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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited July 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! I went to see Mom yesterday, she's doing well with the heat and humidity--nothing like what you get in other parts of the country, I know, but still it's enough to cause problems for a stubborn old woman who will not turn on the AC because "I never had it before and did just fine, don't see any reason to pay for something I don't need." She's still got the same problems with the cell phones, and is still paying for 2 plans, and still won't call the bank and have the automatic payment to the one she doesn't want stopped because "I've already called the credit card company and that should take care of it." Except that I wonder if that autopayment is set up through the bank account and not the credit card. But she swears the only automatic payment set up through the bank is her rent. I'm going to have to set up online access to her account so I can figure out what is happening and help her get things sorted out. Gotta love the Mamma!

    The puppers have totally recovered from the quilling experience. Zoe was afraid to go off the deck into the yard for a couple of days after that, but has gotten over that and is back to tearing around the yard like a race car chasing Colt and getting Colt to chase her. Lordy, I wish I had some of her energy! Colt is still putting up with Zoe chewing on his ears, and sometimes he stands on the deck and keeps blocking Zoe from getting back up on it, which is a lost cause as the deck is only 3 feet off the ground and they jump on and off anywhere, only occasionally using the stairs.

    Jazzy--hot springs in a heat wave doesn't sound like something I'd want to do, but hey, if that's what you like, go for it! I'm sorry the sunflowers didn't last. I'm looking forward to checking out the winery while I'm in Ohio!

    Chi--you really have babied that Outback, to only do 24K miles in that long!





    Shake first four ingredients with ice and strain into ice-filled hurricane glass. Top with grenadine. Garnish with peach. Serve in a Hurricane Glass.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2022

    Sandy, the Blue Angels are amazining to watch. They go to MI also, my friends and family have seen themm.

    NM, that's good that the pups are going into their crates on demand. You could get a nest cam or a baby cam to watch them during the day if you leave them out. The ear chewing is bred into some dogs. I learned that from my nieghbor. He has a dog that has it's ears clipped. Dogs and other animals will grab the dog by ears to take them down and attack, which is why that one dog of his has his ears clipped. He bought him like that. I know with Zoe tho, she's just playing.

    Reader, both of those drinks look yummy. Yes, BCO is a joke anymore, but I can manage. I think that's why Chevy doesn't come by much.

    Jazzy, been hot here too and more rain. Got a down pour yesterday, more today and tomorrow. So it will most likely be good and muddy/slippery when I leave out of here Tuesday morning for Phoenix. LOL on the "retail diet".

    Been MIA as I have so much to do around here. I've been decluttering and getting rid of stuff that's just taking up space. Gathering stuff to donate to a womens shelter and for the vets. Lots to do outside, but it's too hot! Tuesday is nuclear kidney test and my infusions. Thursday or Friday I'm heading to Moab for about 5 days. No internet at the cabin in the mountains where I will be staying, so I will be away from the boards at that time. Then Aug. 13th my brother will be here.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2022

    Kim. I have 42K, not 24K, miles on my Outback.

    DsOTD were a flute of rosé Cremant d'Alsace at brunch; and at early dinner, a coupe* of François Montand NV Brut (Jura region of FR), and a couple of ounces poured from Bob's glass of the restaurant's (Cindy's Rooftop) private label Napa cab.

    *I don't understand the contemporary hipster fascination with serving bubbly in those retro 1920's shallow "coupes," which are prone to spillage (especially in aging hands) and make the bubbles dissipate and the wine go flat faster. Unless they've already laid in a supply for making foo-foo craft cocktails, of course. I've been reading that millennials & Gen-Zers are snubbing wine because lists are too small and markups too high relative to booze, which gets one buzzed faster & more cheaply. Call me a snob, but I don't drink for the buzz. I don't even like feeling the slightest bit tipsy or loopy--which is why I even gave up THC edibles.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited July 2022

    Chi thank you for the good wishes. I hope PT works also, mainly because the Orthopedist said I am not a candidate for my rotator cuff tear repair because I also have longstanding osteoarthritis and degenerative changes. He said the only surgery he sees in my future would be a shoulder replacement. So I've had the cortisone shot, am doing PT and have a follow up appt. With him on Wednesday.

    Goldie enjoy your cabin stay. It sounds wonderful. I too continue to try to declutter.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2022

    Sweet baby James


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited July 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! The heat and humidity is wearing me and the puppers down, but the humidity should break today as a "cold" front move through. The "cold" part is relative, not really much temperature difference, but enough for severe thunderstorm warnings to go up for the day and into the evening. It's starting to rain as I'm writing, that will help move out some of the humidity, I hope.

