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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited October 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! I was lying in bed early this ayem cuddling with the puppers thinking it was Saturday. I was unhappily surprised to look at the clock (which shows the day of the week along with the time) to see Friday. Oh well, still got to do some cuddles before the alarm went off. I am looking forward to a sleep in tomorrow ayem, though!

    Karen--praying the lab work, whatever it is, turns out normal. Hoping the MO is being ultra conservative.

    Morning, Minus!

    Chi--Happy Birthday to Bob! Sounds like you had a good time at a favorite restaurant.

    Happy Birthday Martini



    • 1 teaspoon white sugar
    • 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
    • 1 fluid ounce pomegranate juice
    • 2 fluid ounces vodka (such as Tito's®)
    • 3 ice cubes
    • 2 strips lemon peel


    1. Pour sugar into the bottom of a martini glass; stir in lemon juice. Add pomegranate juice and vodka; stir well. Drop in ice cubes and garnish with lemon peel.

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited October 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Quiet in the HTL this weekend. Nothing exciting going on my world, working on getting a lot of audits done this weekend as I need to free up the weekdays for training this coming week. I went into the office yesterday for a few hours, going to be working from home today so I can play with the puppers in between charts.



    2 oz Don Papa Rum
    2 oz leftover coffee
    0.5 oz maple syrup
    Pinch of cinnamon powder
    Pinch of cocoa powder
    Pinch of salt

    Preparation: Combine all ingredients in your glass of choice. To enjoy cold, add a few cubes of ice and stir. Otherwise, nuke for a minute or so, then add a splash of coconut milk.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2022

    Weekend fun in Santa Fe






  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited October 2022

    jazzy, WOW!!! Those photos are amazing! Each one! I'd love to see that in person. Is the second photo your home? It looks lovely. Your meal looks killer. One thing I'm very grateful for is good Mexican food in San Diego, and in the Palm Springs area where we have a vacation home. It was the hardest thing about living in Maine from 1982-1984 not having Mexican food. We finally got one "Mexican" restaurant in Waterville before I left. It was a huge disappointment. Kind of like expecting Italian (which they did well) but getting Spaghetti-Os.

    Happy Sunday, everyone!


  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited October 2022

    Gorgeous sunset!

    I can't believe how mild Colorado's autumn has been so far. Usually we get a snow or at least a nasty cold snap. But we've had temps in the 70s-40s all month!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited October 2022

    Jazzy, New spot on my bucket list. I love all the Indian rugs and pillows. The food looks awesome. Thanks to Covid, I haven't been out for Mexican food for ages.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited October 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! I hope everyone had a good weekend and is heading into a good week. It's going to be a busy one at work, lots going on with getting all our internal systems in place and taking back all of our back office work along with quarterly Quality Improvement meetings and whatever else comes our way. But it will be very, very good to be up and running on our own and not depending on outside help.

    Jazzy, Beautiful pics! What a wonderful place!

    Morning, Sunshine!

    Miriandra--we're enjoying a mild autumn, too.

    Good Morning, Wren!





    Shake with ice and strain into chilled cocktail glass. Serve in a Cocktail Glass.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2022

    Karen, thanks for posting the cookies. What kind are they?

    Sunshine, high calcium levels are what landed me in the hospital when I was in MI. I was given an infusion of Zometa. I did have pain and also a drunk/dizzy feeling.

    NM, bummer about the slow work computer. What are the chances of getting a new/different one?

    Jazzy, a nice day in Santa Fe!

    LOL Sunshine....expecting Italian, but getting Spaghetti-Os.

    I'm home! Was up at the cabin and the plan was to head down Sunday afternoon around 3, as my friend had to work Monday, she works at the elem. school. Well, we woke up to 6" of snow and it was still snowing. So we left around 11. By the end of the day, we heard from some neighbors, they ended up getting a foot and a half! I did not get to see the bobcat, but pretty sure he showed up after that big storm! I'll post a pic of him, he's a big boy! If he returns this winter, it will be 7 years my friend has had him. Cold here this morning, 28. I am so not ready for winter....bah humbug!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2022

    May be an image of big cat

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited October 2022

    Goldie, DH and I are in Las Cruces and we’re going to spend today in Cloudcroft, NM but cancelled due to snow, I was not expecting that so early and like you, I’m not ready yet.

