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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2023

    HK has her mammo tomorrow, so I'm sort of on pins & needles. Bob was re-tested at his clinic this morning: still negative.

    The Paxlovid side effects have kicked in: bitter taste, no big deal. (That was the only side effect last year). But this time after lunch (soft boiled egg & Finn-Crisp) the "big D" started this afternoon--2-1/2 days in. Bob brought home tandoori chicken leftovers from his lunch--but he ordered it spicy. (To me "tandoori chicken" is marinated in yogurt & baked in the tandoor oven, so I took a "hard pass" on it). So I reheated half of his Tuesday night's leftover linguine aglio e olio, with Mon. night's steamed broccoli stirred in. I think that may have sent my gut over the edge after two days of near-fasting, I'm worried, because my primary hasn't checked his portal messages; the on-call doc for the Immediate Care Center Doximity-texted me to "stop Paxlovid and call a provider in the morning." Since I already took tonight's dose and usually don't take my morning dose till 10 or 11am, I think I'll get an answer. Hoping maybe some dry matzo crackers will settle my gut--they sure worked for morning sickness! But will have to hold off on coffee until the withdrawal headache kicks in; maybe tea will work.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited January 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! We wound up getting just the inch or so of snow yesterday, some rain during the day, then in the evening it became freezing drizzle, making the last few miles of the drive home a bit annoying. The roads were ok, but the windshield kept icing up. But I made it home without incident, and the puppers were happy to see me, so all is well.

    Misty--I actually made one for myself when I got home from work last night, although with a different brand of vodka. It was very yummy!

    Miriandra--boy, you are ambitious! But having all that jelly will be worth it. What kind of jelly?

    Chi--sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather. And glad you could stay housebound during the messy weather.

    Reader--lobster ravioli sounds very tasty!

    Chi--saying a prayer for the HK's mammo results. Sorry to hear the Paxlovid is creating havoc with your systems. Hopefully it will pass off quickly.

    Side effect

    Side effect




    Combine the Calvados, Drambuie, cordial, ginger and bitters in the base of a glass. Add enough ice to come 2/3 of the way up the glass and use a bar spoon to stir thoroughly

    Top up with a little more crushed ice and fill to the top with the cider. Stir again gently and garnish with the apple, lime, mint and light dusting of icing sugar before serving

    From <>

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited January 2023

    Wow, some of you are really going through it right now. I hope things settle down for everyone. We've been having (for us) crazy weather. It's nice to be able to stay at home when it's pouring outside. It's clear today, but we're supposed to have more rain next week. DH wants to go skiing at Mammoth. They've had so much snow they've shut down some of their chairlifts.

    The coffee, hot chocolate and vodka drink looks interesting. Someone left a bottle of Tito's rum in our vacation rental. They also lest a bottle of dark rum. I guess they're flying back home and can't take the booze with them.

    My sister recently moved from California to Utah and it's hard to find a place to buy wine there. She was out here for Christmas, so we went to Costco and she bought 2 cases of white wine (SB, I think) and 3 cases of red. Her DH likes certain reds and whites, so she wanted to buy them. He was sick and couldn't make the trip. She thought she had a Costco gift card with about $1,000 on it and was going to use that to buy the wine. When we were checking out, the card was empty, so she put it on her credit card. Then she had to call her husband and explain why there was an $800 Costo charge on their credit card. They'll drink the wine, but he wasn't expecting her to buy that much.

    Not much else going on here today. I need to work on my blog, but I'm having trouble getting my thoughts onto paper. (Is it still "paper" if I'm typing on my keyboard into a Word document?)

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2023

    I'M HOME! Had a good flight, stayed the night and went yesterday morning to have blood drawn, as my calcium is low. On a brighter note, I had checked my TM's from 3 weeks ago, I never look until the last minute. But low and behold, they both dropped over 2000 points! My MO saw me yesterday and asked me if I saw them. I said YES, and that I about fell out of my chair. Are you sure those are mine! After being in MI for 2 weeks and not seeing the sun one time, I'm second guessing moving. Not really, but gosh, the sun is always shining here. Yes, it gets cold, but the sun shines, I can deal with that! I called my brother when I got home and sang "I've got sunshine, on YOUR cloudy day!" My neighbor came and turned my pellet stove on in the morning, so it was a nice 70 degrees in the house when I got here. I have to go back to Phoenix this coming week for my next chemo, I'm just not sure what day, I think Thursday. It was fun surprising my nieces with my visit. We took a picture of me, in front of the tree, with my brother's dog Gucchi. I hid upstairs and when they got there, I sent them a text, with that picture, saying "just stopping by to wish you a Merry Christmas!" They were both like "where is she? Where are you hiding her?" They both cried. I'll post pics in a bit, as I have to do it from my phone. They went way out with decorations, all for me!

