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how about drinking?



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited December 2022

    nativemainer, I probably put "Brown" as my hair color. When do we switch the color to "Gray"? I'm still mostly brown, but gray days are coming. LOL

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited December 2022

    My hair color depends on the angle. Salt and pepper in front and mostly grey in the back. My drivers license says brown.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited December 2022

    Illimae, yes it was the wine advent calendar, and like goldie I can't believe it has been 2 years ago.

    Goldie - I think the wig looks great and really natural.

    ChiSandy - the hair looks good, especially since it hasn't been combed yet.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2022

    Sandy, I wouldn't want to be the first one to take from the tree either! Like Misty said, your hair looks great, considering it hasn't been combed!

    Sunshine, whoever looks at hair color on your DL anyways! I don't even know what it says on mine!

    Good morning Wren, Misty.

    Made it to Phoenix. Worried again about my flight, they pushed the storm back to starting Thursday evening, which is when I fly in. Oy vey! I hope it holds off until I land 😳.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited December 2022

    Looks like yesterday's post didn't post, so here it is late:

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Nothing much new and exciting going on, except for the weather coming in on Friday. The puppers are happily running the house. I swear they fight over getting attention from me. No matter which one I speak to or pet, the other immediately comes over and pushes in between. I keep telling them I have two hands and can pet two at the same time, but they don't seem to hear that. At least at night they have settled with Colt on my right and Zoe on my left, both against my legs, which is very warm and comfortable, as long as I remember to get some slack in the comforter before they settle!

    Goldie--Love the wig, you look just as I picture you. I will be spending Christmas Day with Mom. I hope Mom will go see Dick soon, he's declining and this is going to be his last Christmas. Mom is unhappy that his kids aren't taking him out of the assisted living facility to one of their homes for the holiday. Mom doesn't realize how much care he needs now, even though she has to have facility staff get him into and out of her car when she takes him for a ride. Your niece did a great job with the charcuterie tree! Good for her!

    Chi--that is a great haircut on you! I can't believe an email provider limits the number of emails you can send! Changing email accounts is a major change and a major pain in the anatomy!

    Sunshine--good question about hair color. I figure I'll have to change mine sometime soon. I wish I could go all white like my aunts and some of my cousins. Mom hasn't gone white, and I'm taking after her in that regard.

    Wren--I guess drivers licenses aren't the best info for identifying people after all.

    Misty--time really is flying by. I would have thought the wine advent calendar was last year, too.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited December 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! The big storm predicted for late Friday and Saturday seems to have been moved up to tonight and through the day Friday. Now they are saying Saturday should be a decent day to clean up from the wind and rain and what snow we do get. The wind seems to be the big thing. This could make things interesting at work, the office Christmas party is Friday afternoon. We'll have to wait and see.

    Goldie--good luck with the traveling, praying for safe and comfortable traveling.

    The puppers say Woof to everyone!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2022

    NM, that storm is the one I'm facing today! Lots of flights to Detroit are cancelled, but not through Delta, which is who I'm flying. Fingers crossed! I understand about your mom thinking family should take Dick home for Xmas. My MIL's sister, she's 88, wanted to take my MIL to TN to stay with her for about month. Thinking she could take care of way! And it def. won't happen as MIL passed away this morning.

    Chemo was fine yesterday, however my prev. labs did not have any TM's on them, which is fine with me. MO said my blood count (I believe red) were a little low, so maybe a bit anemic.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304
    edited December 2022

    Goldie - hope your flight takes off & safe trip. NM - I hope you convinced your Mother not to cook 10 courses for 2.

    Happy holidays to everyone else. Reading this thread is one of the highlights of my day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2022

    Lori, hope you got to MI before flights were cancelled--the actual blizzard warning is for east of Lake Michigan. Stay safe!

    Gordy & Leslie have crossed the AR/LA state line into TX and hope to reach the cabin around midnight. (Spent the night in a hotel in Marion, IL to get a jump on the snow). Bob made it from Union Health to Oak Lawn (Christ Hosp.) and hope he can make it the mile or so to his hotel where he'll be staying through Sat. morning.

    We walked to Regalia last night...because we could. DsOTD were a rosé prosecco and housemade "pistachiocello" (vodka, cream, pistachio liqueur). Got home before 10pm and did not snack. Today I made a cappuccino with sugar-free oat milk (5 gm. net per cup, but I used about 2 oz.) and a little cream for texture. Not gonna have any booze tonight--just too cold, and I don't feel like drinking alone.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited December 2022

    I've been reading this thread and am curious. Does anyone drink the fancy drinks that are posted? I'm a drinker but I like vodka martinis on ice with lots of olives when the weather is warm/hot and bourbon old-fashioneds with cherries and orange slices when the weather is cold, like it is now. I also like white wine and occasionally red wine.

