESS! Pig and Monkey are just amazing! I see lots of fun in your future!

    Wren--that iron on hem tape is a wonder, and good for so many things!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited April 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! It's a raw, cold, rainy ayem here today. It was so hard getting out of bed, it was so warm and as soon as the alarm went off Colt and Zoe both got up, then laid down across me so I could barely move! It was so warm, I was so tempted to not get up at all, but then Zoe rolled ontomy bladder and that decided things. Getting up became an URGENT need!

    May be an image of dog and indoor

    Jazzy--it must have been nice to have family come to visit! I'm jealous of you guys who can already be working in the yards.Still too wet here.

    Chi--I'm glad you mentioned Café du Monde coffee, I haven't ordered coffee from them for quite a while, and I really like it! I've been tempted to order the beignet mix, maybe I will do that this time, too.

    Karen--how many were you cooking for 3 years ago? The same number? It's amazing to think back on how much food we used to make for celebrations and holidays, isn't it?

    Chi--what a clothing saga this wedding is turning into!Good luck with the pants.

    Illi--the littles are going stay pretty little, it sounds like. They are so sweet to look at! Are they settling in?

    Karen--you'd think a queen bed would be big enough for 1 person and 2 dogs, but I'm beginning to wonder. . .

    More ketchup tomorrow, time to head to school!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    NM, I don't think I could sleep with the dogs trapping me under the covers, I toss too much! But glad it has you sleeping better. LOL at the urgent need! Oh dear, you don't even have a Queen? If you have to get a bigger bed and have the room, might as well get a king!

    Karen, the girls will be there soon eh?

    Sandy, good luck with the wedding and all that is going on.

    Spreading my husbands ashes went well and I really enjoyed the time with our friends. The kids and grands, now that's another story! The grandkids are obnoxious teens, rude, no respect and no manners. Mom apologized to me twice for their behaviour. I just shrugged my shoulders and said "I don't know, my kids never acted like that." She says, "well I think they turned out pretty good, they're good kids." Whatever! Then, I had pulled to two girls aside, had a little talk with them and gave each of them an envelope with $5000 in it. All I got was a raised eyebrow and "Oh, thank you." The day before I had gave them $500. No excitement what so ever. Not another thank you after that. And no thank you from either husband. I'm so pissed. No, I'm livid! I feel like they are just so ungrateful, I'm beside myself. Then the oldest (the one with kids) wants to come and visit in June. Her husband says "Kelley can stay with you and I'll stay at my moms with the kids cuz you don't have the room for all of us." Well thank you Ben for telling me what I will do!!! He doesn't know it, but I do have room. I have the spare room with a queen, and 2 twin blow up mattresses. I DON'T WANT THEM HERE! I don't even want just her here. I think I will just tell them they can all stay with his mom and I'll go over there and visit them. GRRRR!!!

    Hi to all I missed. Glad to be home.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited April 2022

    Yikes Goldie, those are some of the many situations that remind me that not having children was the right decision for us. I’m great with animals, kind but firm with discipline but tolerance is in short supply with people.

    I’m sorry the kids were ungrateful and the family rude in their assumptions. When I was diagnosed, I let go of even the faintest sense of family obligation. I get nothing but stress, whining and very far right political nonsense from them. It can be hard to ditch family but honestly I’ve never been happier, good luck.

    More on the pups later but I am amazed at how smart they are in just a week, our stubborn bulldogs were so much more difficult.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2022

    Lori - so sorry to read how rude the grands and kids were!! And ungrateful to receive such generous gifts. I don't blame you for not wanting any of them to stay with you. Stand your ground.

    Kim - it is hard to hear about all the terror attacks - there was another one last night in Tel Aviv - 3 more people murdered by terrorists. But overall I still feel safe with DD#2 with her living in Israel.

    Speaking of DD#2 - she arrives in 4 days! DD#1 in 11 days. It will be nice to have all 3 kids in one place for a few days. I can't wait to hug my girls. My son is by us, so we see him on his days off.

