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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited December 2022

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! Going to be a long day at work as I have the Home health Aide's monthly education meeting this afternoon/evening. It's usually quite a bit of fun, though, and gives me an excuse to buy sandwiches and goodies. I stopped to pick up my weekly grocery To Go order on the way home from work last night, and thought that the order was packed into a lot more bags than usual. When I got home I discovered I had someone else's grocery order! About then the store called, and we sorted out what happened. I'll pick up my order today after work, and get to keep the order I got by accident. I sorted out what I would use and am taking a bagful of items to the office for people to take what they can use.

    Goldie--you are having quite the go-around with the stove! It seems like people at Lowe's aren't talking to each other very well. Love the Godiva martini! Your labs would tell if you had anemia, and taking iron may or may not help, but it can't hurt. And the mistletoe placement, too funny!

    Misty--Good morning, good to see you!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2022

    Misty, this whole year has been one thing after another for me. Starting with my DH's death. If it's not somehting health related, it's something that breaks around here that I can't fix. I can't catch a break! I have 2 gates at my driveway entrance, cattle guard gates. I have a solar gate opener that opens one side of the gate, so I don't have to get out and open/close it each time I leave. Well, the arm that attaches to the gate, that opens/closes it, broke off from the bracket. The bolts litterally snapped in half.

    NM, sweet on the extra groceries. What kind of goodies did you get that you normally wouldn't buy and what were you giving away? I did call Lowes, because if I hadn't, I would have never gotten the stove installed. It certainly has been the run around. I hope the education meeting tonight is indeed fun.

    Ahhhhh, The 12 Days of Chistmas cocktails. Officially an annual thing with us. Supposed to have the guys come out and look at my house again. We got about 4" of snow yesterday, which mostly melted by the end of the day. But then we got more last night. Can't tell how much yet, but my roads will be muddy. They are supposed to be here by 8:30.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited December 2022

    It definitely takes longer to recover. DD had Covid. I got sick a few days later with some of the same symptoms, but never tested positive for Covid. I went out yesterday for the first time and after about 2 hours had to come home and go back to bed. Still feel a lot of fatigue today. But what do you expect from Schnocker, the lubed up welfare mom.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited December 2022

    Hahaha!! Goldie we're getting a lot of mileage out of the name game!

    DOTD was a smooth as silk pinot noir. Had 3 grilled oysters on half shell and a bowl of cream of crab soup for dinner (calling both my "anemia dispensation" as Sandy put it) - oysters are high in iron. Probably pushing it.

    Feel better Wren.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited December 2022

    Good Morning, loungettes! The meeting yesterday went well, got a lot done, and had a pretty good time, too. I work with a great bunch of home health aides and really enjoy these meetings even when we do get off into some deep discussions about difficult topics. The puppers weren't too upset with me coming home a little later than usual, probably because I brought them each a left over sandwich from the meeting!

    Goldie--I kept a steak, blueberries, a head of cabbage, a bag of salad mix, a bag of new potatoes, beef broth, and a case of flavored soda water. I gave away a bag of dried beans, a bag of carrots, a couple bottles of hot sauces, a box of mushrooms, a package of string cheese, and a bag of peppers. It all went amazingly quickly, and it was kind of funny seeing people all over the office munching on the carrots! I picked up my order after work, so now I'm all set for the week, except for getting a bag of food for the puppers. You really can't catch a break this year, with the gate opener arm broken now! I hope the guys did get out and get the stove hooked up for you.

    Wren--oh my goodness, Schnocker, I hope you get your energy back soon!

    Reader--the cream of crab soup sounds wonderful. Not crazy about oysters, but they are high in iron and iodine, low in fat, so they are a good treat.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited December 2022

    Good morning, loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! I made a little bit of a fool of myself yesterday. A few days ago the toaster stopped working. Yesterday I picked up a new one. Brought it home and went to get rid of the old one, and discovered it had come unplugged. Plugged it back in, it's working just fine. So now I have a new toaster, still in the box, sitting on top of the fridge. I never thought to look to see if the plug had come loose when it stopped working. It always seems to be the simple things that get me! The puppers thought it was funny when I told them what was going on.

