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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2022

    Forgot to mention this.

    Karen, I think you are burning out at work and maybe you should consider retiring earlier than you expected. You have a life to live, live it while you're still good. Go enjoy time with your hubby and family. That is why I decided to go home for Xmas, I have to do these things while I can. I can afford it and I can't take it with me when I go.

    Life is too short....CHEERS!

    DOTD: Lifesaver:


    • 1 1/2 shots coconut rum
    • 1/2 shot melon liqueur (Midori)
    • 2 shots pineapple juice

    In a shaker, add ice, coconut rum, melon liqueur and pineapple juice. Shake up your ingredients real well. Pour everything into a tall cocktail glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited October 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! WE got lots and lots of rain and wind yesterday and last night, but it seems to have blown itself out now. Still cloudy and sprinkly, though. I didn't lose power, thank goodness, although lots of people in the state did. At least it's not freezing cold, so no power/no heat isn't a crisis today. The puppers are coming in from the yard with muddy paws and smelling like wet dogs. There may be baths in the near future!

    Karen--Weight control is such a struggle. Good for you for getting it off and maintaining! Don't blame you for not wanting it to creep up again. The temp changes this time of year are fun, but do create wardrobe and comfort issues.

    Goldie--A lot of drugs given IV are given over a longer time the very first dose, it gives more time to see if a reaction will happen, and decreases the severity of the reaction by giving at a slower rate means giving less medication between the time the reaction is noticed until the time the IV is stopped. I'm hoping and praying it doesn't make you sick at all. And by all means, enjoy the steroid buzz! Might as well get something fun out of all this.

    Karen--It is curious the way the MO asked about working. I wonder if he has something in mind or if he was trying to learn how well your brain is functioning. I find that getting information into a set format is difficult many times. Younger people who grew up with computerized information in standardized layouts seem to do better with that, more used to it, I suppose.

    Goldie--Yummy DOTD!! Thanks!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited October 2022

    I've been awake since 2am and it's almost 7 now. It's my last day in my old house; the clear out people are coming tomorrow. Today I'm trying to get donations together for Goodwill. We have a lot of DH's clothing. He collected t-shirts with drumming and folklife motifs (2 underbed boxes full). We've taken ones that look special to him but there are a lot left. I also have mis-matched king flannel sheets which someone might want. I rescued the large photo of my mother although I don't have a place to put it. She died when I was four. I carried so many heavy things to my car yesterday that I had to take a Vicodin last night. There's a Goodwill close to my house and one close to DH's memory care, so eventually it will leave my car.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2022

    Until a couple of years into puberty, I was so thin that the pediatrician would have my mom put Poly-Vi-Sol into my OJ & Pepsi so I could get the nutrients he feared I didn't get sufficiently from food. She'd sent me across the street to the luncheonette/soda fountain with instructions to the owner to make sure I drank the entire malted (including the excess remaining in the steel mixer cup) and ate the accompanying cookie. (When puberty began at age 10, so did my appetite, and I suddenly loved to eat without consequences). I remember my mom buying me a new skirted suit & blouses for the High Holy Days, and the tailor having take in the cuffs because my wrists were so tiny. (That's how I know I am small-framed, which came back to bite me in the form of osteoporosis). I got called all those names: stringbean, beanpole, skinnimarink, Bony Maronie, etc.

    Then just before 13, my metabolism ratcheted downward; and (except for a bout of anorexia during postpartum depression), I've struggled with overweight (or science & fashion's definition of overweight) all my post-puberty life. I too am a lifetime WW member (since sr. year of high school) and have tried every iteration of it, from the original strict Jean Nidetch version to the next one that allowed whole grains, liquid skim milk, mandated unsaturated fats and lowered protein protein sizes; then the first "points" version, etc. I won't go back, because the points system still demonizes fat content and treats all carbs the same (the points algorithm balances fat, fiber and calories without regard to source of carbs).

