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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2022

    Happy Thursday. Just popping in to share some music I heard today and loved. Sending much all who are struggling right now....

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2022

    Lori - I've struggled with insomnia since I was diagnosed!!! My sleep is improved from what it was 10+ years ago. With help of Rx, I'm lucky to get 6 hours sleep. I generally wake up without an alarm, but I've been setting it since I'm getting up at 4:45. Sorry that you had such a hassle with getting your injections.

    Today is my Friday at work. Finished week 1 with students. I have a few kiddos that are quite challenging, It will be an interesting couple months while covering this FMLA. I have no idea where I'll be next. This is a great school.

    Jazzy - nice to see you.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2022

    Thought this looked yummy for an end of summer dwinkie poo! I'll have one, maybe even two!

    May be an image of drink, strawberry and text that says 'Strawberry Vodka Cocktail Ingredients: Frozen Strawberries Pineapple Juice Simple Syrup Whipping Cream Vodka Sprite Whipped Cream Fresh Strawberries'

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy TGIF day! Today will be my first time running a major meeting at work, and the other clinical manager would not let me do the prep work, so I'm feeling very uneasy about the whole thing. This afternoon I'm going to have to talk to her about her not teaching me the stuff she's doing, because I need to be able to do those things. I don't want to take them over, but I need to be able to all the parts of my job. I think it's going to be a long day today. On the other hand, even without computer access most of the day yesterday while my computer was updating, I got a LOT of filing done.

    The puppers were very attentive last evening when I was going on about being nervous about today's meeting at work. At one point I had both of them trying to get into my lap! They are so funny sometimes.

    Karen--it gets harder to adjust to the work week schedule every year, doesn't it? I'm beginning to think there may be something to the idea of a 4 day work week! I tend to eat for comfort, too. I eat when I'm stressed, nervous, anxious, upset, sad, happy, whatever. It's a very hard habit to break.

    Goldie--some good ideas for Chevy! Good point about getting older and one I need to remember. Oh my goodness, if a neighbor showed up with a story like that I think I would freak out! $600 to fix an $800 appliance? CRAZY! Just insane! No warranty coverage where it's new? Something just isn't right here. I am so sorry you got caught up in all that at the injection appointment. There really is no excuse when you've called an hour ahead to let them know you are on your way. I'd say you deserve a drink, no matter what time it is!Slip a shot of something into your coffee!

    Jazzy--great video, thanks!

    Karen--I'm glad work is going well for you and you are in a good school.

    Goldie--Oh My that looks YUMMY!!!!!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2022

    Kim - I'm only at this school through October 31st. I'm finishing a maternity leave coverage that started in April. I'm part of the float team of SW and SPs and we cover vacancies, maternity leaves, FMLAs etc. This is my 6th or 7th year on the team. When I started we were 2.6 FTE, now we are at least 7.8 FTE. I enjoy the variety as well as some of the special opportunities it offers. I'm 40 years older than the newbies!!! Wow did I just say that!! Now I feel old SillyHeart. Only. a couple more years.

    It's Friday, so its grocery shopping, cleaning and cooking. Also have my annual eye exam. Trying a new practice as they are on my insurance. With my Medicare Advantage Plan $0 copay - I like the sound of that!

    Lori - that drink sounds good - and looks pretty. Lori- I hope that insurance covers the damage. Unreal about the washing machine repair cost!!! Hugs my friend.

    Have a great Friday

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    HK came back today (will make all the difference as my usual weekend without her will not be as stressful). She feels much better. We both masked all day and "air-hugged."

    DsOTD: at Ethiopian Diamond around the corner, a 2018 Robertson Pinot Noir (S. Africa); and roasted and steeped to order Ethiopian Sidamo coffee. I'd forgotten how good it is--would have been a sin to defile it with sugar.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2022

    Karen, I'm usually up between 4-6, I think 6:30 at the latest, no mater what time I go to bed. Are you retiring end of Oct.?

    NM, I hope this other CM doesn't cause you problems, not letting you do the prep work. Ha ha, I can't imagine both pups being in your lap, heck, I can't imagine Colt by himself! Oooooh, is a 4 day week possible for you? I don't think I thanked you for the carrots, so thank you!

    Sandy, glad your HK is feeling better.