    I saw my medical oncologist for my 6 month visit and he isn't necessarily recommending the 2nd booster. He said recent article in New England Journal of Medicine says it only lasts a couple months. But he does want me to keep wearing masks - I've slacked off the past couple week, especially this past week at work, but I respect my oncologist so I will listen to his advice. He has done well by me for 16 years. He is keeping me on a 6 month schedule.

    Supposed to be in mid to high 70s tomorrow then cool off - weather will be up and down all week.

    Everyone, stay well and have a good week-end.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2022

    The NEJM article about second boosters is confusing and needs to be analyzed carefully. While the Israeli study showed that the second booster’s antibody enhancement’s protection against infection peaks at 4 weeks and declines back to pre-second-booster baseline by 2-3 months, it’s still >90% effective against serious symptoms (or worse) at 4 months out. And that’s for someone who was COVID-naive (never been infected). If given after an Omicron “breakthrough,” the resulting hybrid immunity is stronger than either vaccination-only immunity or “natural” (via infection) immunity. Of course, age is a major factor, as immune systems’ ability to mount an immune response and recruit memory B & T cells declines after age 60–and by 80 one is considered moderately immunocompromised without any other comorbidities or immune-weakening factors. (Explains how Nancy Pelosi, 82, tested positive despite being double-boosted—but that double-boost probably is what’s keeping her asymptomatic. And she’d never been infected previously, so she has vaccine-only rather than hybrid immunity. I may be feeling a bit smug for now, having hybrid immunity—but you’d best believe I will still mask up on public transit of all types and while grocery-shopping).

    DsOTD: Thurs. in the airport, rose Prosecco (yeah, it was still morning). Last night at Emeril’s for dinner, a cocktail called “Baroque et Rococo” (forgot to photograph it): coconut cream, lychee purée, rum, galangal & lime juice. It was a pale lilac and tasted like my favorite lychee sorbet at Bob Chinn’s Crabhouse northwest of Chicago. With my entree, a Sangiovese from just outside Tuscany.

    Today: cafe au lait at Cafe du Monde (half-hour wait to get in). Used to be you hovered around tables, looking for someone about to finish and give them the stink-eye till they got up, at which point a waitress came over. Now, due to pandemic staffing shortages, you stand in line on the street to get to the ordering window, where you pay (still cash-only) and carry your coffee & beignets to a table. Seems most people now order to go and eat on the street (lots of benches and even an amphitheater), so we had our pick of tables.

    Tonight, at Gordy & Leslie’s rehearsal dinner at Arnaud’s: Graham Beck Brut Rose (S. Africa), Sonoma-Cutrer Russian River Ranches Chardonnay, and E. Guigal Crozes-Hermitage. (It was awesome—more in the “dinner” thread)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited April 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Bright and sunny this ayem, and supposed to be warm and very nice this weekend. Got to get the taxes done this weekend, almost out of time. I really don't like that whole process, but some things just have to be done. Colt and Zoe are currently racing around the yard at a million miles anhour with occasional stops to pick up a toy and tease each other or reverse direction and who is chasing who. Wish I had that kind of energy!

    Karen--so odd that compact cars are so much more expensive to rent!

    Goldie--I don't like getting trapped under the blankets, either, and have learned to make sure at least one side is pulled out before the doggos settle down! I do have a queen, and we seem to be getting things worked out, space-wise. Glad you had quality time with the friends. So sorry about the attitude and ungratefulness of the family members. I don't blame you for not wanting to have them stay with you, and I think it's a good idea for them to stay with his folks and you go visit. What is the world coming to these days?

    Illi--be careful with the smart pups, THEY will be training YOU before you know it! I bet you are having a grand time getting to know them.

    Karen--I'm glad you feel safe overall with DD#2 living in Israel. It still must be scary to hear about all that's going on, though. Interesting info about the booster. I'll have to see if I can get hold of that article myself.

