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how about drinking?



  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited January 2023

    NM, yes, virtual meetings are nice to have as a backup. The first two meeting of union negotiations are typically formulaic anyway. The Union presents their initial demands regarding foundational stuff: how the union will operate within the store, division of duties, etc. Wages are usually saved for last, as those tend to be the most difficult to hash out. The second meeting is Management's turn to respond with their foundational stuff. The third meeting is when negotiations really start to kick in.

    Since the first two meetings are just opening salvos, virtual meetings vs. in person don't make much difference. But once negotiations begin, meeting face-to-face is to the Union's advantage. It's harder for bosses to deny the humanity of employees when they're sitting right across the table from you. If you're just a face on the screen, it's easier to withhold empathy.

    Good luck with your boot, Karen! I hope you heal quickly. I shoveled out the last inch of snow from our driveway this morning. The kids each did a shoveling yesterday to keep ahead of it. I was feeling lazy, so instead of fetching my snow boots, I just borrowed my 12 y/o's snow boots that were near the door. They were a bit snug with my thick socks, but they fit. *sigh*

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited January 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! It looks like the big snowstorm isn't going to be as big as thought. Just a coating of new snow so far, supposed to be over by the end of the day. I certainly don't mind the change in the forecast!

    Karen--I remember the internet access issues kids had during COVID when I was first doing school nursing. I was totally surprised at how many households did not have any internet access at all. The school sent out a lot of hotspots for those kids, then the kids had trouble getting online for school because the adults in the home were using the connection themselves! Then last school year it did have to be planned to be sure the kids took their devices home. I think I saw a report about the I-70 wreck on the news, either that one or another much like it. Scary. The boot sounds like a real pain in the anatomy. Does it qualify you for a temporary handicapped placard?

    Miriandra--good point about the difficulty in denying the humanity of people when they are sitting across the table vs on a screen.

    black friday cocktail recipe

    Black Friday Cocktail


    • 1.5 oz of vodka or seltzer of the non-alcoholic version
    • One oz of beet juice
    • Half oz lime juice
    • Half oz honey ginger syrup
    • One dose of the activated charcoal powder
    • Just one pinch of salt

    Method #1:

    For the alcoholic version, first of all, you have to mix all in a cocktail shaker with the ice. Then you have to shake and pour into a coupe glass over one large size ice cube.

    On the other hand for the non-alcoholic version, you can combine all but the seltzer in a cocktail shaker with the ice. After that shake and pour it into a coupe glass over one large ice cube, then top with the best seltzer. In the end, garnish with lime curls or candied ginger.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2023

    Miriandra, I don't remember where you live, CO? Glad you were able to avoid bad roads. A 12 yo eh? How many children do you have? You must be fairly young.

    Sandy, funny that your HK makes sure she goes with DH to avoid any BS. My DH would never go to the doctor alone, I always had to go with him.

    NM, good luck on that quarterly. Glad you are able to be more prepared, now that you've been there awhile. We shall say that that is the recipe. Funny how I find a pic, but no recipe and you find a recipe and no pic! Maybe we should call The Maine Slop!

    Karen, I guess I had no idea how many kids not only don't have a laptop, but no internet even. Sorry about the lost car, hate when that happens. And you be careful with that boot!

    NM, now THAT's an interesting cocktail, activated charcoal? But pretty!

    I didn't do much yesterday, just wasn't feeling it! Hoping the weather holds off so the guys can get here next week to start on blown out wall. I have an antique pinball machine in there, that I'm hoping neighbors can come over and get that out of there and out to the warehouse.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited January 2023

    Goldie, I'm in SE Denver. I've had my two kiddos, a 15 y/o and my 12/yo, when I was 39 and 42. I'm very glad I waited before I had them. Some people are wonderful parents earlier in their lives, but I needed that time to explore my self first. I was in a much better place for maternal love later on. But it does lead to occasional misunderstandings. One day when I dropped my son off at kindergarten, one of the other adults asked if I was his Gramma. 😭😭😭

    There is a pinball museum in Lyons, CO. We haven't made it up to visit yet, but we've heard it's very cool.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited January 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Well, I was right, our big snowstorm didn't even qualify as a "snow event". Some schools didn't even start late, only the ones right on the coast where there was some freezing rain before the snow that did create some slippery and sloppy conditions that needed to be cleaned up a bit before sending school busses out. The meeting at work went well, not quite as smoothly as I hoped but I learned a few more things that I will use to make it run more smoothly next time. I'm actually beginning to feel like I've got a good handle on what needs to be done when and what needs to be done to get ready for things like the quarterly meeting. My work calendar is starting to get marked up with reminders and deadlines and due dates so I think I can avoid a lot of last minute scrambling.

