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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2022

    Misty, those hurricanes are scary to say the least. My DD was in MI when Fiona went through, it missed them, but as everyone knows, PR got it bad.

    Mirianda, what a fun job doing the voice overs!

    Sandy, praying the kids have an easy time with Covid.

    Karen, I know you are enjoying your time with DD2, even with all the cooking and I'm sure she is a big help! I also hope it's helping you mentally, as you have struggled with that lately. How long is she there for? As for the kidneys, not a lot is being said just yet. I got a voice mail from the hospital to call to set up scheduling, but I don't know what for! It could have something to do with kidneys or to get a port. Praying your brother pulls out of this, getting out of ICU is good news!

    Oh NM, that darned squirrel! Interesting cocktail! How's mom? And Dick?

    I got a letter from the claim on my house from the explosion. First, they told me they were going to start at $4000. My deductible is $950. Letter states they are giving me a little over $1000 to fix bedroom wall, less my deductible, so a check came for $118. WTF, I haven't even had a contractor out to access damages to my kitchen wall, since you can't see it, my lower cabinets have pulled away from the wall, no money for a new stove. And they close the claim! Feeling ok today, I imagine the chemo nausea will kick in tomorrow. Going to try and maybe color my hair today.

    Nora is def. a little doll and VERY independent and constantly on the go. She had a video visit while she was sick with the neuro, and after watching her, said there is NOTHING wrong with that little girl!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2022

    Hi friends- I am back and just wrote a longer post which of course, I lost because my internet dropped right when I went to send it. Anyways, wanted to say a quick hi for now. I am working to recover from the latest vax which I had yesterday morning and feelng sort of punk today.

    I will post some pics from my phone from this month and try to write again later!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited September 2022

    This is the old sunrise springs just south of Santa Fe which used to be a conference center/resort and was bought by the newer owners of Ojo Caliente to the north of Santa Fe in Taos County. The owners (from TX) bought this property about four or so years ago and opened it under the Ojo branding and I was there last Xmas for an overnight, and also in 2019 when they opened. The rooms were a deal when they first opened for $150/night, last year they were up to $250 a night and now over $400 a night. A friend and I went for a day soak over Labor day and it was perfect. It was lovely at the end of the summer. If you happen to be in Santa Fe, I highly recommend a visit here (or a stay if you have the bucks).



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2022

    Spent the day cooking and baking as well as trip to Costco with DD#2. Candle lighting is in about 45 minutes. Will be off line till Tuesday night. No time to read today's post. Have a great beginning of the week.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited September 2022

    Ooh, Jazzy, that looks lovely!

    My son and I both passed our karate belt tests this afternoon - I will be a purple belt, and my kiddo earned his blue belt.. This will likely be my last belt test, as my knee has not been happy this last year. Hopefully boy-child will continue to advance though.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited September 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! The puppers and I got woken up by quite the thunderstorm last night. Well, the storm woke me and Zoe, Colt slept through the whole thing. A very bright flash of lightning woke me up, and the quite loud thunder after it woke Zoe, who jumped off the bed and hid in the closet. While she was hiding she discovered the clothes basket I use as a hamper, curled up in it, and slept there the rest of the night! I guess she felt safe there.

    Illi-Hooray for getting the beach bar electricity connected! Wish I could join you!

    Goldie--Mom is doing ok. I've got her set up with a landline phone that only myself and my brother and his wife will use, but the phone I got to plug into it is too complicated for her and the screen is too small for her to be able to see it, so I've just ordered an elderly-friendly phone with large buttons, buttons that can be programmed with numbers and identified with pictures, no caller ID, no screen to try to read, and works as a speakerphone so she doesn't have to hold a handset. I hope that will work better for her, but I'm afraid she's going to want caller ID, and getting that with a large enough screen that she can see it will be difficult to find. Dick is declining, the Parkinson's is progressing pretty steadily, and I'm not sure Mom is really understanding or seeing that. That insurance claim isn't making much sense to me. Closing out the claim without part of the damage ever being evaluated sounds odd to me. Praying the chemo nausea stays away entirely.

    Jazzy--Welcome home! Darn that internet gremlin! What a beautiful place to visit!

    Karen--wishing you and your family a happy and meaningful holiday celebration.

    Miriandra--congrats on the new karate belt!

