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how about drinking?



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited February 2023

    NM, glad you avoided any serious damage or injury from the arctic cold.

    Karen, what a valuable box of family memories.

    Happy Sunday.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited February 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Waking up to a much warmer world today, 18 degrees before the sun is up, much better than the weekend! Hopefully that will be the only dangerously cold snap this winter. I'm ready for spring already!

    Carole--I'm glad too!

    blue lagoon cocktail on a marble surface, garnished with a lemon and cherry

    Blue Lagoon


    • 1 ounce vodka
    • 1 ounce blue curaçao
    • 4 ounces lemonade
    • Garnish: lemon wheel
    • Garnish: maraschino cherry


    1. Add the vodka, blue curaçao and lemonade to a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled.
    2. Strain into a hurricane glass over crushed ice.
    3. Garnish with a lemon wheel and maraschino cherry.

    From <>

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited February 2023

    Pretty cocktail!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    Carol, Mardi Gras sounds fun, even if just parades. I've never been.

    Sunshine, my son had posted this, not sure how true it is!

    May be an image of map and text that says 'Weather AUTHORITY Eustis Bingham SKY TRACKER 7:18 AM Mt. Washington, Rangeley NH Madison Wind Chill Yesterday -103 89 St. Johnsbury 0 Berlin Rumford Barre Watervil 93 Paris Randolph Lincoln Augusta Conway Casco Brunswick'

    Karen, glad you are feeling better and spent time going through memorabilia. I love my old pictures I have, but you are right when there is no one left to ask questions.

    NM, glad things are warming up and no real damage from the winds. Sweet Colt, needing mommy to take care of the boo boos. As for the house, I'm out $950, I'm ok with that. The Blue Lagoon looks like a pretty blue sky!

    It was beautiful here yesterday, almost 70 with some wind, but tolerable. I also had another issue to deal with. Noticed one of my hydrants leaking....ugh! 2 of neighbors came and dug it up and capped it off, had it fixed in about 2 hours.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2023

    Goldie - that is true. Saw it from several other people back east. I hiked some of those mountains in my teens. They come with lots of weather surprises 😳

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2023

    Finger healing, but my back is now the issue (to put it mildly). Bad enough to take Aleve and double up on the Xanax & Baclofen--so no DsOTD. Managed to get into a hot shower and make it to Sat. night's hospital Black Tie Gala From Hell. Took a sip of California "champagne" (Wycliffe Brut, meh--just a cut above Cook's or Andre). Feh. Had seltzer in a flute instead. They were pouring "Blue Snowflake" cocktails, sort of like Kim's Blue Lagoon but with that crummy champagne instead of lemonade, served in a Cosmo glass rimmed with sugar. Not even tempted,

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2023

    Tonight RPM Steak held a salute to the late great Lawry's The Prime Rib. All the dishes were there--but the carts were just for show and the salads were "pre-spun" in the kitchen. Still delicious, though. The wine pairings were: with the seafood tower, Spotswoode Sauv. Blanc (blend of Napa & Sonoma); with the salad, Shafer Chardonnay (Carneros); with the entree, a duo of 2017 Ridge Lytton Springs Zinfandel (with a little Petite Sirah & Carignane blended in) and a 2006 Spring Mountain Cab. Sauv., which blew the Ridge out of the water. (I've had Ridge Lytton Springs that was 100 % Zin, but this one was neither here nor there). Welcome cocktail was a martini, which I politely declined (they taste medicinal to me); optional post-dessert one was an espresso martini, which I also declined. (Why is everything served in a martini glass a "martini")?

    I wasn't going to do any of the pairings at all because I'd been taking Aleve and muscle relaxers since Sat., but my back healed enough that I dropped both drugs today.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited February 2023

    Took awhile to catch up on reading. I am really interested in everyone, but end up forgetting some of it before I get to the end. I pick up one of the granddaughters (Raelyn) from school twice a week and take her to dance. Its ok unless you want to get away for a few days. My mom is seeing the surgeon Feb 13th about a hip replacement. I am not sure what that is like for rebab. I am hoping it will help her, maybe her knee and back will feel better if she is not walking funny because of her hip. She will be 86 in May, and has this man friend that she has been hanging out with recently, they met at a bluegrass thing, he goes to the same one as her, its twice a week. My mom has some girl friends that she goes with, she the driver because she is the youngest one. This guy is in his 70's so we are calling her a cougar now.

