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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited December 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday and the Monday of short week #1 of 2 to close out the year. Breezy and chilly hear all weekend, warming up a bit now, supposed to be back in the 40's by the end of the week. I've got a boat load of work to get done this week and next, but I've got a plan and I'm hoping it will work pretty well. We'll see, I guess.


    Reader--Glad you had a fun holiday, and sorry about the kitties. I bet you do miss them terribly.

    Miriandra--same to you!

    Ruby Relaxer cocktail and a fresh cranberry

    Ruby Relaxer


    • ¾ ounce Peach schnapps
    • ¾ ounce Cruzan coconut rum
    • 1¼ ounces Vodka
    • 3 ounces Cranberry juice
    • 3 ounces Pineapple juice
    • ½ ounce Monin cherry syrup or maraschino cherry syrup
    • 1 Maraschino cherry for garnish


    • Place all ingredients except the cherry into a cocktail shaker.
    • Shake until well combined.
    • Pour into a glass filled with ice.
    • Garnish with a cherry.

    From <>

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2022

    Good morning friends- reading up here on everyone's post and it sounds like everyone had an okay Xmas. I think some here have been traveling and hope everyone got to their destinations okay. I am not a fan of traveling by plane over the holidays, but this year sound very rough with the weather, staff shortages, etc. Onward we go to New Years!

    Hot springs were a perfect restorative get away, which I REALLY needed after a very busy fall and with having Covid right after Thankgiving. It was a great three days filled with lots of soaking, spa treatments, yoga and chillaxin. Weather was good, cool nights and warmer day; no snow though. I am fine with the weather up there this year, at least no rain or cold wind which can make for a less than ideal situation. This is my fav hot spring here that had a fire in 2020 and has been rebuilding since. I was there in Sept 2021 when it was partially reopened but now has everything open again including the new bath house that burned down. They are still building some new pools and saw some of that in progress, but not open yet. Got home yesterday afternoon early afternoon which allowed me to unload, get laundry done, and catch a family zoom before this first end of the year holiday weekend was over.

    The big artic freeze that has dropped into the center of the state and moved on east missed us here in central NM; just to the east and on over to the center and east coast. I feel for the city of Buffalo, spent time there in my early years working on some projects and know Buffalo in the winter is not easy anyways, but they are getting really hammered this winter, especially this past week. I think some of you back east got some of that storm and hope you are safe and warm in your homes.

    NM- sounds like you had an okay day with mom. I know if I don't put a DVD or CD back in the case after using it, good luck finding it! Sometimes they can end up in different cases. I think you and I are on the same schedule to be back to work today and like you, have lots to do these next few days. Still getting caught up on some things we got stuck doing we were told were or would be done by the consultants. Anyways, only have one meeting tomorrow and one Thursday and hope to make good progress before it gets crazy again next week. Hope your week is easy sister!

    Goldie- I think you are back in MI visiting family and hoping your time away was good.

    Teka- hope your Xmas was good sister and your recovery is continuing to go well.

    Ill- did you get hit by the deep freeze over in West TX?

    MinusTwo- hope your holiday was good too.

    Anyone hear from Karen lately? It seems like she has not been here for awhile now and hoping everything is okay with her.

    Anyone have any news years resolutions? I always create goals for every year because I am a goal-kinda-girl and it helps me to focus on things I need to be doing for my health, home, finances, retirement, etc. But I heard something by a pyschologist about actual resolutions and why they fail. It's because we are very focused on the future and setting goals for things we think will help us to feel better. She said instead of focusing on the future and saying you are going to do something, instead, ask yourself how you want to feel in the new year? Do you want to have more energy? Then start there and then ask what kinds of things will support that (loosing some weight, exercising more, decluttering your space, going to bed earlier, etc.) I like that and going to work on that I think as we head into 2023.

    I will check in one more time this weekend before I go off the site for January (plus won't be on FB either for those of you who I am friends with there). Hope the side into New Years weekend goes well for everyone....

