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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! We're getting a break in the rain today, then more coming in tomorrow, and wind coming from Fiona over the weekend. Both my puppers don't like going outside in the rain, but will with enough encouragement. Zoe will step outside and immediately turn around and come back in if I don't block her way, and the look she gives me when I tell her to go piddle is just hilarious. You'd never know she lived outside for at least several months before she was caught and taken to the shelter!

    Karen--glad the colonoscopy went well. I can relate to taking longer to get over the prep and sedation as we age. I can see where you are annoyed with the endocrinologist, sharing information among a patient's providers should be automatic and routine, especially with the electronic medical records making all that almost automatic these days. So glad you found a way to save money on the meds. A $60 savings is nothing to sneeze at! Also very glad to hear that you heard from your brother and he seems to be doing better. That's good news.

    Sunshine in the Rain


    1.5 oz

    Patrón Añejo

    1 oz

    Pineapple juice

    1 oz

    Lemon juice

    .75 oz

    Orange juice

    .75 oz

    Allspice vanilla syrup

    10 drops

    Tiki bitters


    Lemon wheel for garnish


    Orchid for garnish


    1. Add all ingredients in a shaker with ice.
    2. Shake to chill and combine.
    3. Pour contents into a collins glass.
    4. Garnish with a lemon wheel and an orchid.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2022

    High 70 today with chance or rain - little cooler and same for rain.

    Went to bed at 10:30 ready to fall over then in bed wide awake - so get up, go to family room and what do i do - M and M's and Triscuit. This habit of eating has to STOP!!! Eventually fall asleep and get back into bed and up even before alarm at 4:45.

    Today is already set to be a whopper of a day at work.

    Need yo get my menu planned for RH which starts Sunday night as well as for the rest of the week. I have menu was last year, but need to see what to keep and what to change. Cooking will be Friday and then Sunday - no time o cook in advance.

    Have a great Wednesday.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited September 2022

    Hello! New visitor here. I wanted to share a drink syrup recipe, and it was recommended I post it here. Is non-alcoholic ok? That said, I've been told this does go nicely in a good vodka. Thanks!

    Sekanjabin is an ancient Persian drink. Long ago, when water was kinda dodgy, they would add vinegar to sterilize it. That didn't always taste super nice, so they added honey and mint to sweeten it up. The result is a brisk and sweet drink that can be enjoyed cold (very refreshing on a hot day) or hot (makes a great drink if you have a cold or flu, and the vinegar is believed to help kick the bug).


    • 4 cups sugar
    • 2 1/2 cups water
    • 1 cup vinegar - fruit based vinegars like apple cider, red wine, or raspberry work better than rice vinegar
    • mint to taste - fresh or dried

    Mix sugar in water and bring to a boil, stirring frequently and skimming off any white film that might appear. (Note: sugar can be flammable, so be sure your simple syrup doesn't boil over. Burnt sugar is also a pain to clean.) Once the sugar dissolves completely and the liquid is clear, add vinegar. Return to a boil. Reduce heat and allow to simmer for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, add mint, and allow the mint to steep until cool (overnight is fine). Sieve out the mint and bottle the resulting syrup.

    Add sekanjabin syrup to water to taste, 1-3 parts syrup to 10 water, hot or cold. Syrup does not need to be refrigerated, but you'll probably want to store it out of sunlight. Recipe can be doubled easily.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited September 2022

    Welcome Miranda, non alcohol drink is fine. Not everyone drinks alcohol drinks here. (I don't know why my post just turned to bold, I did not click on it and it won't click off) Sekanjabin does seem like it would be a good favoring to water or whatever. I love hearing the history of where and why drinks have come about. Thanks for sharing that.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited September 2022

    Thanks! My husband is more into cocktails than I, but I do enjoy a good wine or framboise.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Rain and thunder are predicted for later today, not from Fiona, her effects will be felt this weekend. I'm really busy at work right now, three audit cycles are coinciding this week and next so I've got lots and lots of audits to get done and then analyze and process. But that's OK, I'll get it all done somehow, and be better prepared next time around now that I know what the cycles are and how they fall on the calendar.

    Colt and Zoe are playing pounce and wrestle and are being very vocal about it this ayem! I can't hear the TV news over them! Ah, to have that kind of energy first thing in the morning!

