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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited February 2023

    Good Morning, Loungette! I'm listening to the news talking about the latest report indicating COVID was leaked from a lab in China. This report is a low confidence report, but that's not being mentioned. Just because there is a lab in the area where the virus emerged doesn't automatically mean it leaked from a lab. The area also has a live animal wet market, a known area where viruses jump species and other pandemics have started. I doubt we'll ever know for sure, and at this point I'm not sure it even matters any more.

    Goldie--Mom is at least beginning to talk about her memory being problematic. Now that she is letting me look at her banking papers I can keep her from getting into too much trouble. She simply cannot comprehend that her credit card is not an account at her local bank that she can manage with the bank people. At least she pays the utilities by check, except the phones, and we're slowly getting those sorted. Have you called the urologist's office and pointed out that you are still waiting for test results, and this is not the first time? If the office is affiliated with a hospital a complaint to the hospital might bring some action. Like at least getting you the latest results. Hope you don't get hit by the weather system. It looks like it's causing trouble all over the central US.

    Karen--I hope you find out all the lab tests are not indicative of anything worrisome. I can imagine you have been walking differently with the boot, and now your body has to readapt to normal walking. I really hope you haven't really pulled that hamstring, that can hurt for a long while. I bet it did feel good to get outside. The Hamentashen sound very yummy! The puppers and I did sleep in yesterday, and were rather lazy all day after we did get up! The lab roller coaster does not sound like much fun at all. Sometimes I wonder if we'd be better off just not looking for things all the time. Wow, your GF sounds like a true master teacher! I imagine the unveiling will be emotional. Hugs.

    Jazzy--glad you got back before the storm got bad! Winds like that can be very scary. Quiche is a versatile meal, and easy to make, too.

    Goldie--I don't hear from anyone from the school job. I'm still on the email and robocalls, so I do get to keep up with some of the stuff going on that way, which is kind of fun. The Snow Covered White Russian looks so pretty, and sound pretty yummy, too!

    Jazzy--wow, that was some wind gust!

    Minus--I'll have to look for some San Gregorio to try!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2023

    Lori - I goofed, not 75 years teaching - she is only 80 - 50 years teaching!!! But still she was a master teacher. 30 years teaching and then 20 subbing. We had a great time gabbing as we always do.

    Kim - The inveiling was nice. Not a lot of people. Her grandson lead most of it. My DH did the unveiling for both my parents. His mother's was during Covid so we had to watch via zoom. A rabbi isn't needed for an unveiling and actually not for a funeral either.

    DH's flight from Rome to ATL got in way early. so he was able to get on standby for a n earlier flight home and got put in first class. Nice to pick him up at 8:45 instead of 11pm.

    Went to be early (10:30) and was up by 4 (not counting the time I woke up to pee) and try to go back to sleep but get looking at the clock so finally got out of bed at 4:45. Will do some paperwork to get caught up before my appointment. I could go into work 7:30-8:30 then leave for doctor, but that is just plain silly. I doubt I'll get many answers as he is a hematologist. I'm guessing he'll have me see my endocrinologist sooner than later. Just hope my labs for him are okay or I'll be back on a 6 month or more frequent schedule.

    Have a great Monday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    Jazzy, pretty much the same here and still windy.

    Minus, NO CALORIES indeed, especially in The Hot Tatties Lounge! (The HTL)

    NM, I haven't heard anything about that "leak", not sure I even want to! Glad that mom is letting you do a little more with her affairs. The urologist is right next to the hospital, in the same parking lot, so I do believe they are affiliated. I will call today. I was just curious about school, as I remember you sort of keeping up with the hospice place you worked at, and all the drama there!

    Karen, 50 years is still a LONG time! Glad DH got home early and got to fly first class. I've never flown first class, but I haven't really been anywhere, HI and MI mostly! Oh, and the VI. Silly indeed to go to work for an hour, you and NM are just that kind of dedicated worker, and GOOD at what you do, because you CARE! Still wishing you the best on those labs. The lovely "waiting game".

