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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    Sunshine, I had to buy a new battery a few months ago, as it had died and wouldn't stay charged. Well then, I left the truck sit for too long and the new battery died! I didn't know a new battery would do that. So, I thought I better take it out and drive it. Hopefully you got your car unlocked and good thing you were home when it happened.

    NM, didn't know you were on call this past weekend. Wow, it was busy indeed! Are you working from home today? Hopefully mom test negative for Covid. Funny her key fob was where she always puts it! I think the only pot pie I've ever had was a frozen one! And those are pretty MEH!

    Karen, I didn't watch the game, so didn't see any of the advertisements. Tomorrow is foot doctor day?

    Predicted temps are getting colder, 6 for Wed. and 2 for Thur, plus high winds. They aren't saying what the gusts are. So I will go out today and strap down my solar tracker. Also, some snow, possibly up to 8", we'll see!

    Just looked at the ingredients of the DOTD. A Short Trip to Hell for sure!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited February 2023

    My car is actually gas, not electric. I guess they just don't make batteries like they used to. (Geeze, I sound like an old person!) Will try to get it open and have DH jumpstart if for me.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2023

    Lori - yup Podiatrist is after work tomorrow. It's not all the way healed, so I'm curious as to what will happen. I'm tired of the boot, but my foot is still sore - mostly now just my second toe - swelling has gone down quite a bit but not all the way. I wonder what his plan is to keep my foot safe. I sure do miss y twice/three times daily walks.

    Wednesday is going to be in the teens with snow!!!! Ugh!!! Enough with the bitter cold. I have playground duty and lunch duty, but I'm guessing at those temps it will be indoor recess.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited February 2023

    NM what an on-call weekend! A good friend does hospice work. God bless you for what you do. Trying/tiring work. I couldn't even swallow that drink but the name perfectly described your weekend. Rest up this week.

    We are cold in DC but not nearly like many of you all right now. Stay well and warm and hope cars keep running too!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited February 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! It was sooooo nice to get home shut off all the work apps and listen to the lack of alerts and alarms going off. Even better is that came after Mom tested negative for COVID. She figured out what she ate that upset her system so she was sure it wasn't Covid anyway. So I had a lovely evening of tasting a new Absinthe, reading a cozy mystery, cuddled up with the puppers, and NOT answering calls, questions, putting out fires, or dealing with crises. I feel much less tense this ayem, if still rather tired. It seems to take longer and longer to bounce back from busy and stressful days as I get older.

    Had a bit of excitement here with the puppers this ayem. Zoe finished her bowl of chow first, as usual, and the Colt stepped away from his bowl with some food still in it, not sure what for and not something he usually does. Zoe tried to take advantage and stuck her face in his bowl, Colt immediately pounced on her and a real fight started. I had to herd them toward the kitchen door where I could push her out and shut the door between them. Colt went back and finished his chow, and then asked to go out, and the two of played as if nothing had ever happened! Fortunately, no blood shed by dogs or human. The human has certainly been reminded to keep them apart during din-din times!

    Morning, Karen! Glad you liked the movie.

    Goldie--No, I worked from the office yesterday. My internet connection to the work server is soooo slooooww that I get really frustrated with trying to do anything and it's easier to do it in the office. Frozen pot pie isn't the greatest, I'll agree with that. Homemade, though, can be GREAT. It's a wonderful comfort food that everyone's mom or grandmom makes a bit differently, and all the variations are tasty.

    Sunshine--a lot of things don't seem to be made as well as they used to, so I must be getting old, too!

    Karen--I bet you do miss those walks. Indoor playground duty must be fun, and very noisy! I couldn't drink that drink either, but I liked the name!

    Reader--hospice work can be really rewarding, but it has it's tough time, too. But what job doesn't? At least most of the time you can see where you are making a difference, and that doesn't happen with a lot of nursing jobs nowadays.

    Dixie Dogfight


    1 Goldschlager cinnamon schnapps

    1 Jagermeister herbal liqueur

    1/2 Bacardi 151 rum

    1 Jose Cuervo gold tequila

    1/2 Aftershock Peppermint

    1 dash Ginger Ale

    grenadine syrup



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2023

    Kim - scary about the puppers. They sure are a determined.feisty group!!

