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how about drinking?



  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304
    edited September 2022

    The instant protein power I used is one recommended by MD Anderson - Beneprotein by Nestles. It got me through chemo when I kept losing weight. It comes in individual packets, but I just buy the 8 oz container. I used to have to order from Nestles, but now I believe it's available at some WalMarts and probably Amazon. Absolutely NO taste and it dissolves instantly in anything - juice, milk, applesauce, oatmeal, mashed potatoes, eggs - whatever you want.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2022

    GoodMorning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday, and the first day of a short work week. Still a bit rainy here, but supposed to clear off through the day. Made for some great sleeping weather last night, though. The puppers were nice and cuddly and kept my legs very warm last night!

    Goldie--I hope you get good news from the PA and I hope you express how distressing this very long delay in getting the results have been for you. Hugs.

    Illi--Good advice for Goldie!

    Goldie--how rude of that airport person!

    Minus--BCO sure has been buggy since the "upgrade". Annoying at times.

    Soft Buggy Cocktail : Recipe, instructions and reviews -

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2022

    Happy Tuesday!

    Kim - short work week fo r me - only 3 days since I don't work Fridays.

    Lori - agree protein powder or protein shake probably would be good. When I was going through chemo my oncologist wanted me on boost and I refused. I said i would drink smoothies which I did - he didn't think they were enough calories, but i told him better than no calories.

    My weight is up a couple pounds that I thought I would loose with all the hiking over the week-end but nope!! Gotta quit shoving food in my mouth.

    WE had a great time hiking in the mountains. About 15 degrees cooler than the city.

    I have the first appointment with the endocrinologist this afternoon. Not sure what she will - order more tests or just exam and monitor me - its for my parathyroid as the numbers are high. DH commented last night that they keep finding things - nothing that warrants Tx at this time but all 'watch and see' as they might turn into something big!! I'm grateful to continue to be NED, but my diagnosis list keeps growing!!!

    Lori - good luck with your appointments this week and will your flight to MI.

    Have a great Tuesday

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2022

    Minus, I hadn't heard of that drink, and it only has 6 g protein, Vega Sport has 30 g. And I like the taste, as I've used it before, but thanks anyways.

    NM, I wouldn't be seeing PA if I didn't already have to be down there for MO and flying out. Nice of the pups to keep you warm. As fir airport person, I think that is why he phrased it that way, cuz they can't ask you what you illness or disability is. And why I only responded "yes, I know".

    Karen I think Boost also has glucose and corn syrup in their products. Praying you stay NED for a long long time.

    I'll be stopping by my DH's ex's sister's house inbetween appts. Not sure when I'll be back, I'll try to make it soon. May even bop in later.


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2022

    Record high today 99F. My school district is either closing or early dismissal 20 schools W,TH, due to the high heat. High 90s till Friday. Cooler weather on Saturday, then heating up again next week.

    Lori - thanks, me too

    Saw the endocrinologist today due to hyperparathyroid. She doesn't agree with my medical oncologist about only 3 years on Prolia (which I finished in April). She wants me on it for life!! She has ordered 24 hour urine which I will do Sunday as I can't do it on a work day. As long as those numbers are good, she doesn't think anything else at this time. She doesn't think Rx will work and only other option is surgery which thankfully she doesn't recommend. The office is on the other side of town from me, so DH participated by phone. She is going to see if PCP can order the Prolia and give it to me to save me going out to her twice a year. I'm going to message her through patient portal to see if that doesn't work, if she can contact my medical oncologist and share her thoughts and maybe I can continue to get it with him. My next appointment with medical oncologist is in October. Didn't know if I should laugh or cry when she commented that I have so much going on with me!!! So many things that I'm being followed for can cause high blood calcium and bone loss.

    Sweet dreams and have a good Wednesday

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2022

    Karen, sometimes when we are slammed with cancer we tend to forget that there are other, independent things that can cause trouble. I hope you can get some definitive answers and that you can "fix" one thing without "breaking" something else and so on & so forth. Seems to be a major theme as we age. And since I stopped letrozole, I'm wondering if my osteopenia imoroved or even reversed. If not, I may ask about joining you in the "Prolia-for-Life" club.

