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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! So far this COVID thing isn't bad. I still feel mostly tired, but better today than yesterday. Still have an annoying cough, but it's better than yesterday. I have to check in with Employee Health later today and will see what they have to say about when I can go back to work. Trying to get access to a work laptop so I can keep up on some stuff. The other clinical manager is working from home due to being sick, and sounds horrible on the phone. I don't know if she has COVID or not. I hope not. Anyway, the whole situation is making me feel pretty useless at work, but I know that will shift as new staff come on and the reorganization really gets moving. So much uncertainty is wearing on my nerves but I'm trying to stay patient and positive.

    The puppers are just happy to have me home so they can be laying on me all the time!

    Karen--so glad you had a good trip! Especially the travel parts. The training was great, even if the rest of it was not so fun. But it's past now and I'm trying to let it go.

    Well, I t looks like I never posted this yesterday, so I'll add on to it for today!

    I got clearance to go back to work in the office today, so heading in to work in a little bit. Worked from home on the office spare laptop, talk about SLOW! Tap a key, wait 20 seconds for the letter to appear or box to be checked or function to start. Very annoying, but I did get a lot done.

    Goldie--I'm feeling pretty good today, still a bit tired but nowhere near as bad as a couple of days ago. All in all I got off easy. I can't believe that it's been 2 weeks and the kidney scan results aren't ready! Something just doesn't sound right about that. Have a good visit with your brother.

    Love the Clover Club cocktail!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2022

    NM, so glad COVID is being gentle on you. Perhaps because you are vaxed? And back to work already, wow! I am not vaxed, so that is why I get scared. Hopefully things will come together soon at work. As for the kidney scan, there is a report in my portal, dated July 29. So I'm thinking they don't know what they are talking about and if I need surgery, perhaps I should go elsewhere! I could look online to see what it means, but right now I don't have time, nor do I really care!

    I got my hair cut yesterday. Had the rest of the scragly stuff cut off, about 4"-5". Not sure if y'all remember, about 2 1/2 years ago or so, my hair started to fall out and I lost more than half of it and it was horribly thin. Wearing it long really made it look bad. So it is now to the bottom of my neck. I have a video appt. with MO today. Will let him know I'm beginning to have some pains, all the right side, hip and ribs mostly, which are areas that have cancer. The pain is minimal, but I'm pretty sure it's cancer related. Got my kitchen ready to paint and picked up the paint yesterday. Leaving tomorrow for Phoenix to spend the night right near the airport, didn't want to rush and be out of here by 5:30 ayem to pick them up. It's 4.5 hours to the airport.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    Lori, photos of your new haircut, please! The right cut can give the illusion of much more volume. Last week my stylist took off two & a half inches of scraggly split ends. It's a bit past my shoulders now, but looks fuller, with more movement. And after shampooing & blow-drying there is no frizz whatsoever, despite not having to resort to any of the Drybar styling products which I I'd been using before the Brazilian Blowout. Have a pleasant trip, free of the hassles of current air travel.

    Last night I made a 3-course dinner; with the scallop appetizer, the last of that 2017 Rhone rosé; and with the steak course, the 2017 Barbera (still have most of the bottle after Coravining a few glasses). Tonight we walked to Regalia. Started with LaGioisa prosecco, and with the entree a 2019 Gavi di Gavi (very dry white),

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! I did pick up a laptop from work, worked from home Wednesday, and was allowed back to the office on Thursday. I have to wear a mask for 10 days, no surprise there. Trying to keep my office door shut and not go out of the office any more than necessary, which feels a little isolating, but is understandable. The other clinical manager who is out sick did test positive for COVID. She sounds terrible, poor thing. Five new people will be starting over the next week or so. Gotta love life in health care these days!