    Sunshine, $800 worth of wine???

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2023

    This was the picture I sent my nieces. You can't see or tell, but above the cabinets, he has a bunch of Mark Roberts elves.




  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2023




  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited January 2023

    Wow! I can't even imagine getting that much decorating done. Impressive.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited January 2023

    Wow! That's a festive house. So pretty!

    I'm working through my prickly pear harvest. A "batch" usually yields 7 jars, so two batches is just 14 jars. Fruit grows really well out here, even if our growing season is short. I have friends who make apple butter, cherry jam, or pepper jelly. It all gets shared and circulated.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited January 2023

    goldie, what fun! Love the photos. That's a lot of work!!! And what a fun surprise to hide in their house.

    Yes, it was indeed around $800. It was five (maybe six) cases. It will last a while! LOL

    Prickly pear jam sounds good. I don't think I've tried it. I usually stick to berry or marmalade. I did try some jalapeno jelly once. I think it was on crackers with cream cheese. I remember it as being good, too.


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304
    edited January 2023

    Goldie - thanks for sharing the pictures. Fantastic news about the TMs. I understand why you're contemplating moving, but I really don't think I could live with out the sun. That would seriously impact my decisions.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited January 2023

    Been away for over a month and just caught up with all the postings. Those ailing from Covid, wishing you speedy recoveries. Happy New Year to all!

    Goldie - Wow. what a festive house! Thanks for sharing the pics. Love your new wig.

    Now, for some drinking news!

    Carole - Welcome! I usually have a nip of Costco's Irish Cream Liqueur in my coffee and one or two other drinks a week. Chambord always on hand, along with good Scottish Whisky, favorite white wines (Sauvignon Blanc and Sancerre), prosecco or cava or champagne, sherry (for my British hubs). Sounds like we drink a lot, but other than the wines & bubbly, bottles last a long time.

    NM posted a recipe for a Chambord Spritzer that is a favorite "go to": 1.5 oz Chambord, 4 oz white wine, sparkling water.

    While visiting my sister in December, had a wonderful drink at Beach House Cafe in Greenwich, CT. "Pear Necessity" - Absolut Pear Vodka, Elderflower Liqueur, Pear Nectar, Champagne ($12, and sooo tasty).

    Bye for now!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2023

    unshine, that is my brother's condo. The kids came there for Christmas.

    I told y'all he did it up!

    Celia, good to see you girl! Welcome back!

    Minus, about the sun, I know right!!! Plus it makes dealing with the cold so much easier.

    Maybe if I can sell off all the stuff I don't need around here, I might change my mind! I really really really don't want to move. I just keep telling myself, it's the right thing to do, the smart thing to do. Help me out here ladies! My chemo is Tuesday, so I'll head back to down to Phoenix tomorrow. In the winter months, it's just easier to go the day before. Too dark and cold in the mornings to get moving and out the door by 6 am.

    DOTD: Moving Swiftly

    Picture won't post!


    • 1 ¾ oz. Bruichladdich Unpeated single malt scotch, or blended Irish whiskey
    • ¾ oz. American Fruits Sour Cherry Cordial
    • ¾ oz. Giffard Wild Elderflower Liqueur
    • ¾ oz. lavender-infused agave syrup (recipe below)
    • 3 dashes bell pepper puree (recipe below)
    • Garnish: 1 lavender sprig


    In a shaker, combine all ingredients with ice and shake hard for 25 seconds. Double strain over fresh ice into a Collins glass. Garnish with lavender sprig.

    To make lavender-infused agave:

    Heat 1 ½ cups of raw agave and 1 ½ cups of water over medium heat until well combined. Remove from heat, add 2 teaspoons of dried lavender flowers, and stir. Let steep for 1 hour. Double strain into a glass container and keep refrigerated for up to five days.

    To make bell pepper purée:

    Puree 3 red bell peppers and ¾ cup of water in a blender on high for 2 minutes. Double strain into a small bitters bottle. Keep refrigerated for up to two days.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited January 2023

    Wow on the Christmas decorations. I didn't manage to hang my Christmas wreath outside beside the front door this year. People love decorating in this area and decorate for every holiday and for Mardi Gras. I enjoy their outside decorations as I walk or drive past.