    Zoe starting limping yesterday, and now she has a red spot on the paw that had the most porcupine quills. The vet said there were a few pieces she couldn't get out without damaging the tissue too much, the pieces should work themselves out--some did--but to watch for infection. This morning it looks like it's popped and draining, so it may take care of itself. I'll look at it this afternoon and see what's happening, and call the Vet tomorrow if needed.

    I got my flight tickets, hotel reservation, and car rental set up through work for next week's trip over the weekend. I had to get a profile, then I could do all that through an app that worked pretty slickly. The App even reminded me to set up an expense report to get reimbursed for the airport parking! As much as I don't like leaving the puppers, I am looking forward to the trip and the training.

    Goldie--Yes, Zoe is playing when she goes after Colt's ears, she's not really chewing very hard, and Colt can pull away whenever he wants, but usually, he joins in and goes after the nape of Zoe's neck, usually her collar, and will drag her around, it's hilarious to watch with both of them play growling and their tails going a mile a minute. I think some dog breeds get their tails docked so there's less tail for another dog to get hold of during a fight. I cannot understand the "sport" of watching animal fighting. Good luck with the testing, and enjoy the cabin time and the brother's visit time.

    Chi--woops. But 42K is impressive, too! It's amusing how tastes change from generation to generation. I don't mind getting buzzed when I drink, but as soon as I notice the feeling, that's the end of the drinking for the evening. And I'm very careful not to even approach that level if I will be driving. I like the taste, just like I like the taste of coffee.

    Reader--praying PT works for your shoulder.

    Morning, Jazzy!


    Elephant's Ear Cocktail

    Stir in mixing glass with ice strain

    1 oz gin (3 cl)

    ¾ oz dry vermouth (2 cl)

    ¾ oz Red Dubonnet (2 cl)

    Serve in a cocktail glass

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited July 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! It's going to be a long day at work today, I've got education sessions scheduled for 4, 5 and 6 peeyem for the Home Health Aides. I suspect the puppers will not be happy with me getting home late, At least the humidity has cleared out and it was more comfortable sleeping last night. It must have been cooler since Colt slept on the bed up against my legs last night. Poor boy has been sleeping on the floor where it's cooler. Of course, he does pull clothes out of the hamper and make a bed out of them to sleep on, so I'm not sure how that's all that much cooler than being on the bed with the fans going!

    Quiet here in the lounge today. Hope everyone is busy and having good times!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2022

    For the last few days (and the rest of the week) we're having prototypical San Diego summer weather (at least the kind San Diego had before climate change): mid-to-high 70s, slightly breezy, clear as a bell. 'Maters ripening slower than I'd like, but next week promises to be a hot & humid one--so I should have enough ripe homegrowns to make a Caprese for the block party brunch.

    Last night with leftover steak I had a couple oz. of the Mirassou Pinot Noir. Tonight at Regalie, since we had seafood, we shared a bottle of Villa Sparina DOC Gavi (Piemonte) Brut Blanc de Blancs. Found out the winery has its own agriturismo resort. When Bob's new passport comes through and travel is once again a non-ordeal...

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2022

    Oh dear, what a long day yesterday! I left the house at 6:30 am and got home at 8:00 pm. Things were running late at both places. Gals were having trouble sticking me and getting blood. At one poke, saline would go in, but no blood would come out. I got there at 10:30, infusions finally going an hour later. Then radiology was just behind, waited an hour for them. A few things to get done today before I head out tomorrow. I'm not even going to take my computer. No internet on the mountain.

    Of course it rained after the guy worked on my road for 8 hours! And, of course it was muddy when I left here. So the rain washed some of the work out and I made big ruts in it. Had to use 4 WD to get out of here.

    NM, poor Zoe. I hope her paw is doing better today and it doesn't get infected. I need to book my flight today. I was hoping they would come down, but they really haven't. Funny how dogs know to pile up clothes to lay on, whether clean or dirty! I imagined you worked pretty late, with your last class at 6. I hope the Tenders have been keeping you company! Pretty quiet in here.

    Well at least Sandy is here! Sandy, that weather sounds poyfect to me!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited July 2022

    Goldie - have a WONDERFUL week in Moab!!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2022

    Enjoy Moab, Lori!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited July 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! I headed in to work early yesterday to make sure I could get some audits done before today's deadline, as well as catch up on a couple of routine things and process the education from Tuesday evening. Then I got stuck in traffic behind a car fire on the interstate, and ended up getting to work at the usual time. Fortunately, I did get the audits done yesterday, and got the key parts of the routine order processing and education logging. We interviewed a really good candidate for the front desk/medical records position, and I think she will be offered the position. Having that position filled will take away the order processing piece that's taking up a good bit of my time right now that I will be happy to have go away. I'm getting excited for the trip next week and getting a really solid education in the processes so I can really help out with that work without creating chaos by making mistakes. It's hard to believe I've only been working in this office for 6 weeks!