    Last night we went to Eataly for dinner. DsOTD were Ferrari Brut (Trentino/Alto Adige mostly-chardonnay sparkler, drier and bubblier than prosecco) with antipasto, and a Sicilian Nero d'Avola Etna Rosso with entree. Had my coffee at home: a decaf cortado.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited October 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! I'm planning to veg around the house today. I went into the office yesterday and got all the new employee files put together and a bunch of filing caught up and that has taken a lot of the pressured feeling off. It's just one of those process things that is really hard to do with frequent interruptions. It was really nice to have the office to myself, turn on some tunes and be able to run back and forth to the printer/scanner as needed without worrying about interrupting anyone doing something time sensitive or having to wait for a big print job to finish. I didn't take the puppers with me yesterday, they had muddy feets and were really wound up with the wrestling and chasing, and I was afraid it would be more distracting than fun to be trying to deal with while trying to work. Good thing I didn't take them, I had stuff all over the office floor while I was sorting and processing! It would have been a disaster!

    Wren--this must be such an emotional time for you. And so much hard work, moving and clearing out a home. Hugs and prayers.

    Teka--good point.

    Chi--isn't it amazing what effect hormones have on metabolism and appetite?


    Moving Swiftly


    • 1 ¾ oz. Bruichladdich Unpeated single malt scotch, or blended Irish whiskey
    • ¾ oz. American Fruits Sour Cherry Cordial
    • ¾ oz. Giffard Wild Elderflower Liqueur
    • ¾ oz. lavender-infused agave syrup (recipe below)
    • 3 dashes bell pepper puree (recipe below)
    • Garnish: 1 lavender sprig


    In a shaker, combine all ingredients with ice and shake hard for 25 seconds. Double strain over fresh ice into a Collins glass. Garnish with lavender sprig.

    To make lavender-infused agave:

    Heat 1 ½ cups of raw agave and 1 ½ cups of water over medium heat until well combined. Remove from heat, add 2 teaspoons of dried lavender flowers, and stir. Let steep for 1 hour. Double strain into a glass container and keep refrigerated for up to five days.

    To make bell pepper purée:

    Puree 3 red bell peppers and ¾ cup of water in a blender on high for 2 minutes. Double strain into a small bitters bottle. Keep refrigerated for up to two days.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2022

    Wren, surely you will find a spot for your mom. Would you mind sharing the picture? I would love to see it. And I'm so sorry you lost her at such a young age. Do you remember her? I can't even imagine growing up without my mom. Hugs to you and good luck finding a special place for her.

    NM, nice that you got to work to get some needed stuff done in a quiet, no interruptions atmosphere. Hopefully it was a paid day! Ya, probably not a good idea to take the kids! Interesting cocktail!

    Well, this time around the steroids don't have me going like the energizer bunny, only keeping me from sleeping when I'm so tired. Laid down today to try a nap, I was so so tired, but nope, not happening. Laid there for an hour. Went to bed at 6 and was able to go right to sleep, but up quite a bit during the night. Finally got up around 3:30! Lots of rain here yesterday and this morning, glad I don't have to go out!

    ISN'T THAT THE TRUTH! I was in Lowe's earlier this week and ALL the Xmas stuff is out! 3+ months of Xmas!


  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited October 2022

    Today is the ACS Making Strides walk in Denver! My team is representing Stand Tall - an aesthetic flat closure advocacy group. Out and proud flatties and unis! While breastless women went topless in plenty of other walks, Denver will be overcast and in the low 50's. I don't think we'll be going topless today. 🥶

    Other than the temps, it should be fun. They've got a whole festival going on for it too!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2022

    Mirianda - have fun at the walk. Are you doing the More than Pink walk next week. Kind of disappointed that it is only 1.5 miles and at Civic Center Park. I got my T-shirt and thinking I may just do my regular Sunday walking. Too much of a hassle to park near the park.

    Couldn't fall asleep last night. Got into bed around 11:30. After about 75 minutes still awake, when to the sofa. Still couldn't fall asleep so at M and Ms and seltzer. Finally awake at 3 got into bed, not sure how long it took to fall asleep and woke up at 6:05

    Grocery shopping, get DH birthday present and get ready for the last two days of the fall holidays tomorrow and Tuesday

    Have a great Sunday

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited October 2022

    Karen, I just can't bring myself to support Komen. I know they overhauled their board and all, but they still have a nasty reputation among legal circles. It's just ... yeah nah. If you decide to brave the traffic, I hope you have a great time.

