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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited January 2023

    Hi ladies- back from my new years hiatus. Hope everyone is well here. I have read up as much as I can on everyone's updates.

    Everything going okay in 2023 so far. Busy as always with work and as of this week, I have my fourth boss in less than 2.5 years. The last one (who I tolerated but we all had issues with) resigned and they already have someone new picked out. Same old same old, different year- the more things change, the more they stay the same, lol. Work is busy as always, but have my 10 day vacation coming up in 2.5 months and looking forward to that!

    Been keeping January quiet on the weekends to get some home organization done, getting ready to do taxes, etc. February will be a busier social month.

    We lost some legendary rockers from the 1960s this past month, Jeff Beck and David Crosby of Crosby, Stills, Nash (and later Young). My older brother introduced me to all that music back in the 60s. I got to see Crosby, Stills and Nash here in 2014 and will say that was a band I never expected to see later on in my life. They sounded SO good and it brought back many great memories of listening to all their music with my brother back in the day. Here is one of my favorites from them.

    Talk to you all again soon. I am off to get groceries for the week!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited January 2023

    Goldie, That hummingbird cake is a family favorite. I got the recipe from Air Jamaica where they call them Doctor Birds. It was DS' favorite. I never thought of it as an angel number but mine is 4. I lost my mother when I was 4 and I decided all the bad luck for that number had already happened. So only good things remained.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304
    edited January 2023

    Joining with Wren in praise of the Hummingbird Cake - YUM.

    Goldie - so glad you finally have a stove.

    Jazzy - Nice to see you back.

    Mae - we have rain all week in Houston. If you have the same, you can spend the entire week in the Beach Bar!!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2023

    Jazzy, welcome back! Good to see you again.

    Wren yes on the Doctor Birds, I saw that. Very interesting. Had the cake yesterday with a few neighbors and brought some home. It was very yummy! Looks like NM got a DOTD for you!

    NM, I hate when I have to pee and I lay there hoping it goes away. Especially if it's in the middle of the night and I just want to go back to sleep. And then it's like, forget it, it is NOT going away, just get up and go so you CAN go back to sleep! Not sure about that peppercorn medley either, and especially since it has nothing to do with the cake.

    As for the truck, AGAIN, just call me doomas! Being right handed when popping the hood, I was trying to move the lever with my thumb to the right. Even took some wood and hammer and tried. The stupid lever needed to be pushed left! It popped right open! More work in the bedroom today and I'm getting my kitchen put back together, with all my stuff up on top of the cabinets and washing the floor. The rest of the floor will have to wait until the bedroom is done. Off to Phoenix tomorrow for treatment and kidney US, home on Wednesday.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited January 2023

    miriandra, I love that Far Side cartoon!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited January 2023

    -10F this morning - record low tied with 1985 (38 years). Currently its 0F. Thankfully its warming up throughout the week. I sure hope this bitter cold is done for 2023.

    Lori - good luck with your treatment and kidney US. Glad to hear that the kitchen is getting put back together. And it must be wonderful to have a working oven/stove.

    Everyone stay warm and stay safe

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited January 2023

    Evening gals! Those temperatures...brrr. We have gotten off somewhat easy in DC but this weekend temperatures🌡are going down also.

    After a long (yearly) cardiology/scans appt. All is relatively good! I'm thankful. DH took me to dinner and I had delicious fish and a very delicious " winter white cosmo cocktail" 😋 I'll attach ingredients. A little hard to read but hopefully you get the idea.

    As always I read more than post and enjoy everyone's daily life and drinks🍸


  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited January 2023

    Evening gals! Those temperatures...brrr. We have gotten off somewhat easy in DC but this weekend temperatures🌡are going down also.

    After a long (yearly) cardiology/scans appt. All is relatively good! I'm thankful. DH took me to dinner and I had delicious fish and a very delicious " winter white cosmo cocktail" 😋 Has Vodka, Cointreau, St. Germaine elderflower liquor and white cranberry juice. 😋 yummy!

    As always I read more than post and enjoy everyone's daily life and drinks🍸

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited January 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! Not much new and different going on here. Chilly ayem, a dusting of snow overnight, schools opening late due to icy roads, temps dropping, big wind chills coming in tomorrow. Winter in Maine. It doesn't seem to bother the puppers at all!

    Goldie--I guess I'm lucky in that I can get up to pee in the middle of the night and get back to sleep easily. Ugh, don't you hate when you find out you are doing something wrong like that? Like when I went out and bought a new toaster only to find out the current one was only unplugged. It must feel good to be getting the kitchen back together. Will it take long to get the bedroom part done now? Good luck in Phoenix, and safe travels.

