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how about drinking?



  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304
    edited March 2023

    Goldie - love your post on another thread - "buckle up"... I'll add "buckle up buttercup" and hope we all see each other on the other side.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    MM - I think it was you who asked if anyone was going with my - my DH - except for Covid he has been to most appointments and wouldn't miss the appointment tomorrow morning.

    Sandy - I don't expect good news. The results they are waiting on are the more fined tuned results such as FISH, plasma and others. Based on the appointment two weeks ago, I'll be surprised if the results are good. Happy but surprised. The amount the kappa light chain rose, the comments the hematologist made about treatments, I expect it to be multiple myeloma. If its not now, my questions will be when. But I truly don't want to be going down the cancer treatment road again, but whatever it is, I will have to face it head on.

    The time changte is already is messing with me.

    Lori - I saw your post to Chevy - pleases let me know what you hear. The school I'm currently covering is not too far from where she lives, but I don't know her address.

    Have a good Sunday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    Carole, Cami and Chevy were a hoot, that's for sure!

    Miriandra, that is a great song. Never heard of Disturbed, and I didn't care much for the video. He looks "disturbed"!

    Karen, I don't know much about Multiple Myeloma, other than it's a type of bone cancer. Do you think that is the problem with your foot?

    I have not heard back, as of yet, from Chevy. I need to go back through messages from her, here and on FB. I think she gave me her phone number. But Doomass me, didn't put it in my phone. If I can't find it, I will message one of her DD's and hope they answer me, as I am not friends with either on FB. I will message the one that lives near her.

    DOTD: Buttercup Cocktail

    Cocktail Hour: Buttercup, the perfect holiday treat! -

    2 oz butterscotch schnapps

    2 oz coffee liqueur

    2 oz Bailey's Irish Cream


    Mix each of the alcoholic components together in a lowball glass. Fill the glass with milk to achieve the preferred taste. (I used 2oz, but if you prefer less "bite" in your cocktail, try 4 oz). Top off your cocktail with whipped cream and milk chocolate shavings. I added a chocolate straw to give my cocktail an extra punch of flavor.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    Lori - multiple myeloma is actually a blood cancer - something to do with the plasma.

    Half watching the Oscars - missed the early ones so missed Jamie Lee Curtis and her award

    Will post tomorrow regarding my appointment. Praying for good news, but not feeling optimisitc

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    Oh Karen, I happen to still be up, praying all is good, and if it is not, we are here for you. Thank you for explaining the Multiple Myeloma. Good, I guess, on being optimistic. Sending much love and huggles my friend.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited March 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! Last Friday turned into a very long day. I went in early to finish getting ready for the big, long, Friday meeting, then ended up working until almost 9:00 doing an admission. Then I spend the weekend working on a class project that I still need to finish up after work tonight. I have got to get more disciplined about working on the class stuff during the week and stop waiting for the weekend! And the time change has me dragging this ayem, getting up in the dark almost isn't worth having daylight until 7 peeyem. I know I'll adjust, but why should I have to go through this every year? Even the puppers were confused when the alarm went off this ayem. They've both curled up and gone back to sleep after potty and din-dins. Usually they are playing outside!

    Goldie--nice highs you have coming! I'm looking at a Nor'Easter coming through later this week. Hopefully it wi,ll be warm enough for more rain than snow this time around. Time for that snow to be going away!


    Minus--Amarula sounds really tasty! I'll have to try to find some to try. I like things I can put in my coffee as well as things I can sip.

    Karen--oh my, how disappointing the biopsy results aren't ready. At least the nurse called and updated you. No thyroid andenomas is good news. But the waiting must be awful.

    Goldie-interesting about the Amarula! Great looking drink, too.

    Devine--thanks for posting the update. It feels like a bit of a mixed message. I'm glad there's a new platform being launched, unhappy about the potential loss of private message history. But it should be an improvement.

    Morning, Teka!


    Chi--a new restaurant, what fun to try out!

    Goldie--Kombucha cocktails? Not something I would have ever thought of! Have you tried one?