    My daughter was in a car accident Jan 13th, early in the morning, she was going to a fitness trainer. She said God must want her chubby. lol She had a small brain bleed, that is healing nicely on its own. The hospital here sent her to Shand's hospital in Gainesville by ambulance and the ambulance got in an accident. She said what was great was that is a teaching hospital so she had all these 25 year old young doctors in training cutting her clothes off yelling out 40 year old lady this or that. lol She stayed about 3 days, I picked her up and told her I was afraid to drive her home, she must cause accidents. She was on anti-seizure medication for a week and they made her feel bad. Her first week back to work was tough, but she is fine now. She had epilepsy when she was a child, she has a scar on her brain and at the time they did not know too much about it because it only showed up on the MRI and that was kind of new at that time. She was on medication for a few years (some good- some bad) but after no seizures for 2 years she went off the medication and has been ok. There is a few years during that time that she doesn't remember.

    We are having really nice weather - except when I plan something to do with some of the family on a Saturday, it turns colder or expecting rain. You get so used to having all these bumps in the road through life it's scary when things run smooth. lol

    I hope everyone is doing good and ChiSandy - I hope you feel better soon. You have been in pain for quite awhile.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited February 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! The Wednesday, Women and Wine get together is this evening. We're meeting at a little local restaurant that we last met at the day before the COVID lock down was announced and started. It was, of course, a major topic of discussion that evening. What's going to happen, how long a quarantine might last--we were thinking a few weeks, would schools be closed--we thought probably but hoped not, how long it would be before the first case was found in Maine--if I remember correctly it was that very week. The restaurant is a tiny one, owned and run by a local business woman, and has been working back toward opening up fully ever since COVID restrictions were lifted. She's currently doing mostly take and catered events, with the occasional small group in the restaurant itself. I am really looking forward to going back there.

    Hmm. Looks like yesterday's post didn't post. I must have forgotten to hit the post button. Oh well. I hope I can find the DOTD recipe, it was really pretty!

    Chi--glad to hear the back is better!

    Misty--my goodness, your Mom the cougar! Too funny! Not so funny your daughter being in an accident like that, and then to be in another one in the ambulance, what an odyssey! So happy to hear she is completely recovered. That must have been so scary for both of you.

    I did find the recipe again!

    Florida Snowflake Vodka Cocktail

    The Blue Frosted Snowflake Cocktail


    • ▢1/2 cup 2% milk or half and half
    • ▢1/2 cup vodka
    • ▢1/2 cup blue curacao
    • ▢1/2 cup white (clear) creme de cacao

    Milk Ice Cubes

    • ▢2% milk or half and half for ice cubes

    Sugar Rim

    • ▢sugar
    • ▢water


    Milk Ice Cubes

    • The night before creating your cocktails, fill desired ice cube tray(s) with milk or half and half. I used a whiskey cube tray for big milk cubes and a mini ice cube tray for the mini milk cubes.
    • When you are ready to make the cocktails, place ice in a cocktail shaker.
    • Sugar rim desired cocktail glasses (to do this simply wet the rim of a glass and twist it in sugar, I put water on one plate and sugar on another and simply twist the glass in one then in the other).
    • Place desired amount of preferred milk ice cubes into each glass.
    • Pour all the liquid ingredients into the cocktail shaker.
    • Give them a good shake!
    • Strain the frosty blue snowflake cocktail into prepared cocktail glasses.
    • Cheers!

    From <>

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited February 2023

    Mistyeyes, as I read about your mother, I thought, "You go, girl!" I love her spirit, especially since I turn 80 in March.

    NM, the restaurant sounds like a place I would like. Hope the owner can get it running full force. Pretty cocktail and the ingredients make it promising as tasting good.

    Gloom and warm humid have returned, moving up from the Gulf.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    Jazzy, that's some crazy cold for sure! I can't even imagine!

    Sandy, sounds like you are on the mend.

    Misty, good luck for your mom's surgery. Scary when our elderlies need surgery. Wow, she sure does a lot at 86, and a cougar to boot! Sorry about your DD, but so glad she is ok and doing well. At first I thought it was your g'dau. that was in the accident, and that she was happy to have all the young doctors. Had to go back and re-read it.