    We had fun! It went a lot faster than we thought it would go. We got to meet some lovely fellow survivors and brought home loads of swag. Even the kids had fun. My eldest is non-binary, and they loved the drag performers who came out to cheer us on. 💃🕺

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2022

    Backache and ingrown toenail (I've messaged my podiatrist), plus dealing with Happy's touchy tummy, kept me from doing anything fun or useful yesterday.

    DODT: with our "leftovers-plus" dinner last night, I was looking for a Chianti to Coravin--the only one we have upstairs is a magnum, and was not about to scrounge around the cellar. In the dining room rack next to a few other reds, I saw a dusty bottle of a 2009 Barolo--which was a perfect match for the leftover ribeye. It was fantastic!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2022

    Miriandra - I hear you about Komen. I used to volunteer for the local affiliate, but don't donate the the national office. My favorite BC organization is They are the only ones who all the $ goes to metastatic research. The registration was free for the walk and survivors got a free T-shirt. I made an appointment several weeks ago to donate blood at the same time as the race. Swag is nice, but too much of a hassle to reschedule blood donation and that is a priority.

    Got my Covid booster and flu vaccine. Had to go to 2 different pharmacies as the one I made the appointment with was out of the 65+ flu vaccine. I was able to get both in the same arm. The pharmacist who gave me the Covid booster suggested I take 2 "tylenol" when I get. home and repeat every 6 hours so that's what I will do. Need to bake DH birthday cookie for tomorrow and make lunch for tomorrow - oven "friend" breaded (with ground up pretzels) Tilapia, rice and salad.

    Cool and gray out, but appreciate the cooler weather. Warming up. to 70s tomorrow.

    Have a great Sunday

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited October 2022

    I like Metavivor too. I hadn't heard of them until recently, but I really like their mission.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2022

    Good rainy afternoon from New Mexico friends

    After a nice weekend of fall weather, the rain returned last night and will be with us through tomorrow. The saying here with one of our local meteorologists is "no complaining when it's raining." There were some storms that rumbled through last night and brought lots of heavy rain. Today it's been more off and on and a light soaking rain. This round of rain had me looking at our drought map updates and was reviewing the conditions since April of this year, then at the start of June when the monsoonal rains started, and now with more rain here in October (monsoons technically ended end of Sept and most of what we are getting now is coming off the pacific). Anyways, the good news is that we have gone from exceptional drought to more of a category of dryness since June so it's really helped. It also appears to be snowing up in the northern mountains which is not unusual to start happening here in October (I know Karen knows about snow coming in the early fall to the Rockies). I like the rain and glad to see it sticking around. I hope the winter brings some good moisture too, we still need a lot here to recover from the long cycle of drought out here in the west.

    Finally got to see a dermatologist this week after having a referral put in the summer of 2021! Saw a fourth year resident followed by an attending. Got some cremes for some things and a few things frozen which are now getting a bit red. This should be my last planned medical trip for 2022 (note I said planned....)

    Been dealing with a minor cold this week, tested for Covid and nothing going on there. Fall crud going around and many getting larangytis with this bug. As a result, I didn't get my flu shot on friday at the work flu clinic but will get it after I am sure I am through this. Not supposed to get any vaxes if you are not feeling well. Lots of fluids and naps are helping this weekend.

    Wren- my heart goes out to you on all the change you are going through right now. I hope your husband is getting good care in new memory care home. Trying to move out of the home and trying to decide what to take or donate is a very emotional. I think taking the memory of your mother with you is a good idea, even if you store it in a closet to start. Sometimes it is just good to take things and store them for a bit so you can sort through them later. Sending you much love sister.

    Karen- hope you don't have any problems with the updated covid vaccine. This last one I had end of Sept kicked my butt for a week, but kept trucking on through.

    Goldie- hope your latest round of treatment is doing the job and not making you feel under the weather. I bet you are getting this rainy weather too.

    Ill- how is your new location coming along? Maybe a bit cooler out there now.

    NM- love that you are still doing the Women and Wine gatherings. Your mom seems to muddle along and it's good you are around to keep an eye on things.

    ChiSandy- those fish and chips were so good. I have not had any in awhile and that brewery they do those is near my house. I often get their street tacos but went for the other and the portion got huge!

    MinusTwo- hope things are going well your way and that you are enjoying some good music.