    Karen--Yikes, I can see where that habit can be a bit counter-productive. Is it the crunch you are looking for when you snack at night? Would celery work for that? I wonder what's in the Triscuits and M&Ms that your body or mind is craving when you wake up like that? Sounds like you've got the holiday cooking under control even if you can't cook ahead this year.

    Welcome, Miriandra! Of course you can share your drink syrup here, alcoholic or not! There is really a lot more talking about drinking than actual drinking in the Lounge. I love the history of the Sekanjabin, thanks for sharing it! I can imagine it is very good by itself, and with vodka or gin added, if one wished to do that. I can see where it would be a great hot drink for cold and flu symptoms. Pull up a barstool and tell us about yourself!

    Misty--odd things like going bold seem to be happening with BCO since the upgrade. Another gift from the technology!

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited September 2022

    Hi Y'all! I'm an out and proud uniboob, three years cancer-free so far. One amazing husband of 22 years, two kiddos (a teen and a pre-teen), 2 cats, and a tarantula. I'm a Massage Therapist with a focus on medical massage and trauma-recovery, and a massage instructor. I am a Denver, CO resident, was born and raised in Memphis, TN, but have also lived in Japan and Korea. We are looking to ex-patriate and live in Italy for a few years (or maybe a lot of years) once my husband retires next summer. Yes, we will have a guest room.

    I saw Notre Dame less than a month before she burned down.

    I received a very charming email from George Takei.

    I firmly believe that nothing you learn is every wasted, and have a 4-star General's coin to prove it.

    I enjoy wines and liqueurs. I'm not as much into hard liquors, but do like a nice tequila or rum. Beer can go back in the horse.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2022

    Mirianda - where are you in Denver? I'm also in Denver - SE Denver near Leetsdale and Monaco. Maybe we can meet for coffee some time. Are you still practicing? Where? I know - enough with the questions already Winking

    Have a great night.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited September 2022

    Yes, we're close! I'm on Hampden just east of I-25. We're practically neighbors.

    Coffee would be great! I'm on a hiatus currently, but I work at an Elements Massage in the area. Are you planning on going to the Making Strides walk on October 16th? I have a team if you'd like to join us. :D

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! Big, long, exhausting meeting day today, so I know where I'll spend my morning. The Medical Director is coming in person today, so that will be different and will make things easier. Looks like Fiona is just going to sideswipe Maine, looks to be aiming more for Nova Scotia, and looks to be the biggest storm to hit there in recorded history. It's probably going to be a good weekend to take a trip to the coast and see the surf.

    Mirianda--you sure have traveled, I'm jealous! It must be fascinating to live in other places like that. I'm with you on the beer, I never have learned to like the taste or the smell of beer. I'm fond of white and rose wines, and mixed drinks, but talk a lot more than I actually drink. Where in Italy would you and DH retire to?

    Morning, Karen!

    Chinese Lunch Meeting

    1.5 oz Kwai Feh lychee liqueur

    5/6 oz lime juice

    3/4 oz sugar syrup "rich"

    1/2 oz egg white

    1 dash Monin Strawberry syrup

    Shake Lychee liqueur, lime juice, sugar syrup with ice for 8-12 seconds

    Strain, add egg white, then dry shake for 15 seconds.

    Double Strain into glass, add dash of strawberry syrup to create a red gradient in the glass

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2022

    Mirianda - yes lets plan a time but it will have to been in or after mid October. I work M-Th. Right now I'm covering a school not too far from you.

    Kim good luck with your meeting. Definitely TGIF!!!

    Usually Friday routing, grocery, cooking and cleaning. Plus enjoying DD#2.

    My brother is still in the hospital. Today i his 69th birthday. Need to get an update. Last one was Wednesday. He has now been in the hospital for 2 weeks.

    Need to schedule my Covid and Flu vaccine. Will wait till DD leaves and the. holidays are over in case I have a reaction, though no reaction with the first 4.

    Have a great Friday and week-end.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2022

    Pinot noir flight last night. Beacon Lane out of Williamette Valley my fav


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2022

    Hi, Miriandra--great to see you over here. Gonna check with Persian restaurants in the Chi. area (or wherever we end up the week leading up to T-Day) to see if they have that drink!