    Sitting here yesterday morning, having my coffee, I look out the window, and "POOF" big puff of smoke (pollen), blows off the tree outside the window. Allergy season is here! I haven't started sneezing yet, but pretty sure it's coming. Another snow squall yesterday, we (me) only got a couple inches and it was mostly gone by afternoon. Still super windy and another BIG one coming Wednesday, into Thursday, along with more high winds! I need to get to town today or tomorrow before that hits. Have I mentioned, I'm soooo done with winter. But I know, we could get this into April...UGH!

    DOTD: Snow Storm

    Snow Storm

    2oz Almond Milk (Vanilla)

    1oz Rumchata

    0.5oz Butter Ripple Schnapps

    0.5oz Makers Mark Bourbon

    Coconut Rim

    Cinnamon Stick

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2023

    The junipers (including cedars & arborvitae) are already pollinating, and though the pollen is invisible it's making me chain-sneeze and giving me itchy eyes. We had a massive thunderstorm from the wee hours to about 10am--and there were a couple of weak twisters that touched down west & SW of Chicago. No injuries or structural damage, just the usual downed trees and fences. (One woman described seeing her patio furniture "levitate").

    Happy went without eating or drinking from 8pm last night till 10:30 this morning. Still has an appetite, but for the first time ever he refused a dollop of cream (it's still fresh, I tasted it first before pouring it). We took him to the vet, who says it's time; she agrees home euthanasia is preferable to in-clinic (she's used the same service we're using, Lap of Love, when it was time for her pet rabbit to make its transition). We've had to euthanize two cats before--one at 17 in 1997, the other at nearly 20 in 2015, both had end-stage renal failure. Both were at home with a visiting vet. We tried to contact him this time, but he's hard to get ahold of and his hospice's website has too many layers of contact & screeing forms to click on. Our vet's tech was the one who sugested Lap of Love. So we will spoil Happy rotten tonight & tomorrow. He will make his transition between 3 & 4pm tomorrow.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2023

    Heard about the reports that erithrytol may be linked to heart attack & stroke risk (the theory is that it promotes coagulation, but that's happened only in vitro). Seeing as how I don't use it often, I'm not going to panic--but if I'm going to sweeten anything I'll try stevia or xylitol.

    My DoTD was a breve cappuccino. Not sure I'll imbibe tonight. But I will in NOLA.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2023

    Sandy - thinking of you and Happy. I'm sure tomorrow will be a hard day.

    Lori - thanks for the kind words. I do love what I do. After you read my post below, this comment will make sense. I was updating the principal on my health and told her I may come in Wednesday morning from 7:30 to 9:00 before my test and she looked at me like I was crazy. I told her I would text her Wednesday morning - depending on if I needed the distraction.

    Well, news was not good at the hematologist. He is worried about my calcium being high and quite annoyed with the endocrinologist who put me on calcium. He is also worried about multiple myeloma as one of the light chains has risen significantly. He's also concerned because of the stress fracture in my foot (which is not healed yet). So I am scheduled for a bone marrow biopsy Wednesday morning and see the endocrinologist in the afternoon. Also need to schedule appointment with PCP sooner than later. The hematologist was going to call the endocrinologist and give the you know what!!! He must have called as someone from the practice called after I made the appointments saying the endocrinologist wanted me to come in for labs this week!!! I told her I had just made an appointment for Wednesday afternoon. Hematologist moved my appointment from the Wednesday the 1st to today as he is concerned about the labs. He feels that I need xray of my bones and he is considering putting me on Xgeva - it is the same a Prolia but given monthly. He doesn't think I have hyperparathyroidism as my PTH is not so elevated. My head was spinning when I left. His nurse was in for the appointment and as we were done, I asked her what my next steps were and she said, I'm taking you to schedule the bone marrow biopsy. Thankfully DH was with me. He figured it would be another boring appointment. Well, it was far from boring.

    I was numb by the time I got to work - couldn't think straight. Needed to help deal with some behaviors and didn't get to look at my calendar so forgot something but no one was upset or concerned about it. I spoke with the principal and she is so understanding. She asked how she and the rest of the wellness team could support me, then gave me a big hug. This is only my third week covering and she told me that I fit right in and she is glad that I'm there covering. I'm supposed to have my mid year conversation with my evaluator tomorrow but I might have to reschedule it as it is when I have recess/lunch duty. I was going to have the intern cover it for me, but she tested positive for Covid and will be out tomorrow.

