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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2022

    Good morning friends- happy Halloween! Couple quick notes before I dash off to work on this goulish morning.

    MinusTwo- our reteat will be on the big island in the Kona area. I have done a yoga on the big island before, back in 2007 and this will actually be my third time on that island (which is my fav). I was there last in 2013 with my sister and her partner after my sister and i came through cancer treatment that year. This is a yoga teacher I have known for 20 years and have yoga retreats with her to Costa Rica and Italy, as well as several here in the state to several really nice locations. I have not done a bigger trip with her since 2009 and my roomate from the CR retreat and going to be my roomate again! We are going in a day early and flying out a day later and will have some beach time on both ends. Whoot!

    NM- your mother and mine were from a generation that always worried about what other people would think. My mother always had a comment about the way I lived my life and would rattle off all the people who would be seeing something about it that would reflect badly on her. What will I say to my friends about this? What none of them realize is other people are not all that interested in what we are doing. It's also their opportunity to judge us which I know my mother was always ready to do with me. Anyways, big hugs sister and remind your mom people don't get fired from their jobs because there are some dishes in the sink or some laundry in a pile waiting to be done.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2022

    Jazzy, we have been a little colder than you, temps have dipped into the high 20's at night. Glad you got a "decent" review. And kudos to you for planning retirement. Yoga retreat in HI sounds wonderful! And some beach time to boot! Sorry about your friend, cancer sucks! As for the French toast, sounds yummy, but too sweet for my taste buds.

    Minus, I hear ya on the screaming muscles. It doesn't take much does it! Mine are my calves.

    NM, glad Colt didn't far! Oh dear, lose your job? I had no idea one could lose their job due to a messy house...LOL! 4 phones? Oh dear! And good luck with TG! I like checking out the ingredients to some of our drinks, blue pea flowers?

    I'm off to the dentist for a cleaning this morning. Managed to haul 6 bags of pellets to the porch yesterday. I load 2 bags at a time on the front of my quad, drive to the porch and then carry in the house. Well to the enclosed porch.


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited October 2022

    Good morning, everyone and happy Halloween!

    NM, what a crazy story! Sorry about your phone getting shut off and worrying your mom!

    I took a spill this weekend, tripping over a high threshold. Bruised my knees and thought I had broken my toe. I think it's OK but my toe is now a lovely shade of purple!

    I bought a new cookbook - "The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day." I'm super excited about it. There's no kneading involved. Just make a batch of "master dough" and store it in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Grab the amount you want, shape it, let it rest and then bake it. I made my first loaf yesterday. The outside had that beautiful crispy exterior. The inside was a little bit dense, but my dough may have been a little too dry. I can't wait to make more and try to perfect my technique.

    Now the question is, what wine goes the best with fresh bread? I'm partial to merlots, but I'm willing to try different types until I find the perfect combo! hahaha!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited November 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! Welcome to November! Nothing much exciting going on yesterday. Things are settling into a routine at work. I wish one of our area VPs would loosen the apron strings a little and stop sending multiple emails about everything reminding us what needs to be done. It really took up a lot of time answering her emails on top of the regular emails about the same items, that already get forwarded to me by at least 2 other people. We are all getting drown in emails! I've got some filters set up but need to figure out a lot more to get this mess under control. I really appreciate that she cares enough to write all these emails to help us keep up and not miss anything, I really do, but please, give me a chance to do the work in between emails!

    Jazzy--Mom has always been very focused on what other people think, and does the same thing with me, talking about how badly it reflects on her, which trips one of my guilt buttons, one she programmed decades and decades ago. I don't bother to respond to most of Mom's rants and raves about how my housekeeping is embarrassing to her, the less I respond the quicker she moves on to something else. The Sherriff's Deputies were pretty understanding about aging parent issues and I'm quite sure they aren't going to go talking to everyone they know about Arline's daughter's housekeeping. The beach time around the retreat sounds wonderful!