    The puppers are loving the snow, they are outside chasing each other around and trying to chase the huge, fat, gray squirrel that teases them from the other side of the fence and high up in the trees. Hopefully they will run off some energy and settle down when they come back in. They are making a mess of the place faster than I can pick up after them when they wrestle and chase inside!

    Goldie--I just noticed the activated charcoal in that recipe myself, and am thinking WTH? That's going to make for some interesting results. But it is pretty!

    Miriandra--being taken for your child's grandmother must have made for an awkward conversation!

    Drunken Grandma Cocktail

    5 oz of lemon iced tea (or green tea)

    1-2 oz of grand marnier orange liqueur (or orange liqueur)

    Combine the Grand Marnier and iced tea in a tall glass. Add ice and/or lemon wedge to drink for extra flavor. The iced tea washes out most of the liquor flavor... so add as much Grand Marnier as you wish.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2023

    Miriandra, well you ARE "fairly" young! I was 21 and 25 when I had my kids. Sorry about the grandma thing. I have been blessed to look younger than I am (well, not so much anymore) and was out with my grandkids when they were about 4 and 7 and it was thought that I was the mom. Also, 3 times I had been asked if my DH was my father. He was only 3 years older than me!

    NM, I'm surprised your house is even standing with those two running around and wrestling!!!

    I have another drink to add to our saTURDay DOTD.

    DOTD: Forever Young (think I'll pass on this one!)


    1. Shake 1 1/2 ounces gin, 1 ounce each Granny Smith apple juice and celery juice, 1/2 ounce pasteurized egg white, 1/4 ounce lime juice and 1/8 teaspoon wasabi in a shaker. Strain into a glass filled with ice and sprinkle with celery salt.
  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited January 2023

    Hahaha! Yes, it was a little awkward, and the other lady in question wasn't completely sure. I look younger than my age too (I'd rather be in my 50's and look in my 40's than the other way around!), but I was obviously older than the first-time moms in their 20's who were dropping off too. So she tentatively guessed gramma. I have a friend who had her first kid at 16, and her daughter had her first at 15; so mathematically it was possible.

    The Forever Young looks pretty, but I'm dubious on the flavors too. I'd try a Drunken Grandma, though.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2023

    Mirianda - when my youngest was little I was asked often if I was her grandma - actually it happened again a few months ago - I was just shy of 42 when I had and she is now 24!!! We got a good laugh out of it. Many of her friends are the oldest and their mothers are 15 - 20 years younger than me and she has friends mother's who are 10-12 years younger than me and grandmothers!!! Short generations.

    Cold, miserable gray weather. More snow in the forecast for Monday but only 1-3" We'll see how close to the forecast we get. This past week, it was shy of the forecast.

    Stay warm and safe

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2023

    DsOTD--at Regalia, with dinner, La Gioisa 2011 rosé prosecco. As we were leaving and the place was closing, the bartender heard my birthday is coming up on Monday, called us over to the bar and comped us shots of the house-made 'cello (limoncello for Bob, pistachio for me). We've known him for ages--first at Cellars, then the Pumping Company (which burned down), then Hugo's Frog Bar downtown before coming back up north here to Regalia.

    Gordy & Leslie came by with my early birthday present: a 72% Ghirardelli bar and several lbs. of coffee beans (1/2 lb. ea of Peru, Tanzania Peaberry, Northwest blend and a full lb. of espresso). I will be bouncing 'round the room (in the words of Phish) for the foreseeable future!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2023

    Miriandra - my SIL has a niece 1.5 years younger than his SIL (my youngest daughter). His mother is my same age and is a great grandmother. His parents got married 6 months before us - they had a kid 9 months later, we have our 1st 9 years later!!!!