    Karate Punch

    Karate Punch

    Karate Punch

    1 1/2 oz white rum

    1 1/2 oz dark rum

    3/4 oz apricot brandy

    1 oz lime juice

    1 oz pineapple juice

    1 oz simple syrup

    Combine all ingredients in a shaker, fill with ice and shake vigorously. Strain into a highball glass filled with crushed ice and garnish with a pineapple.

    From <>

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited September 2022

    Aw, poor Zoe! I hope she felt calmer after the storm passed. Good luck with your Mom's phone set up. I wonder if two devices could be plugged-in in tandem - she could check the caller ID on phone A, then answer on the more accessible phone B. Or would that just make things complicated again?

    That cocktail sounds yummy, frankly.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2022

    Karen, Shana Tovah--even though I know you can't come up for air till after Tuesday's Day 2 RH service. By the time you're back online, hope your Erev RH dinner was wonderful. Judy, Shana Tovah to you too. (My temple, Emanuel Cong., livestreams its services and records them for later viewing--5959Online on YouTube, so if you need a distraction from rehabbing at home or want some spiritual comfort, surf on over).

    Miriandra, I am so envious of those who can do myriad character voices! (My singing partner in WI does a lot of that). I'm good with accents, but my range of spoken timbres is pretty limited (although for the last in-person Bar Show in 2019 I was able to do a pretty good Madonna in a parody of "Material Girl"). And getting up to a purple belt in karate is awesome. I only made it to yellow.

    Misty, everyone in FL and the Gulf, please stay safe and evacuate to sturdy buildings on higher ground if you can.

    Illimae, that beach bar (and margarita machine) looks like fun!

    Lori, have you considered contacting your state's insurance commissioner? Something's very amiss if they wouldn't even inspect half your damage. Wish you were closer to a metro area so a local TV news consumer-advocate reporter could get involved.

    Tummy was very touchy yesterday, but it was my own fault--Sat. night I carb-cheated on high-fiber dried fruit, especially figs, and seeded keto bread; and consequently all day yesterday things got a bit, uh, interesting. I didn't cook and Bob wanted to watch football before we left for services, so I made him a tuna sandwich and I ate a stick of string cheese before we headed on over. No alcohol for me yesterday, just coffee & water.

    We normally walk to temple in good weather, but it rained last night. Wore my mask on the shuttle bus from the Greek Orthodox church's parking lot to the temple, and kept it on for the service. Sparsely attended for a High Holy Day service, likely because so many people are getting "breakthrough" COVID despite the CDC's downgrading our county's community transmission level to "low." (If it turns out to be you, the risk is 100%). It takes 2 weeks for the new shot to kick in, and I got mine on the 10th, but still not taking chances. The fact that the services stream worldwide probably made true attendance higher. The professional choir sounded wondeful, especially with our cantor (and their leader, a local UCC minister, joining in). We still don't have a permanent rabbi (ours went back home to L.A. in 2021) so our rabbi emeritus led the service. He has mad Shofar skills--he held the note loud & clear for 22 seconds. "Pretty fly for an old guy:" he recently turned 80.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited September 2022

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! I just heard that Canada is dropping all COVID related border crossing requirements. No more testing, quarantines, etc. That is going to make a huge difference for the people in the border towns. So many families have gone for so long without being able to visit each other, or with limited visits, and so many people who live here and work in Canada and vice versa can now get back to work normally. This really is a sign that COVID has become endemic and will be looked at much like the flu in a couple more years.

    Miriandra--I don't think the thunderstorm bothered Zoe as much as the sudden, very bright flash of lightning startled her. I checked on her a few times during the storm, and after the first few minutes, after she got the clothes in the basket arranged to her liking, she was sleeping. I thought about a separate caller ID gizmo, but I haven't found one with a large enough display that she would be able to read it easily. And since only three of us will have that number, she'll have a pretty good idea who is calling when it rings, me, my brother, my SIL, or her neighbor Glenda. But I'll keep looking. The current problem is the display on phone A is too small, she needs a magnifying glass to read it, and then she needs one hand to hold the glass, one to hold the phone, and doesn't have a third to mess with the programming. A big part of the problem with her cell phone is that she is constantly changing settings while trying to put in phone numbers. She's having a harder and harder time working with technological things, in fact, anything that requires multiple steps. When she uses her microwave she sets it for 1 min 11 secs, or 2 min 22 sec, or 3 min 33sec, etc because she doesn't remember to move from the number to the zero. She says it's because she never got a user manual for the microwave or stove or anything else.

    Chi--wow, it sounds like your service was very moving and enjoyable.

    Praying for everyone in Florida.