    When I was dx'ed and had surgery for bc back in 2009, I read the advice to avoid alcohol but I decided to ignore it. I told my husband that I would be so p***ed if I quit drinking and then the health scientists came out with different advice years later that it was ok to drink.

    Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited December 2022

    Carole - I would love to try everyone of these drinks, but I don't have the ingredients to make them. I am not sure I really want to buy it all to try a drink. There are a few that I would actually buy the stuff to make them, but I haven't yet. I have at my home wine (white & red), vodka, and spicy rum. It all lasts for a long time because I really don't drink too often. I get hot flashes with just one or two swallows'. hmmm....the hot flashes may be good with all of this cold weather coming in. lol

    Everyone stay safe and warm.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2022

    I made it just fine. But boy it sure is cold and windy! Not much snow. And my brother has his home decorated so beautifully! All for me! Not very many mask wearers at the airport or on the plane. I was able to leave my car at the hotel I stayed at, since I will be returning there on my return. That saved me a couple 100 dollars! Xmas will be tomorrow with my nieces, their significant others, my son and Nora. My nieces do not know I'm here. And of course, I'm beyond excited to see Nora!

    Carol, there have been some girls that have made/tried drinks on here. We just decided many years ago to post a DOTD (drink of the day). I myself am a beer drinker and did have one gal (no longer posts) and she would post a BOTD (beer of the day)

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304
    edited December 2022

    Goldie - thank goodness you made it. I was almost afraid to open this thread to read your post. Have a great time.

    I'm only a lurker Carol and my normal drink is Gin & Tonic. And like you, bourbon when it gets too cold for much ice. But yes, I have tried a number of the posted drinks. This year I'm having the French Hen (Baileys, Kahlua and Chambord) except I'm substituting Tia Maria for the Kahlua.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited December 2022

    I just wonder what an upscale bar would charge for some of these drinks.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited December 2022

    I had a chocolate martini recently at a local place and I think it was $9.00. Low for DC area.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited December 2022

    Carole, I don’t make the fancy drinks yet but I’ve saved several to make when my bar is finally finished. I’ll post pics!

    Normally, I go for the convenience of a sweet red wine, ale or corona with lime.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited December 2022

    Mmm, Three French Hens sounds good too. And I think I have the ingredients!

    Last night was cold enough to break out an old favorite - a Peppermint Patty. Cozy mug of hot cocoa with a dollop of peppermint schnapps to taste. Garnish with Netflix. xD

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2022

    I haven't tried any of those posted drinks because of the sugar content. I'm a wine and Champagne drinker (and a coffee addict). If I do have a cocktail occasionally, it's a mojito, Aperol Spritz or margarita I make at home--or a restaurant's signature cocktail if it looks interesting. I don't drink every night, and if I have more than one glass of wine (different one for different courses) I usually don't finish it. But what I do drink, I savor.

    Kids made it to the cabin just before midnight yesterday, and the grid seems to be holding. Bob had a white-knuckle drive from the West Loop to Oak Lawn, but he made it. He called the hotel from the hospital, confirmed its restaurant & bar were open, and made a dinner reservation. Turns out the hotel is packed with doctors & nurses from the two nearby hospitals, and he'd never have gotten a table otherwise. Enjoyed his free breakfast (used to be in the Exec. Lounge before they split it into 3 hotel rooms), and finished his shift in time to get back to the hotel and hit happy-hour. Unfortunately, he'd left his laptop in the car while he was working; and when he tried to write prescriptions he got the Blue Screen of Death and the message "Fan Error." (It froze, literally, not tech-speak-wise). He will be spending quality time tomorrow on the phone with the hospital's I.T. dept. Thank goodness it wasn't his new computer (which he's yet to set up).

    It's 11pm, and we've finally reached today's high temperature: 0F. But the bummer is that it's flurrying again. Spent all day indoors, moved the car checkup to next Fri. DOTD this afternoon was a small cortado (between a macchiato & cappuccino); tonight's was Duboeuf Beauj. Nouveau. Contemplating having something hot & non-caffeinated before bed. Too bad I can't stand warm milk (unless it's foam atop an espresso). My laptop, cats and fleece bedjacket are keeping me warm.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited December 2022

    Minus reminded me of a holiday drink I have enjoyed (sometimes to excess). Prosecco and Chambord. It is delicious. And pretty in a stemmed wine glass. I also enjoy Corono with a lime wedge. And occasionally when we dine at an upscale restaurant with another couple, I will try one of their specialty cocktails. Also occasionally I will order a margarita at a Mexican restaurant.

    But we eat at home most of the time and enjoy our favorite cocktails according to the season. DH likes beer but wouldn't touch a "light" beer. He says drinking light beer is like drinking water.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2022

    Prosecco & Chambord sounds like a Riviera version of a kir royale. Yummy regardless.

