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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2022

    Lori -it should have said niece. I'll go back and correct it.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2022

    Ha ha, I don't think you need to change it! I thought maybe you meant someone else's "news" and just typed my name by mistake. Both my nieces are pretty and are as sweet as can be. I love them like my own.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2022

    This morning cruising down the street this ayem


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited October 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Well, it seems flu season has arrived a bit early this year. Yesterday we had 4 staff out sick with fever, cough, congestion, head and/or body aches, all testing negative for COVID. So I wound up with an early start to meet up with one of the new nurses and be her preceptor for the day. She's doing just fine, just needed a little help with the electronic documentation, so it was a very easy day for me, and got me out of the long, all Friday morning meeting. Even better, when I got home my well pump was being replaced, and, after almost a month without running water, I have running water again! It's amazing how exciting something as mundane as running water can be! The puppers opinion is that it was fun having someone to watch and bark at while he was working.

    Goldie--such a cute little lamb chop!

    Jazzy--the balloons are so beautiful. You are lucky to be able to see them so often!

    Karen--so nice to have the family get together for special meals and visits. Great pics from the hike, too!

    Reader--the rum and pineapple juice drink sounds tasty! Isn't it nice to be able to stroll from the party to the room and not have to worry about driving and traffic?

    Goldie--don't blame you for wanting to simplify your life, and for sticking with the contract. I'm sure he would like to be able to reinvest the money into the business, but he knew the payment increase was coming, so it's his problem, not yours. The empty shelves at the store sounds scary. And I love seeing the pics of Nora!

    Wow, that Basic Bitch drink looks amazing!

    two ranch water cocktails with lime wedges on coasters

    Ranch Water

    To a tall glass, add ice and two shots of tequila. Add one shot of fresh lime juice. Top the glass off with carbonated water. Give it a stir. Slide in some fresh lime slices and garnish with a lime wedge.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2022

    NM, that seems like a lot of people out with the flu. I didn't know you did not have running water, yikes. The little things in life, right? But imagine, that is how it was in the past. I've been living without a stove/oven. I'll want to make something, and it's like, oh, I can't, I need the oven! Scott (guy that bought the business) wants to use his money to put things on the property/building, not the business. It's a building on 7 acres. He has a few solar panels, but that's it. No elec., no phone, no water, no septic, etc. And without any of those things, he can't get a bank to finance him on a loan. So, he basically wants me to be his bank. NOPE, NOT HAPPENING! Not at this stage in my life!

    Jazzy, have you ever been up in one? How is your sister doing?

    Karen, enjoy the next couple days with your DD.

    I did finally get some good news, Maytag is going to replace my new $800 washer. I can pick a different, which I am. It's cheaper and will be for an even exchange. I will go Tuesday to look at stoves and washers. Yesterday I started with planters fasciitis, in both feet.....oh my it hurts to walk! My foot massager is my best friend right now.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2022

    Good rainy afternoon friends- it's another day of constant moisture here in the Albuquerque area. We have had rain mostly this week with just a few breaks for some balloon mass ascensions to go up. They got rained out some earlier in the weeks, but went up Thurs and Fri morning. The glow last night turned out to be a very scary event, as people got down on the field and balloons were lit up but out of nowhere, a storm formed over the field and it was getting hit by lightening! Eeek! Propane tanks for the burners and lighting are not a good combo and they worked to get everyone evacuated from the park. There was even an emergency notification on the TV about the evacuation on the field, and I was SO WORRIED there was a mass shooter there, but it was just the sudden storm, which also puts people at risk. Sounds like a lot of mayhem last night. This morning, I went to yoga on a rooftop nearby with my local yoga studio today to do the class and watch the balloons float overhead. It was misting so we were able to do our practice, but no balloons went up. There are only a few events left that run through tomorrow, and it is expected to rain here every day into early next week. We so need the moisture, but it's been not great for the event (aka locals are happy but tourists, not so much).

    Goldie- are you getting this rain too? I am sorry for all the problems you are having. I agree that guy is trying to get to be the bank for him.

    I was supposed to go up in a balloon with my nephew in 2019 when my sister came and there was the medical crisis with her partner that pretty much changed everything. My nephew hopes to come back next year and will put him up on one but probably will stay down and do some photos instead. My sister is doing okay, she got a golden retriever puppy this year who keeps her very busy.

