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how about drinking?



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited February 2023

    minustwo, I've not tried Kavanaugh's, but I'd be willing to sit on your committee to do a taste test. We're all here for each other, right?

    chisandy, I first thought you misspelled "Hubby" until I read about wiping his butt and flanks! Sorry about that. Glad Happy has been a good boy with his meds.

    Oh, another one to try – Carolan's. Can't go wrong with that name! I actually rarely drink anything but wine but have cut that out for the time being. I do have a bottle of "something" in my garage. I think it's left over from one of our holiday parties, but I can't find it right now. Does it go bad?

    The cold does not sound like fun. Our bedroom is cold (55 degrees in there right now) but I do warm up the bed with an electric mattress pad before I crawl into bed. I'm thinking of getting an electric blanket to add to it. Maybe the Bailey's/Kavanaugh's/Carolan's would keep me warm!

    goldie, I have no idea if it was intentional. Probably not, but I just had to share the post. I'm not sure if these things are even real, but they're good for a laugh. I remember once during a bad rainstorm, I was watching the news. The guy out in the weather doing the report was having trouble with his mic as it kept cutting out on him. He dropped the f-bomb and they cut immediately back to the studio. The woman behind the desk was having trouble keeping a straight face.

    NM, so sorry about the computer issues. What a pain to have to keep logging in. I've been having issues with our printer. It tells me it's off-line. Turns out, my PC, for whatever reason, decides to switch networks on me. Why? I have no idea. I go into my settings, return to the original network, and then everything works. The first time this happened, I spent forever trying to troubleshoot the problem.

    Happy Saturday, everyone!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2023

    Good afternoon ladies:

    Hope everyone is staying warm where it's cold this weekend. We have been having rounds of cold weather and some snow here in Feb, but then it gets milder on the weekends. I heard the mountains up north got over 3 feet of snow which is good news for our snowpack/water supply as well as for the long weekend skiiers with the three day holiday weekend. We don't get presidents day, but many here do with all the gov work here in the state (the education side of the university where I work does but those of us that work for the healthcare/hospital don't).

    I am having a small-ish gathering today with some fellow healthcare IT friends. One has a birthday and has a hard time getting out to see friends anymore with her aging mother who moved in. As she said to me, about a year after her mother moved in, she knew her mom had some cognitive decline but after living with her, she has realized how much things have changed. So I am doing a late afternoon/early evening tapas and cocktail gathering so we can have some girlfriend time with mutual friends and enjoy some time to visit but not make it a late night. Her daughter lives with them too and watches out for the mom when she has to go out but know it helps to have something for a few hours where she can get a break. I had a beautiful fruit tart and a nice flower arrangement made for her birthday. Let the party begin!

    Goldie- those tacos were at one of my fav restaurants here. Met my friend who I am going to HI with in April and her DH for dinner. I doubt I could pull off anything that wonderful. It sounds like you got a lot of snow your way?

    NM- my guess is you are remoting in through a VPN connection or the like from home and even if your home internet is slow, you shouldn't be cut off mid sentence unless your internet is disconnecting. Could be a number of factors, I know my internet drops sometimes but think it's the router and not the services. You might want to put in ticket and have them remote in to see if there is something going on with your connection into the network, that may at least answer if the problem is there?

    Chi- I love that you are going to Ireland this year. I have been trying to get there for some time, but every trip I have tried to do has not happened. Hoping to go in 2025 and want to visit the area in southern Ireland (Cork County) where my father's family came from. Your trip to NOLA sounds great too, I have not been there in decades.

    Teka- hope all is well in north country.

    Happy February birthdays to NativeMainer and Illimae!

    Shout out to MinusTwo, Celia C, Karen and everyone else here. Anyone heard from Chevy anywhere on the threads?

    Got to get back to my house prep. Have a good long weekend for anyone who has the holiday off. Three more weeks to daylight savings here in the US, can't wait!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited February 2023

    DOTD was really tasty and had a great name, lol


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    NM, thanks for the swim yesterday morning, the pewl was so nice and warm, it actually felt good! And of course the Tenders were there to pamper! Good deal on coming home early, bummer on the slow internet and getting booted out of work. Too funny that big boy Colt is intimidated by Zoe!