    Goldie--Yeah, Mom thinks I'll lose my job when they find out that I'm a bad housekeeper from a couple of Sherriff's Deputies that never came into the house, have no idea who my mother is or where I work, and now she's totally embarrassed and can't face her friends, who won't know anything about this unless she tells them, and how bad it makes her look. Just SMH. I've seen recipes using blue pea flowers for the color changing effect. Never seen it in a store or anywhere, not sure if it has any taste or just used for the color. Good for you getting the pellets hauled to the porch, no matter how you did it!

    Sunshine--the story would be a lot funnier if it weren't the fourth or fifth time she's sent the Sherriff's out to check on me. If she can't get hold of me she immediately decides that I've fallen down the stairs and broken my neck and died, or the house burned down and I died, or I got sick from the messy house and died. She can imagine a million scenarios. With Colt being a Rottweiler, her newest is "in in his genes to be violent" and attacks and kills me. In my opinion, the best wine to go with fresh baked bread is what ever wine you like best! Have fun taste testing and experimenting. You could also try putting a pan of water in the oven while the bread is baking. Or putting a knife slash or two across the top before baking to give the bread more rising room, that will make it less dense.

    Fairy bread martini

    • 8 Ingredients
    • 5 Method Steps
    • 120g white chocolate, chopped
    • 2 slices white bread
    • 2 tbsp mixed coloured sprinkles
    • Red gel food colouring, to tint
    • 6 ice cubes
    • 185ml (3/4 cup) thickened cream
    • 80ml (1/3 cup) Baileys Irish Cream liqueur
    • 60ml (1/4 cup) vodka
    • Select all ingredients
    • Step 1
      Place 2 serving glasses in the freezer to chill. Place 50g chocolate in a small microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on High for 40 seconds or until melted and smooth. Set aside for 5 minutes to cool.
    • Step 2
      Spread 2 teaspoons of the melted chocolate over 1 side of each bread slice. Sprinkle 1 bread slice with 3 teaspoons of the sprinkles. Sandwich with the remaining bread slice, chocolate-side down. Use a 3cm round pastry cutter to cut 4 rounds from the sandwich. Thread sandwich rounds onto 2 toothpicks.
    • Step 3
      Use the food colouring to tint remaining melted chocolate pink. Transfer to a plate. Place remaining sprinkles on a separate plate. Dip the rim of each glass into the chocolate then in sprinkles to coat. Return glasses to the freezer until needed.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    Sunshine, sorry about the fall and glad it wasn't any worse. I always worry about falling. Having bone mets, I'm scared of breaking a hip, or something else. Nice you found a good bread recipe. I'm not a wine drinker, so I'll say the same thing as NM, whatever you like!

    NM, sounds like you've baked some bread in your time! Your mom, I'm SMH! You've dealt with it long enough, glad you can just let it roll. I just hope you don't lose your job! Bummer about all the emails, hopefully they can get it figured out.

    Teeth cleaning was uneventful. Teeth and gums are good. Is it almost summer yet??? Happy November from my OH SO CUTE Nora!

    May be an image of 1 person, child and outdoors

    May be an image of 1 person and child

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited November 2022

    Nativemainer, thanks for the advice about the wine. I was starting to stress over it (NOT!) I did, actually, put a pan of water in the oven and did the slash thing. My second loaf was better – unfortunately, because I finished the whole thing off last night! I did get a laugh over your mom, but then I just sighed. What's a daughter to do, right?

    Goldie, I hear you about being worried about falls. I have bone mets, too. I love the photos!

    Happy November 1st!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    Sunshine, I saw that you have bone mets, which is why I was glad it was only your toe that you hurt. Do you know which bones you have mets to? For me it's hips, groin, ribs, spine, jaw and skull, (that I know of)! I don't think I've had a scan in over a year.

    I have to share one more picture, pretty sure you guys don't mind! Nora is the closest thing I will ever have to a grand baby.

    May be an image of 2 people, child, people standing and outdoors

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited November 2022

    Nora is adorable and I will never tire of seeing her photos. Lovely costume (and warm).

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2022

    Nora is so precious!

