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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    DOTD tonight: a Sardinian mineral water; and Whispering Angel Provençal (Grenache/Mourvedre) Rosé. (In different glasses).

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2022

    Chevy - I love my Costco HA. Called them Th or Friday to make and appointment, but missed their return call. Will call back tomorrow.

    SS called me the other day, but I wanted to verify in fact it was SS. So now been waiting for call back since Thursday.

    Last night met a BC friend in person for the first time. We've talked on the phone several times over the past 2+ years. It felt like we've known each other for yours. We were a match from another BC organization.

    Made it through week one. Kids tomorrow.

    Cooking lunch for friend sitting shiva (morning week after funeral), then need to make Costco run.

    Have a great Sunday

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2022

    This post will be all about me! I'll go back and read when I'm done.

    So, having my brother and brother in law to visit and help paint my kitchen. BIL pulled the stove out to paint behind it. Lifted the top to clean under it and when we put it back down, only the back two burners would work. 2 days later, I was gone, BIL was outside doing some stuff for me and my brother was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Well, the stove EXPLODED! Threw my brother 8-10 feet. Blew open microwave door, oven door, broiler on the bottom, drawers and cabinit to the right and a lazy susan cubboard to the left. Threw a large skillet, with eggs in it, dented the skillet, but I can't find where it hit. Blew the wall out in the bedroom behind the kitchen and knocked a picture off the dresser. Lower cabinets/counter top are no longer attached to the wall. My brother is ok and was only singed. Singed hair was on the fridge!

    We went to Phoenix Friday, the boys were flying out Sat. While there, doctor's office called. Results for my kindeys have been read and doctor wants me to come in Monday for visit. I said I'm in Phoenix now, it's a 4.5 hour drive, one way, can't he just call me. Well, he said it's nothing urgent, but he doesn't do virtual! Just send it to my PC, I'll discuss it with him! They wait more than 3 weeks to tell me what's wrong, the least they could do is call me. I'm so pissed!

    I leave here on Sept 7th, have appt. with MO to discuss going on chemo. I'm beginning to have bone pain and the last 3 times for infusions, I've had to be poked 3 or 4 times. My veins just aren't cooperating, so we will be discussing a port too. Then I leave on the 8th for MI.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2022

    Just a brief ketchup!

    Sandy, I def. have more volume in my hair. ALL of the thin stuff that was left was cut off. Good news on the eye, yay! Sorry about the mice.

    Mary, I can't believe Nora, such a pretty girl. And I just love Evie's curls. I'm sure she will hate them when she gets older!

    NM, oh my! Driving with both puppers! I hope they behave in the car! Do you strap them in? I know we have talked about that before, but I don't remember, hence my husband called me "Scarecrow" (lack of straw)!

    Karen, how is your SIL doing, btw? My brother was here a week. Stunning photos. What is the one with the wall and all the people?

    ED, ALWAYS good to see you. What exactly are DH's challenges? Why is he having difficulty getting into the car? Do you want the "alarm" for you or DH? Would night lights help in some rooms?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2022


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited August 2022

    Goldie - love your hair. But OMG - the story about your kitchen is wild. So did the 'boys' just leave everything and go home? How are you managing? And sorry to hear that your doc wouldn't even consider working you in for a 5 minutes consultation!!!

    Edited to say - Chevy - holding you in my thoughts.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited August 2022

    Geez Goldie, what a bunch of crazy crap to happen! Glad everyone is ok but who’s gonna fit it now? Also, I’m sorry you may be back on chemo but I definitely recommend a port. I love mine and hate getting poked for blood draws, I couldn’t imagine arm IV infusions.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2022

    Lori - love the haircut. How scary about the stove and all the damage to the house. Glad your brother was not hurt and glad you weren't there to get hurt. The wall - is the western wall/wailing wall/kotel in the old city of Jerusalem. It is part of the original holy temple. Sorry to hear that you are in pain. I had a port during chemo - it was in my. upper arm and I loved it. I hope you get answers regarding the kidneys. I have stage 3 chronic kidney disease. No treatment for it - just avoid NCSAID, some other over the counter as well as decreased dosage of many Rx meds. I was seeing a nephrologist, but since things are stable, my PCP will follow me. Thanks for asking about my SIL. Thankfully, finally he is doing well. Still not at 100% but getting there.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    Lori, you look great. Holy WOW about your exploding stove--good thing you weren't there when it happened. (Could it have been the residual fumes from the paint, or a loosened connection when putting the top back on)? Hope your brother is okay. How extensive is the damage? Will the kitchen and adjoining bedroom need to be rebuilt? Didn't you recently redo your kitchen? Hope your next treatments go easy on you and you can get a port.