    Have a heavy heart this morning. Nothing personal for me - just the state of the anger, hate and chaos in the US. Yesterday morning started with the Colorado School of Mines being on lock down due to a shooter. Shooter killed a K9 officer. In the afternoon, 2 shootings, one at one of my local high schools in my district and minutes later one by the admin bldg. In the one at the high school a 16 year old student was shot multiple times in his car by someone(s) in another car and is in very serious condition. Three shootings in 8 hours or so. Then last night a mass shooting at MSU in East Lansing. It's beginning to feel no where is safe anymore.

    All went well first day at the new assignment. It will be a busy but good end to the school year - I'm there the rest of the year.

    Hope Tuesday is a good day for everyone.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    Sunshine, they don't make ANYTHING like they used to!

    Karen, good luck with the foot today. It's sure taking it's time to heal! Hopefully indoor recess if it's too cold. Do you know what temp they call it at? I was going to mention the MI shooting as well, but then as I read further into your post, I see you saw that. So very sad. I did not see the one in CO on the news.

    Reader, NM is def. good at her job and has a heart of gold!

    NM, glad you were able to separate the pups and all was ok. I don't recall ever having had homemade pot pie. My mom was not a big cook, usually a meat, potato and a canned vegetable, or occasional casserole. Yay for no Covid!

    Another interesting DOTD! Looks like it would grow hair on mese chest!

    The winds have started here. I got my one solar tracker tied down, now waiting for the deep freeze!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited February 2023

    Goldie, high winds here too. This is from our weather station and it’s just the beginning, ugh. I’ll try to avoid going outside as long as possible but winds are predicted to reach 70mph and last 3 days. Yikes.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2023

    High winds in New Mexico too 💨

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2023

    Get rid of the boot after the week-end, but Podiatrist suggested going for walks first with the boot - that I can try. I'll be so happy to wear two shoes! Thursday will be 5 weeks in the boot so almost 5.5 weeks when I get rid of it and hope all is good with two shoes and walking. He said tennis shoes, so I asked how long, so he asked me to take off my boot and said they were "stiff" enough. I live in my Blundstones in the winter so I was thrilled. No bare feet, flip flops etc.

    Lori - most schools call in door recess at 30 degrees, some 20 - but they factor in windchill. 3-7" snow predicted for Denver with 18F before windchill - parts of the city are getting snow and it will be a messy morning commute - and by dinner time the snow will be done.

    I made turkey pie last night. I only use a top crust. A recipe that my grandmother used - but not sure how exact it is. I also use chicken and some times beef - all left overs. In a pie pan or 8x8 square pan, I layered the turkey with cooked potatoes, carrots, frozen green beans and raw onions. Season to taste and a little broth. My family enjoys it when make it - very different from what you get in a restaurant.

    Everyone stay warm

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited February 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! This week seems to be flying by all of a sudden. A good thing, as I'm looking forward to the weekend. Nothing in particular planned, just catching up on stuff and puttering around. And sleeping in, I'm really looking forward to a couple of lovely sleep-ins. And the cuddle sessions that go with. The puppers seem to like the cuddles, too. I've got 2 alarms set now, one to start waking up and turn on the light and cuddle with the puppers, the second to remind me to actually get out of bed. There's an airport a couple hours drive from home that just announced a new airline with cut rate direct flights to the airport closest to my brother and sister-in-law in SC, $49 one way! Last time I went down it was 4 times that much, and this morning the fare from the local airport would be almost $400! Amazing the difference a couple hours of driving can make!

    Karen--yeah, it was a bit scary when the puppers were fighting. No messing with their food, that's for sure. Wow, all that shooting so close must feel terrifying. No place seems to be safe any more. Glad to hear the new assignment looks like it will work out.

    Goldie--My mom used to make chicken pot pie with leftover chicken or turkey and potato, used canned peas and carrots, and made the gravy and pie crust. I liked the version with leftover mashed potato better. I hope you survive the deep freeze!

    Illi--YIKES! 70 mph is hurricane strength. I can't imagine a 3 day hurricane! Not ot mention what that will do for the wind chill factor.


