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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited August 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day! Looks like I missed posting yesterday, not sure how that happened. I'm thinking that things at work aren't going to be quite so crazy as I thought with the original PCM leaving. She let me sit with her and see how she manages a key part of the job, and it's not the big complicated thing I was thinking it was. Her last day is officially near the end of September, but she's not working after this week. She's got lots of PTO time to use up/get paid out, and I don't blame her for taking it now. I am nervous about the scheduling bit, I really do not know which nurse works in what area, but I can learn that and, hopefully, people will be patient with me as I do. The home health aid meeting yesterday peeyem/evening went well, so I'm pleased about that. Onward and upward!

    The puppers were not too happy with my coming home late last night, and spoke to me about it rather loudly when I got home. That didn't stop them from being all over me for pets and cuddles, though. It seems they're going to be pretty forgiving!

    Goldie--the PCM did, and it's left me wondering what she was being so protective of. Or maybe we just take a different view of the importance of who does the work. Or maybe she's been doing so much for so long that the perspective has gotten buried. As to the scans, if there is anything in them that will change your treatment plan, this much delay in getting the results to you and making the treatment change would be grounds for malpractice.

    Illi--What beautiful rainbow pics!!!!!

    Good Morning, Minus, Wren, Reader!

    Chi--The rules for who can and can't donate blood sometimes don't make sense. But then, lots of rules for lots of things don't make much sense. I wonder how often the donation rules are reviewed and updated?

    Karen--the idea of giving each other the same card is great! Did you go pick it out together? Sounds like a busy month coming up for you. And it sounds like your house is beating you up! What's with that??

    Good Morning, Sunshine!It must be disappointing to not be able to donate blood anymore. It seems like "tainted" blood could still be used for research, if not for transfusions.

    Misty--I don't want to think about it being flu season already, but I suppose it's inevitable. The BnB on the beach sounds fantastic! The original PCM did share some info with me, and I'm still wondering what the big deal was. Maybe she was afraid of losing power and position, she was the Acting Director until the new Director was hired. Maybe she wanted the Director job, I don't know.

    Bad Day at Work

    Bad Day at Work


    Yield: 1 drink

    • 1cup sugar
    • 1½ounces Bluecoat or other high-quality gin
    • 4ounces clementine orange juice (from about 3 to 5 clementines)
    • Generous splash of seltzer


    1. Step 1
      Fill a tumbler with crushed ice and set aside.
    2. Step 2
      Make simple syrup: In a small saucepan, mix the sugar with 1 cup water. Simmer over low heat until sugar dissolves. Set aside to cool, about 5 minutes.
    3. Step 3
      In a shaker, combine the gin and orange juice with 1 teaspoon simple syrup. (Remaining syrup can be refrigerated for up to 1 week.) Shake well, and pour into the tumbler. Top with a splash of seltzer, add a stirrer and serve.

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2022

    Some docs are reporting positive PCR tests in kids for influenza A already. Trying to hold out till my usual mid-Oct. so the protection will last through the winter & early spring; as well as a decent interval after my updated COVID booster, which I expect to get w/in the next 2 weeks (FDA approved, CDC set to approve tomorrow).

    Last night's DsOTD were (early evening) decaf cappuccino made with a combo of unsweetened no-sugar Silk oat milk, and a dollop each of unsweetened vanilla Califia almond milk creamer and a coconut/almond creamer from WF. With dinner, the last of that Pinot Grigio. This a.m., a pourover of Metropolis Guatemala Antigua (roasted 8/26). Tonight with chilled seafood will be Mumm Napa NV Blanc de Noirs.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2022

    BabyGirl, what a perfect double rainbow! And the rest of the view is just as gorgeous. I love looking out my windows with a view that has no end. But I think you view beats mine!

    Hello Minus, Wren, and Reader.

    I wrote the above yesterday and never finished, so will continue today.