    Morning, Illi!

    Miriandra--Disturbed's cover of Sound of Silence is great, I've watched/listened whenever I come across it.

    Love the Buttercup Cocktail!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    Kim - only private messages that will be lost are the ones during the transition. Ones from prior to March 12th will stay. Where are you taking your class from, that it was due the other day Denver time?

    I do not like the time change - and this might be the last one. There is the possibility that we will stay on DST year round. Me personally would prefer standard time. Heard on the news yesterday that standard time is healthier for our bodies - but I don't need daylight till 9 at night in the summer. It always takes me an hour to adjust to the time change.

    2.5 hours till check in for my appointment - I go between being numb and being panicked and scared out of my mind. I truly expect to be told that it is cancer again. Okay, if so, just tell me what the plan is going forward. Multiple myeloma is not good being a blood cancer of the plasma - but then no cancer is good, some just worse than others. I scheduled to go into work after my appointment - wonder if that is dumb - but I need to be busy and work has been so understanding. Plus being busy at work is a distraction. I guess I can change my mind if need be depending on the news and what we find out moving forward.

    DD#2 texted that she go a 90 on her final yesterday!! She was elated. She has 3 more finals - Thursday, Sunday (her 25th birthday) and the last is the 24th. I think the new semester starts this week. The trip to Italy was her birthday present, but I think I'm going to order some sort of birthday treat to be delivered on her birthday. Also she wants a new swatch, so I'm going to tell her to order it. She is not expecting anything, but it will make me feel better to surprise her.

    Not sleeping well - worse than normal. Waking up for a couple hours at night - I come out to the sofa and many nights stuff my face!!! Not really hungry, just nervous energy, frustration, boredom - I don't know what, but it has to stop.

    I'll be back later today, probably this evening.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    NM, obviously AZ doesn't change time and I have no need for it to be light out later in the evening either. BUT, back in the day, when I was younger and partied more and entertained, I liked it staying light out longer. As for the Kombucha, no, I have not tried it, I don't even know what it is! I thought the Amarula sounded good too.

    Karen, not sure if going to work afterwards is a good idea or not. I guess you'll figure it out later. IF you were to have this Multiple Myeloma, would it be a met from BC or a new primary? Perhaps you don't even know. Nice that your DD got a good grade on one of her finals.

    Time to head back down to Phoenix, leaving tomorrow, chemo tomorrow at 1 and having an ECHO Wednesday morning, heading home after that. I'll stop and get groceries then as well. Supposed to be 82 there tomorrow, then possible snow as I come home, across the rim, which could end up just being rain, with a high of 40. Talk about a temperature change!

    DOTD: Sleepless in Seattle



    4 oz Cold Coffee

    1 oz Half and Half

    1.5 oz Bourbon

    2 TB Whipped Cream


    Pour coffee and bourbon in a tall glass with ice. Top with whipped cream and a swirl of chocolate and caramel syrup to taste.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    ad some exciting news over the weekend!

    Edited to delete picture.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited March 2023

    I didn't see what the "good news" was until I went back and looked at the picture. Congratulations.

    Pocket duty and hugs for everyone who needs them! I apologize for not mentioning each one.

    I'm off to see the neurosurgeon this morning. MRI showed something at C2. I hope it's nothing.

    Love to all. I'm thinking about Bailey's for some reason. Have actually been alcohol free for over a month. I miss it but am delaying for now. Not forever. I told my MO I was holding off on the evening glass of wine. She actually said that if I enjoyed it, it was OK and why not? Part of me was wondering, "Is she thinking 'What's the point? What's it going to do to her? Give her CANCER?'" Sorry, just my gallows humor kicking in!


