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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2022

    At Cafe du Monde yesterday, there was an amphitheater next door. Normally, that’s where people sit to have their coffee & beignets. But this time there was a huge high school marching band with cheerleaders (there’s a band convention) from a suburb of Atlanta. The busker who usually sings there (to a backing track) backed them up on vocals. He had a chubby little pet chihuahua that he trained to look for people offering tips: the little guy would take the money in its mouth, trot back and drop it in the tip bucket!

    DOTD at jazz brunch was a flute of champagne. Lots more tonight at the wedding…in TWO HOURS FROM NOW

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2022

    DsOTD—too many to count. Prosecco before the photography & ceremony. Pimm’s Cup (to-go) as we danced the Second Line (a lot longer route than I expected). Pinot Noir with dinner buffet; a non-alc. ginger beer & spiced shrub mocktail; another Pimm’s Cup; assorted club sodas & waters. After the wedding (well after 11pm), we made our way down Drunken Gen-Z Tourist Hell, aka Bourbon St., to Fritzel’s European Jazz Club, where I had a virgin Hurricane (booze that late would keep me up all night).

    The wedding was marvelous. Last night we were two families—now we are one

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited April 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Just got done posting my school assignment for this week, and it was a challenge!I had to write an abstract for an article on research I plan to do, but haven't done (and am not even sure is going to be my doctoral project!) Making statistical information up out of whole cloth is NOT something I have fun with. But it's done, and over and posted.

    The taxes got done yesterday. As usual, money back from the Feds, money out to the State. Not too bad this year, though, I still end up a thousand $ ahead. One of the joys of living in one of the most heavily taxed states in the union.

    5 days of school and then April break. I am very much looking forward to the break. So much I want to do and hoping and praying I have the energy and motivation to get it all done. I'm betting I end up playing with the pups most of the time. But that will be ok, too, as long as a get a few things done around the house.

    Goldie--It's pretty muddy here, but there have been much worse mud seasons, so I'm not complaining. This weekend was taxes and my own school work, now I get the day to play with the puppers. I hear you about not having balls for confrontations. Sometimes I just make myself do it, if the issue is important enough to me. Wish I knew what to say to you to help you sort through this situation.

    Wow, the bco site really glitched there, for a minute, you got posted 4 times in a row!

    Jazzy--I'm glad you are seeing good signs of spring! I, too, like the longer evening light and warmer days. I'm glad you got to visit with your cousins and make arrangements to go to the memorial. As you said, at this age that's a big part of what we do. The fur babies are keeping me busy and entertained and I love it. I tell people who talk about retiring to Maine after visiting during the summer to make sure they come for at least 2 weeks in the winter before deciding, to see what the weather is like the majority of the time here--summers are beautiful, wonderful and VERY short compared to the rest of the year. Better to know whatyou are getting into! Wishing you safe travels and fun weekends for April.

    Chi--sounds like the wedding went well, I am so glad for that! And it sounds like you had a wonderful time!

    Salty Chihuahua Cocktail

    • Coarse salt
    • 4 oz. tequila, divided
    • 2 oz. orange-flavored liqueur, divided
    • 3 cups grapefruit juice, divided
    • 4 grapefruit slices, for garnish

    Salt rims of glasses. Add tequila and liqueur to each glass over ice then top each glass with grapefruit juice. Stir.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    Jazzy, glad you had such a nice time with family and an upcoming trip out east to look forward too. Weather here is the same as yours....AHCHOOOOO is right! I will be staying in touch with the girls, they have been in my life for 23 years. I'm just glad they all live in other states! One in Reno, the other near San Diego!

    Sandy, congrats on being "one family" now. Hope to see pictures.

    NM, I never get done everything I want to! After all, it's just cleaning and it always comes back! Play the pups! Ha ha, I hadn't noticed the 4 postings! I deleted 3. I think I will ask the girls if they didn't tell their husbands about the montary gift and if they say yes they did, then I have to say "And they couldn't thank me?" And let them know that that really hurts and that I'm very disappointed.

    Karen, remind me when do the girls arrive?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2022

    Congrats ChiSandy. Glad the wedding was beautiful ❤️

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2022

    Sandy - will you be able to share pictures? Glad you had a wonderful time at the wedding.