    Beautiful bobcat!

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited October 2022

    What a handsome fella! And the paws!! I know he'd shred my arm, but I want to scratch him right between the ears.

    I once saw an online conversation where someone posted an armadillo that liked to get its tummy scritched. Someone commented, "What a crazy world we live in when humans want to pet all the animals." Someone else replied, "What a wonderful world we live in when so may animals want to be petted."

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited October 2022

    goldie, what a great shot of the bobcat!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited October 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Training at work is going well, I finally got some answers about who is doing what (we are each going to do everything for our teams) and what I am and am not allowed to do (allowed to do it all, finally), and who is primarily responsible for what "extras" (I'm responsible for quality and performance improvement, Home health aide education, and maintaining employee files). I finally feel like a full member of the team! The puppers seemed pretty excited about it when I was telling them about it last night, too!

    Goldie--I'm going to agitate for a new, or at least newer, laptop for work after I get through all the things with deadlines between now and November 11th. Sounds like it was a good move to leave the cabin early, although it's too bad you didn't get to see the bobcat.

    Handsome fella!

    Morning, Illi! Sorry your plans got cancelled.

    Miriandra--Love that response!

    Morning, Sunshine!

    Pink Bobcat


    1.5 oz Vodka

    4 oz Orange juice

    1/2 oz grenadine syrup

    1/2 oz Lime juice

    1/2 oz Sweet and Sour mix


    optionally make fresh Lime juice you can squeeze the juice yourself (once squeezed, fresh juice lasts good about 12 hours)

    mix ingredients together

    fill glass

    Cheers ! Enjoy your drink !


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2022

    What a gorgeous bobcat!

    Well, today my DOTD is Pedialyte with a water chaser. Bob started having tummy bug symptoms on Sunday (but didn't tell me till late Monday aft. when he asked me to buy him Pedialyte). He's pretty sure he caught it at work Saturday at one of his hospitals. I was fine until midafternoon today, a couple of hours after having black coffee and an egg-topped slice of guacamole (prefab, from a "365" brand single) toast. Then all hell broke loose.

    Per Bob's advice, since there are three new subvariants going around, we both COVID-tested today (at one point he thought he might have been exposed at Union Health on Thursday, though GI distress hasn't been a symptom since Delta dawned in summer 2021). I tested first: negative. He tested when he got home tonight: also negative. So highly unlikely that it's anything other than gastroenteritis, because had he been exposed to COVID on Thursday he'd have tested positive by now, and norovirus has an even shorter incubation period. Therefore, no need for me to re-test.

    I'd say it was foodborne, since I had a lobster roll Sat. afternoon and leftover Costco chicken and green beans Sat. night.; Sun. night we ate Palm leftovers (he had his filet, I made more lobster rolls). But if it were foodborne we would both have gotten sick at the same time. I'd say norovirus (makes sense that I caught this tummy bug from him), but Montezuma's revenge and cramping (his was worse) were our only symptoms (and from my last bout of it in 2014 I recall noro having been a "full-GI-experience"). He was fine today, having had a big greasy Italian lunch and then chicken soup, and is back to having a cocktail or two. And neither of us had fever, headaches or respiratory symptoms. I felt well enough tonight to have some instant bone-broth-based coconut soup; might go for a slice of keto white toast later. (We have a very ripe banana, which I'd bought to help ripen our stubbornly-green tomatoes in a lunch bag, but the full BRAT diet--banana, rice, applesauce, white toast--is too carby and I hate raw bananas anyway--the smell alone sickens me even when I'm otherwise well. And I don't see the point of plain white rice with nothing on it).