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited December 2022

    The snow and ice are gone and now we have heavy rain and a high wind warning. Trees here seem to have shallow roots and are blown over fairly easily. I grew up in Oklahoma where the trees have to have deep roots to stay alive. It usually takes a tornado to bring them down. One of the mountain passes going east has been shut down for days because they had 6 in of freezing rain. They got the other pass open on Christmas Day. I got to see DH twice and he seems pretty cheerful. DD got him a kids matching card game and he was delighted to win when we played. He couldn't remember eating breakfast, but I'm pretty sure they fed him. I'm going to visit this morning and then decide whether to brave the rain to go to the art store.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited December 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Busy, Busy, Busy at work, with people out with respiratory stuff plus being a short week. Going to be busy next week, too, being the second short week in a row. But, we will manage, right? But I will be VERY happy when we get someone hired for the front desk who can take over the bulk of the phone answering. The older I get the harder it is to stop what I'm doing to answer a phone call, and then go back to it, by the time I figure out what I was doing and what comes next, the phone rings again. I get a bit peturbed after a while.

    Jazzy--this week at work is actually a bit easier than usual, a lot of the team meetings have been cancelled for this week as a lot of people have taken time off--it's the end of the year, use the accrued time off or get paid out at 50%. I've only be eligible to use the time off for a few months, since I couldn't for the first few months of work, and there are limits on how much time off can be taken around the holidays. I don't do New Year's Resolutions, there seems to be an expectation of failure attached to them. The psychologist's approach sounds way more workable and reasonable.

    Wren--glad to hear you are weathering the weather without damage. It sounds like DH has settled in well and is content. Stay dry and dodge those rain drops!

    Big Wednesday Cocktail


    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited December 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Busy, Busy, Busy at work, with people out with respiratory stuff plus being a short week. Going to be busy next week, too, being the second short week in a row. But, we will manage, right? But I will be VERY happy when we get someone hired for the front desk who can take over the bulk of the phone answering. The older I get the harder it is to stop what I'm doing to answer a phone call, and then go back to it, by the time I figure out what I was doing and what comes next, the phone rings again. I get a bit peturbed after a while.

    Jazzy--this week at work is actually a bit easier than usual, a lot of the team meetings have been cancelled for this week as a lot of people have taken time off--it's the end of the year, use the accrued time off or get paid out at 50%. I've only be eligible to use the time off for a few months, since I couldn't for the first few months of work, and there are limits on how much time off can be taken around the holidays. I don't do New Year's Resolutions, there seems to be an expectation of failure attached to them. The psychologist's approach sounds way more workable and reasonable.

    Wren--glad to hear you are weathering the weather without damage. It sounds like DH has settled in well and is content. Stay dry and dodge those rain drops!

    Big Wednesday Cocktail


    From <>

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited December 2022

    All the Bailey's was sold out when I looked for it a few days ago, so I bought a bottle of Bourbon Cream. It's quite good, a lot like Bailey's.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited December 2022

    Jazzy, the first day it got down to 11 but after that, it was 30’s-50’s, so not bad at all. Today may get up to 61 but it’s 70 in my beach bar 😃

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2022

    Beach bar. I wanna go 🌴

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2022

    Glad everyone had a happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, and Good Festivus for the Restofus. (Kwanzaa for those here who observe that, too).

    I've found Carolan's Irish Cream to be nearly a clone of Bailey's. It's what most bars around here--except Irish pubs and those with a "serious" cocktail program--use with Reddi-Wip and a drizzle of creme de menthe on top to make Irish coffee. Nope--if I'm gonna have a hot sweet cocktail come March, it's gotta be the real thing: Irish whiskey muddled with dark brown sugar (or the erythritol version), mixed with good black coffee, and topped with gently whipped cream that is poured from a spoon but not stirred. Slainte in advance.

    Christmas Eve was way below zero. Today we hit 45 above and into the 50s (and wet) tomorrow through Sat. a.m. So umbrellas will be necessary for the NYE walk between home and Regalia. (I draw the line at galoshes).

    With our delivered turkey dinner Sunday we opened Mumm's Sparkling Pinot Noir--not a blanc de noirs, but Pinot Noir fermented with its skins and then aged & disgorged just as any Champagne would be. Elusive promise of sweetness that quickly fades to brut and tastes like a fizzy Pinot. The fizz is gentler than the blanc version. That's the only alcohol I've had since then (taking a few sips w/ea night's leftovers). Other DsOTD were coffee, espresso, and cappuccini.

    Today I had a cappuccino made with a Tbsp. of cream, and about an ounce each of 0-sugar oat "creamer," Califia "Barista" unsweetened almond milk, and whole FairLife. Tonight's DOTD, when Bob gets home very late (his colleague is still in Mexico), will be hot gløgg with sliced almonds, raisins and a cinnamon stick. We'd planned to drink it while we opened presents Sunday night, but we already had the aforementioned red bubbly with dinner. Said presents were mostly booze (vodka, Scotch, a good Margaux--which will likely outlive us--and 2 bottles of cognac), with the remainder being more ornaments, and endless amounts of candy (some of which is booze-filled).