    Goldie--I'm guessing being vaxed is why I didn't get really sick with COVID. I've got enough risk factors for severe COVID illness that any protection seems like a good idea, and it seems to have worked as expected. Also, the virus is mutating, and the currently circulating variants are causing as many severe illnesses as the original and earlier variants. I can imagine not being vaxed is a bit scary, but it's not the best thing for everyone. Things will come together at work, we just closed to new admissions for the next week to try to get caught up with the current backlog without creating a bigger backlog while we get new staff on board and trained. I do remember when you were talking about your hair thinning. You still looked good all through that time! Would love to see a pic of the new cut. It's your brother that's coming out to visit, right? You must be excited!

    Chi--nothing like a good hair cut to make a woman look good!

    Macedonian Haircut

    Cocktail Ingredients:

    1. Black Sambuca - 1 Part

    2. Ouzo - 1 Part

    3. Jägermeister - 1 Part

    Cocktail Mixing Instructions:

    Mix all ingredients. Enjoy.

    Serve in a Collins Glass

    From <>

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2022

    Good evening ladies, I finally made it back again. I've read as far back as my last post so a little caught up. Kiki is here on my lap, not helping much with my typing tho. She is purring away and still no kittens, we are on day number 57 since I got her and the vet says gestation is usually no more than 65 so I'm thinking she must've gotten knocked-up the night before I got her. She's been moving the towels around in the box I set up for her so I'm thinking soon. I can't remember if I had taken her to the vet before I was here last but he x-rayed her and could clearly see 4 but doesn't know if any more are hiding. I have 2 definite homes lined up and 3 maybes, fingers crossed.

    Kim, wow, I skimmed back a bit and it sounds like you had some nightmarish travel, glad you're home safe and sound! I remember seeing your new pups on FB but I'm going to have to go back and look again, so wonderful of you to rescue 2! Were they buddies? Glad you got thru the Covid stuff alright, was this the first time you have gotten it? I'll have to ask my doctor about getting revaccinated, I only had the first 2 Moderna ones and then a booster a year or so ago, so far I've never gotten it but just about everyone I know has. What is your job now and what part of Ohio was your training?

    Karen, I moved to Port Clinton, a small town on Lake Erie, I raised my son here, have some friends close by and my brother is 5 minutes away, it really feels like I'm back home. It's an hour from where I lived for the last 20 years with my ex. Where did you go on your trip? Sounds like you had a great time!

    Goldie, I would love to get together in September, did you tell me the week of the 20th? I have a lot of bone mets pain, I'm on morpine 3 times/day and oxy as needed and Motrin in between. I think I've told you my tumor markers have never gone up and while they're nothing as high as yours they were 3 x's normal my last visit. What's up with your scans? I've never heard of it taking 2 weeks! Is your MO waiting to discuss it with you next visit? Do they suspect mets to kidney? Oh I sure do hate the ratbastard! I missed who is coming to visit, what a long way to drive to get to the airport but I know you're used to it. What color did you paint your kitchen? You've always had such pretty hair, I'm sure your cut looks fabulous!

    Sandy, I get my CT scan on Monday and then probably a laproscopy to biopsy the nodes, my MO says she'll likely send blood to check for mutations again and set up a treatment plan from there. Your talking of food always makes my mouth water, scallops sound delicious, think I'll have to pick some up next time I go to the store.

    Jazzy, sounds like you've been having a great summer, the concerts you enjoy so much and the birthday party sounds like it was lots of fun! I had hoped I got Kiki in time she was 6 months but I've read they can get pregnant as early as 4! Such a shame, much like a 14 year old girl I guess, nature seems to have allowed such things a bit too early.

    Well I'm off to sleep now, I've really become a night owl, it's 1:30 now and that's early for me but maybe I can get up at a semi-decent time in the morning. So glad to catch up a bit, love to all, sweet dreams!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2022


    Nora with her new braces


    Evie painting a dinosaur, I'll have to find another with her looking up, her hair is just a mass of ringlets!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! Except for me it's a write a paper for school day. Got a lot of work stuff caught up yesterday so that feels better. The puppers enjoyed the ride to town and back to pick up the latptop I left in the office Friday.