    Karen, nothing wrong with a cheap card and your letter to your DH inside. As for the adjuster, they came yesterday. I'll post that at the end.

    Sunshine, please join us and not just lurk. We are a small group, but always there for support when needed, and throw in some fun too!

    Misty, I've handled the grief of my DH's death. I came to terms with the fact that he was only going to get worse. He was on portable vetillator, needed help dressing and getting into his elec. w/c. I had to shower him, clean him after the toilet. He was humilated and would just bawl. I've been sneezing a ton. I have allergies, but never this late in the year, so I'm blaming the fatigue and tiredness on that!

    NM, any chance you could meet up personally or over the phone, so you could bring to the table over your concerns. Maybe lunch, if that's something you do? I don't!

    My life is still a whirl wind!!! Gal came out yesterday, never asked about lifting the stove top. She was gonna pull the stove out to get serial #, I said hang on, I think I have it, I did! She took lots of videos and pictures and talked about my concerns of damage that can't be seen. I have cameras, and on her way up the ramp, she saw my yard and took a picture of it and commented "oh how cute"! Still dealing with urologist, I called again today to see about an appt for Sept 7. Calls seem to go thru a call center, as you never can get them and they pass the info along. So, he says Dr. Luke is not availabe that day but I can set you up with PA. Perfect! I see him first and then to my MO to speak to him about going back on chemo and getting a port. Then off to hotel to fly out in the morning. Oy Vey! What else can go wrong?

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2022

    Kim - giving the same card was totally NOT planned. I think we just think so alike.

    Lori - I hope the appraiser treats you well and gives you what you deserve.

    Had my annual audiological this afternoon. Slight changes, but things are relatively stable. My hearing aids are 5 years old so I need to get new ones. I go to Costco and they do a thorough evaluation but because of the difference in my 2 ears, I have to be seen by a doctor to rule out any problems. I've had a hearing loss in right ear all my life (or at least since 5 or 6) but it has gotten worse and left ear has declined. I commented that my hearing as gotten worse with age and due to chemo and he confirmed the side effect of chemo. We talked about cochlear implants but he doesn't think I'm a candidate. Even with my HAs, I miss stuff or don't hear correctly - on the phone today, someone told me their name, - I thought she said "Missy" but it was "Nicky". So need to schedule appointment with ENT.

    Long day at work today, even though it was my regular 8 hours - spend at least half my day with one challenging kiddo.

    Watching the news and off to bed. 4:30/4:45 comes early.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday! A cold front moved through last night, we went from a muggy 70 to a dry 50 overnight. Made for some great sleeping weather last night! The puppers got quite cuddly last night. I can see there won't be any cold sleeping this winter.

    There was a meeting at work yesterday, a lot of the things that I've been thinking about since hearing the original PCM is leaving (tomorrow is her last day, it turns out) have been on the minds of everyone else and some plans are already in place to manage them. But until a few more of us lean the scheduling details (who goes to what areas, who works what days, who does and doesn't do certain things) it's going to be a bit of a rough patch. I also found out that a couple things I thought would be big issues really aren't. Things are looking up.

    Chi--The news was just talking about the next COVID vax being ready to be given at the same time as the annual flu vax. I can't decide if I want to spread out the two, or just get them both at once and get it over with.

    Goldie-- the things I've been worried about were brought up at a meeting yesterday. That was a bit of surprising twist to me. I'm not used to upper management being so in tune with the day-to-day working of an office like this bunch is. Two appointments the day before you fly out for vacay? Ambitious! Praying everything goes smoothly for you.

    Karen--both of you picking out the same card like that is amazing! I'm really getting annoyed with my hearing aids and answering the phone/doing phone work. I have to take one out to answer the phone, put it back in when I'm done, and back and forth. I'd leave that one out but it's the side facing my office door and I miss what people say when come in when I do that. Still, in the grand scheme of things, it's a minor annoyance. Spending a lot of time with one client can be pretty draining.