    Sorry for rambling - I guess it tells you the state of my mind. My DH is so amazing. He has been through so much with me. I go back to the hematologist on the 13th to get results of the bone marrow biopsy. Just need to know what I'm facing, if I'm facing anything serious as once I know what the game plan is, I can deal with it.

    Sweet dreams.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited February 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday. Got some snow coming in later today, so schools are already closing early or not opening at all. It's amazing to me have schools closing before the snow even starts, when it's not supposed to drop enough to even need to plow! But, whatever. What do I know? I only have to drive to work in the stuff!

    Karen--it isn't the number of years teaching that make a teacher a master, it's knowledge, dedication, and love of children that do. I'm happy the unveiling went well. I had never heard about this before you mentioned it. So nice that your DH got to get home early and get a first class seat for part of the trip! Those seats are so much more comfortable. Good luck with the hematologist!

    Goldie--many of the people working where I do now also worked at the hospice agency I did before, so I'm still hearing about the continuing drama there. And my current agency is starting to get families coming to us after having had the old agency in the past and not wanting them back, mostly because of lack of communication and not getting the support wanted after admission. The old agency was turning into an admission machine when I left; it sounds like they stayed on that path. Hopefully the wind will blow away all the pollen and other allergens, but that's probably wishful thinking. I'm done with winter, too, but we don't seem to impress Father Winter or Mother Nature very much, do we? Love the Snow Storm!

    Chi--I am so sorry to hear about Happy's time having come. Hugs.

    Karen--oh my, what a lot of information to get all at once. I can imagine your head is spinning. It's good that things are moving along quickly now. I'm praying you get some answers very quickly. And so glad they are being so supportive at work.

    Picture of Hope Cocktail

    Hope Cocktail

    1 1⁄2 oz Bourbon

    1⁄2 oz Cognac

    1⁄2 oz Amaro Montenegro

    1 t Mandarin orange liqueur, Mandarine Napoleon

    1 ds Orange bitters


    Stir. Straight up. Cocktail glass. Add a mandarine (or orange) twist.

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited February 2023

    Kim - my gf was a master teacher she could go into any classroom and teach with our without lesson plans. True, years doesn't make you a master. Some of my teammates are only in their second year and are awesome at what we do.

    Didn't sleep well last night. Went to be at 10:30, woke up at 1 and layed down on the sofa till 2 then got back into bed and awake at 4 - out of bed at 4:45. i'm a wreck this morning, so hoping I'll be more clear minded at work today. DH commented that he didn't think I was on my game yesterday. I decided that I'm not going to go into work before the test tomorrow. It really won't be a distraction and all I'll do is worry. Still waiting on lab results from yesterday.

    Thanks everyone for your caring.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2023

    Sandy, it's never easy to say good bye to our fur babies. Just know that you gave him a wonderful life.

    Karen, your head must be in a whirlwind. It's time to put you first and I don't blame the principal for looking at you like you're crazy. Good luck with the biopsy. UGH, then to wait until the 13th for results, try not to think about it. I take Xgeva and used to give it myself, in the tummy. It's an easy one. And take it easy on that foot! Glad you are at least getting your labs a tad earlier, when will you get those results? No apologies for rambling, we have all been there and that is why we are here for one another.

    NM, kind of funny about the old hospice place, but not surprised, I guess. They close schools here before the snow. I imagine that will happen tomorrow as we are expecting another big one.

    2' in Flagstaff, 1' in Show Low (where I go shopping), but only an inch or two for me. But that's what they said last time, and I got a foot. Also high winds again. I imagine they will be closing roads again as well. Glad I don't have to go anywhere! I went to town yesterday to stock up. I like Wal Marts fresh bread, they had NONE, and of all things, no carrots. Organic, mini, nothing. What's the deal? The shelves were pretty empty, perhaps everyone else stocking up for the upcoming storm. My solar is still tied down, so I don't have to worry about that. Maybe just go out and check the ratchets to make sure they haven't loosened too much.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited February 2023

    karen, what a rollercoaster ride with your doctors. I believe when you say your head is spinning. I hope they get it sorted out, you get some solid information and plan put into place (if a plan is needed).