    The washer guy was sent by Maytag, altho I had to find him! I guess they wanted to know if it could be fixed and they would pay for it. Well, it can be fixed, for $600. Appliance guy said he doubts Maytag will pay that, and will just replace it. Thing is, I don't want the same one. Tuesday I have someone coming to look at the stove and my house from my insurance co. They better pay, over the years we have probably given them 20K-30K, and have never filed a claim!

    DOTD: Carrot Margarita



    1 1/4 ounces Casa Noble Tequila

    3/4 ounce Lillet Rosé

    3/4 ounce orange juice

    1/2 ounce carrot juice

    3/4 ounce pineapple juice

    3/4 ounce lime juice

    3/4 ounce ginger ale

    Orange slice

    1. Add tequila, Lillet Rosé, and juices to an ice-filled shaker. Shake until chilled.
    2. Pour into an ice-filled glass. Top with ginger soda and give it a stir. Garnish with an orange slice and mint leaves.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! Well, thing took quite the turn at work yesterday. I found out at the last minute that I wouldn't be running the meeting like I thought I was, "the game plan shifted the other day" so I was scribe (taking notes) instead. After the meeting the Regional Preceptor apologized for not letting me know the change in plans, I spoke to her about the need to prep for my own meetings, she agreed and said something a little vague about "working on that." So I'm left thinking WTF is going on? Am I ever going to be updated when these changes are made? Am I ever going to be a fully functioning team member? WTH is with the strange tension in the office and all the closed door meetings going on all of a sudden the last couple of days? Are we being closed down or something? Come to the end of the day, the other PCM announced her resignation, effect next month. I read the email and sat there stunned. All this time I've been hearing how overloaded she is, trying to pick up parts of the work to start to unload her, having her block my every attempt, and now she's leaving?!

    With all the knowledge that exists only in her head, if she doesn't share it before she leaves, this is going to be one huge mess. This PCM is the last office management person left from before everything started falling apart and is a huge favorite with the staff. The reactions to her resignation email were very emotional. I wish I knew what to think or how to feel. Right now I feel upset that she's leaving, relieved that she's getting out of my way (boy does that sound egocentric!), scared about all the knowledge that is going to be leaving with her, excited about now having a chance to make some badly needed changes in how things are run, worried about what it's going to do to staff morale, and afraid of how much my workload is going to jump.

    I was in bed with the puppers last night telling them all this. I asked them what they thought. Apparently, I am an A Number 1 belly rubber, ear scratcher, rump roster, cuddler, din-din provider and snack distributor, so the world will continue to turn just fine.

    Goldie—That case manager will be causing totally different problems now! Yeah, having Colt in my lap is quite the experience. Lately he's been sitting on the floor and just putting his head and front legs in my lap, that's a lot more workable. As in I can still breathe! I do not see a 4 day work week in my near future, I was referring to the recent buzz about research supporting 4 day work weeks as better work/life balance with no drop in productivity. And I agree the insurance should pay for the stove. Too many times we pay into insurance but never get anything back from it.

    Karen—Wow, that's quite a float team, almost 8 FTEs! You must work in a huge school district. I can see how the variety of experiences would be really interesting. I hear you about feeling old, I realized the other day I'm old enough to be many of the staff members' mother, and not too few of them, their grandmother!

    Chi—glad your HK is back on her feet!

    Goldie—that carrot margarita look wild!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2022

    Good afternoon friends- its a lovely day here in New Mexico. Highs in the 80s now, lows at night in the 60s, no wind! My perfect NM weather and it shows up around this time every year and usually lasts into October. I love late summer to early fall the best. As many of you know, this is our chili peppper harvest time and they were roasting them out in the parking lot at one of my grocery stores today. People buy big boxes and get them roasted, take them home to freeze them (people by entire freezers here just to freeze them for the year ahead). I buy some in smaller quantities in plastic containers for my needs and they fit into my freezer for the winter months. I am going to make my first batch for the season of green chili stew.

    Took a day off this week to catch up on things at home and with some car maintenance. I forgot how much I love a good weekend to get things done without the crowds in the stores and other places that come in the weekends. I was able to get some new plants for my fall garden "facelift" and about done getting those integrated into the gardens and pots. My yard has done better this year with a better than average monsoon season. We are at about 5.5% inches this summer (for an average 8 inches for the year) and not done yet. The rains are still around but as we come in to Sept, they may wane. They were worried because they came early this year, they might peter out and they did slow down for a few weeks in July but have been back for the past six weeks pretty strongly. I am looking forward to another long weekend coming up next weekend for Labor Day, my favorite of the summer long weekends.