  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited March 2023

    Congratulations Goldie! All the best to the growing family.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    Lori - the multiple myeloma is a new cancer totally unrelated to BC. Congrats on Nora becoming a big sister. I worked through treatment with BC, so if I feel decent, work will be a nice distraction till the end of the school year. Won't know til the first chemo

    I met with my hematologist this morning and as I expected, the news is not good. I have multiple myeloma, and he's thinking it's stage 2. We are still waiting on some other test results that will give more information regarding the MM (can't remember how hematologist explained it). It's been a very long stressful two weeks. I have a phone consult with the nurse later this week regarding chemo. I go back on March 27 to start treatment. I'm also waiting for RMCC to call me to schedule a PET scan.

    Today, the phlebotomist drew 9 different vials of blood. The CBC was ready before I left, but I just checked the patient portal and there are no labs.

    Treatment is 4 different chemo drugs (they are oral and/or injection- no infusion) - Revlimid, Velcade, Daratumumab, Decadron given weekly for 3 weeks then one week off for 4 months. Another bone marrow biopsy at the end of 4 months. I'm confused about next steps after the 4 months. The hematologist says these drugs are not as hard as the ones I had for breast cancer. I guess time will tell.

    Our son is up to date on the latest information. Now to tell the girls. Younger daughter has 3 more finals, Friday, Sunday and the 24th. Plus she turns 25 on the Sunday (the) 19th. So I want to wait till at least the 24th to tell her. The new semester starts tomorrow or Wednesday. Part of me wonders if its best to wait till I've had my first chemo on the 27th. I'll tell the girls around the same time. I know my son doesn't talk to his sisters often so no worry that he will spill the beans.

    Work knows - I shared with the admin at the school I'm covering and they could not be more caring. I've also shared with part of my team there. I still need to tell the rest of the team. I've also shared via email, my 2 managers and the MH manager (who I've worked with since I came to the district in 2009).

    I can't believe that I'm going down the cancer road again. So much to absorb.

    Thanks for all your love.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2023

    Karen - I am sorry to hear the news. We are here for you sister 🙏❤️

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited March 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! Getting up in the dark, knowing a Nor'Easter is coming in around noontime, it's going to be an interesting day. Tomorrow should be even more interesting as the wind picks up and the snow comes down overnight. It's freekin' March, enough already, this is JANUARY stuff! The puppers don't seem to care one way or the other, as long as I keep filling the din-din dishes and providing cuddles and ear scritches.

    Karen--I'm taking classes through Aspen University. I bet DD#2 will be very surprised, and you will enjoy surprising her. And good for her for getting such a great score on her final! That's no small accomplishment. I can imagine I would be getting up and down all night, and eating up a storm if I were in your shoes. Hugs.

    Goldie--I remember AZ doesn't do the time change. I think Hawaii is the only other state that doesn't, if I remember correctly. I've heard talk that the US may be moving toward stopping the time change, I hope that happens, I really do not need the week or two of readjustment every year, and it takes longer every year to adjust. Love the Sleepless in Seattle! Drive carefully through that big temp swing.


    Morning, Teka.

    Sunshine--good luck at the neurosurgeon's. Praying it's nothing.

    Morning, Miriandra.

    Karen--Not the news we were hoping for. I'm glad you have a plan and can start moving forward again. I can't imagine how hard it's going to be to tell your daughters. I can certainly understand waiting to tell them after DD#2's birthday. Hugs.

    Big Hug Cocktail

    1 oz of creme de cacao (or chocolate liqueur)

    1/2 oz of whipped cream

    1 oz of Irish cream

    1 cup of hot chocolate

    Pour the irish cream into an Irish coffee cup or glass filled 3/4 with hot chocolate. Add creme de cacao. Add whipped cream and garnish with shaved chocolate on top.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    Thank you everyone for all the congrats, we are all very excited!

    Karen, I think it would be fine if you waited until after your first treatment to tell your DD's. I'm just sorry you have to deal with this at all.

    Good morning all. I don't have time to write, have to get my butt moving to get out of here.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited March 2023

    Karen, sorry the news was bad but glad it wasn't as bad as it could have been. You seem very calm. Hugs.

    Safe trip, Goldie.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited March 2023

    I wish you the best Karen

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited March 2023

    Karen, that sucks... I'm so sorry.