    Death in the Afternoon cocktail

    Death in the Afternoon


    • 1 1/2ouncesabsinthe
    • 4 1/2ounceschilled Champagne


    1. Pour the absinthe into a coupe.
    2. Top slowly with the Champagne.

    From <>

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2022

    Morning gals! Karen, yes! I've been wearing hearing aids ever since I figured out it was the TAMOXIFEN that caused my hearing loss! Both ears. I researched it, found one answer on BC.ORG, where the gal said THAT drug could cause a small "infarct" (stroke) near the 8th cranial nerve causing hearing loss.

    Costco is where I bought my hearing aids many years ago. NOW the technology is so much better! And they are rechargeable! My late Sister-in-law also had hearing aids. She had breast-cancer, and my Brother had sent me HER hearing aids, but MAN... They are sooooo loud, and a different brand, and would have cost a LOT to have them re-programed! But I have them as a stand-by, and THEY were WAY more expensive than Costco! I go to the hearing center at the Costco in Arvada.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2022

    Chevy, I go to the Costco on Havana and Florida as it's 5 minutes from me. HA are less expensive than 5 years ago and yes, technology is so much better. I made an appointment this summer with an audiologist/ENT that isn't until November and need to check to see if I can see her as the ENT more than the audiologist. My medicare will cover $500 every so many years - this will be my first pair with medicare, but I'm sure Costco is better priced than anywhere else and Costco is probably no on their list. Their warranty and customer service is great.

    Good morning - Kim - I've needed a hearing aid for my right ear for 45 or more years but the first ones I tried were horrid, so I waited a long time to try again. The only. ones made flushing the toilet sound like Niagara falls! My hearing in right ear is severe at best and left ear mid to moderate so quite significant. We keep the TV on close caption and when I'm in zoom or google meeting I turn on CC so I don't miss anything. Once I get my new HA they will be connect to my iPhone. Doesn't help with work phone - I keep the volume turned all the way up and somethings till have trouble.

    I hope work transition goes smoothly.

    I had trouble getting up this morning - set phone alarm for 4:45 and didn't hear it - DH had to nudge me. Phone was under my pillow. I went out to a 'girls night out" making jewelry and got home at 9:30. Of course after showering, I couldn't fall asleep. So I eat junk and my weight is up 5# since starting back to work. It is stress eating and must stop. Need to take these 5# off. Hopefully hiking this week-end will help.

    Still need to buy an anniversary card - will probably just bite the bullet and get it at the grocery store. We don't exchange gifts so I guess $4-5 on a card isn't awful - well yes it is but I'll get over it.

    Almost done my Cubii - then I have an hour to get dressed, eat and load the car.

    Have a great Thursday.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2022

    Hi ladies- wanted to wish you a good start to September. My favorite month here. I am taking a break from social media this month but will be back to check in on everyone in October.

    Stay well friends and enjoy the start to fall here in the US, spring down under.....


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2022

    Warming up here--low 80s by the lake but forecasting 90 tomorrow, when we go to Ravinia. Can't find a dinner res in the park that wouldn't make us miss the first half of Emmylou Harris' set. so we'll likely do their Marketplace self-serve again--the BBQ stall was pretty good. This time, though, we will bring our own flatware/napkins (thanks to all that pandemic-era takeout), champagne/wine glasses (unbreakable) and their official lidded cups (the only way you can take drinks into the Pavilion). Maybe schlep a bottle of bubbly too (share with others if we can't...uh, shouldn't...finish it).

    Last night at dinner we opened Mumm Blanc de Noirs NV Brut; but having had disastrous results carrying half-opened supposedly-secure-stoppered bottles in our car in the past we will chill and bring a fresh bottle...unless the Tree Top buffet restaurant returns my call and can accommodate us. The only full-service restaurant that popped up when we clicked on the concert page is the super-expensive waiter-service Park View--and all they had was 6:30. Concert starts at 7. Not a great idea. If we'd been younger and more agile we'd have bought lawn seats and chair rental so we could pack & eat leftovers during the show, but the only lawn seats they had remaining have no view of even the Jumbotron.

