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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2023

    NM - sorry about the loss of your friend. It's strikes hard when it's people our age or younger. I think it's too bad your mother did tell you but perhaps just not something she remembered 🙏

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited March 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! Spending the day with the medicated puppers was a bit of an experience. Colt was absolutely stoned by the time we got to the vets, which is good as he let them do everything they needed to do, and only "complained" a bit. Zoe was a lot less tense and more friendly, but other than that I could barely tell she'd been medicated. She must have the metabolism of a wildfire for medications, but I think Colt may be more sensitive to them. But they are both all set for a year, and all their paperwork is all caught up. Both of them seem to be back to their normal selves this morning.

    Sunshine--I am hoping you will get answers and relief from the headaches quickly. I have the same experience with the clock in the car, and this year with the new clock I have in the living room, one that tells the time, date, day of the week and room temperature. Fortunately, it's easy to reset that one. I'm jealous of all you folks who have patient portals that you can use to communicate with your doctors. I can't wait for that kind of thing to be adopted here in central Maine. That kind of thing is just starting around here.

    Jazzy--Mom's memory is getting more problematic, even though she doesn't have dementia. Just age-related cognitive decline. And now Dick is not doing well, he's been in Hospice care for a while. Mom says he's fading fast now. She had a really good visit with him a week or so ago, and is planning to go see him again today, the way she was talking it sounds like she thinks it may be the last visit. It's sad, but he hasn't really enjoyed life since being moved into the Assisted Living facility.

    Happy ST. Patrick's Day!

    The Irish Maid: The Perfect St. Patrick's Day Cocktail

    image alt="the best Elderberry cocktails">


    • 2 ounces Jameson Whiskey Casemates or Black
    • 3 slices of cucumber
    • 0.5 ounce Elderflower Liqueur
    • 0.75 ounce Fresh Lemon Juice
    • 0.75-ounce Simple Syrup with a drop of honey (the honey is optional)
    • Ice Cubes
    • Type of Glass:
    • A standard whiskey or rocks glass


    • Into a shaking tin drop in two (2) slices of cucumber, using a muddler mash cucumbers.
    • Add whiskey, Elderflower liqueur, lemon juice, simple syrup, and lots of ice.
    • Shake vigorously for 30 seconds.
    • Strain into a rocks glass filled with ice.
    • Garnish with a wheel of fresh cucumber.
    • Serve.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    Kim - patient portals are great - but each doctor/specialist has their own. I think I have 4 different patient portals to remember log in and pw. Sorry about your friend.

    Sunshine - hope they figure out your headaches.

    I got a pre-recorded call from my insurance company saying a procedure was approved, but not what the procedure is - so I need to call today. Also wondering how much my chemos will cost. one of them is only available through a special program since it is so toxic. I had to sign several forms to submit before they will allow it for Tx. It's called Revlimid and I take it for 21 days (oral capsule) then off for 7 days. The other chemo drugs are injection into my belly weekly for 16 weeks - Dararumumab and Velcade. 1-3 hours prior to injection I need to take Dexamethazone and 1 hour prior 650mg acetamenaphin and 25 mg Benadryl. I also have to take Acyclovir twice daily for 16 weeks. They've called in anti-nausea drugs - Zofran and Phenergan. We had phone consult for "chemo teach" yesterday and she said the risk of nausea is 10% for these drugs vs 90% for the TAC chemo I had with BC 17 years ago. The first treatment, they keep me for 4 hours to watch for side effects. All the rest, maybe 1 hour total from start to finish. She went over side effects and of course the first one is changes to blood count. Others are GI, skin, diarrhea/constipation, hair thinning and neuropathy. She couldn't answer a couple questions as she said my hematologist would have to answer them. I see him on the 27th before the first treatment, then I think monthly. It's till all overwhelming. We asked a couple questions about next steps aftr done the 16 weeks - second bone marrow biopsy and stem cell transplant - but she really didn't have answers except that I would be referred to a transplant doctor. This is what terrifies me the most. I need to put it in the back of mind mine and just focus on the 16 weeks. One day at a time. One step at a time.