    Maryland--nothing like rescuing/adopting an animal to change your life! It's never exactly as expected. Funny that Kiki fell preggers the day before you get her. Sounds like you've got a good job of finding homes for the babies already. Yeah, the trip was a bit of a shambles from the traveling side, but the training was great. Now I just need to figure out the differences between the Ohio office and my office and how to insert myself into my office's routines in a way that's helpful and not creating more confusion. So much of the key information is all in one person's head. The two puppers I adopted were playing together in the big room at the shelter when I went to see if colt was the one I had picked up off the road a few weeks earlier. She is so pretty, and they were so happy together, I just couldn't leave without them both. This is my first time catching COVID, and I hope I won't catch it again for a good while. All the testing and masking and staying in the office, etc, is a pain in the anatomy. But the illness itself wasn't bad, my reaction to the second shot and the booster were more bothersome. I am working in a Hospice agency as a patient care manager, an office position with a lot of computer work. I am focusing on Quality Improvement and staff education.The training was in an office in Uniontown, not far from the Kanton/Akron airport.

    Oh my goodness, look at those ringlets!

    The Peach Princess Cocktail


    1 oz. (30ml) Orange Vodka

    1/2 oz. (15ml) Peach Schnapps

    1/2 oz. (15ml) Creme de Banana

    3 oz. (90ml) Peach Mango Juice

    Splash Lemon Lime Soda

    Red Sugar, Yellow Sugar

    Garnish: Candy Peach Rings


    1. Rim the edge of a glass using red sugar and yellow sugar.

    2. Fill the glass with ice and pour in orange vodka, peach schnapps, creme de banana, peach mango juice, and top with lemon lime soda.

    3. Insert candy peach rings throughout.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2022

    Maryland - you change your screen name? I can't believe how big Nora is - where has the time gone? and Evie's curls are adorable. NW Ohio is gorgeous. So nice to be on the lake - but I remember the days when Lake Erie wasn't so nice Loopy. My husband is a native of Columbus and I lived in Columbus for 15 years. My brother is in Cincinnati. My parents were in Columbus or 4 years then in Cincinnati for 25+ years. I haven't been to Cincinnati since my parents left in 2001. My late MIL lived in Columbus and I haven't been back since since passed in 2019. My BIL left Columbus last year. I remember going to Cedar Point every summer with my husband! Such a fun place. We also raced Hobies in the early 1980s and raced in NE Ohio. My husband and I went to Israel for 3 weeks and got to spend time with DD#2 and then Toronto to spend time with DD#1 and SIL. My son moved back to Denver last year. Three kids, 3 countries on two continents!!! Sorry to hear about your mets and all your life changes but you seem happy to be back in Port Clinton. Hope you see NEAD soon.

    Still haven't posted my pictures on FB. Need to go through them. It's on my agenda for today. Need to also get organized for my first day back for the 22-23sy. Summer went by all too quickly! Not sure how many more years - I say 2-3 but at times, I wonder if I can make it that long - I want to get DD#2 through University to take one less worry off her plate.

    Lori - enjoy your visit with your brother. How long is he staying? Pictures of your haircut.

    Kim - seems like you are enjoying the new position.

    Chevy - I see you posts on FB. How are you doing? Miss seeing you post here.

    Have a great Sunday. Need to get out for my morning walk before it gets hot. It's already 70F

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2022


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2022


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2022


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2022

    Good morning - Kim, I can't believe I'm here before you. Hope all is well with you.

    Good-bye summer break, hello 22-23sy.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2022

    Hi gals! Yeah, I don't post much lately.... Things are kind of hectic, and/or just kind of hard to deal with.... Trying to stay home most of the time... DH has a hard time getting in and out of our car, plus getting in to a store, while using a buggy to hold on to! I just think it's best to be safe, and not go out very much, right? I have him sit & wait while I run through the store! We DO go to Menchies...(yum) sometimes! And the other day, I got him in the store, sat him down, fixed our Menchies, and the gal would NOT even charge us! She took our yogurts over to the table & talked with us awhile! I just wanted to cry.