    Sunshine, now that was funny! You thinking Sandy misspelled hubby and then the butt wiping....LOL! I can sleep with the bedroom cold, but oh do I hate getting out of bed to pee. Funny too about the weather guy dropping the "F" bomb.

    Jazzy, sounds like a nice little gathering you are having. Is your friend's DH going with you gals to HI? YES, I got a lot of snow, more than I care to have. I was hoping for only a dusting or an inch or two.

    BabyGirl, that does not look like the Beach Bar! Is today your birthday or tomorrow? Regardless, Happy Birthday my friend!

    I called Friday to order propane as my tank was just about at 30%, which you aren't supposed to go much below that. Low and behold they showed up yesterday, I was shocked, because I imagine my roads are one sloppy mess, and this are big heavy trucks. The guy said they chained up to get out here. Well, I can't imagine chains would help much in the mud, but I have no idea how much is mud and how much is still snow, since I haven't been out. I'm concerned as to the damage done to the road when they drove on. I'm also concerned about my drive home from Phoenix on Wed., it will be too late to drive home on Tues. after treatment, so I stay overnight. Wed, across the rim, they are expecting 6.5" of snow. I'm not worried about me, I will go slow, and I have 4-wheel drive if I need it, it's the other a$holes out there that scare me. There are also lots of semi's.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2023

    Goldie- my friends DH is not going on the trip. He is not into yoga so he opts out of doing the yoga retreat trips, but they do other trips together. She and I were paired up on a trip 17 years ago for my first bigger yoga retreat with this particular teacher and became friends then. We have kept up with each other off and on through the years, but reconnected last summer at our yoga teachers birthday outing when the HI trip came front and center. I had lost connection with some of this group even before the pandemic, but we all came back together again last year in good way. I had not seen her DH in a long time and it was great to see him this week.

    My gathering last night went really well. Everyone enjoyed the food, beverages, conversation. Cocktails and tapas are the way to go, going to do that from now on vs. dinner parties (will save those for when people are in town).

    Happy Funday Sunday all!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2023

    Illimae, happy birthday! (Will that ale be part of it)?

    Happy is by no means "well." A good day is one on which he doesn't backslide or worsen. I'm running out of the Hill's "Urgent Care a/d" ultra-high-calorie and super-tasty food the vet gave me to supplement as needed, a spoonful at a time. Unfortunately, the clinic is closed today (and their Sat. hours were too short) and none of the vets open today stock that food--which is prescription-only. Will have to pick up at least a week's worth tomorrow, as well as have the vet fax or e-mail an Rx to Chewy & Petsmart. He has only two more doses of Flagyl to go, and I have to add a little of a/d to what's left of the Churu or Squeeze-Up so he doesn't leave any of the drug on his plate. I dread being told to put him on a second course of it (or heaven forbid, his being on it long-term)--sooner or later, that'll mean dissolving it & squirting it into his mouth, which I can't do alone without getting mauled. And very soon I fear he'll need daily or every-other-day sub-cu hydration, which takes at least two of us to get the needle in and hold him still long enough for enough of the saline to slowly drip in. I get so envious watching "All Creatures Great & Small" where the vets make house calls.

    Jazzy, most of the trip--where the class sessions & courthouse tour will be--takes place in Dublin. The last two days are in Kinsale (County Cork, near the ocean) for R&R. I'm worried about the NOLA trip: forecast for Chicago that week is for winter to return with a vengeance ("significant accumulations") and I'm getting flashbacks of the Christmas week airline fustercluck, especially with SW. If we have to miss a night or two of our (quite pricy) hotel and we get charged anyway, that's "consequential damages" for which airlines are not responsible even if they are negligent. We have one restaurant reservation--Commander's Palace--for the second night of our trip, because we weren't able to get a table there last year on three weeks' notice. I guess we're paying dearly for a warm(ish) February--we are a foot of snow below normal.

    Last night's DsOTD at Froggy's were sips of Macon and Pinot Noir--I gave the lion's share to Bob. When we ordered the cheese plate for dessert they brought us both some small flutes of a brut sparkler. Going to Regalia tonight (been nearly a month since the last time), but because I cheated last night (especially comfort-carb-eating late at night) I'm contemplating sticking to Pellegrino.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2023


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2023

    Jazzy - that looks yummy!