    Tonight at Big Jones we did the wine pairings with the Reveillon dinner, and I am ashamed to admit I failed to pull my weight. Even Bob declared "never thought I'd say this, but too much wine." 6 oz. pours! Had I known, we'd have ordered one set of pairings with a few empty glasses! With the soup, a 2020 Dourthe (Bordeaux) Sauv. Blanc; with salad, 2020 Black Girl Magic (OR) "Love Drunk" rosé (what I usually drink with my crawfish omelet at brunch there); with entrees, Bob had a 2019 Dolcetto d'Alba and I a 2020 Albariño. Finished with hot buttered spiced citrus rum. Too full and tipsy to heat up the gløgg Bob brought home last weekend--maybe tomorrow night after dinner when we open the presents (mostly from patients).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited December 2022

    Good Morning. Loungettes! Merry Christmas to those who celebrate Christmas, Happy Holidays to those who celebrate other special days! It's been a bit of busy couple of days here. Woke up Friday to building winds and flickering power after a struggle to drag my butt out of bed. We didn't lose power at the office, but according to the alerts lost it at least twice at home. The rain really came down in buckets, even had some serious horizontal rain at time. Came home to a foot of water in the garage/basement and one of the garage doors open! Lots of branches and such down in the drive way and yard, and a new wash out in the driveway. Fortunately, no damage other than things on the garage floor getting wet, and having to wade through ankle deep, quite cold water to get into the house. I was up and down most of the night watching the water level go down and checking on windows and flying branches. The puppers were restless, probably picking up on my worry, so no one settled down for any real sleep until mid-morning yesterday. The we all dozed and napped most of the rest of the day. We did wake up in time to listen to the Santa BOLOs on the scanner and check out NORAD's Santa tracker, then we all wound up sleeping in the recliner. I had dozed off watching TV, and both puppers managed to get up in the rocker with me, I was warm and comfy, and just decided not to try to get up and go to bed. This morning my neck is reminding me why this is not the best way to spend the night!

    Mom's neighbors are from South America, and speak mainly Spanish. Mom has tried to learn Spanish off and on since I can remember. Anyway, the husband is a pilot, he and his wife just had a baby, the wife's parents are visiting, and they all invited her over to share their Christmas celebration. So she was going over around 8 peeyem, something was going on then, she couldn't remember what, then they have a big meal at midnight, and then open gifts. Mom took a pie over as her gift/contribution. I'm wondering how early she'll be up this ayem! Mom insisted on cooking a meal for us for today, but at least she agreed to cook a chicken instead of a turkey, and she's only making one pie instead of two or three this year.

    Goldie--Glad to hear Delta was still flying when you were getting ready to head out. Hope you got there smoothly. Sorry to hear about MIL passing away. It does sound like you are a little bit anemic, not unusual when getting chemotherapy, which I know you are already too familiar with.

    Minus--Mom's not cooking 10 courses, thank goodness, she'd never get that organized and we'd never get to actually eat! Chicken, stuffing, potato, veggies, cranberry sauce, and pie. She's going to try to remember her mother's stuffing recipe. I have it written down in my grandmother's handwriting and it's a hoot. Enough stale bread to fill the blue bowl. One cold, boiled potato, chopped onion, a piece of butter the size of a walnut, and enough Bell's Poultry seasoning to turn the bread gray, mush it all together and sprinkle with cold water until mushy. Gram always made the best stuffing.

    Chi--it sounds like everyone in the family is getting where they are headed safely, that's a good thing.

    Carolehalston--do we ever drink the fancy drinks? Sometimes, I think, but not often. Welcome to the HTL! The DOTD is as much about having fun with the names and the funny and different ingredients as anything else. I'm a fan of white and rose wines, especially bubbly roses, and mixed drinks from time to time. I feel kind of the same way about the alcohol/cancer connection, I'm not sure I believe it's really that big a connection and I'm not going to give up one of the few things in life I really enjoy because it "might" help prevent a recurrence or second cancer. When medical science can tell me with reasonable confidence exactly how and why I or anyone else get cancer to begin with, then I'll think about all the rules and recommendations. In the meantime, I'm going to live my life.

    Misty--hmm, drinking to get hot flashes for personal warmth and comfort in cold weather, sounds like a fun plan! Much more fun than putting on a sweater!

    Goldie--glad to hear you arrived safely! I hope you had a wonderful day with the nieces and Nora! I remember the BOTD posting, I never knew there were so many different beers out there. I still don't like the smell or the taste of beer, but it's interesting to learn about. Our Wednesday, Women and Wine group has a confirmed beer drinker among our members, and it's always interesting what she can tell us about the beer offerings wherever we go.