    1 1/2 oz. Absolut Ruby Red vodka

    1/2 oz. vermouth


    Prune juice

    Combine vodka and vermouth in cocktail glass. Fill remainder of glass with equal parts clamato and prune juice. Stir. Drink. Ask next-door neighbor whose ficus tree blew over and crashed onto your roof– even though you'd warned him for months to uproot it–if you can use his bathroom. Repeat.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2022

    BabyGirl, you bumped me right into the Beach Bar! I grabbed a margarita, hope you don't mind! Can't wait for more updates.

    Jazzy, those are such beautiful settings!

    Karen, enjoy your time with DD.

    Miriandra, that is a great accomplishment, whether you can go on or not. Congrats. How old is your son?

    NM, I hope the phone works out for mom, and I'm sorry to hear about Dick.

    Sandy, thanks for the advice. I'm not there yet. I sent an email and called, with no replies. I will try again today.

    Misty, are you staying put or moving inland?

    Is there anyone else near the hurricane?

    Day 4 after chemo, and surprisingly no nausea! Knock on wood.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited September 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump day! Got a surprise at work yesterday, sort of. Got a message that the surveyor would be in at 8 ayem to start our survey. We knew we are due and had been a bit on tenterhooks waiting for it for a month or so waiting for it to start. Now that it's going on, it's not so bad, we are in pretty good shape despite all we have had to recreate and catch up on. I think we're going to do ok, and be licensed for another couple of years at the end of this. We'll get a good idea of how we did at the end of the day tomorrow and a final decision a little later.

    Goldie--I hope the new phone works better for Mom, too. Time will tell. It should be delivered today or tomorrow and I can go set it up after work. So happy to hear no nausea so far!

    Classic Gin & Tonic with Lime


    • 1 :2 ratio of gin to tonic For my glasses, that becomes 2 ounces of Hendrick's Gin and 4 ounces of tonic water
    • juice of 1/2 lime
    • lime wedge or cucumber round to garnish
    • ice


    • Fill a tumbler with ice. Juice 1/2 a lime into the glass. Pour in the desired amount of gin & tonic water. Stir gently and garnish with a lime wedge or cucumber round.


    Note that tonic is available in regular or diet (if you want to save on calories). With the other flavors in the drink, I couldn't tell the difference between the two.

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited September 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! The survey is going OK, the surveyor thinks she'll be done earlier than end of the day today. I will be very glad when this is finished and we get the final report from the committee. I didn't think I was getting terribly stressed out by this, but I've been having stress dreams the last couple of nights, so I guess there is more than I'l recognizing.

    I came home from work and was telling the puppers all about the survey stuff going on, they were more interested in chasing each other around the yard. So I guess that gives me perspective! Life will go on, have fun anyway, leave work at work. And throw the ball one more time, please.

    Thinking of everyone in Florida and along the gulf coast.


    Absolut Stress


    Collins Glass


    • 1 1/2 oz Absolut Vodka
    • 1/2 oz Peach schnapps
    • 1/2 oz Coconut liqueur
    • 1 1/2 oz Cranberry juice
    • 1 1/2 oz Pineapple juice

    Preparation Steps

    Mix well.

    Garnish with Orange and Cherry.


    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2022

    Just stopping by to say good morning and to have a great day. Hope the gals in FL are not in harms way. The storm looks awful.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2022

    NM, surely that survey will go just fine and that's why the pups weren't interested in hearing about it!

    I finally heard back from the ins. co. I'm talking to this gal, and she says to me. I need you to take a video of the stove not working! I said NO, it's unplugged and gas is turned off. It leaks gas, and you want me to try and light it??? Lady, you are out of your freaking mind! Well, we'll need to send out an electrician to see if the stove can be repaired. If not, then you can include it on the claim. I said, can I just buy a stove and forget about it on the claim? She said yes.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited September 2022

    Goldie, don’t hook it up, just shoot video and turn the knobs, nothing will happen and they’ll get what they asked for, lol

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited September 2022

    Then say, "Ugh! What's that awful smell?!", drop the phone and pretend to faint.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited September 2022


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited September 2022

    OK, the stove comments are too funny. That would be hilarious to turn the knobs, and then promptly fall to the floor. How in the world do you take a video of something not working???

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2022

    Yeah, the first thing you learn in Evidence 101 is that you can't prove a negative. I'm with everyone else here: just turn the knobs on, sniff and grimace, then turn them off and record yourself walking away, Just make sure the disconnected gas line isn't in the shot.