    The puppers are doing well. They are really settling in to the general routine of life pretty well. They're starting to remind me that it's bedtime around 9 pm, and that breakfast is as soon as we get up and dinner is as soon as I get home from work. And play time is right after dinner time. Cuddle time is when we go to bed and some before I get out of bed in the morning. Gotta love the puppers!

    Chi--how fun to find a place to travel to like that!

    Goldie--Zoe's paw is fine now. I'm pretty sure there was a piece of quill in there that was starting to get infected, but opened up and drained out and took the quill with it. The paw is totally normal now. Doggos do like their comfort, don't they? Have a great trip and enjoy yourself! You deserve it after such a long day like that.


    just the paperwork

    1 1/2 oz Amaro Nonino

    1 oz Cognac (Pierre Ferrand Ambre)

    1 oz Cocchi Americano

    2 dash Orange Bitters (Scrappy's)

    1/2 oz Water

    Build in a rocks glass, give a quick stir, and garnish with an orange twist. Note: This is a room temperature cocktail.

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2022

    DOTD tonight at Chez Joel was a glass of 2020 Sancerre. (Dinner was fish-centric).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited July 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! I've got lots to do before leaving for training on Sunday, so tomorrow will be busy. I think I got everything done for the Quality Improvement meeting later this morning, we'll see as the meeting goes on. I need to pay attention because I'll be running the meeting in October. The puppers seem content, I hope they'll cope with being kenneled ok. At least they will be together, I hope that will be better than at the shelter.

    Morning, Chi!

    Have a great weekend, everyone!

    11 3-Ingredient Cocktails Perfect for Day Drinking | Lazy Entertainer | HGTV

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited July 2022

    NM - hope you have a great trip & it's a useful learning situation.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2022

    DOTD at Indie Cafe--a split of Francois Montand NV Brut.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2022

    I know it's a little early in the day to post a DOTD, but this time I'd like to engage in a little--in the words of the late great Linda Richman from vintage SNL--"Cawfee Tawk" (I'll give you a topic: egg creams have neither eggs nor cream. Tawk amongst yawselves--discuss).

    Just bought a bag of freshly-roasted (7/26) Papua New Guinea beans from Metropolis. Brewed it as a Hario pour-over. Scrumptious--can taste all the nuances, including a little bracing acidity. Reason I bring this up is that Thursday I was late so resorted to Keurig (Tully's Hawaiian Blend). I've been doing fresh pour-overs (and sometimes espresso) so long that the Keurig tasted like watered-down mud. Even Nespresso capsules, which except for the flavored ones taste roughly all the same to me, have more personality than Keurig. Both Bob & my HK, as well as Gordy when he comes over, like Keurig. (Leslie, my DDIL, adores the Nespresso machine I gave her), To each one's own, I guess.

    Bob's working late tonight, so I'm dining alone for dinner and therefore nothing alcoholic.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2022

    Kim, years ago at LaJolla's George's on the Cove, I had a "mocktail" called a "Bee Sting:" honey, lime juice, and ginger beer , with a rosemary sprig & lemongrass stick as stirrers.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2022

    Good evening ladies- hard to believe it's already the end of July, this summer is going fast. Kids start going back to school this coming week and the following week too depending on the location here. They start early and finish before Memorial Day, but they are starting even earlier and the days are longer this year as they are trying to make up for some lost learning time during the pandemic. People at work are finishing up vacations and things are getting busy again. After a few years of less travel and socializing due to the pandemic and other things, I am making up for lost time.

    I went to see a really great concert with James Taylor last sunday night at a local venue (arena) that was just the best yet. I saw him years ago back east, and then probably about 15 years ago here at another smaller venue. His music is some of my favorite from my teenage years, Walking Man is a favorite album as well as my favorite song of his (and yes he sang it too). He had a really stellar band of veteran musicians as well as five singers (including his son Henry who is also a musician). The stage had some great optics too (reminded me of a similar concert with great visuals in Vegas with Elton John a few years back). It had me out late on a work night, but was worth it. I will share some pictures here shortly. The local summer music is wrapping up here in the next few weeks, but then the NM Jazz festival ramps up in Sept/Oct.