    I've heard Boost, Ensure and other mass-market protein supplement shakes described as "liquid candy." Well, if what you need is calories, you should go for whatever you most enjoy--how about a nice big chocolate malted (especially one that comes from a diner's soda fountain, ice cream parlor or your blender instead of something in a plastic bottle and is sugary way disproportionately to its thin, low-viscosity texture). I fondly remember the soda fountain malteds of my youth (and later, after getting wisdom teeth pulled and then during my pregnancy)--haven't had one in 20 years. (Those low-carb packaged shakes taste like the cardboard cartons they're in).

    Lori, I'm hoping you get some definite answers. You might want to start looking at THC edibles to boost your appetite. Not CBD, which is actually a mild appetite suppressant. And good for you for standing up for your own needs. It's so hard to avoid giving in to "the disease to please," especially when we're being roped into a guilt trip.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump day! I hope everyone's short week is going well. Things are moving ahead at work, I've been given a little more to do in the day-to-day workflow. There is still a lot of resistance to letting me know anything about the referral and admission process, which baffles me. What is the big secret there? If I'm going to be the Administrator on Call every three weeks, I'm going to need to know how to run those processes, and I don't understand why sharing that information is creating such resistance. Oh, well, it will work out one way or another.

    The puppers say Hi to everyone!

    Karen--you really dohave a short week! Good for you! And you were right, some calories are better than no calories! Having the diagnosis list keep growing has got to be frustrating, particularly with none of it needing treatment. How much stuff can we watch out for without going totally nuts about the whole thing?

    Goldie--I bet your response drove the airport person crazy! Good for you. Good luck at the appointments and safe travels.

    Karen--Wow, that's pretty warm to be in school. Do your schools have air conditioning? Almost no schools in Maine do, and we have to close down or early release a couple times a year due to high temps in many places. Glad the Endo doesn't recommend surgery. It sounds like she is working to minimize the impact of this diagnosis on your medical life.

    Chi--I agree with you, when trying to get more calories in, eating foods you like and enjoy is important.


    1 oz. (30ml) Chambord Vodka

    1 oz. (30ml) Chambord Liqueur

    1 1/2 oz (45ml) Lemonade

    1 oz. (30ml) Cranberry Juice

    1/2 Lemon Squeezed

    Garnish: Blackberries, Lemon Twist


    1. In a shaker with ice, combine chambord vodka, chambord liqueur, lemonade, cranberry juice, and lemon juice. Shake well.

    2. Strain mix into a martini glass and garnish with blackberries and a lemon twist

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2022

    Kim - out of around 300 schools all but 55 have AC. We have many schools that are over 80 years old and more. It is actually 30 schools with early release and 4 closed for the next 2 days.

    Sandy - after 2 years on Prolia my bone density improved but still osteoporotic. Not due for another DEXA till August 2023. Prior to BC, I was healthy with no regular medications. If I skipped an annual physical I could go a couple years without seeing my PCP. Most of my diagnoses are post cancer - stage 3 CDK, MGUS, osteoporosis, hypothyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, hypercalcemia, decline in hearing (already hearing impaired since a young child) but chemo made it worse, chronic reflux and other GI issues. Of course add the age related issues that we all face. My nephrologist has turned my care over to my PCP as long as things stay stable. It's just interesting how differing in opinion endocrinologist and medical oncologist are on Prolia. Many things are just watch and see but any can "blow up at any time". Cancer s=is the gift that keeps on giving. Both my late mother and late maternal grandmother had some health issues typical with aging - thyroid, osteopenia etc, but at a much older age than me. I shouldn't complain as my day to day activities are not impacted but I do get tired of doctor appointment. Colonoscopy is on the 19th - hoping all is good.

    Had trouble falling asleep after 45 minutes so got up to read and of course I snack. Eventually fell asleep and woke up at 3:30 to get into bed and then get up for the day at 4:45. I do the worse snacking when I can't sleep. Got to change that habit immediately - the snacking - sleep, well I've just accepted what it is.