    Got a text from my HK this morning--because she was having sinus issues since Thurs., she tested today: positive. Bob called in a Paxlovid script for her. Fri. was the worst but she turned a corner yesterday. She can't figure out how she caught it, except that on Wed. she went into the supermarket without a mask--but it was only a few minutes. She is double-boosted but a "COVirgin," never having caught it till now, not even when her DH had it in the spring of 2020. Bob & I tested as soon as he called her pharmacy: we're both negative (but will test again in 24 hrs. and a third time if tomorrow we're still negative, which is the protocol for fully-vaxed/boosted but exposed). She drove me to my mani on Thurs., and drove Gordy back to his place later that day--so he'd better test too. He, like her, is double-boosted but never had COVID. (Bob & I have some degree of "hybrid immunity," having had Omicron between our boosters--but there are no absolute guarantees with this bug). Another week of dealing with the kitties by myself. But (knock wood) I'm okay and so is Bob.

    We did go to the Air & Water Show after testing. It poured for the first half-hour, and everything was postponed for 90 minutes. They had to cancel the water-rescue demos because the lake was so choppy (BTW, "water rescue" is a sore subject around here, what with recent drownings and horrible boating accidents in the lake), and the Blue Angels were delayed for another half hour before the fog lifted from Gary Airport, which is the aviation staging area. But a good (albeit wet & exhausting) time was had by all. My DOTD was a "Summertime:" Tito's vodka, Cointreau, cranberry & soda.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2022

    Minus, there was no mess, just the damage, mostly in the bedroom, but I can't see my kitchen wall because of the cabinets. My BIL finished painting the kitchen, I love it. I will post pictures once I get it back in shape. So no, they did not up and leave me with a mess. They were a great help. We got the warehouse all swept out and a new battery for DH's truck that I want to sell. BIL also dug up more of the trench I have in the front of the house.

    BabyGirl, I have to wait on insurance. They want to send someone out to investigate the stove! Not the damage! I assume so they can figure a way not to pay for damages. I had a port in 2008 for 3 years, hated it. I've been doing IV's for my herceptin/perjetta for probably about 2 years.

    Karen, port in your arm? I thought they all went up near the clavical. Thank you for the explanation on the wall. Must be very surreal!

    Sandy, loosened connection when the stove top was lifted on top of residual gas fumes, not paint. BIL found in the manual where it says DO NOT lift the stove top! Seriously? Why does it lift then and is on hinges? Sorry about your HK and no one else tests postitive.

    Thanks all on the cut. I miss my long hair, but this is ok. I may lose more anyways with the chemo! I do have a burner on my grill, microwave, toaster oven and precooked meals in the freezer, so I should be ok. My neighbor said she has an elec. skillet I could borrow. Pictures are on my phone, so I have to do it from there.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2022

    No photo description available.

    May be an image of indoor

    May be an image of indoor

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day! The puppers and I had a lazy weekend, except for me working on a paper for school that needs to be submitted by midnight tonight and is only about half done. I have got to get more disciplined and work more on that stuff during the week.

    I may have mentioned that the next planned vacay trip was an Alaskan Cruise, planning for next fall. Well, with my change of jobs the times we could go expanded beyond school vacation weeks, and my cousin found a fantastic rate for a cruise in May, which is now booked! I figure a cabin with a balcony for 7 nights for under $2,000 is a pretty darn good deal.

    Karen--the hearing aids I use are over-the-counter, my hearing loss isn't quite bad enough to qualify for insurance help with hearing aids, yet. I never thought about the cc option, I think my work computer and tablet have that capability, or maybe that's my iPad, but I have the work aps on the iPad, too, so that could be a big help. I have trouble with some voices, including my Mom's.To me she sounds like she's whispering or mumbling or both, she swears she's practically yelling at me all the time. I don't wear the HA around her, she'll tease about it incessantly and I just can't stand her doing that about any more things about me. I have noticed other people often ask her to repeat herself or speak up, so I figure it's not just me, not that Mom would ever believe that people not hearing her is anybody's problem but ours. Enjoy the first day with the kiddos!

