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how about drinking?



  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited November 2022

    My heart goes to you Wren. I hope you and your family find peace and ease.

    Best of luck with the Zometa decisions. My nurse recommended Claritin (regular, not night-time) the day before and the day of to help control SEs. Achy and tired after the first infusion, no SEs thereafter. I hope y'all's treatment is an easy path.

    I set up 14 jars of prickly pear jelly yesterday. That used about 1/3 of my harvest this year. DH recommended doing a batch with mint added. That might be a nice flavor combination.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited November 2022

    Wren - Extending my deepest sympathies on your niece's passing.

    Not much drinking going on here for me, other than my daily Irish Cream Liqueur "shot" in my super strong coffee. Over the weekend, picked up some Gewurtztraminer to go with the TG meal.

    Had my first ever flu shot today - the "over 65" one. Feeling okay, just a bit warm and achy. Should be all good by tomorrow.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2022

    Forgot about the Claritin--I actually have some on hand.

    Gas at Costco in Niles was $3.97--here in my neighborhood it's almost a dollar more (unless you pay cash and buy a car wash)! At Fresh Farms I bought some Intelligentsia Black Cat espresso beans, and made a cappuccino with them. Forgot how different from Metropolis Red Line or Dark Matter Unicorn Blood they taste--one sip and I was transported back to pre-pandemic, and even before bc. Tonight's DOTD with dinner was the last of the Graves.

    Going Beaujolais Nouveau-shopping on Thurs. Thus far, the only one I've seen advertised around here is the Georges Duboeuf (all the others reviewed are for sale only across the pond).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited November 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Waking up to the first snow of the season. Not supposed to amount to much, and supposed to change over to rain through the day and finish as rain by the end of the day. The puppers didn't even seem to notice the snow, they're just running around chasing each other as usual.

    I go to meet the doctor that will be our medical director starting around the first of the year. It's going to be really nice to have someone local in that position. The current medical director is covering from Rhode Island. He does a great job, but the technical issues with him attending our meetings virtually is a headache we'll be glad to see go away.

    Chevy--Losing a loved one is so hard, and losing two so close together must make it a hundred time harder. Hugs.

    Keywestfan--lots of things to think about, and none of the very fun. Treatment decisions are never easy.

    Wren--what a coincidence with the infusion nurse!

    Sunshine--I love your definition of cold! What is the water temp out there this time of year? Around hear the ocean warms up to about 60 degrees some summers, but never got above 55 this year. It's down into the 40's now.

    Chi--glad to hear the plumbing job is finishing up. Got a giggle at Heidi being and explorer!

    Miriandra--the pear and mint combo does sound yummy! I love home made jams and jellies.

    Celiac--I like a shot of Horchata or Rumchata in my coffee sometimes, it's yummy. But a shot of Kahlua is still my fav addition.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2022

    Hi friends- quick hello midweek. I ended up with what I believe was some food poisoning on Sunday night with some pasta from the grocery store I ate and then managed to loose everything in the next few hours. Ugh, been awhille since that happened, and felt pretty trashed on Monday but we had some critical meetings that would require a month to reschedule, so I managed to get through the day. Our director was also sick and one of my colleagues out too, someone went out yesterday too sick. I was able to get some good rest and back to work yesterday. I can't wait for my four days off next week!

    They dropped the mask mandate in our building a few weeks ago, you have to still wear in the clinical areas only, but I put mine back on this week as there is sickness everywhere. RSV is everywhere too and a co-worker with a 4 month old infant had her baby in the hospital for five days but thankfully she was discharged yesterday. The hospital is now putting beds in the hallways again for RSV just like they did with Covid. This seems like it's going to be this winter's surge.....