    Hugs to you,


    And happy Tuesday to the rest of my lovelies here!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited February 2023

    Sandy, Hugs for today. No more pain for Happy. We realized how much pain our kitty had been when his body relaxed. It's a hard decision but a kind one.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    Thanks everyone. Hematologist's office called to tell me that Calcium level came down, though still elevated and kidney function was better. So that is good news. Still lots of questions for the Endocrinologist. Scared and worried about the bone marrow biopsy. I know that I will face and run with whatever is put in front of me. My DH has said a few times in the past couple days that there is so much going on with me. Yup, he's right and he has been there every step of the way. We are approaching his 3rd anniversary of his open heart surgery. We are so lucky that it was caught when it was and how great he is doing. Hopefully, we can grow old together.

    I'm not going into work tomorrow before the bone marrow biopsy. I actually think it would be worse for me. I need to get a birthday card for DD#2 who is turning 25 on the 19th. I want to get a happy 25 card. Will go get one tomorrow morning so we can get it in the mail. DD#1 has been texting me asking what I'm getting DD#2 for her b'day. I told DD#1 that the trip was her birthday present. I know she will celebrate with her friends as they do for everyone's b'day.

    I've been taking it easy with walking - only one walk/day after dinner with DH. I've got a knot on my toe and my foot still hurts, but not ready to go back to the Podiatrist. Don't want anymore of the boot.

    Snow is back in the forecast for tomorrow/Thursday but at least it won't be as brutally cold as last week and only a couple inches predicted.

    Lori - Xgeva is the same drug as Prolia but can be given monthly and is for bone mets and for multiple myeloma. Prolia is for osteoporosis. I wonder what is different in the formulation and dosage. Prolia is every 6 months.

    Sweet dreams. I'll keep you posted.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited March 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Today Zoe gets to go to work with me around her Vet appointment. Yesterday/last night's snow didn't even amount to enough to plow, but schools are opening late today to allow for getting it cleared out before the melting starts, then more snow coming tomorrow. Looks like we're going to get an entire winter's snow in Feb and March. Oh well, the snow tops off the water table.

    Today is the day the COVID state of emergency expires for the most part. The most immediate effect around here is the decrease in SNAP benefits, which is really going to hurt some families given how much the price of food has and is going up. And so many small businesses have closed or severely cut back hours because of not being able to find workers that the people who are looking for work are struggling to find full time work. It's a crazy situation.

    Karen--I can imagine you are totally wound up waiting for the lab results and the upcoming test. I think taking the time off is a good idea. Hugs.

    Goldie--The good thing about the shifting of staff over time is that the ones who care about the patients and are truly dedicated to the work are the ones that have moved to my current agency, the ones that are in the job for the paycheck have stayed with the old agency. Funny for the store to be out of carrots. That seems unusual, carrots have such a long growing season and can practically be grown in frozen ground! Good luck with the next storm coming in.

    Morning, Carol!

    Good point, Wren.

    Morning, Teka!

    Karen--that's some good news! Congrats to DH on his recovery and ongoing good health. It sounds like he's been a great help and support to you.


    Box 'o Bones

    Double rye whiskey 1oz

    Gold tequila 1oz

    White vermouth 1oz

    Dry vermouth 1oz

    Bergamot bitters 0.06oz

    Edible gold 0.06oz

    Ice cubes 7oz

    Rocks ice 1piece

    • Place an ice cube into a champagne saucer decorated with edible gold
    • Pour 1 oz of white vermouth, 1 oz of dry vermouth, 1 oz of aged tequila and 1 oz of double rye whiskey into a shaker
    • Add 2 dashes of bergamot bitters
    • Fill the shaker with ice cubes and shake
    • Strain into the chilled glass

    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    I wrote this post this afternoon when we got home as an email. It's been a long day. Three hours at the hospital for the bone marrow biopsy. It hurt!!! Results in 3-5 days but I don't see hematologist till March 13th. I'm guessing if the news is not good, I'll hear before that. Just got back from endocrinologist. She is saying it is still hypercalciumia and hyperparathyroidism as PTH and calcium are elevated. She doesn't think they are related to cancer, but she will leave that to the hematologist. Hence the BMB. She wants labs again in a couple weeks and then will decide whether to go back on Calcium but she wants me on a low dose Vitamin D - 1000iu (was on 2000iu). She is ordering an ultrasound of my neck for the parathyroid. She also doesn't want me to change the Prolia yet, so will get my next shot as planned mid April. I'm just mentally and physically exhausted!!! On the way home from the endocrinologist, DH said for someone who looks healthy, you really have a lot going on!!! Praying that the BMB is normal and its not multiple myeloma. I feel like I'm back in February 2006, when I was diagnosed with BC and spent the month going to doctor after doctor. In between doctor appointments and procedures, I need to work!!