    NM- so I am hearing the flu is going around early where you live? We have our flu clinic at work on Friday and getting mine this coming week. I did the recent Covid booster two weeks ago and this one hit very hard, initially just some light chills and aches, but a few days later, it was bad with naseua, dry heaves, and fatigue. Glad that one is over with, whew.

    Karen- I have several friends that live up in the Denver area and been seeing some lovely photos of the aspens. Our trees are just starting to turn as the temps have dropped from the 80s down to highs in the 50-60s with the rain. We get a lot of yellows down here too with aspens and cottonwoods. Love to see the change of seasons. Fall is the best time of the year!

    Thats all for now folks. Hope everyone has a nice holiday weekend if you get Monday off. I took it off to have a long weekend and a bit more time to catch up at home and just enjoy a bit more of a break from the work site.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2022

    Flu has been reported here, too--so I went to CVS Thursday and got my shot. Achy arm for a couple of days, but that's about it for SEs. The pharmacist said that if there were reports of waning antibodies, a Jan. or Feb. flu booster would not be out of the question. No reports yet as to whether Australia's bad flu season--and our early one--are due to having made the wrong gamble as to which four strains to include in the vaccine (like last year); or--more likely--a combination of people letting down their masking/distancing guard due to dropping COVID rates (for now), moving more to indoor activities, and lower antibody levels due to lower exposure since 2020.

    Lori, you're between a rock and a hard place. The usual remedy for noncompliance (or inadequate compliance) with contractual payments is to take back the subject property, i.e., foreclosure. But you said you don't want it back. I don't know what to tell you, and I'm not licensed in AZ anyway. (The usual situation with "specific performance" because real property is considered "unique," arises when a seller fails to convey the property, which is the opposite of yours). I'd ask around for an experienced atty., but it's not likely that one would take a contract case like this on a contingent-fee basis (like personal injury or tax abatement). Good luck. I don't know any AZ-licensed lawyers. (I used to, but he died a few years ago).

    DOTD for Thurs. & Fri. night was Mumm Napa Brut Reserve Rosé NV. Dining alone tonight, so likely no wine.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited October 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday! I'm going to visit Mom today, picking up some Olive Garden for lunch and then I'm going to try to figure out why her new phone isn't working. I'm betting she tried to program in some phone numbers and changed a setting. I was hoping she wouldn't mess with the settings on this one.

    The puppers say Hi to everyone.

    Then next door neighbors, an older couple, I see them out walking their little dog sometimes, have put up two huge solar panels between their house and mine. That's going to be a big part of my view from the back deck when the leaves come off the trees. At least they are darkish and don't stand out by looking bad.

    Goldie--It is a lot of staff out with the flu. Pre-COVID most of them would keep on working, or go back to work the day after the fever breaks, but with COVID rules those symptoms have to be reported to Infection Control, and they decide when a person can come back to work. This is really the way it should be, even if it does make for some very tight staffing days. The running water thing has been a bit of a journey. The switch on the water tank burned out, and got replaced, but the tank needed replacing due to the hard watbuild-up up and damage, and burned out the new switch while I was finding/ordering/picking up the new tank.Got the new tank installed and the well pump wasn't working. Then I was finding/ordering/waiting for delivery of the well pump, which got put in Friday. Now everything is working well except for an airlock in the cold water feed to the washing machine that I need to figure out how to fix. In the meantime, I'm filling up the machine with buckets of water from the kitchen sink! Never a dull moment as a homeowner! I do not blame you for not wanting to be that guy's bank, upgrading the property is HIS problem to finance, not yours. Seems like he should have thought things through a bit more, and prioritized a few things like septic and such.That is good news on the washer! Not so good news about the fasciitistis, that is not comfortable at all.

    Jazzy--oh my goodness, what a scene that must have been at the park! The flu is going around, but it's really not early for around here, it's just getting more attention this year than it usually does. The wave of the flu usually comes through around this time, not long after school has started and the temp turns cooler; before COVID it was just an expected thing, a sign of fall, a reminder to get the flu shot "before the real flu season starts." We really only know it's the flu because so many people are testing negative for COVID that people started getting flu tested. Which reminds me that I need to arrange for a flu shot this month, too.

    Chi--I've been wondering what kind of flu/cold/RSV/COVID season we've got coming up. We're about due for a bad flu season, and there are lots of factor that could add into that. One of the local nursing homes is not letting staff in without proof of flu vaccination already.