    Wren- I am sorry about your niece's passing. It is best to not share the news with your DH as it will only confuse and upset him and he may not remember anyways. My mother had short term memory loss after a stroke, and eventually dementia as she aged. Her best friend passed away two months before she did, and my sister and I decided not to tell her. By that point, they lived far away from each other and were not that much in touch, so it seemed okay to do so. I hope that maybe you live close enough to be able to spend time with the family at some services for your neice.

    NM- I woke up to some moisture on Monday morning, with a bit of snow in patches in one corner of the yard. Northern New Mexico got up to 10 inches and the ski resorts are thrilled to have early snow and many will be opening over Thanksgiving weekend as they usually do. It's supposed to get even colder here by Friday. Feels like winter is creeping in early this year. It sounds like the work week is going better and a new Medical Director who is local too, that is great!

    Gotta get in to the office and a couple more days in paradise before the weekend. Talk to you again soon!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited November 2022

    Nativemainer - your drink using Capt Morgan Spiced Rum prompted me to remember a drink that was very popular at the Yacht Club where I used to sail. It was called "Pond Scum" after a particularly naughty male sailor who drank it all the time. Spiced Rum, Diet Coke, Lime slices.

    Cold and wet here, as well. Hot buttered rum sure would hit the spot!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    Hello ED! I sure miss you love, but good to see you!

    LOL Wren at the "cheating ex boyfriend".

    Sunshine, glad you have some space heaters to keep warm. Temps are in the teens here this morning!

    Sandy, how sweet that you are still getting tomatoes. I do not buy tomoatoes ever. They have no taste here.

    Miriandra, you grow your own prickley pears? They are wild here.

    Hello Celia, enjoy that Bailey's!

    NM, yummy/fruity DOTD.

    Jazzy, glad to hear your co workers baby is ok. Mom must have been so scared. Sorry about the food poisoning.

    I've been in the hospital. Wasn't feeling well, and afraid it was my calcium again. I headed to Phoenix (won't go to the hospital here) with a call to my cancer center. They called me back enroute and told me to go to the ER. Labs turned out ok, calcuim normal. Must just be the chemo accumulating in my body. Stayed the night and headed out of Phoenix yesterday morning around 4:30 am. Got my pellet stove cleaned and today my new washer is supposed to come.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited November 2022

    Goldie, they're wild here too. We have a patch that randomly decided to grow on our hellstrip, and we just let it stay. Our neighbors did the same. Between the two, I can harvest a nice crop. Our house is next to a large open space, so if I ever decide I want to make a ridiculous amount of jelly, I could find even more prickly pears. But I don't think DH would be happy with me invading his kitchen that much.

    While researching whether they were edible or not, I discovered one of my favorite words. On cacti, the long pointy bits are called spines, as expected. The small, almost furry, ones that grow around the base of the spines are called glochids - pronounced "GLOW-kids". It makes me think of pre-teen ravers at a club. xD

    Glochid Spines: Learn About Plants With Glochids - Dummer. ゛☀ - Garden Manage - GFinger is the ...

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited November 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! I'm the administrator on call through the weekend, then off call again for a few weeks. So far call has been pretty uneventful, only a couple of calls, and both were pretty easy to manage. This weekend I think I have to do more of the computer work as the weekend resource nurses are changing and the shift changing a little bit, I hope the old, slow laptop will be up to the work, but if not I'll head into the office and do it there. I'll probably take the puppers with me if I do go in.

    The snow that came the other day didn't all melt away, so it looks like winter is here to stay. It was a really pretty ride to work yesterday with the sun on the ice coated trees and bushes.

    Jazzy--I kind of envy you having 4 days off next week! We have to work the day after Thanksgiving, our big patient review meeting is on Fridays, and has to be done for every patient every 14 days, so we can't reschedule without permanently moving the meeting to a different day, or doubling up and doing two weeks in a row to get back on schedule, and that is just not worth the extra work. With luck, we'll be able to go home after the meeting, and only work a half day, but we'll see. The office director is out on vacation--she's taking a cruise--and won't be back until after the holiday. The Senior Patient Care Manager will be in charge. My little meltdown seems to have had some good effect, the Sr PCM is actually talking to me and including me in the pop up meetings and discussions going on, so I feel better about things. Food poisoning is not fun! Glad you are feeling better. I think this is going to be a very big RSV season this year, and with it being so hard to tell from COVID without testing, this year will have to be really different with a lot more testing for RSV than usual. Don't blame you for wearing the mask, still. I think I probably would, too. Winter definitely is creeping in, isn't it?