    Sadly, I have been drinking alone since New Year's Day when dh became ill with a UTI that we thought was cured in December. Being a caregiver has been/is very stressful and I need my cocktail at 5 pm. He's gradually getting better and we will be following up with a urologist on Tuesday.

    Wren, I'm so sorry that you've moved into Stage 4. I have known you on several forums for quite a few years. Best wishes for your treatment as you support your dh in his stage of life.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited January 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! It's come off pretty cold around here, finally. I hope it doesn't last long. I just had the oil tank topped off, over $400 for 100 gallons of heating oil. Way too expensive! It doesn't seem to bother the puppers at all, though, except for Zoe getting a cut on her paw on some ice. Boy did that make mess! No real harm done, though.

    Sunshine--how disappointing for your sister to find the gift card empty! But good that she could find and stock up on some good wines. I still call typing/keyboarding putting pen to paper, don't see why you can't!

    Goldie--Welcome Home! It sounds like you had a wonderful time surprising your nieces. And the drop in TM is just adds to the good. I hear you about the sunshine, too. WOW, look at all those decorations! Someone worked hard!

    Morning, Wren! That is one big job of decorating, isn't it?

    Miriandra--the jams and jelleys sound wonderful, I bet it's a lot of fun swapping and sharing.

    Hi, Minus!

    Celia--oh my goodness, that Pear Necessity sounds very, very tasty!

    Goldie--your brother did a great job decorating! I never thought I would ever consider leaving Maine, but I've been thinking about moving to North Carolina near my brother and his wife. The summers may be a lot hotter, but Air Conditioning takes care of that, and the winters are much, much nicer--very little snow, too cold to use the pool but this is the first time their pool has ever frozen at all and that was only for a couple of days and just on the top. Maybe in a couple of years, when I can retire. The DOTD sounds very, very yummy! Pureed bell peppers is an unique ingredient.

    Carolehalston--I've seen how draining caregiving can be. Glad to hear DH is getting better.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited January 2023

    Wren - I missed that things progressed to Stage IV. Cyber hugs, prayers and positive energies coming your way.

    Goldie - I realize moving would be quite an undertaking for you; however, here are some things I would offer for your consideration. Being in close proximity to your brother seems like it would provide you with good backup/support. Sounds like you would also be able to see Nora more often, which I believe would be uplifting. Possibly, medical care could be more easily available and not involve long drives. Just curious, whereabouts in MI is your brother?

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304
    edited January 2023

    Goldie - I sent you a PM. My thoughts are - if you have the means to hold out, it's too soon after the death of your DH to make such a major decision.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2023

    Lori, you look great--and mazel tov on the TM drop. Nice touch channeling the Temptations, even if it was to tease your brother. Those pix of the decorations are bringing a little holiday joy extension two days past Epiphany. I join Minus in urging you not to make a major life change while still processing your grief. In my faith tradition, it's mandated to not even sign contracts in the first 30 days, nor make major decisions for the first year.

    Wren, I too missed the news that you've moved to Stage IV--sorry it's happened, but know you are not alone.

    Sunshine, had no idea Tito's made rum! We get their vodka often.

    Speaking of which, as of tonight I have had a totally dry week. One week ago tonight was when our BFF called to let us know her DH, who'd been exposed at Costco on Wed. or Thurs., tested positive. I had no desire to indulge with dinner leftovers, despite testing negative. She tested positive the next day, which was when I began to feel vaguely crummy (that scratchy, thirsty warm "tired" feeling in the throat that usually precedes a cold). Went out to dinner but had only seltzer. Next morning (Tues.) I awoke feeling rotten and did not trust the next negative test result--hence, the trip to urgent care for a PCR test & Paxlovid 'script. Didn't begin to turn things around till Wed. night. But Thurs. morning was the last time I took Tylenol, and (knock wood) had no fever since.

    I could have broken isolation today but decided to stay home one more day to stay a step ahead of the kitties. Felt really good to take my first shower in a week (God bless disposable "adult washcloths" and dry shampoo) and my hair looks decent. Put on fresh scrubs, which double as PJs & loungewear. I actually have energy, but still did my grocery shopping online. I want to make sure I'm ok for PT and my first endocrinologist appt. on Wed. Will postpone my facial on Tues. because I must mask around others for the next week.

    My BFF is doing a little better (despite getting Molnupiravir because her essential meds conflict with Paxlovid) but her DH is still feeling awful. Leslie is still catching catnaps but except for a phlegmy throat in the morning (like when he lived with cats) Gordy is doing much better.