    DOTD was a 2018 Ch. Graville-Lacoste (Graves)--mostly Semillon with some Sauv. Blanc & other white varietals. Crisp & dry, but lovely bouquet. It's one of our last wines from Broadway Cellars' "20 for $20" monthly tastings. Rather than Coravin it (tricky with whites that have been refrigerated because the corks are harder), I opened it and kept it cold at the table with "Corkcicle:" it has a rubber stopper atop a sealed 10" plastic "spike" filled with freezable gel. I keep it in the freezer and haul it out when we're drinking a white wine, then replace the regular cork before putting the bottle back in the fridge. I figure at our ages it's time to drink the good stuff rather than keep buying bargains from Costco or Whole Foods to "guzzle." White wines have less aging potential than reds.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited November 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Late Tuesday afternoon the powers-that-be decided to have an early ayem Wednesday. Yup, everyone get together at 7:30 ayem to "brainstorm" what's working, what's not working, how do we want to be functioning going forward, and what it's going to take to get us back up to full functioning, meaning able to admit patients within 4 hours of getting the referral, day or night, up to 4 admissions a day, and what we are going to monitor to keep us from getting back into the situation we just dug ourselves out of, with overloaded staff and not being able to give quality care because all we are doing is focusing on admissions. FYI, the Business Development staff get bonuses based on referrals generated, admission rates, while the clinical staff is either salaried (RNs, Social workers, chaplains, volunteer coordinator) or hourly (Home Health Aides, office staff). It's going to be a balancing act, but I think we got some good things in place to keep us from going off the deep end again. It's really nice to hear support from upper management for maintaining the balance and not just support growth. The Area Vice President kept bringing up the question of how are we going to ensure we are giving high quality care of our patients and families once we get them admitted, and we can't be admitting just to admit, we've got to be looking at the whole picture. It was quite the meeting, but I do wish it had started a bit later in the day!

    The Puppers say good morning!

    Goldie--I learned to bake bread from my Mom. For quite a while I rarely bought bread, I made my own. My current oven is very old and does not maintain steady heat, so things don't come out well most of the time, so I haven't been baking much for a while. Someday I'm going to get the electric stove replaced with a gas stove and probably will start baking more again. The email problem at work is universal across the company, everyone feels overloaded with emails, most communication is by email meaning there are a lot of long, long threads the develop during the day. The company uses Outlook, which is not the most user-friendly as far as organizing and managing email, IMO. Either that or the company has some of the better settings turned off. I've started setting up email rules that will shunt some of the repetitive, less important stuff into folder to look at later, but I'm afraid of missing something that is important. Then again, I'm missing important stuff as it is, particularly the notices/invitations to Team meetings and calls that come out minutes before the event. I hope I'll either adjust or figure out a way to manage emails better soon. Those are WONDERFUL pics of Nora!!!!!

    Sunshine--yeah, the problem with baking good bread is it's hard not to sit down and just eat it all up! I love trying new bread recipes, and the no knead breads are always a lot of fun. Yeah, I don't know what to do with Mom. Talked with her last evening, she now has FOUR phones, 3 cell phones and the landline I set up, and she swears NONE of them works. The newest is 3 DAYS OLD and she already hates it. The display is too small, she can't read it even with a magnifying glass. It's not loud enough when it rings. She can't get numbers programed in. So guess who is going over to Mom's this weekend to "help" her with her newest phone problems? I knew she was messing with a new phone, yesterday I got 6 calls from the same number, never anyone on the other end when I answered, just background noise of a very loud TV.

    Love the Nora pics, keep 'em coming!

    Morning, Wren!

    Chi--I have one of those "Corkcicle" things, too! It's wonderful for keeping a bottle at the coolness I like, which is a bit warmer than the fridge. Mine is stainless steel rather than plastic, and the top works as a pouring spout.

    Email & Old Fashioned Recipe - JangoMail | Your Email Your Way

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited November 2022

    goldie, I love the pictures! Keep them coming!

    My mets are to my ribs, spine, hip and femur. Had radiation to my hip and femur. The hip met pain was greatly reduced by the radiation, although I was thrown off by the word "palliative." Glad to find out it didn't mean the same thing as "hospice."

