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how about drinking?



  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited December 2022

    Jazzy, I think you have discovered the secret to their movies.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited December 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! Not much new and different going on here. Life is settling into a groove at work and here at home. The puppers are happy running my life!

    Jazzy--That Hallmark Movie Plot generator is hilarious! I've seen the Torani flavored syrups, and I have the brown sugar cinnamon, it's yummy!

    Morning, Wren!

    Clink Pink Rosé French 75

    Rosé French 75


    • Edible gold leaf, for garnish (optional)
    • 1½ ounces gin
    • ¾ ounce fresh lemon juice
    • ¾ ounce simple syrup
    • 3 ounces sparkling rosé
    • Lemon peel


    If using, drape edible gold leaf on flute. In cocktail shaker filled with ice, combine gin, lemon juice and simple syrup. Shake well, then strain into flute. Top with sparkling rosé and stir. Twist lemon peel gently over top of glass to express essential oils. Garnish with peel.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2022

    Good morning Loungettes. I can't seem to catch a frickin' break. I now have another kidney infection. Need to go in to get my Faslodex injections, hoping my doctor will just call me in an AB, so I don't have to go to ER. I was trying to flush it out, by drinking lots of water, but that's not working and urine has a very strong odor. I haven't eaten in 2 days.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited December 2022

    Goldie, can you handle cranberry juice? It raises the PH of your urine, helping kill off bacteria. It's usually more of a UTI preventative measure, but it might help with a full on infection too. I hope you're able to kick it soon!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2022

    Goldie- I am so sorry to hear this sister. Take care of yourself and get rid of that infection so you can keep your treatment going.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2022

    Actually, cranberry juice acidifies the urine--LOWERING its pH, which makes it less hospitable to bacteria. The lower the pH of a substance, the more acidic; the higher the pH, the more alkaline. Until you can start on an AB, keep drinking cranberry juice, and water as well.

    DOTD for me is Mumm Napa 2017 Devaux Ranch Blanc de Blancs.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited December 2022

    Ah, yes! Thank you, Sandy. I remembered it made urine more acidic, but forgot which direction on the pH scale that was.

    I just finished off a cup of cranberry-pomegranate juice. Tasty.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2022

    Good morning- done with paxlovid and quaruntine, tested negative this morning! Going to ease back in to work today remotely for the duration of the week.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited December 2022

    Sandy 🥂 !

    Jazzy, I'm glad your clear! Happy easing back to normal.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited December 2022

    Passoa Recovery - Easy Cocktail Recipes - enliven your weekends with 20000+ cocktail recipesimage alt="">

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2022

    Everybody passed out in a corner somewhere? Feeling better every day, not 100% yet, but getting there. I'm down to 125 lbs, 20 lbs lighter than I should be, not a good look! I did get my stove, but that's it. It's not hooked up. Delivery guys are not allowed to hook up propane stoves. I did have them haul 2 bags of pellets up to my porch. I still have to bring more in, but it's 2 less I have to carry! Nice temps here through the weekend, mid 50's, but then we get cold and possibly some snow, night time temps in the teens....brrrrr!

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited December 2022

    Glad you're feeling stronger and more yourself, Goldie! I hope the trend continues.

    Mainer, your picture above made me think of a chemistry set. The cruets are fancy erlenmeyer flasks, and jiggers are beakers. Long ago, DH and I laughed about a Mad Scientist themed bar with shots served in test tubes and more dry ice behind the counter than anyone should need. The tables would of course feature - the Periodic Table.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited December 2022

    Hi everyone and good morning. Goldie, I hope you can get some calories into you! I lost about eight pounds after being in the hospital for a couple of days and not really having the energy to eat after that. The weight loss actually brought me near my goal weight loss, but I didn't want to lose it that fast. It's back up a couple of pounds, so I'm ok with that. I hope your stove gets hooked up soon.

    Waving "hi" to everyone. I finally feel like I have a bit of my old energy back this morning. Yay!

    Tried a glass of wine last night. Yuck. I hope I haven't lost my taste for it. I'll probably wait until Christmas to try again. It's always more fun when I'm with my sister and BIL!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2022

    Lori, glad you're feeling stronger. May you get your stove hooked up soon. Meanwhile, how I wish I could be your "fat donor!"

    Kim, what are those flasks anyway? They look like oil & vinegar cruets. Miriandra, patrons at your watering hole would have to stand at the bar (or sit on bar stools) to drink...unless it were their time-of-the-month. (Periodic tables...couldn't help myself...)