    Nervous that we're not hearing from our SW & central FL sisters here--they probably have neither power nor cell signal. Hope they'll be okay. My cousins are in Parkland & Melbourne, so they just got rain but no flooding. Unfortunately, we have dear friends just outside Charleston--he has Parkinson's and evacuating would be difficult (if they could fly up here, he couldn't handle the stairs up to the guest rooms). Also have a buddy in Wilmington, NC, who ran a folk festival where I performed twice.

    Weather here's chilly but dry. Tomatoes stopped ripening, basil is wilting (wish I'd thought to cover it overnight, but too late now).

    No alcohol Mon. & Tues. night. At dinner at RPM Steak last night, DsOTD were Graham Beck (S. Africa) brut rosé and a 2016 Margaux--first real Bordeaux, much less Medoc, I've had since before the pandemic lockdown. Tonight with leftovers, I opened the bottle of 2018 Cotes du Rhone I'd been Coravining, and we had the last couple of scant glasses.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited September 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! The survey ended well, we will be accredited for another 3 years, yeah! This is a huge relief for all of us. When I told the puppers the news when I got home I got matching looks of "Yeah, good, so where's din-din?" Talk about being reminded of the truly important things in life!

    Morning, Karen!

    Goldie--you are right, the survey went fine. Seriously, the insurance company wanted you to video the broken stove burning down the house? Or exploding? It may be easier and saner to just replace it yourself, but what is the point of paying for insurance all this time when it doesn't help when something does happen? SMH.

    Illi--great idea! Or maybe have someone from the fire department come out in full gear and video them refusing to try to light it because it's not safe!

    Miriandra--too funny, but great idea!

    Morning, Reader!

    Hi, Sunshine!

    Chi--I hope we hear from the breasties in the storms ways soon. Praying they are all ok, just without internet.

    Explosion recipe

    Scale ingredients to servings

    1 oz vodka

    1 oz Cointreau® orange liqueur

    1 splash Rose's® lime juice

    13 oz pear cider

    Pour the vodka, Cointreau and lime juice into a pint glass. Fill with a strong, sweet pear cider, or add to taste.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2022

    You guys are funny, re my stove! Thanks for the chuckles. I just couldn't believe my ears when she said that!

    NM, seems as tho Sadie was one with more of a listening ear when you came home from work and told her about your day. The puppers have other ideas!

    As for the stove, I did EXACTLY what NM said. I asked if we can just forget about the stove on the claim and I will buy it on my own. After all, it was about 15 yo.

    Fatigue has been my biggest issue after chemo. My back is even hurting from sitting around doing nothing. But I guess that's better than puking my guts out! I wonder what the next infusion will bring. Hoping the fatigue lets up soon. Hoping all on the coast are ok. Most of my friends that I know there are safe. The damage is devastating for sure. I just hate it tho, that now PR will be put on the back burner, just like when Irma and Maria hit the VI's. Once it reached stateside, all the focus goes to the coastal states.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited September 2022

    Lori - what a hassle with the stove!!! Sorry they are still giving you a hard time.

    Have a great weekend

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited September 2022

    Just a quick note-

    We are all fine in my area. When the hurricane was first tracked it was coming straight toward us, but as hurricane's are very unpredictable it moved to come into Florida further south. We had no damage at all, we had wind, but not much rain. It was actually not as bad as our regular summer storms. I feel a little guilty, because we were all preparing and it hit where people had to really hustle to be safe. There was a lot of damage down there.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2022

    Lori, it's a major hit to your wallet--but deciding to replace your stove is a good call. 15 years old means major depreciation, therefore compensation too little to make it worth the hassle. When it comes to advances in major appliances, 15 years is half a lifetime. Maybe the workmanship in newer things isn't as good (planned obsolescence?), but the differences in available bells & whistles on even lower-to-middle-of-the-line new stoves are amazing. More powerful burners, sturdier grates, center burners with removable griddles, more programmable oven with better cleaning cycle, ergonomic controls and attractive styling. If you want to switch to electric, the smoothtop burners allow more variation in temperature & pan size than they used to (and if you have stainless or enameled steel or cast iron pans, induction burners are great).

    Glad to hear so many of our sisters here were able to dodge most of Ian's wrath. (Cindy, so sorry for the devastation that hit Ft. Myers).

    My DOTD right now is a breve cappuccino. Now that I officially have osteoporosis, I need to cut back on alcohol.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited October 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday to everyone. Getting my act together then going to visit with Mom. Got her a new phone with big buttons that she says looks like it will be really easy to use. Im going to program in the numbers for me, my brother and his wife. We'll see how this works.

