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how about drinking?



  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited November 2022

    Goldie, The rant and rave column had a woman ranting about nasty election ads and raving about her mute button.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2022

    If I never see another crazy campaign ad'll be too soon...until this spring's mayoral/aldermanic primary & election heats up. On my way to early-vote Sunday I was accosted by petition-signature-gatherers for 4 different aldermanic and 1 mayoral candidates--none of whom I support. Heeere we go again...

    With dinner at a neighborhood sushi-Thai joint, DOTD was a sparkling rosé.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited November 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! I went with Mom to her cardiology appointment yesterday, She has mitral valve regurgitation, moderate to moderately severe, and aortic valve regurgitation, mild. The aortic valve problem was a surprise. The mitral valve issue isn't bad enough that the doc is suggesting surgery, which makes sense as Mom is having no symptoms. There is a less invasive option than open heart surgery it if comes to that. What the cardiologist wants to do is get another echocardiogram at the hospital he is affiliated with (Mom's was done at the competing hospital in the area), because they have better equipment and can get a better picture. Uh huh. Follow the money on that one. Follow up in 6 months. Considering that she doesn't have any symptoms, I expect nothing much will be done except a series of echocardiograms and appointments.

    Goldie--actually, Mom has decided that she doesn't want the land line phone anymore. No one ever calls her on it except me and my brother and his wife (which was the point). She thinks the newest cell phone will fix the problems, despite the fact that she is already complaining about not hearing the phone ring when a call comes in (she had the ringer turned off) and not being able to find the contact list to make calls, or even answer a call when it comes it if she's not on a particular screen. I'm giving up, I'm going to tell her I can't figure out her phone either, and let her keep going to the store and having her friend Glenda do things with it. And yes, my Facebook page got hacked, big time. I haven't deleted the page, I did manage to get it back, but it's taken some doing and it's not working totally right. I apologize to everyone who is getting the "I need a little help" message. Hopefully it will all straighten out over time. Glad the chemo appointment went well. Avoiding frozen pipes is a good thing to do! I'm sick of political ads, too, will be glad when all that goes away for a while.

    Wren--that column must have been funny!

    Chi--yikes, what an experience. Maine doesn't allow any political campaigning withing 500 feet of any polling place, including early voting sites. But It's easy to see where that 500 foot mark is, there is a crowd of petitioners, placard wavers, and chanters.




    Shake well with fine ice and strain into 4 oz. Cocktail glass. Serve with Pineapple on edge and Cherry atop Pineapple. Serve in a Cocktail Glass.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    Wren, I've hit that mute button and have just turned it off! It's just so annoying, it's the same ones over and over again, and they often play it twice, back to back. I have the news on in the morning while having my coffee and checking things on my laptop, so it's the only commercials they play. And all it is is bashing! Sometimes I just turn it off!

    NM, I think prolly a good idea to leave mom to herself with the phone. Sounds like whatever you do isn't going to work and causing both of you to be upset. And heck, you might be embarrassing mom with not knowing how to fix it!!! I was told years ago I had a mitral valve leak. I don't even remember why I went. But I have had ECHO's due to cancer treatments and that gal has never said anything about that. I don't know if they can resolve themselves, or if they were lieing to me! Your FB is still not reachable. What a mess, people are so cruel.

    Been running around (on the phone) trying to get my Faslodex filled. Good grief! It's ordered from my MO, but sends to my PC. They are telling me now that the PC's office has to call to confirm delivery. Well, I have been on hold when calling for up to an hour. Gas at PC's office said she called and had to hang up after 20 minutes as she has patients to check in and answer to. I get it! Before, the company that sends the meds would reach out to PC's office. Then come to find out, PC's office told me that they have my meds there and they have been there for about 2 weeks. Said they tried to call me, but I don't have any missed calls or messages. Always something! So I will head out today to get the injections and try to get the next batch on the way. That will put me ahead of the game, instead of behind. Right now I'm about 2 weeks late for injections.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited November 2022

    Hi gals, I'm enjoying everyone's drinks and tales, as always. Yes, there always is "something!" Dh just had his SECOND case of shingles in 6 years! He's ok thank goodness.He got the first case while thinking about getting the vaccine...then his Dr. Said he didn't need it!