    Our Daughter can bring stuff over to us... And she always comes with lunch, and it's just joyful for me to see how she takes care of her Dad when she is here!

    And we got grab-bars installed! Our neighbor put them up! So now we are safer.... Hah!

    If you guys have any tips, let me know! xoxo

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2022

    Chevy - I love Menchies. There is one near the Costco that I go to, but I don't except when my DD#2 visits, so maybe once or twice/year. Such a sweet gesture from the gal at Menchies. Your daughter is wonderful. I don't have any suggestions, except to make time for yourself. Could your daughter stay with your husband and you run an errand just so you have "me time". You are such a loving and dedicated wife and care taker to your husband.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2022

    Looks like yesterday's post didn't go through, I was having trouble on the site. So, better late than never:

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! Starting a new week at work, with a mock survey going on that should be really informative. I suspect problems will be found, but getting them found is the first step toward getting them fixed and getting process put in place.

    The puppers and I had a lovely day yesterday. They made me take breaks from working on the school project that's due by midnight tonight. It's all written, just need to translate it to a PowerPoint and record a narration.

    Karen--Wow, 3 kids, 3 countries, 2 continents, that's quite the trip! I bet you had a great time, though. The new position is working out well, even though its going through a rough patch right now. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and that helps.Beautiful pics!

    Fields of Travel



    1. Add the green Chartreuse, zucchini water and bitters to a shaker with ice, then shake until well-chilled.
    2. Strain into a chilled coupe glass.
    3. Top with the sake.
    4. Garnish with a skewered cucumber ribbon.

    *Zucchini water: Process 5 whole zucchinis through a juicer (which should yield about 1 quart). Add 1 ounce fresh lime juice, 1 ounce raw cane sugar and 1 barspoon vitamin C powder. Stir to combine.

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! There's a big meeting coming up at work today, we're going to sit down and start dividing up some of the work and lay out who is going to do what pieces and processes. I think I'll feel a lot more involved and productive after this. At least I'll know better where I fit into the whole scheme of things.

    The puppers say good morning to everyone.

    Karen--hoping you have a good 22/23 school year!

    Chevy--how sweet of the Menchies gal! Grab bars are good things to have. I can imagine it is getting harder to manage the trips out, so good for you for doing it as long as possible! You take such good care of him.

    vieux carre cocktail in gold-laced glass with lemon peel garnish

    Vieux Carré


    • 3/4ounceGeorge Dickel rye whiskey
    • 3/4ouncecognac
    • 3/4ouncesweet vermouth
    • 2teaspoonsBenedictine liqueur
    • 4dashesDale DeGroff's pimento aromatic bitters
    • Garnish: maraschino cherryor lemon twist


    1. Add the rye whiskey, cognac, sweet vermouth, Benedictine and bitters into a mixing glass with ice and stir until well-chilled.
    2. Strain into a rocks glass over fresh ice or a cocktail glass.
    3. Garnish with a cherry, a lemon twist or both.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2022

    Yesterday we had a huge thunderstorm, not one typically seen in Denver....just pouring and pouring for about 45 minutes, then it slowed down. It was near the end of the work day and no one was leaving as just going outside you got soaked. I left when is slowed down a bit and just getting in my car, the car door got soaked!!! Rained most of the evening. I think there is more rain in the forecast for the week. We need the moisture.

    Kim. my son leaves about 15 minutes from us, so it's just the girls we need to travel to see or they need to come to us. Proud of all of them living where they are happy.

    Survived day one of training. Today I have a training 8-11:15 and 12:15 to 1:45. They are online. Then I need to do the annual mandatory reporter training which is asynchronous.

    Have a great Tuesday

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2022

    I'm just waiting until it gets light out.... Heard DH call me at about 3 this morning... I don't know what to do... He must have fallen against something, because he has 2 big cuts/spots on his forehead, ... but was able to get back in bed!

    Gotta change the bedding .... I just don't want to have him go to the hospital by ambulance... but I don't think I could get him out to the car!