    The Vaccination

    The Vaccination Ingredients

    Jose Cuervo Especial Tequila,Orange Curacao,

    The Vaccination Recipe

    Store spirits in freezer compartment until well chilled. Mix equal parts and serve in a brandy snifter. Sip slowly and savor the refreshing aroma and smooth taste. Don't exceed your limit.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2022

    Sandy, the contract was written up by a lawyer and I guess I would just go back to him, but hoping it doesn't come to that. Just pisses me off that he tries to make it sound like it would be in my best interest to go along with him!

    NM, what a fiasco with your water, but I get it. And not only things that need to be fixed, but as a single female and having to do it and figure it all out. That's what I'm up against, trying to learn how to take care of things that my DH always did. UT OH on mom's phone! Hopefully it's an easy fix. However, I'm not surprised!

    I got the swamp cooler closed up, had to drain it, take the cover off in the house and disconnect it, put in some insulation and Styrofoam and put the cover back. Also had to break down and put the pellet stove on, but needed to clean it. Looking for the screws and stuff that have to be taken off and vacuum ash out of those places. I think I found them all, but the vents have to have a wire brush run through them, so I have a guy coming out mid November to do that. That will cost me $220 and I will watch him so I can do it myself. I've already done half of his job, but I have to get it done.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2022

    This mornings sunrise. The balloons went up


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2022

    Jazzy, gorgeous sunrise

    We went hiking at El Dorado Canyon this morning.


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2022


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited October 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey day! Had a nice visit with Momyesterday. Nothing wrong with her phone system, she just moved the base and didn't know to turn it off before she moved it, so it just needed to be turned off and allowed to reset.She also found out that Dick tested positive for COVID last Friday, after she visited with him on Thursday. She's fully vaccinated, and generally wears a mask when she's out, and symptom free so far, but I'm going over tomorrow after work to COVID test her. Trying to convince her to stay home today was a lost cause, fortunately, when she goes out she isn't out long because of her back pain, But she has just got to "get ready in case I can't go out for 5 days." This from the woman who has enough food in the apartment to last for a month in case she gets snowed in. Like I wouldn't bring her milk and other perishables if she ran out. Gotta love the Mamma!

    Temps in the 30's this ayem. Kinda frosty out there in places. The puppers got cold tootsies going out this ayem!

    Goldie--Mom's phone was an easy fix. We'll see how long it lasts! I'm not really surprised either, one of her big things was to make sure that I left the instructions with her. The print is so small I doubt she can read it, but you never know with her, if she decides to"see what it can do" she will play with it. Trying to fix things by myself didn't used to be so bad, but now that is getting harder and harder as I don't have the hand and arm strength I used to. Can't carry 50 pound bags of dog food up from the garage anymore, things like that, so I have to find someone to pay to do things instead. I have found out that YouTube has lots of videos on how to do a lot of things around the house, I bet you can find one on cleaning the pellet stove vents.

    Jazzy--beautiful sunrise!


    Karen--how pretty!

    Quarantini cocktail


    5 ingredients

    30 ml Cointreau

    30 ml CointreaulCranberry Juice

    45 ml Gin

    15 ml Apple Juice

    Top up Champagne


    Add the Cointreau, gin, apple juice and cranberry juice into a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake well for 10-15 seconds or until the outside of the shaker becomes frosted. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Top up with champagne, garnish with a slice of apple and (as a nod to the days of lockdown) a mini toilet roll on a cocktail stick and serve.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2022

    Jazzy, so pretty!

    Teka, too funny!

    Karen, the mountains are beautiful and that little tree sure stands out!

    NM, did mom say if she wore a mask while visiting Dick? Hoping she stays Covid free. Glad there was nothing wrong with the phone. I did look on line for videos, they only show the stuff I already did. I'm too afraid to mess with the vents in case I disconnect something that shouldn't be! My bags of pellets are 40 lbs, I don't think I could do 50 lb. I put 2 bags on the front of my quad, drive them up to the house and then carry them in from there. If I can't do that any longer, I'll put them on my dolly and roll them up the ramp and into the house!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited October 2022

    The animal shelter here uses those pellets for kitty litter. Not all the kitties are happy with that arrangement.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited October 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! I'm going to see Mom after work and test her for COVID, so far she's symptom free so she should be fine. Woke up under a 2 pup blanket this ayem, with two furry faces looking at me. It was hilarous! I wish I could have gotten a pic, but both arms were under the covers, and the pups, so no moving without moving them.