    Had, for me, an adventuresome drink while out celebrating DH birthday. An apple cider margarita 🍹 Big yum! That black thing floating in the drink was some kind of dried lemon or lime. Cinnamon sugar on the rim. Splurge night for sure. Cocktail itself was just right not overly sweet.

    Hope everyone has a good "rest of the week."


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited November 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! The Wednesday, Women and Wine group got together last night at a Hibachi restaurant. It's the first time I've been to one of these, it was really fun and very interesting and involved way too much food! I couldn't even fit all the left over noodles and rice in the to-go-box. The puppers forgave me for coming home late after I shared some of the leftovers with them.

    Goldie--heart valve issues don't generally fix themselves, but anything can happen in the human body. I think a lot more people have things like that and never know it because they never have any reason to check on it. It's funny, some people can access my FB account and some can't, I'm not sure what's up with that. With all the technology available today, and the importance of these treatments that problems like this wouldn't happen, let alone be the norm. Maybe if healthcare payment was changed to no payment for services until they are completed and completed on time with decreases in payment for every day late or every communication screw up. I bet that would fix the problem pretty darn quickly.

    Reader--oh my goodness, your poor DH! That apple cider margarita looks wonderful!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    Reader, sorry about DH's shingles, glad to hear it's not bad. I thought at first you made the margarita, but it looks like you ordered out celebrating DH's b-day. Happy Birthday to him!

    NM, I just found it odd that after the 5 or 6 ECHO's I've had while I was on the Herceptin/Perjetta, that no has mentioned that mitral valve leak. I still can't access your FB page. Maybe try sending me a message or commenting on something? Did you cook your own food at your table? Not sure I have ever heard of a Hibachi restaurant. Or maybe they cook it at your table? Like at a Japanese Steakhouse. One I can think of is Benihana's.

    Got more rain yesterday and then more snow. Glad I went out yesterday for my injections! Cold, cloudy and ugly here today, I think I'm going to crawl back under the covers. Besides, not feeling the greatest today. Not horrible, but not the greatest!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited November 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! I'm waking up tired this ayem, it was kind of frustrating at work yesterday and I'm still feeling a bit wound up. The big challenge in our office right now is sorting out the way things like admission paperwork will be processed, who will be doing what steps in the computer, and in what order. There was an email come out that referred to this process, but left me totally baffled, I didn't catch any conversation about it, and sent back an email with a list of questions and asking if I had missed a meeting. Nope, the "conversation" was a series of emails about a particular form in a particular patient's admission packet. The emails made little sense to me, not having any context, yet it was the "conversation" where a whole process got set up. I think. One of the other principals in the process is just as confused and lost as I am and has actually scheduled a meeting to map out the process. I've been telling staff the next few weeks will be bumpy as we sort all this stuff out, but I didn't expect I was going to feel so frustrated and left out, and now I'm feeling scared that there is a lot more going on that it's assumed I know about when I don't. Part of the problem is that I can't work in a noisy, busy environment, and the other two Patient Care Managers prefer to work in that kind of environment, so they often work together in the conference room with people popping in and out frequently. I think they are talking to each other about these things and coming to conclusions and not thinking that I need that info, too. And since I'm the only one working with this system for the first time, they don't remember that I'm at least 2 steps behind them most of the time and need background info in order to make sense of things. On the other hand, I am really feeling like I'm getting a good handle on the auditing workload and employee file maintenance, and am getting things done and taken care of.

    I was very grateful for pupper cuddles last night. They got me laughing!