    Time to get a nap in before I wrap up for the weekend. I have been watching HBOs House of Drago which is a prequel to Game of Thrones and actually like it even better (love the actors in this one) and up tonight starts the Vow Part 2.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited October 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! The puppers and I had a lovely lazy day yesterday, and I'm ready to head in to the office and tackle the pile of work that is waiting for me. Gots lots to do before the end of the month, but I'm pretty sure I can get it all done now.

    Goldie--I'm on salary, so I won't get any extra pay for the day, but I can, and probably will, leave the office early one or two days this week to make up for the Saturday time. Even if I don't take the comp time, the feeling of being back in control and on top of the work is worth the time put in. I'm sorry to hear the steroids aren't giving you the energy boost you were hoping for, and are interfering with sleep to boot. It sounds like you aren't dealing with nausea? That would be very good. And the Christmas stuff up already, way, way too soon! Pretty soon we are going to lose Halloween, Veteran's Day, and Thanksgiving as it will be all rolled into early Christmas.

    Mirianda--I've just been reading about the issues around aesthetic flat closure after mastectomy. It never ceases to amaze me how arrogant surgeons can be, thinking they know what a woman wants to the point of ignoring a woman's stated choices. It does sound a bit chilly to be going topless. I admire the women who do have the courage to go topless, not sure I could ever do that!

    Karen--not being able to sleep is so hard, I hope you find a workable fix for that very soon.

    Miriandra--so glad you had a good time, and the kids, too!

    Chi--What a wonderful surprise find!

    Karen--good for you for getting your shots taken care of! I hope the tylenol trick works to keep the aches and pains away.

    Jazzy--glad to hear about the drought conditions moderating. Wow, that dermatology referral took a long time! Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well, but glad it's not Covid. I'm afraid we are in for quite the flu season this year, and it's going to be a pain in the anatomy with the Covid precautions still in place at work. But, it's keeping people who are sick out of work, which is a good thing. The idea that someone can have symptoms requiring not working and reporting to the company's infection control team being allowed to go back to work the next day just because a test has me shaking my head. If you are sick, stay home! Just because it's not Covid doesn't mean you can't make someone else sick with whatever it is you have!


    3 oz. (90ml) Hpnotiq

    2 oz. (60ml) Kinky Pink Liqueur

    2 oz. (60ml) Vodka

    1 oz. (30ml) Lemon Lime Soda


    1. In a shaker with ice, pour Hpnotiq and shake well to chill. Pour into a martini glass.

    2. Rinse the shaker and pour in Kinky pink liqueur, vodka, lemon lime soda and ice. Stir.

    3. Layer pink layer over blue layer, carefully.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2022

    Karen, I think you are running yourself ragged! Is the birthday cookie a huge one? What kind of cookie?

    Miriandra, glad you had a nice time on your walk.

    Sandy, hope you are feeling better today.

    Jazzy, we got rain Saturday and it rained all day yesterday. Thought we were going to have to start an ark! I hope you are feeling better today.

    NM, nice that you can leave a little early to make up for your Saturday time. All of this early Xmas stuff just takes away from what CHRISTmas is really about, IMHO.

    The energy hit me yesterday late morning, but by afternoon I crashed. Laid down but couldn't sleep. But it's ok, I can deal with that! And no, NO NAUSEA, and I can DEFENIATELY deal with that! I get dexamethazone (sp) right before my infusion, along with the steroids, then I take 2 more of those for 2 mornings following chemo (with food). Been a little chilly, so I sparked up the pellet stove to take the chill off.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2022

    Ha ha, was just looking at the DOTD. Kinky Pink Liqueur! I had to look it up. Fruit flavored vodka. So the drink sounds pretty yummy, fruity, but yummy!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2022

    Lori, I hear you about losing the meaning of Christmas. Imagine if suddenly Hanukkah, Passover, Sukkot and the High Holy Days were suddenly secularized and commercialized to the same extent as Christmas. It'd infuriate me to see commercials urging everyone (regardless of faith) to pig out at McDonald's on Yom Kippur eve--"You deserve a break today, 'cause food tomorrow? Hey, no way!" Or urging everyone to set up & decorate tents in their backyards so they can dine semi-alfresco for Sukkot. I have no problem saying "Happy Holidays" and sending "Season's Greetings" cards, but I'll tiptoe around actual Christmas because I'm not Christian. I always felt conflicted about singing religious Christmas carols and even Masses in my college & vocal conservatory choirs--as a non-believer, it felt like a form of cultural/spiritual appropriation. We have a tree because Bob's Catholic and my HK loves to decorate it--but we put a star & not an angel on top. (It was adapted from pagan customs anyway).