    Celiac--hmm, the Pond Scum sounds interesting! I wonder what's behind the Yacht Club member's behavior that got him that nickname? I bet there is a story or two there!

    Goldie--I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well, and that you feel the need to drive further to a better hospital. You must be excited to get the new washer!

    Miriandra--love the Glow-kids tidbit! I never realized they had a name of their own.

    Pouring a Frozen Turkey Cocktail into a glass



    • I pint container Häagen-Dazs butter pecan ice cream
    • 1 oz Wild Turkey bourbon
    • 1 oz Amaretto


    • 1 cup dark brown sugar
    • 1/2 cup cream
    • pinch of salt
    • 4 Tbsp unsalted butter


    • Make the caramel sauce by mixing the sugar, cream, butter and salt in a saucepan and heating to a simmer. Bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Continue to boil for about 3 full mintues. Be careful not to let the mixture boil over, as it will foam up in the pan.
    • Pour the mixture into a heat safe jar, and let cool. It will thicken as it cools.
    • For the cocktail, scoop the the ice cream into a blender, along with the bourbon and the amaretto. Blend until it reaches your desired texture. I like my cocktail to be on the thick side.
    • Serve in cocktail glasses garnished with a drizzle of the sauce. Serve asap.
    • If you'd like to make this ahead, put the whole blender back in the freezer after blending and then give it a quick re-blend right before serving.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    Miriandra, I did not know they were called I just know you don't want to touch them! They are worse than the spines!

    NM, glad things are going better at work and they are at least keeping you in the loop. You mention the slow lap top, I thought you got a new one? The Frozen Turkey sounds yummy, but then again, anything with ice cream in it is yummy to me!

    I'll be going to my neighbors for TG, just her and her DH, and another neighbor for sure, possibly 2-4 more. I did get my washer yesterday, haven't used it tho. I don't really have enough to wash. Someone from Lowe's called me yesterday and asked me if I got my stove yet????? WHAT? How do you not know that??? No, they said they were delivering Monday. Oh, ok she says. Hopefully it will be here in a few days! How can you set up delivery for something you don't even have????

    NM, I have a DOTD for tomorrow! It is technically still fall, altho it feels like winter! 🥶

    May be an image of drink, food and text that says 'Fall Long Island Iced Tea 1 oz Triple Sec 1oz 1 oz Spiced Rum 1 oz Gin 1 oz Apple Vodka 4 oz Cran Apple juice 2 oz Lemon-Lime soda'

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited November 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! Yesterday at work was kind of a mixed bag. I'm still making mistakes with the processes and workload I've been doing for a week, but the Sr. Patient Care Manager is talking to me more. I also realized that I am taking a lot of the phone calls coming in as we haven't yet hired a new receptionist, so everything I do is broken up every few minutes. I know I don't do well working that way, but it's going to be that way for a while, so I need to push through. Five months after starting and I feel like it's the first day on the job sometimes.

    The puppers seem to be happy to have me home this ayem. Zoe keeps trying to climb into my lap while I'm typing, and every so often Colt, who is curled up in the recliner next to me, will pick his head up and glare at Zoe and bark until I turn around and give him some pets and ear scritches.

