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how about drinking?



  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited November 2022

    If the rail workers were in another country we would think it was just short of slavery. I would empathize with the workers if they did strike. It would be great if the company followed the lead of decent companies and changed the policies. A rail strike would be a disaster economically so I hope it doesn't come to that.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited December 2022

    Hello everyone, I am about a month behind in reading and will catch up later. I have been busy with my family as always. I really love my family so close most of the time, but sometimes, just every once in a while, I wish I wasn't so close and go hide. I have been getting a little depressed so I am trying to get out and do more, I have started doing things with some friends I used to work with. My son who lives with me has Asperger so I decided we both need to go do things and my oldest granddaughter's boyfriend works a lot so she comes too. We are just doing day trips and see sights that are pretty close. Our next trip I want to do is go to Tarpon Spring. It is not too far from me and it is where they dive for sponges and have a lot of Greek restaurants and a board walk of little shops. Actually, when I was in high school I skipped school with a friend and we went there just to hang out and look at all the Greek divers. Never spoke to anyone, just looked, ate lunch and went back to school at the end of the day.

    I hope everyone is doing well and I will catch up on the reading. Can't believe November is already ending. The end of the year goes fast....kind of like the end of the toilet paper roll. lol

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited December 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Happy first day of December! Today is the day the company I work for changes it's name. The license for the name we were using expired, so we've been in a rebranding process for several months. We get our new name tags today, our email addresses will change over the weekend, All the paper work letterheads change today, it's going to be quite the show with a big "party" at the office, all day.

    The puppers were not happy with me last night. I let myself get talked into doing an afterhours admission, and didn't get home until after 8 peeyem. After the frantic race to get outside and piddle, and my not having the din-din dishes filled before they came back in, I got some real talking to by both of them. I did not realize how much noise the two of them could make together! Fortunately, the forgave me by the time we went to bed and were very cuddly.

    Miriandra--I guess I missed on the rail strike issue until yesterday. Goes to show how much attention I really pay to the news these days, I guess. I did not realize what working conditions were like for rail workers, that kind of scheduling is insane! I hope it gets worked out to the benefit of the workers and everyone else.

    Wren--good point about that schedule being akin to slavery. It truly is.

    Misty--good for you for getting out and about! It takes a lot of energy to do that when depression hits. It's even nicer that you have people to do those things with. Tarpon Springs sounds like a lot of fun.


    Greek Sidecar Cocktail.


    • 2 ounces Metaxa
    • 1 ounce orange liqueur
    • 3/4 ounce fresh lemon juice
    • lemon twist for garnish
    • granulated sugar for rim of glass
    • ice cubes for shaker


    • Peel lemon for garnish.
    • Squeeze 2 oz of fresh lemon juice.
    • Add granulated sugar to a small plate. Dip the rim of your glass into some lemon juice and then dip glass into the sugar.
    • Measure and pour the Metaxa (we used 5-Star Metaxa), orange liqueur (we use Cointreau) and fresh squeezed lemon juice into an ice filled cocktail shaker. Shake well for 30 seconds.
    • Strain into your sugar rimmed old fashioned glass or low-ball glass, add a twist of lemon and enjoy!

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2022

    Celia, good to see you pop in. Good luck on those labs.

    Sandy, no moisture here of any kind and there are no trees with leaves around my neck of the woods. Dry as a popcorn fart around here!

    NM, so they must have mentioned Colt's name for his 30 seconds of fame? Not 100% yet, I'm beginning to think it was/is upper respitory infection. 2 weeks prior to starting to feel sick was when I went to the ER, so I'm wondering if I picked up something at the hospital, albeit wearing a mask. I'm not liking being awake for this procedure either. I have some Lorazapam 1mg my MO prescribed, but I'm scared to take it, as I'd like to drive home afterwards.

    Misty no worries if don't ketchup, we are always glad to see gals poop in! Hoping you can get out of that low feeling. Be glad you have family around. Take it from someone who has no one around, except for 1 neighbor/friend!

    Mirandra/Wren, I guess I'm like NM and don't pay that much attention to the news. I have it on every morning, but I'm on my computer, so just not really listening.

