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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2022

    And this


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    Yikes, Jazzy! Sometimes we get stuff like that here in the Midwest, but I'm too freaked out by it to take photos.

    Kim, been there, done that with suitcase combination lock issues--have more than one suitcase with broken zipper tabs,

    Last night at Big Jones, I had a 2019 OR rosé called Crazy Love--minority-owned sustainable winery, Pretty good. Tonight I opened a 2017 Jean-Luc Colombo Rhone rosé that I'd forgotten was in the downstairs fridge. (Didn't feel like a red wine kinda night, and the riesling we had open in the fridge didn't seem to go with what we were eating. Riesling has a distinct "petrol" bouquet that when paired with the wrong food can be off-putting).

    On the coffee front, the other day I found a zero-sugar oat milk (Silk) that froths pretty well and has fewer net carbs than even ultra-filtered FairLife or CarbMaster dairy milks. Tastes decent too, with a drop of vanilla extract. (No, it's not part of that oat milk recall announced today--but Oatly in the shelf-stable cartons is).

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    Tonight, more of that Jean-Luc Colombo rosé, with coq au vin I threw together. (The " au vin" in question was Black Box Malbec).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2022

    I'm home! It was a tough ride, I must have cried about 8 times! At my husbands memorial, we left an angel and Mike left a can of Beanie Weenies, as the two of them would have some when they went riding. Well, someone had to take them. Why the Beanie Weenies tho? I mean they've been sitting there, in the sun/heat! I'll look for another angel, at a dollar store or something and write on it "please don't take me, I'm here for a reason." Staying up at the cabin was beautiful. I'm hoping to go back in the fall for the colors.

    I'm just going to jump in, but make a few comments.

    FIRST, Happy Belated Birthday ED!!! You AMAZE me at all you do at 85 years young. I'm so sorry about your DH, I sure wish there was something that could be done. Please don't stay away so long.

    NM, I hope your trip to OH is being productive. Don't you wish the puppers would know that you are coming back? I hope they aren't feeling abandoned. But they will be super happy when you come home. Which is when? Saturday maybe?

    BabyGirl, things are looking good! Keep posting pictures!

    Here is where I sat in the mornings for coffee, along with the view. The cabin sits at about 8000'-9000'



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2022

    DOTD: Blue Mountain Cocktail

    Not sure why it's called "Blue", nuttin blue here!

    Blue Mountain Cocktail


    • 2 oz. dark rum
    • 1 oz. vodka
    • 1 oz. kahlua
    • 4 oz. orange juice


    1. Add all ingredients and ice to a cocktail shaker and shake well.
    2. Strain over ice.
    3. Serve
  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited August 2022

    Beautiful place Goldie but I don’t know how you do it, we’re at 7,000 ft elevation and it’s kicking our ass, everything is so much harder. The rocks and slope don’t help either but the view sure does.

    Interior bar paint finished, next is clean up, trim and building the actual bar top but we leave Sunday back to Houston for scans, so it’ll have to wait.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    Lori, amazing view. You must already live at a relatively high elevation, if 8K-9K ft. doesn't totally wipe you out. In 2014, Bob had an echo course in Vail, and the very first day his altitude sickness was so bad that he had to take a nap after a 2-block uphill walk to the general store & back to the hotel. I was breathing a little harder, but that was it. (I did blow out the head of my L gastroc muscle hiking a couple of days later, though). Needless to say, going forward our vacations will not be based in the Rockies or Alps. Sounds like Darrell's memorial was lovely, albeit emotionally stressful. Glad you're home safe.

    We're getting a few thundershowers today (the scary storms will be in the south county into IN & MI), which my 'maters desperately need. Have only two ripe on the sill and one I just picked to ripen. Will likely have to resort to the two store-bought heirlooms for Saturday's block-party brunch Caprese. (Plenty of basil to harvest, though--flowering as fast as I can pinch it back).