    Lori - good luck with the doctors today and tomorrow and safe travels. Have a wonderful time in MI.

    Stay safe from the weather affecting so many parts of the country. Have a great Wednesday.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited September 2022

    I’m hoping to finish the bar construction by next week, so today was hauling essentials from our shipping container to the bar. Our electrician friend will be here in a couple weeks to hook the power to the pole, after that, it’s cocktail time 🎊🍹


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2022

    Last night I was up past 3:30, catching up here after a continuing legal ed. marathon (6-3/4 hr down, 23-1/4 to go before Sep. 30). Against my better judgment, I broke my intermittent fast with a (mostly-keto-friendly, except for some prunes, figs & dates) carb cheat. 5 hrs. later I was awakened from a dream by the first R tibial dystonia attack I've had in weeks. (As per usual, that which wakes me prematurely usually works its way into a dream--whether needing to pee or a muscle cramp attack). Had to massage Theraworx into my shin, foot & ankle, then walk around and try to stretch. The 10 min. before it abated seemed like an eternity--fell back into bed and slept way past noon. Until last night I'd considered canceling next Mon's neurologist appt. Good thing I decided to keep it.

    My MO's office informs me the order for a DEXAScan has been placed. Will sched. ASAP. Was dx'ed osteopenic a few weeks pre-letrozole; Prolia helped a little the last couple of times. Eager to see if any of my values have normalized after ditching letrozole, or if the Prolia has begun to wear off. (Last shot was almost 3 yrs ago--pre-pandemic; last scan was early in the pandemic, pre-lockdown).

    DsOTD: Sun. night, with steak leftovers, a couple oz. of Cotes du Rhone (more like little over an ounce, because when I've finished the food, I'm done with the wine no matter how much is in the glass). Mon. night we went out for seafood, so I had a split of Chandon Rosé. (Helped ease the fury of finding out there was no promised valet and that we'd parked in the wrong garage at a price more than my entree). Last night, leftover Chandon Blanc de Noirs.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2022

    Record high again today 99F - yesterday was either 98 or 99 and same for tomorrow then a cool down for a couple days.

    I didn't think I was that tired when I got home from work. DH and I went for a walk when I got home. After our walk we were watching the news and I fell asleep. I haven't done that in some time. He keeps telling me how much more tired I am this year, which is true. Last night I got into bed at 11pm and 45 minutes later I was still awake so got up and went to the living room - of course eating junk. Eventually fell asleep and woke up at 3:30am, crawled into bed until it was time to get up at 4:45am.

    Wishing everyone a good Thursday.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited September 2022

    Had a fun drink the other evening ( with a hamburger!) Of a Strawberry (Vodka) crush. At first It had so little crushed strawberry that I said to DH "is this a mojito??". The owner offered to have the bar send over some more crushed strawberry 🍓 to add. Now we're talking! Yum.

    Happy and successful travels to Lori. Karen, I am with you -- I get a bit weary of the number of Dr. Appts.

    I got up early today for a weekly Church study group this morning. Not used to it and ended up napping for 2 hours this afternoon. Delightful but we'll see if it affects tonight's sleep 😴 💤. Have a good Thursday all.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! I had a really productive day at work yesterday, got a major part of the work organized and a system set up to maintain it. I also discovered a feature in the Outlook Mail program we use at work; when an email is flagged for follow up it automatically gets put on the task list!All my emails needing attention all in one place, no more searching around for them! Major win given the number of emails that come through every hour. I love finding a tech app that makes my life easier! Colt and Zoe were as excited about that as I was when I was telling them about it!

    Karen--that is one big school system!

    Illi--Whoo Hoo--the Beach Bar is coming closer to reality!

    Chi--that dystonia attack sound like a really annoying and painful thing. Good luck with the DEXA scan.

    Karen--very hot weather you are having. Make sure you are staying hydrated. Falling asleep watching the news or reading is an everyday thing for me these days.