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2022

    Oh, and Jazzy--Christmas Eve we watched a (rebroadcast) concert from NYC's City Winery (the chain's flagship) by PJ Rasmussen, band Boardwalk Jazz with guess vocalists. I'd never heard of him, but his soloing style reminds me of Al DiMeola. Innovative arrangements, and a duet with Kate Victor of his cute original novelty song about Christmas cards.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited December 2022

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! It was a very interesting day at work yesterday. The office is having a mini-epidemic, people out with flu or Covid, plus a couple out for medical procedures. That left 2 of us in the office to do everything, which meant I had primary phone answering duty. FYI, I really do not like answering the phone at work, I really, really do not like it at all!. Still, we managed to get through the day and get all the critical stuff done, the emergencies taken care of, the building is still standing, and no one is totally pissed off at us, so I think we did OK, especially for a couple of newbies!

    Carol--I've never heard of Bourbon Cream, but it sounds good. I do like Bailey's and Rumchatta, so I bet I'd like that, too!

    Illi--I'd love to come hang out in the Beach Bar!

    Jazzy--shall we go crash Illi's Beach Bar? :)

    Chi--That sparkling Pino Noir sounds very nice! Sounds like you had quite the boozy Christmas, but I bet it was fun.

    Set the New Year on Fire cocktail in a collins glass, garnished with a flaming lime shell

    Set the New Year on Fire


    • 6 mint leaves
    • 3/4 ounce lime juice, freshly squeezed
    • 1/2 ounce simple syrup
    • 2 ounces Bowmore 12-year-old single malt scotch
    • 1/2 ounce Campari
    • Garnish: flaming lime shell*


    1. Add the mint leaves, lime juice and simple syrup into a Collins glass and press the leaves gently with a muddler.
    2. Add the scotch and fill the glass with crushed ice.
    3. Float Campari on top and fill with more crushed ice.
    4. Garnish with a flaming lime shell.

    *Flaming lime shell: Squeeze the juice from half a lime, reserving the juice for another use. Place the lime shell atop the prepared cocktail and place 1 sugar cube inside. Douse the sugar cube with 151-proof rum and carefully light on fire. Extinguish before drinking.

    From <>

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304
    edited December 2022

    NM & Jazzy - pick me up on your way through to Mae's Beach Bar!!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited December 2022

    Happy Almost 2023- whew, I am ready for a new year, how about you? Hope everyone's holidays are going well and you are getting some good time with family, friends, or just relaxing at home. I hope none of you are stuck anywhere in an airport trying to get to somewhere or home from somewhere. What a nightmare holiday travel season it's been; it's usually problematic anyways, but with the Southwest meltdown, been really bad this year. No one in my family wanted to get on a plane this holiday and glad for that.

    Short work week this week and able to get caught up on a few things before we go back into the fray next week with everyone back. I am back to my holiday time off and we have today and Monday off for the last of our holiday weekend time. Between Thanksgiving, a week out with Covid and these holiday weeks, I haven't work a full week in some time and think it will be shock when I do again by mid January. We have no more holiday time off until Memorial Day (sob), but I have a nice 9 day vaca to HI in April and will take some days off here and there. This job has been a challenge in many ways, but as I reviewed my final pay stub for the year and as looked at my benefits I accrued over 2022, I say to myself I am getting what I need from this and almost half way to my 5 year goal before I step away from FT work. I may stay on in a part time once I start reaching more of the milestones I need to in 2025. Time goes go quickly and benefits accrue fast in a gov job.

    NM- I hope your short week is finished up well. I agree we should crash the party over at Illiamaes beach bar. It's winter for most of us and a nice tropical drink in a warm beach bar sounds good to me. Hope you have a nice holiday weekend, and that the weather is not too cold, snowy or icy there. We are getting some rounds of rain and snow this week but nothing major and we need the moisture.

    They don't put limitations on us for holiday time off as IT people as long as there are back ups working (many system folks have to be on call). I couldn't take hardly any time off on my first year of the job with probation for five months and then endless deadlines on the first project. I think between 5-8 days is about all I can do and will do this HI trip this year, but the following year I won't be able to do anything bigger. After we are through opening the new hospital, I plan to take a two week trip to Ireland and Iceland. I think you are doing an AK cruise this coming spring or summer if I remember right?