    DOTD at the Sichuan BYOB tonight was Clif Family (Napa) 2019 Rte. Blanc Sauvignon Blanc. Last night was an after-dinner shot of Kirkland egg nog liqueur (hey, it was there in the fridge and I wanted to try it). Way too sweet & boozy, so I topped up the little espresso cup with some heavy cream and NutPods unsweetened eggnog-flavor coconut/almond creamer--grated a bit of nutmeg over the top. Perfect! (Every time I encounter eggnog, I recall a teenaged Gordy calling it "Christmas phlegm").

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited December 2022

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! Wakiing up to a chilly day today and had a lovely warm cuddle in bed with the puppers before getting up. The two of them are surprisingly warm on chilly nights even if they don't like to come under the covers!

    Goldie--so glad to hear you are feeling better every day. Good to get the stove delivered, not good that they don't hook it up. I suppose you now have to find someone to come hook it up? At least you got a couple of bags of pellets lugged up to the porch.

    Miriandra--That pic came up in a search for an image for the drink Passoa Recovery Cocktail, that was supposed to be in the post from yesterday that seems to have disappeared. I didn't notice that when I posted yesterday. Love the Mad Scientist themed bar idea!

    Sunshine--glad to hear you are getting some energy back. Also hoping you haven't lost your taste for wine!

    Chi--they do look like oil and vinegar curets, don't they?

    Yesterday I wrote about waking up feeling pretty rough on Thursday--cough, chills, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, temp of 99.4. Covid negative. Felt much better yesterday, but still tired, so I stayed home another day. I've got remote access to the work computer system from my desktop now, so I could keep up with the critical stuff. The puppers were funny, taking turns climbing into my lap and not letting me get up and putter around. I'm feeling fine this morning, so whatever it was seems to have run its course. Several people at work have been out sick with something similar.

    Passoa Recovery Cocktail

    2 cl of Lemon Juice

    soda water

    6 cl of passoa liqueur

    Pour passoa and lemon juice over ice in a highball glass. Fill with soda water, and serve.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2022

    Miriadra, the Mad Scientist bar sounds like fun.

    Sandy, I would gladly take the donation, if possible! LOL @ "Periodic" table. Oh dear, "Christmas Phlegm"? 🤮🤮

    Sunshine, surely your taste for wine will come back! Of course, it's more fun with family or friends.

    NM, I thought something was up with you. Glad it was short lived, and you are feeling better. I can't imagine either pup in your lap, especially Colt!

    Finally, I think I'm about 95%. I still get winded very easily, not sure what that's about. I was able to get down a larger portion of dinner yesterday than what I have been able to tolerate. It's horrible when you are hungry but just can't eat. Not that I'm nauseous, just don't want food in my mouth. As for the stove, it has to be a special person to install propane stove. The gas stove has to be converted.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2022

    Thought this was funny and had to share!


    May be an image of text that says 'Starting December 5th, Customers will be required to to unload the Semi- Trucks at Walmart. This will be in addition to your Self- Checkout duties. alamy alamy Walmart alami'

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2022

    Yeah, Lori, but can they keep a little of what they unload?

    Geeking out here: DOTD thus far is a pourover cup from the tail end of a bag of Dollop (roasted 11/20) "Berried Alive" blend. As it's medium roast, for the pourover I use my Hario cone (glass). The required pour is trickier (spiral, counter-clockwise from the center out) but makes the most of the pointy-bottom filter that drains into the single center hole in the bottom of the cone. For light roasts (such as Metric's "Seismic" blend of mainly African beans) I use a Kalita Wave dripper (stainless steel) Gordy bought me--it uses its proprietary fluted flat-bottom basket filters and it drains from several small holes along the bottom. The filters look like the usual flat-bottom basket filters most electric drip machines (remember those 1970s Mr. Coffee machines?) use, but have much deeper "pleats" that the mfr. (and NYTimes Wirecutter) say gives the "Wave" its name. It brings out the brightness of light roasts, which are good in the morning. Not everyone likes that flavor profile, of course.

    Later in the day, I will pull a shot or two of espresso from Dark Matter's "Unicorn Blood" blend--roasted 12/4, so just right in the freshness zone for espresso. (When my espresso beans are >2 wks past roast, they get relegated to drip duty until they're either gone or a month old--at which point I give them to my HK. Most stores sell beans far older than that). Espresso shouldn't be used until 4 days post-roast, and they lose their body and thick-crema potential after day 14. When I was a home-roaster, I could tell the age of the roast at a cafe's espresso just by looking at the color & body of the crema: too old and the crema is paler and thinner. When I used to tour in MI's Upper Peninsula, we'd sing at a roastery/cafe up in Marquette (Lake Superior shore), which also supplied beans to a 4-H/Jr. Achievement-run coffeehouse down near Escanaba (Lake Michigan). The Marquette roaster would ask me to report on the freshness of the south coast cafe's beans, guesstimating their age--and he told me I nailed it each time.