    Goldie--well, at least you are getting closer to getting the stove in and the damage taken care of. Glad to hear the damage so far has been relatively light. Single digit temps are brrr, indeed!

    Sunshine--Glad to hear you are getting better. Keep up the naps as long as you need them!


  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited December 2022

    Does your break room at work need a perfectly functional but second-hand toaster? Or you could gift the new one to your team instead, if it's not expensive enough to return to the store.

    We've got north weather rolling through Denver today. You know snow's coming when the air smells like poop. The smell of animal waste, old blood, and agricultural scents come from the stock yards outside of Greeley, a town about 55 miles north of us. The weather conditions that herald a bad snow storm funnel Greeley's aroma down to us, and we know to just stay inside for a bit.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2022


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2022

    NM oh dear. Don't you just want to smack your forehead, like they do for the V8 commercials!


    Miriandra, I was thinking the same thing about the toaster.

    Jazzy, nice cocktails! Did you get snow?

    No stove install yesterday. Guy called and said the road was too bad and that he was sliding all over the place. Told him he might as well wait until I return in January. Lows tonight in the single digits. I hate winter! Even as mild as it is here. I shouldn't complain, at least the sun is shining.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited December 2022

    Oh, that's funny about the toaster. I just ordered a digital meat thermometer for my BIL for Christmas. I thought I had already bought him home but couldn't find it. Opened a kitchen drawer and there it was. I've done that with other stuff, too. Sheesh.

    The poop before the storm made me smile. When we used to drive up to my dad's place in the Napa Valley, we'd get near the stockyards along the interstate and could smell them for miles. We have a place in the desert (near Palm Springs) and at certain times in October, we can smell the Salton Sea. Yuck. At least it doesn't last.

    Bummer about the stove install. It must be disappointing, to say the least.

    I'm trying to type in my cold house. Kitchen is 63 degrees, and my bathroom is 54. We have an old Craftsman home built in 1910. Cute but cold. Space heaters, and electric mattress pads are welcome. And layers. Lots and lots of layers!

    Happy Friday, everyone!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2022

    Teka, here's hoping for continued progress in your post-TKR rehab. I found with mine it took about 12 weeks to 3 months before I was back to normal, with 90-degree flexion sans pain & minimal stiffness. You'll get there. Meanwhile, good on ya for standing by the computer, as "sitting is the new smoking."

    Kim, looks like you have at least one thing you can re-gift (one fewer present to buy). Now, if only you have someone you know who wants a toaster...

    Similar thing happened to me. I needed some new wardrobe staples from Travelsmith, as my black "In-Transit" jacket was getting a bit snug to zip up over any but the thinnest tops and its collar was getting dull & threadbare; and some pants either no longer fit or were beginning to look too worn-out to do anything but lounging-around-the-house duty. So I ordered replacements plus a couple of other things I wanted. Hit "complete order" but never got a confirmation e-mail (not even in my Spam or Junk folders)--just a bunch of "your cart is calling, it misses you" e-mails. Went to the site to check on the order, clicked on both the cart and "Your Orders," but got the message "You have no current orders." Ooops. Just so happens that its sister site Magellan's sent me an ad, so I found the same items on that site and ordered them. Those arrived w/in 5 days, but still nothing from Travelsmith...until the package arrived over 2 weeks from my having placed the order. So now I was stuck with a duplicate black jacket and pair of beige pants--plus a notice that another color pant (which Magellan did send me) was "on backorder." Looked at the return label & packing slip--the return shipping was free, but they'd instituted a $10.95 "restocking fee." (What are you supposed to do if you need to order more than one size because the company has no brick & mortar store where you can try on)? In my case, I placed what turned out to be a duplicate order only because I never received a confirmation e-mail nor could I find an online record of the order. Called Customer Service and explained why I was making the return and that I shouldn't have to pay a restocking fee. They were able to cancel the backordered item. We'll see if a chargeback appears on my next credit card statement.

