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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2023

    Karen - sending much love today. I think once you tell your last child, some release will come with them all knowing and not having to keep things from them. I know she is far away and might be good if some of her friends were with her when you tell her 🙏

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2023

    Karen, sending loving thoughts of courage as you tell the last of your children.

    DOTD, with last night's veal chop, was some Coravin-ed 2009 Barolo. Metropolis--our neighborhood coffeehouse/roastery--has started making Nespresso-compatible capsules of its Redline & Decaf Redline espresso blends as well as two of its regular coffee blends (one medium, one dark-roast). I ordered some, and hope they taste better than Nespresso's (which, truth to tell, except for the flavored kind taste pretty much the same regardless of origin, varietal or "flavor profile" description--what are "cereal notes," anyway?). If they do, I can haul my big espresso machine back to Cora Italian Specialties (or hope they'll come out to me like they used to) for cleaning, descaling, new screens & gaskets; I'll be able to have a reasonable facsimile of espresso (and, with the Aeroccino, perhaps cappuccino) without having to go all "Pioneer-Woman" (if pioneers drank espresso) with boiling water and the manual ROK press. (During a power failure I also used a hand-crank Turkish coffee grinder). I've had my LaCora "prosumer" machine since 2009!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited March 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! The saga with the Mother's phone continues. Just as I was leaving for work yesterday ayem, she calls to tell me she found her phone charger, so I don't have to get her one. So far so good. I told her to start making a list of things she needs at the store or from anywhere outside the apartment so I can take care of them for her. In the afternoon I start calling her to check in and see if she needs anything, and, surprise, surprise, the phone rings and then goes to voice mail and she never picks up. If I can't get her in a bit this ayem I'm running out to her place on my lunch break to make sure she's still alive. This phone thing is such a pain in the anatomy. She's probably got the volume turned off again.

    Today is my late day to work this month, with the home health aide meetings running from 3 to 6 peeyem. If no one comes for the 5 to 6 peeyem session this month I'm going to drop it from the calendar. No one has really used that time for several months now.

    Goldie--I suspect Mom picked up COVID when she went to visit Dick a couple weeks ago, since we have that building on our list of full PPE facilities due positive cases. But, she does regularly go into grocery stores, and once or twice a week to a lunch for seniors, one or two branches of her bank, and I know she does not wear a mask all the time she is out. I've actually been expecting this for a while now. She did call yesterday and say she found a charger that was working. Not sure it's the original one or not, but it must be working as her phone isn't going straight to voice mail like it does when the battery is dead or the phone turned off. I hope you can find a urologist you feel confident with. Not feeling comfortable with your caregivers is not a good thing. And I agree about spring being a woman. The weather people are talking about a plowable amount of snow coming in over the weekend again!

    Morning, Jazzy!

    Chi--it sounds like you need a room just for all your coffee-making equipment! But you are covered no matter what situation you are in, you will always be able to make coffee!

    Cherry Blossom TIni

    Cherry Blossom-tini


    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    Jazzy - her roommates will be home when she calls as they are all getting ready for Shabbat. I've thought about reaching out to 2 of her best friends who she has know for years and yeas, but that would mean sharing with them and I'm not sure about that. They live within walking distance so she can always have them come over.

    Lori - yes "B" is biotch" Hope you can find an urologist that you feel good about. What about a Nephrologist for the kidneys. I need to schedule an appointment to get back into mine.

    I miss my Gilda Radner hair. Need to get my haircut - I think it's been 6 months and its not looking nice anymore.

    Insurance is driving me cray - My Revlimid need to be pre-approved and thankfully it was. It is being filled at a specialty pharmacy not my Optum mail order. The retail cost for one month of it is over 18K. Thankfully, my UHC Medicare Advantage is a good policy and my co-pay is only $75. Co-pay for each of the chemo drugs is $75 so $225/month for the three plus probably another $100 for all the other. The Velcade retail is about $7K and the Darasumumub)?) is only retail $700. Insurance denied the Promethazine saying it is not FDA approved for nausea from chemo and considered high risk for those over 65!!! I can buy it out of pocket, but want to see what oncologist office offers for an alternative in addition to the Zofran. Just the 16 weeks of chemo will be over $80K retail. I get text and emails from Optum Rx, so I ind myself checking with up on things. I shouldn't have to do that - but I don't want to let anything go to chance. I'm very worried about the cap on Rx - I don't know if my total out of pocket spending includes Rx - but there is no way I can afford 25K/month if insurance has a limit.

    My work is amazing. yesterday I was meeting with one of admin early in the morning about a student and made a comment about feeling overwhelmed etc and she asked if I wanted to be at work or go home. When I told her I was looking into changing chemo to Tuesdays and why - she was like "don't worry about us". I'm at the school M-Th and the SP intern T-F and I said one reason looking to change is so I could be there Monday and the other reason was only working 2 days in a row - M, W,Th with chemo on Tuesday. I feel so fortunate as the principal I worked for 17 years ago was a Queen B. In the fall at the start of the new school year, she told me that they "got the short end of the stick" when I was out. I wanted to rip open my shirt and say who got the short end of the stick. From then on, she made my life miserable. I still need to tell my Float teammates about what is going on but I don't know how. Yesterday I had book study and we are all on the float team (about 1/2 the team) and I couldn't bring myself anything but I could feel myself feeling quite angry in my body.