    First day with two shoes. Went for a short walk - 20 minutes - and my foot is sore, but I don't think it is swollen. It is really now just the area around the second toe (top, bottom and the toe). The walk I did normally wouldn't take more than 15 minutes. It felt great to walk. I will take a couple walks tomorrow - but keep them to this distance. Tomorrow morning, the plumber is supposed to come - time frame is 9am - 12noon. Our bathroom sink is clogged and even with a snake, DH could not get it unclogged. This plumber also does our main drain to make sure the old clay pipes don't break from tree branches as that is quite an expense to repair. A problem many, many houses in my neighborhood have to deal with.

    Finally got my mother's china out of the cabinet - lots in bubble wrap and some in china containers. Going to wash it all and start using it. It's Mikasa - white with a silver ring around it. Quite plain yet classic.

    Happy to have the long week-end.

    Nice weather till weather then more cold and snow.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited February 2023

    Goldie, that was a neighbors cabin. I ended up skipping cocktails today since chemo SE’s came on early and I threw up twice today already. Good news is I can drink anytime I like with my own bar a short walk away.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited February 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! The puppers and I had a totally lazy day yesterday, except for my spending a whole lot of time arranging my pre- and post-cruise flights. Travel from Maine to Vancouver isn't too bad, with the time change working in my favor, but the trip back was a monster! I'm not crazy about overnight flying, but even less crazy about 11, 12, or 16-hour layovers! I finally found a way to get home Monday in time to pick up the puppers with the longest layover being 5 hours. Then I decided to go for as much comfort as possible and booked myself in first-class seats all the way in both directions. The flights are costing me twice the cost of the cruise itself! Thank goodness we got such a great deal on the cruise tickets! I am so looking forward to this trip now. I'm not sure how the puppers will feel about going to the kennel, but they did just fine last time, so I think it will be ok.

    Jazzy--that is BEAUTIFUL! Almost to pretty to eat!

    Karen--good luck with the drain problem. The china sounds so pretty, I bet it looks lovely on the table.

    Illi--sorry to hear the chemo is upsetting your stomach. I hope it passes off very quickly.


    Chi--oh, my, I am so sorry to hear this about Happy! This is so hard to go through. Hugs.






    1. Freshly squeeze your white grapefruit juice.
    2. I mean, yeah, you can buy some, but treat yourself.
    3. Unless you can't find fresh, then yeah, totally buy it.
    4. Add your white grapefruit juice, lychee liqueur and blue curacao to your shaker with ice.
    5. Shake.
    6. Imagine the Terra Cotta Warriors.
    7. They're pretty amazing.
    8. When you're done shaking, put it down.
    9. Add ice to your Collins glass.
    10. Pour your shaken cocktail in there.
    11. Garnish with maraschino cherries.
    12. To China!
    13. And the blue, blue sea!

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    Jazzy ha ha, now surely you made that one!!!! Very yummy looking. Is it cheese cake?

    Karen, clay pipes? Never heard of such a thing. Sorry about the drain, that's a bummer and an in convenience. Love that you are using the china.

    BabyGirl, sorry about the upchucking. Did you get a lower dose?

    Miriandra, 3 more yards at home, oy vey! That would be hard to take!!!!

    Sandy, sorry about Happy. If it's time, may he go peacefully. Hopefully you can get him put down at home.

    NM, that's a long layover. I'm glad I can always get non stop to MI. I'm sure the pups will be just fine, especially when you return. Happy Birthday! Will you be celebrating?

    Well, I'm more worried now about my travels. Roads here are still a muddy mess. I'm going to head to town later this afternoon, giving the roads as much time as I can to dry up some more. Tuesday when I head to Phoenix, they are calling for 5" of snow across the rim, then another 8" on Wednesday when I will be traveling home. Guess I'll just have to take it slow and watch out for the other guy!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited February 2023

    Miriandra, yikes, lol!

    Goldie, Friday’s treatment was the first at the lower dose, we’ll see how it goes.

    The weather looks better with highs in the low 60’s this week, yay.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited February 2023

    DOTD was s Blue Lagoon. It was fine but I substituted with 7up, next time I’ll use Lemonade per the recipe.


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited February 2023

    chisandy, I'm so sorry about Happy. I wish there were words...

    Mae, I'm sorry about your SEs.