    Reader--naps are wonderful things, aren't they? I don't have any trouble sleeping after napping, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

    Disco Nap


    Serving: 1

    • 2 ounces Bordiga Chiot Montamaro
    • 1/4 ounce Varnelli Caffè Moka
    • 1 1/2 ounces cold brew concentrate or a double shot of espresso
    • 2 dashes Angostura bitters
    • 1 1/2 ounces Fever-Tree Aromatic Tonic Water

    Garnish:orange zest (expressed and discarded)


    1. Combine all the ingredients except the Fever-Tree Aromatic Tonic Water in a mixing tin filled with ice, and shake until chilled.
    2. Add the Fever-Tree Aromatic Tonic Water to the mixing tin and double-strain into a chilled Collins glass filled with ice.
    3. Express the orange zest over the surface of the drink and discard.

    From <>

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited September 2022

    NM glad for your tech win! I love that too when tech works WITH me.

    Had NO trouble sleeping last night so I must have needed it. More refreshed than normal today.

    Have a good day everyone.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2022

    Kim, yay for tech making life easier for a change (as it was intended to do).

    Last night we went to Shaw's Crab House--which was as easy-peasy as Monday night's was a trial. (We were able to cash in so many Lettuce points that the tip exceeded the tab). DOTD was a 2019 Sancerre.

    Tonight I'm teetotaling, so my DOTD was an iced espresso with unsweetened vanilla almond milk out on the deck. No nore stolen ("squirreled-away?") tomatoes--did give some to my neighbor who does not have a green thumb. I did clear away as many of the dead leaves as I could--and two plants are making new leaves. Fingers crossed.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2022

    Another record high today, 99! Thankfully tomorrow it will be in the 73 and Saturday 59 then warming up again to high 80s next week.

    Left work absolutely mentally exhausted. Came home and took a nap for almost 1.5 hours. Now at 9 I have my second wind and wide awake. At least I don't work Fridays.

    Sweet dreams and have a great Friday

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2022

    Good Mornign, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day, but a sad day for the world with the passing of Queen Elizabeth. I know she was 96, and that she has been less active in public recently, but I was still surprised to hear the news yesterday. My heart goes out to her family.

    Reader--glad you slept well. It makes a real difference, getting a good night's sleep, doesn't it?

    Chi--I love it, too, when the tech serves me the way it's supposed to! It sounds like your tomatoes are trying for a second harvest.

    Karen--mental exhaustion is almost harder to deal with than physical exhaustion. Good for getting a nap. Have a nice Friday off!

    yellow-hued Queen Elizabeth cocktail in a rimmed coupe glass

    Queen Elizabeth


    How to make

    Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2022

    Kim - yes, yesterday was a sad day with the passing of QEII. She was a classy lady, an icon and well loved. Her coronation was 4 years before I was born, but I do remember event regarding QEII when I was a little girl. The one that stands out most is when the Canadian flag was changed from the union jack to the maple leaf. My parents met her when they went to S. Korea for the 50th reunion of the end of the Korean war. in South Korea I have photos of my dad and the Queen as well as the invitation from the Queen that my late father received. I will try to post photos. They are on fb. My late father was very proud of his service in the Canada armed services and was active in a Canadian veterans group. I have several of. his berets and pins

    Looking forward to the cooler weather today and tomorrow. Then it starts warming up again to the high 80s. But at least that won't be 99. No plans for the week-end except to relax, read and walk.

    Have a great Friday.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2022

    Saddened by the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. It was inevitable. but it still hurts when it happens. Trying to get used to saying "His" Majesty, and wondering about how expensive and onerous it'll be to change all those "ER" insignia & signs to "CR," especially when we don't know how long Charles will reign.

    Didn't help to see the Sky fall to the Sun last night, and tonight when Frances Tiafoe lost in 5 sets.

    DsOTD at Regalia tonight: LaGioisa Brut Rosé Prosecco 2020; and a "Regalia Spritz:" gin, rosé aperitif, Peychaud's bitters and prosecco, garnished with a candied slice of tangerine.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday! Going to go pick up Mom this ayem and take her down to start cleaning out the garage. It's going to be a beautiful day today, so it will be comfortable to work on that. Yesterday's Friday morning marathon meeting was the usual marathon, starting out late with lots of technical issues coordinating and making work the people attending on teams, via zoom, by phone, and in person. There has got to be a better way to make all that stuff work, or a better way to run the meeting without using so many techs that don't always play together well. And why is it the people who are the least comfortable with tech are the ones who are using the most complicated apps?