    Chi--I can still picture going to the Café du Monde, getting coffee and beignets, and listening to buskers playing guitar, and people watching. It was so nice! Sounds like the wedding is coming off as planned, so far.

    overhead photo of Blackberry Champagne Mule

    Blackberry Champagne Mule


    • ▢ 1/4cupfresh or frozen blackberries
    • ▢ 8leavesfresh mint, plus more for topping
    • ▢ juice from half of a lime
    • ▢ 1 1/2ouncesvodka
    • ▢ 2ouncesginger beerchilled
    • ▢ champagne, chilled, for topping


    • 1. In a cocktail shaker or glass jar, muddle the blackberries, mint, and lime juice, squashing everything to release the juices. Add the vodka. Fill with ice and shake until combined.
      2. Strain into a champagne or wine glass with ice. Add the ginger beer and top with the champagne. Garnish with mint. Drink and enjoy!

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    BabyGirl, neither of my kids have children and I'm glad of that. But only because neither is really set up financially to raise kids. However, if they did and they acted like that, they would hear it from me, both grands and parents! And your babies are so so teeny tiny. You had said that Pig didn't even weigh a pound, is that typical?

    Karen, I don't know how you can hold it together so well! Are these terrorist acts of randomness? Not necessarily targeted to anyone in particular. Excited for you to have all your kids there. I too was surprised that the smaller cars were more. As for masking, I have not stopped, I still don't eat out and I wear a glove when I pump gas. I know, I'm anal!

    NM, I can only imagine the energy the kids have! Is it very mddy out there? What are ya's doing this weekend? Or would that be taxes?

    I'm considering saying something to the girls, just not sure how to go about. I'm not a confrontational person, just no balls at all. Thinking of asking them if they didn't tell their DH's about the money. And when they say they did, say something like "and they couldn't thank me?" And let them know I was hurt and disappointed. I made a yummy dinner last night, one I haven't made before. Spicey Peach Glazed Pork Chops. But they really weren't spicy at all. Which was good, cuz I don't like spicey. I have peach jam here that I made and froze, so I used that.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    BabyGirl, neither of my kids have children and I'm glad of that. But only because neither is really set up financially to raise kids. However, if they did and they acted like that, they would hear it from me, both grands and parents! And your babies are so so teeny tiny. You had said that Pig didn't even weigh a pound, is that typical?

    Karen, I don't know how you can hold it together so well! Are these terrorist acts of randomness? Not necessarily targeted to anyone in particular. Excited for you to have all your kids there. I too was surprised that the smaller cars were more. As for masking, I have not stopped, I still don't eat out and I wear a glove when I pump gas. I know, I'm anal!

    NM, I can only imagine the energy the kids have! Is it very mddy out there? What are ya's doing this weekend? Or would that be taxes?

    I'm considering saying something to the girls, just not sure how to go about. I'm not a confrontational person, just no balls at all. Thinking of asking them if they didn't tell their DH's about the money. And when they say they did, say something like "and they couldn't thank me?" And let them know I was hurt and disappointed. I made a yummy dinner last night, one I haven't made before. Spicey Peach Glazed Pork Chops. But they really weren't spicy at all. Which was good, cuz I don't like spicey. I have peach jam here that I made and froze, so I used that.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    BabyGirl, neither of my kids have children and I'm glad of that. But only because neither is really set up financially to raise kids. However, if they did and they acted like that, they would hear it from me, both grands and parents! And your babies are so so teeny tiny. You had said that Pig didn't even weigh a pound, is that typical?

    Karen, I don't know how you can hold it together so well! Are these terrorist acts of randomness? Not necessarily targeted to anyone in particular. Excited for you to have all your kids there. I too was surprised that the smaller cars were more. As for masking, I have not stopped, I still don't eat out and I wear a glove when I pump gas. I know, I'm anal!

    NM, I can only imagine the energy the kids have! Is it very mddy out there? What are ya's doing this weekend? Or would that be taxes?