    Goldie--the restaurant was like the one in the picture, the food was cooked at the table. The place is called Kobe Ninja Japanese Steakhouse. I heard someone say it was like Benihana's, but the closest one of those is in New York state, and I've never been. It was a lot of fun. I hope you are feeling better and had a nice, relaxing day yesterday. We're going to be getting the remnants of Nicole coming in later today. It's going to make things soggy.


    Tropical Storm


    1 oz. (30ml) Passion Fruit Rum

    1 oz. (30ml) Vodka

    1 oz. (30ml) Blue Curaçao

    1 1/2 oz. (45ml) Pineapple Juice

    Garnish: Cherry, Cocktail Umbrella


    1. In a shaker with ice, combine passion fruit rum and pineapple juice. Shake well.

    2. Strain mix into a glass over ice.

    3. In a separate shaker with ice, combine vodka and blue curaçao. Shake well and strain over yellow layer.

    4. Garnish with a cherry and a cocktail umbrella.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    Wow NM, I sure hope they aren't leaving you out in the cold. I would prefer a quiet work place as well, so I could concetrate. Seems like Nicole sure moved fast! We went to a benihana's in FL when I was 17. I could not enjoy it as I fell asleep at the pool, in January for like 3 hours. I was burnt to a crisp. I'm a freckled, red head, Irish, with fair skin!

    Feeling better today, but did not sleep well. I'll blame the steroids. A whopping 20 degrees here in AZ this morning! Also had another very light dusting of snow.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    Nora having fun in the leaves! She makes my heart smile!

    May be an image of 1 person, child, standing and outdoors

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2022

    Kim, those petition-signature-gatherers were all on street corners well back of IL's 100-ft-distance rule. But back in the day (1980) when I was an Asst. A.G. deputized as an Primary Election Day Asst. State's Atty. and assigned to a "Machine" ward on the S. Side, some goons working for the Machine candidate's Congressional candidate tried tacking up campaign signs along the entrance doors to the polling place. We told them that was illegal, and they laughed, "Dis is Chicaga, whatcha gonna do about it?" We had walkie-talkies, contacted a Federal Marshal who displayed a gun & a badge--and down came the signs. It was a bit tougher getting the owner of the restaurant where the polling place was (again, this is Chicago) to not serve alcohol during polling hours (which is definitely illegal).

    Warm and gorgeous all the way through yesterday evening (it hit 74 here by the lake). Woke up today to 47 and dropping like a rock. Picked all my remaining tomatoes (mostly cherry, all green) to ripen on my sill. We'll probably have eaten the last of them by early Dec. Already had to buy basil (trying to root it in water), as my outdoor plant got woody and the cold killed the leaves; my indoor plant is hanging on after 2 years but not copiously. Also harvested some chives, which might not make it through the night. We'll see how the flat-leaf parsley & mint hold up; the thyme & rosemary are winter-hardy. Going down to 30 tonight, and we won't see 40 again for days (nor 50 for more than a week). Stocked up on ice-melt just in case.

    Last night we went back to Chengdu Impression (it was its official Grand Opening). Still BYOB--so we chilled & brought a Fess Parker 2016 Dry Riesling. Worked well. Tonight's DOTD will be more of it with the leftover spicy stuff, and the dregs of the Barbera with spicy leftovers and the Barbera (maybe a Coravib squirt of Barolo) with the red meats.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited November 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! Yesterday turned into a long and difficult day at the office. A problem in the charts of one of my team's patients started getting worked on, then got handed over to me with the instructions "Fix it" and no info to work with. It took me some time to figure out what the problem was, to try what I knew to fix it, and to discover I didn't have all the information needed to fix it. I ask the senior Patient Care Manager for help and got brushed off, so I emailed an upper management person, who said I needed to "put in a ticket". When I went back to the Sr. PCM and office director to ask what that was and how to do it and where to get the information I needed (name of an insurance company) the office director made a joke about the upper management not always being very helpful that I initially misunderstood and took personally, and promptly burst into tears and had a mini-meltdown. The director helped me get that issue sorted, at least as far as I can fix it, waiting on another department now. Then at the end of the, day the Sr PCM talked to me about being aggressive and loud when I'm overwhelmed, and acting like I'm upset with her and rudely interrupting her during the daily stand down meeting to let her know a very upset doctor wanted her to call back ASAP. In between, I found out that several people had been working on the issue I was told to fix, but had given up in frustration because they didn't know how to make the changes in the computer. So everyone was frustrated all over the place in the office, yesterday, not just me. So now I'm wondering if I'm overreacting to feeling incompetent, really being left out of the lines of communication, if I just don't understand the line of communication so I'm missing things or if I'm supposed to feel fairly invisible until I'm supposed to do something. Or is it just the depression doing it's fall/winter exacerbation thing. Or am I expecting to be perfect in the job too soon. Any way, I've got the weekend off. All I need to do this weekend is put together an education session for the Home Health Aides for next Tuesday afternoon/evening, and Monday I can start in trying to pay more attention to figuring out what information is being passed around in what manner and how to tell when its pertinent to me.