    Goldie--I did put in an order for a new lap top, which supposedly was shipped, but I haven't seen it yet. I've put in another request, we'll see what happens. I think my laptop may have been given to the Nurse Practitioner, who badly needed one. Shaking my head at the Lowe's call, how do they schedule delivery for items they don't have? Very odd. Love the Fall Long Island Iced Tea!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2022

    Good morning friends- we made it to the weekend again. Hard week at work with too much going on and also many out sick in the workplace. Everything coming at Jazzy who manages to keep it all moving forward. I had some critical comments sent my way by a few in management and a co-worker who was out sick for three days that needed to interrogate me about some things our director had asked me to do on meeting changes. There are some work ethic things there with people who are not high producers but have lots to say about others work, but the lack of gratitude was palpable. Anyways, I made it through the week to the weekend, am working from home next week and have less meetings and won't have to deal with some people in person. Short staffed, people out sick, packed hospital with RSV/Covid/Flu, and people out for the holidays leads to a lot of challenges. Calgon take me away!

    NM- sometimes things happen that result in meltdowns, or in my case, results in more detachment to survive in this work world we live in. Sorry to hear you have to work after Thanksgiving, but hopefully it will be a shorter day per your note above. I had thought about taking this coming week off as I did last year, but decided to hold my vacation time for 2023 and more days off in the winter to spring months for regular breaks. I am very focused on enjoying these upcoming long weekends before we hit the new year and a dry spell with time off until the spring. I have a 10- day trip to HI in the spring which I think I have shared here before.

    Goldie- sorry to hear you were in the hospital earlier this week. You okay now? Hope the new washing machine works great and hopefully that stove arrives easily too. Getting anything for the house is hard. A couple of my projects went so easily the past few years but getting the new dishwasher was a real challenge. Sounds like you have some nice holiday plans with your friends.

    Mirianda- here in New Mexico, we have lots of cactus that get these purple fruits on them, called tunas, that are edible. Prickly pear and others in the same family will get these after the spring blooms, and many make prickly pear jam, cocktails, etc. I stay away from it myself because I had something with agave once a few years back and got an asthma attack from it so pretty sure I am allergic. I have never heard the cactus pads are edible by humans but think wildlife will go for them.

    The weather here is cold, Cold, COLD and 15 degrees below normal. No snow but feels like the depths of winter. The artic freeze has everyone in it's grips in North America and heard about the feet of snow in upstate NY. I hope no one has to travel for the holiday and is impacted by that, but think it's going to put a wrench in travel that starts this weekend. Me, I am staying home!

    Have a good day and will poop in to wish everyone a good holiday next week!

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited November 2022

    The pads are nopales, and a friend of mine deep fries them like french fries. You need to burn off the prickles first, though.

    Make a prickly pear margarita, or a pitcher!

    Getting ahold of the prickly pear syrup is the hardest part of this prickly pear margarita recipe. Once you've got it, it's easy to make! Head to the recipe below. But first: decide whether you'd like to make a single drink or a pitcher. The single drink is great for one offs, but if you're entertaining you can make 8 servings at a time. It's much easier than shaking them all up. Mix together the following in a pitcher:

    • 1 ½ cups tequila
    • 1 cup Cointreau
    • 1 cup lime juice
    • ½ cup prickly pear syrup (this will use 4 ounces of the 7 ounce bottle)
    • 3 handfuls ice

    Add them together and stir. Then pour into glasses and serve! We're 99% sure your guests will be over the moon about the color and flavor of these margaritas. We were, at least!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2022

    We have a neighborhood Mexican restaurant, Mas Alla del Sol, that makes a great nopales salad. I usually order that plus seviche.

    We finally got some sticking snow--just enough to require boots and extreme care while walking! Can't believe that just 9 days ago it was 74 degrees and restaurant patios were full (sans heaters). 23 now, going down to 12 overnight (15 here by the lake).