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited August 2022

    I love all the pictures popping up here. Jazzy, I love James Taylor, I am glad you got to go to his concert. My daughter and granddaughter went to Elton Johns farewell concert a few months back. My granddaughter loves all the old music, which is great for me because it is my music! The rainstorm pictures are crazy. We have heavy rain like that here, but it moves on fast. Goldie the place you go looks like a story book, it is beautiful, I am sorry that people took the angel and the beans?? that is very strange. Sometimes it is good to cry and very understandable it was your place. Illimae, I love how the bar is coming together. I even think it looks like it may be big enough for when we all pop in with a bottle in hand. (Just kidding - that is a scary wild thought)

    I do not drink too much alcohol because I get hot flashes. So my drinks are always quite mild unless I can jump in a pool when the flash comes. lol

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited August 2022

    I agree that the bar looks great. I love that color and it really has a beach vibe.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    Illimae, I'm thinking tiki torches and Trader Vic's-type wall hangings...

    DOTD was a split of Ruggero rosé prosecco at Regalia, with an espresso afterward.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited August 2022

    Sandy, it’s been so tough deciding on what kind of beachy the bar would be. Initially, I was inspired by the trip to Maine in 2019 (very sailor) but I love the tropical (tiki) feel too. I think I’ve settled on a relaxed Destin, FL vibe.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2022

    BabyGirl, perfect color for a "Beach Bar". Did you change your mind on the color? A few pages back when you posted it, it looked like you were painting it a brown. My home in AZ is at 6000'. I guess because I've lived here for so long I don't notice the thinner air, unless I'm walking uphill, which is not very often! Safe travels to Houston and good luck on those scans. They sure come up fast!

    Sandy, we did not have a memorial when I went, we did that in April. We just went to pay our respects and see if the items we left were still there.

    Misty, love the idea of all of us showing up at the Beach Bar! If only! The cabin is adorable, I should have taken a pic of it. It's small and cozy, but man, my friend has it packed with nick nacks, pictures, antiques, etc. WAAAAAAY too much stuff for me! But it looks good.

    I was supposed to get my hair cut today, but we got hammered last night. And of course we had the guy out to do work on the road! I'm thinking he's bad juju! It rained the last time he was out to do work. So, needless to say, I'm mudded in! Not worth going out, messing up the road and getting my covered in mud (clay).

    Cocktails for the Beach Bar! Take your pick!

    See the source image

    See the source image

    See the source image

    See the source image

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited August 2022

    Goldie, no color change, the brown was the color of the wall panels, which I painted with a primer, then the final color “Tidewater”.

    Those cocktails look great!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    Illimae, that blue looks so calming and relaxing!

    Had a rare day in the 70s here by the lake. Got a brief shower yesterday afternoon and in the wee hours of the morning, but here in the city (at least the northern half) no rain till at least Sunday. Brewed a pourover of Papua New Guinea by Metropolis.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2022