    The puppers were super sweet last night. It's unseasonably warm, so I sat out on the steps on the deck after I got home and cried and ranted and raved and got lots and lots of kisses and snuggles.

    Goldie--Nicole did move pretty fast, and did not leave behind all the rain and wind predicted, unless I was mishearing and it's all supposed to come through today rather than last night. And I don't think I'm being intentionally left out in the cold. I'm praying its office growing pains and will sort and settle soon. Steroids do quite the job on the body and mind, don't they? I remember that not sleeping thing from some of the times I took steroids for asthma. Rather odd feeling. Nora is beautiful in that picture! Love the way the shirt matches the leaves.

    Chi--my goodness, what a polling place happening! Things don't anywhere near that exciting around here, thank goodness. It sounds like you've quite a garden. Good luck with the basil, it can be persnickety.


    Rainbow Paradise Cocktail




    1 oz. grenadine

    1 c. crushed ice

    4 oz. Hy-Vee 100% no-sugar-added pineapple juice, chilled

    2 oz. coconut-flavored rum

    1 oz. water

    ½ oz. blue curacao

    Orange slice, for garnish


    1. Step1
      Add grenadine to a 12-oz. hurricane glass. Fill glass with ice.
    2. Step2
      Combine pineapple juice and coconut rum in a glass measuring cup; slowly pour mixture over ice in glass.
    3. Step3
      Combine water and blue curacao and slowly pour over pineapple-rum layer. Garnish with an orange slice, if desired.

    From <>

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304
    edited November 2022

    NM - routing for you. I've been in those tangled, hard to analyze positions at work and it's exhausting. Good luck sorting it out. You Go GIrl!!!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    NM, of course I don't have any suggestions and I'm sorry it put you into a melt down situation. All I know, is what an absolutley awesome nurse and person you are. So compassionate and caring about your job and patients, or students. I hope you are able to enjoy your weekend and the puppers and not even think about. It will be there Monday to deal with! THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT!

    My friend/neighbor has 4 of her grands over, they are my adopted grands and they all call me Nana Lori. They are here until tomorrow, so I'm going to go over and visit with them. Still chilly here, in the 20's in the morning. So funny how you in the midwest and east are having warmer temps than me here in AZ!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2022

    Good afternoon friends- November has me running non-stop but wanted to pop in and say hi. I think it's a couple weeks since I was here but maybe I was here last weekend, you decide! Work is super busy and looking forward to my four day Thanksgiving break in less than 2 weeks.

    Fun social weekend this weekend. Last night I went to see David Sedaris who is funny as all get out. We went for craft cocktails before and I had something called "berried and bruised" with some organic vodka, blueberry liquor and a splash of soda, and a sprig of rosemary. It was tasty, will post a picture from my phone in a bit. Tonight I have some friends who are hosting a friendsgiving in my neighborhood and bringing the wine! Helps to balance out the crazy work week.