    All my scans (eye, chest, ab) were normal & stable. Got to sleep in today and likely tomorrow. Had planned to see a friend play at a new Starbucks (she was a local folk star and feminist music icon in the '80s), but it's just too cold to go out (and I have no desire to have to sweep snow off my car after her set or our dinner). We have no idea where to eat nearby that would still be open after her set ends (and we ate brunch too late to go out to dinner beforehand). Not just that, but even though the CDC has reclassified our county COVID transmission level as "low," I really don't feel like sitting in a small venue where most people won't be wearing masks. With Thanksgiving coming up (we're hosting dinner for 9 at a restaurant, and the last thing we need is for either of us to come down with COVID, flu or RSV). We're both bivalent-boosted and had "O.G." Omicron in January, with boosters 4 months before & 2 months after, as well as flu shots in late Sept.; but there's a new variant (B.N.1) out there for which there's no data about its ability to escape natural & vax antibodies. Hasn't hit here yet, but give it time. BA.5, which was dominant last month, is now only 30% of cases, with the "Scrabble subvariants" (the ones with Qs and Xs) now making up 55% of cases. There are no monclonal antibody treatments against them. IL leapfrogged from "low" flu transmission level in Oct. to "high" now--once again, the vaccine makers miscalculated which variants to put in the flu vaccines. And there is no vaccine against RSV, which is dangerous for seniors. So we'll be ordering out tonight. (I cooked last night and it was tricky juggling everything to be ready at the same time, and cleanup was a PITA).

    DsOTD: Thurs. night I had a forgettable OR Pinot Noir with ribs (I left 2 oz. in the glass). Last night with a steak, I opened a Georges Duboeuf Beauj. Nouveau. Price, $11.99, jumped by $3/bottle over last year--and it's the only label anyone around here is selling. Nothing special--nice bouquet but actually a tad acidic. We bought 4 bottles, and are unlikely to buy more. Tonight? Depends on what we order out. Maybe we'll just make a salad and antipasti.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    NM, that's a bummer that you feel like it's the first day on the job, after 5 months. And they may have given your laptop to someone else? But you did say she needed it more than you.

    Jazzy, sounds like things are cray cray at work for you as well! Enjoy your work week at home and the long weekend. As far as I'm tolk, I'm ok!

    Miriandra, remind me where you live, since it doesn't show anymore by our avitars. That's a mighty pretty margarita!

    Sandy, a nopales salad? What all is in it and what kind of dressing? Interesting! Yay on the normal scans. I haven't been in a restaraunt in over 2 years.

    I keep track of our Covid numbers, and they are rising pretty good here. As for the new washer, I don't have enough dirty laundry to try it out! Quite the lesson on prickly pears, I hope we aren't having a test! I took some of my holiday decorations over to my friends house, told her she can just keep them, as I won't be decorating.

    DOTD should be Miriandra's margarita.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited November 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! It was a pretty busy day for work yesterday. Several phone calls and emails back and forth to set up an emergent admission for today. I was supposed to get an orientation to processing admissions before going on call, but that never happened due to lots of factors. So I got a bit of a crash course yesterday. I feel badly for the Sr. Patient Care Manager, I had her on the phone off and on all afternoon and evening on what is supposed to be her weekend off. She was really helpful, and even remembered that I've not had the training and taught me a couple of tips and tricks. And she's been talking to me more since the meltdown, so I'm thinking it may have had a positive effect over all. At least I hope so.

    Jazzy--sometimes more detachment is a good thing. There is more to life than work, after all. Taking regular breaks sounds like a really good idea. After the cruise next spring I'll have to look into doing something similar. A 10 trip to Hawaii sounds wonderful!

    Miriandra--what a terrific DOTD recipe! The color is very, very interesting!

    Chi--It's been fascinating watching the evolution of the COVID variants. One thing I discovered recently is that the CDC classification system is based heavily on the hospitalization rate and ICU bed use than actual person-to-person transmission or number of people sick. At least that explains why so many of our patient's family are testing positive but the transmission is listed at LOW.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited November 2022

    Sandy, I've never had a nopales salad. There's a Mexican restaurant in La Quinta (near Palm Springs) where we like to eat. I usually order the Mexi-chop salad. I don't even look at the menu anymore. I may have to look for that on the menu! :)

    Happy Sunday, everyone! Stay safe and healthy (well, except for cancer).