    Happy Thursday, everyone!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    Wren, Nora had 2 costumes this year. The other one was her "lamb" costume. Both very warm.

    NM, that's quite the early morning meeting! At least they are trying to fix things, and I'm hoping you can add to that. Please elaborate a bit more on your job. Well, not the job itself, but where you are. Do you handle things from an office or are you actually in a facility? Do you deal with both hospice and nursing home residents? Being on solar, I wouldn't be able to have an elec. stove. Hopefully you can get one soon. I still don't have one. Altho, I don't use the oven much, I sure miss the stove top! Often at times I need 2 or 3 burners! Good luck with mom and 4 phones! I think I know where this is going!

    Sunshine, glad the radiation helped with your pain. Oddly enough, I have really no pain! And "palliative" care has not been mentioned yet.

    The only bread I've baked was in a bread machine, and I gave that to my neighbor who moved up here and had nothing. If you remember her, cleaning the house of rodent droppings that her brother had left. YEARS of droppings, it was gross! She recently left with her mom to go live in WY and now the brother is there alone....AGAIN! Aye yi yi!

    Was supposed to get my washer today. Maytag is sending someone and they were coming from New Mexico. Driver called to say he would be here in about an hour. Well it rained ALOT, and then snowed. I told them I didn't think it was wise, and we should reschedule. Then he wanted me to meet him at the pavement so he could follow me in. I said I'm not going out in this. Then they text to tell me they were going to try anyways...WHAT? Then another guy calls me, I said they can try, but I would advise it. FINALLY he agreed with me. Not sure what time the driver left NM, but I think that is why they wanted to get it done.

    Thanks again for sweetness on Nora.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    Jumping in to post our Friday DOTD, giving NM a break. Plus it looked yummy and for fall. Cold and snowing here.....brrrrrr. How long before summer, I want to complain about the heat, not the cold!

    May be an image of drink, food and text that says 'Fall Margarita TEQUILA ORANGE LIQUEUR APPLE CIDER PEAR JUICE SALT & LIME CINNAMON STICK'


    • 2 oz 100% apple cider
    • 2 oz pear juice
    • oz gold tequila
    • 1 oz Grand Mariner or orange liqueur
    • Salt for glass
    • Simple syrup or lime wedge (to adhere salt to glass)
    • Ice
    • Cinnamon sticks for garnish


    1. Pour a 1/4" layer of salt on a small plate. Run a lime along the rim of your cocktail glass, turn glass upside down and gently press the rim into salt.

    2. Scoop ice into glass so that it is about 3/4 of the way full and squeeze the rest of your lime wedge over the ice.

    3. Combine liquid ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled with ice and shake vigorously for about 15 seconds.

    4. Strain ice and pour your Thanksgiving margarita into prepared cocktail glass.

    5. Finish with a whole cinnamon stick.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    A friend of mine (Connie), her daughter Amanda is in this beauty contest run by the Breast Cancer Foundation. They are down to the top 10 and she is currently in 1st place. I think after the top 10 they go to 5 and then to 3. You do not have to make any donations, you can cast a free vote daily through FB.

    Connie's mom has the 40 acres next to mine. She (Connie) used to live up here, but she's a city girl and now lives down in Phoenix near her daughter.

    Amanda Sutton | FabOver40 (


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2022

    Amanda is lovely, Lori.

    So you're freezing with snow--while Chicago had its third day in a row of highs over 70. (Last week we struggled to hit 50, 10 days ago we had flurries). 70 tomorrow too, but rain by evening.

    Walked to the new Sichuan restaurant, Chengdu Impression, that moved into B'way Cellars' old space. BYOB because they don't have a liquor license yet. So we brought an off-dry California gewurtztraminer (Oak Farm, from Lodi in the Central Valley). Even though we didn't end up getting anything spicy (which was why we'd planned on an off-dry wine), it still paired beautifully.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited November 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! Big long meeting day today. I feel pretty good that everything is ready for my part, but I'll find out for sure. Being a perfectionist and being responsible for things for the first time is a difficult combination!