    NM- sorry things were hard for you this week. Please try to remember that not everyone in the work place is nice and also understanding, especially when you are still relatively new. I have been in my job for two years and there were many things were were asked to do our first year with zero information or sometimes requirements by the hospital, only later to be blamed for things we had no control over. What I refer to as the blame and shame game. Anyways, remember that sometimes you just need to leverage your manager to say you are still new and learning and ask for the info you need to address the issue and ask them to call off the dogs (and I mean dogs in a NOT nice nice way). I really don't like the work place these days, we deal with so much nasty sometimes. Lets be thankful we don't have to work another 20 years at this point, right? Hope you and the puppers are enjoying the mild weather on the east coast this weekend. Glad you got to do the Women and Wine group this week or was that last week?

    Chi- I am with you, so glad the election is over and won't get any more ads, texts, phone messages, etc. Didn't have any door to door people this year but think most people won't do that anymore with the crime issues here.

    Goldie- littlle Nora is a doll and growing up so fast!

    Need to get a nap in and then will go walk and then go over for dinner in a few more hours. Nights are cold, but days are warmer right now. Waiting for more moisture.

    Have a good rest of the weekend sisters.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited November 2022

    NM just want to say my heart hurts for you work- wise. Those messed up situations seem to just lend themselves to misunderstandings and I liked what someone said - some people just aren't nice at work! You clearly care about your job/patients. That puts you 100% ahead in my book. Hang in there. Have a restful, puppy-filled rest of the weekend.

    Goldie, Nora is precious! Enjoy your time with your friends.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited November 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! I think what was left of Nicole came through yesterday mid-day/early peeyem. It poured rain hard for a couple of hours before tapering off, an it's still raining gently but steadily. I spent the day yesterday reading, cuddling with the puppers, watching some TV, even allowed myself to stay up till nearly midnight reading. I'll probably end up doing the same thing today. And that's ok.

    Minus--thanks for the vote of confidence.

    Goldie--I have decided to take the weekend for myself, ignore work stuff, and look at dealing with it all tomorrow. Have fun with the adopted grands! The weather is very strange, but since it means I don't have to turn on the heat yet, I'll take it!

    Jazzy--The WWW outing was last week, and it was a lot of fun. A big part of the problem at work is that all of us are so new in out positions and the office structure/processes are literally being created as we go, so dependable answers to questions can be very hard to come by. I'm thinking my discomfort with uncertainty hit a critical level and the "fix it" thing was the last straw just then. I have been reminding myself regularly that I only need to stick this out past a couple more Februarys and then I will be done with this whole working for a living thing. I still remember a time during rads and hormone treatment that I didn't think I would live long enough to have to think about retirement!

    Reader--thanks for the support. It really helps.

    image alt="fuck work cocktail recipe from">

    (replacing Duck with Work in my mind. . . )

    F@c# a Duck

    • Pour 0.75 oz of Worcestershire sauce and 0.5 oz of lemon juice into a shot glass
    • Add a pinch of salt and ground black pepper and stir gently
    • Use a bar spoon to layer on 0.75 oz of vodka
    • Add 1 dash of Angostura bitters

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    Jazzy, sounds like you are busy with not only work, but enjoying life and getting out and doing things. Good for you. I'm still a home body, but then again, there is nothing up here where I live. Heck, going to the grocery store is an hour an half drive! Yes, Nora is a doll, that is why I can't help but post pictures of her.

    Reader thanks, re Nora. I can't wait to see her in Dec.

    NM, my heat has been on for weeks! Just in the mornings tho, I haven't had to run it at night. Plenty warm enough under my covers. Usually low to mid 60's in the house when I get up. Reading, cuddling and watching tv is DEFINATELY OK! Glad to hear you are doing it again today. Love your choice of DOTD, poyfect!