    I am going to have a dinner party here next Saturday and looking forward to entertaining for the first time this year. I usually have people over more in the warm weather months with the patio open, but this year with the smoke, wind, then the rains and too many flies too, not been as ideal for outdoor entertaining. I am going to do cocktails outdoors but we will do our main dining indoors to avoid the pesky bug situation. We will use all my entertainment places! I am working through the menu this weekend and going to plan to have some grilled salmon, chicken fajitas and a NM pork dish called carne Adovada and then will have things to make tacos or serve on salad, or any other way people want to eat it. I ordered a fresh fruit tart from the local grocery store for desert and I am sure you know I will have plenty of good wine, some beer and flavored vodka to offer people. My friends coming are all music people (most of them are wonderful vocalists) and the most interesting group. I have been talking about doing this with one of the women I have become pretty good friends with, and been to her house several times for parties. Two others were added and everyone excited to have fun at Beth's. The day after, I will be going off to the hot springs for the day and then Monday Labor Day, I plan to crash! One of my co-workers and some others invited me to a party on Labor Day but I decided as I am maxed out for next weekend. Into September we go!

    On the subject of music, I learned yesterday one of my fav jazz artists, Joey DeFrancesco who is considered the best hammond B3 jazz players died unexpectedly this week. He was just here in concert in February at one of our jazz venues and dazzled us with his voice, horn playing and organ performances. He was such a happy person and you could tell how much he loved to perform. I feel grateful I got to see him but think we jazz folks here all feel a bit stunned by this. Well it's telling me it is time to get back into my playing and going to get on that....

    Goldie- you have gone through a lot this year and so much more since your DH passed away. I am sorry about all the troubles and hope the new treatments will help you. Sending much love sister.

    Chi- I am glad your HK is back and better from her health issues too. My cleaning service has become less dependable during the pandemic and there are times they just call and say they are not coming as they are short staffed. Happened again this week and they are due in a bit early this coming Thursday instead of regular monday which is the Labor Day holiday. I hope they come with the dinner party on the horizon. I like your coffee drinks they sound delicious!

    NM- your job sounds like what I went through late last year and early this year in our area, people constantly leaving. It's really hard, especially when you are new and needing to figure things out. Healthcare is totally unstable now, I see things going on every day that make say WTH? I hope you can find your way through to some stability. I personally can't wait to retire as working is just not fun anymore. Glad the puppers are doing well too!

    Karen- sounds like you had some great travels. I loved seeing the wall in Jerusuelem, I was there many years ago and it was a memorable trip. I hope you will be able to hang in there until the other person is back from maternity leave and then maybe get a break. I know all the schools are short staffed.

    Hello to everyone else and can't scroll back further right now or will loose this long post. Going to enjoy some wine on the patio with a friend tonight and will write more again next weekend and more shout outs to others then too. Until then, hi to Mistyeyes, Teka, Ill, CeliaC, MinusTwo and some other new folks here too. Enjoy this last weekend of August!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    Lori, for years you've been giving your insurance company quite a "bang for their buck." So it's more than fair for them to give you "bucks for your bang!"

    Jazzy, your upcoming shindig sounds wonderful. How great to have the ability to accommodate outdoor entertaining! And it's about time you finally had the right weather for it.

    Kim, how perplexing your work situation must be! Frustrating when you don't get to see just what wheels are spinning below the surface until they bubble up and affect you.

    I can't imagine having two dogs in bed with me at the same time, but all the while my HK (their "other mama") was away, both cats frequented our bed at night, sometimes with tense results (Heidi considers herself the "alpha" and lets Happy know it).

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited August 2022

    Jazzy - I ordered a subscription to New Mexico Magazine and have been thoroughly enjoying all the information & pictures & stories. The new issue highlights New Mexico wineries. Who knew - the first wines in the "new world" were made from vines planted by Franciscan monks in 1692 who smuggled the vines from Spain. Even though those first vineyards didn't survive, it's amazing to be the oldest winemaking region in the country. Have you been to the Casa Rondena Winery? I'm putting that on my list. The list of the wine festivals is amazing.