    Karen, l' Shana Tovah! It's just the two of us for RH (the kids aren't religious in any faith system), so I won't be doing any formal cooking, maybe just pick up a rotisserie chicken, apple, and round challah. We have plenty of honey (one of Bob's patients keeps bees), raisins & almonds. Crisper full of veggies, and my windowsill tomatoes are ripening,

    DsOTD for the past week: Tues. night I made scampi, so we drank 2016 Mumm Napa brut pinot meunier (no idea how a grape ended up being named for a miller). Wed. night we walked to Regalia and shared a bottle of Villa Sparina Gavi di Gavi (dry Piemonte white). Last night I grilled, so Bob cracked open a bottle of 2018 The Federalist (not gonna delve into political implications of the winery name) Zinfandel. I aerated a couple of glasses through s Vinturi into a carafe--just the right portions. Not sure about tonight. Bought some freshly-roasted Dark Matter "Starry Eyes" dark roast beans yesterday, but I tried it this morning and am not a fan. Bob likes dark roast because he says lighter roasts taste too acidic when they cool off. I'll stick with my light & medium roasts, because I like that bracing "snap" in the morning. Later in the day I go for espresso (reg. or decaf, depending on the hour).

    We decided to go ahead on the flood control system--plumber is delayed a bit due to out-of-state family health issues but says they can do it before the snow flies.

    Gotta rise early tomorrow: first in-person Bar Show rehearsal since 2019. A bit nervous about the indoor gathering & singing, but we will be allowed to sing in rehearsal with our masks on. Missing the big food fest in Millennium Park because of my diet (and getting in will be a PITA due to Michigan Ave. park entrance closures caused by evening uh, "youth gatherings." Will be a hike from wherever we park or (unlikely due to safety) take the train.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2022

    Shana Tova Sandy. It's just 3 of us - DH, me and DD#2. Tonight I'll cook Shabbat dinner. Sunday, I'll cook for RH - I definitely don't go overboard. I do all my baking from scratch including challah - but that is something I enjoy. Sunday my DH will smoke chicken (whole and thighs), turkey wings and necks. We will eat the thighs, wings and necks - whatever each person wants. Sides are delicata squash and loshen kugel and apple streudel for dessert (made with my challah dough). Monday lunch is brisket, sweet potatoes and tzimmes with nutcake for dessert (my late grandmother's recipe and Tuesday lunch is tilapia salad and rice. If we each big lunches, dinners are very light. Sounds like lots of food, but not really for a yom tov. Good luck with your concert.

    Time to finish cooking and go for a long walk.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2022

    Well, it's not exactly a concert. Every Dec. since 1922 (except 2021), the Chicago Bar Assn. has put on a topical parody musical originally called "Christmas Spirits" (due to the season) and given a subtitle based on a movie, TV or B'way show. They dropped the "Christmas Spirits" name when so many in the cast, staff & audience didn't celebrate Christmas, so it became known as just "The Bar Show" (which was what we all called it anyway), but kept the themed subtitles. (This year will be "Little Shop of Lawyers"). I've been in it every year since 2002, except for 2015 when I wasn't sure what my bc treatment would entail, so instead I wrote for the show. In 2020, we went virtual (online), calling it "Change of Venue," with no script and just a few numbers--which were a royal pain to rehearse via Zoom and record individually at home, to be patched together, audio-mixed and video-edited, and posted free on YouTube. To make matters worse, we had to pull half the numbers because of changes in the news. We didn't do a show at all in 2021--the rug kept getting pulled out from under us with COVID waves and inability to lock in a date for the theater. (We were supposed to do it in spring 2022 in a bigger theater, but instead a B'way-bound musical snagged the venue and paid much more than our budget could handle). So we're back to doing just 3 live performances the first week in Dec. When I started in 2002, we did 7 performances including a matinee.

    I did do an actual concert last Fri. night, up in Madison, WI: my singing partner & I did an in-the-round show with friends of ours, a duo from NH. Went well.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited September 2022

    Break a leg, Sandy! Coincidentally, my eldest was cast in their high school musical this semester - "Little Shop of Horrors". They got Mushnik, and are very excited to be killed by Audrey 2.

    We're looking at the Piedmont area just outside of Turin. Not only is it full of history (Turin was one of the former capitals of Italy), it's not flooded with American tourists - many of whom we'd like to avoid.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! Yesterday's meeting, while long and tiring, went better than usual. The Medical Director came up from Rhode Island to be in here in person and that cut down the tech complications at the beginning of the meeting and helped keep things moving. All the wind and such we've been hearing about hasn't materialized yet, We're still under a high wind warning, but it looks like Fiona tracked further east and isn't going to impact Maine very much at all. Just as well, we don't need a lot of power outages and downed trees and such right now. It seems the puppers will make excellent bed warmers this winter, they've decided to each take a side to lay against my legs. Makes it a bit hard to turn over, but it sure felt good last night!