    Our internist/endocrinologist friend is coming over later this morning to look at my labs. I wrote my endocrinologist to ask what labs she ordered as I don't need to repeat labs that were done this past week and told her to news of MM. I have a telemedicine appointment with my PCP to see what she knows/what she's received from any of the specialists and she is she knows about the MM. I also need to schedule with nephrologist as PCP was going to follow but really hasn't - not a big deal because the oncologist do the CMP. But since starting chemo, I want to be sure that nephrologist is monitoring kidneys.

    My weight is done 2# and I really can't afford to loose anymore weight. I'm eating as much as I can, but I'm not snacking as I'm not hungry - also so busy at work, I'm not at my desk much to snack.

    Sorry for ignoring everyone else and being all about me

    Have a great Friday.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited March 2023

    Karen, no apologies necessary.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    NM, glad all went well with the puppers and their vit visit. I too was thinking the same thing about your mom and the death of your friend, that maybe she just forgot. But my condolences. Also sorry to hear about Dick.

    Sunshine, thank you for sharing, hopefully they don't find anything bad, but always scary, as we never know what's going to pop up in us and when. Inevitable I guess! Enjoy your porch happy hour today. What are getting happy with?

    Karen, I meant to ask, on top of everything else going on with you, what's going on with your foot?

    Pretty lazy day for me yesterday, with the lack of sleep. I did lay down for a bit and slept on and off in short spurtz. Managed to get some dishes done and fix dinner. Called and complained to the urologist place, but you only talk to people that take your call and pass on the message. So waiting 24-48 hours for a call back. Also made appt. to get oil changed on my car for Monday. My brother picked me up some anti biotics while in Mexico and put those in the mail for me yesterday, as I feel another kidney infection coming on. I have 4 here that I saved from my last script, just for this reason! I know you are supposed to finish them, but I save myself a trip to the doctor, hour and a half each way!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited March 2023

    Hello to everyone. It's dark here this morning as we wait for some rain to move through. We welcome some needed watering since it's dry and the air and trees are full of pollen. We don't welcome any possible violent weather. Fingers crossed.

    Wishing everyone a good weekend.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    No photo description available.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited March 2023

    LOL, Goldie!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited March 2023

    Happy Friday and Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone. A neighbor is coming over for happy hour this afternoon. She's bringing a bottle of Prosecco. What are good vegan, gluten free snacks to go with the Prosecco?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    Sunshine, I don't have any suggestions, but Google is your friend! I found one link with 30 suggestions.

    30 Vegan Gluten Free Snacks - Alternative Dish

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 941
    edited March 2023

    Top of the morning all! Prayers and good wishes to all of us who need them today 🙏 🦜🐸 Not a shamrock in the house so how about a parrot and frog?

    Cheers! Last night's pineapple martini and DH sangria.


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited March 2023

    goldie, THANK YOU!!! I'll hit our local Lazy Acres (like Whole Foods) this morning.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2023

    Sending love to all here who are struggling today.

    Karen- I have had to do the same during every hard thing in life, focus on one thing at a time. This is an overwhelming time with the dx and a lot of tests, new information and questions. I think focusing on the next 16 weeks is the best approach too. As you get going with your plan of care, there will be time to get more answers. It is okay to be scared too, who wouldn't be. I think you are getting a lot of things answered. We are here to listen and support!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2023

    Good afternoon ladies- whew the work week is done. This job just gets a bit harder every week, but so it goes with building a new hospital. Four weeks from my vaca this weekend, can't wait. Lots to do before I leave and then will leave it to my colleagues to handle things while I run around the big island.

    We are getting a blast of winter day after what has felt like spring emerging. Not unusual here in March, fruit trees are slowly blooming after a colder and snowier February. They are usually out by late Feb to early March but seem late this year with the Feb snows (it was dry until then). Anyways, all moisture is good here in the desert. I know not so true on the west coast with the areas buried in snow, dealing with flooding, and landslides now too. The melting this spring out west may be catastrophic.

    Hope everyone has/had a good St Patty's Day and wishing you a peaceful weekend. We made it through DLS time and now onward to the official start of spring next week!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2023

    Heidi is beginning to adjust to Happy's absence. I don't think pets can understand the concept of death unless they witness it as it happens to another. Just because they didn't get along during his life doesn't mean she doesn't miss him, even if only because her familiar routine has been disrupted. She's a lot more affectionate now that she is the only kitty here.

    Waiting for Bob to get home before I make Irish coffee. (Will do it with pourover drip--somehow Keurig or Nespresso feels like cheating).