    MinusTwo- of course we can pick you up. All aboard! Happy New Year to you sister!

    Chi- that rebroadcast from NY City Winery sounded great. Several jazz artists I follow on FB have been playing there recently, it's a go to spot next time I get to the big apple. I have only been to the Blue Note in NYC but never been disappointed but heard good things about this other spot as well as Birdland.

    Lets see DOTD. Well, I had my first drink in over a month over Xmas and bought a bottle in the restaurant of Ferrari Carrano Fume Blanc which is a fav. I visited their champagne caves years ago when I visited Sonoma sometimes in the early 1990s, and discovered it then as part of their wines. I am debating about what I will have tonight, maybe some Baileys, or fireball whiskey, or port wine, or will open some nice Pinot Noir. I have so much coffee in my freezer from holiday stuff, I should be well set until sometime in late spring, lol.

    Teka- wishing you a happy New Year and continued good recovery!

    I scrolled back as far as I could to ketchup here and want to wish all of you a safe and happy NYE and good start to 2023. I will be taking a break from social media in January, but will see you again in February. Stay well friends. Blessings for a health and happy new year!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2022

    Bob didn't get home till after 11 last night. He drank, I didn't--my DOTD was 2 cups of decaf Constant Comment. My HK had to leave as soon as she'd fed the cats: her neighbor called that her DH had fallen en route to the bathroom (after discovering he was soiling himself). She rushed back to him and spent all day cleaning up. So I can't complain about having to have a second 4-1/2 day weekend in a row as a cat-servant. (Heidi keeps being finicky--I keep telling her I'm not her waitress, I'm her "cafeteria lunch-lady" and if she doesn't eat what I give her, she doesn't eat. Can't try that with Happy, because if he doesn't eat he gets hunger pangs and throws up). I haven't been this frazzled since I was first breastfeeding and then later potty-training Gordy. Tuesday can't come fast enough.

    DsOTD were a triple-shot cappuccino from the Lavazza machine at the Subaru dealership this afternoon; and with dinner tonight, Mumm Napa 2014 sparkling Pinot Gris.

  • jwoo
    jwoo Member Posts: 931
    edited January 2023


    Cheers to all of you lovely ladies! May 2023 be full of peace and health for you all <3


  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited January 2023

    Cheers, ladies, and Happy New Year!!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited January 2023

    Good Morning, Loungetttes! Happy 2023! The puppers and I did not stay up to see the new year in, we'll watch a replay of the ball droppings on TV later. Our plan for the first day of the new year, it being rainy and damp, is to putter around the house and work on some of the paperwork I brought home from the office yesterday. I spend a few hours in the office getting some filing and tracking of things caught up. Much easier to do when there is no one else in the office, and the phone isn't ringing and needing attention every few minutes. I was planning to go in during the afternoon, but went in the morning, after Mom called to tell me she had locked herself out of her apartment and I went to let her in.

    The latest Mom saga actually starts Friday afternoon. I got a message from my SIL, she'd been trying to call Mom (she calls her regularly, even though Mom says no one ever calls her), and couldn't get through on any of the numbers, which, of course, is not unusual. SIL decided to keep trying through the evening in case Mom had the phone ringer turned off again or had forgotten to charge the phone again or whatever. Saturday ayem I get a call from a Florida number, checked the voice mail, It's Mom saying she was locked out and was using her neighbor's phone so I couldn't call back. So I head in, and after a few minutes (it's about half an hour's drive from my house to Mom's) I get a call from Mom on her phone, did I get her call, why didn't I call back, etc. I tell her I'm on my way. I get there, let her in, try to find one of the two keys she supposedly has hidden outside her back door without any luck, found out that Mom thought the phone was on auto pay and it isn't getting paid so it got turned off and her neighbor helped her get it back on again that morning. Then Mom goes on about how SIL finally got through and was mad at Mom about not having a working phone, and Mom got mad at her for "trying to tell me what to do" and now the two of them aren't speaking. I was getting miffed at the whole situation and decided to go to work instead of visiting with Mom. When I got to the office I had a message from SIL, she had called the local Police Dept to do a wellness check when she still couldn't get through to Mom, they said Mom had misplaced her phone and couldn't find it, and helped her find the phone. Which I what I think Mom is really mad about--she can do things like that and it's all well and good but NOBODY does things like that to HER! Anyway, SIL and brother and I chatted for a bit, but didn't come up with any answers.