    Oh, and I got the name of those keto-friendly syrups wrong: it's NuNaturals, not NuStevia. Just got some more of their chocolate syrup--gonna try it in an egg cream (made with FairLife whole milk) tonight & report back. With the leftover Peking duck soup from last night, not sure if I will pour the rest of that Rte Blanc or Coravin some Beaujolais Nouveau.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2022

    Good morning and happy Funday Sunday friends

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. The weather has been nice this week, a bit more mild but a storm is coming through Monday that is going to drop temps down a good 20 degrees. But we are expected to get some rain so that part is good.

    I made it through three days of work and felt pretty tired by Friday afternoon. This Covid stuff does leave one with some residual fatigue, felt it yesterday afternoon too, but just trying to not overdo it either. I read it can take up to 6 weeks to really feel back to normal after Covid. I got cleared on Friday to return to the office on Monday (I usually am in Mon and Wed and just not going to overdo. I plan to mask up again as that office has just been a petri dish since they dropped the mask mandate in our office early last month. We work in an off site location from the main hospital, but people go back and forth and well, with the surge here, just not good.

    Trying to get my holiday stuff done now, cards almost done and hoping to get some things in the mail soon to send to folks back east and also to my sister in Cali. Xmas weekend is coming up fast and looking forward to my hot springs in a couple weeks. I am going to start putting my travel bag together today! I have some treatments planned along with my soaking, and hope it just is going to help me get more restored after a busy year and this Covid crap.

    Goldie- I am glad you are feeling better and almost back to normal. I hope you can get your house back together the way you want it. You may be getting some of that weather coming here too? I hope you can feel better to eat something sister.

    Sunshine- it is good to hear you are feeling better too. I am glad to hear it.

    NM- sorry to hear you have been under the weather. Glad you tested negative for Covid, and hopefully whatever it is, has moved through. Do you put up tree? I used to do a small one for years but don't bother anymore. I like to decorate some with a few Xmas things, especially pointsettias.

    We haven't heard from Karen lately, hope you are doing okay sister?

    Shout out to ChiSandy, CeliaC, Ill, Teka and many more here.

    I am going to a holiday concert later today with the Santa Fe Chorale, they do the most beautiful concerts. I went to their holiday performance last year and it was so good, looking forward to getting out to do something fun for a few hours.

    Wishing everyone a good week ahead and will be back again next weekend.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2022

    Sandy, I say yes to keeping things off the truck!

    Jazzy, we are supposed to get snow, we'll see. No tree or decorations for me. In fact I'm giving a lot to my neighbor. I know you are looking forward to your hot spring getaway.

    I've been thinking about Karen too.

    My trip is coming up FAST! I need to start getting my stuff together.

    DOTD: A Christmas Cocktail


    • 1 1/2 ounces (1 shot) huckleberry vodka
    • 3 ounces cranberry juice
    • 3 ounces Brut champagne (more to taste)
  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited December 2022

    You know, it's a funny thing. I added this group to my favorites a while back but didn't check it because I didn't want to be made to feel guilty about my occasional glass of wine. Boy, was I wrong! You ladies are the funniest, sweetest group and so supportive!. Thank you for the love and the laughter. Wishing you all a peaceful Sunday free of SEs.

    Love and hugs,


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2022

    Awwww Carol, that is very sweet of you. We are a small a small group, not judgmental at all! We do like to have fun, but not every day can be fun, right? So, we are here to support one another.

    We usually play these games every year, but somehow we missed halloween and TG. I found this one and thought it pretty funny! I hope I'm not offending anyone!

    Snowball the Big Boobed Meth Head here!


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited December 2022

    OMG! I’m Belchie the slutty dumpster slut

    My DH is Belchie the lubed up pecker wrecker

    Goldie, thank you, that’s hilarious!

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited December 2022

    Sandy, you almost made me snarf my drink!

    So say I, Smooshy the Foul-Mothed Man Slammer. xD

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited December 2022

    Snowball the big boobed dumpster slut checking in with my date night chocolate martini ( and hubs sangria). Thanks Goldie...hahaha!!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2022

    Nippy the Motherfuckin' Welfare Mom here!