    We're six weeks out from our bivalent boosters and a month past our flu shots. So who knows--maybe there's a new GI virus going around, with symptoms shorter-lived than noro-classic.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2022

    BabyGirl, what are you and DH doing in NM? Sorry about the canceled plans.

    Miriandra, he would no doubt shred anything he swiped at. My friend is a hunter and saves scraps for "Bobbie". He has a picture of himself holding some meat and Bobbie on his hind legs ready to snag it. I would not be that brave!

    Sunshine, I did not take the picture. It's actually a picture of a canvas that my friend gave me. He gave me two actually. I'll take a pic of the other one and share. He probably has 1000's of pictures of this cat!

    NM, glad things are coming together at work and the pups were even excited to hear about it! I sure hope you can get a better computer.

    Sandy, glad it's not Covid and hopefully you both will feel better soon.

    Went to town today for some groceries, since I was away. There is nowhere to stop on the way home from Moab. I can't believe how empty some things are on the shelf and the prices!!! Well, I guess I will go to bed. This is late for me, almost 9 pm!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2022

    Already feeling better. I did 3/4 of a "BRAT" meal (no rice--it wasn't "carb-worthy"): half a ripe banana broiled with vanilla and cinnamon, to make it taste like Foster without the ice cream; 1/3 c. unsweetened apple sauce with Penzey's "pie spice" mixture; and a slice of Healthy Life keto white toast. Back on track tomorrow.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited October 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Training got done yesterday, was fun to visit with everyone but really could have used the time better getting the quarterly report QI report ready. It took me until nearly 8 peeyem to get it to the point that I can finish it and get all the attachments out to everyone today. It won't be at totally complete report this time around, there is financial information that I don't have access to and the new Office Director hasn't learned how to access yet. The puppers have clearly communicated their feelings about my coming home from work late, and that is that I will get NO attention until I fill the din-din dishes. After that, I will be fully involved in petting, belly rubbing, and explaining the delay in din-din time. I guess that tells me where I stand in the household picking order!

    Chi--It sure does sound like DH caught something and shared it with you. At least it isn't lasing very long.

    Goldie--I discovered yesterday that I could just go online and order a new laptop. So I did! The person doing the training did that earlier this week, and yesterday it was listed as shipped, no approvals or anything needed! I'll check on the status of mine today and see what happens.

    The Late Night Reviver cocktail

    The Late Night Reviver



    Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker, shake well and pour into a glass over ice. Garnish with candied ginger and serve.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2022

    NM, glad you are getting a better laptop! Is work paying for it? It will be nice to work from home, but I'm sure you can't take advantage of it!

    Pretty quiet in here! Nothing to report on my end, other than it's cold! Did I mention, I hate winter! I know, it's not winter yet. It will warm up to 60, so I'm hoping to get motivated to get outside and do some things.

    DOTD: Bloody Vampire

    Spooky Cranberry Vodka with Dry Ice

    • 2 oz Vodka
    • 2 oz Cranberry Juice
    • Splash Ginger Ale
    • 1 Tablespoon Dry Ice]
    • Maraschino cherry for garnish
  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited October 2022

    Goldie, NM was a scouting trip, kind of. DH wanted to check out some BLM land in cloudcroft for future camping/boondocking and I wanted to stuff myself with Filiberto’s, which we haven’t had in about 15 years when passing through Arizona on the way back to see family and friends in California. We cut it short due to weather but I got my tacos! Plus we were in El Paso for treatment, so really only about an extra hour for the food and totally worth it for me, I prefer the California or Sonoran style Mexican food to “Tex-mex” any day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2022

    We are extraordinarily lucky here in Chicago to have not only lots of authentic Mexican (not "Tex" or "Cal") restaurants--owned and run by Mexicans--but also various regional (Mexican, not American) ones.

    Both of us feeling much better by yesterday. DOTD last night, with whitefish, was 2021 Spirito d'Italia Pinot Grigio. Quite dry, nothing special, but cheap at Whole Foods. No alcohol for me tonight, as Bob is working late and I'm dining at home alone.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited October 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! The meeting I was worried about yesterday went pretty well. At least the committee agreed with my proposed plan to address the survey response "issues" so that whole completely crazy auditing/education thing will be toned down to something realistic. And now I know how to go about handling this monstrosity for January in a way that will make way more sense. Good Lord, how I dislike micromanagement, even it if is supposed to be "helpful"!