    Karen--Glad to hear you are getting rid of the boot! I'm chuckling at the indoor recess at 20 or 30 degrees, where I was working it was 0 degrees "feels like", which takes into account wind chill effect. Your pot pie recipe sounds really good. I guess using leftover meat isn't as unusual as I always thought it was.

    hot apple pie cocktail

    Hot Apple Pie cocktail


    • 24 ounces Apple cider or juice
    • 4 Tablespoons unsalted butter
    • 6 teaspoons light brown sugar (can substitute brown sugar swerve for lower sugar)
    • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
    • 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
    • pinch ground cloves
    • 4 ounces Calvados (1 ounce or shot per person)
    • 8 Tablespoons whipped cream


    • Soften butter. Add brown sugar and spices, blend well.
    • Heat apple cider or juice in a small sauce pan until very hot.
    • In each mug, add 1 1/2 teaspoons brown sugar and spice mixture. Pour hot cider into each mug.
    • Top with shot of Calvados,(Tuaca or brandy) and freshly whipped cream

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2023

    Only 2-3 inches snow so far so school as usual - 16, feels like 2F

    Stay warm and have a day

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited February 2023

    I hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's and/or Palentines day! Our Valentines plans got a major redirect. We made reservations at a nice Brazilian steakhouse place. (The sides are at a buffet, and the servers circulate the floor with skewers of rotisserie cooked meats.) We arrived a few minutes early and were told it would be a 45 minute wait. With reservations! We were resigned to it at first, but the more we talked about it, the angrier we got. Another couple said they regularly overbooked their floor. We decided not to reward bad management with lots of money and went to another place just nearby that had no wait. (And we mentioned the no wait place to other people in line too.) We had a lovely meal with a delightful server. Much better than stewing over the poor customer handling at the steakhouse.

    Enjoyed a Malibu Peach martini - as tasty as it was pretty.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    BabyGirl, our winds weren't THAT bad, I think gusts 45-50. I hope the Beach Bar didn't blow away!

    Karen, don't over do on the foot, you don't need more injury.

    NM, weekend sleep in and puppy cuddles will be here soon! That Hot Apple Pie looks yummy!

    Miriadra, sorry about dinner redirect. Shame on them for overbooking on V-day! Glad you were able to get a nice dinner elsewhere. I can't see your cocktail. But it sounds good!

    I have no idea how much snow we got, because of the wind and snow drifts, but there's a foot on my porch and as much as a foot and a half on some places of it. Could only get my door open enough to squeeze out, sweep a small spot off, reach over and grab my shovel to do the rest. So the rest of the morning entailed shoveling the porch, getting a walkway to the barn, unhooking my one solar panel and getting the snow off of those. Came in and took a nap! 3 degrees tonight, 0 tomorrow. Several of my neighbors got stuck, sliding into huge ruts in the road. My other neighbor tried to get out to go to work, turned around and came home, as he couldn't tell where the road was!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited February 2023

    Goldie, thankfully that forecast didn’t happen, 45 mph here and the bar is safe. I turn 48 on Sunday, gonna do some day drinking and make some cocktails posted here recently.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited February 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! I got a call from Mom yesterday, she now has yet another cell phone. I now have 6 phone number for her. One is the phone I set up that I am going to get turned off since she isn't using it because it doesn't say who's calling. Gotta love the Momma, but she is CRAZY with phones and technology in general. Sigh.

    Karen--hope it was a good day at school!

    Miriandra--it's too bad the steakhouse isn't managing themselves well. It sounds like word is getting out and that will hurt them in the long run. The cocktail sounds lovely, but the pic isn't showing for me. That happens sometimes, I guess there's something to do with my internet connection being slow. I wish I access to true high-speed internet, but I'll have to wait a while longer on that until it will be profitable enough for a company to consider providing the service in rural Maine.

    Goldie--wow, not being able to see where the road is scary, I don't blame the neighbor for turning around and going back home! It sounds like you deserved that nap after all that work!

    Illi--glad to hear the Beach Bar is safe! Happy Birthday coming up!



    2 oz

    Patrón Silver

    2 oz

    Eternal Youth Mixture*

    .5 oz

    Fino Sherry Wine

    .5 oz

    Egg whites


    3 Branches of thyme


    3 Sprays of Patrón Reposado infused in bee pollen**


    1. Add all ingredients to a shaker tin with ice and shake to chill and combine.
    2. Double-strain into a chilled coupe.
    3. Garnish with fresh thyme sprig.

    *Eternal Youth Mixture:

    • 2 oz Honey
    • 2 oz Lemon juice
    • 1.25 oz Olive oil

    Mix ingredients in a blender until combined.

    **Patrón Reposado infused in bee pollen:

    Soak 10 grams of bee pollen with 3.5 oz of Patrón Reposado for 1 hour. Strain and store in a spray bottle.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    Boarding the Party Bus, destination....The Beach Bar! Everyone will be picked up!