    I'm considering saying something to the girls, just not sure how to go about. I'm not a confrontational person, just no balls at all. Thinking of asking them if they didn't tell their DH's about the money. And when they say they did, say something like "and they couldn't thank me?" And let them know I was hurt and disappointed. I made a yummy dinner last night, one I haven't made before. Spicey Peach Glazed Pork Chops. But they really weren't spicy at all. Which was good, cuz I don't like spicey. I have peach jam here that I made and froze, so I used that.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    BabyGirl, neither of my kids have children and I'm glad of that. But only because neither is really set up financially to raise kids. However, if they did and they acted like that, they would hear it from me, both grands and parents! And your babies are so so teeny tiny. You had said that Pig didn't even weigh a pound, is that typical?

    Karen, I don't know how you can hold it together so well! Are these terrorist acts of randomness? Not necessarily targeted to anyone in particular. Excited for you to have all your kids there. I too was surprised that the smaller cars were more. As for masking, I have not stopped, I still don't eat out and I wear a glove when I pump gas. I know, I'm anal!

    NM, I can only imagine the energy the kids have! Is it very mddy out there? What are ya's doing this weekend? Or would that be taxes?

    I'm considering saying something to the girls, just not sure how to go about. I'm not a confrontational person, just no balls at all. Thinking of asking them if they didn't tell their DH's about the money. And when they say they did, say something like "and they couldn't thank me?" And let them know I was hurt and disappointed. I made a yummy dinner last night, one I haven't made before. Spicey Peach Glazed Pork Chops. But they really weren't spicy at all. Which was good, cuz I don't like spicey. I have peach jam here that I made and froze, so I used that.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2022

    Good afternoon friends- hope everyone is doing well this weekend. Spring is in full swing here with everything blooming now (ah choo). Love this time of the year with warmer days, longer evening light, more things greening up. Still not doing a lot of planting yet, still a bit early but do have a few plants in pots I am tending to. I think we may get a final blast of winter next week which is pretty typical for April. The high winds come and go which is typical in spring.

    I had a great visit with my cousins who were in town last weekend. They were here in town Sat and Sun, and we met up for some shopping in the historic area, had a couple nice meals together, they came to see the house, and we had some drinks on their rooftop hotel before they got back on the road. I also was able to find out about the memorial planned for her sister this summer back east. It was the day I am scheduled to leave, so I got moving on asking for an extra day off and changed my return flight so I can be there. It felt important to with so much space between us all and the pandemic that has kept us all pretty much apart for a few years. I feel like all I do is go to memorials anymore, but so it goes in one's sixties and also with this pandemic. The trip will be here before you know it!

    I am going to Walgreens in another 30 min to get a booster. The hospital where I work is not offering them but decided to get one given I have some travel near and far between next weekend to early July. I remember last year, we were no sooner out of the surge then back into the next one in July. I hope that won't be the case but will take the extra boost to help keep me protected. I had plans tonight for a belated birthday outing but it got postponed and glad for it as I just want to take it easy tonight. I had no reaction with the first two vaxes, the booster was more though.

    Goldie- I am glad the trip went well, although sorry to hear about the family. Some families seem to be filled with entitlement and no gratitude (unfortunately true of mine), and although we work to not take it personally, it does sting when people act like this during a sensitive time. I like my family the least when someone has passed, all the bad behavior comes out. Glad this is behind you sister. Will you keep in touch with these people longer term? I have some people who were attached to my brother who passed 30 years ago and really don't keep in touch with them, and whenever I am back east and we cross paths, I get reminded why I keep my distance. Anyways, wishing you better days.

    NM- your stories around the puppers are so cute and funny. I am so glad you adopted them both and that they are so comfortable in your home. I expect spring will be a bit long coming there, but know you will have warmer weather soon. I lived for a summer in Maine and know summers may be short but they are also beautiful too (cousins who were visiting were from Maine too and think I should move there for retirement!)

    Chi- hoping the travel to NOLA goes easily and you have a fabulous time at the wedding. Congrats to your son and his new bride!

    I am going to be out of town next weekend for Easter and also doing a jazz concert to see Dave Grusin and Lee Rittenour the weekend after next in SF (doing an overnighter) and will be back later on this month.

    Blessings to everyone for Easter, Passover and all the other holidays you may be celebrating this April!