    I did enjoy my time with the kids. Learned a couple new card games, so that is what we did, played cards. This week Wednesday, supposed to have someone out to clean my pellet stove. Then my new washer (replacement) should be here Thursday. Next week is supposed to be my stove. Cooking on this electric one burner is getting old! It has low to high on it, but that only means it stays red hot for a different amount of times, so there is no simmer per se. It goes up to high no matter what you have it set on.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited November 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey day! I finally had to give in and turn the heat on yesterday peeyem. Glad I did, temps dropped into the 30's overnight and not going to get much warmer during the day today. And the wind will be enough that the weather guessers are talking about wind chills for today. Sigh. It's going to be busy week at work this week, with a long day tomorrow for the home health aide monthly education. At least this month I've got the food ordered and the timing down correctly, today I just need to get everything put together.

    Goldie--I've been plenty warm in bed at night, too, and sometimes too warm! Sleeping cold is not going to be a problem with the puppers this winter. I bet playing cards with the kids was a lot of fun. What you describe cooking on the electric stove is just what Mom describes with her glass top stove, no real control. That would be a total nightmare to try to cook on!

    The fresh pear and almond cocktail is served in a glass decorated with baby's breath and rough twine.

    First Snow {Fresh Pear Almond Cocktail}


    1 ripe Bosc pear

    splash of lemon juice

    1 oz (30 ml) vodka

    1/2 oz (15 ml) amaretto

    1/4 oz (7.5 ml) almond orgeat syrup *

    1/2 oz (15 ml) pasteurized egg white **

    pinch of ground cloves


    Peel pears and chop into small pieces, discarding the seeded area. Mix pieces in a small bowl with lemon juice, then mash them into a purée with a muddler.

    Put the pear purée into a cheesecloth and wring all of the juice out into a small bowl. Discard the pulp that remains in the cheesecloth.

    Add pear juice, vodka, amaretto, orgeat, and egg white into cocktail shaker and dry shake (shaking without ice) for 30 seconds to activate egg proteins, producing the smooth texture and foamy top. Next, add a few ice cubes into the cocktail shaker and shake again for another 30 seconds.

    Pour the cocktail through a sieve into a glass to catch any egg white that didn't get completely blended in.

    Sprinkle the frothy top with a little dusting of cloves.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    NM, how cold does it have to get in your house before you put the heat on? Like you said, you have the pups to keep you warm at night. I don't think I've ever had an elec. stove. At least on a "stove" you should have low to high temps to cook on. Wishing you a stress free work week! Well, at least I have you to talk to!

    I have nothing to report here. Nothing going on until Wednesday. We got more snow last night, but too dark to see how much. Not much tho. But was not expecting it. Temps dippiing close to the teens. Was 61 in the house this morning when I got up at 4 ay em.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited November 2022

    IT'S supposed to get up to 48 today. Then 50 tomorrow. I have a Zometa infusion this afternoon so I've cleared the next two days of things I HAVE to do in case of bad side effects. Some people say it makes all their bones hurt. Going to see DH this morning and take him warm sweatpants. I can't take him the Sunday obits because our niece is in them. We haven't told him about her death on advice from the nurses. They think keeping things pleasant and light around him is the way to go. I feel a little guilty, but we're all in shock and almost disbelief ourselves.

    I'm trying to see if I can grow a philodendron under my desk light which is full spectrum for painting. Wish me luck.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    Wren, I had Zometa when I was in MI due to high calcium levels in my blood. Yes, I hurt all over and had horrible tremors, shaking, and freezing cold. I stayed in bed and took motrin! Good luck! And I'm sorry to hear about niece.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited November 2022

    Wren, I'm sorry, too, about your niece.

    My first two Zometa infusions were the hardest with nausea, fever, etc. After that, it was a non-event. Maybe a slight fever, but not too bad.