    I saw the neurosurgeon yesterday. Nice guy - young (aren't they all?) but was taking lots of notes as we were talking. He wants me to get an MRI of the spine and then I think he said something about getting x-rays of the neck C2 in the normal and flexed positions. I'm waiting for the appointment summary to come up on my patient portal.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited March 2023

    Karen, Hugs and good wishes. I have a friend in a similar situation who says the drive to the hospital is the worst part (she's in the mountains). May the treatments be easy.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304
    edited March 2023

    Karen - holding you in my thoughts.

    Goldie - where in the world did they find that T-shirt? What a great announcement.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited March 2023

    I haven't posted in a while, but I am reading. Sometimes I feel like I am too busy, and sometimes I am just too lazy!

    Karen - I am so sorry to hear about your cancer, I had to look it up, I don't think I have heard of it before now. I am hoping the treatments will go smoothly. I will be thinking about you through this.

    NM - I love to hear your Mom stories. I think we may have the same mom, or maybe there is a bunch of crazy old ladies out there. lol My mom has her hip replacement surgery on the 21st. She is excited because she is in so much pain now, I had to remind her that she will be in a pain while it heals. She is kind of a wimp. My older sister babies her, so my mom will fall right into it. All of 3 sisters will be there taking turns to take care of her for a while.

    Goldi- Wow, a new baby coming. A new baby is always so magical. I am sure she will be a super great big sister!

    Jazzy - I keep thinking about cutting my hair shorter, because it is all over the bathroom after I comb it.

    Carol - happy belated birthday.

    Sunshine - good luck with all of the tests you are getting.

    Hi to everyone! And I agree with all of you, I miss chevy and really miss cami and chevy's banter.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    My PET scan is scheduled for next Thursday 03/23. It is not till 3:30 (3pm check in) but nothing but clear water after 9:30am. It's my last day before spring break, but leaning towards taking the whole day off due to fasting. I don't have time to snack at work but I do eat my yogurt, fruit and a muffin for lunch. This Thursday is the phone consult with the chemo nurse. It is at 2:30 and anywhere from 30 minutes to one hour. I was going to do a 3 way call with my DH, but after we wrote down some questions, thinking of leaving work at 2pm.

    To be honest, I'm scared beyond scared of the treatment. Hematologist says these chemos are not as hard as the ones for BC, but I had so many side effects, especially horrid nausea - and nausea is a side effect of all 4 drugs. My DH's former PCP is a good friend of ours. He came over this afternoon to talk to DH and he is familiar with all the treatments and was honest saying they are hard. He is a two time cancer survivor so he well understands chemo and radiation. The part that petrifies me is bone marrow transplant following the 4 months of chemo. Hematologist also talked about it, but I'm trying not to go there. Having the PET scan scheduled makes this all the more real.

    My son sent me the most beautiful flowers today with the sweetest note. I really have great kids. He was turning17 when I was diagnosed with BC and now he is turning 34. For some reason this strikes me as hard.

    Thanks for all your support.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2023

    (((Karen))), so sorry you're going down this road again. I hope your heme-onc is right about this chemo regimen being easier than those for more aggressive kinds of cancer. At least two are anti-inflammatories (and Decadron is a steroid--I've had shots of it for asthma and extreme laryngitis before a gig). We're in your pocket for whatever comes next.

    Lori, mazel tov on DGD#2!

    Happy extended birthday, Carol!

    Teetotaled the past few days. Tonight with a fish dinner I made, DOTD was 2019 Oak Hill Farm (Lodi) Sauv. Blanc. It's one of the few we have left from the last winemaker dinners at B'way Cellars. Bought a bottle of Irish whiskey and some shelf-stable whipping cream. CVD risk from erythritol be damned, still gonna make my Irish coffee with Swerve,

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581
    edited March 2023

    Karen - It is hard to deal with, I always want to just focus on one day at a time - of what I have to do now, but there is so many steps to take that you have to think about setting it all up. I am glad you husband is there to help and has someone with knowledge of this to talk to. I think it is a good plan to take the time off that you need to deal with everything. The flowers and card are so lovely. I agree with you, you have great kids.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2023

    Karen- beautiful flowers from DS. He has been with you through this before and will be there for you again. I know it's hard to tell family these things, do so as you feel it's the right time especially with some far away.