    Mirandra--love that Far Side! I can so relate to that some days. Fortunately, this coming cold snap is supposed to be short-lived.

    Morning, Sunshine!


    Reader--glad to hear the appointment and scans went well. The Winter White Cosmo sounds very yummy!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2023

    Miriandra, I don't "remember" that particular cartoon, but it def. fits the bill! Thanks for the laff! I don't like the cold either but having the sun shine is def. a plus.

    Hello Sunshine.

    Karen, that IS COLD! We've been in the high teens at night.

    Reader, glad your results were all good. Your Winter White Cosmo sounds really yummy!

    NM, it's been windy here too. Thankfully I can usually go back to sleep too, it's the making myself get up that is the struggle. I'm sure we're all guilty of doing "stupid" things. I think the bedroom will take at least 2 more visits from the contractors. It turned out to be much less involved than what I anticipated.

    No contractor yesterday, the boss forgot he had a doctor appt., so he will come Thursday. I'm ok with that, no hurry in getting the bedroom done. The bigger thing was getting a stove! Taking some dinner with me, since I have a suite and won't have to worry about getting some take out. Will leave here around 9 this morning for my 4.5 hour drive. Oh, and the truck did start. Now to see if it will start when I get home.

    DOTD: Winter White Cosmo

    Winter White Cosmopolitan

    • 1.5 oz Vodka I used Cranberry Vodka but plain is fine
    • .75 oz Cointreau
    • 1 Tbsp St. Germaine Elderflower Liqueur
    • ½ oz Fresh Lime Juice
    • ½ oz Simple Syrup
    • 1.5 oz White Cranberry juice

    For Garnish:

    • 3 to 4 Frozen or Sugared Cranberries
    • Mint


    • Combine ingredients over ice in shaker tin. Shake & strain into chilled martini glass. Garnish with frozen or sugared cranberries and a sprig of mint.
  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited January 2023

    Good morning, Lovelies! I'm reading about the appliance issues. We're replacing all of the appliances in our vacation rental home. My dad has moved in there. The appliances sort of worked, but I hated the cooktop so I replaced that. Then the refrigerator went on the blink, so I ordered one. It came damaged, so I sent it back and ordered another one. Of course, it was back ordered so I bought a mini-fridge for him to use. He's actually quite happy with it, so it will do for now. He doesn't keep a lot of food in there, anyway. Then the oven got ruined (long story) so now we're replacing the oven. Since I don't want a bunch of mis-matched appliances, we decided to replace the microwave and dishwasher at the same time. Yikes! We weren't planning of spending that much money right now, but it will be nice when we return it to a vacation rental. The oven and dishwasher will be installed on Friday but the microwave and refrigerator won't come in until June. The good news is that I bought them at Best Buy where I have a Total Tech Plan. They'll install and haul away for "free" and I get an extended warranty on everything.

    Have a happy, uneventful day, everyone!


    I just noticed I kind of overused the word "so" in my post. I guess it was a lot of "this happened SO I had to do this." Hopefully I can soon write, "The appliances are in AND I love them AND I'm not sending any of them back!"

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited February 2023

    Thank you Goldie for posting the actual recipe for the looks and seems exactly the same. I'll have to make it at home. Safe travels and glad your kitchen issues are starting to sort out!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited February 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Happy February! The puppers and I are getting up to temps a few below the donut, expected to work up to the teens today. I'm not hearing so much about the wind chills this ayem, I'm hoping that means that the wind issue has gone away. I'm glad the cold doesn't seem to bother the puppers very much.

    Goldie--glad to hear you are already putting the new stove to work. Also glad to hear the bedroom work isn't as involved as you anticipated. Not so glad about the contractor, but as long as you are cool with it, all is well. Drive safe and have a good stay and a good appointment. That Winter White Cosmo looks marvelous!

    Sunshine--The Best Buy Total Tech Plan sounds like a wonderful thing, and a good investment. I bet you are looking forward to the day when all the appliances are installed and working.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited February 2023

    On the appliance topic, the new stove from Lowe's was delivered yesterday and the old stove taken away. DH and I managed to get the new one hooked up and leveled. The leveling was a project. We had to keep sliding the stove out. DH had little good to say about the quality of the little leveling feet. "Piece of s#*t."

    I don't adjust to new easily and the new stove looks like an intruder in the old stove's spot! I always feel bad about leaving my old car at the dealership when I drive off with a new car, something that doesn't happen often since I keep my cars for years past the paid off date.