    My son came over tonight to pick up the Hamentashen I baked for him as well as some other baked good from the freezer. DH and I decided it was time to tell the kids what was going on. I rambled on like a crazy lady - I was pretty confused after talking to him!!! I told DH that I need a script when I tell DDs or he has to do it. Can't tell DD#2 now as she is heading into her second round of finals. She is also the one that worries about me the most. I'd much rather do it in person, but won't see her till summer. Depending on the results of the bone marrow biopsy, there might be nothing urgent to tell at this time.

    Was looking at work emails tonight and I have a mandatory training the first week in June or the last week in July. Neither are good times for me, but I think I'll opt for the second training, July 31 - August 4. Both interfere with my travel plans!

    Sweet dreams

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited March 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! Zoe did well at the office yesterday. The shelter described her as slow to warm up to people, but I didn't see any sign of that yesterday. Anyone who came by she went up to and looked for pets and belly rubs. She did better than Colt at the vet, but was really scared when they took her back for blood work and shots, so she's going on the "Chill Protocol" for the booster shot appointment on the 16th. So I'll be wrangling 2 sedated puppers that day! Just as well I took the day off.

    It was a beautiful day yesterday, now there's more snow coming today. Looks like this every other day pattern is going to go on for a while.

    Karen--Wow, that was a lot to take in for one day! The waiting between testing and getting the results is just so hard. Telling the kids must be a hard job. It sucks that the mandatory training interferes with your travel plans. Hugs.

    Veterinary recipe

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    NM, interesting about those that moved to the new agency and those that stayed. Interesting, but not surprising. What is the "chill protocol"?

    Karen, why don't you wait until you get the biopsy report before telling your DD's. No need to cause unecessary worry. It's only a couple of weeks. Hoping it's all just calcium related, and nothing more and that you hear something sooner than later! It always amazes me to see so many different alcohols in one drink. Like this one, gin, vodka and rum!

    I escaped the snow! Pretty much just a dusting for me. Not so much for the rest of the area up here. Interstate has long sections closed again, and across the rim is closed, my route to Phoenix. Glad I don't have to go anywhere! Well, I have to make it to my doctor's office today or tomorrow for my faslodex injections.

    Hello to ALL the Loungettes! Good morning!

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited March 2023

    Hello all, just dropping in to say hi since I haven't lately. But I've been reading and keeping up.

    Today was vet day for our sweet Sammy kitty. A big gray bundle of love. He's almost back to normal after cleaning and tooth extraction - still a little medicated. The vet owns his actual sibling and said unfortunately they are prone to early dental issues. The other cat we got the same day has no issues ( not related).

    Might need to have some of my favorite sweet wine with our stuffed peppers tonight.

    Thinking of all that need encouragement. I get blood work tomorrow - anemia check and also including a genetic workup. I wish I liked Dr's and medical facilities more than I do! Hah! 😘🍷

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    Lori - I'm not going to say anything to the girls till I get the biopsy results. Some people at work know, but no one else. Told the people that need to know when I'm going to be gone.

    The ultrasound of my parathyroid is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. They said it should take an hour. MY DH asked me how an ultrasound could take so long. Told him don't know. I hope to have the results before I see the hematologist on the 13th.

    My foot is more sore and swollen again, so I guess it's back to the boot. It feels pretty much like it did just before I went to the Podiatrist. Podiatrist said if it got worse to put the boot back on and come see him. DH said skip the appointment. Happy to do so as I'm so worn out from appointments - 7 so far this year!!!