    The puppers and I had a lovely sleep in this ayem, got up to potty (all 3 of us) around 4:30, then went back to bed for cuddles and snoozes. When I got home from work last night Colt was out of his crate! Not sure exactly how he accomplished that, but his collar was left draped over the top of the crate door, which is now somewhat warped. I'm going to need to come up with a way of securing it that doesn't give enough wiggle room for him to get out through. But how that much dog got through so small an opening baffles me! Colt must have been teasing Zoe, she was just vibrating with eagerness to get out of her crate and then chased him all around the house and yard like mad for almost half an hour!

    Goldie--I think you are right, Sadie was more of a listener than the puppers, but then she only had me to listen to and didn't have a partner in mischief like these two do. And I think she got to be more of a listener as she got older, too, so maybe these two will grow into that some. 15 years is a good life span for a kitchen appliance! I'm hoping the chemo fatigue wears off soon and doesn't come back as hard with the next round. Praying for everyone in the storms' paths to be safe.

    Morning, Karen!

    Misty--glad to hear you and yours are all good!

    Chi--sorry to hear about being officially diagnosed with osteoporosis. How big an impact will this have on your life?



    • 0.5 oz Cointreau
    • 1 oz Rye whiskey
    • 1 oz Red Dubonnet
    • 1 dash Angostura Bitters


    • Step 1/3
      Combine all ingredients in a chilled mixing glass
    • Step 2/3
      Add ice and stir until well-chilled
    • Step 3/3
      Strain into a chilled coupe or cocktail glass

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited October 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday to everyone. Getting my act together then going to visit with Mom. Got her a new phone with big buttons that she says looks like it will be really easy to use. Im going to program in the numbers for me, my brother and his wife. We'll see how this works.

    The puppers and I had a lovely sleep in this ayem, got up to potty (all 3 of us) around 4:30, then went back to bed for cuddles and snoozes. When I got home from work last night Colt was out of his crate! Not sure exactly how he accomplished that, but his collar was left draped over the top of the crate door, which is now somewhat warped. I'm going to need to come up with a way of securing it that doesn't give enough wiggle room for him to get out through. But how that much dog got through so small an opening baffles me! Colt must have been teasing Zoe, she was just vibrating with eagerness to get out of her crate and then chased him all around the house and yard like mad for almost half an hour!

    Goldie--I think you are right, Sadie was more of a listener than the puppers, but then she only had me to listen to, and didn't have a partner in mischief like these two do. And I think she got to be more of a listener as she got older, too, so maybe these two will grow into that some. 15 years a good life span for a kitchen appliance! I'm hoping the chemo fatigue wears off soon, and doesn't come back as hard with the next round. Praying everyone in the storms paths are safe.

    Morning, Karen!

    Misty--glad to hear you and yours are all good!

    Chi--sorry to hear about being officially diagnosed with osteoporosis. How big an impact will this have on your life?



    • 0.5 oz Cointreau
    • 1 oz Rye whiskey
    • 1 oz Red Dubonnet
    • 1 dash Angostura Bitters


    • Step 1/3
      Combine all ingredients in a chilled mixing glass
    • Step 2/3
      Add ice and stir until well-chilled
    • Step 3/3
      Strain into a chilled coupe or cocktail glass

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2022

    Misty, so glad you are ok. The damage they show on the news is sooooo devasting. I don't think I'll ever move to FL.!

    Sandy, a simple stove is all I need, no bells and whistles needed and since I'm on solar, elec. is out of the quesion. How are the kids doing?

    NM, sounds like maybe, just maybe, mom will like the phone. But we know how that can change. I don't recall, but do you know about how old Zoe and Colt are? I'm so glad they found each other and YOU!

    Karen, how is your DB?

    Had some yummy Zuppa yesterday that my neighbor/friend made. Went for my Faslodex injections, grabbed a few groceries. My gosh, shelves are so empty up here on the mountain. No milk, no coffee creamer, bread $5 loaf, a lb of butter $5....gheesh! Also stopped and had a nice visit with my PC's wife. And stopped on my way home at DQ for small pumpkin pie blizzard. Thinking maybe the fatigue is wearing off, but it's still early in the day!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2022

    Hi ladies- well I will try this again since I lost my post for September last weekend. I am back and checking in with all of you. Worried about everyone in FL too, I have friends and family there and some have damage but no one in Fort Myers. I have seen videos of the storm surge and also what some of the area looks like after. Just terrible. That hurricane went from a 1 to a 4 so quickly. I am glad to hear from Misty Eyes and think there are others from FL here too. Praying everyone made it through okay.