    Goldie--I doubt Mom wore a mask while visiting with Dick, but she would have walking through the building. I don't blame you for not wanting to mess with the vents, I'd be afraid of breaking something, too. I have to carry things up a flight of stairs from the garage to the house, no ramp, so I've had to make adjustments. I keep the big bags of dog food in an airtight container in the garage, and go fill a bucket up and carry that up to the house and feed the puppers out of that. It works out.

    Morning, Wren!

    Purple Mask

    image alt="Purple Mask Drink">


    Garnish: No Garnish


    Pour all ingredients into a shaker with ice. Shake and strain into a chilled martini glass.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2022

    Wren, I've never had a cat, so I don't know the consistency of cat litter, but wood pellets are hard. I can imagine the kitties are not happy with that!

    NM, that's exactly what I do with the pellets, once I get them on the porch. I fill a large bowl and dump them in the stove. I can't man handle the bag to lift/dump it in the stove. Glad mom is symptom free so far. Hmmm, another interesting cocktail!

    Meeting accountant today and then to town to look at stoves and washers. The conversation may come up about them keeping the payment down on the property, we'll see! And then chemo on Thursday.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited October 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! It was a busy day at work yesterday, I spent a lot of time on the phone, but everything got done, so all is well. Mom tested negative for COVID yesterday, and is still symptom free, so I think we dodged that bullet. I think I got her phone working again, one of the lines wasn't plugged into the correct spot, and another one was loose. I should have caught those when I was out there over the weekend, but didn't. The puppers will be unhappy with me tonight, it's Wednesday, Women and Wine night so I'll be home late. We'll see how that goes!

    Goldie--This getting older and less able to do physical stuff is the pitts, isn't it? But we find ways to work around! I hope the meeting went well, and you found great appliances, and that chemo goes smoothly today.

    Negative Space



    Shake all ingredients (except the sparkling white wine) with ice. Strain into a chilled flute and top with the sparkling white wine.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2022

    Lori - good luck with chemo today

    DD#2 left late last night. Waiting on flight to TLV - long layover at JFK. Miss her already.

    Have a great Wednesday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2022

    NM, yay for the neg. Covid on mom! Puppers might not be too happy tonight, but you will be! As for doing things, it's not just the getting older, it's things that DH always did, that I didn't have to worry about.

    Karen, safe travels for your baby girl. I know you miss her, but know you will see her again. Probably you and DH for a trip out there?

    Chemo is tomorrow. Meet up with accountant was fine. As for the loan, it wasn't brought up, she said she was letting Scott take care of that. I picked out the appliances. Washer has to be ordered and the guy that installs the stoves only works one day a week, so that one will be awhile. Stove was under $600, but after I pay for delivery, haul off the old one and was over $900! Not much to choose from in white.

    May be an image of tree, outdoors and text that says 'CORNMAZE MAZE CORN FOR OLD OLDPEOPLE PEOPLE'

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2022

    Best fish and chips in town


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited October 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! I had a nice time at the Wednesday, Women, and Wine get together last night. The puppers didn't seem terribly bothered by my being out late once the din-din dishes were filled and extra ear scratches and cuddles were dispensed. When we went to bed they both plopped down on top of me and didn't let me move until I paid enough attention to each of them! It was kind of funny.

    Karen--wishing safe travels for DD#2. I'm sure you do miss her already.

    Goldie--Glad the appointment with the accountant went well. It's amazing how much installing and removing an appliance can cost. Almost as much as the new appliance itself, sometimes! Love the Corn Maze for Old People!


    Autumn cocktail



    • 1 1/2 ounces Laird's applejack
    • 1/2 ounce amontillado sherry
    • 1/4 ounce Clear Creek pear brandy
    • 1/2 ounce maple syrup
    • 3 dashes apple bitters
    • Garnish: allspice tincture
    • Garnish: dehydrated pear crisp


    1. Add the Laird's Applejack, amontillado sherry, pear brandy, maple syrup and apple bitters into a mixing glass with ice and stir until well-chilled.
    2. Strain into a rocks glass over a large ice cube.
    3. Spray with allspice tincture, garnish with a pear crisp, and serve on a burning maple leaf (optional).

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2022

    DD#2 made it home safe and sound. She loved flying premium. It was actually less than coach/the cheapest seats. Lori - we hope to go during my winter break, but right now air fares are sky high!!! And not good travel times (long or too short layovers). So unless fares come down, no travel. If so, the next time we see here will be in 6 months (is she comes for Passover).