    UPDATE: Tree Top called back and they can take us at 6pm. SInce it's a buffet, all we'd need a server for is the wine and the check. I really like that place, because I can pick & choose and keep it (mostly) very low-carb. The Metra train we're planning to take will get us there at 5:57, which should be perfect. Not going to drive all the way, as there will be traffic on the expressways and the lots will likely be full--necessitating driving 5 more miles and waiting for shuttles. Also, not going to take CTA--too much waiting and uncertainty taking the Red Line to the Purple Line to the Metra. So we'll park at a garage a couple of blocks from the Davis St. Metra station.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited September 2022

    Sandy enjoy your dinner and concert! It sounds like great fun. Our last concert was Billy Joel at Nationals Park in DC. A venue here more like what you describe is Wolf Trap. Now that things are normalizing we need to go there again and picnic ahead of time.

    An odd day here with me doing errands and anticipating a night out with a GF, only to have her cancel due to eldercare issues. I sympathize and hope her MIL improves. I remember those worrisome days with my dad.

    Teka love the kitty. Fall is my favorite time of year.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2022

    Reader, yes--Ravinia is the Chicago equivalent of Wolf Trap or Tanglewood. The Metra Union Pacific North Line has a dedicated station at the festival's main gate--and this year, if you show the conductor your concert ticket you ride for free! (You may have to stand at rush hour, but it'll still be free). I learned my lesson this time--looked up the timetable to make sure which train out of Davis St. will arrive at the Ravinia Park station in time to make a 6pm dinner res and 7pm concert start. Personally, I don't know why anyone with access to a Metra station would drive there (unless they have a handicap parking placard or plate, which guarantees them a space in one of the lots). Tomorrow is the first day of Labor Day weekend, and highway traffic promises to be brutal.

    When we were younger, we'd picnic on the lawn--tickets were only five bucks. We were even able to schlep a picnic basket, wine and blanket on to the train. Now that our aging joints make getting down to and up from the ground more difficult, that has lost its charm, even though there are chairs & picnic tables to rent. We go out to events (other than dinner) so seldom that pavilion seats are worth the splurge--especially with Chicago's quirky summer weather.

    Speaking of which, my HK leaves at midnight tonight to help her friend drive to Birmingham in order to deliver stuff that wouldn't fit in a U-Haul last week to her friend's sister's new house. As rough as it'll be dealing with the cats for another 4 days in a row, I wouldn't trade places with her this weekend for a million bucks. Nashville (a bit less than 2/3 of the way) is a brutal enough drive--I've done it several times, never less than 10 hours. Ugh. Hope she's in decent shape by Tues.

    DOTD, at Regalia tonight, was Villa Sparina NV Brut (Metodo Classico). From Gavi in the Piemonte region, made from the Cortese grape.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2022

    Hey Karen, does Costco selll brain aides? LOL!

    NM, our nights have been mostly in the low 60's, but day times are 90+! I can't chime in the hearing aides, at least not yet! Glad to hear that things seem to be going a bit smoother than what you expected, and hopefully will continue.

    Sandy, sounds like a good plan for the concert.

    I got a call from Ins. They going to start out with 4K, until I get a contractor out here. If it's going to more than that, then they will grant me more. But that was all she give from just looking at pictures and videos.

    The guy that came to look at my washer was through Angi's list, I did not know this. Had a gal call today. Do you need help with finding a new washer? No this is a warranty issue and they should be getting me a new one. Oh, do need help painting, gutters cleaned, blah blah blah......NO.