    Love to all,


  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited February 2023

    Sandy, I'm so sorry Happy is winding down. I hope his final passing is peaceful and painless, and that you and your family find ease. (((hugs)))

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited February 2023

    Sandy I am so sorry about Happy. He has certainly lived up to his name in terms of the love he's brought. Hugs to you.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2023

    Chi - oh no about Happy. I hope if it's time there is someone to help ease the transition. You are a good pet mom 🙏

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    I'm home, will post in the morning!

    CHeeRZ to all my loungettes!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2023

    Welcome home safe & sound, Lori!

    Miriandra, -8F? Hope you don't have a humongous water bill trickling your taps to prevent pipes freezing.

    Kim, it's getting to the point where the airfare is the lion's share of any vacation expense. Were it not for the fact that our knees require at least Premium Economy, we'd jump at Viking's offer of free airfare.

    Vet says Happy is on his 8th, maybe 7th life. He's lost another 3 oz. She says his kidney disease is early and is not yet as dehydrated as we'd feared, so he will need only weekly sub-cu hydration (about 5 min. per session). We started him on weekly Cerenia shots for nausea, which appear to be working better than the pills (and are cheaper in the long run). Bought some Hill's i/d food, but he's not a fan of the stew formula (although he'll accept the chicken stew if I puree it in the baby-food mill). The "biome" formula with prebiotic fiber is not a hit, though. He definitely wants food every 2-3 hrs. so I feed him as much as he can hold down. He purrs only when snuggling with me, so it's not a pain-purr (he did NOT purr when at the vet). He still dances when he sees me reach for the bag of treats, and climbs the cabinets when I'm about to feed him. The tech who does the hydration was a vet in Pakistan, but medical boards in the US are apparently as snooty for foreign-licensed vets as for MDs. During weeks when my HK or I can't bring him in, he'll do a house call. Meawhile, Heidi is jealous and demanding massages & brushings twice a day.

    DOTD? Well, seeing as how it's Mardi Gras, hurricanes. And just as they were getting low, the house comped us refills. I'm gonna have to stay up a little later for them to wear off, lest I get the dreaded "black whirlies." I watched the bartender make them: besides the simple syrup and grenadine (just enough of the latter to tint the drink), I counted 3 different rums. Looks like it'll be just water & coffee going least till we get to NOLA next week.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited February 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Looks like the snow is coming in 2 waves, one tonight and another later tomorrow. But it's supposed to be the light fluffy stuff that's easy to clean up. I've got to admit that I'm looking forward to taking Colt to work with me tomorrow. He sees the vet in the afternoon to get caught up on all his shots and get his annual general check-up. Zoe's appointment is in a couple of weeks so she'll get her turn to go to work with me then.

    Welcome Home, Goldie!

    Karen--I hope someone sees your email in time to meet your student! Good luck with the lab draw.


    Chi--the news about Happy is better than expected, and sounds manageable. I've heard of the whirlies, but what are "black whirlies"?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    Karen, glad you are able to get out and walk more. Wishing all good things on your labs. Good for you using your work time for medical and putting YOU FIRST.

    Miriandra, we had those cold temps last week, no thank you!

    Sandy, glad Happy is doing better than expected, and of course Heidi is jealous!

    Colt will enjoy the visit, Zoe won't understand what's going on! Why does he get to go with mom and I don't! But she will be happy when it's her turn. That was quite the video, I skipped through it, as I found them a little annoying!

    I had called one of my nurses Monday night to ask if I could come in early, but hadn't heard back from her, so I just showed up at 8 am when they open, and they took me right in. The snow was just starting when I hit the rim, just rain up to that point, which was nice as it washed all the mud from under my car, however, that won't last as I have a muddy drive in! Good choice to do what I did, roads across the rim today or horrible and will only get worse. I have a video appt. with MO later this morning. Raining here and very windy. Not sure if it will turn to snow or not. Stopped and got me some custard paczki's yesterday on my way home, box of 6. Too many for me, and it wasn't until I got to the check out, that I learned they sold individual ones as well. I bought some last year and froze some, that didn't work, the custard had a very funny texture, almost gritty.

    Current road condition on the rim, and not even the worst section! Lots of huge sections of the I-40 closed, which will be huge problem, as it's a main thoroughfare across the state.


    This one below is the I-40 just west of Flagstaff.