    Chevy--the aids I have work that way, too!Pop them in the case when I leave work, all charged the next morning when I get in!

    Jazzy--glad to hear you are getting the steady, soaking rain that is so helpful. The flooding must be scary to think about, just what the burned areas don't need on top of what is already being coped with. Kids are heading back to school over the next couple of weeks here. Seems like its way too soon for that!

    Chi--so sorry to hear about the passing of festival founder and the cutbacks for the festival itself. Maybe next year it will go back to its usual plan. I can imagine how hard it is to do something like that via Zoom.

    Karen--good for you for verifying that call. So many scams out there, it's hard to trust much of anything on the phone these days. In-person meetings with BC friends are a great experience, isn't it? My condolences to your friend.

    Goldie--Oh my Goodness!I am so glad that you and the boys are not hurt. The damage to the kitchen sounds scary. I can't believe the doc won't talk to you over the phone about the kidney test results. After all this time there better not be anything going on that needs treatment. Good luck with the chemo/port discussion appointment. Yes, the puppers ride quite well.Colt takes up the back seat, Zoe rides shotgun. Both are harnessed and have a restraint strap clipped into a seat belt latch.


    Morning, Minus!

    Morning, Illi!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2022

    Good Monday morning - woke up early - 4:40 so just got up - I wanted to get up at 5 so no use laying in bed and risk falling back to sleep.

    First day fo kiddos. I want to be at school for 7 so will need to leave by 6:45. looking forward to seeing all the kids I work with, but after only a week, I will like so much to do!!!

    Even with my Rx HA, I barely hear out of my right ear! It's at least a sever loss and I think getting worse. Going to make an appointment with Costco before the ENT.

    Have a great Monday.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    Gotta get Bob to Costco or at least to an audiologist. He admitted one of the reasons he doesn't seem to be listening is that with background noise he has trouble hearing me. Over dinner at Regalia Friday night, when after a few sentences I spoke he asked "who's going out of business?" and he admitted that's all he was able to hear. So he decided to ask me to repeat right away things he can't hear so I don't have to repeat an entire train of conversation. (I don't mind repeating a word or sentence, but an entire anecdote is too much).

    First day of public school here, 2 weeks earlier than in years past. CPS used to start the day after Labor Day (as we did in NYC when I was a kid). But they decided the kids needed to catch up now that they're all back in the classroom; and only kids with symptoms or who test positive need to stay home. Masks are optional but highly recommended (especially since relatively few kids are vaccinated). Cook County is now "medium transmission." But just like the chances of getting a rare disease are 100% if it's you, seems the same with COVID. My HK caught it (surely BA.5) even though we have the fewest cases since April, and Bob & I caught "Omicron Classic" near the lowest point of the downward side of the Dec-Jan "spike." Gonna test when Bob comes home from dinner.

    DOTD thus far was a pourover of "ffeine" brand's "Mexican Cake" blend beans. Second cup may be Metropolis' Mocha-Java blend or a shot or Americano of its Redline espresso blend (both roasted last Tues.).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! I was uplate fininshing a paper for school, then a heavy rain moved in and I lost my internet connection before I could submit it. I was able to submit it this ayem, but now it's late and there goes 10 points. Oh well, some things are out of my control, and I could have managed my time better so I was not posting at the last minute, right? I did send a note along with the paper, maybe the professor will take pity on me. I'm doing well enough in the class that it won't hurt my grade much as long as nothing else catastrophic happens. Not that an internet outage is catastrophic, really. . . .

    The puppers say Hi to everyone!

    Karen--I don't mind waking up a bit before the alarm goes off, but I get to spend that time cuddling with the puppers. Not much risk of falling back to sleep! I hope you got to see and connect with all the kiddos you work with. Do you know what kind of hearing loss you have? Mine is sensorineural, associated with aging.