    The puppers decided to play pounce and wrestle on top of me before we got out of bed this ayem. My arms are going to look like I've been beaten up on! This is going to be fun to explain to Mom, who never fails to remind me that rottweilers "have it in their genes to be violent" and then tell about the woman whose face got ripped off by some dogs she was dog sitting and how horrible she looked even after a bunch of surgeries. Then she'll ask why I don't bring the dogs with me when I visit. At least she's predictable, right?

    Karen--what wonderful memories you have of your Dad and the Queen!

    Chi--It seems everyone everywhere will be sharing in the struggle of changing long standing habits now. I never thought about all the signs and such that would need to be changed, but that's going to be a huge job!

    High King Highball

    High King Highball


    • 3largeraspberries
    • 1/2ouncesimple syrup
    • 2ouncesClontarf Irish whiskey
    • 1/2ounceAperol
    • 3/4ouncelemon juice, freshly squeezed
    • 3/4ouncegrapefruit juice, freshly squeezed
    • 1dashPeychaud's bitters
    • Club soda, to top
    • Garnish: lemon wheel
    • Garnish: raspberry


    1. In a cocktail shaker, muddle the raspberries and simple syrup.
    2. Add the Irish whiskey, Aperol, lemon juice, grapefruit juice and bitters into the shaker with ice, and shake until well-chilled.
    3. Fine-strain into a Collins glass over fresh ice and top with the club soda.
    4. Garnish with a skewered lemon wheel and raspberry.

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2022

    Tonight with grilled steak, we Coravined some Côtes du Rhone (we started the bottle in May)! With whitefish roe appetizer, killed off the last of the Mumm Napa Blanc de Noirs. If I have espresso tonight it'll be decaf--learned my lesson last night at Regalia. Having a potent cocktail as dessert and then a regular espresso at 9pm did a serious number on the quality & quantity of my sleep last night.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2022


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2022

    The above is from my post on FB. Didn't want to take the time to scroll through all my photos to find it.

    My brother is in the hospital with Covid and biggest issue is with breathing. The doctors have him on 3 antibiotics and the covid me - he said he started treatment at home on Wednesday. Not sure when he was admitted and he said doctors don't have a time on recovery. We aren't so close, but I worry about him. In 2018, he was in the hospital for a month fighting the flu and almost died. Thankfully he recovered.

    Nice gray rainy day today and last night - today only in the 50s - such a nice break from the extreme heat. Tomorrow will be 75 and then heating up to high 80s.

    Sweet dreams

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2022

    Will say a Mi Sheberach for him

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! I went to Mom's yesterday and she was feeling very tired and had a bit of sore throat, so she wanted me to COVID test her. Fortunately, she is negative. So we didn't go down and work on clearing her stuff out. I left midafternoon and told her to take a nap if she was still tired. She called later, she didn't take a nap, she worked on cleaning out the bedroom because she has a bed coming to be set up in it. Her current neighbor is going to be moving into their newly built home very soon, and then the neighbor will staying overnight at Mom's 2-3 nights a week while she's working. Mom met the man who will be moving into the next door apartment, says he's very young, which could mean anything under retirement age.

    Chi--I can see where a potent dessert drink and an espresso could make for sleeping troubles!

    Karen--I saw the pics on Facebook, what a wonderful experience that must have been foryour Dad, and an equally wonderful memory for you! So sorry to hear about your brother being in the hospital. It must be scary for you, even if you are super close.

    Vesper Prayer Cocktail


    2 oz Gin

    3/4 oz Benedictine D.O.M.

    1/2 oz Lilet Blanc


    • Stir over ice garnish with lemon twist.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2022

    Thanks Sandy. I appreciate it. My cousin wrote me last night that my brother is in isolation and no visitors and his wife says presentation is more like pneumonia.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2022

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey day! It was a beautiful weekend here. The puppers and I spend most ofyesterday out on the deck, me reading and the puppers playing and basking in the sun. There's not going to be too many more weekends that we can do that before it gets too cold.