    NM, and here we are, 2 years later, or has it been 3, and still dealing with Covid. I guess it will never go away! Very pretty cocktail indeed and looks pretty simple to make.

    Nothing to report in my neck of the woods, so I guess that's good. I'm always watching the wearther, here and in Michigan. The more I watch it, the more I want to stay put!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited February 2023

    Just popping to say, "Hello!" Crazy stuff going on with some of you. My niece drove an ambulance. She was in two accidents. One was on a winding mountain road when a motorcycle came around a bend on the wrong side of the road. Hit them head on. No one died but she was hurt, and I think the motorcycle rider was also hurt. The second time was when she was t-boned in an intersection by someone who ran the red light and crashed into them. She's now in paramedic training in Los Angeles.

    Stay safe out there!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited February 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! The WWW get-together last night was wonderful. I had chicken pot pie served in a sourdough bread bowl, true comfort food in my mind. So yummy. Lots of good conversations with old friends and a couple of new ones. The owner doesn't plan to reopen to regular dine-in service, she's doing well with the take-out side of things and is enjoying not having to deal with the work and costs associated with hiring wait staff, particularly right now when it's so hard to find people to fill positions. She's reserving the right to change her mind, however!

    It's beginning to look like the winter-into-spring weather roller-coaster is starting up. We had a coating of snow overnight, but temps expected to hit the 40s this afternoon, snow overnight tonight, temps near 50 tomorrow. So much snow and ice to melt off, this is going to get messy. I think it's going to be a record mud season.

    Carole--the restaurant is a great place, and I have missed being able to go there. I'm thinking I'm going to need to pick up some takeout on a regular basis.

    Goldie--Covid is here to stay, and I can't wait until it finally gets to the point that it's treated like the flu. I can remember when flu shots first came out. All the arguments and reasoning were almost identical to the Covid ones, but without the social media/instant information dissemination that Covid got. The big driver was protecting people at risk for severe illness from flu and complications like pneumonia (sound familiar?), now flu is just another illness that we get shots for. This business of quarantining and masking and so on is just getting crazy. People aren't really quarantining when they test positive at this point, they just aren't going to work. IF they even tell their employers they tested positive!

    Sunshine--you don't think of driving an ambulance as being a risky job, but I guess it really can be! Glad your niece is ok, and good for her for going into Paramedic training. That's some really hard work.

    French 75 cocktail with a lemon twist

    This is what I had with dinner last night, trying it out for the first time because one of the new friends ordered one and it sounded really interesting. And it was! Light, floral, not too sweet, not too sour, and the aroma was heavenly! I'm definitely getting it again.

    French 75 Cocktail


    • 1 to 2 ounces gin, or cognac, to taste
    • 1 teaspoon simple syrup
    • 1/2 ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice
    • 4 ounces Champagne
    • Lemon twist, for garnish

    From <>


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2023

    I've been waking up at 4:00am again and don't want to get up that early - so I lay in bed and every 10 minutes check the clock - got up a little before 5 - 5 - 6 max hours is all my body sleeps and that includes waking up to go to the bathroom once.

    My foot is healing, but not fast enough for me - I'm tired of the boot after 4 weeks - and 6 weeks since I hurt it. I go back to podiatrist on the 14th and hope to be rid of the boot, but not feeling optimistic. I miss walking terribly and especially the time outdoors. I walked at least a little and sometimes more during chemo. Hope to get a good report on Tuesday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    Carol, I must have bumped you into the pewl yesterday morning, I hope you had a nice swim and the Tenders were good to you!

    Sunshine, How scary to hit a motorcycle head on!

    NM, did the pot pie have crust on it too, or was that the purpose of the bread bowl? Glad you had a nice time with the ladies. I bet you can't wait for mud season....NOT! Did you have the pups last year during "mud" season? The French 45 sounds and looks very elegant!

    Karen, I'm often up by 4, hardly ever later than 6. Does your body only require 5-6 hours of sleep, or is that all you can get in. I know, back in the day, I only needed about 6 hours of sleep, but not anymore. Seems like forever with the boot, hence I even forgot about it! We all hope you get a good report Tuesday.

    My friends in Moab sent me a picture of their cabin up in the mountains with all the snow. And my sweet Nora is really picking up on her words. I have to get on my phone to post picture of her.