    Sending much love as you prepare to go through at lot more these next few weeks. We are here for you sister.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2023

    Karen, you raised some remarkable kids--as smart and caring as their mother. May their love help you through this.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    Karen, hopefully the docs are right about these drugs not being as hard as the BC drugs. And beautiful flowers from your son. It is most def. a lot to absorb, that is an understatement! Like Misty said, one day at a time. This is alot to take in.

    NM, my DD in the VI does not change time, but I do not know if that is for all US VI's, certainly it would be?

    Sunshine, what do you have going on, that you are seeing a neurosurgeon?

    Minus, I have no idea where my neice got Nora's shirt, I would imagine she ordered it online.

    Misty, don't worry about posting, we like whenever someone pops in, whether is often or not. I love NM's stories about her mom too, and she handles her so well. Good luck with your mom and the hip surgery, keep us updated on how she is doing.

    Sandy, how is Heidi doing with Happy gone?

    Chemo/ECHO done. Tech told me she didn't see anything to be concerned about with my heart but still had to compare numbers. Before I left, my clock in my bedroom is automic clock and jumped ahead 2 hours Sunday night, so when I got up and saw it said 8:00, I was shocked that I slept that late. Pick up my phone and it says 6:00! I didn't get around to fixing it until last night, I finally got it to the right time. Well, some how it jumped back 2 hours, so when I thought I was getting up at 4:40, which is fine with me, it was only 2:40! So I see a nap in my future today, providing the steroids will let me! My drive home was rain and then some heavy fog when I hit the rim, but no snow. The rain was nice as I got all the mud out from the undercarrage on my car, which is good, because I need to take it in for an oil change.

    DOTD: Scary Berry Black Fog

    Try our scary blackberry cocktail!


    5 California Giant blackberries


    2 ounces pomegranate juice

    1 ounce Chambord

    1½ ounces black vodka

    1 ounce fresh lemon juice

    ½ ounce simple syrup

    4 California Giant blackberries for garnish

    Muddle the blackberries in the bottom of a shaker. Fill the shaker ⅔ full with ice. Add the pomegranate juice, Chambord, vodka, lemon juice, and simple syrup. Shake the mixture until jet cold (about 20 seconds).

    Stain the drink into a cocktail glass and add a garnish of blackberries on a pick. For dramatic effect add a few small pieces of dry ice, but be sure to let the dry ice dissolve before drinking.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    DH and I had dinner with one of our good friends - she too is an MD - she was explaining more about the MM. Scares me even more when experts talk about the treatment and say how long and hard of a road it is!!! My husband's retired PCP/our friend is offered to come look at my labs to I'm going to take him up on his offer. HIs speciality was endocrinology. I scheduled a telehealth appointment with my PCP/NP for tomorrow afternoon. I don't know what she knows about the past 6 months - other than the broken foot, there is nothing new in my patient portal. This afternoon is "chemo teach" with the RN. I have several questions to ask and DH will be with me - it is over the phone. I just need to get to the 27th and get through the first chemo to see how I do. The uncertainty is so hard. I don't remember being so scared with the BC diagnosis. I'm hoping I feel well enough to work during chemo so I have enough time to take first semester off next year. I'm not ready to hand it up. Yes, one day at a time and one foot in front of another.

    Lori - glad your echo was good. Weird about your clock. My bedroom clock is an old clock radio from 1980 so definitely no technology with it. Don't use it often as I seem to wake up on my own - and if I need an alarm, I use my phone.