    Happy October and it feels like September went quickly. Those photos I shared of the hot springs were from Labor Day weekend, such a great get away to soak and visit with someone I have not seen in a long time. The rest of the month included some fun at our state fair, a concert this past week that was just amazing, and of course, lots of WORK. I love the fall, September and October are my fav months and enjoy decorating with fall motif inside and out. Today I went to a harvest festival at our botanical gardens (I have not been there since the pandemic). I will share some photos from that shortly.

    Did my annual mammo in Sept too and just got the letter that everything looked good, NED. Whew! Grateful.

    Balloon fiesta started today and lots of people in town and balloons in the air this morning for the day 1. It is the 50th anniversary this year and heard they have a 70s theme. I don't go to the field unless there are people visting and want me to go with them (none this year). I think it should be back to the normal attendance this year and heard 650 balloons. The weather is perfect today and hopefully will be good all week. We locals tend to lay low during this time as everything tends to be packed here and traffic is nutso.

    Hard to believe but I am about to make it to two years at this job. We have a lot more work to do now (and not like it was slow before) but so it goes in the healthcare world with never enough people. Been working with some other departments on my project and had a really good week with one of the teams this week. I also got featured in a recent newsletter about the project. I am through two years of my five year goal there.

    Hoping everyone is having a good start to October. Some photos to follow next!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2022

    My friends in a Charleston suburb managed to escape the worst of Ian, which tracked closer to Myrtle Beach/Wilmington. Haven't heard from my friends in a tiny town in central SC in the foothills, though.

    The kids are OK, thus far. Both back at work, Gordy started PT for his back, and they both went to a concert (Dinosaur Jr.) last night. Hope they wore their masks.

    Went to my rehearsal this morning via CTA Red Line--sadly, the boat owners will be holding the city hostage on Wed. & Sat. mornings with river bridge openings till Nov. I keep thinking of that obnoxious SNL character played by Alex Moffatt (whom I'm gonna miss now that he quit) "Guy Who Just Bought A Boat." Love to imagine their Top-Siders stepping in something unsavory.

    Speaking of "something unsavory," the train ride home was awful--packed with tourists & people going to the Cubs game. The station's elevators have been boarded up because they were being used as de facto toilets. The stairs going down to the station were littered with pizza boxes, used paper cups, discarded masks and all manner of fast-food detritus. I got a seat--but facing backwards (ugh). The station & train reeked of weed. And the floor was stickier than a movie theater. People are pigs these days--eating & drinking & spilling stuff. One couple across the aisle (far enough away from me, thank heaven) were traveling from either the airport or Amtrak--had luggage & backpacks. Then the woman began retching--her companion had an empty plastic bag to hold her barf (and he was able to dash out to a platform trash can and get back in before the doors closed). I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she was preggers. Of course, the vast majority of people were not masked. (I'm glad I was, especially when the train was packed with Cubs fans).

    Didn't get to audition for solos, as I had an online bank snafu that took up most of my morning before I had to leave. But I got it straightened out when I got home.

    I spoke to our director/choreographer, who teaches "mat" Pilates. She suggested a class at the Evanston Ath. Club geared to people with osteoporosis & osteopenia (she has the latter). So she knows not to put me in numbers requiring me to twist or risk falling. I could almost tell fellow "bone-ies" by their posture and shorter stature than back in 2019, our last in-person show & rehearsals. I'm down half an inch since 2018--not great but not advanced either.

    Will let you know what tonight's DsOTD were when we get home from the hospital dinner-dance at the Yacht Club. (Parking will be free, but for safety's sake we'll take a rideshare).

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2022

    Lori - thanks for asking about my brother. Latest update from him was yesterday morning. He went home on Monday and saw his doctor on Thursday. He is on O2 at night and is walking in the house and walking up and down the stairs slowly. He said each day is better than the day before. So lots better but still not well.

    My gas cooktop is 25 years old and still works pretty well. Not in a hurry to replace. 5 burners and all but one, the starter still works. The other I need to use a match. Our double oven is electric and is probably 15 or more years old. Don't remember when we got it. I just like basic for my appliances - less can go wrong.

    Jazzy - good to see your post. Two years already on the job - time has gone fast!!!

    Sandy - yuk on the train!!!