    I'd been told to wait on the Tylenol or NSAID until the vaccine side effects kick in, so that's what I did. I'm still wearing my mask while shopping or on transit, as there are a couple of new subvariants (more transmissible & antibody-evading) beginning to circulate. BQ.1 and 1.1 are now 11.7% of reported infections, and along with 2.75.2 may outcompete BA.5 (currently down to 62%) before December. (Chicago has begun to analyze wastewater samples for variant genomes). I'm not gonna be one of the first to be infected by the "new guys" if I can at all help it. If an asthmatic like me can sit for hours wearing a mask and able to sing enthusiastically (and for 10 hours from exiting my NYC hotel room till walking out of my home CTA train station), pretty much anyone without crippling claustrophobia can wear one in the grocery or on the bus.

    I wish I could donate blood. I was told that anyone whose cancer can metastasize through the bloodstream rather than lymph system--e.g., my form of melanoma, which tumor is highly vascular--is banned from blood donation for life, even donating during critical blood shortages or for a close relative.

    Last night we went to an early (5pm) dinner at Bistronomic. DsOTD: Lanson Brut NV Champagne, and Louis Jadot Pinot Noir (generic Burgundy). Bob was pretty wiped out after donating blood that morning without having adequately hydrated. Tonight with leftovers? Dining alone, so probably just a can of Bubly and a decaf cappuccino.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited October 2022

    Hello to all. Long, long time since I was last here. All good here. Impossible to catch up with all the unread posts at the present time, so will just try to come back more often.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2022

    Welcome back, celia!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited October 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday! Long day at work today, the Home Health Aid monthly education meetings are this afternoon/evening. I've already explained to the puppers that tonight will be a late night, they don't seem to be paying much attention to the whole thing, but I bet I'll hear about it tonight when I get home! We're also getting a boatload of rain this ayem, with another wave coming in this peeyem. Safe to say, no more drought conditions around here.

    Goldie--I'm going to take advantage of being on salary and go in to work later tomorrow, so I can lounge in bed a bit longer. And I may leave early, we'll see how things are going. I'd really like to work from home tomorrow, but the company lap top is soooo sloooow that it isn't practical. Glad to hear you got the steroid energy boost, finally, but the NO NAUSEA is even better!

    I've seen Kinky Liqueurs, but haven't had the courage to actually buy one yet. It does sound fruity and I do like fruity drinks!

    Chi--I've always been amused by the whole "I can't wear a mask because I'm claustrophobic (or whatever)" or "because I don't want to keep breathing in the carbon dioxide" knowing that healthcare workers have been wearing masks for entire shifts for decades, in the OR, for instance, isolation rooms, and, of course, just working during COVID. HCWs not taking flu shots have had to wear masks the entire time they are working for years and there have been no reports of people dying or passing out because of the mask. If wearing a mask was really that dangerous, the healthcare industry would not have any workers! I've often imagined one of the anti-makers going into surgery seeing some of the staff not masked, and being told that person can't wear one for whatever reason, and can't be made to wear one during your surgery while your insides are exposed to the outside, and see how they feel about making then.

    Celiac!!!Hey there!Good to see you!You know the rule--no ketchup necessary, just jump in! Glad all is going well for you.

    OK, not the kind of steroid given with chemo, but looks fun anyway!

    Anabolic Steroid recipe

    Anabolic Steroid Ingredients

    Pour blue curacao into a shot glass, followed by midori then vodka. Serve.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2022

    Sandy, you make a good point about other holidays bombarding the stores! I can't even imagine! It's getting to the point where they might as well leave the stuff up year around! No blood donating for me.

    Welcome back Celia! Like NM said, just jump in!

    NM, awesome you can work from home, but bummer that the slow computer keeps you from doing that. Just about everyone I know who works from home, gets more done at home than in the office.