    No description available.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    Pictures removed.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2023

    Cutie pie 🤗

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2023

    Nora is quite the chocoholic, from the look of those pix!

    Misty, great for your mom--we have a BCO-er here who had a hip replacement at 88! Prayers and healing vibes for your DD.

    Apprehensive over the COVID "emergency" expiring May 11 (nationwide & statewide). Hope it doesn't mean Paxlovid will be withdrawn from the market, just priced like any other drug.

    We went to the Chef's Dinner celebrating the 2nd anniversary of "Li'l Ba-Ba-Ree-Ba" tapas bar (River North offshoot of the Lincoln Park "mother ship" Cafe Ba-Ba-Ree-Ba, which is almost as old as Gordy). Theme tonight was Catalunya, both food & drink (though the flamenco dancer was Andalusian). DsOTD: "welcome cocktail" of "vermut" (Spanish sweet vermouth, with gin & olives). Next, with the charcuterie, Avinyó brut riserva cava 2018. With the next course (stew & fish), a white from the Peñedes (same region as cava), Mas Rodó "montonega" 2018. With the fish & pork, Costers del Olivers priorat (red) 2018. And with dessert, cigaló coffee (iced espresso shaken with simple syrup). The guitarist and flamenco dancer were awesome!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2023

    Lori - Nora is adorable - love the picture with chocolate all over her face. Sleep - well its all the body will allow - I don't like getting up at 4:00am - That's too much time before I leave for work at 7:00

    My foot is still swollen but not as bad as when I first went to the podiatrist , and its sore - mostly under the 2nd toe. I've been better about wearing the boot.

    Been at a conference all week - last day is tomorrow - its harder than work.

    Sweet dreams

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited February 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! Some snow overnight, just enough to see we got some, and temps going up to 50 during the day today, so lots of melting expected. I foresee wet, muddy doggos this weekend!

    Karen--I hope you do get rid of the boot. That must be so annoying!

    Goldie--the bread bowl took the place of the crust in the pot pie. I got the puppers in March, so I had them for the end part of mud season, but not the main part. That will be a new experience for this year! Wow, have some snow! What a great looking cabin, I bet its wonderful there. Nora looks so sweet! I can just imagine her babbling away with you on the phone.

    Morning, Teka, Jazzy!

    Chi--The COVID emergency expiring is going to have quite the impact on a lot of people, I think. It's going to make for some interesting times. The Chef's dinner sounds really yummy, and a lot of fun!

    Karen--conferences can be harder than work, as hard to believe as that may be!

    Boot Blaster Cocktail

    Mixed Drink Recipe from Cocktail Builder

    1 oz of white rum (or Light Rum)

    1 oz of Gin

    1 oz of Triple Sec

    1/2 oz of Coca-Cola (or coke)

    14 oz of lemon-lime mix (or Lime Mix)

    1 oz of Vodka

    Half fill a 20oz glass (preferrably in the shape of a Cowboy Boot) with ice, regular or crushed. Pour the spirits over the ice. Add lemon-lime mix leaving room at the top for the 1/2 oz of coca-cola to dirty the drink.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    Nora was having a chocolate cupcake and saying cake. I laugh at the other picture, cuz there she is feeding Rex some of HER treats, but yet she gets in his dog bowl and eats HIS! She's really picking up on her talking. She still babbles, but def. using more words.

    Sandy, sounds like a nice outing.

    Karen, seems like a long time for the foot to still be swolen. Just a few more days, and hopefully it will come off. Bummer about the conference being harder work. What do you do on the weekends when you wake up that early?

    NM, I thought maybe it was going to be a new experience with the pups and the mud. But like you said, you had them for part of it. Having crust with the pot pie in a bread bowl would have been too much. I like the idea of the bread bowl better.

    Ooooooo weeeee, that cocktail should take care of any pain Karen might have!

    The cabin is small, but it's just him and his wife, but it's so pretty up there. Makes it nice when the temps are in triple digits down in town, he is at 9000'.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    Such a tragedy!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2023

    Lori, it's a reminder that there are some phenomena we are powerless to prevent or even predict.