    DOTD was at Uvae Wine Bar & Kitchen tonight. We'd always wanted to try it, but parking is very tight in the Andersonville neighborhood. The fact that it's a Sunday night (rather than brunch or any other day) made it possible. They had a December wine-pairing dinner that was quite reasonable and almost keto-friendly. There were four wines, all made with Rhône varietals from Margerum Winery in the Santa Barbara AVA. Started with a rosé of Grenache & Mourvedre; then a white blend of Grenache Blanc, Marsanne & Roussane; a red blend of Syrah, Grenache & Mourvedre; and (counterintuitive but it worked) a Sauvignon Blanc with a semi-savory tart for dessert. 2-oz. pours, of which I had half. We shared a press pot of the house blend from Uncommon Coffee Roasters (Saugatuck, MI).

    Also worried about Karen--she hasn't checked in here since the High Holy Days. Hope she's ok. I forget whether her DD was visiting from Israel or vice versa.

    23&Me says I'm 99.4% Ashkenazi Jewish and 0.3% each Scandinavian, Iberian and southern Balkan. Bob didn't take an admixture test, but we know he's 1/4 Scots, 1/8 Italian Swiss, 1/8 Peruvian on his dad's side; and 1/4 ea. German & Hungarian on his mom's. I didn't lose any direct ancestors in the Holocaust, though a couple of my dad's second cousins survived the camps and a third cousin died in one. Therefore, Gordy is truly a Heinz 57. (Lesiie is Scots-Irish, so if they have kids they'll have to produce a pie chart to describe their ancestry),

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited December 2022

    Good Morning, loungettes! Happy Monday monkey day. Waking up to temps in the 20's, where it's expected to be this time of year. Makes the 'gusty breeze' feel colder, though. The cold doesn't seem to bother the puppers when they go out. They still chase each other around and wrestle and carry on just like any other day.

    Goldie--I wish I could get a pic of the puppers in my lap, it must be hilarious! They make for a very warm, weighted blanket. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I wonder if you are anemic and that is what is making you feel winded? Hopefully, whatever is causing it will straighten itself out soon. Of course it takes someone special to hook up the stove. Have you found anyone yet? LOL at the Walmart truck! I wonder how long it will be before that becomes an option?

    Chi--the number of ways coffee can be prepared never ceases to amaze me, and you seem to know all of them! Love the bean age guessing success.

    Jazzy--I've noticed that it takes me longer to recover from any illness, no matter how mundane or mild than it used to. I've heard it said that getting older isn't for sissies, and I'm beginning to see why! A few years ago I probably wouldn't have taken last Thursday off, and certainly would have been back to work on Friday if I did. The hot springs break sounds marvelous and rejuvenating, I hope it goes smoothly for you!

    Goldie--love the Christmas Cocktail!

    Sunshine--no one here is going to give you any grief about having an occasional glass of wine or other drink, or for not imbibing! We're more about living life than about rules and restrictions.

    Belchie the Slutty Wigger here! This one is too funny!

    LOL illi, miriandra!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2022

    I'm rolling on the floor here! Thanks ladies for playing along, I was afraid it might have been a little over the top.

    BabyGirl, too funny about your and DH. Pecker wrecker and dumpster slut, at least you kind of go together!

    Reader, the chocolate martini looks very yummy!

    Sandy, I think Karen's DD was here a while back and has gone back to Israel. Not sure if her and DH had travel plans for Xmas or not.

    I'll call Lowe's today and see when they are sending someone out to hook up the stove. The guys that brought the new out didn't even know they were taking the old one. I said, that's what I paid for! No precipitation as of yet. Got most of my clothes set out for my trip.

    DOTD: Godiva Chocolat Martini


    1 1/2 oz. (45ml) Godiva Chocolate Liqueur
    1 1/2 oz. (45ml) Creme de Cacao
    1 oz. (30ml) Vodka
    2 oz. (60ml) Half and Half Milk

    1. Chill a martini glass.
    2. In a shaking glass with ice, combine Godiva chocolate liqueur, creme de cacao, vodka, and half & half. Shake well.
    3. Strain mix into chilled martini glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2022

    NM, for to address the anemia. I suppose that could be and my labs should show if that were the case, right? Which, I have not looked at them. I do have some iron pills, maybe I should take some of them and see if that helps.


  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited December 2022

    Hello, Bechie The pissed off Meth head here. I like illimae's and her husbands names, they do go together.

    Goldie, I am glad that you are feeling better. It does seem like it is one thing after another. It can really get you down if you dwell too much on it.

    Jazzy, I think after having covid it will take awhile before your energy comes back. Take it easy and rest. I am with NM, it seems to take longer for me to recover from sicknesses.

    Greetings to all and I hope you all have a great week.