    Things are finally cooler here again with the return of the summer monsoons. I have not had a lot of rain at my house this week but it's been going gangbusters around the state the past week. The Rio Grande runs through ABQ and was dried up south of here (eek) but is flowing again. I hope the rains stick around for a bit longer. They can go into Sept, but hard to know what will happen.

    Goldie- thinking of you and hoping your time in Moab is enjoyable. I love that spot.

    NM- I think you are on your way to your training this weekend. I am sure the puppers will miss you but will be well taken care of and will be happy to see you when you get back. Sounds like the new job is going well and keeping you busy!

    Chi- that coffee sounds delicious. I am going to the Kona area of HI for a yoga retreat next spring and was thinking today about a coffee farm there I love and must visit while I am in that area. Now I want coffee but alas, will wait until the am. I am a coffee lover....

    Ill- are you getting any of this monsoon moisture? I think it may be coming up from the Gulf of Mexico into our state and may be passing over your area? How is life in the new location? How are you doing and what are you eating and drinking?

    Mistyeyes- hope everyone is well in FL. You are giving such helpful advice to Goldie as she navigates her new chapter after her DH's passing. I remember when you lost your husband.

    Teka- hey!

    Karen- I think you may still be traveling but may be back to the classroom soon.

    MinusTwo- I hope you are enjoying your summer and some good music your way?

    Has anyone heard from Chevy lately?

    Thats all for this weekend. Will be back soon with more updates on summer in the southwest.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited July 2022

    Love James Taylor! So glad you got to see him Jazzy. It has been some years for me. Glad his son has joined the band and hopefully keeping the legacy alive.

    Chi you're making me want coffee also! I love a great cup. May I ask how you do your pour over when you get a chance?

    If I remember Chevy mentioned she was having such trouble with the site she might stick to Facebook. Hope she and her husband are doing well as can be.

    DOTD was 2 grapefruit Margaritas at a friend's party. Delicious. But told DH it might be best if he drove us home. I'm a true lightweight.

    Safe travels to those on the road.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited July 2022






  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2022

    Morning gals! Yes, I'm sort of here, off & on.... I guess I'm just so thankful that things are not worse than they are. My husband is having so many problems with Dementia.... but I can DO this, right? It's hard to not lose my temper, and I'm trying to be more patient... He has trouble walking, and shuffles his feet, you know? He uses a cane, around here, but has fallen too many times already this year! I have to run to the neighbors, or even the mail-man, and this last time, a UPS driver helped pick him back up!

    And we went to the store yesterday morning, and the Fire dept. guys were there! One of them stopped & talked to DH, asked how he was... They were at our house last week!

    I love being able to work in my gardens... and go out to the store once-in-awhile! We go together, and I park the car, close, then get him a buggy to hold on to! It's good for both of us to get out, and he likes to talk to people!

    We DO have a couple gals that come to see him, like an occupational therapist, and another nurse, that comes by every week! This was ordered from the Doc who saw him at the hospital!

    I'm 85 today!!! Yay! Janie came over with lots of food & gifts, so we had a "party"... Hah! .... We might run over to Walmart a little later.... Sheri got me a new phone! Had my neighbor transfer all the info, So I want a new case for it. It's just good to get "out" once in a while, right?

    Last night was bad... He woke me up twice, just for no reason, but to talk I guess... I finally got up at 11, and sat & listened to him, and re-assured him we were okay... and that yes I AM his wife, and my name, etc! It scares me too! He asked where his Mom was, etc..... I just have to patiently listen to him. I just wanted for last night to be over with, and here we are! He sounds a little better this morning.

    We just saw our PC... Yes, they all want us to see a Neurologist... to tell me what I already know, I guess. They are supposed to set up an appointment.

    Yes, I remember "Sweet Baby James" and Carly Simon! I loved listening to music many years ago!

    Thanks gals... just nice to know there is someone "here" that I can talk to! xoxo

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited July 2022

    Chevy - adding my birthday wishes. You are amazing!!! Glad to hear from you.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited July 2022

    Jazzy, yup, we’re getting rain nearly every day, which I’m told is a typical July here. It hasn’t been a lot but enough to green up and keep the wildlife happy. Food has been simple meals, as the oven isn’t installed yet and drink has been the occasional beer but my beach bar is nearing completion, I’m painting now, will decorate over the next few weeks, then celebrate with margaritas 😁

    Progress being made, yay!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited July 2022

    Happy birthday, Chevy!