    Also my PC called me, I had sent him a more detailed report on my renal scan. All he could decipher was my kindeys were slow to enter, but due to any blockage. So, if that is all, you mean that damned doctor couldn't take 10 minutes to call and tell me, in stead of me having to drive 9-10 to hear that! But like I said, will be down there on the 7th, PA at Urology center at 11:45, MO at 2:45 and fly out the next morning.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2022

    I couldn't post yesterday after writing, the computer froze up. So here's yesterdays:

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! Long meeting morning day today. There's still talk about breaking out into 3 teams. Lots of reorganizationing going on,but it feels like we are well on the road to creating a good system. The regional Nurse Preceptor is going to transition to one of the open PCM positions, she started out in this office and "coming home" so to speak, with less traveling. That leaves one PCM position open, and there is talk about opening a 4th. A recent email pointed out that my office has hired 14 new staff in the last couple of months! More than doubled the staff.

    The puppers were happy to have me get home on time the last couple of days. They got back at me for being late Tuesday night by waking me up playing pounce and wrestle on top of me in the middle of the night. When I woke up and sat up and turned on the light and asked them "What the heck?" They both looked at me like "What? We're playing! Wanna play?"

    Chevy--the technology really has evolved, hasn't it? I didn't realize that tamoxifen caused hearing loss like that. I'm going to have to research if Arimidex can do the same thing. I took that for 5 years and the hearing issues started after that, so maybe it's not just age. I just heard the first Costco is opening up in Maine soon. I can't wait to check them out.

    Karen--I'd love to have the hearing aids connect to the iPhone! I wonder if Microsoft Teams has a CC option, that could be really helpful and I spend a lot of time on Teams meetings. I hear you about having trouble getting up in the morning after a night out, it seems to get harder every year!

    Jazzy--happy social media break, see you in October!

    Teka--I really like this time of year, too. Warm enough for outside things during the day, cool enough for baking and sleeping comfortably.Love the fall kitty!

    Chi--so glad the good restaurant called back and will work out for you!

    Reader--sorry you missed the girl's night out. Saying a prayer for the GF's MIL.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2022

    And now for today:

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday!Going to visit Mom today, and have to tell her that we've got to get her stuff out of the garage that it's stored in, my cousin has agreed to sell her mother's property. Mom's been going down and "going through" the stuff off and on ever since she moved, but she just picks things up and puts down in different boxes and forgets which box is for the dump and which for the yard sale and which is to keep, so she stops, and starts over the next time. I'm going to talk to her about renting a dumpster and taking things that she isn't going to keep directly there rather than handling them a dozen times. I'll probably start with going with her every weekend and putting dump stuff in my jeep and putting it in my dumpster here at home.

    Goldie--sounds like the gal from Angie's list was really trying to drum up business! I hope you have a chance to point out to the urologist that you have been waiting for these results for an unacceptably long time and ask point-blank why he put you through all this worry and anxiety. Would he be ok with that for himself or a family member? So not right.

    Dump Truck Drink


    1 oz Irish Cream

    1 oz Lemon juice


    optionally make fresh Lemon juice you can squeeze the juice yourself (once squeezed, fresh juice lasts good about 12 hours)

    mix ingredients together

    serve in glass


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2022

    NM, I know why he did it.....CUZ HE DOESN'T DO PHONE CALLS OR VIRTUALS. Sorry for screaming, but it pisses me off and he won't be the one I see. Good luck with mom and the dumpster. I hope it doesn't turn into a fiascle! Will you be helping with the sale. I'm beginning to hear good things on the work side, yay! It will come together. You are so good at what you do.

    Got a lot of paper work done, computer work and some clothes to take. I have to wait and pack depending on the weather. It could be nice, it could be cold, it could be rainy. So I keep a watch on Wunderground, they give a 10 day forecast. I need to rinse off 6" of dried up mud (clay), which requires hosing the underneath, do that about 3 time, go back in half hour and repeat, and possibly yet another time.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2022

    BabyGirl, this is my view off the back of the house, I have 5 HUGE windows that look out to this. Anytime someone comes here for the first time, they WOWED! Mine aren't really mountains, but ridges, rocks and a huge wash down in the valley.