  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited February 2023

    Good luck with your procedures, Karen. ((((hugs))))

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    NM, that's a big pooch! Glad they were able to get the muzzle on him before he ate one the techs. And little Zoe at a whopping 35 lbs, pulling him around and holding the upper hand! Too funny! Of course, they are both precious.

    Sandy, how is Happy doing?

    My video call went well, MO just wants me to schedule for another ECHO. Haven't heard a darned thing about my kidney US, this is the second time they have done this to me, order scans and then not consult with me as to what they were! I think if I have to have surgery (stent), I'll search out another urologist. My TM's are down to the 1200, from 4000 and 5000, so I guess this Enhertu is working!

    Good morning all! And TGIF to all who look forward to it!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited February 2023

    Good Morning, Lountettes! Happy Saturday! I'm going to visit with the Mom today, after she gets home from the bank where she's going to see what's going on with her credit card. I can't wait to find out what that's all about! Chilly as all get out here this ayem, talking about wind chill factors again, I'm trying not to pay much attention to it, but I do feel it when I let the puppers in and out. Based on how long the after breakfast outside trip was, it's colder than usual this ayem.

    Goldie--it is so not right to put someone through a procedure or test and then never report the results to them. That would drive me absolutely out of my mind. It does sound like the Enhertu is working, that's good news.

    Sunshine--now that you mention hearing "strong language" from your pupper, I realize that I also heard some "strong language" coming fro out back that must have been from Mr. Colt! I remember thinking someone wasn't happy back there, it never occurred to me it was Colt, but it must have been!

    Queen mother cocktail

    Queen Mother Cocktail


    • 1 oz Dry Gin
    • 1 oz Dubonnet
    • 0.75 oz Aperol
    • 0.25 oz Jamaican overproof pot still Rum


    • Add all ingredients into a mixing glass filled with ice.
    • Stir until the drink is well-chilled.
    • Strain into a chilled glass and garnish with grapefruit peel.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2023

    Can't remember what I wrote the other day so forgive me if I'm repeating myself. Hematologist is going to repeat labs on Monday before my appointment based on results last week with Calcium being too high. PTH was elevated but a little lower than 4 months ago. I'm curious what other labs were drawn on Thursday as there were 4 vials, but I think I have all my results in the patient portal. They are all over the place, but I'm sure some are not concerning. It seems like everything that is wonky is related to kidney disease and parathyroid disease which I have both. Not sure how to read the light chain (related to MGUS) scores so will wait till Monday when he tells me. Two of 3 are similar to last year, but one is elevated higher than before. It's always something. I hope that DH goes with me. He gets home late from a 6 day whirlwind trip in Italy with DD#2. We'll have to take 2 cars so I can go onto work as soon as appointment is done. We are only 4 miles from the clinic but work is in the other direction than home.

    Gorgeous weather today. I went for 2 walks - I think the second one sent me over the edge and it was the shorter one - I think I pulled my hamstring on the side I had the stress fracture, but it felt so good to be outside. Sat in the back year a little too. Weather is supposed to be nice through Tuesday and Wednesday snow is in the forecast. We have had snow almost every Wednesday since the start of the year. But they say only a couple inches for Denver.

    Going to bake Hamentashen tonight. I like baking them before Purim (which is March 6th at night and March 7th) so we are done once Purim is here. Making poppy seed, apricot and choc chip fillings. Need son to come by this week and get some as well as some of the cake in the freezer. He forgot when he came by last week to borrow DH's car while his tire was being fixed. I know DD#1 would love me to mail some, but I don't know if I want to hassle with the foreign mailing as well as the cost.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2023

    Kim - you must be sleeping late.

    Lori - that stinks that the doctor hasn't shared results with you and you only have the patient portal to go by.

    Baked 4 1/2 dozen hamentashen. Texted my son to tell him I had a dozen apricot for him and he was so excited. I also have a few dozen poppy seed and about a dozen chocolate. Decided to mail DD#1 and SIL a small package. I knew I would change my mind.

    DD#2 has landed back in Israel from the whirlwind trip to Italy. DH is in flight to ATL then 3 hour layover till flight to DEN. He went to the airport early as DD's flight was 2+ hours earlier than his. It was a jammed pack trip - he said 25K was a low step day, some days 35K steps. He never walks that much. They were exhausted and just relaxed on Saturday. I think his flight arrives home around 10:30, so I'll go in my jammy pants as I won't be getting out of the car. I hope the ATL to DEN flight is not delayed.