    Jazzy, hoping to see Taylor if & when he comes to the Chicago area (if I haven't missed him already, that is). I suspect my days of being able to see the greats in classic rock are over, if a NYT article about Springsteen ticket pricing is to be believed. LiveNation has taken over the arenas, and requires buying tickets online via Ticketmaster--whose algorithm calculates demand for "original-source" tickets and increases prices accordingly. Landau, the Boss' mgr., defends this practice by rationalizing that the money goes into the artists' rather than the "secondaery marketers'" (scalpers') pockets. This is extremely disingenuous--someone like Springsteen, a champion of the working class who lives on a ranch in NJ and has an Olympic-medalist equestrian daughter, surely doesn't need the $5000 (!) it costs a fan to score a floor-level ticket. (And easily 2/3 of that price goes to Ticketmaster's & LiveNation's fees, for "service" and "convenience." The latter term is even more disingenuous, as it is no longer possible to go the less "convenient" route of buying tickets by phone or directly at the box office). This policy has killed the face-value faithful-fan ticket exchange, which I'd used in 2016 & early 2017. Same thing with Las Vegas residencies--as recently as 2018 & 2019 we'd been able to afford Elton John & Lady Gaga (her jazz show) concerts, one from the hotel itself and the other via more ethical-than-Stub-Hub/Seat-Geek reseller Vivid Seats. But no longer. It's outrageous that a concert ticket should cost as much or more than the airfare & lodging it takes to attend that concert.

    That said, on the Friday of Labor Day weekend we'll be going to Ravinia (Chicago's pop & classical outdoor music festival series in Highland Park) to see a double bill of Emmylou Harris & Mary Chapin Carpenter. Wanted to see Bonnie Raitt & Mavis Staples the week before, but not only is Bob working but the only seats available were general-admission lawn, where not even the Jumbotron is visible and from which I need serious help getting up off the ground--and which can be a muddy disaster in rainy weather. We scored pavilion seats for Harris/Carpenter, and this time we'll leave the house early enough to make a buffet dinner reservation (rather than have to lug a picnic basket from a train or far reaches of the parking lot). At $100 each--with the only "fee" being as a donation to the festival charities, not cheap but not exorbitant. And Metra train fare is free (though not the CTA fare or Evanston parking garage next to the Metra station).

    Here's how I make my pour-overs. I use either a Hario V60 cone or a Kalita 185 filter-holder, with their proprietary paper (pointed cone for Hario, basket for Kalita) filters. I put the kettle (Hario long-neck spout) on the stove to boil; while it's heating, I measure out the coffee beans--I can eyeball what the requisite 19-21gm. looks like--and grind them on the medium setting of my old (18-yrs. old) Rancilio Rocky burr grinder before dumping the ground coffee into the filter and placing the filter on my mug, a temperature-controlled Ember Gordy got me for Christmas one year. I have a battery-operated scale with timer, on which I place the mug & filter When the water boils, I start the timer and wet the grounds with the water, letting the CO2 "outgas" for 30-45 sec. Meanwhile, I turn the heat down to its lowest setting. I then slowly dribble the water counterclockwise periodically, never letting the water reach the rim of the filter but always keeping the grounds from fully collapsing. At 3 min., I turn off the timer; when the mug is nearly full (or the scale reads >350gm. for the mug assembly). I then place the mug on its charging coaster & dump the grounds (in the filter paper) into the compost bin on the counter by the sink. Sometimes I first place the empty mug & filter on the scale and turn it on so that the weight is 0, so that I can conduct most of the process with the mug on the charging coaster to keep it hot for as long as it takes to drink the brew.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited August 2022

    Wow! Thank you Sandy. That is quite a process and I appreciate you sharing it. I'll attempt a version and report back.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited August 2022

    Mae - progress indeed. That looks great!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! I am here in Ohio after a bit of a long day of travel. My itinerary had a almost 3 hour layover in Charlotte between flights. The flight out of Charlotte was delayed, from 1:20 peeyem, ultimately until 4 peeyem, got into Akron about 5. No GPS in the rental car, and with 1% left in the phone battery, I still made it to the hotel with out getting lost. Then the suitcase wouldn't unlock, and I ended up having to break the zipper tabs to get it open! The nice thing is that the hotel is only half a mile from the office where I will be training, so I get to sleep a bit later in the ayems.

    Misty—the trip, other than the delay, went smoothly, if slowly.

    Chi—coffee certainly has it's complexities!

    Jazzy—dropping off the puppers was exiting, Zoe slipped her harness and was racing around the kennel, fortunately, she ran right into the office when I called her! Then she wasn't having any part of having a leash put on. Looks like a great concert.

    Morning, Reader!

    Chevy—sounds like you had a long night. You can do this, you have been doing this and doing it very well for some time now. Funny running into the firefighters like that! and Happy Birthday!

    Looking Good, Illi!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2022

    What monsoon rains look like


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2022