    Waving hi to everyone.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2022

    i had Zometa once in 2016. Never again--fever spiked to 103 (no, not 100.3), aches, neuropathies (zapping sensations in feet & shoulder) for 2 days. Can't take an NSAID (if I didn't have GERD, I could have taken an oral bisphosphonate), so Tylenol & Lyrica were the only things that got me through it. Lyrica made me so hungover & dopey that I spent most of the time in bed except to go to the bathroom and feed the cats. Fortunately, Medicare decided to cover Prolia after all, so I later had my 6-shot/3-yr series. Now that I officially have osteoporosis (gee, thanks, letrozole), if my endocrinologist gives me the go-ahead, I may resume Prolia (but get a full set of dental X-rays first just in case).

    Thurs. night it was 74F out. The A/C in the car kicked in! But this weekend, winter has caught up with us. Went from no jacket to a leather jacket to a puffer. And we will wake up tomorrow to a sloppy slushy rain-snow mix here by the lake (they'll get stuff that sticks further inland).

    The sneakers no longer stink of gasoline, and neither does the car. Whew!

    We finlly got Bob a new laptop on Sat., followed by a pre-theater (a very weird revival of Camelot) dinner at Jameson's Charhouse next door to the theater. DsOTD were Korbel brut and Meiomi (Sonoma) Pinot Noir. Last night we took our biweekly walk to Regalia, and with a fish dinner I had rosé prosecco. Tonight, Saturday's leftovers and a little Barolo from the Coravin.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited November 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! It was a pretty good day at work yesterday. It turns out I'm not the only one who is really frustrated at times. We had a meeting and actually wrote down the steps for one of the processes we are currently struggling with. Come to find out not everyone had heard all the intended steps, hence the ongoing confusion and frustration. Now we are all on the same page, literally, AND certain people in the office have been made aware of the need to keep the Patient Care Managers updated of certain information when admissions are being planned. This is going to go a long way toward getting things sorted and running smoothly.

    Goldie--I can deal with the house being as cold as 55 degrees intermittently, for a day or two. This year there has been a lot of swing in the temperature, with temps staying warm or cold for only a day or so at a time, until this weekend when the house just got too cold for too long. On sunny days the house warms up really nicely and the furnace rarely kicks in, but cloudy, rainy, or, as expected tomorrow, snowy days it can run all day.

    Wren--I'm so sorry to hear about your niece. I know it feels bad to not tell DH. Would he be able to remember, or would it be sad news over and over again if he were told? Sometimes, it is better to protect the person from the emotional effects of a death than to tell them. Good luck with the philodendron!

    Morning, Sunshine!

    Chi--wow, you really had a time with the Zometa. Gotta love this weather, heat in the car in the ayem, AC in the peeyem, hard to tell what to wear to be comfortable!

    Frozen Spiced Apple Snowball Cocktail in a Glass with Cinnamon Stick Garnish on Wooden Base with Pinecone

    Spiced Apple Snowball Cocktail


    • 1 ½ ounces Laird's Apple Brandy
    • ½ ounce Bénédictine D.O.M.
    • ¾ ounce cinnamon clove syrup (made with 2 cinnamon sticks, 4 cloves, and 1 cup sugar; see below for directions)
    • ¾ ounce lemon juice
    • 1 dash Angostura Bitters
    • 2 heaping handfulls fresh snow (approximately 70 grams)


    1. Make the cinnamon clove syrup: Boil 2 cups of water with 2 broken up cinnamon sticks and 4 whole cloves until the water has reduced in half. Add 1 cup of sugar and stir until all sugar crystals have fully dissolved. Remove from heat and let sit until fully cool. Fine strain into a sealable glass container store in the fridge.

    Make the cocktail: Stir all ingredients except snow in a mixing glass without ice. Pour half of the cocktail in a coupe and pile fresh snow on top until you have a nice mound of unpacked snow above the rim of the glass. Garnish with a cinnamon stick and pour the rest of the drink over the snow mound.

    From <>

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2022

    Hi gals! Sorry to hear about your niece Wren...! I remember when my brother passed away, my niece didn't know whether to tell her sick Mom about it! I told her, "Honey, I wouldn't want to hurt her anymore, and if she isn't asking about him, just wait awhile...." She passed away a couple days later... So they were together!