    Sunshine--glad to hear the radiation helped the pain.

    Goldie--I work in the office primarily, but I do go out and make patient visits when the need comes up. We provide Hospice services to people in their homes and in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, group homes, and in the hospital. I manage a small team of nurses and am responsible for the Quality Improvement audits and projects and the Medicare Compliance audits (making sure we are meeting all of Medicare's rules, which apply to every patient, not just patient's with Medicare insurance, and I'm responsible for the Home Health Aid ongoing education. And I help answer the phone, help nurses manage their patients' care and solve care problems. Oh, I also maintain the employee files and make sure everyone stays up to date with professional licenses, drivers licenses, auto insurance, CPR, education requirements, annual TB screening, and the like. It keeps me busy and I really do like it. When I cook I often need 2 or 3 burners, too, although I've come to like more one skillet or one pot meals and am using the instant pot more and more as time goes by. And yeah, we all know where the phone thing is going with Mom. All I can do at this point is shake my head and share the stories with my brother and SIL. I think I remember you saying something about the neighbor's house cleaning. Sad situation. You would really think that delivery people would listen to the recipients, no one wants to delay the delivery of a new appliance, and wouldn't for trivial reasons.

    Ooh, that Fall Margarita looks so YUMMY!!! Thanks!

    Chi--Isn't the weather crazy this fall? We're breaking high temps all over the place here in Maine, and expecting to keep doing so through the weekend! Was the new restaurant a good experience?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2022

    Hi friends- TGIF. Waking up to a dusting of snow this morning, but parts of the state got a lot more. The west is cold and snowy but saw the east coast is going to be in the 70s this weekend. Go figure! I took the day off today to do some professional development training so today is about learning and less about working! Friday, pay day and then the weekend begins.....

    Got my latest home project done yesterday, some recessed lighting in the kitchen! I have been wanting to do this for awhile, and finally found the right people to do it. I had a dome light from the original construction which was never ideal, but kept it from the new construction until I decided what I wanted. After finishing some bigger upgrades last year into this in the kitchen (countertops and a new dishwasher you may remember), it was time to get this done. Need a bit of touch up paint around the vaulted celings but will wait until the painter comes sometime next spring to do that. Not getting up on that tall ladder, nope, nope, nope!

    Goldie- boy yesterday was not the right day to drive from NM to bring you your replacement washer. I heard western New Mexico got a ton of snow, and no doubt you got a lot too. I hope they can reschedule soon.

    NM- good luck with your meeting today. It sounds like you are liking your new job and some aspects of the work too!

    Time to get on line shortly for my day of training. Stay warm (or cool) depending on where you are!

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited November 2022

    Hi Ladies! Denver finally got a solid snow last night. The roads were plenty warn enough, so no accumulation on the streets, thankfully, and the trees are finally starting to drop their leaves. We have an enormous cottonwood in our back yard. This weekend might actually be a raking weekend.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    Sandy, you can throw some wind and rain in there as well. The temps in the mid west are great. My family in MI. are experiencing the same.

    NM, I was just unsure if you worked for one particular facility. I see now, you don't. But provide services for several. Thanks for clarifying. Awaiting anxiously to hear about the phone situation! Maybe you could tell her how embarrasing this is to you, and that if your friends find out, well who knows what they might think!!! J/K.

    Jazzy, I mostly got rain and quite a bit at that. Not only was it not really safe for the driver, but they mess up my road as well. It's bad enough as it is! Nice that you got the lights installed. I'm not in dire need for a washer, I can still use the other one. But I would sure like my stove/oven to come.

    No idea when that will get here, I got 2 texts yesterday on delivery. One for the 14th the other for 21st. We did get snow, but it was so wet from the rain that it didn't stick until later in the afternoon when it got colder. So it only looks like we got a dusting. Show Low, where I go shopping got almost 6".