    Sweet dreams

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited March 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF Day! We got some very pretty snow overnight. All the trees and fences are snow covered, it's going to be beautiful when the sun comes up. A break today, then more snow tonight into tomorrow. Hard to believe it's March.

    Goldie--the "Chill Protocol" is a series of meds given to the pupper starting the night before an appointment. 2 central nervous system calmers (gabapentin is one, can't remember the other off hand) the night before and morning of, then a valium class med given 30 to 60 minutes before the appointment. Glad you escaped the snow, and don't have to go anywhere until it gets cleared up.

    Reader--Sammy sounds like a real love bug. They can be funny when they're a bit medicated, can't they? Good luck with the blood draw.

    Karen--I agree with waiting to tell the girls until you have the biopsy results. I think it will be easier for you, too, to have some answers and maybe a plan if needed when you talk to them. I hope you have the ultrasound report in time for the hematology appointment. Still praying the foot feels better.

    Crème De Cafè


    Garnish: No Garnish


    Pour all ingredients into a shaker with ice. Shake and strain into an old-fashioned glass with ice.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    Reader, glad your Sammy did well with his dentall work. Kind of nice that the vet has his sibling. Good luck with your blood work today.

    Karen, glad you are waiting to tell the girls. Sorry about the boot. Have they done an x-ray on it?

    NM, you have to do that with both puppers, right? Thanks for explaining. I remember you saying you would have to wrangle 2 puppers. Ha ha, the only pretty snow I see, is that in someone else's yard!

    Things ARE cleared up out here. Not enough snow to even make some mud, and I DO have to go out. Have to get my Faslodex injections. Ugh, an hour and a half each way. Oh well, I'm the one that chooses to live here, right! MI expected to get a foot of snow this afternoon and into the night, they just got done with an ice storm, both of my brothers were w/o power. It sure makes me think twice about moving there, let me tell ya!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited March 2023

    OK, here's my "funny" for the day.

    Yesterday, I had an appointment with the optometrist because I need to renew my driver license and it will require a vision test. DH decided to see if he could go into the Health Express clinic there and have someone remove the wax from his ear. He ended up seeing an AMAZING PA who used, of all things, stool softener (Colace) to soften the wax in his ear. He's had this done before, but they never quite got the job done. This worked perfectly. They chatted for a bit while the Colace was doing its job. Turns out, she's a retired military helicopter pilot who decided to go back to school and get her PA. She was SO nice and helpful, my DH said he actually gave her a hug when she was finished. Stool softener! Who knew???

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2023

    So glad Sammy made it through his dentistry with flying colors, albeit loopy for awhile.

    Not much variety here re DsOTD—various riffs on bubbles. Cruset Brut on my SW flight (free drink coupon), which I needed because I was squeezed into a middle seat next to a guy who insisted on using a giant duffel as his under seat personal item—which of course didn’t fit under the seat and extended into my foot space. Once airborne, the flight attendant made him put it into an overhead. He was traveling en route to a Mexico cruise with four sisters, who yakked all the way through the flight and had several margaritas. Something tells me that wearing my mask except to drink may have been a wise decision. At lunch, Prosecco. At dinner, Piper Sonoma. Yesterday’s brunch at Court of Two Sisters, Laurent Perrier; with dinner at Tujaugues, a rose cremant d’Alsace. Prosecco at lunch today. We’ll see what we do tonight at Commander’s Palace (whether or not to do a prix fixe and pairings). We’re cabbing it so we don’t have to worry about driving (we didn’t rent a car because carjackings here are even worse than back in Chicago)

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2023

    Karen - prayers for good outcomes on the biopsy 🙏

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2023

    Karen, here's hoping the bone marrow aspiration was the nadir of this chapter of your medical adventures—may it have revealed nothing out of the ordinary; and if otherwise, nothing you can't handle without “a little help from your friends" here on BCO. (((Hugs))). Now dig into those hamantaschen.