    Karen--saying a prayer for your brother.

    Get Better Cocktail


    1 1/2 oztequila

    2 ozhoney

    1 ozfreshlime juice

    Stir all ingredients and pour them in a shot glass. No garnish.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2022

    Kim - thanks - when I texted my brother's wife last night and read her reply, I was in tears so worried and scared for him. She commented that he now has had one negative covid test so after testing positive so following Covid protocol but the real issue is his breathing and he is on a substantial amount of O2. And she had to call 911 as he could not stand (Sunday evening). My brother has not painted nearly as negative picture of himself. His first text was that he felt okay but was. having trouble breathing and they are giving him 3 different antibiotics so he doesn't get a secondary infection and doctors don't have a clear time to clear the infections (Saturday night). Last night he texted "I am making slow progress. No pneumonia, just a time thing and he has a lot of good doctors on his team". So it seems like maybe he is downplaying his situation? Either way I'm worried. His birthday is on the 23rd then the 25 starts Rosh Hashana (RH) and it would be nice for him to be home by them.

    Beautiful day yesterday - in the mid 70s but today high 80s and staying high there most of the week. Hoping the slightly cooler weather will help the kids at recess as Thursday was NOT a good day on the playground.

    Yesterday I baked a batch of challah, streusel cake and nut cake. Will do more baking as RH gets closer - I need to make another batch of challah and maybe mandel bread cookies for DD for when she gets here. My husband is going to smoke a brisket and chicken (whole and thighs) so I just really need to do sides. I also have 1/2 turkey in the freezer cooked for a meal or two. I printed off last years menu so I will use that a s a guide.

    I had to do a 24 hour urine (sorry, TMI) for the endocrinologist. A little worried for results but I'm sure there won't be any surprises. She got the Prolia approved so my PCP can administer ot - she is 10 minutes from my house. Now I just need to be sure its approved by myUHC MEdicare Advantage, but I have time as it's not till October. Curious what my medical oncologist will say when I see him in a month as he was adamant on only 3 year and endocrinologist for life!! My colonoscopy is on the 19th. . oh I can't wait for the day before liquid diet and the prep - said no one ever!

    Kim - sounds like you had a relaxing Sunday. Good for you.

    I best get busy for the week. I have 1/2 hour more on my Cubii then dress, breakfast and out the door by 6:45.

    Sorry that this post is all about me.

    Have a great Monday. Everyone who is having horrific weather, stay safe.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2022

    No drink for me last night--I didn't want to see what effect alcohol would have on the SEs from Saturday's bivalent booster. It hit me harder than any of my other shots. 1st regular vax had no effect, nor did the 2nd booster (likely because it was a half-volume true "booster" dose). But this one? It was a full Moderna dose, which included the mRNA "recipe" for the BA.4 & .5 spike proteins, which my body hadn' previously encountered. Everything hurt, even my skin. No fever, nasal or throat symptoms, though. By this morning I was back down to 96F (at 8am, 95.5) and all the aches & pains were gone. So it was a true immune response. Bob was able to get an appt. for this Wed. at the Walgreen's in Evergreen Park near LCM Hosp., likely because it's in a neighborhood full of vax deniers.

    Turns out our basement flood was not raw sewage, but rainwater mixed with street silt from the city's upper-level sewers. (Came up from the floor drain, not the storage room toilet--which is dry as a bone, as was the storage room floor). Got it cleaned up, but found out we don't have a catch basin (or it's hidden--our plumber can't find it), and our 35-yr-old interior check valve gave up the ghost long ago. We will need an exterior-mounted flood control system, which'll run us about $16K and tear up the front lawn--which is mostly clover taking over the grass and tall weeds (white mulberry, bittersweet) among the ancient hostas & ferns. But it'll keep any flood water from entering our house. And our landscaper has wanted to re-do our front lawn & beds since forever.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2022

    Jazzy, just learned that Ramsey Lewis died today.