    Oh dear NM, your mom! Love the stories and they give me a chuckle, but I know it can be frustrating to you. Glad you understand that and pretty much just brush it off.

    3 degrees below the donut hole (as NM would say), a little colder tonight, then it will start to warm up. Another interesting DOTD NM, love the ingredient "eternal youth mixture", I'll have extra of that in mine please!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited February 2023

    NM, happy birthday to you too, I think it’s within the next few days, right?

    FYI - February 22nd is national margarita day 😃

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited February 2023

    I tried again with the pic. It looks like it made it through this time.

    BCO is supposedly getting ready to move to its new platform. Maybe they were having image loading issues again. So tired of the buggy site!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2023

    Taco Thursday


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2023

    Whew--finally got a little time to check in here. Been a rollercoaster with Happy--the metronidazole seemed to be working for awhile but he's back to occasional Hershey-squirts (in the box, thank goodness) and when he sits on me he stinks. (He wriggles loose when I try to wipe him down with pet-butt-wipes). Right now I reek of Nature's Miracle (oversprayed my sweater). His last metronidazole will be Monday morning--it's getting trickier to get it into him, as he is wising up to its taste in his squeeze-up gel treats. (Dreading having to dissolve it in a syringe and trying to squirt it into his mouth).

    Weather is a rollercoaster here too. Valentine's Day stormed here--but with a high near 60. Went from the puffer jacket to a rain windbreaker over a leather jacket. Today, snow, sleet, rain, very high winds. A century old barberry tree on the Northwestern U. campus, its branches heavy with ice & snow and the ground too wet to hold its roots, blew over in a 50mph gust and fell on four staffers of the business school as they were walking to lunch. Two were hospitalized. Tomorrow will be clear but we won't get above 25F. Then back into the 40s-50s all weekend till the cold rain returns Tuesday (yup, we're going out for Mardi Gras dinner). We fly to NOLA on March 1--but the long-range forecast is for cold & snow, so who knows if our flight will even leave? (Bob insisted we fly SW, over my protests).

    Valentine's Day tapas dinner DOTD was rosé cava. Last night & tonight at home, Joel Gott Sauvignon Blanc.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited February 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF Day! Yet another winter

    Storm coming in today, supposed to come in as snow and change to an "icy mix" which sound absolutely yucky. Oh well, it can't go on many more months now.

    I'm up early this ayem, the office secure message system went off at 4:40 with someone asking a question about their schedule for today. For people who's working hours are 8 ayem to 5 peeyem, some of them get up awfully early!

    Goldie--I thought the "eternal youth mixture" was interesting, too! Looking forward to the Beach Bar Party!

    Illi--thank you! My birthday is Monday. I've got to make plans to celebrate national margarita day!

    Miriandra--I'm hoping the new platform will be more dependable.


    Morning, Teka!

    Chi--Poor Happy, metronidazole is not fun stuff to have to take. Here's to hoping the trip goes smoothly despite the weather!

    Sunday Night Sleet Cocktail


    2 Irish cream

    1 shot Courvoisier VSOP cognac

    • Inventor: Philip Scoggins Invented on a Sunday night when sleet was obviously going to make roads impassable on Monday morning in the Dallas-Fort Worth Texas area. "No school tomorrow." Its time to drink.Mix Irish Cream (Caroline's or Bailey's) 2:1 with congac. Drink quickly to prevent curdling.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    Miriandra, I can see your drink now. As for BCO, it certainly is a joke! A year to revamp it is rediculous, or as our late Cami would say "reCOCKulous"!

    Jazzy, nice plate, did you make that?

    Sandy, hopeffully Happy will finish up his meds. Enjoy your NOLA trip, when will you return?

    NM, I'm SOOOO done with winter and Mother Nature! Olive Garden for your B-day with mom? A much simpler DOTD. I've never had cognac.

    -5 here this morning, brrrr! Hoping I can get out of here on Tuesday for my treatment. Lots of snow and not much sun and warm temps to melt it, maybe that's a good thing! Won't quite reach freezing temps Monday night, to get outta here with frozen ground, that would be ideal....oh well!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited February 2023

    Speaking of the weather, I came across this today on social media. My DH and I have a joke about it being "butt cold" and "butt ugly cold" but hadn't heard of this one! Enjoy,


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304
    edited February 2023

    Jazzy - oh blue corn tortillas!!! Yum.