    We have a skiff of snow on the ground - mountains are supposed to get dumped on - Yesterday is was low 70s, today maybe 40!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited March 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! I'm taking today off from work to give the puppers their pre-vet visit medications and then take them in to finish up their shots and whatnot. They each got first doses of medications last night and are pretty placid this ayem, just gave them the ayem doses, and then there's one more to give an hour before the appointment. I'm not seeing the usual running around and chasing each other, in fact, both of them are curled up in the recliner snoozing. Zoe seems less affected than Colt, but she's way more hyper than he is normally.

    The big Nor'Easter turned out to be not quite so big as expected. Almost all the roads were pretty clear by the morning commute yesterday, except right along the coast where schools were delayed for a couple of hours. I headed in early just to be sure I got there by 8, knowing many of the other office based staff had school age children to deal with, besides, my internet was still out at home. That heavy wet snow takes a while to melt off the dish!

    I got quite a surprise watching the local news yesterday ayem. A local police chief died last week, a guy I've known off and on for years through DARE camp and local activities. I hadn't heard about his passing until I heard the report on the funeral arrangements. The scariest thing is that he is younger than me by 4 years. He died "unexpectedly" "after a brief illness". Mom knew him too, and is convinced he died of COVID. Around here "after a brief illness" usually means a heart attack, stroke, or very shortly after being diagnosed with advanced cancer. He was working right up to the time of his death, so I doubt it was cancer, but who knows? My brother and his wife used to work with him, I let them know about it yesterday. The funny thing is Mom knew about it last week and never said anything about it to any of us!

    Good Morning, Goldie, travel safe!

    Morning, Carole, Teka, Illi!

    Sunshine--isn't it nice when they take notes during an appointment? Good luck with the scans and x-rays.

    Morning, Wren, Minus!

    Misty--I hope your mom is one of the lucky ones who wakes up from hip replacement surgery with almost no pain at all. It happens from time to time.

    Karen--I think anybody should be scared facing chemotherapy, and probably even more scared the second time around. So many variables to take into account. The flowers your son sent are beautiful!

    Chi--sometimes the benefits of something do outweigh the risks!

    Morning, Jazzy!

    Goldie--not sure about the time change in the VIs, I would think it would be for all the US islands, but who knows? Stranger things have happened. That clock of your really has a mind of it's own, doesn't it? Love the Scary Black Fog!

    Karen--you are lucky to have so many friends who are knowledgeable and can help you interpret all this stuff!

    Tick of the Clock



    Shake with ice and strain into ice-filled short glass. Slap a sprig of mint between your palms to release the fragrant oils, and tuck it into the edge of the glass.

    From <>

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited March 2023

    Good morning, my fine friends!

    Goldie, I'm seeing a neurosurgeon for a new finding on my spine at C2. I had an MRI of my brain for headaches, but an issue showed up at C2. He wants an MRI of my entire spine. I have another appointment with the neurologist (apparently different from a neurosurgeon) for the headaches.

    Hopefully your ESHO will not show anything concerning. The time change is a pain. Most of the clocks set themselves automatically, but not the one in my car. I get in my car after the time change and think I'm an hour late or an hour early.

    A neighbor is coming over tomorrow for happy hour on our front porch. Should be fun. We have awesome neighbors up and down our street.

    Karen, the first IV chemo (at least for me) was the hardest because I didn't know what to expect. I went to a "chemo class" (this was in 2008) and got to tour the infusion room. People were just reading, sleeping, talking to other people, and stuff like that. No one was crying or throwing up or moaning in pain. It was a huge relief to me. I never vomited once during chemo – just felt crappy for a few days, then started feeling better. I worked out at my local gym the whole time. I wasn't working, so I didn't have that to worry about.

    NM, I always wonder, too, when someone dies after a "brief illness." It's unsettling when (1) the person is younger than I am, and (2) I knew the person personally (was that redundant?) These days, I would assume COVID, too. I'm sorry about the loss of another life. And yes, it IS nice when doctors take notes. I sent him a message on the patient portal, and he actually responded himself – either that, or his nurse signed his name for him. Usually, my MO's nurse is the one to respond. That's OK. They respond quickly and I appreciate that.

    Happy Thursday to the rest of you lovelies!