    Meeting a gf for coffee/tea later this morning. Sure hope it brightens my mood. So frustrated with no walking and even if I wanted to disregard the podiatrist directions of no walking, its to dicey out to walk with the darn boot. I've not been good about wearing it in the house so hoping Thursday at my 2 week follow up, he will see some improvement.

    Have a great Sunday

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited January 2023

    Karen, I hope your coffee date with your gf lifts your mood. I get your being frustrated with not being able to walk.

    Happy Sunday, everyone.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited January 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! The puppers and I are waking up to a good 18 inches of new snow, with more coming down, and expected to come down all day. Schools and places closed all over today, but our office will be open. At least this is all snow, and won't be as bad as the sleet/freezing rain/snow mix we got last time around. I'm just going to wait until my drive get plowed out, and work from home until then. I've been wondering where all the winter snow was, looks like we're getting it now!

    Goldie--the house does shake now and again when they really get going! I try to make them go outside when they get that rowdy! Um, the Forever Young looks very pretty, but with the wasabi, I'll pass.

    Miriandra--with more teens having babies, the math for grandparent and great-grandparenthood makes guessing relationships to a baby hazardous.

    Chi--your DH makes a good point, you are probably as immune as it's possible to get for a least a few months. The Cassoulet Fest sounds like fun!

    Karen--It's funny how your youngest's friends are eldest, and the big age difference between you and their parents. Short generations do indeed stack up!

    Chi--Happy Birthday early! Sounds like quite a haul!

    Karen--Wow! Hang in there with the boot. It must be very frustrating. Hugs.

    Morning, Sunshine!

    we found the perfect snow day cocktail and it s made with actual re


    • 2 ounces bourbon or rye whiskey
    • 1 ounce triple sec
    • 3 tablespoons homemade ginger syrup
    • 3 ounces fresh orange juice
    • Fresh snow

    From <>

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited January 2023

    NM, if you try out the Snowman-Hattan, be careful of the snow you harvest. Especially with the doggos romping around.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited January 2023

    miriandra, you gave me a laugh with the picture of NM gathering doggie snow for the Snowman-Hattan. Nice way to start my day!

    I think I'm going to go dry for the week. Too much wine at night, too much snacking to go with it, and my weight is creeping up.

    It's funny, but when I first saw the title of this thread, I thought it was going to be something to make me feel guilty about drinking with cancer. Glad I was wrong and am glad I added this to my favorites. Would love to just hang out with you - even if I'm just drinking Pellegrino!

    Happy Monday!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited January 2023

    Cocktail time 😁


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2023

    Miriandra, ha ha! You also gave me a chuckle for the day!

    Sunshine, if all you ever drand was water, we would still want you to hang out! Glad you stayed!

    Babygirl, LOVE LOVE LOVE the pic. And I love your DOTD sign, it's poyfect! Is it nice enough to sit outside and enjoy that marg?

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited January 2023

    Thanks, goldie! I feel the love! :)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited January 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! Welp, I probably should have worked form home yesterday. The drive into work wasn't too bad, slow going but roads were pretty clear until getting into town, of course. The snow kept coming, and coming, and coming, and coming. We opted to close the office early. The drive home was more entertaining, with having to stop a couple of times to de-ice the windshield wipers and windshield. When I got home the drive hadn't been plowed, but berm wasn't too big, so I powered through it and managed to get halfway up the driveway before getting stuck in the knee deep snow there. When the guy came to plow he was able to push me out of the hole and up the rest of the drive and into the garage. Then he got me really cleaned out. Only an inch two came overnight, so getting out this ayem won't be an issue. Now the weather guessers are talking about another "snow event" coming tomorrow into Thursday. I was wondering where all the snow was hiding, I guess I know now!

    Goldie--wow, getting the new stove and wall fixed is turning into a real saga. Wasabi is hot/spicy, one of the things that makes my tongue and mouth blister, so I avoid it. I'm not crazy about raw egg whites, either, but you can get pasteurized raw eggs that decreases the salmonella risk. Still, not sure I'm actually going to drink a cocktail with raw egg in it!