    Goldie - I ordered the New Mexico magazine because I love Arizona Highways so much. So yes, I keep up with things in your state too. My brother still has a 'cabin' in Mund's Park, although he's moved out of the state now. Hope the insurance adjuster is reasonable.

    NM - oh my...been there done that. Good luck with yet another upheaval & transition at work.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2022

    Kim - sorry for the work situation. Yes, I work for a large school district - the largest in CO - 90K students.

    Jazzy and Lori - no I'm not retiring the end of October. I'm covering for a maternity leave and the gal comes back Nov 1st. Then onto a new assignment but don't know yet what it will be. I think this year plus one more. I'm part of a float team of SW/SPs and we cover FMLA, maternity leaves, vacancies, help with special assessments etc.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! The puppers and I were pretty lazy yesterday, so I need to catch up on some laundry and such today. Getting up to outside temps under 50 this ayem, a sure sign fall is coming, not to mention all the back-to-school announcements and sales going on. Any schools not already in session will start this coming week.

    Jazzy--sounds like lots of chili peppers being roasted and preserved where you are! Weekdays are good days for doing things, when you can get one. The dinner party sounds like a lot of fun, I hope everything goes really well. It's hard to believe that the Labor Day weekend is almost here. I'm sorry to hear about the jazz artist passing unexpectedly. The work situation is pretty chaotic right now, but there is a strong base of support from the regional management staff, and I really feel like I will be able to make a difference moving forward. And if all else fails, I can retire in two more year, although I'd like to work a bit longer than though!

    Chi--LOL at the "bucks for the bang"!It can be a challenge to find leg space with both puppers in bed with me, but it ends up working out. Some nights I can claim the center of the bed, head to foot, as soon as we get into bed, but when the puppers, especially Colt, gets in first I can end up lying diagonally across the bed! He is one hard lump of heavy doggo to try to move once he gets comfy. Zoe I can pick up and move if I need to!

    Minus--Thanks for the good luck wishes. I really think this upheaval and transition will be for the better when all is said and done. We shall see!

    Karen--Wow, that is one big school district!

    a cocktail made with creme de violette, this violet crumble drink is all kinds of pretty! SO yummy, too! From

    Violet Crumble Cocktail


    • ▢ 1-½ounces creme de cacao
    • ▢ 1 ounce cake vodka
    • ▢ ½o ounce creme de violette
    • ▢ 3 ounces clear cream soda
    • ▢ Ice


    • Mix creme de cacao, vodka, and creme de violette and pour over ice in an on the rocks glass.
    • Pour in the cream soda.
    • Serve.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2022

    MinusTwo- oh yes, we have a lot of wineries here and never knew the history of wine making until I lived moved here. Yes, the catholics who came with the Spanish planted the vineyards to have the wine for communion. I also worked part time at a winery here back in the late 1990s for about a year, believe it or not! The winery was called Anderson Valley Winery, and I worked in their tasting room and helped with events (they used to do a lot of weddings there). I learned so much about grapes, wine making, etc. They were well known for making some special wines for balloon fiesta, and it was a busy time for the winery with pilots who would come in and buy cases and cases of vino during their weeks of stay here. I also used to work at their Labor Day wine festival, and there are a couple more festivals now over Memorial Day and July 4th weekened, both up north here and further south. They grow most of the grapes down south or they source them from Colorado. The industry and has grown and changed as I have lived here and the wines have improved in time. I had some reserve petite syrah from a winery here recently that was as good as any I have had out of Napa or Sonoma.

    And yes, I have been to Casa Rodena which is in the north valley. They do some really nice reds, and have a beautiful property and do a lot of events there. I was there for a special brunch with one of my prof org boards in January and they have a great tasting room so it's a good thing to put on the list for your visit.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2022

    NM, so sorry about the issues at work. Odd that the PCM won't share her knowledge, especially since she's leaving. And if I remember correctly, you don't know why? I hope it doesn't turn into a bunch of drama like the other place. But I have no doubt in you, that you will be able to pull it off. Sorry the pups weren't very attentive, there are other things in life ya know!!! LOL.

    Jazzy, I'm sure your dinner party will be a hit. That's quite the menu, with salmon, chicken and pork. How many peeps are you expecting?

    Sandy right? I'm sure I've given them more than what they will need to give to me. It's a gal coming and if she says no to the claim, I believe I will have a break down, it will be an honest one. It even makes me tear up typing about it. I may have to use that "bang for the bucks" vx "bucks for the bang". Thanks!