  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited November 2022

    I'm in Denver, CO. Close enough to the SW to still see feral cacti. Not the majestic saguaro or sprawling cholla, but we can find lots of prickly pear and some of the cute little round varieties.

    I like to joke that Denver exists because people were traveling west to California, took a look at the Rockies and decided, "Nope. This is close enough."

    So my eldest child just saw a meme someone posted with Jason Momoa, and they accidentally said "Jason Mimosa". It doesn't seem to exist as a drink yet. Anyone feeling creative?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2022

    The nopales are de-fuzzed, steamed, julienned, tossed with purslane, and dressed with olive oil & lime juice.

    One of the reasons that COVID transmission level can be "low" while so many people are testing positive is that home test results aren't being reported--some may be notifying their own primary care docs but many people don't have a primary. The ones that do get reported are the ones confirmed by PCR testing or rapid-antigen testing done at a clinic or pharmacy. Tough to extrapolate actual stats due to that. Therefore, CDC considers hospitalization trends to be a more reliable metric these days--the jurisdictions that still report test-positivity rates (Cook County hasn't done so in over a week) are subject to the aforementioned gap in reporting home-test results.

    Last night we ordered out for Indian food--so had the remainder of the open bottle of Beaujolais Nouveau. The Mumm Napa Sparkling Pinot Meunier in the fridge was nearly flat.

    DOTD tonight at Regalia was 2018 Caymus Petite Sirah from the Siusun AVA in Solano County (east of the Napa Valley).

    Stands to reason that since Momoa is half Native Hawaiian, a "Jason Mimosa" should be pineapple juice & Prosecco (or a California brut).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited November 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey day! I'm looking forward to sleeping more soundly tonight as on call goes to someone else for the week. Yesterday wasn't too bad, but I was worried when the power went out last evening, but the power came back on after about an hour. It's going to be an interesting week at work with Thursday not a working day, but that's ok. The puppers were not too happy with me on the slow work laptop a lot of the day yesterday, they kept trying to climb in my lap and knock the lap desk off! At one point I got up for a moment, and when I sat back down both jumped up on me before I could grab the lap desk! So there I was, with 100+ lbs of doggo pinning me to my chair getting my face and arms washed and not really able to move much at all! The looks and snorts I got when I finally shooed them off (my legs were falling asleep) were hilarious.

    Good morning, Sunshine!

    Miriandra--LOL at the Jason Mimosa!

    Chi--good point about the home tests still not being counted. It really feels like it's time to switch Covid testing results to the same system we use for flu and RSV, based on lab tests reported to the CDC. Get all the current concerns reported similarly. Good recipe for the Jason Mimosa!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    Hello Sunshine!

    Miriandra, was it Jason Momoa on Jimmy Kimmel? I'm not really into long hair, and he does look good with it. But that bod? Let me just rub on it for about 10 minutes, and I'll be good! I'm pretty sure AZ is the only place with saguaros. We have a couple other gals here in the Denver area.

    NM, I can't imagine having that much doggie on me! They are so funny and you are such a good mom to them. Have you and mom decided what you are doing for the TG?

    Well, they did call me yesterday to confirm delivery of the stove today, between 11-2. So, we shall see! I noticed yesterday that my big double gate to my yard came apart and fell. Need to put in a call to my friends that help me, but I always feel like the only time I talk to them is when I need something, but I can't do it.

    So since Sandy mentioned the pineapple, I just went looking for a Hawaiian Mimosa and found this. So we shall call it the Jason Mimosa!

    Three Hawaiian Mimosas with cherries and pineapple for garnish.