    In the news today "Arizona is the only state that has medium/high COVID-19 levels in all its counties". Off for chemo in a bit, surgery tomorrow morning, so I won't be here. I hate being in Phoenix, but I have to say, loving the temps! Low 70's and sunny, POYFECT!

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited December 2022

    Goldie I hope all goes well with your procedure and chemo. Glad you get the side bonus of good weather. We are cold now. My hoints and fatigue speak much louder now.

    NM your doggies remind me of our cats - all vocal and lovey-dovey until fed! Then snuggly, comatose, haha!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2022


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2022

    Good evening friends- well after dodging the dreaded Covid virus for close to three years now, I turned up positive today. I was not feeling good this week, and tested a couple days ago, and today it was positive. Been like the worst cold for symptoms, no fever but really bad sore throat, congestion, runny nose, a bit of a dry cough. I contacted the doctors office this morning to request Paxlovid to help manage this and keep me out of the hospital. Our hospital where I work is super maxed out in the ED and ICU with respiratory cases, so we don't want to end up there. Like many states, we are having the trifecta of flu/RSV/Covid and everybody has been sick. So here we are.

    Goldie- I hope your procedure went okay.

    Be back soon, hopefully with better news!

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited December 2022

    Agreed, the news is so stressful so often. I don't follow most of it myself either. DH might send me an article that he saw, or I might see a link on social media.

    The main reason I know about the rail strike is because I am involved in a local unionization effort, so I get clips from other unionizing sites. What's happening with all the Starbucks shops unionizing is fascinating! And it's interesting to see the other industries following suit - Amazon, Apple, Trader Joe's, Wells Fargo. There's even a strip club that unionized after management refused to enact safety standards and eject inappropriate customers.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2022

    Jazzy, so sorry you lost your "COVIrginity," but hopefully the Paxlovid will knock it out and you don't get a rebound.

    Lori, good luck with your procedure!

    I am very conflicted about the rail strike. On the one hand, I belong to two locals of the AFofM (musicians' union) and am the daughter of two civil servant shop stewards--Dad was AFSCME and Mom was CWA. I agree that it's outrageous that rail workers don't get paid sick leave (have we learned nothing over the past 3 years about forcing people to go to work among others when they are both contagious and feeling ill?). But I also dread what a rail strike would do to a situation that is already causing the poor and middle class such brutal economic pain. Whatever Biden does with the bill Congress just passed, he will be roundly condemned: by unions & progressives if he signs it, which will paint him as a hypocrite and betrayer; and by conservatives (and everyone impacted by even worse inflation and supply shortages) should he veto or pocket-veto it. There is no good solution, as the rail companies have no incentive to compromise further. Corporate-friendly capitalism has come home to roost, I'm afraid.

    And the flip side of Starbucks unionizing is that many of the shops that have done so have then been closed by corporate HQ--with employees not being reassigned. (So much for Howard Schultz' claimed progressivism--thank goodness he pulled out of the Presidential race in 2016). Money talks--and sometimes it curses.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited December 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! Long meeting at work this ayem, hopefully not a whole lot of admissions today, but it is Friday and the hospitals will be looking to get people out before the weekend. The office director will be back from vacation on Monday, she did drop into our morning meeting to say Hi and remind people to put their time in so she can get it all approved over the weekend.

    The puppers are enthusiastically chasing each other around the yard, and playing pounce and wrestle. At least when they do that outside the furniture doesn't get moved around!

    Goldie--Yes, on the Dog Watching Forecast the picture is up on the screen beside the weather info for about a minute, and the weather person introduces the dog and who sent the pic in, usually makes a comment, then goes on with the weather. So the Dog Watching Forecast was "sponsored by Colt, sent in by Kim" and he looked very comfortable on the couch (he was actually on a recliner, but you really couldn't tell from the picture). So it's a very short moment of fame, but it's fun to see who noticed and a fun story to tell. Good luck with the port procedure, I hope it isn't too bad for you. I don't know if I could go through that without some kind of sedation or anti-anxiety medication. You certainly could have picked up something in the ER even with a mask on, masks are very helpful but not perfect. Loving the temps you are having!

    Reader--Hmm, I never noticed the correlation of full bellies and climbing into my lap!