    Our foggy gloomy rainy-off-and-on weather continues. February is my month to get tee times for a women's golf group and it's a joke. Get the tee times, cancel the tee times. But life is good inside our warm dry house except for dh's health issues.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited February 2023

    carole, I'm the same way with new stuff. I feel guilty for abandoning the old stuff. When I bought my new car in 2004, I donated my old car to San Diego Hospice. I cried when they came and hauled it away.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304
    edited February 2023

    I agree with Carole & Sunshine. I HATE new things. I'm still driving my 2003 Toyota. When I finally had to buy a new washer a couple of years ago, I paid the delivery people to take away the old one. They said I must have left the tub full of water because they couldn't lift it. Nope - just a quality product made with "real" material from 1976.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited February 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Well, it looks like the super cold weather and wind chills will be moving in tomorrow, we're hovering around the 0 mark now to get us ready. Brrr. Not looking forward to this weekend! At least I have the puppers to help me keep warm.

    Carole--I can imagine the new stove does look like an intruder after years of living with the old one for so long! We do get used to the things around us, don't we? It sounds like the leveling was a real chore. I hope you get some Tee times you don't need to cancel soon!

    Sunshine--donating your old car was such a wonderful thing to do!

    Minus--too funny, the delivery people thinking the old washer was full of water! That really does highlight the difference in how things are made, doesn't it?

    Trade Wind


    Empirical Dry Gin 1.25 ounce

    Amaro Arancia 0.5 ounce

    Lemon Juice 1.5 ounce

    Simple Syrup 0.5 ounce

    Egg White Replacement

    Soda Water 2 ounce



    Dry Shake all ingredients for 20-30 seconds. Add ice and shake to chill cocktail. Strain into chilled Collins Glass and build foam with soda water.

    From <>

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited February 2023

    The azaleas in the yard must be confused and think it's time to bloom. I see dark pink blossoms, making quite a contrast to the outdoors grayness.

    A tree man just came and gave an estimate for cutting tree limbs that extend over the roof of dh's workshop and rub against the tin roofing. His price is twice what I was estimating but dh gave him the ok. There was a time when he would have tackled the job himself, up on a tall ladder but he will turn 84 in June. Much too risky at his age.

    He will be relieved to have the job done.

    Happy Thursday to all. On another forum, I just wished everyone a happy Wednesday! Had to go back and change the day.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2023

    Teka - six more weeks of winter. Supposed to be 70 degrees here this Sunday 😳

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited February 2023

    Minus, I'm driving a 2003 Ford Focus. Good to hear I'm not alone/

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    Carol, as for the "intruder", as my mom would say "this too shall pass!" We also get early buds if we get a warm snap, hence it's hard to grow fruit trees out here. NO, NOT a good idea for DH to get up on a ladder! Sometimes it WORTH it to pay for something, regardless of what it cost.

    Sunshine, gracious of you to donate your old car.

    Minus wow, you had that washer a good long time. I think we are lucky now to have something last 5-10 years!

    NM, stay warm! Glad you have the pups to help keep you warm.

    Teka, funny cartoon!

    Jazzy, not quite as warm here, I think 63 on Sunday.

    Not much sleep over the last 2 nights, stupid steroids! Guys are here working on the bedroom. I asked him what a job like that would typically cost, the wall in the bedroom that was blown out. He said about $500. Company I'm working with is charging me over $3000! Now they did do some work on my drawers next to the stove, but that was just removing them and fixing the tracks and screwing back to the wall. The original estimate when they did it, had them tearing out my kitchen cabinets and the wall. Well, that didn't happen. So, it looks like I need to discuss that with them!

    My truck is a 2000, FJ a 2008

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited February 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! The puppers and I are getting up to dropping temps and waiting for the gusty winds to start. Wind chills predicted for as low as 60 below the donut. It's going to be an interesting weekend, I think.

    Teka--love Puxy Phil's ex-wife!

    Carole--I think your DH is wise to pay someone else to get up on the ladder and handle the limbs. Much too risky, indeed, at 84! Still less expensive emotionally and stress-wise than having him do it and potentially get hurt.

    Jazzy--ughh. I'm ready for winter to be done and over with.

    Morning, Wren!

    Goldie--Wow, that company stands to make some serious money if they don't adjust the bill to match the actual work! Do you have any insurance involved? Giving them a heads up would be a good idea if you do.

    Punxsutawney Punch


    • 4 oz. Pomegranate Blueberry Sparkling Water
    • 1 1/2 oz. vodka
    • Splash of fresh squeezed lemon juice
    • Blueberries
    • Rosemary sprig
    • Ice


    • Pour Vodka and lemon juice over the ice and stir
    • Top with Pomegrante Blueberry Sparkling water of your choice.
    • Stir gently to mix ingredients
    • Garnish with fresh or frozen blueberries and s sprig of rosemary

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    NM, those is some cold temps! The pups probably won't stay out long to potty! The Puxy cocktail sounds yummy! Stay warm my friend!