    Karen--I hope the update on your brother is a good one. Too bad he had to spend his birthday in the hospital. Are you having a good visit with DD?

    Jazzy--that looks like a lovely place to visit!

    Chi--It's good you'll be able to get the flood control system in place soon. I can imagine how the in-person rehearsal could be a bit nervous-making. It's too bad the "youth gatherings" are making it difficult to travel safely.

    Karen--all those foods sound so yummy!

    Chi--I remember you talking about the difficulties of rehearsing over Zoom and the other COVID problems with the show in recent years. 3 performances is a good place to start, and you can work back up to the 7 again. Glad the concert went well, too.

    Miriandra--I bet your eldest is having a great time with that role! Piedmont sounds like a lovely area to live in. Don't blame you for not wanting to be around a lot of tourists, American or not!

    The Texas Hurricane Cocktail - Hispanic Food Network

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2022

    I'm home! Finally!

    Someone asked about me being in the hopspital while on Vacation. I was, but only for about 6 hours.

    Karen, I hope your brother continues on the up hill, instead of down.

    Saw my MO Thur., found out from him I was also in renal failure. That was the first I heard of that! Had my first round of chemo yesterday, was there for 4 hours. Waiting for nausea and all that good stuff to kick in!

    I used a wheelchair at the airport. On the way home the gal pushing me also had an elderly lady to push and her DH walked. Going thru TSA, we were both able to walk into the xray machine and then return to w/c. Well, I got in the one she was in and visa versa, no biggie, right? My chair was a hard bottom, hers was padded. We get to the gate, I go to stand up and my pants are soaking wet!!!! So I say "that w/c is wet and I'm soaked." The lady that had that chair kind of lifts her shirt and patting her lower tummy and around the that area. I'm thinking to my self, OMG, she had an accident, and now I have sat in it! WTF am I going to do now???? My baggage is checked, I have NOTHING! Then DH chimes in and said she spilt her water. Well that is a relief, but I still have a soaked butt, with sage jeans and it's VERY obvious. So walking to get on the plane, EVERYONE standing there can see, all the flight attenndants see, ask the flight attendant that had the back of the plane if she had something I could sit on. Everyone is thinking I'VE HAD AN ACCIDENT! I get to my seat, she taps me on the shoulder and asks me if I know my pants were wet. YES! And I explained to her and of course she let the other attendants know the situation. She gave me some of towels they use in the bathrooms to try and absorb some it. SO EMBARRASING!

    Hello to everyone and I think I see another new loungette, welcome! I can get back on track here now that I'm home, as long as I'm not too sick. I did finally get to see Nora and my last day there! She is so stinking cute! I'll post a pic or two later, as they are on my phone.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2022

    pic removed

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited September 2022

    goldie, what an adventure at the airport! I hope you're feeling ok today after your chemo session.

    Waving "hi" to everyone!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2022

    Got a call late last night--Gordy & Leslie both tested positive. They'd attended Riot Fest last weekend, he did a "Banned Books Week" reading performance inside a library. and they went to an indoor concert (Pavement) last night. He'd thrown his back out coughing, but chalked up the coughing to what's been a brutal pollen-and-mold-count week. But when they got home & Leslie mentioned her throat was scratchy (and she doesn't have allergies), they tested. Her throat swab was positive but nasal ones were negative; his nasal swab was clearly positive. Bob called them in scripts for Paxlovid, which they picked up at the drive-thru window of the pharmacy. They're both feeling better (except his back is still "out"). So no need for me to drop off a jar of chicken soup base (but maybe I can surprise them with a deli delivery of the real thing). Neither of them had ever had COVID before; they're both double-boosted since last spring, but hadn't yet gotten the new booster. Bob says they need to wait at least 2 months, ideally 3, after they recover to get the new booster. Gordy's seeing his PCP Wed. for possible referral to "back school" PT; he will ask about timing for the flu shot. (Bob & I always wait till mid-Oct. to maximize the duration of immunity to coincide with the length of the flu season).