    (Too late for anyone here who wants a black In-Transit jacket in PXL and beige SlimSation pants in PL--the mail carrier already picked up the return box).

    DsOTD: Tues. night at Calo, a split of Nicolas Feuillatte Brut Champagne. Wed. night at home with a king crab leg I steamed and a Greek salad, some of the Mumm Napa bubbly I'd opened last week (still fizzy). Thurs. night with ordered-out brisket & slaw, more salad, and the toppings I gnawed off some tavern-cut pizza squares Bob brought home, a glass of 2020 Kirkland Pinot Noir (which we'd opened at a BYOB a few nights earlier). Fri. night, at Fiya, a Middle Eastern (mostly Israeli) restaurant & wine bar, a glass of Durot "orange wine" (50-50 Grenache Blanc & Gris). It was peachy-orange in color, unfiltered, and tasted like a "rosé with balls." Would definitely order it again.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2022

    Oh, and Miriandra, "the poop before the storm" story actually has a counterpart in Chicago's history. From 1865 till they closed in 1971, the Union Stock Yards were what made Chicago, in Carl Sandburg's words, "Hog Butcher to the World." They also made anything downwind of them awful places to live--basically, the upper Southwest Side on down almost to Midway Airport, the Cicero city line and SE to just n. of Hyde Park (where the U. of C. stands today on the grounds of the turn-of-the-century World's Fair). The "Back of the Yards" neighborhood (in the 14th Ward) was built for the cattle/swineherds, slaughterers and meatpackers to live within walking distance (so as to maximize the length of the workday the meat barons could squeeze out of them). The stink was so horrendous that as run-down and disinvested as many parts of the S. Side remain even today, only housing projects and dilapidated tenements and "balloon-frame" cottages were built within a couple of miles of the yards until they began shutting down in the early 1960s. (The infamous mega-housing projects along I-90/94 remained well into the 1990s before eventually being demolished).

    The S. Fork of the river's south branch actually frothed & foamed with noxious gases from decomposing animal parts dumped into it, and a section of it was nicknamed "Bubbly Creek" (immortalized in Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle"). The old stockyard has been replaced with strip malls, some townhouse developments, freight yards, warehouses, freeway ramps (I-55, 90/94), and a rapid transit line between the Loop and Midway Airport, but the core of Back of the Yards is still very rough & tumble, with mostly Latinx families replacing first the Irish & then the Polish stockyard workers...and the gangs that plagued the residents of the area since it was first built. The creek no longer bubbles--in fact, it's been reclaimed as part of a marine recreation area between the Bridgeport & McKinley Park neighborhoods (except when wastewater gets released into it by the City from sewers overflowing during floods)--but the nickname endures.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited December 2022

    chisandy, I was trying to figure out what in the world "wardrobe staples" were. The super heavy staples you use with a staple gun? Carpet staples? ??? HA! I finally understood what you meant. I hope you don't get stuck with the re-stocking fee. Maybe the fact that I'm only halfway through my first cup of coffee had something to do with it.

    Happy Saturday!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2022

    Some holiday photos from Old Town Albuquerque




  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited December 2022

    Poor Chicago just can't get away from odors! I remember reading about it's early history in middle school. It started as a trading post on a patch of land called "shikaakwa" by the local Native tribes. It wasn't a problem during the winter; but come summer when the wild onions matured, they discovered why it was called "bad smells".