    Bob & I got a bit headachy late Thurs. night--closest I've gotten to a hangover in almost 40 yrs. (Although when I wasn't wearing my retainer the tension resolved). So I'm having a "dry weekend." DsOTD yesterday were a half-caff breve cappuccino and at dinner a can of passionfruit Bubly; today, a half-caff espresso. Tonight, probably seltzer.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2023

    Good evening friends:

    Hope everyone is doing well on this superbowl weekend. I am not in to football so I won't be doing anything tomorrow, but hope if you are into the game, you enjoy it and maybe some good snacks to enjoy along the way. And if you celebrate V-day which is also coming up this week, I hope you get some nice flowers, chocolate or other treats from your beloved.

    After a mild weekend in the 60s last weekend that felt like a taste of spring, it got colder this week and we had a bit of snow overnight monday and some more into Tuesday. We don't get much snow here in the valley, but really need the moisture and think there was a few inches on the ground when I got up Tuesday, some snow on the way home from work that afternoon. Warming up again and back in the 50s and going into the 60s. We will go back and forth now into April where there will be more colder days than warm here in Feb but by March, things start really shifting. No winds have started yet, they were so bad last spring and hope this year won't be as severe. I have been busy getting indoor things done including some winter purging so I can be ready for the gardens as the spring unfolds. Daylight savings a month away now, whoo hoo!

    I have been wading through some medical and dental appointments the past couple weeks and all of them are resulting in some follow ups, except for my teeth. Part of just being older, and just expect it now. I have been seeing a lot of old school mates loosing their battles with illnesses or having other tragic accidents that have cost them their lives and guess I feel fortunate I can still work and take care of myself. Getting older is a priviledge even though not always easy, right?

    Our new manager seems to be settling in and think she will be okay for us, and hope this one sticks for the duration until I can get to my goal in another 2.5 years. The project I am on continues to be pretty crazy, but just plug along and try to enjoy the rest of my life. Not many of my friends and colleagues around the same age as me (early 60s) are enjoying work and many are retiring early if they can. I do what I can to help and focus on the rest of my life, work to live!

    My trip to HI is now 2 months away, whoo hoo. I am so looking forward to this, my first major vacation in many years. What is a major vacation? Usually going somewhere further away that is pure tourist fun and does not require a family visit or something obligatory. The trips I took the past few years were for family and mostly around some memorial services too. I am meeting up with my travel friend this week who will be my roommate for this adventure and excited to talk to her about some things. I have been to the big island twice before and done a lot of things there, but have more bucket list things to do. I am taking a surfing lesson this time, which has been on my bucket list for some time. Its nice to have a trip to look forward to this spring.

    I read up on everyone's activities and hoping everyone who is recovering from something is doing better and everyone else is doing okay too. I may not be here as often, but think of you all quite often.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2023

    We have a couple of fun trips coming up soon. We're heading back to NOLA in March, this time for the ACC (Cardiology) conference. Got our res at Commander's Palace, which we couldn't book last year. The city will be a challenge for low-carb--one cannot live on local oysters, strawberries & tomatoes alone (and it'll be too early for fresh crawfish season). Our hotel is the Omni in the Quarter rather than down by the Convention Center (the Hilton & H. Garden Inn, where we could get a discount, were booked up months ago), so at least I'll get my steps in.

    Then in April I'm headed to Ireland (Dublin & Kinsale) with the Bar Assn. for the first continuing legal ed trip since 2019. Going solo, as Bob can't justify taking two weeklong vacations in two months. Ireland has been on my bucket list for quite some time.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    Sandy, Mother Nature can be brutal! I can't believe your DH doesn't want to go to Ireland!

    Jazzy, no Superbowl or Valentines for me. Glad things are going well with work and YAY for HI getting closer! Weather here has been up and down as well, but it's expected!

    Took the truck out yesterday. I really didn't want to, and didn't need to go to town for anything, other than mail. It's not insured, so I just went to our little town, 15 miles one way. The truck has been sitting for well over a year with the same gas in it. I start it, but it needed to be driven. Put a little more gas in it, $20 worth, as it will be doing alot more sitting! But it took me 2 hours for that little jaunt! Cold temps coming early in the week, 3 degrees.....BRRRRR! And some snow is predicted.

    D'sOTD for Superbowl. One for each team.