    Knock on wood, re chemo! SE's were even more mild this time around, no fatigue really to speak of just mild things from the steroids! I'll be leaving tomorrow morning for Moab, hoping to get out of here by 9. It'll take me about 6 and 1/2 hours to my friends house, then another hour up to their cabin in the mountains. I'll be home late afternoon/early evening Monday and back here Tuesday morning. Looking forward to the fall colors and HOPING I get to see Bobbie the bobcat. So far he has not returned yet. He usually shows up sometime during the last couple of weeks of Oct.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2022

    Lori - part of my problem is taking 7 days off for holidays, (plus 2 sick days) working shorter weeks and needing to get everything done. IEP are legal documents and I have to see kids - so if I'm absent I have to find another time. Hopefully now that the holidays are over it will be better. Birthday cookies is big maybe 4" circular or a little bigger - used to make cookie pan size but no longer - I just made a giant cookie and flattened it out - snickerdoodle and then made about 2 dozen more cookies.

    Found out my new assignment after this one ends. I'm at this school through November 1st - then I'm headed to a 6-12 school. It's a vacancy - the school psych quit - so I'll be there till the position is filled - we have no school psych applicants so they will fill it with a social worker. My friend who does the float assignments said it will be a doozy!! My biggest complaint is the hours will be 8-4. I've been spoiled working 7-3 and home before 3:00. This school is near downtown so traffic will be worse, plus its a little farther from my house - won't be home till 4:30. I much prefer the early hours. They moved middle and high school start times till 8:30 or 9 and moved elementary earlier.

    Thankfully no side effect from either shot.

    Oncologist office called today. All good cancer wise, but he is concerned with my elevated Calcium, so he wants to run more labs. I go Thursday after work. I had my parathyroid labs in June and they were somewhat elevated which prompted a referral to endocrinologist. She ran 24 hour urine with calcium and it was within normal limits. Don't remember what labs nurse said oncologist wants to run. It's always something!!!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited October 2022

    Weird, my post just disappeared. Karen, are you in any pain? I'm sorry about your elevated calcium. It seems like there is always one more thing to worry about, right?

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2022

    sunshine- thanks for asking. No pain.

    Lori- here are the cookies. imageimage

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited October 2022

    Karen, good to know. I was having a lot of pain before my Stage IV diagnosis. My calcium was also elevated. It's within normal range now, but it was "concerning" at the time. MO wanted me to stop calcium supplements.

    Your cookies look yummy!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited October 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! I was just sitting down to read and respond here yesterday ayem when the on call nurse needed a visit added to a schedule, so I broke out the work laptop and, very slowly, worked my way through that. By the time the laptop got done with me it was time to head in to the office. I can literally write faster than that laptop can process typing. Oh well, at least I have the ability to do those things from home with it, and it's still quicker than driving to the office to get on the computer there.

    The puppers say Hi to everyone, and give every one big lickes.

    Karen--Adjusting to changing work hours is hard! Going from 8 to 3:30 to 8 to 5 took me some time. I do have to admit I liked the earlier quitting time better! Glad to hear you had no side effects from the shots. Good luck with the lab work. It does always seem to be something, doesn't it?

    Morning, Sunshine!

    Karen--nice looking cookies!

    The Snickerdoodle


    1 oz. (30ml) Irish Cream

    ½ oz. (15ml) Butterscotch Schnapps

    ½ oz. (15ml) Amaretto

    1 oz. (30ml) Half & Half

    Rim: Sugar, Cinnamon

    Garnish: Cinnamon Stick, Cherry


    1. Rim edge of glass with a mix of sugar and cinnamon.

    2. In an ice filled glass combine irish cream, butterscotch schnapps, amaretto and half and half. Shake to combine.

    3. Strain into ice filled glass and garnish with cinnamon stick and cherry.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2022

    Good morning - nothing much to report since yesterday morning. Glad all is okay Kim, missed you yesterday. A little worried about the labs, but it will be what it will be. As i said, not sure what is being drawn. Will keep you posted.

    Have a great Thursday

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited October 2022

    Quiet day here. The last post is from me early this morning before work. Kind of long post below.