    Rehearsal today was a true reunion--we all filled each other in on "what I did on my enforced 2-year vacation." I feel like I wasted mine--I didn't write anything, didn't try to perform concerts online (I don't have live-streaming-capable equipment and I didn't want to record on my phone, which was disastrous for the virtual Bar Show in 2020), and have been very reluctant to sing with others indoors due to fear of viral loads spewing everywhere (especially in small rooms); everyone else had returned to community theater or bands. I am under no illusions about getting any meaningful roles, or even minor solos this year: I'm the second-oldest female member of the cast (actually, oldest singing woman) and thus far the solo lines all seem to be in the "bottleneck" of my range, where I can't smoothly transition between head & chest registers. Not just that, but more and more female cast members were musical theater members as undergrads. The real-life character I'd reliably been able to play, Angela Merkel, has sidelined herself from the world stage. Very few people were masked at rehearsal, and nobody sang with their masks on. So I'm hoping that my new booster, received 2 weeks ago, has kicked in to give me some decent hybrid immunity. (I had two shots and a first booster--then 5 months later caught Omicron and took a second booster 2 months later. My bivalent booster was 6 months after the second).

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2022

    Kim, the reason the Bar Show's run is only 3 performances has nothing to do with the pandemic. In 2018 they went to 3 evenings plus a matinee, and in 2019 just 3 evenings. It's all about expenses and availabilty. Expenses because our budget is shrinking (as are ticket sales) and DePaul Univ., which owns the theater, has raised its fees; availability because the univ. needs it for Theater School student productions. We were supposed to get the renovated Studebaker Theater, for 5 evenings plus Sunday matinee; but first the renovations were behind schedule due to supply chain issues and labor shortages; then the spring 2022 dates got canceled due to the Omicron surge; then a B'way-bound musical snagged it for its tryout (which was a flop); and finally, NPR scored a deal to use it to host its weekly hit radio show "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me." That would make our set changes impossible, and as cash-strapped as NPR is it's rolling in dough compared to us--even though tickets to the radio show are free.

    A little history: originally, the show was men-only, running 2 weeks each Dec. (hence "Christmas Spirits") in the ballroom of the Hilton & Towers. In 1967. a woman successfully sued to join the cast (ironically, as a tenor). By the mid-'70s it was down to 10 shows, basically as dinner-theater with a (very) open bar--of which audience, cast and crew liberally partook (the "Spirits" being a literal double endtendre). But in the mid-1980s, the stage collapsed during a performance, which seriously injured a couple of cast and band members. By the time I joined the cast in 2002, it had moved across the street to the Merle Reskin (formerly Blackstone) Theater, doing 7 performances (Tues-Sat evening, and Sun. matinee & evening). At that time, there was still a dinner-and-show package with dinner in the hotel ballroom and then the show in the theater. That went the way of the dodo as the audience demographic got younger and mega-firms stopped buying large blocks of tickets (not to mention the band & its conductor got older & more erratic). Once the show's management (producers, writers, band) changed, the band got trimmed down to a very tight 6 pieces, and we haven't had either the overture (dating back to 1922) or the "Santa Claus is Coming to Town/Jingle Bells" finale--we close instead with the original "The Junior Partners," each verse sung by small groups, with updated and more socially-acceptable lyrics.

    2023 will mark its 100th year (would have been 102d, but for there not having been a live show since 2019 or a show at all since 2020, which was virtual). As the theater is now part of a university, there is no alcohol allowed, not even in the "green room." The Studebaker would have offered a full cash bar before the show. (No intermission, AFAIK, never had one).

    The 3-performance schedule does give us more time to do tech and full-dress rehearsals on non-show nights. We used to combine tech & dress on Tues. aft., take a 90-min. break to eat, then open that night. Now on Mon. we move all our stuff from the Bar Assn. to the theater, Tues. is tech (and some costume fine-tuning), and Wed. is dress. Because we now have more special effects, digitization, wireless mics & instruments and projections rather than at least half of the old physical sets, a full dedicated tech run is necessary.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited September 2022

    Aww Goldie- Nora is so cute and getting big. I really like your hair at that length.

    ChiSandy- It is exciting that you are performing again. That must feel good. I hope your kids feel better soon.

    Jazzy - I love the picture. It would look very elegant hanging on the wall of a winery.