    Tonights sunset


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy, Happy Saturday! This is one Loungette that is VERY happy to be back home from her business trip. The training was fantastic, and just exactly what I needed, but the travel experience itself was, well, nightmarish. The trip to Ohio was ok, the connecting flight in Charlotte was delayed, finally leaving at 4:30 ish rather than the 1:30 originally planned. No particular big deal, got through that and got the rental car ok, then found out it didn't have GPS. Managed to get to the hotel using the GPS on my phone with my phone battery at 2%. A little nerve wracking, but got through that ok. Got checked in, the hotel is pretty shabby but at least clean and only 0.4 miles from the office where I was training. Then the suitcase wouldn't unlock, and I wound up having to borrow some tools to finally pry the zipper pulls off the zippers, and get it open. Monday ayem, on the way to the car, I drop the key and step on it trying to pick it up, and apparently bent it. The Key wouldn't go into the ignition. No way to start the car. Sigh. Call Roadside Assistance, "be advised that due to an unusual call volume wait times may be longer than expected." Call a taxi, and call the office, and get there by 8: 10, so not so bad. My trainer, bless her soul, drives right past the hotel and gave me a lift, and said she'd pick me up in the morning unless I called to tell her the car situation was settled. Get on the phone to roadside assistance, wait half an hour, and finally get through, they will dispatch a tow truck, and I can ride in with the driver, and Budget will have another car ready for me when we arrive. An hour later, I call to see how things are going, they JUST found a driver, ETA 99 minutes (about 8:30 peeyem). He shows up about quarter after 8, can't maneuver the flatbed to pick up the car, was never told about the key issue, shrugs says he can't do anything and drives away. I gave up trying to get through to RA a little after 9 peeyem. Early Tuesday ayem ( 5:30) I call RA again, and make arrangements for the key to be with the hotel receptionist at the front desk, they'll get the car picked up, when I get off work I'll call and they will arrange transportation to the agency for me to get another car. Call in and check at lunchtime, the driver was never told about the key, couldn't open the car, and drove off. I call the travel agency the company uses, they arrange another rental through another agency and asked me to try one more time with Budget. By now I'm upset and furious and call to ask to speak with Budget directly, only to be told that can't happen until help has been dispatched, and there aren't any agents available anyway! So we go around again, the guy assuring me he will do the dispatch himself and make sure all the info gets to the tow truck driver. Around 2 peeyem I get a call that it's all arranged and the driver's ETA is 120 minutes. I tell the guy in no uncertain terms that this is my last attempt to get this car back to Budget, and from here I wash my hands of the whole thing,, to which I am told that by leaving the car "unattended" I become liable for any damages, etc. I get back to the hotel a bit after 5 peeyem, driving the rental pickup truck from the new agency (a story of its own there) the Budget car is still there in the parking lot. I get a text around 6 peeyem asking if the driver had arrived yet, to which I answered "no". Thursday ayem and peeyem, car still in the parking lot, key still at the front desk. Friday ayem, car still in the parking lot. I wonder if they will ever figure it out? I have emailed a long and detailed complaint to the complaint department and the CEO of Avis Budget Group.

    So I'm thinking everything is calming down. Around 11 peeyem Thursday I get a notice that my 6:30 ayem flight out of Canton/Akron is canceled, and I've been rescheduled to SUNDAY! Ah, no, not gonna happen, and no hotels/motels/whatever with vacancies due to some big sporting event going on there this weekend. Get on the phone with the company travel agency, and work until 1 ayem to arrange a flight out of Cleveland (60 miles from where I was) to Logan, and yet another rental car to drive from Boston back home. Flight got into Boston at 12:30. It's at least a 5 hour drive from Boston to Bangor. I have to pick up the puppers by 7 peeyem. With traffic and lines at the car rental agency, I get out of the airport around 1 peeyem. With construction and traffic I don't get out of Boston and onto I93 until almost 2 peeyem. Not that traffic was much better on I93, average speed was about 20 mph almost to the New Hampshire border. So I'm blowing along around 80 mph on a 70 mph roadway ( and still being regularly passed by other vehicles) until I get into Maine, then it's 83 on a 75 mph road. Two stops, one rest stop to get toll cash out of an ATM and go potty, one swing through a drive through for dinner. Managed to get to the Bangor airport, turn in the rental and pick up my car and get to the kennel at 6:50 peeyem. I dang near sat down on the floor right there and cried when they brought the puppers out and I knew I wouldn't have to wait until this ayem to get them! I'm not sure who was more excited to be reunited, them with me or me with them! Getting a good night's sleep last night was a wonderful feeling.

    Needless to say, I am feeling pretty wiped out today, and don't plan on doing very much other than vegging and pupper cuddling. Forgive me if I put off ketchuping until tomorrow!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2022

    Jazzy, with the monsoons here, we too have been having beautiful sunsets/sunrises. The sky is so beautiful with all the puffy clouds. Very pretty pic.