    Minus, Arizona Hwys used to have a show on tv, not sure if they do or not anymore. I couldn't stand the host, Robin Sewell. She was always waving her finger around.

    Karen, I knew you were thinking about retirement, so that is why I thought that. Is your work week always 4 days?

    I've been in such a funk lately, that yesterday and the day before, I took a nap, in bed each time for 1.5 hours. I NEVER nap, because I could never actually fall asleep. I don't know if it's the cancer, my kidneys or just every thng going on. It'll be 5 weeks on Thursday since I had those scans, and have yet heard anything. I gave my PC the written report last Wed., and haven't heard from him either. I texted his wife to ask her if he got it, and if so, could he call me. He's in the hospital on Fridays and Sunday is church, they are mormons and big in their church. I guess we'll see what today holds!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2022

    Goldie- only five of us, about all I can handle anymore (four guest plus myself). Been checking on dietary restrictions/preferences today and decided the pork dish will come off the menu, chicken fajitas and some nice grilled salmon will be the main meat dishes. Getting things done around here to be more ready. I have little to no time/energy, etc. during the week to work on house stuff with this crazy job of mine.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    Jazzy, one of my favorite bubblies is Gruet from New Mexico!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited August 2022

    Chi - Gruet does great sparkling and some good chardonnay too 🍷

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2022

    I donated blood this morning and I've been exhausted all day. Struggled to stay awake after dinner - now I'm wide awake :(

    Lori - I've been working 4 days/week for many years. When I started this district in 2009 I was 3 days and increased to 4 about 7 years ago. Prior to this I worked full time.

    Looking forward to the long week-end. We are going to the mountains for our 45th wedding anniversary to do some hiking.

    Have a great week.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey day! It's noticeably darker in the ayems when I'm getting up, going to be getting up in the dark again pretty soon. Sigh. This always seems to happen all of a sudden.At the same time we're getting heat and humidity building up again for the next couple of days, then the temps will drop into the 70s during the day. At least they aren't predicting snow yet.

    Jazzy--working at a winery must have been a lot of fun as well as quite the learning experience.

    Goldie--I'm not totally sure why the other PCM has been holding on to the work and the knowledge so tightly, I wonder if it's out of fear of losing control or things going wrong. I'm also hoping that she's going to be willing to share what she knows now that she's leaving. I wonder, too, if she's uncomfortable with the process changes being made, like having the nurses manage their own visit schedules. Considering how much you have been through this last year I'm not surprised you are tired enough to nap. It is so not right that you are waiting this long for scan results, no matter what they are. You shouldn't have to work so hard to get scan results. I wish there was something I could do to help.

    Cocktail Recipes - The RecipeWebsite - When a beer just wont do!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2022

    Jazzy, a nice small gathering. I'm sure you will all have a wonderful time.

    Karen, I guess I didn't know you only worked 4 days, and if I did, I moosta forgot! Happy Anniversary! Being stage IV, I can't donate blood.

    NM, I sure hope the PCM will share with you. I don't see why not, since she is leaving! As for the scans, I'm wondering if I might have a chance at a malpractice lawsuit?

    Yesterday was another nap, but my neighbor came by, so I didn't lay down until 4, I was afraid it would keep me up, nope! I laid down for an hour, buy my phone rang twice, I didn't answer, so the nap was intermittent, maybe that's why. OMG the "S" word. NOOOO, it's too soon, summer just got here!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited August 2022

    It rained today and I’m always blown away by the beauty and frequency of rainbows up here. Enjoy 😁


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited August 2022

    Mae - wonderful to see you. Great rainbows. Thanks

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited August 2022

    What a view!! Great photos of the rainbow.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited August 2022

    Lovely rainbows. Thanks for sharing!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    Gorgeous rainbows!