    Morning, Minus!

    Jazzy--travel really does seem to be a headache this season. It makes me a little worried, my cousin is setting up flights for the Alaska cruise through Southwest, where they have lots and lots of points and the flights end up not costing much in real money. I'm thinking I might set up my own flights and having assigned seating and more dependable service will be worth the higher fare. Still got some time to think about it, though. You remember right, that's coming up in May. I think my office holiday schedule is similar to yours, no holiday weekends until Memorial Day.

    Chi--LOL at the cafeteria lunch lady vs waitress to the cats!

    Teka--if it's any help, I wore PJs!

    Same to you, Jwoo!

    Happy New Year, Miriandra!

    Spicy Ginger Apple Champagne Cocktail or Mocktail (naturally sweetened!) #drink #champagne #apple #ginger #glutenfreerecipe #glutenfreecocktail #naturallysweetenedcocktail #cocktailrecipe #newyearseverecipe #newyearseve

    Ginger Apple Champagne Cocktail



    • 1 cup water
    • 4x1" pieces peeled fresh ginger
    • 1/4 cup honey


    • 1 1/2 cups apple cider, (no sugar added)
    • Champagne, or sparkling apple cider (see note)


    1. Add the water and ginger to a small saucepan. Cover and bring to a boil.
    2. Uncover and boil for 5 minutes.
    3. Remove the pan from the heat.
    4. Strain out and discard the ginger pieces. Add the honey to the liquid, and stir to combine.
    5. Let the ginger-honey mixture cool to room temperature.


    1. Add 1 Tablespoon simple syrup and 3 Tablespoons apple cider to a champagne flute.
    2. Top with champagne.
    3. Serve immediately.

    From <>

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304
    edited January 2023

    Happy New Year to everyone. Black Eyed peas are simmering and cabbage is done. You are all in my thoughts.

    NM - oh my - the Mom saga. Hope she will simmer down with time.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2023

    Happy New Year to all! Our HK was able to get away for a few hours and join us last night for dinner at Regalia. Bonus was that we finally got to meet Judy--our own Keywestfan--and her DH Gil. She is tall, slim and absolutely stunning!

    DsOTD were a "Queen Bee" cocktail (gin, honey, lemon juice, soda and a rock-candy stirrer); with dinner, 2020 Caymus Petite Sirah (Sonoma); and to ring in the year, Laurent Perrier brut NV.

    Today for a seafood-centric brunch, we shared the last of the 2014 Mumm Napa sparkling Pinot Gris. Splitting my meat leftovers tonight, so a red (maybe the dregs of the Petite Sirah, or a Coravined Barolo).

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited January 2023

    Cheers to the new year! Had my first cosmopolitan last evening. Asked them to halve the raspberry simple syrup in it. I would have liked it better sweeter but am trying to tone down my sweet tooth.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited January 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! I'm looking forward to a quiet day here at home, and then jumping back into the work frenzy tomorrow. The puppers and I had a lovely lie in and cuddle this ayem. Nothing like having doggy snouts in each ear!

    Minus--I'm afraid the Mom saga is simmering UP, not DOWN. She isn't getting any younger, and she is having more and more trouble managing things. And she's a stubborn woman who raised a stubborn daughter, so you can see where things should get interesting!

    Chi--The Queen Bee sounds like fun!

    Reader--Pretty Cosmo! I remember my first Cosmo, it was peach and it was so delicious!

    Elephant's Ear Cocktail

    Stir in mixing glass with ice strain

    1 oz gin (3 cl)

    ¾ oz dry vermouth (2 cl)

    ¾ oz Red Dubonnet (2 cl)

    Serve in a cocktail glass (4.5 oz)

    From <>

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited January 2023

    Wow, MN, what an ordeal. My DH drove 2 1/2 hours to check on my dad when he didn't answer his phone. We had all been sick with COVID and I had been in the hospital. My dad was fine, and he did agree to check his phone. Sent DH on his way - another 2 1/2 hours back home. I don't like this worrying about our parents...

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited January 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday, and my short week Monday. I'm wondering what it's going to be like, and I hope all the people who have been out sick have been able to recover and will be back to work.

    Sunshine--aging parents are a difficult thing. Can't just step in and take over things, yet can see the problems coming that could be avoided if only they'd let us help, and under it all the realization that they won't live forever.