    Lori - DD#2 arrives Tuesday afternoon and DD#1 a week later. I'm taking next week off, but need to work this week. I'm starting to cover a need school - elementary school for a maternity leave. I will be busy!!! The SP is there 4 days and I'm only assigned 3 days.

    Lori - your photos on fb were beautiful - very touching.

    Have a great Sunday night

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2022

    I was too busy participating to take many pictures—maybe I'll get some forwarded to me. The Second Line was about a half-mile, and between that and Bourbon St. I have the foot blisters to prove it.

    DsOTD thus far—with brunch at Palm & Pine, a caipirinha, a Chilean Malbec rose,and a brut nature (no “dosage") bubbly from the Baja. Tonight we're going to Justine, and will report back.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    Good evening Loungettes! I have my treatments tomorrow, so leaving early in the morning. Been super windy here, blowing the pollen like cray cray. I find it so nice to read of such happy things going on. Sandy and wedding, Karen with your girls coming soon,Jazzy, I think you have a concert coming next weekend, NM getting spring break soon and hopefully had fun with the pups over the weekend, and I get to go to MI in just a little over 3 weeks. It's been a rough week for me, so reading these things makes me happy.

    Here is one picture from my DH's memorial, not the best pic of me, but oh well! On my R is his youngest and her DH, on my right his other DD her DH and the grandkids.


    For NM and Me, and of course all of us!

    May be an image of text

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2022

    At dinner tonight at Justine with my sis, my niece, and my friends from Charleston (originally Chicago), the DsOTNight were a Billecart-Salmon Brut NV and a Sancerre. Back in the hotel, starting to pack and waiting for the CBD gummy to kick in

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited April 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey day! It's the week before April break, and I expect things will be rather busy. Pool testing this ayem, then we will do pool testing after break for 2 weeks, then we are suspending pool testing for the rest of the school year. The Maine Dept of Education has already announced that there will be no pool testing or COVID protocol next school year, COVID will be handled like any other infectious disease. Lots and lots of people are very happy to hear this! Oh, and all Maine schools will be getting huge supplies of rapid antigen COVID tests next fall to distribute to staff and families. We are going to have cases and cases of tests to find some place to store, that should be a lot of fun.

    Colt and Zoe have started taking turns climbing into my lap whenever I am sitting in the recliner. When one gets up to stretch or walk around, the other one steps right up. And the looks I get when I tell one or both of them to get off so I can get up! "I was comfy, Mom, why are you making me move?" and, of course, I get escorted to the bathroom or kitchen or wherever I may get up and go every time. Never going to be lonely around here!

    Goldie--the fact that the cleaning always comes back is what makes it so hard for me, sometimes. It feels like a waste of time. Let us know how it goes with the talk with the girls.

    Morning, Jazzy!

    Karen--good luck with the new school!

    Chi--sounds like you are having a good time, blisters and all!

    Goldie--that is a great picture! And I thinkyou look just fine. Love the Dust If You Must! And it is absolutely OK to stab a straw into a bag of wine!

    White Rabbit Cocktail


    • 80ml gin
    • 50ml amaretto
    • 50ml double cream
    • 1 tsp lemon curd
    • ¼ tsp vanilla paste
    • handful of ice
    • edible flowers , to serve


    • STEP 1
      Put the gin, amaretto, double cream, lemon curd and vanilla paste into a cocktail shaker with a handful of ice and shake until the outside of the shaker feels very cold. Strain into two small cocktail or coupe glasses and garnish with edible flowers before serving.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2022

    Sandy - wedding sounds like it was wonderful. Didn't expect that you would take photos, but when you get any......

    Lori - good luck with treatment. Drive safe.

    Kim - not worried about new school. It is a great one and will be good.

    DD#2 arrives tomorrow afternoon SillyHeart

    Need to get of my Cubii and get dressed as I need to leave in 1/2 hour 6:50. Have a great Monday

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited April 2022

    Goldie, little Pig being so tiny is not normal, however he and Monkeys mom was small (6.5lbs), we suspect the dad was a toy chihuahua and he is the runt. Assuming a low birth weight, he is growing as expected but may only weigh 2-3 lbs full grown. Monkey will likely be under 5 himself. Great pic and background for the memorial too, I know that is a special place for your family.

    Sandy, I bet that tip getting chihuahua was super cute and what a cool trick, we’re still working on the basics here for now.

    NM, I love to hear about Colt and Zoe, so glad you all have each other.