    Went to town yesterday, had about 10 stops! Left at 8:30, got home at 3:00. Always a full day when I go to town!

    My sweet Nora is off all of her seizure meds. Praying she stays seizure free. I can't wait to see this little doll baby!

    Photo deleted.

    Why of course...Sunset Cocktail!

    A round rocks glass rests on a marble surface. The drink has a small layer of blue curaçao at its base—the rest is a bright orange drink over crushed ice. It's garnished with a blood orange wheel.


    • 1/2 ounce blue curaçao
    • 1 ounce Suerte silver tequila
    • 1/2 ounce Ancho Reyes chile liqueur
    • 1/4 ounce Aperol
    • 1/4 ounce Campari
    • 3/4 ounce orange juice, freshly squeezed
    • 1/4 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed
    • 1/4 ounce simple syrup
    • Garnish: blood orange slice


    1. Add the blue curaçao to the bottom of a rocks glass and top with crushed ice.
    2. Add the silver tequila, Ancho Reyes liqueur, Aperol, Campari, orange juice, lemon juice and simple syrup into a shaker filled with ice and shake until well-chilled.
    3. Strain into the glass over the crushed ice (adding more if necessary), and garnish with a blood orange slice.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2022

    NM, thanks for swim! I'm so sorry for all you went through, what an ordeal! Glad it's behind you! Your BP must have been sky high, not to mention the stress level! Nora has a hug for you! Enjoy your pups today and I hope you do absolutely nothing!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited August 2022

    Wow Jazzy - that's some sunset.

    Oh my goodness NM - you really had a round. I hope you are truly doing NOTHING today except napping & playing with your pups. And drinking!! Glad to hear the training was worthwhile.

    Goldie - Nora is still adorable. Thanks for sharing. Sounds like your trip to town was productive with 10 stops - but I'm sure exhausting. And if I didn't mention it earlier, I really enjoyed your trip to Moab & pictures of the cabin.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    Jazzy, gorgeous sunset!

    Lori, glad Nora is off her seizure meds.

    Kim, travel is turning into such torture these days, and staffing issues due to the Great Resignation have made actual "customer service"--much less competence--a thing of the past. Getting harder and harder to speak to an actual person on the other end of the line. It's almost as if it's become a firewall between businesses and customers, with the latter increasingly being viewed as bothersome cash cows. I salute you for not having several DsOTD, per day of your trip.

    Last night we went to L.Woods Lodge & Tap, a Lettuce Entertain You chain version of a northern WI "supper club." Translation: '40s-50s retro vibe, big portions of plain food & drink. Served "Giuliana" (as in co-partner Rancic) brand Prosecco in those annoying little coupe glasses, which made it go flat so fast I couldn't get through half of it. With my fish I had an okay NZ Sauv. Blanc.

    Today was our block party--I brought bubbly (Mumm Napa Brut Prestige NV for brunch, Blanc de Noirs for the cookout dinner). Surprised how few people were trying it. Come to think of it, there were fewer people (except for the little kids) than pre-pandemic. (I missed it last year--Bob was working and I had a backache). In years past, we had people sneak in from a nearby neighborhood, claiming that limiting a block party to residents of the block & their invited guests was "classist" and "elitist," with those of us who complained being called "pearl clutchers." None of that this year.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2022