    Amber-colored Godmother cocktail in an old-fashioned glass with ice cubes

    The Godmother Cocktail


    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2023

    I'm all caught up reading about everyone. Been MIA due to just being busy here in MI and enjoying my family. Heading out in a bit to get my hair cut. I leave here Thursday, spending the night in Phoenix and head home to a cold house on Friday. Last check it was 41 in the house, but at least no frozen pipes, that was my biggest worry. Enjoyed reading everything, but too much to comment on all, so I just did a few. I did end up in Urgent Care with yet another kidney infection. The doctor I saw asked what medications I was on, so just told him about cancer treatments, he said his wife was on the same drugs. So, I asked who they went to, in case I do move back to MI. It's nice seeing some new faces here in the lounge from other threads. Welcome ladies!

    We all can jump on The HTL Party Bus and head to The Beach Bar!

    NM, sorry about garage/basement flood! One cold, boiled potato in dressing? The recipe is too cute from grandma. Christmas with mom, oh my! Love hearing the stories tho!

    BabyGirl, the added lime to Corona is much better. I'm also fond of the orange slice in a blue moon. YES and YES!

    Jazzy, nice pics from the hot springs! You treat yourself well my friend! As you should! I don't have any resolutions, just hoping for a better year!

    Minus, sweet you tried The French Hen, too bad for Santa, LOL!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited January 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! It was a very nice day at work yesterday, we have a new employee, a Medical Records Specialist, who will be at the front desk answering the phone, and she's already got that part figure out! A good bit of the work I've been doing is from that position's workflow, and I am so excited to know that she will be picking that up bit by bit as she gets trained. Just having someone to answer the phone is fantastic! She's an older lady, and I can say that because she and I are nearly the same age, calm and unruffled, and I hope she likes the job and sticks around!

    Goldie--41 is cold to come home to, but at least without frozen pipes it won't take too long to warm up, I hope. Sorry to hear about another kidney infection. The cold, boiled potato mashed up in the stuffing really makes the stuffing more moist and hold together better. I've made stuffing with and without and it really does make a difference, not to mention needing less bread when using the potato!

    The puppers say Woof to everyone!

    Golden Phone Cocktail Recipe

    Golden Phone


    Serving: 1

    • 1 ounce blanco tequila
    • 1/2 ounce yellow Chartreuse
    • 1/2 ounce Lillet Blanc
    • 1/4 ounce crème de cacao
    • 1 dash Regans orange bitters

    Garnish: lemon twist, Luxardo cherries


    1. Combine all ingredients in a mixing glass with ice and stir until chilled.
    2. Strain into a Nick & Nora glass.
    3. Garnish with a lemon twist and two Luxardo cherries.

    From <>

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited January 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Waking up to snow and sleet, reports of icy roads, expecting an interesting ride into work this ayem. There's talk about starting the day a little later along with all the schools with 2 hour delays, which sounds pretty reasonable to me.

    Pretty quiet in the Lounge today! Wishing everyone a happy day.

    Cocktail in a mug topped with whipped cream sitting on a tree stump

    Tito's Snow Day Sipper


    • 4 oz coffee
    • 4 oz hot chocolate


    • Add all ingredients to your favorite holiday mug.
    • Stir and garnish with a dash of nutmeg and a cinnamon stick.
    • Serve warm.

    From <>

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited January 2023

    NM - Your Tito's Snow Day Sipper looks like the perfect drink for your weather today.

    Goldie- I think you are on your way home today. I hope you have a good trip. I am glad that you had a good time with family. I am sorry you had a kidney infection while there, but it was good that you met that doctor who gave you the name of his wife's doctor.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited January 2023

    Whew! Just got two more batches of jelly canned up. And I've got enough fruit stored in the freezer for another two batches for when I feel like dealing with it. xD

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2023

    We're having some icy, slick light snow/rain mix too--a good day to be housebound. Feeling a bit better today, but no desire for a potent potable. So my DOTD is mostly water (though I brewed a cup of coffee this morning). Might do some orange spice green tea with honey later.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited January 2023

    NM that drink looks good!

    Goldie safe travels!

    Sandy I'm glad you are feeling a bit better. Now to get kitty back to better gastrointestinal health.. The plate under pukey face kitty works surprisingly well here too if I'm fast.

    I plan to just hang out at home tomorrow also. Temps are going down however my reason is today just wore me out. Mammogram day. All is well ( I'm thankful) but the whole process wears on me.

    DH said let's go out for Italian tonight so we had lobster 🦞 ravioli with a Cabernet Sauvignon.