    A little bit worried and a little bit scared. I went for the additional labs my oncologist wanted done and asked what they were - of course I had to check out Dr. Google. Sure hope my oncologist is being overly cautious. He ran PTH, PTH peptides and ionized calcium. My poor left vein has so much scar tissue that last week and today, no blood would flow so using my right (BC side/lymph node removed) for blood draw. My blood calcium has been elevated for a couple years - at my physical in June, my PCP ran Vit D and parathyroid levels. Parathyroid was slightly elevated so referral to endocrinologist. Endocrinologist did a 24 hour urine with calcium and it was normal. Endocrinologist didn't seem too concerned. Only change was that Prolia was for life. Only real treatment for hyperparathyroid disease is surgery but based on my levels it was indicated (happy to hear). But now I'm worried. Oncology nurse called Tuesday saying oncologist was worried about calcium level being elevated and wanted to run some more labs. So now its wait and see. As the endocrinologist said to me, you have so much. going on with you!!! But at this point no treatments. No family history of any of my diagnoses and the list keeps getting longer and longer.

    43 this morning but got to the high 70s. Gorgeous weather and the tree colors are beautiful. But work is freezing. I wear a fleece all day and still cold. I'm okay in sandals and bare legs, but my chest and hands freeze.

    Google meets with the SP and SW at my new assignment. The SP is the one who is leaving. I'm sure I will find out a ton of useful information. Winding down my time at the elementary school I've been at since April. It's been a great coverage. I've made nice connections with staff and students. The SP I've been covering for is coming back from maternity leave Nov 1st. I'm happy for her that she got to stay home for 6+ months with her baby and son.

    Sweet dreams and happy Friday

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304
    edited October 2022

    Karen - my calcium is also high. And I'm also just had Prolia # 13 - likely forever. After several reviews, my endocrinologist & the heart doc agreed that it was more critical that I didn't break a bone than bring down the calcium. Hope it turns out the same for you.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2022

    Karen, I was wondering if your MO might want you to get a heart scan, as elevated calcium can contribute to arterial plaques. That's why my MO had me ditch the supplements a couple of years ago (and my D levels were also quite high, almost to toxic); but since the osteoporosis dx last month I resumed taking both (together in Citracal Petites). Going for a CMP + D level again next week; if both are still too high I will stop the supplement till I see the endocrinologist in January. Elevated calcium could also be a sign that osteoporosis is progressing. BTW, my first thought when I saw that giant cookie was not "snickerdoodle," but rather "Passover egg kichel on steroids." Cameras do play tricks...

    Tuesday night I made fish, so the DOTD was Macon-Villages (the remainder of the bottle Bob had opened last week). Also, a cortado made with a Pumpkin Spice Nespresso capsule. Last night was Bob's birthday, and he surprised me by saying he wanted to go to Calo--his usual haunt on nights when I'm too busy or not home to cook and unavailable to join him for dinner out. It's an Italian restaurant in Andersonville (one neighborhood south, where we lived for 7 years before we bought this house), which used to be an old-school "red-sauce joint" until the owner's son decided to take it upscale when the neighborhood became trendy. We've been going there since we could just walk up the block, a couple of years before Gordy was born--nd he'll be 38 a week from tomorrow. It's become so wildly popular that if we don't have a reservation we might have to sit at the bar (but the manager always seems to find a table for "Doc" and me, as he did last night). We had seafood entrees--so Bob had a glass of Pinot Grigio and I a split of Moet Brut Imperial (cheaper there than generic Prosecco elsewhere). My after-dinner drink was a decaf espresso and Bob's, a glass of limoncello.

    Breakfast coffee was Metric "En Masse" light roast (Metric roastery is located down in Fulton Mkt. in the W. Loop restaurant district). This afternoon, a caramel latte made with a Nespresso caramel capsule and equal parts unsweetened vanilla almond milk and unsweetened "zero-sugar" Silk oat milk (fewer carbs than even FairLife whole milk). With dinner (Bob "hunter-gathered" a chicken, Caesar salad and a bottle of Duckhorn "Decoy" Red (not sure what varietals--the label doesn't list them) the aforementioned Decoy. (Opened, not Coravined, the bottle, as Bob made it clear he wanted more than just a 2-oz. "trickle").

    Going to the Palm tomorrow with the kids to celebrate both my guys' birthdays.