    Jazzy--ooh, that Milky Way looks good! So sorry to hear the virus finally caught you. Don 't blame you for wanting to stay out of the ED! Feel better soon!

    Miriandra--The news is stressful these days. I mostly have the TV on in the morning for the weather and as a time keeper. When certain weather segments come on I know where I'm supposed to be in my ayem routine. When the news is over, time to dress and leave for work. What's going on with the Starbucks unionizing? You've got me curious!

    Chi--The whole rail situation sounds complicated.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited December 2022

    Starbucks is closing all the unionized stores. The latest is Broadway and Denny due to 'safety concerns'. It's not a dangerous neighborhood and I would not hesitate to walk there. It's obviously a made up ploy. I would like to see them go broke for their game. I would boycott them but I already do, so they wouldn't notice. I helped negotiate a union contract once. Took forever meeting at night several times a week.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited December 2022

    Hey, ladies! I'm trying to catch up, too. Wow, we all have a lot going on. Since I can't remember who posted what, I'll just shoot from the hip.

    I hope those with family issues find relief or escape soon. With COVID, the sore throat was the very worst, but it was my elevated temp of 102 that sent me to the ER. Place was pretty full and was packed by the time I was called back to the room where they started my IV, etc. I don't remember how long it was - maybe 4 hours? I was in that room for another 6-ish hours before I was transferred to a real bed. They kept me two nights then discharged me. It's good to be home.

    I think it's Goldie who is getting the post put in. I hope that went well and that you're feeling ok after that.

    I'm off to rest again.

    Love and hugs,


  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited December 2022

    About 250 separate Starbucks locations nationwide have voted to unionize so far. The baristas' complaints vary from shop to shop, but most are concerned with intentional understaffing to reduce pay and hours, safety issues in the stores (mold and environmental hazards, protection from aggressive customers), and policies that enforce respect in the workplace, and reinstatement of employees who were unlawfully terminated for organizing. Recently, the NLRB determined that the corporate level wasn't bargaining in good faith, and ordered them to return to the table. The closing of union stores is also being contested as an illegal union-busting tactic.

    This is the kind of stuff that will wind up in textbooks, movies, and Netflix streaming.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited December 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! It's supposed to be rainy today, but at least it's warm and it won't be snow. I'm still not ready for snow. Mom got some haddock from the guy she buys from, straight off the boat. We split the case, today I've got to package it up and freeze it, but tonight will be a fresh fish stew night. One of my favorite meals.

    The puppers say Hi to everyone.

    Wren--Starbucks is closing stores that unionize? That trick isn't going to work for very long before it backfires. And that explains the brouhaha at a Starbucks here in Maine not long ago. The employees came to work one morning to find a sign that the store was closed. No one could get jobs at other Starbucks stores in the area. Later it was reported that the store was forced to reopen and rehire everyone due to blacklisting the employees with other stores, and that was about the employees trying to unionize. I thought it was one of those one-off, stupid Maine things that happens pretty regularly, but it must have been part of the bigger trend.

    Morning, Sunshine! Ketchuping is never required here in the HTL. Wow, you really got hit hard by the virus, and the ER visit must have been quite the exhausting adventure, and then to finally get admitted. You must be wiped out. Rest up and feel better!

    Miriandra--This Starbucks thing certainly will end up in all those places! Such insanity! Employers shouldn't have to be forced to provide safe and decent working conditions. A little respect for workers from management would generate a lot of cooperation from the workers, in my experience. Why can't people treat each other like people?

    A More Perfect Union cocktail with Lillet Blanc, vodka, and apricot liqueur

    A More Perfect Union



    Stir all ingredients with ice until chilled. Strain into a chilled cocktail or coupe glass. Garnish with a grapefruit twist.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2022

    Carol yes, it was me getting the port placement. Sorry you had Covid to deal with and landed in the hospital for a couple of days. Glad you are home now to rest.

    Good morning Miriandra! I don't do Starbucks. I actually don't care for their coffee and find it over priced. I have indulged in a few frapps tho! Now those are yummy!

    NM, nice that you and mom can split the fish. I just did that yesterday with my neighbor and some chicken. Local butcher had 40 lbs, boneless/skinless for $70. Neighbor took 2/3 for her and hubby and I took 1/3. What's going on with mom's phones? Or have you washed your hands of it!