    Nativemaine- I am glad that the hurricane will be passing by Maine. I hope the one heading towards us in Florida will not be as bad as they think. Right now it seems to be heading right for me. I live on the west coast about 70 miles north of Tampa. Its kind of in the bend of the state- Homosassa/Crystal River. It changes some, just have to keep alert. We will make sure we are ready Tuesday night. We just get ready for it every year. My husband is gone and he would board up windows if we thought one was coming, but we were really lucky, just some storms. My oldest son thinks I will be fine because we have a lot of trees around and it will block some of the wind. I don't think he really knows, he is just saying that to make me feel better. Well, we all just do what we have to.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2022

    Thanks Misty, the hair is just ok, with me. It is what it is, I miss my long hair, but it just looked horrible. Now short, it is so so curly!

    Sunshine, the chemo won't kick in for a few days, Monday will be day 3, so maybe then?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2022

    2 of my HS friends, Big Deb and Little Deb!

    May be an image of 3 people and people standing

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2022

    Lori, you look terrific (and Nora is cute beyond words). Hoping the chemo goes easy on you!

    Misty, hope Ian doesn't do any damage.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited September 2022

    Nora's such a cutie pie! I'm sure she brings so much joy.

    I miss doing theater. My BA is in Theater/Media Arts. My career goal was to either do Broadway or Sesame Street. Life had other plans, but I did get kind of close with the latter. My DH is military, and we spent 3 1/2 years in Seoul, Korea. While there, a friend of mine who worked at USO broadcasting hooked me up with her agent to start doing voice acting for English language tapes. I eventually landed the role of Monty the Monster, a puppet character on a KBS TV show that was structured very much like Sesame Street. It was so much fun to be in a small recording studio with all these other nicely dressed voice actors, talking in all kinds of character voices. Dream job!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2022

    Kim - glad the weather is going to bypass you. Meeting sounds like it went well.

    Lori - Nora is such a cutie. I know what you mean about the hair. I keep my hair short as it gets straggly when it gets longer. I miss my "Gilda Radner" hair. What are they saying to do about your kidneys?

    My brother is out of ICU, but still in the hospital and hoping to go home the beginning of the week. He is now on 2 liters of O2 which is way less than before.

    Lots of cooking to do tomorrow - it looks like its more than it is as more than one thing can cook at a time. Just need to be organized. DD wants to go to Costco so we will go when it opens - which means I need to start cooking early so I have a few things done before we go.

    Have a good Sunday

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited September 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! Right now it's a noisy Sunday ayem, the big gray squirrel is teasing Colt who is barking away like a madman while the thing runs up and down the trunk of a tree just on the other side of the fencing. That squirrel is absolutely doing it on purpose, and I think it's the same squirrel that used to tease Silly Sadie!

    Goldie--finding out about being in renal failure like that must have been surprising. So embarrassing getting wet at the airport like that! Welcome home and enjoy being back in your space again. Praying the chemo doesn't make you sick.

    Morning, Sunshine!

    Chi--Pool Gordy and Leslie! I hope neither of them is feeling very ill. It sounds like the rehearsal/reunion was one of mixed feelings. At least you are fully vaccinated, so the chances of getting seriously ill from COVID are minimized. Wow, a lot of things conspired to make running the Bar Show more difficult. At the same time, the production certainly has evolved!

    Misty--I hope the hurricane does miss you. The last hurricane to still be a hurricane when it got to Maine was Bob in 1991 and only affected the southern part of the state. Florida seems to get at least one direct hit each season. Having trees around can help if they are deep-rooted trees, but even then the branches coming down can be troublesome. The trees nearest my house are mostly Birch, not the deepest rooted but quite flexible, and so will bend over in high wind (and under heavy snow) rather than break or uproot.

    Goldie--such an adorable little girl! What a nice pic of the HS friends!

    Miriandra--what an amazing experience you had voice acting!

    Karen--glad to hear your brother is out of ICU and doing better. Praying he'll be home soon. Cooking really does take organizational skills, doesn't it?

    Flaming Dr. Pepper Shot served in a shot glass with a blue-and-orange flame



    • 8 ounces beer
    • 3/4 ounce amaretto
    • 1/4 ounce overproof rum


    1. Fill a pint glass halfway with beer.
    2. Add the amaretto to a shot glass and top with the rum.
    3. Set the rum on fire and very carefully drop the shot glass into the beer.

    From <>

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited September 2022

    Big day yesterday, my electrician friend and his SO are visiting and he got my beach bar hooked up to the pole, we have power 😁

    Margaritas to celebrate and now I can start on the furniture and decorating.