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2022

    Chengdu Impression turned out to be far better than we expected. The space is brighter and more cheerful--and large enough to host banquets. We got there 45 min. before closing time and seated us with no problem. They're still in the "soft-open" stage but a good sign was that most of the people eating there were Asian. Though they don't yet have their liquor license, they had an ice bucket and offered us a corkscrew and wine glasses (but we'd brought our own GoVino glasses and the bottle had a screw cap). Because the actual menu didn't flag the spicy dishes (the online menu used a red font for them), we were sort of flying blind and ended up with three non-spicy but extremely delicious dishes: soup dumplings (which Bob had never before eaten), sole in black bean sauce with choi sum, and a whole tea-smoked duckling (less than half the price of Peking duck). Very reasonable prices too.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304
    edited November 2022

    Goldie - love your advice to NM to tell her Mom how embarrassing it is for her that her friends might hear about all the phones. LOL

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    Minus LOL, I couldn't resist! Of course it's best she say nothing.

    DOTD: Golden Phone

    Golden Phone Cocktail Recipe

    • 1 ounce blanco tequila
    • 1/2 ounce yellow Chartreuse
    • 1/2 ounce Lillet Blanc
    • 1/4 ounce crème de cacao
    • 1 dash Regans orange bitters

    Garnish: lemon twist, Luxardo cherries

    1. Combine all ingredients in a mixing glass with ice and stir until chilled.
    2. Strain into a Nick & Nora glass.
    3. Garnish with a lemon twist and two Luxardo cherries.
  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2022

    With Sichuan leftovers (and a quick stir-fry to supplement), the remainder of that Oak Farm gewurtz.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    Too quiet in here Loungettes! Where y'all at? Hopefully just out enjoying your weekend. Going to be nice here today, 67. I won't be here in the morning, heading out early for chemo and try to set up a time to get that darned port put in. Not looking forward to that! But then again, there are worse things, right?

    DOTD: Sunday Funday

    1/2 oz. (15ml) Vanilla Vodka
    1/2 oz. (15ml) Godiva Chocolate Liqueur
    1/2 oz. (15ml) 99 Bananas
    1/2 oz. (15ml) Amaretto
    1/2 oz. (15ml) Baileys (In the video I forgot to include it)
    heavy whipping cream
    Chocolate Syrup
    Whipped Cream

    1. In a mixing bowl, combine heavy whipping cream and a splash of irish cream. Whip well using a whisk.
    2. In a blender, combine vanilla vodka, chocolate liqueur, 99 bananas, and amaretto. Add ice and blend well.
    3. Drizzle chocolate syrup in the base of the serving glass and pour mix in. Top with more chocolate syrup.
    4. Add whipped cream, sprinkles, and top with a cherry.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited November 2022

    goldie, 99 bananas??? That's a lot of bananas! Oh, wait, is that a liqueur? I saw the ml measurement and guessed that I misread your original recipe. I don't think 99 bananas would fit in my blender. LOL I actually read the paragraph before I read the recipe list. Silly me!

    Good luck with your chemo tomorrow and hopefully you can get your port put in!

    Happy Sunday, everyone!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    Sunshine, good eye! I didn't really look at the ingredients, it just went with the day and looked yummy. Nope, 99 bananas are not fitting in my blender either! I won't be getting the port tomorrow, I just need to get it scheduled. I have to have it done in Phoenix, 4 1/2 hours from me and I only know 2 people that can pick me up, as they won't release me alone.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited November 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey day! Waking up to rain but still very warm for the time of year. This weekend was just wonderful, the puppers and I spent most of yesterday out on the deck, me reading and watching the pupper shenanigans. Spent most of Saturday with Mom, she was complaining that the new phone doesn't ring when a call comes in; I found that the ringer was turned off. So we are starting down the very same road we've traveled for each of the other phones. I don't think the landline is going to work out, she really gets hung up on the fact that it doesn't have a display to tell her who is calling, and I can't make her understand that pushing the speaker button doesn't make the phone louder, it only turns the speaker on and off, and hangs up the phone if she is on a call and doesn't pick up the handset first.

    The Friday meeting at work went just fine, the person who usually runs the meeting ran it as usual,. I kind of expected that would happen. It's fine with me either way.