    Hi everyone!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited April 2022

    Thankfully I copied my short message before I hit submit as it logged me out.

    24 hours!! Of course DD#2 hasn't even left yet - her flight is in 5 hours. She should be getting the cab shortly. They are recommending getting to the airport 4 hours before the flight as lines are long for security, check-in etc. Can't wait for my hug!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited April 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! It was a beautiful spring day yesterday, so, of course, it's going to rain today. But the rain isn't supposed to stay, which is good. We really need some more good drying out days here.

    So far, neither of the puppers seems to like to pay in mud the way Sadie used to. They're mostly avoiding the big puddle/small pond in the corner of the dog yard, thank goodness. The two of them would be an awful lot of muddy dog to have to deal with!

    Karen--DD arrives today, I believe? YEAH!Glad the new school will be a good one.

    Illi--I can't wait to hear about little Pig and Monkey's adventures as they settle in and grow up! I'm happy to have Colt and Zoe, and they seem pretty happy to be with me, at least so far!

    Karen--enjoy that first hug, and many more during DD's visit!

    Paper Plane Cocktail recipe

    Paper Plane Cocktail


    Makes 2 Servings

    1½ ounces amaro (preferably Nonino)

    1½ ounces Aperol

    1½ ounces bourbon

    1½ ounces fresh lemon juice, strained


    Combine amaro, Aperol, bourbon, and lemon juice in a cocktail shaker. Fill with ice and shake vigorously until outside of shaker is frosty, about 20 seconds. Strain into 2 coupe glasses

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    YAY KAREN, it's DD day! I know you can't wait to wrap your arms around her. I'm excited for you. I always type in notepad, that way I can still respond if I have to go the next page.

    Gabygirl, I'm glad Pig is doing well. I was just curious about the weight, being small dogs it could be normal. But you say no and that he was the runt. What a funny name for a runt, Pig! Did you name the puppies or were they already named when you got them.

    NM, I'm glad for you that the pups don't have any interest in the mud puddle! Colt and Zoe are probably thinking "where have you been all my life!"

    Yesterday was an 11 hour day! They were running behind so I was over a half hour late getting my infusion. However, my DH's x-wifes sister came to sit with me. Yes, you read that right! I left here at 7 am and got home at 6 pm! I paid a bill on line that I was suprised to see, as I thought I had all my bills paid up. So I look on my portal and there's a charge from Jan. for $140.00 for a facility fee. So I paid it, and just thought maybe it's a one time thing that's new. Well when I was there yesterday they tell me that things have changed, they are now considered a hospital and I will be responsible for any facilty fees. Well, if I have to pay that every 3 weeks, on top of my $45 office fee, $60 in gas....I can't do that every 3 weeks! Super super windy here yesterday and today with winds at 35 gusting up to 55!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited April 2022

    Hi all. I've tried to keep reading but I HATE this new platform so I've been mostly absent. Mae & NM - love your new dogs. Goldie - I am always amazed at your strength. Jazzy - I finally subscribed to the NM magazine. Don't know the usual format but May is all food & celebrating the green chili cheeseburger. Just had to share this description of this "side" at Laguna Burger..."Albuquerque location's signature adult milkshakes...It's almost like a white Russian."

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited April 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Wednesday, Women and Wine get together after work today, I'm looking forward to that. We're going to a place I've not been to before, so it will be a bit of an adventure.

    My life seems to have gotten a tad complicated all of a sudden. I've gone from wondering if I'm going to find good work after this contract is done to being recruited by a friend to go back to hospice as a clinical manager (office job, middle management, year-round, full time, $5K sign on bonus) and finding and applying for a school nurse position in my town (7.1 miles from home, one year position, grant funded). Got some serious thinking to do if both positions turn out to be viable.

    I asked Zoe and Colt what I should do, workwise. Colt washed my face and said I could do either as long as came home and fed him every day. Zoe rolled over for a belly rub and asked me what is the "werk" thing you are talking about? Rub the belly!Big help, there!

    Goldie--I suspect the puppers are feeling pretty happy, they seem to be happy anyway. And they do keep quite a close eye on me. One of the is always touching me one way or another. Boy, what a day you had! That's a lot of money to be putting out every three weeks. There must be some way to get the facility charge decreased or eliminated, I would think. Or maybe there is someplace else you can go to get treatment?