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2022

    Ha ha, so many smelly places! Glad it doesn't smell here! (in the HTL)

    Been busy trying to get things done around here before I leave Tuesday, Wednesday is chemo and I fly out Thursday. They are expecting around 6" of snow, I hope my flight makes it! I ordered me a wig and picked it up yesterday. I hate my hair and I have a hard time trying to style it in a way that I like. I'm considering buying a condo in the same complex as my brother. One of their neighbors, the wife's mother is in hospice, and they want to move out of state when she passes. Their place is also a ranch, no stairs. My brother has 4 levels if you count the basement. Anyways, IF I decide to make that move, they won't have to rush to find a place, knowing I'm not in a hurry and that they have a buyer. Also, we can avoid any realtors.

    Hi and cheers to everyone!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2022

    Good morning friends- happy Funday Sunday. Made it through a full week at work okay and think have recovered from my bout of Covid, including my energy. I have been busy getting the rest of my holiday stuff finished this week and almost done with my Xmas cards and started getting packages in the mail yesterday and more to do today. Most things will get there after the Xmas holiday, but before New Years and going to adults and let everyone know. Now we start packing for the hot springs trip next weekend, can't wait to get in to that warm water and have some spa treatments!

    I was able to get out yesterday for a bit of holiday fun. I was going to meet a friend in Old Town that has lovely decorations but the friend was sick at the end of the week, so she opted out and I went anyways. My last good weekend to do this, and had a lot of fun checking out the shops and visiting with people down there, and got some fun pics that I posted yesterday. There was a brass band playing some fun and funky music too. Enjoyed a good full day and came home pooped!

    This week will be a four day work week, then we are off on Friday to begin the first of our holiday breaks. Next week will be even better with a three day work week, with holiday days off on Monday and Friday and pesky consultants off. Going to enjoy all I can and then we come in to the new year with no holidays until Memorial Day (but do have a 9 day trip to HI for a yoga retreat in April). Been saving some of my accrued time off for the long stretch between Jan-May to take some long weekends here and there as needed (and they will be needed.....)

    Goldie- we were supposed to get some snow this week, but as usual it went north of Albuquerque. I don't see much on the horizon this coming week including up north in Taos Co where I will be next weekend. We seem to be drying out more after a pretty wet year. I am glad to hear you are thinking of getting a condo near family, always easier to have something set up. I hope everything goes well with treatment this week and also with your trip. I hope the new wig is great, and hopefully not too hot. Blessings to you this holiday season.

    Teka- good to hear from you and glad you are coming along with your recovery.

    Chi- I am also buying some travel staples focused around my trip to HI in April. Found a great little travel purse yesterday at one of my fav stores on sale and that will be perfect for when I just need to take my purse and phone with me.

    Thats all for now and know the actual holidays are open us and believe today is the first day of Hannukah, there is Xmas next weekend and let's not forget the winter solstice plus many more. Whatever holiday you celebrate (or if you celebrate none), wishing you a safe and enjoyable time this season.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited December 2022

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday funday! Not so much fun for me today, but I'm very glad it's Sunday! Was up twice during the night Thursday into Friday, had all I could do to drag my butt out of bed in time to get to the office on time. Busy as a bee yesterday being Administrator On Call during a pretty gnarly snowstorm, during which I didn't have internet access most of the day, then tracking staff who were out during the evening until everyone got home. Couple of calls during the night last night. The snow has stopped, so things should be getting cleared out and calming down today. I will be very glad to have the on call stuff going to someone else tomorrow!

    Looks like we got a foot or so of pretty heavy, wet snow. Doesn't bother the puppers in the least as they run around chasing each other.



    Miriandra--the break room at work doesn't need a toaster, and the one I have is older and starting to give me problems with getting stuck and like, so I'm just going to park the new one on top of the fridge until the current one actually dies. Or until I find out someone needs a toaster. Ooohhh, the smell you must have to deal with! I lived for a while across the river from a paper mill, similar thing, you could smell the mill when it was going to rain or snow. Very stinky! OMG, the Lemon Meringue Martini! I love Limoncello, I have got to get some whipped cream vodka and lemonade and make this!