    • Coconut Rum
    • Pineapple Juice cold
    • Champagne or Prosecco cold
    • Pineapple slices and/or cherries for garnish


    • Per mimosa: add one ounce coconut rum and two ounces pineapple juice to a champagne glass. Top with champagne and garnish with pineapple and/or cherry.
    • To make a pitcher: add 1 cup coconut rum, 2 cups pineapple juice, and an entire 750mL bottle of champagne or prosecco to a pitcher. Add pineapple slices and/or cherries to the pitcher or glasses for garnish.

    Jason MIMOSA

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    So down at the far end of the yard, that is a double gate that we could open. Well, somehow the left side totally came down. I'll take a picture and post that later.

    No photo description available.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    This is what I now have, with that one whole side busted up and laying on the ground.

    May be an image of outdoors

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited November 2022

    The Jason MIMOSA sounds really tasty!!

    Chi, I could forage the nopales and purslane in my yard. I know it's edible, but I still yank it out of the grass. I'd also be a bit leery of eating it fresh, as we have a lot of dogs and wildlife in the neighborhood. Our house backs up on an incredible open space, so we see coyotes, skunk, raccoons, and all sorts of creatures coming through. Some nearby neighborhoods see foxes, but I've only seen them once or twice.

    Oh no, Goldie! Did someone's car run into it? That's just weird.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2022



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2022

    Fresh Farms sells purslane and nopales (among other ethnic produce) packed in huge bunches or bags--many Mexican & Asian restaurant owners shop there for stuff Costco doesn't have. It also has a large, diverse, and very reasonably-priced fresh fish dept., which I'd use if I didn't already have Hooked on Fish (and a Whole Foods around the corner).

    Melanoma MO appt. went well. He ordered bloodwork & sent me down to the lab--but the only orders in my chart were for the three tests my PCP had ordered (CMP, Mg, D). My glucose is a bit high, as are my liver enzymes, and GFR low--but unchanged from last spring. PCP is unconcerned other than my inadequate water intake.

    PT eval also went well--confirmed that my pain is from SI joint dysfunction, piriformis syndrome & nerve compression, all caused by the untreated scoliosis I've had since puberty. They're going to work on that, as well as my core which they say will improve balance.

    My DOTD was a "seasonal" breve cappuccino made with NutPods unsweetened egg-nog flavored plant-based creamer and half & half.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited November 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! It is turning into the interesting week at work I anticipated, but things are actually running more smoothly, and I felt better at the end of day, and much more like I know what I'm doing. I really am not a big fan of going through a learning curve.

    The puppers say Good Morning to everyone!

    Goldie--I'm going to Mom's for TG, picking up dinner from Olive Garden on the way. I finally convinced her that it's not necessary to cook a big meal for just the two of us. This way I don't have to worry about her hurting herself trying to get things in and out of the microwave or the oven. Mom was really funny the other day, she called me at work all in a tither, she came across an OG menu and was absolutely appalled at how much the meals cost, she went on for some time about how it's a crime that any meal should cost more than $10 or $12, and OG is charging more than $20! She figured I must be paying more than $40 when I pick up meals from there, and that is highway robbery! And on and on she went. I'm just sitting there listening to her and trying not to laugh out loud, thinking about the $90 something I've been paying. The thing is, I get her meal, my meal, at least one if not two meals to go, and some extra breadsticks and neither of us has to cook for 2 or 3 days after, and I divvy up the left overs and to go meals so we each get a variety of meals. So, in reality, it all works out to about $20 a meal over the long run. It is so funny sometimes how she reacts to how things aren't the same way they were when she and Dad were dating or we kids were little. I hear you about having to call for help with things. So many things I just can't manage to do anymore. Thank God for friends that will help out and handymen that can be hired! Love the Jason Mimosa with coconut rum idea!

    Wow, there must have been quite the wind to bring the gate side down like that! Hopefully it won't take too much to get it back up.