    Mirandra--I only rarely make things with fresh snow, and am very careful gathering it. Never from the back (doggo's) yard, only the front yard, out in the center where the snow doesn't come off the roof or power line.

    Sunshine--glad you took a chance and gave us a look! To be honest, I think we all do a lot more hanging out than actually drinking, but hey, no judgement here. What's the point of doing all the life-saving treatment if you don't live a life?

    Illi--how pretty!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2023

    BabyGirl, I'd take the indoor 77 degrees too! The colors you have make it look beachy, hence the The Beach Bar I guess!

    NM, glad things all worked out with the snow and being stuck.

    As for the stove and construction, I can deal with it, it's not the end of the world. Outlying areas around me got a foot of snow or more. I only got and inch or two. But glad I don't have any treatments, I would have canceled if I did.

    Here's some yellow snow that looks safe!

    No description available.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2023

    Speaking of putting things on snow - when I was a little girl my uncle took me to a sugaring off event/party in Vermont and I remember the tapping a tree and putting fresh maple syrup of snow - if was yummy!!! Of course as a little girl, I thought it was so novel and fun.

    Cold, cold, and more cold - by week-end only in the teens for a high - snow predicted on and off but more for the mountains than for Denver.

    MN - stay safe.

    Have a great Tuesday

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited January 2023

    My DH also has fond memories of drizzling maple syrup on snow in New Hampshire when his family vacationed. He said his little kid self thought it was the most delicious thing in the world.

    Stay safe and warm, lovely ladies!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited January 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Another snowstorm is coming in this evening, I think I may work from home tomorrow considering that the bulk of the heavy wet snow is supposed to come during the day. Driving home in that mess would be a real pain in the anatomy. And it will make Mom happy, she called the other morning and told me to call and tell my boss that I wasn't allowed to drive in the snow and so couldn't go to work! It made for a bit of a chuckle.

    Vacation plans are coming together, the puppers each have Vet appointments to get caught up with everything and the kennel has been reserved. I couldn't get the Presidential suite where I could see them on line, there's only 2 and they go so fast. Now I need to get Zoe a new collar and halter, the set she has now is getting pretty tattered from Colt grabbing hold of it with his teeth and dragging her around. Not to mention that the pink is pretty dingy and dirty now. Each pupper has an individual appointment, and I'm planning to take the appointed pupper to work with me on their day. They both need socialization and this will be a good start. I can always run them home and work the rest of the day from home if it doesn't work out.

    Goldie--That Yellow Snow does look pretty, and I would drink it!

    Karen--Maple Syrup Sunday is a big deal around here every spring when the sap starts flowing, and if there is still snow on the ground putting syrup on it is a popular item! I used to love drizzling the syrup on the snow and make patterns, then let the syrup freeze and eat it like candy.

    Miriadra--ah, the memories!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2023

    NM, that is SOOOOO something my mom would have said! Your cruise will be here before you know it! Sorry you couldn't get the Pres. Suite for the kids. I'm sure they will enjoy going to work with you, but since it will be one at a time, there might be some jealousy there! And do work from home if roads are bad.

    Karen, it's quite cold here too, with lows going to single digits.

    Growing up in Michigan, tapping for maple syrup was a thing. Just not something I experienced and don't recall hearing anyone talking about eating it over snow! Supposed to get the stove hooked up today, but it's still pretty mushy out there, so I'm thinking he may not come, which is ok. Hoping to be dried up enough so the construction guys can make it.

    I found this, no real recipe per se, but it does say what's in it.

    DOTD: Slopeside

    Our winter drink special: the "Slopeside": bourbon, snow, maple syrup and lemon juice


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2023

    We got about an inch of snow today. There were slick spots on overpasses (where the cold air circulates below the roadway), but the city was pretty good about putting down salt last night, and the ground was still fairly warm. We'll get another dusting tomorrow before the main event Saturday and Sunday (as much as 6"). It'll snow every day till Wed., and then the bottom will drop out (minus single digits overnight) and it'll be time to dribble the taps again, likely into Feb.