    Yes, I have gone through my insurance co. My deductible was $950, which is about all it should have cost, besides what they had to pay to come out here and the workers. The owner came out 2 or 3 times, then the boss construction guy came out to show the workers what needed to be done (I think) and they were out here twice to do the work. Insurance company gave me $3200 for the repairs. But like I said, some of that was to tear out the kitchen wall and cabinets, which didn't happen. I did ask in the beginning if the work wasn't going to cost as much, do I get some of that back, he basically said no.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited February 2023

    The sun is shining today! A cheerful sight. At this time of year in the New Orleans area, all the weather forecasts are related to Mardi Gras parades. Today, Saturday and Sunday are good days for the parades. We have quite a few parades in the towns on the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain so families don't have to drive over to the south shore.

    The tree man will probably come today. Part of the deal is for him to haul off the tree branches, which would make good firewood for anyone using firewood.

    Happy Friday.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2023

    Yesterday and today have been emotional days. I really didn't expect it to be but this year it hit me hard. Yesterday, 17 years ago was my biopsy and I left pretty sure I had breast cancer and today February 3/2006 is when I heard those dreaded words. During the biopsy, I made the comment that I didn't know how I would tell my daughter who just went back to school for second semester and she responded "you'll have to tell her". I can't say the BC has been a gift, but I have met so many wonderful women these past 17 years - some only virtually and others in person. I am grateful for every day that I have. I treated myself to a pretty bouquet from Trader Joes so it was only 6.99 and sushi (vegetarian) for lunch. Gd willing I will continue to be relatively healthy. I see my hematologist March 1st and my medical oncologist mid April.

    Have a great week-end.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    Carol, hopefully all went well with the tree! Do you and DH participate in Mardi Gras?

    Karen, sorry this has been tough of you, but glad you got yourself a little something to cheer you up. Good luck with the upcoming appt. in April. Remind us again when it gets closer.

    NM, hope you are staying warm!

    Got my floors all cleaned up, since everything is done now and I don't have contractors coming in and out with dirty boots! That was driving me crazy. Even though I don't have any carpet, shoes always come off before coming in the house. Also did a load of laundry. Not sure what I'll do today, going to be on the nice side temp wise.

    DOTD: Mardi Gras Cocktail

    Mardi Gras Cocktail

    Mardi Gras Cocktail


    Green, purple and gold sanding sugar, for the glass
    2 ounces Lucky Player King Cake Vodka (or use 2 ounces vanilla-flavored vodka plus 2 drops almond extract)
    1/2 ounce Grand Marnier
    1/2 ounce Baileys Irish Cream
    Ground cinnamon, for dusting


    1. Put a small pile each of green, purple and gold sanding sugar on a plate, keeping them separate. Moisten the rim of a martini glass, then press part of the rim into each colored sugar.

    2. Combine the vodka, Grand Marnier and Baileys in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake well, then strain into the prepared glass. Dust with cinnamon.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited February 2023

    Karen, yay for treating yourself. I'm not a "date" person. I have vivid memories of the day I was told I was positive for bc but couldn't tell you the exact date. I had to call dh from the parking lot and tell him we would unpacking the big 5th wheel which was parked outside the house and almost packed and ready for departure on a long summer trip.

    I know my mother has been gone almost three years and the anniversary of her death is in May but I would have to ask my siblings the exact date. I do remember that my father died on April Fool's Day in 1995.

    On Mardi Gras, DH and I went to NO for the big Endymion parade on the Saturday before Fat Tuesday for years. But no longer. We also attended some local parades during different eras in our lives. I have a collection of beads and doubloons. I never joined a Krewe (club) or rode in a parade although that option was open to me. Mardi Gras is not a tourist event though tourists are welcome and contribute to the NO economy. If not a single tourist came, the people in the New Orleans area would still celebrate Mardi Gras. Our next door neighbors have purple, green, and gold spotlights in their front yard that create a decorative effect at night. Most doors have a Mardi Gras wreath. I had a beautiful one that eventually had to be discarded. I should get another one but they are very pricey, says this frugal old woman.

    Yesterday I participated in Mardi Gras by buying a small king cake at Winn Dixie, a nearby supermarket. The common king cake is just cinnamon flavored coffee cake decorated with Mardi Gras colors, icing and colored sugar. We like the filled king cakes and this one has cream cheese filling. There are favorite bakeries in New Orleans. On the first day of king cake sales this year there were long lines at these bakeries. Inflation has shown up in king cake prices as with most items.