    Chi--its funny but I feel like I have more trouble with background noises with the hearing aids in! I absolutely cannot wear them in large areas with lots of echo, like gyms, auditoriums, and some restaurants. School is going to be interesting regarding COVID this year as everyone gets used to the more relaxed guidelines. I have seen where vaccination clinics for the 5 year-old-and-up population are starting to pop up. I'm betting that COVID vaccination will be added to the list of required vaccinations for school kids in the next couple of years.

    Kathleen's Catastrophe

    1 gallonHawaiian Punch®

    2 cupsvodka

    2 cupsMalibu® coconut rum

    2 cupsrum

    1 can(small)pineapple juice

    1 cupblackberry schnapps

    Mix all ingredients in a punch bowl; add ice. Serve into cups when chilled.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2022

    Kim - I've had hearing loss in my right ear since a very young child and got worse after chemo and now age. It's at least a severe loss. Let ear mild to moderate loss from chemo and age. Both sensorineural. I have an appointment with Costco next week for my annual eval and in November with an Audiologist/ENT. I hear very little out of my right ear even with HA especially if the talking is behind my back. I miss out a lot in conversation. I never considered myself hearing impaired but I do now. Not sure if I am a candidate for CI but want to learn more about them, yet I'm scare to go that route. I really just want to hear better. I got to see a few kiddos, but not pulling anyone first few days. Hope your instructor is understanding. For my M.S., I always wrote my papers the day they were due - took the day off work to write them for class which was either at 4 or 7pmor both!!!

    Have a great Tuesday

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited August 2022

    Hi! I tried to read and catch up with every one. I really don't remember much when I sit down to post. A few nights ago I posted and lost it somehow, (my fault) I would love to blame it on something technical, but it was just me.

    The kids went back to school here Aug 10th. So everyone is back into a routine. 2 of my granddaughters are doing duel enrollment with high school and college classes. I am not sure how that works or how you qualify for it, it was not something that you could do when I went to school or when my kids were in school. The other 2 in highschool - we just hope they pass, lol, they will do ok because you have to keep grades up to play football.

    I went to a surprise birthday party for a long time friend from teen years. I haven't seen her much in the last few years, so it was so nice to see her. I was actually a friend of her sister that died of cancer about 12 years ago. The party was at an American Legion and they had a cash bar, but the drinks were really cheap - a whiskey sour only cost $3.50 and was really strong.

    Lori - I love your haircut. You look very cute. I hope your kitchen repairs go smoothly.

    Karen - Wow! How exciting to visit all of your kids. The pictures are great.

    Kim- hope the new job goes well.

    Hello to everyone, and can't wait to see the illimae's bar finished.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2022

    NM, is the cruise still an Alaska one? Mother Nature should be ashamed, if you lose pnts. on your paper.

    Karen, good luck the HA's.

    Sandy, same with your DH.

    Misty, hopefully football will keep the boys on track! Good for the girls. Nice that you were able to spend some time with your friend for her b-day. Thanks for hair comment.

    Having a hard time dealing with stuff today, had a small break down. Wrote this earlier, so change that to several melt downs! So just hanging out in the rabbit hole for a bit. Feel free to bypass.

    The year starts out with my husband dying.

    Easter, I land in ER with kidney infection. CT and x-rays.

    3 weeks later I go for kidney ultra sound, my PC never gets back to me on that.

    My tumor markers are always on the rise.

    June, I land in ER again! Scar tissue around my bowels and twisting them. Another CT scan, more x-rays. Had to have NG tube (HORRIBLE experience) In the hospital for a week. They tell me again I have kidney problems also.

    See urologist and go have nuclear kidney scan. 3 weeks later, no call back. They finally call on a Friday and want me to come in to discuss with urologist on Monday. I'm going home Saturday, can't he just call me? He doesn't do, want us to send results to your PC, yes. I call my PC, he has no results. Call them back, I ask what fax number do you have, let me look, they have no fax number!

    Aug. 17 my stove explodes and almost kills my brother, blows a wall out in the bedroom behind the stove, the gas stove. Insurance Co. is trying to send someone out to check my electric appliance. I call back, this gas, not elec.? Oh, do you know any contractors....NO! Well let me see what I can find.

    The day of the explosion, I take my car in for some work that will take at least 6 hours, find out the appt. was the day before!