    Sure they check him all out, then I take him back home... They only found that he was "dehydrated" the last time he went!

    The PT brought him over a larger walker, AND a larger cane....but he doesn't use it unless I help him.

    Maybe when it gets light out, I can figure things out better?

    He is so afraid of me calling an ambulance.... and I don't want him to be afraid! He is resting quietly again.... I'm just hoping things will be a little better later.... I can handle him forgetting who I am, because so far, I help him figure things out.

    Do any of you have a personal alarm? I mean if you need help, and can't call 911? And what kind do you have?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    My mom had an alarm pendant with base station connected to the landline--I forget the name of the company (but it wasn't one of those with the TV ads). She had to test it weekly for them to confirm they got the signal. That's how I learned she'd died--as she was passing out, she pressed the button on her pendant; when the company pinged her and she didn't ping back, they called 911 and then all her registered contacts: my sister & me, and her upstairs neighbor who was "block walk captain." I was called by the paramedic on duty. Nowadays, AppleWatches have automatic fall-detection that first asks if you fell, then if you're okay. If there's no answer, the watch calls 911 and gives them your geographic coordinates. So as long as I have my watch I won't consider a pendant for myself. Bob is still working and would be horrified if I suggested an alarm pendant; but is still technophobic enough that he won't give up his analog wristwatch for a smartwatch.

    Today was my 3-month ocular onc followup--everything is stable, with the tumor even having shrunk a little. Still no absolute cytological confirmation it's a malignant melanoma (nor of its genomics) because not only weren't they able to collect enough cells to biopsy, it's now too small to be visible except via high-magnification ultrasound (which doesn't show much if any vascularization). Nevertheless, my OO says it looks like one due to its location & initial appearance. So far, so good for another 3 months.

    Sun. night with BBQ & other leftovers the DOTD was Mumm Napa Sparkling Pinot Noir--just what it sounds like, Pinot Noir (dry) but fizzy. Just ice water last night out on the deck with dinner I grilled. Tonight, not sure.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Had a pretty good meeting at work yesterday, I got some more responsibilities added to my list, which is a very good thing since it's getting me into the day-to-day workflow without upsetting the apple cart. Learned some about the current Clinical Manager so I'm getting to know her and her work patterns better. It's such a complicated situation with so much change going on so fast. But, it will work out and it really is starting to come together.

    The weather guessers are talking about a summer Nor'Easter coming in. I'm hoping it does come through, the rain will go a long way toward reversing the drought conditions we've got going on. Not sure how much the puppers will like a lot of rain, but I guess I'll find out!

    Karen--I didn't realize your son lives so close, that must be really nice for you. Congrats on surviving a training day! Those can be tedious and deadly.

    Chevy--good for DH for getting himself back into bed! Dementia is such a cruel disease. The brain damage just doesn't let the person remember to use a walker or cane, and eventually interferes with the ability to walk and get around safely. Because the damage means people don't recognize when they are thirsty people with dementia are chronically a little dehydrated. It probably will be easier to work things out after the sun comes up. Something about not being in the dark of night always seems to make things better. You are doing a wonderful job taking care of him. I know there is a part of him that knows that and is still connected to you.

    Chi--it sounds good that the eye tumor has shrunk to the extent that special tech is needed to even see it. Malignant or not, shrinking is better than growing!

    A Shrinking Violet Rosé Cocktail using Mirabeau Classic Provence Rosé in a rocks glass, with a bottle of Mirabeau Classic Etoile Rosé in the background.

    Shrinking Violet Rosé Cocktail

    Shrinking Violet Rosé Cocktail Recipe Ingredients

    50ml Mirabeau Etoile Rosé

    20ml Lavender syrup

    10ml Violet syrup

    10ml Lemon juice

    How to make a Shrinking Violet Rosé Cocktail

    Add the lavender syrup, violet syrup, and lemon juice to a Boston shaker. Add ice and shake well for 30 seconds.