    Goldie--work is paying for the laptop. And I'm not completely sure it will be a brand new one, I've been saying "new" as it will be new to me, but I don't know yet if it comes from a corporate supply or from the manufacturer. I'll find out soon, it is in "shipped" status! Working from home won't be a frequent option for me as one of the things I take care of is faxing/emailing copies of COVID and Flu vaccination cards to nursing homes and other facilities that now require proof of immunization for staff to be allowed in. That's protected medical info, so the copies of the cards have to be under lock and key x 2 (the file drawer and my office door) so I can't really bring them home. I am gradually compiling a digital file of copies that I would be able to access from home, but it's not complete enough, and a worker can't be standing outside a facility door for the half hour it takes me to get to the office to send in their card. It's getting to be quite a time-consuming process. It's getting cold here, too, I'm going to have to turn on the heat pretty soon, I think. Love the Bloody Vampire!

    Illi-- sounds like it was a good tip!

    Chi--glad to hear you are both feeling better!

    Image may contain Cutlery and Spoon

    The Conference Cocktail


    1/2 ounce Rittenhouse 100 Rye

    1/2 ounce Bourbon, such as Buffalo Trace

    1/2 ounce calvados

    1/2 ounce cognac, such as Hine

    1 teaspoon demerara syrup

    2 dashes Angostura bitters

    1 dash Bittermens xocolatl mole bitters


    1 lemon twist

    1 orange twist


    Stir all the ingredients over ice, then strain into a double rocks glass over 1 large ice cube. Garnish with the lemon and orange twists.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2022

    NM, I guess as long as the "new" computer is quicker, that is all that matters. Glad your meeting went well. I understand about the confidentiality of things. My heat has been on, I don't like being cold! And below 65 in the house is too cold for me.

    Glad you are feeling better Sandy.

    We have Filiberto's here, but never been. Also, many others with a similar name, such as Alibertos. There are others but can't think of them. May have to give them a try sometime. I'm not a huge Mexican fan, but like it once in a while. I do believe my hair is starting to fall out. Not supposed to go completely bald, from my understanding. Can't sweat the small stuff, I guess.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited October 2022

    Goldie, mine is a lot thinner after my 7th infusion and an older man at the grocery store asked if it was falling out or coming back, so I know it’s noticeable. From what I’ve read from those further along, it should shed less and start growing back soon. No big deal, I’ve got beanies for winter.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2022

    May be an image of text that says 'Always check the kids Halloween candy we've Been Trying TO Regarling Reach your YOu cars Extended warranty'

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2022

    Today's brunch. Stuffed french toast


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited October 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! The puppers and I are having a lovely, laide-back, puttering around the house weekend. Enjoying the sunshine, even if it is chilly. Nothing a sweater and lapful of doggies doesn't fix. We all managed to pile into the rocker/recliner and get a nap yesterday peeyem, I'm not sure how we all fit on there and left me room to breathe, but it happened! It was a wonderful nap without the weird dreams I've been having at night. This ayem the weird dream was interrupted by pupper tongue in my ear. You have no idea how much Zoe's tongue can tickle inside my ear! Colt had to get in on the act, too, but his tongue doesn't fit inside my ear, so he settled for washing my entire face! The huge, rough tongue of his can tickle pretty good, too!

    Goldie--The new computer should be faster than the current one, anything will be faster than the current one! The other people who put in orders did get brand new laptops, so I'm hoping I will too. But, as long as it works at something resembling a normal speed I'll be content. I'm sorry to hear your hair is thinning.

    Good morning, Illi!