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited March 2023

    Had big plan to drink something green and wear my “I make my own luck” with beer and clovers T shirt but a cold front came a day early and at 28 degrees, I just didn’t feel like going to the bar, even though it’s only a few hundred feet away. Instead, I drank hot broth under an electric blanket.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    Well, the kidney infection hit with a vengence yesterday afternoon! Throwing up once, couldn't get warm, but no fever. Went to bed at 3pm and started popping Motrin every 4 hours. Took a 500 mg of Keflex, I have 3 more for today. I even packed a suitcase last night, as I thought I was going to have to head to Phoenix to go to ER. My neighbor has 13 more Keflex, 250 mg, so that should hold me over until I get mine in the mail on Monday. Pain has subsided some this morning, so I'm staying put.

    Carole, violent weather is never good, anywhere!

    Reader, your cocktails look lovely, thank you for sharing. But you didn't bring enough for everyone??? Just kidding of course, cheers!

    Jazzy, 4 weeks will fly by, time to start the excitement of the trip, cuz it's always over with before ya know it!

    Sandy, glad Heidi is doing well. She's an older feline as well, isn't she?

    BabyGirl, no says you can only drink green beer and wear your t-shirt on just one particular day. Do it later in the week when you feel like it! I wish I would have had an electric blanket yesterday!

    I do have a brisket and all the fixins to make, but not doing it until Tuesday with my neighbor and her DH, and maybe another neighbor. Her DH had to work yesterday, today and tomorrow, and he doesn't get home until after 5:30, I like eating earlier. I have my oil change Monday, so Tuesday it is.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited March 2023

    We’ve got loose plans to have a neighbor (the we bought this property from who has another lot across the road) over for drinks this weekend. And, of course this is our weekend weather, lol. Fortunately, it’s currently 74 degrees inside my bar.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited March 2023

    Like bars in Alaska, it just needs pegs to hang the fur coats when people come in. 74 sounds wonderful in or out.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited March 2023

    Wren, it’s hard to see but I’ve got mermaid hooks for jackets.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2023

    It's not even gonna get up to 30F today, but at least there's a lull in the wind for now. My watch's weather alert app is telling me a "brief snow shower" is on the way "in 16 minutes." Will bundle up like crazy to top up my groceries--and will drive, not walk, to Whole Paycheck.

    DOTD yesterday was Irish coffee. I cheated and used Swerve, rather than try to hack off a chunk of brown sugar for Bob and a packet of Monkfruit in the Raw for me (gotta watch the erithrytol for now). Brewed some Sumatra coffee. Muddled the Swerve together with "Teeling" Irish whiskey from Costco. Whipped the cream with my handheld milk frother till it was thick but still pourable. Bob had seconds.

    Probably some sparkling rosé tonight if I'm making a surf & turf out of leftovers--otherwise, Sauv. Blanc for the "surf" component.

    Heidi is indeed a senior, my Grande Dame. If she could sing, it'd be that Alice Cooper song: "I'm 18, and I can do what I want." What she wants is to free-feed her fave kibble, graze-taste (or reject) various wet foods, drink at her fountain, sometimes play-chase when I dangle her feather toy, sleep, bask in a sunbeam, and tread on & nuzzle me. Bought her a little "house" to hide in and fleece-covered foam steps up to her "condo," neither of which seem to catch her fancy. I think she associates the condo with joint pain and embarrassment, as a few weeks ago when she tried to leap up into the "cradle," she couldn't catch on with her paws but instead dropped to the floor (as Happy looked on). I hope the OA shot will enable her to try again, especially since she can easily climb stairs now.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2023

    Fruit trees blooming



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    Jazzy - gorgeous blooms

    Lori - sorry about the kidney infections. Feel better soon. My foot is a little better but still hurts and swollen. Thanks for asking

    Thanks everyone. My sleep is awful!!! Two hour on and off. Last night got up 45 minutes after getting into bed and came out to the sofa - snack and fell asleep and went to bed, slept for 2 more hours then up every half hour. Managed to stay in bed till 5:45

    Got my labs back from Friday - My PTH rose 50 or 60 points (parathyroid) way out of normal limits - this over less than 4 weeks. And my calcium is inching up higher. Sure hoping the endocrinologist calls me tomorrow. Our friend who is the endo came over Friday morning and was recommending some more digging based on the previous results. I'm going to mention the tests to my Endocrinologist when we talk next which I sure hope is this week and not at my appointment next month. Updated my primary care on Friday. Need to get back into the Nephrologist. How many specialists can one have!!!