    Love the work from home tip!

    Morning, Minus!

    Strategic Management Cocktail

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    Minus2, I hate the new platform as well, but I can manuever it. I would rather it be like this than down completely! As for my strength, I dunno, I do try to do my best to manage. I don't have a choice, right? Well, I could move, but I don't want to. I like it here, and I can't imagine all it would entail, especially just moving everything!

    NM, I'm sorry about the job struggles. Working at the school seems like it has made you the happiest. Hospice and nursing homes always seemed to come with drama. The facility charge is something new. If I change where I do treatment, I would have to change MO, and I love my doctor. They do have a cancer center up here where I live, but I don't have any confidence in the medical field up here.

    Karen, you should have gotten that big hug by now and probably more as well! I hope she made it there safely and without any incidences. Enjoy your time with DD.

    Had to have a friend come by and look at my old west town. The top/roof/overhang is pulling away from the back wall from the high winds we've been having and I'm afraid it's just all going to come down. So we propped it up best we could and him and his wife will come Saturday morning to fix it, or at least make it safer.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited April 2022

    Hi all. Just letting you know I'm thinking of you all and taking a look see some nights. The new system is annoying as we all know! Happy drinking ladies!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited April 2022

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! I had a great time with the Wednesday, Women and Wine group. We went to a restaurant serving Mediterranean food, and it was yummy!I had duck with a sauce of caramelized onions and raisins and couscous. Met a couple of new ladies, we visited andyakked for almost 3 hours! Zoe and Colt were not too upset with me coming home late, but I did get a little bit of the cold shoulder after the excited hellos when I first got home, but it didn't last long. The extra cuddle time probably didn't hurt.

    Goldie--I don't blame you for not wanting to change doctors, having faith in your medical team is pretty important. Hope the Old West Town is easily fixed, it's such a pretty and fun place! I love seeing pics of it. It would be really nice to find a school nurse job with hospice middle management pay, that would be ideal! There does seem to be a lot more drama and office politics in hospice, but with only a couple of years of working life left until retirement, the money is becoming a pretty big motivator. Still not sure what I am going to do, but haven't gotten any offers yet, so I still have time to think.

    Hi, Kidi!Glad to know you are still lurking!

    Wild Wild West Cocktail Recipe

    Wild Wild West Cocktail


    • 1 1/2 ounces whiskey
    • 1 ounce peach schnapps
    • 2 ounces cranberry juice


    1. Shake the whiskey, peach schnapps and cranberry juice in a cocktail shaker with ice.
    2. Strain the contents of the shaker into an ice-filled lowball, or old-fashioned glass, and serve.

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited April 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! The puppers say Good Morning to everyone, too!

    Looking forward to the weekend and vacation week.

    Peeps Cocktail pin

    Buzzed Peeps


    • Cherry Vodka
    • Whipped Marshmallow Vodka
    • Coconut Rum
    • Toasted Marshmallow Syrup
    • Half & Half
    • Pink Sugar
    • Easter sprinkles
    • Marshmallow Cream – for garnish


    1. Coat rim of two cocktail glasses with marshmallow cream. Dip in a bowl of pink sugar and Easter sprinkles. Set aside.
    2. Fill shaker with ice.
    3. Add Half & Half, Cherry Vodka, Whipped Marshmallow Vodka, Coconut rum and toasted marshmallow syrup to a cocktail shaker. Place lid on shaker and shake away.
    4. Divide evenly between two rim-coated glasses.
    5. Cheers!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    Quiet up in here! Is everyone passed out drunk?

    NM, sounds like a nice evening with the WWW ladies. I'll have to wait and see if I get billed again for those facility charges, and if they are there, I will express how upset I am about that. I can't imagine I would be the only one complaining! I guess it will get me to my out of pocket faster! Which I don't think I ever meet.

    I'll pass on that Buzzed Peeps, LOL. Not a marshmallow fan, and always hated those marshmallow peeps.....YUCK. Same with those ones shaped like a peanut. Still windy here, blowing the pollen. No plans for me for the weekend, after all, it's just me.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited April 2022

    Yup - you pretty much called it Goldie. One glass of white Zin with my cold boiled shrimp to finish the bottle. Two glasses of Garnacha with my piece of chocolate cake for desert to finish that bottle. Then I poured a 'shot' of Amarula. Off to bed slightly tipsy.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited April 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Yesterday got a little exciting at work. A student had a low blood sugar episode and passed out in class. The treatment plan worked just fine, but we did wind up with an ambulance crew on scene. Being such a small town, word was spreading as soon as the radio call went out, and then the principal put out a robocall that no one really listened to, so then we spent a good half to three quarters of an hour answering phone calls from panicked parents asking who it was. Anyway, all's well that ends well, and the student went home with a parent for close monitoring for the rest of the day.