    Use a hawthorn strainer to strain the mix into a rocks glass filled with cubed ice. Top with the Mirabeau Etoile Rosé.


    Lavender sprig

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2022

    Day two done - one boring 2 hour training and one great 1.75 hour training. Both on zoom. This morning 4 hour SW/SP department meeting. It is zoom. My manager had hoped it would be in person, but she could not find a space, but next month in person. Zoom is so much harder.

    Yesterday afternoon we had a funeral for a friend's son. It was soooo hard. He would have turned 44 in 2 weeks. I can't even fathom the pain the parents are in.

    We've had rain for the past couple days - well needed. I think it is gone for the next couple days then will be back.

    Have a great Wednesday.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    Still cooler than average but still lovely. Of course, the storms will arrive this weekend, just in time to wreck the Air & Water Show.

    Had mice come in through the area around the hose bib--we discovered the "evidence" today. Heidi has been frustrated that she can hear them but they are evading her. (She is hard-wired to hunt). Our exterminator is so understaffed that they can't tell us when they can send anyone--it's only a matter of time before we'll begin to see ants & roaches. Our landscaper has done exterminating work, so he will lay traps and stuff steel wool (which my HK did this morning under the baseboards). There's rodent evidence under the kitchen sink too. Ugh. Used to be that vermin could sense the presence of cats and seek out "greener pastures," but they're getting more desperate.

    Did a fair bit of day-drinking today, because we attended a "Monet & Rosé" wine-pairing lunch at Mon Ami Gabi. Three 3-oz. glasses plus an aperitif sparkling rosé "martini" with a lemongrass-sorbet "olive" has me wanting to do nothing but sleep rather than type. (Certainly no appetite for dinner). But here goes. DsOTD (besides that "martini"): Maris Rosé de Nymphe Emue (Grenache, from the Languedoc); Fournier Rosé of Sancerre (Pinot Noir); Clarendelle (Merlot, Cab. Sauv., Cab. Franc from Bordeaux). All 2021, all French.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2022

    Good morning everyone. Kim, hope all is well with you as I'm posting before you.

    Today ends my first week back and a week of at least 4 hours (or more) of PD each day. Some great, some awful. My department meeting is always on overload - especially on zoom. This morning, I have 2 meetings but they are in person, thankfully, but we are a smaller group than all the other trainings. Tonight is back to school from 3-6. I haven't. been to one in several years. Look forward to the kids starting on Monday.

    Have a great Thursday.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    Mouse squad (human, not feline) went to work full-bore today. Holes plugged, traps placed. Heidi is pissed off that she no longer has prey. Pet-safe bug spray laid down too. (Exterminator sent a veteran tech today).

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    DOTD was the last of the Mumm Napa Sparkling Pinot Noir with roast chicken.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2022

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! I couldn't get onto BCO yesterday for some reason, the log in kept freezing up, not sure if it was a site issue or my elderly desktop computer's.

    Things are really moving ahead at work. The new office Director started yesterday, and the new receptionist/medical records person is picking up on things really quickly, and already taking some work off my hands, just in time for me to be picking up the management of all the employee records. I did discover the third Clinical Manager position is open, I thought that had been filled, but either I was wrong or the person backed out. Lots of progress has been made and we're getting into a better position now.

    The puppers are happily running my house, and I am happy to be their treat and din-din server and cuddles, tickles, and ear scritches provider. It's a little hard to be working on my own school work with one or both of them trying to climb into my lap, but hey, I like it!

    Karen--Zoom meetings have their challenges, especially the long ones. I have to admit that I like them mostly because I can hear what the speaker is saying better over Zoom than in person, even with the hearing aids. But I do miss the socialization with other people part of in person meetings. I am so sorry about the friend's son. That is such a hard situation. Hugs.

    Chi--mice are pretty resilient critters. It's good you've taken action early on, before too many move in! I've found that spraying areas with peppermint oil helps deter them, it might be worth adding to what is already being done to help hold things in check until the exterminator can get there.

    Karen--it sounds like your back-to-school time is very busy!