    Today is youngest's 25th birthday. She got the chocolate pretzels/candy tray we sent and seemed really happy. She has a final this afternoon and one more on Friday. We are going to tell DD#1 this afternoon - and DD#2 and her DH this afternoon. Then make sure when she talks to her sister that she doesn't bring it up as sometimes the girls talk Friday before DD#2 calls up. It will be such a relief when they all know. DS is coming over this afternoon and will stay for dinner.

    It's going to be a long, long week. I just want to get to March 27th. Not scared of the PET/CT scan, but of what it might tell. Insurance pre-approved the scan. I'm a wreck. I have a medicare advantage plan, it is through the state retirement system and as a result it is a good plan.

    Have a good Sunday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    BabyGirl, that picture of the Beach Bar sure looks CHILLY! I'd cozy up with an electric blanket too!

    Sandy, Grande Dame, cute pet name for your kitty!

    Jazzy, spring is in the air....FINALLY!

    Karen, sorry about the continuing foot issues, like you need that? Thinking of you as you tell the girls. I think this is all still just so new, and you are still struggling with it. It will all settle in eventually and you will hit it head on. Just like the rest of here that don't have a choice, you are a strong woman and have a great support system, with your family and friends, and of course us here!

    Kidney pain is easing up, we are at about a 3 today.




    2 ounces whipped cream vodka

    2 ounces Frangelico

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited March 2023

    Beautiful blossoms! What kind of fruit?

    Karen, I'll be thinking of you as you tell your kids. It's never easy telling family. I'm sure you must be feeling overwhelmed right now, with "just one more test," and "Oh, and we want you to see this doctor," and so on. Not being able to sleep doesn't help!

    Hope everyone has at least a decent week.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2023

    Heidi's other nicknames are "Mamashayna" (pretty Mama), Girlfriend, Big Mama, Her Majesty, and She Who Must Be Indulged.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    Thanks Lori. It is a lot to process. So many unknowns. The first part of treatment is called "induction therapy" - 16 weeks of chemo. I'll be getting the gold standard of care. Each chemo is in a different category. We need to learn more about phase 2 - when the bone marrow biopsy will be post chemo and when the stem cell transplant occurs. Like stage 4 BC, there is no cure for Myeloma - hope for a good response to treatment and a long time before relapse. The hematologist gave us a booklet from the LLS on Myeloma and it is so much to absorb. The count down is on. T minus 7 from tomorrow!! I just want to get the show on the road.

    I have my PET/CT scan on Thursday and I need to fast after 9:30am - only plain water. I was going to take the day off, but decided I'd do better if I was busy so I'm going to go into work. Yes, I know I'm nuts! but I can always change my mind.

    We told our DD#1 and SIL. Needless to say they were in shock. I'm sure they are still processing. Son came over for dinner tonight and we talked at dinner. After dinner I gave him the Myeloma book and after a couple minutes he said his head was spinning and put it down. It is just all so overwhelming. We will tell DD#2 Friday morning our time (afternoon her time) - she will be done with finals. I dread telling her the most as she always worries about my health. Cancer coming back is a big fear for her.

    Today was DD#2 25th birthday. When we called to wish her a happy birthday she was in tears because her final is so hard. It hurts to see your kids hurt. She was having a few close friends over for ice cream. Her roommate heard her crying and asked if she wanted to cancel ice cream and DD#2 said NO she didn't want to cry all night. She talked later on in the day and she was doing better and smiling. She also sounded good when she talked to her brother. Actually we face timed. She has a great sense of humor. When she was flying home from Italy, she told me there was an "old B" sitting next to her - and I made a comment about being old. She was joking with me about it this afternoon and said she should have told me that I'm not old (implying I"m a B as a joke). We do joke about our ages - most of her friends parents are 12-15 years younger than my DH and I. When she was 16 and at sleep away camp - some of her friends were talking about their mother's turning 40 and DD#2 and another girl said, "we didn't know our mother's at 42"!! I had her the same age as my mother when she was empty nest. DD#2 made our family complete.