    Dinner tonight at Commander's Palace came with wine pairings—but only for Bob. They let me have an empty glass so I could steal an ounce at a time. Aperitif was an Etna brut rosé DOC from Sicily. Soup course came with a cremant de Bourgogne (a few km SW of Champagne). BBQ shrimp was paired with a DOC Bianco from the Valle d'Aosta (IT/FR border in the Alps). Intermezzo was a punch of cherry Heering, Dubonnet blanc, and the aforementioned sparkler (a change from the prototypical citrus sorbet). Crawfish strudel came with a Chardonnay from the Dundee Hills AVA of OR's Willamette Valley. Poached redfish was paired with a Nebbiolo Langhe from the Piemonte (same grape as in Barolo). Dessert was accompanied by a Bourgogne Aligoté (the other white grape" of Burgundy) mouielleux (sweet but not fortified). Not gonna get my liver enzymes tested any time soon.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    Happy SUNday, FUNday!

    Oh boy Sunshine, who would have thunk. From stool softener to wax softener!

    Sandy, I always get the short end of the deal if I end up in middle seat. Glad the flight attendant made him move his bag. As if we don't have enough room on a plane as it is! How long is your flight to NOLA? Enjoy.

    Pretty quiet in here! Temps here have been and are going to be nice for the next 10 days, highs in the upper 50's to low 60's, but very windy. I'll take the wind over snow, or even rain!

    DOTD: Sparkling Patchouli Melon Kiwi Quencher Wax Cocktail (I think I'll pass!"

    It does say do not consume the wax!



    Patchouli: Tuscany Candles

    Sugared Melon Kiwi: Better Homes & Gardens

    Sparkling Herbs: Oak & Rye

    To create your fancy wax cocktail, Add all ingredients to your cocktail shaker. Shake to chill and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a kiwi wheel and Ta-da! You have yourself a Sparkling Patchouli Melon Kiwi Quencher.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2023

    Good morning ladies and Happy March! Hope everyone is doing okay on this funday sunday. It's warming up here again this weekend after some more blasts of winter (more cold and wind than snow). The weather forecast says it should be continuing on this track the next week. And next weekend, we get daylight savings time and some more evening light back. Our fruit trees are about ready to bloom here, the first of the unfolding of spring (that and the winds, ugh).

    This week brought some challenges with a starting a new bone health drug I started on. I had been on Prolia for a number of years while on the aromatase inhibitors and took a break from it after my last doses in 2020 when I had to start some deep dental work a few months later. After that finished last year, my current medical team recommended I resume doing something after a bone density last year showed more decline. I did an infusion of Reclast this past Monday and it totally trashed me this week with a number of unwelcomed reactions. I messaged my provider and said I am not feeling I can do this again. Fortunately Reclast is a once a year thing so we have some time to figure out another plan.

    Five weeks out from my trip to HI and putting together a list for what to bring! Yesterday I cut all my hair off (yes you heard that right) into a fun short hairdo for spring and the trip. Shorter hair just looks better on me at this point with variation of hair growth on my head, plus it's easier to take care of and works with my lifestyle.

    Wishing everyone a good week ahead and hoping tests come out a good way for those waiting on results, for easy recovery for those in treatment, and some moments of peace and comfort for anyone dealing with loss or change in their lives.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited March 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! I spent most of the weekend without internet connection due to the snow that came in Saturday. When the connection did come back I worked on getting classwork done and submitted before it was late, and still have to finish a paper after work this evening. I hope it won't take very long to finish, I'm not up for an all-nighter like I was in college! I do have until midnight in Colorado to submit the paper. One of the few advantages of living on the east coast, getting an extra hour or two to meet deadlines. Today the wind is supposed to pick up and create wind chill issues again today. I just hope the power doesn't go out! The puppers were happy to have me home and not doing much of anything but paying attention to them on Saturday, but they weren't quite so understanding when I was trying to work on Sunday.

    Mom's birthday was yesterday. We couldn't really do anything since she's in quarantine after being exposed to COVID when she went to visit Dick last week. She's going out and getting tested today. I've been mentioning the Alaska cruise off and on for months and Mom hasn't said much about it. My sister-in-law mentioned it on the phone yesterday and Mom calls me up and wants to know why I've never told her about it. I tell her I've been talking about this off and on for a year since we started planning it and she insists I haven't said one word! I told her to go look at her calendar and see where I even wrote it down for her, but she didn't want to get up and go look just then. Gotta love the selective deafness!