    Got the port put in. I was given the option of the twighlight drug, but then was told I couldn't drive for 24 hours. I did not want to spend another night in Phoenix, so I opted out. The anethesiologist stood right next to me to keep an eye on me and had the drug in her pocket ready to administer if I needed it, but I didn't it. It went quite well without and I tolerated it well. Just at one point, there was some pain and I got a little teary eyed. Flashback from my first port placement in 08 when I was not put out and I just laid there and bawled and held my breath. But I calmed myself down and all was good. Once it was numb and they made the first incision, it was only about 15 minutes. They let me walk out of there and said I could drive. My friend and her BF were waiting for me just in case.

    Got a message from neighbor who just recently moved out. The ones closest that are always asking for help. Well, her brother is left there living by himself, with no car. So she is asking me and my friend if we would get his groceries for him and leave at his gate! NO. I feel like it's a guilt letter. He is the one that lived there many years by himself, had health issues and moved to CA. for a bit. Leaving the house with 5 years or more of rat/mice droppings throughout the house, EVERYWHERE. Cubboards, oven, fridge, every corning in the house. Just GROSS, not to mention unhealthy. So Julia (who wrote to me) her and her mom moved out a few months ago to go live in WY with Julia's daughter. And left brother there by himself. I'm thinking he is about 66/67? I know he is older than me, and I'm 64.

    Here is the letter from her.....

    Good morning!! First I pray you are both doing well. Second I'm trying to figure out how to get some food to my brother. He is there alone with no transportation. He has been alone since mother and I left at the end of September. Food bank delivery to the front gate would be so deeply appreciated. He is unable to order things like bread or eggs or potatoes from Amazon and those were always his staples. I'm reaching out because I do know that GOD uses Human Angles here on earth to help I'm praying I can turn to you for this as I am unable to do much from Wyoming I also would like to ask either of you if I were to purchase him a few things from the Walmart there in Snowflake or Showlow I do know they hold on to the orders for a maximum of 4 days before returning to the shelves. Can I count on you to pick them up when you are out and about in one of those places ? Which one is more convenient to either of you.

    My reply. What are your thoughts? .....

    I don't do the food bank and I only go out for groceries 1-2 a month, and I don't usually know when I'm going to go, usually last minute. Plus I never know if I'm going to Show Low or Snowflake! I gave you a bread machine, can't he make bread with that? I also don't know about buying food online, never done it. I know Darrell used to get some stuff from Target. Maybe check into them or some other options. Does Wal Mart, Basha's or Safeway ship, via UPS maybe? I wouldn't have thought shipping bread or potatoes would be a problem. Canned potatoes should ship? There's also full meal companies that send out stuff. I'm sorry he's in the predicament that he is in, but not sure it's fair to ask the neighbors to take care of him. If you can't manage out here, perhaps you shouldn't live out here. I have enough on my plate with taking care of my own self, let alone trying to take care of someone else. I hope I'm not coming off mean, I certainly don't mean to. I thought Connie and Nick (her other siblings that live in Phoenix) were going to be coming up to take him shopping? Is there somewhere else he can go to live? It just doesn't sound like he can make it up here by himself. Here is a link for some meal delivery companies, maybe one of these would work for him.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited December 2022

    Personally I think you're too apologetic (granted I know nothing about your relationship). I would say you're unable to help and recommend some alternatives like having Amazon ship the food. I think he might need to live in a city with relatives nearby and where stores routinely ship food. It would be a lot to ask from someone in good health. I know that Amazon ships to remote Alaskan villages, so they might be a good choice.

    I'm glad your port placement went well and you were able to return home.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited December 2022

    Goldie, a quick internet search finds a bunch of home delivery food services that offer everything from ingredients and staples to fully cooked meals. Plus, she could guide his food choices towards particular kinds of food, depending on which she goes with. Some offer menus based on different dietary needs or eating styles. The resources are out there, but she'd have to actually pay for them; rather than "depending on the kindness of [neighbors]'.