    I'm pretty sure I've pics out the back of house, but what's one more!

    No photo description available.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited September 2022

    Beautiful view Goldie

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2022

    BabyGirl.....CHeErz from across the way!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited September 2022

    Oh GOldie - spectacular.

    NM - yes you can get hearing aids that connect directly to your phone, your car, your TV - whatever. My SIL even had a remote controls for volume. BUT - of course there's a cost. She's been dead several years, but I think she paid $6000-$8000 for all the bells & whistles.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2022

    Gorgeous view Lori.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2022

    Lori, magnificent view! Hope the heat lets up soon.

    Fri. night went smoothly. Easy to park near the Metra station (although a lot of the garage, including the main entrance, was blocked off). Long-ish wait for the train, but better than having to make a mad dash. We got to the park in time for our dinner res., and there was plenty on the buffet I could safely eat. DOTD was an Italian rosé from the Campania (near Naples) region. Concert was great--hard to believe Emmylou Harris is 75! Mob scene getting back on to the homeward-bound train, but we still managed to find seats. Parking turned out to be $10, but it was well worth not having to deal with 2 different CTA lines, delays, and various & sundry assorted uh, characters. (And it cost the same as two round-trip CTA fares...the Metra train was free with the concert tickets).

    Last night we decided to go to the Palm (Bob loves it) for its ribeye special. I had a 2018 Chianti Classico Riserva (forget the winery), Ordered a 6-oz. pour, but the waiter misheard and brought me a 9-oz. carafe. He charged us for the 6-ouncer; I gave Bob my extra 3 oz.

    Leftovers tonight, but not gonna do wine. Stressful day trying to keep ahead of the squirrels, who stole 7 tomatoes (even biting through the protective netting) over the last 2 days. I have 15 ripe ones on my sill, but will likely have to pick whatever's left. In years past, we were able to pick slowly enough, with enough green ones on the plants till first frost, to last us till Nov. Now we'll be giving away half of what we have, or make sauce, before they rot.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2022

    Thanks all on my view. It's the prettiest after monsoons as it greens up. Otherwise it's just blah brown! Something is going on with me, haven't been feeling myself and my weight is down to 126 and I feel weak.

    Sandy, as for those pesky squirrels. I don't get to many of them, as my closest neibors, about 1/2 a mile feed them. I try to trap them and then they die. I didn't plant my garden for them. The even let them in the house. Well the squirrell chewed a hole in their screen. Before the mother and daughter came to live there, the son lived there by himself. He has a pet snake, a few rattlers make their way in, and mice (not sure about rats) that left dropping everywhere! All the corners, oven, fridge, cubboards, drawers, just everywhere, along with their urine. The have no vehicle, and now mom and daugter are moving to Wyoming to live with the daughters daugter. Mom is 85 and wanted me to take her town once a month to get some shot in her eye. And then randomly pic up their groceries! I'm thinking if you can't make it up here, then you need to LEAVE. I told them I couldn't help them due to having cancer and that I will be going back on chemo.

    I hope everyone is having a good weekend. I will be on the road the 7th and then flying out the 8th.

    DOTD: Your Choice!

    1. Rum Sunset 2. Strawberry Daiquiri 3. Pina Colada


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2022

    Lori - feel better. I hope you get some answers soon. Hugs my friend

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Labor Day! Looks like it's going to be a rainy day here, but that's ok. I got a lot of decluttering/cleaning up done yesterday, enough to be able to bring up the new table and move the desk top off the, tiny, dilapidated desk I'm currently using. It was a riot trying to pick up and put things in the trash, Colt and Zoe both trying to grab things back out of the trash thinking they are toys, then Colt was trying to protect me from the vacuum cleaner by getting between me and the nozzle, and generally standing right where I was trying to vacuum! He did let me vacuum him a bit, too. Zoe was outside basking in the sun. She stuck her nose in the door when I first turned on the vacuum, watched for a moment, then went back outside. Not sure what she was thinking, but obviously not terribly impressed!