    Minus--how was the French Hen?

    Wren--good question!

    Reader--seems like a good glass of wine and a mixed drink are going for about the same price.

    Illi--does the lime really make a difference with the corona? I'm just curious.

    Miriandra--that Peppermint Patty sound really yummy!

    Chi--glad to hear everyone is where they are supposed to be and all in one piece. Quality time with IT, that's a funny one.

    Carole--ooh, Prosecco and Chambord, that sounds very, very yummy! Sounds like you fit right in with the rest of us!



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited December 2022

    NM, to me the added lime is much better. I’m also fond of the orange slice in a blue moon.

    Happy holiday friends 🙂

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited December 2022

    chisandy, your wine pairing sounds like fun!

    Nativemainer, I'm glad you're OK. Any damage from the water in the garage/basement?

    My DS and I did a quick grocery run yesterday. Couldn't buy too much since we are using a mini-fridge until the new/replacement one comes in on January 31. Anyway, of course we needed wine. I couldn't find the Joel Gott so I bought some Josh cabernet. My sis bought a 2020 Conundrum California red blend. It was pretty good. We had it with pasta and a salad for our Christmas eve dinner.

    Merry Christmas to all who celebrate. DH is skiing today at Mammoth Mountain with our kids. He's drive back here tomorrow as will my BIL and then we'll have our Christmas celebration.

    Waving "hi" to all my fellow loungettes.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2022

    Merry Xmas late from the hot springs. Been an awesome weekend





  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304
    edited December 2022

    NM - The French Hen was very smooth. None left for Santa!! I may do it again on NY Eve.

    Hope everyone here had a wonderful weekend whichever holiday you are celebrating.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2022

    HI ladies, just wanted to check in. I don't have any delicious drinks to contribute tho I continue to drink my nightly beers. Beautiful pictures Jazzy girl.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited December 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! I had a nice visit with Mom for Christmas. I took over the cooking, she was going to bake a 6 pound chicken for 4 hours! I'm trying to tell her that it's not a turkey, that at 20 minute a pound it only needs a couple of hours, plus a bit for cooking it with the stuffing inside. Then the chicken got put in the oven without the stuffiing, which was quickly discovered and so the chicken could be taken out and stuffed, hadn't even started getting warm. Mom was going to make a pie while the chicken was baking, kept getting side tracked, didn't think about it until 5 minutes before the chicken was supposed to be done! So she's looking for her chocolate pie recipe while I'm making gravy and mixing up the instant potatoes and opening up cranberry sauce. Which meant I got to pick which can, and opened the whole berry cranberry sauce that I like best! After we ate she spent an hour looking for one of the two copies of White Christmas that she owns and always puts "in a good spot where I'll know right where they are." She never did find either of them. She did find empty cases, though. Come to think of it, the only place we didn't look was in the DVD player, and I'm pretty sure she hasn't used the DVD player since last Christmas. . . .

    The puppers were happy with the chicken skin and gravy I brought home and put in their din dins. Apparently overly salted gravy doesn't bother them any! I've got some nice chicken for sandwiches for today, with good cranberry sauce to go with.

    Illi-All this time I thought the lime thing was just a TV thing!

    Sunshine--there will be some damage, things in cardboard boxes on the floor that got wet, but most of that stuff is junk to begin with, so no great loss. When we get a warmer day or two I'll take a look in more detail. Thank goodness the brand new case of toilet paper was up on another box and didn't get wet! The water didn't get as far as the freezer; the water pump and furnace were up high enough to not get wet.

    Merry Christmas, Teka!

    Jazzy--oh my, that looks just lovely!

    Minus--I may join you on NY Eve!

    Morning, Kidi! No objections to beer drinking in this lounge!

    Just too pretty to pass up today:

    Poinsettia Champagne Cocktail

    Poinsettia Champagne Cocktail


    • 1/2 ounce orange liqueur
    • 3 ounces cranberry juice
    • 3 ounces Champagne
    • Fresh cranberries, for garnish
    • Fresh rosemary sprig, for garnish

    Pour the orange liqueur and cranberry juice into a chilled Champagne flute.

    Stir well.

    Top with the Champagne.

    Garnish with a few fresh cranberries and a small rosemary sprig. Serve and enjoy.

    From <>

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited December 2022

    We watched White Christmas last night. It was fun. Nativemainer, maybe I borrowed your mom's copy and forgot to return it. Sorry about that!


  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited December 2022

    NM your rendition of Christmas dinner prep had me laughing. And the white Christmas....Carol, give it back!!!

    We had fun but lots of quirky here too. DH and I are tired and are going to take a long drive today just for change of scenery. We miss our kitties.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited December 2022

    Merry and Joyous Holidays to you all!