    Native, I agree - a little respect goes a long, long way. We used to take on a lot of uncompensated work at our studio, including cleaning and repairs, because we were valued and respected. Our manager was open to our input, made sure we had the resources we needed to succeed, and supported us however she could. A little extra work for the benefit of the team was an investment we were willing to make. When we were bought out by a new franchiser, his new management team talked a good talk, but slowly and surely undermined the good will we had been living on. Promises were broken, delays were rationalized, and work became less and less fulfilling. Finally, we had enough and petitioned to unionize. If he had continued to nurture us nurturing our team, we would still be making good profits for him. His egotistic desire for control and refusal to see us as anything more than "his" worker-cogs completely imploded is highest earning studio.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2022

    Hi friends- happy Saturday and catching up here again with you ladies. Rolling along here with my recovery, the paxlovid is working and woke up this morning feeling better although I still have waves of congestion that make me feel very virally. But I am coming through this and just grateful we have the treatment to help us now when this happens. My job says I need to check in with their covid center next Friday about returning to work (which I think means in person on site) and probably will need to decide for myself how I feel Monday and maybe day to day about when I am ready to return. I have plenty of sick time (one of the benefits of this job) and not going to rush to return even remotely until I am sure I can do it.

    Sunshine- sorry to hear Covid landed you in the hospital. I am glad they took care of you and got you hydrated and that fever down. I did have a low grade fever off and on (under 100), but nothing today.

    Goldie- glad you got through the procedure okay. I agree with some of the above, not your job to help out anyone's family that lives nearby or even explain why you can't. The thing is, this is not a short term thing that maybe anyone could help out with, it's a longer term commitment no one wants. I had a situation like this with my neighbor that went on for six years and plenty of expectations my way to be a helper. Eventually she completely failed in the home and was moved to assisted living by her son and family who lived out of state. If the guy can't make it there on his own, they need to figure out a different living situation. You take good care of you sister!

    We have a cold rain that arrived here in north central New Mexico today and it looks like it came from your direction. We need the moisture, it's been going north and south of us for a few times now. Maybe you are getting moisture too?

    Chi- what is the DOTD? I am off the sauce right now but will live vicariously through others here as best I can.

    Going to go for now but be back soon. Stay warm ladies!

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited December 2022

    Attended the last of four weddings this year, tonight. DOTDs were Two apple cider rum cocktails and a Kahlua and cream. Yummy. And my maximum even though i spread it out over 5 hours.Glad we danced with the kids to burn off some calories!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2022

    First things first, Jazzy: DsOTD last night (at Mon Ami Gabi) were Charles de Fere Brut Rosé and Jadot Moulin-à-Vent. Tonight, to Chengdu Impression (neighborhood Sichuan BYOB), we brought a Duboeuf Beauj. Nouveau. Glad to hear the Paxlovid is working. Been seeing that while COVID is rising everywhere, it's even more so in NM. Take all the time you need to get back to full-strength (and no longer contagious).

    Sunshine, sorry to hear COVID landed you in the hospital, but glad you can recover at home.

    Lori, you have been more than generous already, racking up several lifetimes' worth of good karma. Do they not know what you've been going through this past year? I second the suggestion that they look into Amazon Fresh or Walmart for grocery delivery. (Probably too remote for Instacart, but you never know). But it should be on their dime and their time, not yours.

    Wren, B'way & Denny (Capitol Hill) has safety issues? Good grief, when I lived in Seattle it was hip-Yuppie-land. I thought it was still trendy, Here in Chicago, the unionized S'bux on W. Bryn Mawr Ave. in central Edgewater (about 3/4 mi. SE of us) was also shut down, allegedly due to "safety issues," but that 'hood is slightly dicier due to its proximity to a CTA station, though it's gentrifying. (It's in an officially-landmarked building due to its original terracotta facade and architectural significance: with hideously overpriced studios upstairs).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2022

    Wren, I just try to be a good person. I guess sometimes, you just can't be good enough and you get taken advantage of. I did not like how she worded things, about being a good Christian, and insinuating that if I didn't help, I was not a good Christian.

    Miriandra, I did throw out some other options and even includedd a link that had 10 food delivery companies, that send your whole meal, such as Hello Fresh.