    Chi--So good to hear your exterminator came through! Poor Heidi, to be deprived of entertainment, though.

    White Mouse

    White Mouse Cocktail


    • 1 oz (30 ml) Saffron Gin
    • 1/2 oz (15 ml) Lemon Juice
    • 1/2 oz (15 ml) Honey
    • Champagne
    • Star Anise to garnish


    1. Pour the gin, lemon juice and honey into a cocktail shaker, add ice
    2. Shake all ingredients together
    3. Double strain into a coupe or cocktail glass
    4. Top up with Champagne
    5. Garnish with Star Anise to float

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2022

    Kim - I too have trouble getting on at times - have to try two or three times. I put cc on zoom meetings and now DH turns cc on the TV for me. I wear bilat hearing aids, but my hearing in my right ear is still pretty lousy with HA. I still miss way too much. I need to get my annual audiological evaluation. I have an appointment with an audiologist/ENT in November - thinking about Cochlear Implants, but I don't know if I'm a candidate but also a little scare after reading so much about them. May go to Costco where I've been going for years before them. MY HA are from Costco but are 4 years old.

    Made it through the week of PD. Looking forward to Monday with kids.

    Have a great a Friday

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2022

    Karen! I got my newest pair of aids from Costco... again! They work great! I just put them in the recharger at night, and they are good to go in the morning! Ask about them! No more batteries!

    When I lost my hearing, I finally figured out it was from the Tamoxifen I took after BC! Costco has been a huge help in figuring out which aids to get!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2022

    Good afternoon ladies and greetings from soggy New Mexico! We are getting a surge of monsoonal moisture they have been talking about all week and arrived a bit on Thursday, was mostly in other areas yesterday, and then started overnight again here. They talked about some areas getting 5-8 inches (and fyi, 8 inches of rain is our annual average here). So far the rain here is slowly and easy, the kind that soaks in. I know the burn scar area up north and down south are having really bad flooding issues. The Rio Grande River that flows down through the center of the state has been drying up and was dry up here in Albuquerque twice already this summer (has not happened in decades) but then flows again. It may rain all weekend and hope it does.

    Kids are back to school here and everyone looking forward to Labor Day weekend and the start of fall events. Especially now that everything is back. We have our state fair that starts right after Labor Day weekend, some fall festivals and then balloon fiesta comes up early October for 10 days. May through December there is a lot going on here in general.

    Not much exciting to report, just wanted to say hi!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    Kinda sleepy here too--rain last night, on & off today, but here by the lake only enough to keep the lawn & plants wet. Worried about our AZ sisters, because they're really getting the brunt of it.

    Just learned that the founder/longtime organizer of the Fox Valley Folk Festival passed away yesterday, "surrounded by his loving family." as the FB post mentioned. So he'd been ill for quite some time, which explains the nature of this year's upcoming fest (first since 2019): "hybrid," with the live portion being in a suburban UU church instead of Island Park in the Fox River in downtown Geneva. The live workshops & concert sets are greatly reduced--our songwriters' group hadn't been offered a slot this year because the mainstage acts' contracts included 3 workshops each; so no time slots available for local folk or storytelling organizations. (We weren't offered a Zoom slot either, but it's all for the best, as Zoom workshops are a nightmare; we get only an hour, and on a live stage we can give a silent "cut" signal to the sound guy if a performer was exceeding their allotted time, but you can't mute someone else on Zoom. Not just that, but fitting four performers AND anyone logging in to watch would result in a whole bunch of tiny thumbnails on screen). Anyway, his family has requested privacy and will issue memorial details when finalized.

    No DOTD last night--didn't feel like drinking. Haven't decided where we're eating tonight, as we need to be up early tomorrow for the Air & Water Show viewing party (opens at 10:30 and we'll have to Uber it down there. Ate brunch late today, and because of tomorrow's start time my "intermittent fast" will be closer to 12/12 than my usual 16/8. Feeding the kitties will be earlier than usual, though, which could throw them off their routine