    Goldie--yup, now I've got to wrangle TWO sedated puppers to the vet on the 16th. It should be an interesting trip. I hope your brothers without power have a heat source that doesn't require electricity. If you have heat and can make coffee, power outages are survivable!

    Sunshine--who would have thunk of stool softener for ear wax!

    Chi--I really do not like the center seat in planes, and will go to great efforts to avoid it. The squeeze is bad enough without the footspace being encroached on as well!

    Goldie--that is one unique drink!

    Jazzy--I noticed that Daylight Savings Time was coming up. Not looking forward to it at all, it's just starting to be a little light out when the alarm goes off, so much easier to get up than in the total dark that we'll be back to! You must really be looking forward to your trip. The anticipation is half the fun, I think. I can't believe you cut your hair! But I bet it looks great on you.

    Wind Cocktail


    2 oz

    Patrón Silver

    2 oz

    Eternal Youth Mixture*

    .5 oz

    Fino Sherry Wine

    .5 oz

    Egg whites


    3 Branches of thyme


    3 Sprays of Patrón Reposado infused in bee pollen**


    1. Add all ingredients to a shaker tin with ice and shake to chill and combine.
    2. Double-strain into a chilled coupe.
    3. Garnish with fresh thyme sprig.

    *Eternal Youth Mixture:

    • 2 oz Honey
    • 2 oz Lemon juice
    • 1.25 oz Olive oil

    Mix ingredients in a blender until combined.

    **Patrón Reposado infused in bee pollen:

    Soak 10 grams of bee pollen with 3.5 oz of Patrón Reposado for 1 hour. Strain and store in a spray bottle.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    NM, you'll get that paper done, I know! Sorry about your mom, hoping she tests negative. And of course you didn't tell her about your cruise! Shame on you...LOL. She may just forget about it again!

    My one brother (where I stay), him and his partner were in Mexico during the power outage and my other brother went and stayed with his partners sister, which was a bit cramped. She lives in a small 1 bedromm apt and there were the 3 of them. My brother and his partner stay with his partner's mom.

    Still windy here, and will be for the remainder of the week. Again, I'll take it over the snow! Spent part of the day outside in one of my buildings in the old west town. Rats had gotten in there over the winter and there is a huge mess of droppings, gross! I'll try and finish that up today. I also set out several mouse traps and and set 3 live traps. Just checked my mouse traps, all 6 were successful! Nothing in my live traps. I know, TMI....sorry!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited March 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! Dragging my butt out of bed this ayem after staying up late last night to finish and submit a class assignment. I'm getting too old for these late-night study sessions! I didn't hear from Mom last night so I'm guessing she tested negative for COVID and was able to go about her list of errands. The wind was really blowing yesterday, max gust was 61 mph somewhere in the state. The power went out for a minute at work, but not at home, which rather surprised me. I was worried I'd get home and not have internet to finish the classwork, and glad that didn't happen.

    Goldie--yup, I got the paper done and turned in. It's the first one for this class so I'm eager to see the instructor's response, then I'll know more about how she like assignments done. This class has as many presentations as papers, which is good. I like working with PowerPoint. Mom does forget about a lot of things I tell her, I've pretty much gotten used to it. I tell her something once, then again just before or after it happens, and call it good. It's interesting that she will remember my trip now that my SIL has mentioned it, but didn't all the times I told her about it! It's good your brothers had somewhere to go during the power outage, even if it was crowded. Yuck, cleaning up the rat mess must be loads of fun, not. Good luck getting all the rodents cleaned out!

    Mat The Rat


    How to make

    Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add lime juice, orange juice, spiced rum and triple sec. Shake and strain into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Top up with lemon-lime soda.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    NM, I knew you would get your paper done, but totally understand the "getting too old for this". How late were you up? Love the stories about your mom.

    Karen, have you heard anything at all?

    I did not get to any more cleaning yesterday, the tops of my thighs are screaming from the squatting and getting up, so I will try and tackle more today. Due to where I live, the rodents will ALWAYS be here. I don't have a problem with that, as long as they never get in the house. Which has never happened....knock on wood. I have a place where I dump "the bodies". I take them on my quad, the ravens are very happy when I do this. In fact, any time I leave on the quad, or even my FJ (both are yellow), they come and circle, looking to see if I have anything for them! They are really intelligent birds.