    Hi girls, don't know how many of you remember me but I used to be Genny on here and my name is Mary. I went on the Disney cruise with some of you, hi Kim! And Lori and all the rest of you I remember. So I'm back, have done no catching up yet but I'll work on it. Since I last was here a lot has changed, may or may not have told you all that I got dx with bone mets in 2020, retired, got divorced and moved back to the town I raised my son in to be near friends and my 2 granddaughters. Some of you might remember “Nornado".. Nora, she's 8 now and Evelyn is 3, I'll post some pics. I bought a little house and still have my dogs Harvey and Junior and just rescued a 6 month old kitten. I took her to the vet for vaccinations and set her appointment to be spayed, strictly an indoor cat but I was too late, after 3 weeks I noticed she was getting a bit chubby and yep, she's pregnant. I've had her for 52 days and gestation is 55-68 days soooo… I'm taking her for an x-ray tomorrow to see how many are in there, hope I can find homes for them! On the cancer side of things I had a a PET last week and it showed some suspicious nodes in my lower abdomen, not a normal place for BC to go. Leave it to me, I have to get Mets in a weird place where there is almost NO info, can't be simple like liver or kidney for me! Try looking up Mets to Mesenteric lymph nodes..ha!So, I'll be having an abdominal CT and biopsy soon and decided it was time to come back to the lounge for a cocktail or 3, hope I'm welcome?

    And on another note, I've kept up a bit with a few of you on FB and I'm so sorry to hear about Cami, BCO will never be the same, she was truly one of a kind.😘

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2022

    OMG MARY! So happy to see you! I don't know what all the giberish is that you posted, but I hope it's not too bad! I'll be heading to MI on Sept. 8th for 2 weeks. Maybe I'll steal my brother's car and head to your house and stay a night or two! But I won't be taking any kittens back with me!

    Drinks on the House.....Tenders, please serve the ladies!



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    Glad to see you back, Mary! Fingers crossed that those PET scan results are benign, but if malignant can be managed radiologically. And congrats that Nornado is now a big sister!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2022

    Hi ladies- happy Funday Sunday. Its been another busy week and weekend, and taking a bit of a break to relax before I shift gears to finish up for the weekend and get ready for another work week. Last weekend, I went to the BEST BIRTHDAY PARTY ever for a music friend who turned 70. All the best jazz and blues musicians in town were there and it was just a big concerts with lots of people playing, singing, etc. It was a surprise party and she took her time showing up and really had no clue and she really was surprised. It was a great time.

    Then last night was one of the BEST EVER concerts at part of our summer outdoor jazz they do here every year. It was gone in 2020, came back just a bit last summer, full on this season. Last night they brought in a smooth jazz artist by the name of Eric Darius, who I saw and met on my smooth jazz cruise I did in 2012. He young and up and coming at that time, and just an all around nice guy. I can tell he still is and both he had that audience on the dance floor and was out playing in the audience, on the dance floor, etc. It was crazy good fun and reminded me a lot of the jazz cruise which was a whole lotta partying on the dance floor. Five of us went, drank some wine and boogied on down. I have seen a lot of music here and this concert was memorable. I will post one of his recent songs we were listening to during the sound check and then they played later shortly after this message.

    Summer is winding down now and kids are heading back to school. I am looking forward to the fall and the cool down that usually comes here late August. Although I am already feeling some of the change in the air in the morning and it's starting to drop in to the 60s at night. I know some of our friends here will be back to teaching soon too.

    Genny- of course we remember you and think I remember hearing about Evelyn being born and that some things changed with your health. You have been through a lot the past few years. I hope your little kitten does okay with her babies, never makes sense to me that mammals can get pregnant before they are really really physically ready to do so. Hope you get some good information about your results and the best way to get care for things.

    NM- sorry you had such a bad time with travel. My guess is you never got to the winery with all the problems you encountered. Glad you got home okay and got the puppers. Hoping you have been able to get a bit more recovered this weekend.

    Goldie- that little Nora is doing really well and glad she is coming off the seizure meds. You have a nice trip to look forward in another month!

    Gotta get to bed to get some rest before another busy work week begins. Stay well friends!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! Back to work at the home office today. I need to play a little ketchup there, and then get caught up on any changes. I saw an email that a new office Director has been hired, can't wait to find out more about that. I hope the puppers won't be too unhappy with me going to work.