    Eagles Energizer

    Eagles Energizer

    5oz Mezcal
    1.5oz Santa Teresa 1796
    .75oz Melon cordial
    .5oz lime
    .25oz St-Germain

    Method: Shake, strain over rocks, serve with a lime wedge

    Cheers to the Chiefs

    Cheers to the Chiefs

    1 ¾ oz Noilly Prat Rouge vermouth
    1 oz Bitter liqueur
    3 ½ oz chilled Rosé champagne

    Garnish: orange slice & olive garnish

    Method: Build the ingredients in a glass filled with cubed ice. Stir and garnish with an olive and fresh orange wedge.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited February 2023

    goldie, your battery was still good? Mine is fairly new (Volvo V70 station wagon) and the battery dies if it's not driven every few weeks. I couldn't sleep last night, so I took a look at our security cameras. I noticed that my red alarm light wasn't blinking on the dash of my car. Sure enough, when I went out there this morning, it wouldn't unlock with the key fob. GRRRR. I'll wait for DH to get home from his hike. The battery is in the back and you have to open the hatch to get to it. The last time this happened, we kept setting off the alarm. Our neighbors are close. I hate doing this to them. I think we'll wait until at least 10:00 am.

    Happy Sunday. May watch the Super Bowl. May not. May watch a Hallmark movie. LOL

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2023

    It's not that Bob doesn't want to go to Ireland with me: after a week off in NOLA, he can't justify taking off another week a month later. Every day he doesn't work is a day he can't see patients at either his office, hospitals or Union Health clinics; his practice and therefore his income suffers--all the fees, including his Union Health salary, gets plowed back into the practice. He's afraid to close his practice now, because not only doesn't he want to put his staff out of work, but it pays for the car, expenses, his Medicare Part B & supplement, and especially malpractice insurance. If he retires, he gets to keep all his billings & revenue but all those expenses (the malpractice premium is six figures) must be paid by us--with fewer tax deductions than in the past.

    He also gets bored on those CLE trips while I'm in classes.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited February 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! Boy, this weekend has been the on call weekend from hell. Seven deaths at last count, I haven't checked the overnight report yet. I was out doing visits Saturday and Sunday in between shuffling the visit schedule around to accommodate patient/family requests and preferences while trying to keep the staff from having to drive more miles than necessary and putting out fires. It's been absolutely crazy all weekend. In the middle of it all I had to go see Mom and COVID test her because she had diarrhea on Saturday and she remembers hearing that was a COVID symptom. Her test was questionable, I'm pretty sure I saw a very faint line, so I'm going out after work to test her again today. Also, she lost her car key fob. While the test was cooking I was going through all her coat pockets and bags and such, only for her to find the key fob in the dish on the counter where she always puts it! I'm waking up tired this ayem, and very glad the on call responsibility moves to someone else in an hour and a half!

    Goldie--I live baby babble, and the sharing that goes on between babies and pets! The pot pie in the bread bowl was very, very good. I like pot pie with a good crust, too. Serious comfort food. The earthquake damage is horrible. Such a disaster and tragedy.

    Chi--I really like the Grapefruit Bubly. It was on sale last week so I bought a bunch of flavors to try.

    Jazzy--getting older is truly not for the faint of heart, is it? But it really is a priviledge. Working to live is important, and I need to remember that more! You must really be looking forward to the trip to Hawaii. It sounds like it will be a really great time for you. Having something to look forward too is important.

    Chi--wow, 2 great trips to look forward to!

    Goldie--you've done well keeping that truck running all this time!

    Sunshine--It seems electric cars have some drawbacks!

    A Short Trip To Hell Cocktail

    Mixed Drink Recipe from Cocktail Builder

    2 oz of peach schnapps

    2 oz of Strawberry Schnapps

    2 oz of Wildberry Schnapps

    1 oz of jagermeister herbal liqueur

    8 oz of red bull energy drink (or Energy Drink)

    Shake Red Bull, peach, strawberry, and wild berry schnapps in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into glass. Then put Jagermeister into shot glass. Drop in the shot and drink.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2023

    We watched the game - it was actually a good game, thought the Eagles would win, but we weren't rooting for either team. The commercials aren't good like years ago. My favorite and one of the only ones I liked was "Thank you Canada".

    Going to be quite nice today, but cold and snow Wednesday.

    We went to see 80 for Brady yesterday - cute movie.

    Happy Monday.