    Jazzy--it sounds like the renovations and updating are coming along very nicely! Don't blame you for not getting up on the ladder for the painting, not at all! I am liking the new job. Enjoy the training day!

    Miriandra--No snow here, yet, not that I'm complaining. We do have lots of leaves down now, though.

    Goldie--I work for a Hospice agency, not for a specific facility. Too funny about me telling Mom how embarrassing her phone issues are when I tell my friends! It would go right over her head, though, I'm afraid. I do tell people about the phone problems, since they are hearing/seeing me get multiple calls from her when she isn't actually making calls and doesn't pick up. It's kind of a running joke amongst us these days, but we are all dealing with some form of Aging Parent Syndrome.

    Chi--sounds like the new restaurant is going to be successful!

    Morning, Minus!

    Goldie--LOL!!!!!!!!!! The Golden Phone!

    Love the Sunday Funday, too!

    Morning, Sunshine! Yes, 99 Bananas is a brand of liqueur, I've seen it in the stores. That would be one big bunch of bananas!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2022

    Saturday night, with a vegan non-breaded eggplant parm (that I made vegetarian by melting cheese atop it), a couple oz. of last week's leftover Barbera d'Alba. As David Rosengarten (early Food Network star) used to say, "tomatoes on my plate, Barbera in my glass." Last night we went out to The Barn steakhouse in Evanston. I started with a coupe of Nicolas Feuillatte champagne; with the steak, a 3-oz. Coravin pour of 2018 Emeritus Pinot Noir (Russian R. Valley). Bob had 2018 Massaya Le Colombier red blend (from Lebanon). What remained in our glasses at the end of the meal went with a cheese board we ordered as dessert. Gonna teetotal tonight. I did make a cappuccino by frothing (in the Aeroccino) "Nut Pods" unsweetened coconut/hazelnut vegan creamer, so I guess you could call that my DOTD.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited November 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! I had a fun time yesterday, I fell for a hack on Facebook and got my account hacked and had to spend a good amount of time and energy getting the account back. I thought I was pretty savvy to hackers and their tricks. Goes to show how anyone can get caught, I guess. So, to anyone thinking I have 8 Yorkie pupppies to give away for free, just pay a $150 re-homing fee, you are out of luck. I don't have the puppies, but someone out there is $150 poorer and the hacker is up by the same amount. After I told my puppers about what happened, they both looked at me as if to say "Silly Hooman. You don't need any more puppers than the 2 of us." Which is true.

    Mom has an appointment with a cardiologist this morning, and actually asked me to go with her! This is going to make life so much easier for me. In the past, she has gone to appointments, then called me up and asked me a million questions: "What did he mean when he said XYZ?" "What did that word that sounded like ABC mean?" "What was the medication he talked about?" I will actually be able to answer the questions (not to mention remembering the information) this time around!

    Chi--the steak and cheeseboard dinner sounds lovely!

    Moonlight Hacker


    How to Make It

    Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker with one chunk of ice. Strain into shot glass.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    NM, doesn't sound like anything was resolved with mom's phones! Glad you will be going with her to the doctor. As for the puppy sale, I've seen it on other groups on FB and it was actually on the news here yesterday morning. I posted on it, on your page, to let those that were commenting that it was a scam and explained how it worked. Within 5 minutes I got a private message from you that said "Good afternoon please I need a little favor from you?" I didn't answer. But now, don't show you having a FB page. Did you delete it? Maybe you blocked!

    Got my chemo, no issues, just a long day, almost 12 hours from the time I left the house and when I got home! I don't see any changes in TM's since starting this, however this will one was just the 3rd one. My TM's each went up again about 1000 each, I'm up in the 5000's now. Normal is like 35! UGH! Have a friend coming today to fix my water so I can drain it from the pipes in the house during winter if I go away. Which I will be in Dec. for 2 weeks. Don't want my pipes freezing and I can't heat the house for that long. Also a waste of money. I'll be glad when this election is over, sick of the ads on TV.