    The sun is shining and it's a pretty day. I hope NM is keeping warm in the arctic weather in Maine.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited February 2023

    Did I see something like -40 or so in Bangor, Maine and along the East Coast? That's COLD!!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2023

    Carole - I remember dates of most significant dates - but I don't remember my DH and my first date of the date of our engagement but I do know the month.

    Today, I'm fine. I had my mastectomy March 1st and I remember the first chemo and radiation but those events don't bother me. I think its because I was already in the thick of things.

    Teka - not waiting for any results yet. I have my labs the last week in February, then my hematologist a week later and medical oncologist in April. I don't worry about my labs. I can always see them in patient portal and when something is wonky my oncology nurse calls. So far the wonky things have been kidneys and parathyroid but thankfully nothing cancer. I've learned that labs can be slightly out of range (high or low) and it's nothing to worry about.

    Lori - glad all your workers are done and gone. We wear shoes in the house but like you I don't like seeing dirt/dust. if they are wet we take them off at the door.

    Weather is pleasant here - sun and mild temps at last!

    Spent the afternoon looking through an under the bed box filled with pictures and other things from my late mother. Lots of pictures that I sent of my kids, my cap from high school graduation, photos from her childhood and of my grandparents and great grandparent. Includes is my paternal grandfather's landing papers and his passport (I had seen passport before), my father's discharge from the Canadian Army, a photo of my grandmother, her two brothers and my grandmother from the "old" country. The three oldest were 2 years 4 months apart then a 10 year gap till number 4 as my great grandfather went to Canada first and it took a long time for my great grandmother and the 3 kids to arrive. Letters that my grandmother wrote to my mother in 1950 from Old Orchard beach and many other momentos. Very nostalgic yet in some ways sad. No one left to ask any questions. Next task is to grow through it again and throw away the multiple copies of the same pictures of my kids, DH and I - but not of the old pictures.

    Everyone stay warm and safe

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited February 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! We all seem to have survived the big freeze, temps are back up in the positive double digits, expected to get near 30 today and into the 40s tomorrow. The wind has died down. Lots of branches and tree limbs have come down, too. Apparently, some of the snaps and bangs I thought were the snow and ice on the deck were actually tree limbs. No damage anywhere, though. Lots of small branches and twigs in the driveway, that are actually going to make for better traction as the ice melts. It was a very nice day yesterday for cuddling with the puppers and napping.

    Goldie--The puppers did not stay out long to potty or chase each other or anything yesterday! Poor Colt kept getting ice balls between his toe pads, and would come limping in and hold up a paw for me to fish them out. Spiky things, too, no wonder he was limping! No damage, he walked fine after they came out each time. Funny how he got them but Zoe didn't. It's too bad you and the insurance company are going to be out so much more than needed. I know businesses need to make a profit, but that seems dishonest, somehow. Still, it will be good to have all that done and finished and your house back in order.

    Carole--hooray for sunshine! When I went to New Orleans many years ago I was amazed at how big Lake Pontchartrain is! Good thing to have parades on both side. It will be good for someone to get use of the branches that come off the trees.

    Karen--Hugs. These things do sneak up on us from time to time. Good for you for getting yourself the flowers!

    Morning, Teka!

    Goldie--Pretty Mardi Gras Cocktail! Getting the floors cleaned up must feel really good.

    Carole--My diagnosis date is one of the few dates I remember, and recently I've had to think about the exact date to remember it. I'm hoping that trend continues, it will mean those 3 years are having less of an influence on my day to day life. The King cakes sound yummy, I like anything with cinnamon.

    Sunshine--the wind chill was -40 to -60 in places. The actual temperature was about 20 degrees warmer, relatively speaking. It's much better today, thank goodness! So many friends are coping with frozen and burst water pipes or furnace troubles. I've been blessed to avoid both.

    Karen--wow, what a treasure trove in the box under the bed! You should write down what you know about the pictures and the people and the history and keep that in the box with them for the next generations who will be even further removed from the memories. It will be a great family history keepsake.


    Date Martinez


    Save Recipe

    • 1 1/2 ounces amontillado dry sherry, such as Lustau
    • 1 1/2 ounces gin, such as Ford's
    • 3/4 ounce date molasses
    • 2 dashes Peychaud's bitters
    • Orange peel, for garnish


    1. Fill a mixing glass 2/3 with ice, then pour in sherry, gin and date molasses. Add the dashes of Peychaud's and stir 20 seconds to chill. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Twist orange peel over top of drink to release oils and garnish drink with peel.

    From <>