    Last 3 times going for my infusions, have to be poked 3-4 times. Veins always blowing, they are shot! Starting to have pain now, so I have to go on chemo and discuss with oncologist (Sept. 7th) about that and having surgery to have a port put in.

    Having issues with $800 washer, the company Maytag wants to look at it won't come out, so they tell me to find the service co. of my choice. So now I have to do their work too! I did find someone, he is coming tomorrow. I have to go also for my injections.

    I think that's all!!!!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2022

    Lori, sending you gentle hugs🤗 Vent all you want. That's why we are here- to support each o

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited August 2022

    Lori I can't say it better than Karen- that's what we're here for. A big hug to you and a peaceful scene to enjoy.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Boy, am I feeling my age this ayem. I was tired yesterday after staying up trying to submit that paper, went to bed early last night, still tired from getting up this ayem, although not as bad as yesterday. This whole getting older thing is not for wimps!The puppers are definitely running the show here, they woke me up from my nap in the recliner to go to bed, cuz they are more comfortable getting cuddles on the bed!

    Karen--I've fallen into a bad habit of writing the discussion question answers on the day they are due and waiting until the weekend to write the weekly paper. I really need to discipline myself by doing a little every evening and getting ahead, the marathon sessions on the weekends are getting harder to do. Then I think about researching and writing papers when I was in school for my BS, having to go to the library, using the catalog, and printing off pages from microfilm, it was a whole different process!Last I knew my hearing loss was considered mild but nearing the moderate level, not quite enough to get a script for hearing aids. I'm using OTC hearing aids at work, and it does make a difference in being able to hear and understand people, but the background noises are very annoying and impossible to ignore or tune out like I used to be able to. I hope that ability comes back with time.

    Misty--schooling sure has changed since we were youngsters, in lots and lots of ways. It sounds like the surprise party was fun, glad you got to go. The new job is going well, I'm in a phase of learning lots of things very quickly and feeling a bit overwhelmed because I don't yet have a sense of organization, but that's ok, I know I can get on top of it, I just need to get through the learning curve.

    Goldie--Yes, the cruise is still an Alaska, inside passage cruise. I'm really excited to have that to look forward to. Mother Nature should be ashamed of costing me points, but at least at this point in my life, my grades aren't my identity. As long as I'm passing I'm happy. Of course, the perfectionist in me wants perfect grades, but I'm not having meltdowns over lower-than-expected grades like I've seen students do. I'm sorry you are in the rabbit hole. I'll bring down some carrots if you want--maybe M&M packages with orange and green ones shaped like a carrot? Good Heavens, you have had a horrible year! So many hard things to deal with. Life is so not fair!

    Reader--beautiful pic!

    New School Daisy


    • 1.5ozLondon Dry Gin or Plymouth
    • 1/2Lime
    • 1/4Lemon
    • 1/2ozGrenadineArtisanal or Homemade
    • 1/3ozSimple Syrup
    • 1/2ozClub Soda


    1. In a shaker, combine all ingredients (except Sosa) squeeze lemon and lime and drop them into the shaker. Add ice and give this a shake.
    2. Strain over fresh ice in a Collins Glass and top with Soda

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2022

    Good morning all - yup, Kim getting older is hard but a pleasure and treasure many are denied. I know this school year - all 7 days so far (today is day 8) I'm much more tired than I remember past years. But I'm up at 4:45 and out the door at 6:45. I do like getting home by 3:30. I'm also not doing work at home and leaving my computer at work since I'm at the same place every day. First time in my career to do that. Not checking emails either!!

    Lori - gentle hugs to you again this morning.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2022

    Morning Glories! See Lorrie.... He has Dementia.... and it doesn't get better.... Just sometimes, for what-ever reason, things seem better, at least in the mornings.... But last night, after I went to bed... (early)... He just thought he wanted to talk to our neighbor... at 9 o'clock!

    So they come back to our house, and wake me up to tell me "Chris is here!" Chris understands.... He knows what is going on, so he walked him back to our house. Guess DH told him all about working for the Water Dept, etc. before he brought him home! So Chris was his alibi... Hah!

    Don't know how he even got the locked front door, AND the storm door.... but I'll think about taking the key out, so he can't open it so easily....