    Taking the puppers out to get harnesses and leashes and then to meet Mom today. This should make for an interesting day. Why Mom is so insistent on meeting "the grand dogs" when she hates having dogs in the house is beyond me, but I'll roll with it.

    Goldie--I don't care to eat Peeps, but I do like seeing them come out at Easter time. They look like fun and spring, even if they don't eat so well. I can't imagine you are the only one complaining about the facility charges. It really seems like poor customer relations to start something like that without letting people know it was coming. It seems like it gets harder and harder to meet the out of pocket limits, with more and more things not being counted toward that.

    Minus--off to bed slightly tipsy sounds like a good evening to me!

    The Money Maker


    3 parts mint infused Hornitos® Plata Tequila

    1/2 part quality DeKuyper® Razzmatazz® Schnapps Liqueur

    3/4 part Branca Menta® Liqueur

    1 1/2 parts fresh Lemon Juice

    1/2 part Simple Syrup

    1 Egg White


    Combine ingredients in a mixing glass. Shake, without ice, to combine.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    Minus2, I hope you slept well!

    NM, when I was reading that you were taking the dogs and getting them leashes, and then to moms, I thought to myself, surely she's not taking them with her to moms! She doesn't like dogs. Low and behold, you are! This should make for a good story. Enjoy your visit. Glad that little one is ok.

    Neighbor coming today to work on the Old West Town. His wife can't come, so not sure what all he'll get done, but he'll know more of what materials I might need to buy.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited April 2022

    The most delicious sangria made with a splash of fireball whiskey. I'm on my second


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2022

    Where for art thou Jazzy!

    NM, waiting to see how things went at moms. Saw this on FB, reminded me of Silly Sadie!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited April 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! Took the puppers to meet Mom yesterday, after stopping at Petco to get halters and leashes for them. The halters I needed for walking them and for the car restraints, the leashes because I like the halters and leashes to match. Vain of me, I know. Took the pups in one at a time, and it's a good thing I did because BOTH are significant pullers! Thank goodness they couldn't get a grip on the linoleum floor! An obvious need for some training work here. Mom's first comment on seeing them was to ask if I had lost my mind. In fact, she asked me that about a hundred times while we were visiting. And now she has a new story to tell a dozen times every visit, one about a woman who was dog-sitting some dogs, at least one was a rottweiler ("It's in their genes to be violent, you know"). The dogs attacked her and "literally ripped off her face" and how many surgeries she's had since then and all the details Mom can remember and how horrible the pictures they showed on TV were. I heard that story five times yesterday. I'm not sure what her purpose is in telling me that over and over again, it's not like I'm going to surrender Colt back to the shelter or have him put down just because of one story that Mom may or may not even be remembering correctly. But I better get used to hearing it, I suppose. In between questioning my sanity and talking about dogs ripping faces off people she kept bringing up how it's going to cost me a small fortune to feed and take care of them. I love her dearly, but sometimes she tries my patience. Then she really surprised me by telling me she's often wanted to have a husky! Of course, she can't because she isn't home enough and having a dog means not being able to just take off and go places whenever she wants (her words, not mine). Mom must not have any idea how much a husky sheds, and she's always carrying on about all the dog hair whenever a dog comes to visit her. Add to that how she remembers when adopting a dog from a shelter cost $10 or $20 and can you imagine how she would carry on about the adoption fees today? Gotta love the Mama!

    Goldie--yup, took the puppers to Mom's, at her insistence! Sounds like a good start on the Old West Town renovations.

    Jazzy--that sangria looks wonderful! I bet the Fireball adds just a nice bit of zing!

    Goldie--that does sound like Sadie, doesn't it?

    Siberian Husky


    1 part cranberry

    1 part Sprite

    2 part Stolichnaya


    Add all the ingredients to a highball glass with ice. Stir and serve.

    From <>