    Jazzy yes, it would end up being long term! And who knows what else they will end up asking for! Glad you are feeling better. Rain, OMG! It rained all day yesterday, nice, slow, steady rain. No run off and still raining as I got up this morning. Nothing better for us than a goodj soaking. I can only imagine what my roads are like! Glad I don't have to go out.

    Reader, sounds like you had a nice time at the wedding and even got to imbibe a bit! Congrats to the new couple.

    Thanks Sandy. Yes we are too remote for insta cart, but there are other options indeed, and I am not one of them! And yes, they know what I am dealing with. Forgot to add yesterday, I liked your "Covidverginity", or however you worded it...LOL!

    My friend and I both declined helping. My friend has a lung disease, is on O2, has to go once a week for these infusions that put a protein in her blood that she needs for her lungs, she does not produce this protien. So it's a lot for her to just do her own shopping, loading and unloading. The gal that asked for the help, unfriended her on FB. Really?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2022

    DOTD: Fall Wedding Cocktail, Apple Pie Spritzer


    For the Homemade Apple Pie Vodka

    4-5 Granny Smith apples sliced

    3 cinnamon sticks

    Approximately 2 cups Everclear 190 Proof

    1 3/4 cup filtered water

    1/4 cup simple syrup equal parts water and sugar, cooked on the stove until combined fully

    For Apple Pie Spritzer

    3 ounces Apple Pie Vodka 1 shot

    1/4 cup Apple Cider or Apple Juice

    Club Soda to top

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited December 2022

    Goldie, that letter from the neighbors family, wow! That “god has human angels” bit makes me want to smack her, the nerve. I’ve used hello fresh and hungryroot delivered food, both will send potatoes, eggs, etc. If money is an issue, his family should check into options for older or disabled folks. The majority of most states budgets goes to aid programs, so they should be able to find something if they’re willing to make an effort. I may sound mean too but living how and where we do, you’re either self sufficient or you should move to the city, it’s that simple.

    Last stages of the beach bar are under way, just finishing the ceiling, pics soon 🙂

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2022

    Good morning ladies- waking up to a foggy morning here. Rained all night which we have so needed. Fog is rare here, so kind of cool to see. Grateful to see some moisture and it looks to be continuing on today too. A bit more mild here, not the colder weather with biting winds we have seen of late. Slept really well and very deeply last night again, paxlovid has really helped me with this congestion so I can breath better at night (Nyquil helps too but refuse to call it my DOTD, lol). That being said, I was able to start drinking and enjoying coffee again so my DOTD is Peets holiday blend with sugar free brown sugar cinnamon syrup.

    I decided I will continue to stay out of work until I am through the paxlovid treatment and quaruntine time on Tuesday. Plenty of sick time to use and need to be sure I am really well before I resume anything, even remotely. Health first!

    Goldie- wow those people asking that other woman to help when she is not in great health either. And trying to manipulate by implying you are not a good person/Christain if you don't do something, purely manipulative. Think this person and her toxic family need to go from your life. Unfriend, block, etc. whatever is needed sister. They left someone who clearly can't take care of themselves in a place where they don't have resources available to get any help. Don't let them get under your skin further sister, just give em the old heave ho!

    Ooh everclear, memories of my youth. That being said, anything apple would be delicious!

    About all I can write right now. Have a good funday Sunday ladies.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2022

    The family is a very disfunctional one. Julia, who wrote to me amd brother Richard whom she's trying to help. Both bi polar, Richie autistic and non believer. Has no income, too proud for government help. So he has to rely on mom (85) and siblings to support him and his dog! No idea what he/they will do if his solar goes out, or well pump. The only heat is a fireplace, with no insert or anything.

    BabyGirl, exactly! If you can't make out here, you don't belong out here! Yay on the Beach Bar!

    Jazzy, no need to block or unfriend. I think all is ok. We said our peace....NOT DOING IT! And it doesn't get under my skin. I don't feel badly at all. Still raining here, but no fog.


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited December 2022

    Oh, goldie, I'm glad you're "standing your ground" and not enabling these people. To demand (AKA, ask, beg, whatever) in the name of Christianity is just wrong.

    I'm off the "sauce" (well, my red wine) for a while. That doesn't mean I'm not still hanging out here. That's me bending over your shoulder asking, "Oooh, what's that? It looks good. No thank you, I don't want a sip, but it still looks good." So, cheers to my lovely ladies here (and any lurking gents.)