    Goldie--yup, definite smack in the face moment! Sucks that the new stove still isn't installed. At least the guy tried. Winter is not fun, most of the time, regardless of what the skiers all say!

    Sunshine--Yikes, 63 in the kitchen is a bit nippy! I like it to be at least 65! Thank goodness for layers and space heaters.

    Teka--You did get some great snowball and snowman snow. Glad to hear the knee is coming along nicely. I hope you are able to sit comfortably soon.

    Chi--what a pain with the duplicate orders! AS to trying on thing, more stores going online will have to adopt the try and return what you don't want approach used by Amazon, Nadine West, Dia, and other clothing sellers. This whole "restocking fee" thing is a way to take advantage of being able to advertise "free shipping" and still get shipping paid for, IMO. The "rose with balls" sounds like something I'd really like to try!

    Jazzy--now there are some BIG ornaments!

    Goldie--The condo situation sounds like an ideal solution to everyone's potential issues! I bet it will be nice being closer to your brother.

    Let's see, I think I need to play a little ketchup with my Christmas tradition drinks:




  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited December 2022

    Mmmmm, 7 Swans looks tasty!

    I'm enjoying seeing y'all's pics, but am glad I only need to see snow in pixels. xD

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited December 2022

    I love the twelve drinks of Christmas. It would be fun to have a group to take turns making one each night to taste.

    NM – It is sol funny about the toaster. I am so glad that I am not the only one who does crazy things like this. I don't always let my kids know, because they think I am losing it half the time now. Lol

    Goldie – It would be nice for you to be close to your brother. Is this also close to adorable Nora?

    Jazzy – the hot springs and spa treatments sound so nice, I am jealous!

    I love seeing the pictures of the snow. I do miss it sometimes, but only the fresh snow, not after it gets yucky.

    I keep thinking it was last year that Illimae got the twelve days of wine. I need to remember that next year and get it for my sisters….or for me.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited December 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! The snow finally stopped, looks like a foot and a half or so total here. Power is still out in many places, but at least driving is a lot better. Looks like it's going to be a white Christmas after all! Things were much calmer work-wise yesterday, thank goodness. And tonight someone else is on call so I'll be able to sleep really well, and I am looking forward to that!

    Miriandra--glad you are enjoying the snowy pics!

    Misty--it would be fun taking turns making the twelve drinks! I remember someone getting the twelve days of wine, wish I'd thought of that earlier, I would have gotten myself one!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2022

    Jazzy, sorry your friend couldn't go with you, but probably best she stayed home if she wasn't feeling well. Glad you still went. Yay for the short work weeks. Our snow is still here as it's been cold!

    NM, that's ALOT of snow! And didn't you make some Limoncello one time?

    Teka, I hope you are coming along with that knee.

    Miriandra, I'm like you and would rather see the snow in pixels!

    Misty, some of the drinks here have been tried by some Loungettes. And yes, I will be closer to Nora, both my brothers, my son and some girlfriends.

    You guys dealing with mid 60's in your house, brrrr. That's too cold for me. I need it to be at least 72, if not warmer. I'm certainly not looking forward to moving to MI, too many cold, gloomy, snowy, rainy days! I like my Arizona sunshine! The forecast for all that snow that MI was supposed to be getting on the day I fly in, has moved up a day. Currently only calling for 1/2 on my arrival, but a possible 8" on the following day. I was afraid it might interfere with my flight. But I think all will be ok now.

    My new wig!