    Still gonna keep on with "dry January" for at least the next few days--hydration is more important. So my DsOTD were a pourover cup of Metropolis' dark roast this morning and a decaf cappuccino after dinner, with water "chasers" all day.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited January 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey day! The puppers and I had a totally boring weekend, just like we like to have. I did get one call from Mom, who is unhappy that a couple of people are still calling thinking the number belongs to someone else. She's really unhappy that she got a "used" number, she thinks she should have gotten a brand new, never before used number. She's taken the phone back to the AT&T store and had them block the callers, but then she played with the phone and took the blocks off so that didn't work. She won't text or speak to the callers to tell them the person they are looking for doesn't have this number anymore. Sometimes I just shake my head.

    Morning, Celia, Minus!

    Chi--how many times does this make that you have had COVID? You really can't seem to get away from it. Glad to hear you are feeling better.

    Coffee Cocktails: 20 Amazing Alcoholic coffee drink recipes

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2023

    Wren, I too missed your post about being Stage IV. I'm sorry to hear this. Where are your mets and what will your line of TX be. Welcome to the 2nd club nobody wants to be a part of! Hugs to you my friend.

    Carol, good to see you here. After all, dinner and drinks go together, right? Sorry to hear about your DH. It was hard for me to take care of my DH before he passed from ALS, and me dealing with my own health issues and being gone every 3 weeks.

    NM, my DH DID do an AWESOME job on the decorating. Him and his partner spent the weekend taking it down and still aren't done! I too thought the pepper puree was quite interesting. If you were to move to NC, would it be after your mom passes? Oh my, her and her phones!

    Celia, those are things I keep telling myself! My brother is in Waterford. I also have another brother in Royal Oak and my son is in East Point. Are you familiar with MI.?

    Minus, I will read your PM when I am done here.

    Sandy, glad you are feeling better! So, the kids also got Covid? YES on the TM drop and it was fun teasing my brother!

    Thursday will be a year since my DH passed. Doesn't seem possible! I'm heading out this morning, first to Springerville to get my Faslodex injections, which is in the opposite direction of Phoenix, but if I don't do it today, I will just have to make another trip out when I get back, so might as well do it today. Chemo is tomorrow. They just opened a new Home 2 Suites, one block from the cancer center, so that is where I will be staying, usning my Hilton pnts.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited January 2023

    My dh is much better, I'm happy to report. Goldie, when I learn what you have been through and are going through now, I regret having whined about the caregiver's ordeal. Things could be so much worse. Still, I'm grateful for the sympathy expressed.

    Native Mainer, I love your sense of humor and caring tolerance in dealing with your mother. She sounds like quite a character. I lost my mother almost three years ago when she was 96 and miss her very much. The night she died she had things to do the next day, including PT. She was a character, too.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2023

    Carol, please don't feel guilty about whining. We ALL do it! We are here for one another, no matter what is going on in our lives. As for me, things could be worse as well, and that's one of the things that keep me going and making me very grateful!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited January 2023

    I don't think I had an actual post about stage IV. In May I was short of breath for a few weeks and finally went in to the doctor. A chest x-ray revealed a pleural effusion which was caused by a bone met In my back. After a bunch of trips to have it drained at the clinic I saw a lung doc who placed a permanent drain in my chest. DD helped drain it every night and the amount kept decreasing. Finally there was no fluid and they removed the drain. I started on Xeloda but had horrible side effects (too dizzy to stand up and walk) so they took me off that. Then Ibrance which is treating me very well. I'm also taking Letrozole with no SE's. So currently I'm doing well and am making plans for while I still feel good. My MO started Zometa every 3 months after a CT scan showed "numerous healing rib fractures" which were not noticed by me. DD and I are planning trips depending on when I get my passport back from renewal. I'm back taking art classes too. DH has settled into memory care and is doing well there. Our house sold in August and I moved in with my DD and SIL while I was so dizzy. It's a good arrangement for me and they both wanted us to live with them. DH is too difficult with the Parkinsons and dementia to keep at home. There's something about hearing the front door close at 3am which prevents a good night's sleep.

  • TNBCthriver
    TNBCthriver Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2023

    Hi ladies. We could all use a bit of extra money. There is a research group who is looking for breast cancer patients for surveys. Some surveys pay $175 and some up to $300. If you are interested message me. Thanks!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2023

    Wren, so sorry what you're going through with your DH's cognitive issues (the understatement of the century). Sounds like you have a great handle on your MBC, and you will likely be a long-term survivor. Prayers for strength & comfort.