    Lori - good luck today. Glad you found appliances. Hope the stove isn't too long till it arrives.

    Kim - fun night.

    38 this morning, but will be high 60s. Might be time to put the sandals away. The front office at work where my office is, is always cold. Wore a jacket all day yesterday. Found out new assignment for November through end of 2022 - hope its not longer. Still waiting to see if it's 3 or 4 days. Not crazy about the assignment as it is a charter school, K-5, but it will be fine. I'm just not crazy about Charter schools. I covered the sister school two years ago for a semester. There are 2 one day/week people there and they are drowning and also newbies so even harder for them.

    Getting my Prolia shot this afternoon and on Sunday getting Covid booster and flu shot. 6 month medical oncologist appointment tomorrow. No reaction for past Covid shots so hoping for the same. Monday is DH's birthday so would not like to be sick. Just don't want to keep putting it off.

    Have a great Thursday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2022

    Jazzy, that fish and chips looks scrumptious! There's a place in Holbrook that has some pretty good fish and chips and it's all you can eat on Friday's. But a tad too far to go for something to eat, and I don't usually travel that way.

    Karen, glad DD made it home. I haven't even looked at air fare. I'd like to go to VI's this winter some time to visit DD. If I go, I think I will fly into FL, stay the night and continue on the next day. Sorry about the new assignment, all in a days work, I guess.

    NM, glad you didn't get in trouble for staying out late!!!! You don't get scolded by mom and dad, but the pups! Did you ladies meet at a venue or someone house?

    Off for chemo in a bit, hoping I don't get sick this time around, keeping my fingers crossed!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2022

    Sorry I've been away from BCO for a few days--whole lotta stuff going on, ordinary but it piles up. Happy has been extremely demanding whenever he sees me using my laptop. It's his signal to occupy my lap & chest. Also had to get him to the vet on Monday. Good news is that his liver enzymes are back to normal (which they haven't been since late 2018); but his kidney values are creeping up. Vet isn't sure whether it's the prednisolone (which is definitely responsible for the liver normalization) or that he's an elderly (15) male kitty...or both. So we cut him back to every third day for the steroid, and switched him to prescription kidney diet food. Fortunately, he likes that (at least the canned Hills k/d); he detested any brand of sensitive-tummy food. Problem is, Heidi has been stealing his k/d kibble--but at 17, it shouldn't harm her. and might even preserve her own kidneys. (Had her 6-month checkup & "spa day" today; also got a new arthritis shot, a just-FDA-approved monoclonal that's been in use for cats in the UK for over a year now and is the only safe feline alternative to glucosamine--all formulations of which I've tried she's rejected).

    Jazzy, I haven't had fish & chips since before Broadway Cellars closed down--in fact, only once during the pandemic (a cheat from keto), and hardly ever since mid-2019. Looks luscious!

    Karen, glad DD made it home, with a modicum of luxury en route. After experiencing premium economy on int'l flights, I'll never fly "steerage" again (unless it's domestic &/or the only option--e.g., between European airports).

    Lori, hope chemo went easy on you today!

    Not much in the way of wine these past few days. Sun. night at Regalia I had a glass of "La Vis" Sauvignon Blanc from Trentino/Alto Adige. Tues. night, a little Côtes du Rhone. Tonight with surf & turf at home, more of that red and a Macon-Lugny (unoaked chardonnay). Last night Gordy & I went to see the Who at the United Center. Missed the opening act (Steven Page, ex-Barenaked Ladies frontman) because Gordy couldn't clock out of work till 7:30. With his Vivid Seats employee discount and refund credit from a prior cancelled concert, the seats were cheaper than the parking! It was the first indoor concert (except for the one I gave in Madison) since the start of the pandemic. We were the only ones masked, but no problem. With a mask on, I could sing along without annoying anyone and the mask actually functioned like a personal vocal monitor.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited October 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! Waking up to rain and wind, power outages in some areas already. It's warmer than usual, though, which is nice. The puppers aren't so crazy about going outside in the wind and rain, though. You should have seen the looks I got when I insisted they go potty before breakfast!

    Karen--Glad to hear DD#2 made it home safe and enjoyed the flight. It sounds like the new assignment might not be the most fun, but I'm sure you'll do a great job and find some things to enjoy along the way. Happy Birthday to DH!