    Goldie - hope you can get out after all that snow.

    So - happy B-day to Mae on 2/19 and NM on 2/20. Still 30 and holding, right girls?

    I need an opinion. I usually buy Baileys Irish Cream but the lady at Total Wine convinced me to buy Kavanaghs Irish Cream. It's supposedly a family owned concern and it is considerably less expensive. Anyone else ever do a taste test???

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2023

    Happy has been a good boy with his meds. He still stinks, though we've been wiping down his butt and his flanks. I wonder if his anal glands are part of the problem--will ask the vet. Getting used to wearing stuff only once before laundering it. (Pet-odor Febreze fabric spray is due to be delivered Sunday). I've been feeding him smaller amounts more often--especially the Churu lickable treats and a periodic spoonful or two of Hill's a/d urgent-care food (for both cats & small dogs). Very high-calorie and he likes the taste. Wish he liked his other prescription wet foods--especially the digestive care stuff.

    DOTD--more Joel Gott Sauv. Blanc. Was wonderful with the oysters ($12/dozen on weekly special at WF, less another dollar Prime discount) I shucked and we ate. Hope it'll go well with part 2 of dinner.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2023

    I've not tried Kavanagh's, but I have tried Carolan's. In a cocktail or in coffee, not much different from Bailey's. (I still prefer Irish coffee the old-fashioned way, with Irish whiskey, brown sugar or brown Lakanto, and hand-whisked heavy cream floated on top).

    Around these parts we say "ass-freezing cold."

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited February 2023

    Thanhs minus! Turning 48 and loving it 😃

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    Sunshine, do you think that was done on purpose, or a typo? Funny none the less.

    Minus, thanks for thie b-day reminders. Not sure I would want to be 30 again, I'd take 40 in a heartbeat, even 50! I have to get out Tuesday, I have treatment in Phoenix. But after the snow comes mud, so just as bad. I have had an off brand of Bailey's, but not the one you mention. The one I had was fine. One of my favorite Irish Cream drinks is a Duck Fart, Bailey's with some whiskey, been a long time since I had one, I would get them when we went to Laughlin, which has been since before Covid.

    Sandy, glad Happy is doing better.

    Still cold here this morning, in the teens, which is better than below 0. Supposed to warm up to 50 today, just too bad it doesn't come until later in the afternoon!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited February 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! I came home early yesterday when the roads started icing up, brought some work home with me to do, then got an email from the director asking me to do a task that could only be done connected to the company system, which runs so slowly on my slow internet. The same task took me about half an hour at the office, I worked on it for a bit over an hour yesterday and then finished it up with another hour's work this ayem. It's so annoying to be getting into a work groove and then getting booted out and having to relog into the company system every half hour. I know it's a security thing, and I can see logging me out after 5 or 10 minutes of no activity, but every 30 minutes with steady activity--it will bump me in the middle of typing a word! Enough to make me tear my hair out!

    The puppers have discovered that they can play tug with each other using the tug toys. It's a riot watching them careening all over the place and listening to them growling like rabid maniacs! Zoe will pick up one end of a rope and shake it around, if Colt doesn't come over and try to get it, she'll bring me the rope, I'll grab one end, then Colt takes it from me. Big ol Rottie Colt is intimidated by the little girl husky mix!

    Sunshine--that type made me truly Laugh OUT LOUD!

    Minus--Heck no, I'm not holding at 30! I'm just getting into the really good old people's discount range! I've not taste tested Kavanaghs, but I have tasted both Baileys, Carolans, and Ryans, and really don't notice much of any difference. Of course, my palette is more geared to Roses, Proseccos, and the like, so take it for what it's worth!

    Chi--Glad to hear Happy is doing better!

    Birthday Cake Martini For IlliMae

    1 oz. (30ml) White Chocolate Liqueur

    1 oz. (30ml) Cake Vodka

    1 oz. (30ml) Half & Half

    Rim: Frosting, Sprinkles

    Garnish: Whipped Cream, Candle


    1. Rim edge of martini glass with frosting and sprinkles. Set aside.

    2. In an ice filled glass combine white chocolate liqueur, cake vodka and half & half. Shake to combine.

    3. Strain mix into martini glass, top with whipped cream, more sprinkles and candle.

    From <>

    Brought by Pants and Jock