    Goldie--I am so sorry to hear about the memorial items being taken. I cannot imagine how anyone can think that would be OK. I was hoping the puppers knew I was coming back the entire time I was away. Kenneling them so soon after being adopted just seems like such a terrible thing to do to them, but there wasn't any other choice. They were happy to see me and seem to be happy to be home again, and seem to have settled right back into their usual routines. What a beautiful place to have coffee and enjoy the fantastic view!

    Illi--the paint job looks beautiful!

    Chi--I bet the Caprese was yummy with all that home-grown basil!

    Morning, Misty!

    Good Morning, Wren!

    Chi--70's sounds wonderful, it's been in the 90's here this weekend, with humidity making it feel like 100 or more. Been drinking lots of ice water!

    Jazzy--gorgeous sunset!

    Goldie--Nora looks so sweet! Praying she stays seizure free.I pretty much did nothing all weekend, but I feel ready to get back to work this ayem. Hugs back to Miss Nora!

    Minus--yeah, it was quite the go-round. To top it all off, I got a call from a tow truck driver Sunday at 5:10 peeyem. He had just brought out a new key and the car started up just fine. I told him I was back home in Maine and he needed to talk to Budget, I wasn't involved anymore. Poor guy sounded very confused. I imagine the rental car is still in the hotel parking lot!

    Chi--travel sure is full of difficulties these days from the sounds of things. Why would people from another area feel entitled to attend a block party on another block? I bet they'd be the first to complain if you crashed one of their parties!

    Hi Mary! So good to hear from you. Not so good about the mets and divorce. Of course you are welcome here. Can't wait to see pics of Nornado. Sounds like little kitty was preggers when you adopted her. I hope you find homes for the babies without too much trouble.

    Jazzy--A best birthday party ever, and a best concert ever, you've had a great run of weekends! No, I didn't get to the winery, spent the afternoons/evenings waiting for tow truck drivers and on the phone with roadside assistance. I was disappointed to miss it.


    Welcome Back Cocktail

    3 slices English Cucumber

    1 small piece of green chile (I used a small piece of Serrano pepper, about an inch long)

    1 sprig fresh cilantro

    1 1/2 ounce gin (I used Hendricks)

    1/2 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice

    1/2 ounce simple syrup (I had already prepared cucumber simple syrup on hand, so I used that)

    First, fill your cocktail glass with ice. Then muddle 2 slices of the cucumber, the cilantro sprig and the chile pepper in a cocktail shaker. Pour the ice from the glass into the cocktail shaker, then add the gin, lime juice and simple syrup. Shake, shake, shake! Strain and pour into the cocktail glass. Cheers!

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    Kim, the situation is that Chicago neighborhoods can be relatively small and change drastically from block to block--often, a major arterial might as well be the Berlin Wall. It's like that here: Edgewater Glen is mostly single-family homes and small-apt-bldg. condo conversions; but to the north is diverse but still lower-income Rogers Park and e. of B'way is "the Corridor," which until it both began gentrifying (more condo conversions) and increasingly bought up by the ever-expanding Loyola U. was sort of a mini-ghetto. Even now, its immediate proximity to the CTA Red Line brings drugs & gangs up from the S. Side and millennial & Gen-z'ers down from the suburbs to buy drugs (even weed, which is cheaper than in the fully-legal dispensaries). Gang turf wars & drive-by shootings still happen, especially near the CTA stations; and income inequality still understandably causes resentment even though the Glen has been solidly middle-class ever since the first homes were built on former farmland early in the 1910s. (The only "gentrification" back then was people displacing pigs & chickens).