    Goldie--OK, if he doesn't do phone calls or virtual visits, he can delegate to someone who does. Keeping you on the hook for so long is simply WRONG. If you get any kind of survey, use it to say so. Patient satisfaction surveys carry a lot more weight these days than they used to. Sounds like a lot of work cleaning off that clay/mud!

    Keep coming with the pics of your back yard! They are beautiful! There is nothing like that scenery here in Maine.

    Good Morning, Illi!

    Minus--I noticed how much the hearing aids that are bluetooth connectable cost, and that's not even counting the cost of the appointments necessary to get a prescription! I can swing the $100 for the OTC ones I've got, but not $5-6K. So I'll just plug along as I am for now. It works most of the time.

    Hi, Karen!

    Chi--so glad you had good travel into the concert, and enjoyed the concert, too. Sounds like you have a pretty bountiful tomato harvest this year!

    Goldie--safe travels! Praying for answers for you.

    I'm opting for the Rum Sunset today.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2022

    NM, I am seeing his PA on Thursday at 11:45, then my MO at 2:45. PA was the only one available that day. I'm down there anyway to see MO and then fly out the next day. Theoretically, it's my "view", not my backyard! LOL. Those rambunctious pups! Glad you were able to get some stuff done.

    Karen, thanks for hug.

    I think I'm going with Daiquiri.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited September 2022

    Goldie, are you eating normally? I recall getting very weak when the vocal cord problem limited my ability to eat and drink enough. Might be nice to treat yourself to something delicious and high calorie while your in town.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2022

    BabyGirl, I've always been one to eat pretty much once a day and maybe a time or 2 during the week eat twice. My meals are smaller, but still once a day. I just don't have much of an appetite. I might splurge on one of those overpriced shake things at Starbucks on Thursday! And I do feel weak. Weak enough that I'm really considering a wheel chair at the airport. People always look at me like "why is she preboarding?" I had an airport person say to me one time "you do know this is for people with handicaps and medical issues?" From what I recall, you can't see cancer! I didn't try to explain, because you don't have to and they can't ask you what your illness is. So replied, yes I do know that. Rather pissed off!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited September 2022

    Goldie, if you do end up on Enhertu at some point, you’ll need to add Boost drinks, at least for the first infusion, it’s a rough one but does get better.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305
    edited September 2022

    Goldie - I too eat one meal a day, but it's concerning you're losing weight. Glad you're seeing at LEAST the PA before you go. If you don't learn anything, maybe your MO can advocate for you? Hope you get some kind of answer. And I would definitely request a wheel chair. The lines & delays are crazy and you don't need to be standing around. Besides - then you get to bypass the security line & board first & etc. Go for it. Sometimes it's worth playing the "Big C" card.

    Well - I tried to go back a page to say something to NM, but I got a message that BCO has another problem. BLocked because "an attempted XSS (cross site scripting) was detected and blocked". Now WTH???

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2022

    BabyGirl, Boost is a protein drink. The ones I've used before are Vega Sport. I'm not fond of the choc./van. The Vega Sport has many flavors

    There's a vitamin place right by my brother, I'm going to see if they have some, I know they have in the past. They have Tropical at 16 g protein, and a berry with 30 g. That will be the one I look for. They are a little pricey, but hey, I'm worth it!

    Minus, I had given my MO a report, it wasn't the full report, which I found later, but he had no clue. Sent it to my PC, he called with what he could decipher. Basically, my kidneys are slow to enter the bladder. As for the airport, I have preboarded for several years, but always got myself to my gate. I really don't think I can do that now. I also don't think BCO is going to fix a damn thing. All of their response is repeat, always the same thing, and they are just so vague. I don't know if they think we are stupid, which maybe we are, we're still here. But not to read their stupid articles of join their zoom meetings. They are getting some big bucks from somewhere, or perhaps not, due to the mess they've created!