    Miriandra--I hear you about foraging, I'd be inclined to thoroughly wash everything. But having the wildlife around is fun, even if it does create the occasional problem. I've seen deer, moose, owls, racoons, skunks, fox, but not bears, even though some of the people on my road can't put out bird feeders in the spring because of them. Maybe it's just as well.

    Jazzy--how beautiful!

    Chi--Glad to hear the appointments went well. I haven't tried egg-nog flavored coffee, I may have to try to find some.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2022

    Miriadra, no car. I live on 80 acres, my property is fenced with a gate, and I'm at the end of the road. Wind and age are the culprits. I have lots of prickly pear, no desire to forage it, but never would have given the wildlife a second thought!

    Jazzy, pretty bouquet. How in the world do they get the flowers to do that. It can't be during the growing period.

    Sandy, glad all went well with your appts.

    NM, I don't think getting 3 meals out of that one trip is bad at all. Shocked at prices when you get older seems to be "a thing". Shoot, you probably couldn't get a meal at McD for less than $10! Is OG serving up a TG type dinner or are you getting your usuals? I'm so glad things are going better at work. I hate having to learn something new, but it usually ends up not being as bad as I anticipated.

    As for the gate, I cannot fix it myself. I could barely drag it out of the way so I could close the other side, as it blew open. I sat here and bawled this morning. On my FB post, my friend who had fixed the roof on the town and built DH's ramp said he would come and look at it. I did not want to ask him, as I didn't want to be that person that the only time you hear from her is when she needs something. If he can fix it in a day, I'll throw $100 at him and make him take it. Do you think that's enough?

    I was looking for some other prickly pear cocktails, not much out there! I found a couple, but only pictures, no recipe. So, here is one. I thought it looked yummy at least!


  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367
    edited November 2022
    • Sandy, so happy for such happy results and that once again scanxiety is just scary nerves and not predictive. Where do you go for PT evaluation. Not still going on Benson for PT, I believe.
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited November 2022

    Hi ladies- one more work day and then we are to the holiday. I was going to get some fresh swordfish for my meal on Thursday, but didn't feel like driving across town tonight to Whole Foods so I went to the local meat store. They sometimes have good fish, but not tonight so I bought some thick cut pork chops instead and got some fresh cranberry sauce, asparagus, and some herb stuffing. Going to make chops, roasted potatoes, stuffing, and asparagus for dinner with some butternut squash for a simple meal on Thursday. I was watching how much the fresh turkeys cost with the people in front of me and every turkey was over $100! I think the last time. I bought a fresh turkey there for a Thanksgiving dinner I made was somewhere around $50-60. My dinner will be cost effective this year, whew!

    BTW, for the coffee lovers, I always buy up a lot of different flavored coffee and specialty blends this time of the year. I really like the Starbucks Thankgiving blend every year, got some last weekend and it's very good. If any of you have Peets coffee near you or in your stores, their holiday blend is really good too. World Market has great flavored coffees too, cinnamon french toast is a favorite.

    Chi- congrats on the good scans. Big sigh relief. How is your son and his new bride doing?

    Goldie- the winds have been strong and cold this winter. That is unfortunate about your fence. I love that little western town scene you have there though, reminds me of a western set for filming.

    NM- your mom thinking everything costs the same as when she was growing up, oh boy. Things didn't even cost the same between the time I was in junior high school and college in the late 1970s with high inflation well over a decade. I do think it is pretty shocking to see the cost of everything the past year with high food prices, and other supplies that can be up to 30% more than last year. When I do take out, I always by extra and often can get 2-3 meals out of it. I hope your time with your mom goes okay and you can slip away to go home and relax with your pupper friends before you have to work on Friday.

    Work has not been as crazy this week (ssh, don't tell anyone), mostly because many are out. tGetting caught up on a few things. I expect to be able to finish up a bit early yesterday and then cruise into my time off.

    Wishing everyone a good holiday whether you are with family, friends, or chillaxin at home.