    Sunny Day' Cocktail


    • 2 Measures - Bénédictine Dom
    • 3 Measures - Grapefruit Juice


    Half fill glass with ice cubes/cracked ice. Pour in the Bénédictine Dom. Top up with 3 shots of grapefruit juice or to taste. Gently stir to blend ingredients together.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2022

    BabyGirl, no beanies for this girl, I don't look good in hats! It's not like I have anyone to impress. Besides, I can think of a lot worse things, so I need to count my blessings.

    Jazzy, what is your french toast stuffed with?

    NM, OH MY! Doggie tongue in the ear....I think I'll pass! I'm not a fan of doggie kisses, never have been, not even my own dogs. My mom's one dog, little Malteses, was always licking my toes, drove me nuts, the little stinker. Is mom still doing ok with her new phone?

    I did a little outside work yesterday, need to try and get more done today. Just haven't been motivated lately. Tomorrow is dentist for a cleaning.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited October 2022

    Good morning ladies and happy Funday Sunday-

    A beautiful fall weekend here in New Mexico and the foliage is becoming peak now. Mostly yellow from the cottonwoods, but a few other colors to be seen too. I am planning to do a walk down near the river later to catch some photos of the cottonwoods before they are brown and dropped. We have had some cold fronts come through here and take down some of our leaves with the high winds. I love this time of the year, end of October into early November is one of my favorite times of the year. I am working to close up my patio area for the season, etc. and got all my outdoor house plants integrated in for the winter season. My dining area turns into a greenhouse from late October to mid April. No hard freeze yet but it's been down in the 30s and been close. I do miss the light in the morning and evenings and know next weekend we fall back.

    Got my annual review this week and it went okay, but our director is known for giving everyone mediocre ratings. He keeps trying to dangle a higher level position out there to keep me interested, but when I asked about it, there were the usual excuses about why they can't. No surprise and as you have heard from me several times, this is a paycheck with benefits until I get to 65. Anyways, as long as I rate acceptable I get a yearly raise that everyone gets and do love the benefits there. So I am glad it's done and am two years down and three to go with my goals for this gig. I also did some retirement planning this week to check on how I am doing with my goals, and if I want to retire at 67 with full SS benefits, I am 150% to my goals at this time! That means I probably reduce to something PT with them (maybe an different area) at 65 to keep my benefits (the insurance coverage can't be beat) or will go back to consulting once I am to Medicare. I am taking this friday off for some professional development and staying current with my training and skills for the future.

    Met a music friend yesterday for coffee/breakfast who has had a couple kinds of cancer and now has something new in the bile duct. I have not seen him in awhile and he reached out to get together and when I saw him, I immediately knew something was not okay with his health. He has to deal with one cancer or another for a good 30 plus years now and has kicked it back, and we talked about what's coming- chemo and half his liver will be removed. It's a rarer cancer and thus harder to treat and gave me the prognosis. I was glad he reached out, he knows about my bc and offered to help however I can. Cancer sucks but I know you all know that.

    Hard to believe we are to the end of October already and Halloween is upon us. I put some candy in little bags and going to open the door for the first hour while it's light out to see the little kiddos (my fav part) but then will put the bags out on a table and let them have at it until they are gone. I did the later last year to be sure the kids had something for a take away, but with the surge, didn't want to deal with people at the door. And a year later, I still don't, but this will work. We are also doing a costume party at work and have something fun planned and may be able to share some photos from that next time too.

    Goldie- that french toast was stuffed with a vanilla ricotta and topped with a creme anglais and served with maple glazed peaches. It was pretty divine.

    Ill- that man at the store was a stranger who asked you about your hair? There was a woman and her daughter in front of me at the grocery store last week and could see the bald and the hat and also saw below her chest the area where the port was that was covered with a large bandaid. One of my bc sisters did a clinical trial and her hair never came back. She has shared what its like when the world constantly sees you as a cancer patient. I hope you are getting good care and can get to Cloudcroft when you can, it's a beautiful spot. New Mexico got a lot of snow earlier this week (not where I live though).

    Sandy- sorry to hear you were under the weather and glad things are better.