    Well, it turns out all the labs weren't back when I last posted. Got the last of my labs last night. SO now that accounts for all 4 vials on Thursday. One was another PTH test and the last another calcium that was even higher. These tests were also run in October by my medical oncologist. I guess they are going to run them again tomorrow. The PTH is okay, still elevated but no higher, so what do I make of all this. I told DH last night, I'm tired of the roller coaster - it seems that there is always something now when I have labs. For someone "healthy", I sure do have a lot going on and I'm not old (yet). Well, I feel old now that I've been on Medicare.

    Meeting a gf this morning for coffee - somehow we always gab for over 2 hours She is a retired teacher who subbed in my building after she retired. She taught kdg for 50 years then subbed for another 25 years (all elementary grades). She was a master teacher!!! This afternoon I have an "unveiling" - it is where the tombstone is formally uncovered for a dear friend and her son who passed away last year, less than 2 weeks apart. He was only 66 and had just been diagnosed and started treatment for cancer. His mother was going on 91. I had visited her every Saturday for 7 years and know here for many more years. I think her son died of a broken heart more than from the cancer treatment.

    Going to try a walk before I meet my girlfriend so there is a longer period of time between taking 2 walks.

    Have a great Sunday.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2023

    Hi friends- happy Funday Sunday. New Mexico is having some weird and wild winds this week, we had a storm on Wed that brought a snow squall that had blizzard type winds. I have never seen anything like that here in the winter, not much snow came with it but the whole house was rattling and it was a bit scary. Only seen the winds get to hurricane strength here once since I moved here with a very unusual summer monsoon storm we had in 2013. High winds are a norm as we come into the spring months (Goldie surely knows this too living a state over from me), but these winds are really something. The winds are back today and some gusts are clocking over 70 mph. Right now there is a warning that there is a snow squall to the west of us making visability on I-40 very bad and a dust storm in town with the high winds. I was out doing morning errands and about the time I came back, it started getting bad.

    I got some nice kudos at work this week from our director at the meeting we do a couple times a month with the leaders. Our boss used to go on and on about the inexperienced manager we had before who helped no one and was nasty to everyone. I think with her out of the way and our advanced team getting asked to help with more projects, they are starting to really figure out who is adding the value there. Anyways, it is nice to get the positive recognition. I won't have to worry about a layoff if there is a recession, but probably will have problems retiring from there.

    I am making some meals today for the week, two quiches to start including quiche lorraine (ham, bacon and swiss cheese) plus a vegetarian variety with spinach, mushrooms, tomato and smoked cheddar. I love quich as it's great for any meal plus it freezes well. Getting the crust going, will chill it and then make my treats tonight. I am rarely inspired to cook but today I am!

    Hope everyone has a good start to March!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    Karen, hopefully you didn't pull the hamstring, and how nice that DH and DD got to spend some time in Italy. I'm not surprised you are mailing DD1 some of your baked goods, hard for mom to say no! I'm not joining yet another portal. I will just have to call them. But really can't see why I would continue to use them. WOW, 75 years of teaching, amazing! I hope the "unveiling" went well.

    Jazzy, that squall went through my neck of the woods this afternoon. I only got a couple inches, which is almost gone now. But the winds continue.

    NM, hopefully you are just having a nice day with the puppers. How did things go with mom at the bank? Do you ever hear from anyone from the school you worked at?

    Quiet in here, so not a whole lot to respond to. I finally got some sleep last night after my 2 days of fatigue/steroids. So glad it doesn't last much longer than that!

    DOTD: Snow Covered White Russian


    1 oz Coconut Milk

    1 Oz Kahlua

    2 Oz Vodka

    Coconut Flakes


    Add the vodka and Kahlúa to a glass with ice.

    Top with the coconut milk and stir. Top with coconut flakes!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited February 2023

    Winds hit 75 mph today. All these taken in the city or close to it today




  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304
    edited February 2023

    Goldie - the white Russian looks delicious. And no calories of course.

    Jazzy - I remember when I lived in Albuquerque being attached by huge tumbleweeds as I was driving down the streets.

    Since this is the drinking thread - thought I'd share a Spanish wine that I have been drinking - San Gregorio. I like the Las Martas Garnacha and the single vineyard Tempranillo. Prices at Total Wine - $10-12. I think they may also have a white.