    Goldie--The WWW ladies met at a local Brew House/Restaurant right in the downtown area. I was really lucky and got a parking spot right in front of the front door! We meet at 5:30, the place didn't start filling up until 7. Between 7 and 7:30 the place went from just the 9 of us and a sprinkling of other people to every table and seat filled. It's nice to see a local business doing well. Praying chemo is easy for you this round.

    Morning, Teka!

    Chi--Good to hear Happy is doing well despite his age, particularly that he likes the new food. Interesting about the arthritis shot. Sounds like you and Gordy had a good time at the concert!

    image style="width: 360px; height: 201.176px;">

    Trade Winds


    1 oz

    Patrón Añejo

    1 oz

    BANKS 7 Golden Age Blend

    1 oz

    Apricot liquor

    1 oz

    Lemon juice

    1.5 oz

    Coco Lopez


    Lemon wedge for garnish


    1. Combine all ingredients in a shaker with crushed ice.
    2. Shake to chill.
    3. Pour unstrained into a tiki glass.
    4. Garnish with a lemon wedge speared with a paper umbrella.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2022

    Medical onc this morning. Can't seem to shed these 3-4#s. Had hoped to have it off by today 6 month check up. I know its not a lot and I'm thin, but my issue is more that I don't want it to keep creeping up. I'm at my high of where I want to be. I've been good not snacking at night, but need to get better at work.

    46F at 5 a.m and going into the high 70s. Cooling off. little over the week-end into 60s with cooler nights then back to low 70s next week. I don't mind this weather. Still not quite ready to give my sandals, though at night, needing to switch for our after dinner walk.

    Working today for Monday and again next Friday for Tuesday (flexing my days) so I probably won't be back till Saturday night or Sunday. Have a great week-end.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2022

    Sandy, wishing both your kitties all the best, given their age. Sounds like you had a nice time at the concert with Gordy. Had to laugh at your singing behind the mask!

    Karen, good for you at curbing your night time snacks, and yes, you are thin. But I hear ya about those annoying few pounds. Not that I need to lose any, I need to gain. My snacking started last night, thanks to the steroids I got yesterday. First it was cheez-it's, then cheese and crackers, then some trail mix and roasted peanuts. Tummy a little upset this morning...I wonder why??? Good luck on your MO appt.

    NM, glad you still have your power! As for pups not liking to go out in the wind and rain...I'm thinking that's a good, they won't get so dirty and wet! I think it's nice you kinda had the place to yourselves! And yes, nice to local businesses thrive.

    So, yesterday at chemo I asked my MO about the infusions, first one took hour and half, all the rest are just 1/2 hour. So, is it a larger dose on the first or same dose, just take longer to administer. Answer is same dose, so hoping that because it's given faster, it's more likely to make me sick. I guess I'll know in a few days! In the meantime I'll enjoy the steroid buzz and get stuff done until I crash and fatigue kicks in!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2022

    Thanks Lori for getting it. I find people get annoyed with people who are thin who want to shed a few pounds. Hope you don't get sick after this chemo.

    Medical oncologist visit went well. Still need lab results to confirm. MO asked about me working and talked about it for a few minutes - usually he just asks how much I'm working. Made DH and I wonder what he was thinking. He asked if I was working 3 days and I said 4 days and asked if that was full time? When I said I couldn't do the job without taking work home, he made a comment like of course it can't be done in the 8 hours. There are days I wonder how well I'm doing. I had a hard time working on my learning objects - just getting them in the format and then writing a behavior plan - about 3 hours and I was spent!!! Brain had totally shut down. The younger team mates, many half my age, get it so much quicker!

    Gorgeous weather today. I think autumn is my favorite season.

    Have a great Friday night and Saturday

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2022

    Karen, I do get it, and I've been there. I think when we are on the thin side, it's hard to take weight off, not to mention it gets harder as we get older. And I think I've mentioned this before, I've always been thin, and as a tween/teenager and even younger was called bony maroni, skinny as a piece of macaroni, or string bean. And even as an adult, I hear often "you are so skinny". My niece (Nora's mom) is very tiny and skinny and her sister is heavy and will say to her sister often how she doesn't have to worry about losing weight cuz she's so skinny. Well, she would like to gain weight, but just can't. And to someone thin, who is always being told how "skinny" they are, can be just as hurtful as if you were to tell someone how fat they are.

    Possible rain here for the weekend, temps are nice for now in the low 70's. Still feeling ok, but it's early! Booked a flight to go to MI during Xmas, super excited about that. It was a spur of the moment decision and I went with it!