    Sweet dreams.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2023

    With dinner out tonight, a Montepulciano d'Abbruzzo; Bob had a Super Tuscan.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited March 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! Happy First Day of SPRING! I am looking forward to 5:00 when I will be able to go off work and off call. It's been a bit of a busy one this weekend, especially yesterday. In the middle of a bunch of calls from the on-call nurse yesterday, Mom calls to tell me that she got COVID. She went to a Walk-In to get tested and wanted me to talk to the provider about antiviral treatment. Mom can't take Paxlovid because of the other meds she takes, so she's taking another, not quite so effective antiviral. And then she calls last evening because she lost her phone charger. I'm picking one up after work and taking it out to her along with anything else she might be needing. At least she sounded a lot better last night than the night before.

    Karen--interesting about the patient portals. That sounds like quite the drug regimen. The nausea potential sounds better than what you went through before. It certainly is a lot to take in and wrap your mind around. And of course, everything is about you right now, everything needs to be about you right now and for some time to come. We get it, and that's what we're here for. Hugs.

    Morning, Carole!

    Goldie--Glad to hear you were able to get some naps in. Hope the kidney infection doesn't take hold.

    LOL! Love the Wind at Your Back!

    Reader--Pineappple martini and sangria, what a combo! So pretty, though.

    Jazzy--building a new hospital? That sounds like a HUGE project!

    Chi--I am so sorry for your loss of Happy. Such a hard time for us hoomans and the furry companions like Heidi.

    Illi--hot broth under an electric blanket actually sounds more appealing than green beer any day!

    Goldie--glad you have the antibiotics right on hand. Praying you feel better very soon.

    Illi--your yard looks like mine! We had some good wind come through this weekend, so I have more branches down in my yard now. At least it's warm in the Beach Bar!

    Chi--Poor Heidi, having that happen in front of Happy! I hope she does feel better and able to jump and climb like before soon.

    Karen--its good to have strong insurance coverage when something like this comes up. Sounds like DD#2 had a good birthday. I bet you will feel better after the girls know what's happening.

    Morning, Sunshine!

    Chi--those names are very descriptive!

    LOL- Teka!

    Karen--I'm so sorry DD#2's final was so hard. I'm sure she did well. And good for her for doing the ice cream get together as a distraction, I'm sure she felt better after.

    I wish I found this a week ago!

    Image may contain Drink Cocktail Alcohol Beverage Plant Fruit Food Citrus Fruit Glass and Juice

    The Spring Forward

    For the rosemary-infused vodka:

    1 (750ml) bottle vodka

    2 large rosemary sprigs

    For the cocktail:

    1 1/2 ounces rosemary-infused vodka

    1/2 ounce simple syrup

    1/2 ounce fresh ruby red grapefruit juice

    1/2 ounce fresh lemon juice

    Rosemary sprig, for serving

    1. Step 1
      Place rosemary sprigs in a 1-qt. resealable glass jar and pour in vodka (reserving bottle). Let sit at room temperature for 24 hours. Taste, and if desired rosemary flavor is present, remove the rosemary sprigs and pour back into vodka bottle, or infuse for an additional 24 hours if more flavor is desired.
    1. For the cocktail:
      Step 2
      In a cocktail shaker, combine rosemary-infused vodka, simple syrup, grapefruit juice, and lemon juice. Add ice and shake. Strain into an ice-filled rocks glass and garnish with rosemary sprig.

    Cooks' Note

    The rosemary-infused vodka keeps indefinitely, stored in a glass bottle or jar. If you can't find ruby red grapefruit, feel free to use the white or pink variety.

    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    Sandy, that's sure a handful of nicknames!

    Teka, thanks for the chuckle, I like the Pussy Willow. I think we all need a smile right now.

    Karen, everyone's head is spinning, no doubt! I too am sorry about DD2 being so upset about her final, but like NM, I'm pretty sure she did just fine. And good for her for going to the ice cream social. Is an old "B" a biotch?

    OH NO NM, mom has Covid? Any idea where she got it? Not that it matters. I wonder if you will find her cord when you take a new over! Oh, the kidney infection took hold alright, I thought it was going to explode. But the anti B's helped within a day. So doing MUCH better now. As for the Spring Foward cocktail, as they say "better late than never." Off to get my oil change today. I'll take my ipad and look for other urologists in Phoenix. I am not feeling confident, letting them do surgery on me!