    Open photo

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited December 2022

    misty eyes, it was a couple years ago now and it was a whole month 😁 The 2020 wine advent calendar, that sure was fun!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited December 2022

    goldie, I like your wig! I still have mine and will pull it out if I need it. I had my Driver License photo taken with the wig just after I finished chemo in 2008. I asked the DMV person what I should put for my hair color if I was bald. She didn't laugh. I thought it was hilarious. Too bad for her.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited December 2022

    So cute, Goldie!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2022

    Goldie - that's a great wig. You look awesome ❤️

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited December 2022


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited December 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! I just heard that tomorrow is the first day of winter. At least it looks like winter here, for now. Another storm coming in on Friday, sounds like it's going to be mostly rain, so I'm expecting the snow is going to get washed away. I'm still looking forward to the long weekend; the office is closed on Monday for Christmas. The puppers certainly don't mind the snow, and seem to enjoy sticking cold wet noses and toeses on me when they come in!

    Goldie--I did look up some recipe for Limoncello once, but I don't remember actually making it. Hmmm. Time to look for that recipe and maybe do just that! Hoping the storm and your flight avoid each other. Love the look of the wig!

    Illi--that month long wine advent calendar must have been a lot of fun!

    Sunshine--So what did you end up putting for hair color on that license? It is a legitimate question, and it is a funny situation, when you stop and think about it!

    Morning, Miriandra!

    Morning, Jazzy!

    LOL, Miriandra!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2022

    BabyGirl, I too remember your wine advent calendar, but would have thought it was just last year. Why does time go by so fast!

    Sunshine, I gave my wigs away after treatment in 2008. Actually to a loungette who no longer posts. That person not lauging cuz you said you were bald, either has no sense of humor, didn't care, or wasn't sure what to say!

    Miriandra, lol gelt trip!

    NM, enjoy your long weekend. The puppers will be glad to have you home for an extra day. I assume you will be spending Xmas with mom? Will she see Dick?

    Thank you all for the wig comments. If someone would cut my hair the way I want it, I wouldn't need the wig! Heading out later today, as nothing going on. Just need to get my behind to Phoenix! My niece likes to make charcutery boards and I had sent her a picture of one, it's a tree. She says I want to make that. Well, she did.

    So this is the one I sent her......

    May be an image of dessert and indoor

    This is the one she made....

    No description available.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2022

    Yum, Lori. But I'd hate to be the first person to take a piece--it'd feel like vandalizing a Christmas tree. Your wig looks great. I was considering getting one until my stylist moved to AZ and I switched to his boss (the salon owner). He cut a few angled layered pieces along the sides to frame my face; and with the Braz. Blowout not yet having worn off, if I just shape it with a heated blow-dry brush (Drybar Single Shot) I can go to sleep without putting it up. When I get up, I just have to shake my head and it falls right into place; I just use a boar bristle brush to distribute the oils.


    Haven't even brushed it--I'm not really "up" for the day, just couldn't fall asleep. (Rare occurrence these days).

    DOTD was a bit of Barolo from the Coravin (with keto lasagna). A lot on my plate, you'd think there'd be more in the glass!

    I am currently in RCN's "e-mail jail;" my account was (w/o warning) suspended because the algorithm flagged "abuse," claiming I sent too many e-mails. Baloney--I GET too d**n many junk mails. I spend 3 hrs every other day purging first my Inbox and then my Trash. I called and found out that from the time the Customer Svce rep put in the case request, I remain suspended for a full 24 hrs. There is no appeal--it's all automatic via the algorithm (the supervisor said she was powerless to intervene). So all the accounts that use that address to contact me (including via apps) can't notify me--their e-mails will bounce back. I'd been reluctant to take T-Mobile up on that $50/mo. internet because I'd have to give up my RCN address and spend hours-to-days notifying everyone of the address change; but I'm going to do it anyway as soon as RCN reinstates me; once I've notified everyone, then I'll ditch RCN as my ISP. (Still have to keep it for my landline, which is how my DirecTV updates; and its basic cable for when the satellite goes out during storms & heavy snow; if I subscribed to all the streaming services that provide the shows & channels I like, it'd cost as much as cable and would be useless during an internet outage). I have at least 9 more hrs. till they lift the suspension--IF they do.