    I just have to learn "PATIENCE".... He can't help it.... I know.... I just have to remember the good, sweet times we have together.... like driving to Menchi's for frozen yogurt... sitting on the front porch, just talking about nothin'... and thanking God for every day we have together, right???

    He uses a cane, when he remembers, and we have 3 walkers! The OT brought him over a larger cane AND walker, to help him around. When we make a quick trip to the grocery store, I have him push the buggy! Or he waits for me on a bench, or at the Star-bucks! Everyone knows him, and always asks how he is doing...

    He has fallen too many times! Neighbors or even the mailman AND a UPS driver have helped pick him up! But the last time he wound up in the hospital, THAT Dr. talked to our Daughter, and THAT'S what started this home care, and nurses coming to check on him, etc! Our Insurance covered this for a certain amount of time.

    You know, I just thank God, that I can still take care of us both! We are 85, and honestly, I don't have anything wrong, physically anymore! No more pain from that broken hip, or back surgery.... nothing!! I just need more patience, and time to always fool around in my gardens.

    I just pray for a million more tomorrow's, together.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited August 2022

    I recently started following this thread. Wow, some of you have a lot going on and my heart goes out to you. I don't have much to add except to say that I hope everyone has a safe and a peaceful day.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited August 2022

    Chevy, I laud you for keeping your husband at home. I have placed my husband in a memory care facility and have moved to my daughter's house. She is happy to have me there because she knew he wouldn't be able to summon help, eg call 911. Our house sale closes very soon, so I'm happy to have a place to live. I know how hard this is and I'm sending supportive hugs.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    Lori, Chevy, Wren--sending hugs through the ether to you.

    HK is asymptomatic & tested neg. yesterday & today; and is champing at the bit to come back to work. I told her to stay home & rest today to make sure she feels okay. Tomorrow is her last Paxlovid (her symptoms started Thurs. or even last Wed. night and she started the med. when she tested positive on Sun.). Keeping fingers crossed that she doesn't get a rebound next week (Jill Biden just did). When I had Omicron in late Jan. I took a smaller dose of the nirmatrelvir pill due to low-ish GFR values, but never got a rebound. Neither did Bob, but he had a sotrovimab infusion instead. (Nowadays, they give bebtelovimab if you can't take Paxlovid and don't want to waste your time with the much weaker molnupiravir--variants after BA.1 evade sotrovimab, so they withdrew it from the formulary). IMHO, that new multivalent third booster can't come soon enough. I'm pre-rolling up all my sleeves...

    Bob & I are fine.

    DOTD last night (with grilled halibut) was a 2021 Fossetta Pinot Grigio Bob got on sale at Binny's. Not sure about tonight (just had a breve cortado with Metropolis Red Line--hope it doesn't wreck my sleep). Bob had a drug co. dinner at Joe's Stone Crab & Steak and is bringing home salmon. (Red meat for me tomorrow--don't care what kind). If it's Pacific salmon, then I'll Coravin some Pinot Noir; if Atlantic, then that Pinot Grigio. (The best match for Atlantic salmon is an Oregon Pinot Gris, which is less easy to find than the Italian or Alsace counterpart).

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    Atlantic salmon, so it was the Pinot Grigio (already opened & chilled).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! I'm waking up to lots and lots of fog this ayem. I think we're going to get some rain today and we sure need it, even after the nice steady rain we had the other day. Still feeling pretty tired from the Monday's late night, this getting older and taking so long to recover from something like that is just the pitts!

    The puppers say Hi to everyone.

    Karen--Good for you for not checking emails, etc at home. And you have a good point about aging not being something everyone gets to enjoy.

    Chevy--oh my goodness, it must have been startling when Chris brought DH back home last night! Thank goodness for neighbors who understand the situation and are willing to help. Patience is the key to dealing with the effects of dementia. Lots and lots of patience, and the occasional meltdown to let the stress off. I'm glad you've got nurses coming in to help.

    Sunshine--welcome! Pull up a barstool and tell us about yourself! What's your favorite libation?

    Wren--hugs to you too. Moving a loved one into a care setting is never easy, but is often the safest and best thing to do for the loved one and everyone else in the family.