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2022

    At brunch today. Lucien Albrecht rosé cremant d'Alsace. Going to Orchestra Hall tonight to see Itzhak Perlman & Andy Statman do "In the Fiddler's House;" but will not avail myself of any lobby libations other than seltzer. I think I need to consider calories, not just carbs--and alcohol does lower my inhibitions to the point where it impairs my dietary discipline.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited December 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey day. The puppers and I had a nice weekend binge watching Downton Abby. I don't know why I like that show so much, that's not my usual type of entertainment. Looks like some rain coming in over the next couple of days, but still warm enough to not be snow.

    Goldie--I've pretty much given up on dealing with Mom's phones. What is wrong with them is Mom. She keeps trying to program the phones, but she can't see well enough to deal with the small print on the screen, and isn't really able to manage multiple step instructions. She thinks she can turn off notifications for things she doesn't want to get notifications for, and ends up turning of notifications for everything, even the ringer. And while she's trying to put in contact numbers she hits the wrong buttons and ends up who knows where doing who knows what. The same kind of thing is the problem with her laptop, but there she falls for every notice that pops up and down loads everything that asks to be downloaded. It's only a matter of time before she gets scammed big time. The only saving grace so far has been that she won't send money over the internet except to certain businesses she regularly buys things from. I'm glad you got the port put in and it wasn't terribly traumatic. Your neighbor's letter is a piece of work! If I were you, I would write back that I appreciate the good wishes, but health issues make it impossible to be reliably available to supply him. And then I would point out that Walmart will ship or deliver. They can order and pay for things and have them delivered or shipped to his place, the same with Amazon and many other businesses on line. I buy things to be shipped to Mom's regularly, it's easy. There is probably a Meals on Wheels or similar program he can take advantage of. I agree, it doesn't sound like he can take care of himself, which is unfortunate, but not a situation you can fix. Links to meal delivery companies would be a nice touch, and would solve a lot of problems for them.

    Wren--good point!

    Miriandra--When did we as a society lose the idea of respect and civilized treatment of everybody? Power grubbing is never going to end well for anyone.

    Jazzy--So glad to hear you are feeling better! And good for you for taking care of yourself. Cold rain is pretty miserable, but at least it's better than snow!

    Reader--sounds like the weddings were fun and a good time was had by all!

    Morning, Chi!

    Goldie--your friend got unfriended on FB for not being able to help? So not right. They aren't looking for help, they are looking for people to take care of him for them.

    LOVE the Fall Wedding Cocktail!

    Illi--Can't wait to see the pics of the finished beach bar!

    Jazzy--brown sugar cinnamon syrup sounds heavenly in coffee!

    Sunshine--Looking at the different drinks is a lot of fun, even without tasting!

    Chi-it's impressive how well you know yourself!

    midnight fog


    For the rosemary spiced cola syrup:

    For the cocktail:

    • 1 1/2 ounces bourbon
    • 1/2 ounce scotch
    • 1/2 ounce Rosemary Spiced Cola Syrup
    • 1/4 ounce lemon juice
    • 1 dash Angostura bitters

    1/8 teaspoon activated charcoal powder, to make the drink black (optional)

    Dry ice pellets, for garnish* (optional)


    • To make the syrup, add cola, cloves, cardamom, star anise, cinnamon and rosemary to medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium-low and simmer for 15 minutes. Let cool completely, then strain into a clean jar or bottle. You should have about 1/2 cup syrup. Store in the refrigerator until ready to use.
    • To make the cocktail, add bourbon, scotch, syrup, lemon juice and bitters to a mixing glass with ice. Stir until well-chilled. If you'd like to make the cocktail black, stir in activated charcoal powder. Strain into a coupe glass.
    • To make the cocktail foggy, add a small bit of dry ice to the drink. Just make sure the dry ice is completely evaporated ((it will stop bubbling and smoking before you consume the drink.)
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2022


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2022

    NM - Torani makes all kinds of flavored syrups in reg and sugar free. You can find them in the chain grocery stores here in the aisle with coffees. But probably can find them on line too. Here's a pic