    Every Halloween, people from the N. Side's poorer neighborhoods come by train and cars to take their kids trick-or-treating on my block--especially after 6 when parents get off work. The local kids & their parents come around from 4-6pm; but by 7pm it's all outsiders (especially teens, some of whom don't even bother to wear a costume or mask and just bring a grocery bag for candy). We usually run out by 8:30 and have to turn off the porch light, but they still knock on our door till after 9.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! The lingering effects of my little training trip keep making themselves known, yesterday I tested positive for COVID. I really thought the cough was just the asthma acting up after traveling and stress, but no, gotta get 2 lines on the test card. So now I'm home for at least 5 days or until Employee Health says I can go back to the office. I brought the info home with me to see if I can get access to the work computer system here from home, we'll see how that goes.

    There has been a person hired as office director, along with several nurses and a few CNAs, so staffing is really looking up.

    The puppers seem happy to have me home. They sometimes make it a little hard to get any computer work done with wanting ear scratches and petting, but that's ok. No real reason to be in any kind of hurry, I guess. At least not this week.

    Chi--city life sounds pretty complicated, so much going on in such a small area! The gang wars and shootings must be terrifyingly close to home. Sounds like Halloween is quite the busy holiday for you!

    Dr. Pat's Hot Toddy Cold Remedy created by thecookierookie



    • 1very hot cup water
    • 1tea bag (good dark Tea, Green Tea will work too)
    • 2ounces whiskey (we use Jack Daniels)
    • 1tablespoon honey
    • 1teaspoon lemon juice (we use the stuff in the plastic lemon)
    • 1slice fresh lemon (if we don't have this we don't use it) (optional)


    • in a large microwave safe mug with 1 cup of Very Hot water.
    • NOTE: microwave if it's not hot enough, place in the microwave for 1 minute or until it is piping hot, but not boiling.
    • Add the honey.
    • Pour the hot water into the mug over the spoon you used for the honey to get off the last little drops.
    • Add the lemon juice and stir well.
    • Add the lemon slice and serve.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2022

    I'm back home after a wonderful 4 week trip. We had a wonderful time. I need to post pictures on FB. Will try to post a few here, but it proves to be quite the challenge for me to post more than one at a time/post. Thankfully, travel went relatively smoothly (no cancelled flights) and our luggage arrived with each flight. I'm going to go through my photos and make a photo book for 20, 21 and 22 (at end of this year) so my photos are somewhere other than my phone.

    Lots to do to catch up at home. And get ready for the start of the 22-23 sy which starts for me on the 15th. The kiddos start on the 22nd. Next week is full of PDs. I'll be at the same school I finished the school year at covering FMLA (at least I think I will as I haven't checked work email since I left) through October.

    Genny - welcome back. I've thought of you often. I can't believe how old Nora and Evelyn are. I can't remember if we are FB friends or not. Where are you living? You mentioned you moved.

    ED - did you get hit hard by the rain storms on Sunday? The news said they were awful.

    Kim - sorry about all the hassles on the work trip, but glad it was a good training.

    Too hard to go back and read several weeks posts - I did skim posts every now and then, but not enough to remember to address everyone.

    Have a great Tuesday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2022

    Mary, let us know when your scans/biopsy are.

    Jazzy, sounds like you've just been living the good life! Fun concerts and parties!

    NM, and the car drama continues! Good grief! Praying COVID is kind to you, and if you can work from home, I hope you feel up to it.

    Sandy, that's crazy the kids trick or treat and don't even dress up.

    Karen, welcome back and glad to hear everything went smoothly for your trip.

    So it's been 2 weeks since I had that nuclear kidney scan and I haven't heard anything. So I called and the gal says they aren't ready! What? How long does it take to get results? She says she doesn't know! My brother will be here Friday, I get my hair cut tomorrow, provided it doesn't rain! Nice to see more gals in the lounge.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2022

    DOTD, a jazz cocktail.

    The Clover Club and Chet Baker, Chet Baker Sings

    The Clover ClubIngredients:2 oz Gin1 Egg white.5 oz Raspberry syrup*3 Speared raspberries, for garnish
      How to make it:
    1. Add all the ingredients to a shaker and fill with ice.
    2. Shake, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
    3. Garnish with three speared raspberries