    At Avec Sunday night, we ordered one wine pairing for Bob and an empty glass for me, so I had an ounce of each of the following: a garnacha rosé from Rioja, a sauvignon blanc/alicante blend from the Mancha region, and a carignane from Algeria. With leftovers Mon. and skate I cooked last night, we finished the 2011 Mumm Napa Blanc de Blancs, which after a week still had a little fizz left. And tonight, at Big Jones, cava with the appetizer and Maison Noir (OR) Love Drunk rosé (Pinot Noir & Chardonnay).

    The kids gave me several bags of beans from Coffee & Tea Exchange: 20 oz. of dark roast espresso, and a lb. each of light roast Peru, medium Tanzania Peaberry, and a dark roast "Northwest" blend (sort of a cross between the kind of dark roasted beans that Starbucks & Peet's made famous). In the morning I like a light-to-medium roast with some bright acidity; the later it gets, though, the darker I like to drink. (I might try it au lait).

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2023

    This afternoon, 17 years ago, the nightmare began. When I had my annual mammo, they were so matter of fact when they said that they need another view as they couldnt see everything (or something similar). They did not raise any alarm in me, those it was the first time it happened. I was getting ready to leave work and see a message from where I had my annual mammogram 3 days earlier - I knew it could not be good news. I was told that they saw something on the mammogram and I needed a spot compression mammogram and if they "couldn't squeeze it out", then ultrasound.This was a Thursday - the following Monday the spot compression and ultrasound and they wouldn't let me leave before they scheduled the biopsy. It was a whirlwind of tests - biopsy on 02/02 and heard the horrid words on 02/03. At the biopsy, the doctor said "you'll have to tell your daughter (she had just left for second semester), so I knew. 02/02 is considered date of diagnosis. So from call back to Dx was one week. This year, the dates are the same dates of the week as 2006. It's always a hard week. But wow - 17 years in one week!!! I'm so grateful.

    Have a great Thursday.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited January 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! With the rain coming down in buckets yesterday ayem I didn't have internet, as usual in such weather. All the rain on top of all the snow on the ground and what snow came before the switch over led to a lot of flooding on the roads. Anything not cleaned up yesterday is frozen over this ayem after the temps dropped overnight. Should make for an interesting drive to work this ayem.

    Goldie--The roads were not as bad as thought they would be yesterday, so I did go to the office to work. I was expecting a lot more slush and mess, but there was less snow before the change over to rain, so that didn't happen. I'm still reserving the option for future "winter weather events"! That Slopeside sounds like fun! No recipe needed, add as much of each as you like!

    Celia--I didn't realize that Maple sugar, Maple syrup, etc celebrations were so wide spread. I always thought it was a New England thing! Makes sense, though, the sap flowing is a sure sign of spring.

    Karen--I did not realize hearing aids could pair with a phone, but it is logical and makes a huge amount of sense! Good luck at the podiatrist.

    Chi--I like darker coffee roasts later in the day, too. The wines you had Sunday sound really interesting.

    Karen--Congrats on the 17 year cancerversary! That sounds like it was quite the week. Hugs.Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! With the rain coming down in buckets yesterday ayem I didn't have internet, as usual in such weather. All the rain on top of all the snow on the ground and what snow came before the switch over led to a lot of flooding on the roads. Anything not cleaned up yesterday is frozen over this ayem after the temps dropped overnight. Should make for an interesting drive to work this ayem.

    Goldie--The roads were not as bad as thought they would be yesterday, so I did go to the office to work. I was expecting a lot more slush and mess, but there was less snow before the change over to rain, so that didn't happen. I'm still reserving the option for future "winter weather events"! That Slopeside sounds like fun! No recipe needed, add as much of each as you like!

    Celia--I didn't realize that Maple sugar, Maple syrup, etc celebrations were so wide spread. I always thought it was a New England thing! Makes sense, though, the sap flowing is a sure sign of spring.

    Karen--I did not realize hearing aids could pair with a phone, but it is logical and makes a huge amount of sense! Good luck at the podiatrist.

    Chi--I like darker coffee roasts later in the day, too. The wines you had Sunday sound really interesting.