    I still miss my brother so much... It's like you're okay, and then he jumps in my heart, and the tears are there....

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367
    edited November 2022

    Sandi, your Zometa experience feeds right into my current obsessive worry that I’ve been struggling with and putting off a decision about- whether to resume Arimidex after my hip replacement which was Sept 12. Have been off Arimidex, since June, after taking it for 3 years. Am convinced, some medical scientific papers, that that’s what did my hip in, by destroying cartilage,and am worried about the not so good other hip. Am worried about probability of osteoporosis which I don’t have yet, and the inflammation AI’s cause affecting my new hip as well as fingers, toes, knees…even the minor thought of hair thinning, But mus decide now. Will talk with PCP this week, BS’s PA, next week and try to connect with MO via portal, since I don’t have an appointment til March. He will tell me though to switch pills or go back on. But at almost 89, I fear bone loss and osteoporosis and deterioration of other hip and Zometa or Prolia …

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited November 2022

    So far I have not had any big side effects from the Zometa. I'm relieved. I'm one point above osteoporosis in all my bone measurements and my CT scan showed healing rib fractures, so I think it was a good idea. Weirdly the nurse who did the infusion was the sister of the man my niece was divorcing. They had done everything and we in a mandatory waiting period before it was final. DD says his name in her phone was "my cheating ex-boyfriend"

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited November 2022

    Hey, good morning lovely ladies. Just popping in to say good morning. wren44, I'm glad your first Zometa infusion went OK. How did you ever make the connection as who the nurse was? Hopefully, she didn't take out any retribution on you! I have my DH's name on my phone as "My First Husband". He used to tell people he was taking his first wife out to lunch and even told the kids at church that his first wife kept texting him and he didn't know what to do. It was pretty funny to see the looks on their faces. They finally figured it out and got quite the laugh out of it.

    It's "cold" here in San Diego. 47 this morning. Our little old house doesn't have heat, but we do have a couple of space heaters. I turn on the one in the bathroom before I take my morning shower and it gets nice and toasty there. My office/den is right off the kitchen and if I'm baking something, it warms up nicely. DH is surfing this morning. He's crazy! Water is COLD!!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2022

    Wren, chiming in and consoling you about the loss of your niece. May her memory be for a blessing. I would hold off telling your DH unless he asks.

    Judy, IMHO (which is, admittedly, lay), quality of life is everything. At nearly 89, osteoporosis & OA fracture risk pose a greater danger than not resuming an AI. Dr. L, my MO, admitted that the bulk of AI protection occurs in the first three years. If it were me, protecting my bones and joints (especially that new hip you've worked so hard to rehab) would be paramount. That you don't yet have osteoporosis despite being a petite octogenarian is a testament to your commitment to fitness (and this omnivore must reluctantly admit that there may well be something to being mostly-vegan). As to your other hip, is a Synvisc shot to protect the remaining cartilage feasible?

    We're getting lotsa slop--the ground is still warm enough here lakeside that the snow is melting as soon as it hits the sidewalk and even the grass. I suspect that won't be the case much longer--it won't clear up till Thurs., when the temp will plunge further. But we'll get 40s & rain in time for T-day, so whatever's still on the ground will melt. Amazingly, the chives are hanging in there (albeit limply); and there are even two blossoms on the resurgent strawberry plant. I doubt they'll be able to fruit. Was going to discard the tomato plants, but one of them actually made a new cherry tomato (which I picked) and is growing another. Holding off on buying supermarket tomatoes till utterly necessary,

    Plumbers are finished excavating & installing--now filling the pit back in and putting the cover in place. But will give the kitties another day for the mortar to dry before letting them back into the basement, as Heidi is an "explorer."

    With the scallops I plan to sear tonight, the DOTD will likely be the remainder of the Graves in the fridge--or even chill a bubbly brut. (Celebrating a newly flood-resistant cellar)!