    I can't donate blood any more, either. Originally, the donation protocol for bc survivors was being off active treatment for 5 yrs,, then 1. But I found out recently that because even though my ocular melanoma is still in situ, its location between the iris & ciliary body means it's highly vascularized (and too dangerous to excise); and if & when it metastasizes (50-50 chance eventually), it does so not via the lymph system but rather the bloodstream. Therefore, I'm barred from donating at all, even organs postmortem. What's illogical, though, is that you can't "give" somebody cancer: it's not a pathogen but is your own cells--and if they get into someone else their immune system will recognize them as foreign--and reject & destroy them. (That's why transplant recipients must take anti-rejection immunosuppressant meds for the rest of their lives). It's frustrating--I began donating in college at age 19 because it was the one form of charity I could always afford. I have a ribbon full of "gallon donor" pins. Bob is a "power donor:" every 10 weeks he gives packed red cells...and I get a little bag of Cheez-Its for picking him up afterwards.

    No alcohol Sun. night. At Big Jones tonight ("Chef's Southern Tour" tasting menu) I had a glass of "Love Drunk" OR rosé of Pinot Noir and half a glass of Albariño.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited August 2022

    Thanks everyone for the anniversary wishes - it is September 4th. I telling DH that we got married on a Sunday and our anniversary is on Sunday and he goes thanks for reminding me, I need to get a card - well so do i!! LOL! The last time. looked they were all $5-6 - so dilemma - do I spend that much or go to the dollar store? One year, we gave each other the same card.

    My days of donating may soon come to an end as my weight is at the bottom of the acceptable range to donate. I didn't donate for years after diagnosis and stopping AIs but when i found out i could, I started back. It is the only think i can donate being a survivor - they won't take organs and I don't know about corneas. I really wanted to be a kidney donor but I loose out on 3 accounts, history of cancer, stage 3 CKD and age. My kidney function is about 55%

    I see the endocrinologist next week for possible parathyroid issues, colonoscopy the middle of the month and 6 month check up with medical oncologist in a month. Thankfully nephrologist has handed me back to PCP and hematologist put me to annual watch last spring since things are stable. The other night getting up to go to the bathroom, i walked into the door frame and I have a large knot on my eyebrow and last night I fell halfway off the toilet seat. Have checked checked my back yet to see how scratched up it is.

    Lori - how did the insurance adjustor go? And d***, no results yet - that is just so wrong. How are you feeling. Napping is self-care so keep it up as long as you feel the need and give yourself grace. You've had a way overflowing plate for too long.

    Calling Kim - hope all is okay at work and the gal will start sharing with you before she leaves.

    Chevy - thinking of you.

    Weather in the 90s all week with no sign of rain.

    Have a great Tuesday

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited August 2022

    Thank you for the welcome. I'm more of a lurker on this thread. I love the humor and the honesty here.

    mae, beautiful rainbow! Wow!

    Several years ago, I was being treated with therapeutic phlebotomy sessions. One time I was away from home but was able to go to a local blood bank to get "drained." There was a man and his son there who were there to donate plasma. The receptionist asked if they could go ahead of me because it took such a long time for that procedure. Well, of course! What always made me feel bad was to have my blood thrown away because it was "tainted." Now with Stage IV, I'll never be able to donate blood. Thank you to those who can and do donate blood or plasma.

    Happy Tuesday!


  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited August 2022

    Mae - Wow! you are up so high it looks like you are right up on the same level as the rainbow and can almost touch it!

    Goldie – When my husband died I went to a Grief Share program and one of the videos were on being tired. It said that grieving is very tiring, so with that and everything else you got going on you should be tired. Just rest when you need to.

    Jazzy – It sounds like a lovely get together you are having, and just inviting 4 people is really perfect for conversation and a more relaxing evening.

    There is a flu already going on here with the kids, my granddaughter has it and I am watching her while she is out of school. The doctor said he had several already tested positive for Flu-A. I am trying to be very careful, the rest of the family doesn't want it, we are going to Ormond Beach (east coast of FL) for the Labor Day weekend. My daughter got a BnB on the beach for us all to share. I am hoping the weather will be good.

    Chi – the 'Chef's Southern Tour' is nice, it will be fun to see what he has on the menu.

    NM – I have worked with people before who acted like they didn't want to share any information, I always thought they either wanted to know something nobody else did or they were afraid that someone else would do there job. Your person is leaving so it should be readily shared. So glad I am retired. I still run into all types of people, but I don't have to worry too much since I am not with any of them too long.

    Karen – Do you get to share all of your travels with the kids you work with? I think that would be so interesting. I only had 2 teachers that shared stories or pictures from there out of country journeys.

    Hi Sunshine and Chevy.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited August 2022

    Just read about the horrible storms. Hope everyone is safe.