    Kim, for the first time in, like, forever I have all the ingredients on hand for your DOTD--and now that I have been greenlighted to resume a little alcohol (now that the Paxlovid's out of my system) I will definitely try it tonight. Sounds like the Kentucky version of Irish coffee--I even have keto brown "sugar."

    One more day w/o my HK. She called early today to mention they had to take her DH to the ER, where he was immediately carted off to the dialysis suite and then admitted. Turns out (she didn't know) he'd blown off dialysis for the past 3 weeks!

    This is only my second encounter with COVID (though it seems I've had to test many times over the past year). I had the "O.G" Omicron (BA.1) at the end of last Jan. That one's incubation period was 3 days from exposure to symptoms and 4 days till a positive PCR. This time (XBB or XBB.1.5) the incubation period was waaay shorter: I was exposed New Year's Eve (not at the restaurant but at my after-party at home). My BFF called the evening of New Year's Day to tell me her DH (exposed Thurs. while unmasked at Costco) awoke with fever and home-tested positive that morning. In anticipation of the party, they'd tested Fri. & early Sat. evening (both negative). I (still no symptoms) hung up and immediately home-tested--negative.

    Next day (1/2) the kids texted me that they home-tested positive. Around 1pm I began having that vague "tired"-scratchy-throated feeling (like I usually get on a high pollen day but without the throat feeling fatigued or warm), which progressed into the evening. Tues. 1/3 I awoke with a mildly elevated temp but feeling awful. I took two different home tests, both negative--but I've learned not to trust a negative test in the presence of symptoms. So I went to urgent care and PCR-tested positive. From exposure to symptoms was only 36 hrs! The only ones at my home party who didn't get sick (knock wood) had both gone outside periodically to smoke, and are on ACE inhibitors for their HBP (theory is that they protect the nose's ACE-2 receptors). I'm on an ARB instead, and four of my guests don't take HBP meds. In retrospect, since we spent the evening mostly in one small room around the TV, we should have cracked the window, as it had stopped raining, Ventilation might have helped.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited January 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! The puppers say Hi to everyone.

    Goldie--If I were to move it would be after Mom passes, unless we could convince her to move, too. Mom and her phone issues, it's reaching the point of absurdity. Wow, it doesn't seem like it could be a year since your DH passed.

    Carole--I do love my Mom and know I'm lucky to still have her in my life. She just drives me crazy sometimes! I rather suspect Mom will go out the same way as yours did--with things to do the next day. Caregiving is hard, and the occasional whine and pity party makes it a little easier sometimes. I'd truly go nuts if I couldn't come here and whine about some of Mom's stuff from time to time!

    Wren--I can imagine hearing the front door close at 3 ayem would be a big deterrent to good sleep! Parkinson's and dementia can cause very difficult behaviors and caregiving situations. It sounds like you and your doc have found a good treatment regimen for you, that's very good. Where do you plan to travel to?

    Chi--I have never heard of keto brown sugar! Is it really sugar? Ah, I confused testing with being positive, and you have tested almost as often as many healthcare workers! I can't believe your HK DH blew off dialysis for 3 weeks! Stopping dialysis to death is usually 5 to 7 days. He must still have some kidney function to last 3 weeks.


    Flowers for Mom Cocktail


    1 ounce elderflower liqueur (recommended: St Germaine)

    Dry sparkling rose wine, well chilled

    Raspberries, for garnish


    1. Add the elderflower liqueur to a champagne flute and top with rose. Stir to mix and add a raspberry for garnish.

    From <

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2023

    Wren, so not necessarily a new diagnosis, but recent. I was on Xeloda for 5 years. Wasn't dizzy, but had horrible hand/foot syndrome. Sorry about the 3 am door closing! Is that someone leaving for work?

    Sandy, how on earth did your HK not know her DH was skipping dialasis? Hopefully he will be ok.

    NM, do you think your mom would actually consider the move? And wasn't she not on talking terms with them, not too long ago? I always enjoy your stories about mom, and of course you love her! I too can't believe it's been a year since DH's passing.

    Heading off to chemo in just a bit. Cancer center is just the next road up. I'll be staying here from now on, during the winter months.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited January 2023

    Goldie, DH has dementia. No telling where he thought he was going in the middle of the night.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited January 2023

    almost ready 😀


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304
    edited January 2023

    Oh hey... Looks like the beach bar is open!!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2023

    Wren, I'm confused as to the 3 am door slamming and it being your DH. I thought he was in "memory care" somewhere and you with your DD?

    BabyGirl, you gonna need more likker than that if we all show up!