    Karen--Congrats on the 17 year cancerversary! That sounds like it was quite the week. Hugs.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2023

    Happy Fried-day.

    Karen, may you have another 17 years and remain cancer free. I have no idea the date of my diagnosis, just not something I want to remember. I do the same with deaths, except for my DH and my mom.

    NM wow, what a mix of weather. I hope your drive in was uneventful! Mud season coming early?

    I few months ago I bought a new battery for the truck, well doomas me took too long to go out and start it up, now it's dead. And to make matters worse, I can't get the hood open to get the charger on it! The guys came to start on the bedroom wall, no damage to the studs. They got the new drywall up, mudded and fixed my cabinet drawers. I think they have to mud one more time and then paint. Saturday should be my stove hook up, fingers crossed!

    If anyone else wants to contribute to a DOTD, please feel free!

    Mississippi Mud Pie Martini

    Mississippi Mud Pie Martini is a creamy, chocolate dessert martini recipe

    For the Martini:

    • 4 ounces RumChata
    • 3 ounces vodka
    • 2 ounces kahlua
    • 1 ounce chocolate syrup

    For the Crust:

    • 6 chocolate cookie wafers (any plain chocolate cookie)
    • 2 tablespoons chocolate syrup

    For Garnish:

    • 4 tablespoon chocolate shavings (use a peeler and shave a chocolate bar)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited January 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! The puppers and I had a lovely lie-in and cuddle this ayem. We didn't get out of bed except for a potty visit at 5:30 ayem until 8 ayem! My face and hands and arms were very thoroughly washed by both puppers (and then with lots of soap and hot water), so I know those are clean for the weekend! It was comical the way they each lay on one side of me but were trying to wash the other side of my face so they kept bumping heads!

    Goldie--the drive in was pretty reasonable, except for the flooded areas. Fortunately, the rain stopped and the water could drain off before the temperature started falling. Now everything that wasn't cleaned up is iced over and crunchy hard. Now we are headed for a deep freeze next week. We're not looking at mud season just yet. It's not far away, however. So glad to hear the walls and cabinets are being fixed up and the studs were ok! Getting the stove hooked up will be wonderful for you! The Mississippi Mud Martini looks wonderful, and I have everything except the plain chocolate cookies to make one this evening!

    Carol--being able to adjust hearing aids through a app must be really convenient!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited January 2023

    I couldn't remember the date of my dx either until I looked it up: 11/11/11. How could you forget that?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2023

    Carol, I think everything is coming with an "ap" these days!

    NM, LOL on your puppy bath! You'll have to let us know if you make the Mud Martini. W/WO the cookies! Hopefully the three of you are having another nice morning sleep in.

    Oh my Wren, exactly, how could you forget that. My DD has what she calls an angel number, it's a number that you always see and hers is 11-11, or 1111. Mine are usually 123 or 1234.

    Well, after almost 6 months, I have a working stove! When down to my neighbor's house and we baked what is called a Hummingbird Cake for another neighbor's b-day. It's made with bananas and pineapple. Will go down for cake today. Then the birthday boy and my friend's DH are coming over to help me get the hood up on the truck, so I can charge the battery.

    DOTD: Hummingbird Cocktail

    Hummingbird Cocktail


    • 4 cups pineapple juice
    • ½ teaspoon whole cloves
    • 1 tablespoon whole allspice
    • ½ teaspoon peppercorn medley
    • 2 cinnamon sticks + more for garnish
    • ½ cup pecan pralines, finely chopped
    • 2 tablespoons agave syrup
    • 6 oz spiced rum
    • 2 oz banana liquor
    • 4 tablespoons coconut milk
    • Pineapple wedges, for garnish


    1. Place in medium saucepot: juice, cloves, allspice, peppercorns, and 2 cinnamon sticks; bring to boil, then remove from heat and let stand 10 minutes. Chill juice mixture 30 minutes.
    2. Chop pecans. Dip rims of 4 serving glasses into agave syrup and then into pecan pieces. Strain juice mixture.
    3. Place ice into prepared glasses. Whisk rum, liquor, and coconut milk into juice mixture; pour cocktail into glasses. Garnish each with a wedge of pineapple and a cinnamon stick; serve.