    Thirsty Thursday

    Recipe courtesy Downtown Grill and Brewery, Knoxville, Tenn.


    • 1 1/4 oz. vodka
    • 3/4 oz. pomegranate liqueur
    • 1/2 cup sweet ice tea
    • 1/4 tsp. grated orange zest


    Place all ingredients into a shaker, shake. Pour over ice in a glass and garnish with a lime.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2022

    Last night I was tired so went to sleep early (10:30) after 10 minutes I was frustrated as I was wide awake, so got up. DH said I didn't give it very long. Went to the family room and proceeded to eat chocolate. Eventually fell asleep in my chair, woke up around midnight and got into bed. Annoyed with myself as my weight is up 2 pounds!! I've also been snacking at work. When I can't sleep, I get up and eat. A habit I have to break!!!! I've been more tired since starting back to school - up at 4:45 and out the door by 7:45. Only good think is I"m home before 3:30.

    Chevy and Lori - sending you both hugs.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2022

    Yes ED, I know he has dementia. I was asking what kind of problems he had, for instance, I think you said he was having trouble getting in the car. When my husband could no longer get in the car, I bought a plastic step stool, drilled a hole in it and tied a rope to it, he mostly used it for the truck. But then he could pull it back up and put it in the seat next him. When he couldn't drive any more, and we took my FJ, well then, I would just pick up. Maybe you could get some kind of motion sensor, that a light or a small alarm could go off, notifying you. Of course, nothing loud, as it would most likely scare him.

    Hi Sunshine, it's not always doom and gloom here, I just needed to vent the other day. Please feel free to hang out. We are a small group and very supportive of one another and always welcome a new loungette!

    Wren, was the transition easy for your husband, or did he fight you tooth and nail?

    Haha NM, getting older IS the pits, but I'd be willing to bet there are a few here that would LOVE to be our age!

    Karen, 10:30 is LATE! I went to bed last night at 7:30, got up at 5.

    I had a neighbor come to my house at night, mind you, I lived out in the country, and she lived down the road a ways and it was winter and had snowed. She was only in her house coat and said that my neighbor on the outher side of me, also not real close, but closer than her, were all murdered and for me to call the police. So and so was laying behind the couch and covered in blood, etc. I don't remember what we did, I think we just called her DH and he came down and got her, didn't even know she was gone.

    Had someone come and take a look at my new $800 washer, he said it was the support system and would cost 596$ to fix it! I said, I wouldn't pay 600 to fix a brand new 800 machine! He said neither will Maytag. So, hoping I can get a dif. washer. While he was here, my neighbors were here, they don't like me being alone when a stranger comes by. So, I asked the guy if he services gas stoves, he says yes. I told him about the explosion, and the first thing he asks, "did anyone lift the stovetop?" My neighbor immediately pipes in and says "ya, her brother told me they lifted it to clean it! Well thanks Jim, if he were working with the insurance adjusters, you just ruined any chance I had for them to cover my damages! I was so pissed!

    I had to go my injections yesterday, before the service guy gets here. I call the office when I get to the pavement to let them know I'll be there in about an hour, to the meds out of the fridge. I get there, and Lori says to me "can I help you?" I'm just here for injections. Do you have an appointment, I need you to sign in. No, I just come in and never sign in. Oh, ok. I'm usually in and out of there in 10-15 minutes. A half hour goes by, and Lori comes out and says, "I guess I'm confused, are you needing blood work, did you have an appt. with someone?" No, I'm here for my injections. Ok, I'll be right back. Another 10 minutes goes by and she comes back and says, I didn't take your meds out of fridge, I guess I wasn't sure what was going on, but next time I won't forget, I'll remember now. WTH! So now I have to wait for them to get the meds out, warm them up some, but rubbing on the palms of hands, they don't have a warmer. I get in, 5 minutes, I'm done! I left the house at 9:40, I don't get home until 2. Service guy supposed to be here between 12:30 and 2:30. Thank goodness he was running on later side!

    Have another adjuster coming today for the stove, Needless to say, I will not be having my neighbors here! I have a gun and I have camera's to which my brother can see and hear everything.

    I need a drink! Oh wait, it's only 6:30 am. Maybe I'll just stick to my coffee!

    Thanks for the hugs ladies.