    NM- sounds like a quiet weekend for you and the puppers. How is mom doing, any special plans with the family for Thanksgiving coming up? When is your next vacation (seem to think it's sometime in early 2023?) I am going on a yoga retreat to HI next spring and just booked my airfare. Whoot!

    Celia C- good to hear from you!

    Mistyeyes, Karen, Sunshine, Teka, Karen and others who I am probably missing, hope your weekend is going well.

    Time to get back to my to dos here. Wishing everyone a good start to November!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304
    edited October 2022

    Oh Jazzy - a Yoga retreat in HI? What island? What city? Good to read all your news.

    Goldie - I did some outside cleaning week before last and my thighs are still screaming.

    Mae - I do well with Buffs since I am always COLD.

    NM - yes - what are you going to do about your Mom for Thanksgiving? Love your pupper stories even if I don't like dog kisses.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited October 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! Yesterday got a bit exciting. When my credit card expired recently I forgot to update the cellphone billing, so my phone got turned off sometime Saturday. When Mom couldn't get me on the phone she called 911 and I wound up with two Sherriff's Deputies in the dooryard doing a wellness check. And then, of course, we couldn't reach Mom on any of her phones, so they sent an officer to her place to update her. I tried to call her off and on all day, not able to get through. She finally called me last evening, and now she's all worked up that they saw my dirty house and word will get out what a terrible housekeeper I am and how embarrassing it will be for her when everyone finds out and how I'm going to lose my job because I live in such a mess. Honestly, I wonder where she gets all this from. Of course, in the middle of all that Colt got loose and took off down the road, but one of the Deputies had treats and was able to catch Colt before he got too far, and brought him back. I love Mom dearly, but she can drive me crazy at times!

    Goldie--I don't mind the occasional doggy lick, but draw the line at on my face, and now, in my ears! The office that went to Mom's to update her told her he uses AT&T and has good service, so she's planning to go to town today and switch over to AT&T. Then she will have FOUR phones to mess with. I can't wait.

    Jazzy--I noticed the time change was coming up right off, too. Glad to hear the annual review went well. I've got to get mine done pretty soon. It's mostly online, a self eval and my director does an eval and then we meet and compare and a final form gets filed. I'm not sure about raises this year, I think I'm not in line for that until I've been here a full year. I'm not at all unhappy with what I'm making now, so that's no big deal. Good for you for being on track and then some for retirement! Sorry to hear about your friend. Cancer truly sucks. No particular plans for Thanksgiving yet, I'm going to try to talk Mom out of cooking a big meal, neither of us need all that food and she really doesn't have the energy to do all that these days. My next vacay is an Alaska cruise in May. I've got to admit I'm looking forward to it! A yoga retreat in Hawaii?! Wow!

    Morning, Minus! I'm debating going to Mom's and doing the cooking (which probably won't go over well with Mom) or getting take out from somewhere (which probably also won't go over well with Mom). I'll figure out something. Having her cook an entire big meal just isn't going to work anymore.

    Color changing Halloween cocktail decorated with lychee eyeballs



    • ▢Blue pea flowers
    • ▢boiling water

    For the Purple People Eater cocktail

    • ▢120 ml (½ cup) cranberry juice
    • ▢80 ml (⅓ cup) gin
    • ▢30 ml (3 tbsp) St Germain Elderflower liqueur

    For the eyeballs

    • ▢4 fresh or tinned lychee
    • ▢4 cocktail cherries or blueberries


    • First make a pot of blue pea flower tea – let it steep until the color is really an intense blue.
    • Leave the tea to cool then freeze to make ice cubes. Once these are solid, crush them in a powerful blender until you have blue crushed ice. You can keep this in a jug in the freezer until you need to use it.
    • Shake the cranberry juice, gin, St Germain and lemon juice in a cocktail shaker half filled with ice,
    • Fill two glasses with ice cubes and then divide the cocktail between the glasses.
    • Top with the blue crushed ice which will gradually turn purple as it melts!
    • Place cocktail cherries (or blueberries!) inside fresh or tinned lychee to create the eyeballs and thread them on a cocktail stick to garnish.

    From <>