    T-6 and still so many questions. I still have lots of questions about the CST. I they harvest them from throughout the body - right now it is all so much to absorb. I want to know how soon the Bone Marrow Biopsy is after the induction chemo and how long after that is SCT. Generalities are fine but I want to be able to have some idea - to be able to plan a little. this unknown/uncertainty is driving me crazy. Feeling very vulnerable and pessimistic at times - just want to get the show on the road.

    My husband has been volunteering with our local police department, helping with trainings for about 6 months. He called them yesterday to let them know he wasn't sure if/when he could help and before the end of the day, we got a beautiful gift box from his family at the department. Unfortunately, it's not kosher so my son will take it (he doesn't keep kosher). Soup, rolls and cookies and a beautiful ladle. My school wants to know what they can do to help, but unfortunately, I don't know at this point, but I will let them do something.

    Going to be 60 today - but anymore I'm always cold. I keep the space heater on in my office and layer.

    I've not proofread my post so hopefully everything makes sense.

    Have a great Tuesday.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    No posts yesterday since mine - quiet place.

    Lori - how are you doing?

    Kim - did you get ahold of your mom?

    Endocrinologist office called yesterday - yup, she says, it is hyperparathyroidism - yes, I've known that for a coupe years, but hematologist was questioning it. Ultrasound of parathyroid/thyroid was normal 2 weeks ago. This part Friday had labs for Calcium and PTH - Calcium rose slightly but big jump in PTH - so now she is ordering CT of neck!! I'm really going to glow soon.

    Received 3 of my Rx for treatment - all pre-meds - 2 of 3 chemo drugs have been pre-authorized - wrote the hematologist's nurse last night to ask her where those meds are being delivered/if I'm responsible for getting them. My mail order pharmacy sends me texts to let me know status. Just want to have everything ready for Monday to get the show on the road.

    My SIL texted me this morning asking how I was doing and thinking of me and praying a lot. Hard to answer, tried to be honest, yet positive. He is a great guy.

    Thankfully work is super busy, non stop non-stop most of the day and it is a great distraction. When I get home, it's hard as too much time to think. Having knots in my stomach - like I've been punched in the gut - taking Pepcid AC twice/day but it still hurts - eating but not really hungry. I'm loosing weight and trust me, I have no extra weight to spare. It scares me as I haven't even started chemo. I force myself to eat but I'm not snacking and that is something I generally did. Primary care tells me what to eat with calories, but it's hard to eat if not hungry.

    Told one of my good friends at work yesterday - we are on the same central team of school psychologists and she is the one who takes care of our float placements - we've been on the same team for 5 or 6 years and she was my mentee her first year. She is the same age as my son, but I don't feel the age difference (I'm twice her age). I haven't decided if I want to tell the rest of the team - we are 11 or so people - I've known all but two for several years. I felt it was important to let my school team know since I've had so many appointments as well as my managers/supervisors but really don't know how far I want to reach in telling other SPs - I've known many of my SP friends for a number of years and we are close, but we don't really socialize outside of work. If I tell the float team, I don't know if I want to email or have Libby tell them. I told her I needed to think about it. I won't be at our April meeting but that is because it's the last day of Passover not due to treatment.

    Thanks everyone.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited March 2023

    Happy Wednesday to everyone. My plan today is to get to the gym and also to take care of the shopping list. The sun is shining and we will have comfortable temperatures while knowing the humidity is on the rise with southern winds blowing. The weather yoyo continues.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    NM, just wondering how your mom is doing and if you got the phone situation taken care of. I figured she may have gotten it when visiting Dick. That Cherry Blossom-Tini pairs poyfectly with Jazzy's picture of the blossoms!

    Karen, it's crazy what these meds cost, or should I say, what the doctors/hospitals bill them at. My Xgeva shot that I get, I used to get through a foundation and didn't have to pay anything. It came billed at $2000. If I get it at the cancer center, it comes billed at $44K. I think you are trying to get everything handled at once, and worrying about too much. Slow down girl, one day at a time! I know you want to know, I know you don't want to worry your kids, I know you want things taken care of at work. Slow down love. You mention your SIL, and I remember him having lots of issues, hopefully all is good with him and no more issues. When I get to feeling like not eating, I do my protein shake, it's more protein than calories tho. And of course you don't want to load up on bad calories, cake, shakes, cookies, etc. Or are those "good" calories lol. Yes, quiet in here, I'm fine.

    Good morning all. Had my neighbors over for our St. P's day dinner, corned beef in the pressure cooker, fall apart good! Red potatoes, carrots, fresh green beans and of course cabbage and we watched a movie. Not sure if y'all remember my post over the summer, when I went to my friends cabin in the mountains in Moab. Well, this is their current situation!

    May be an image of 1 person, standing and outdoors

    His outhouse.

    May be an image of nature, snow, sky and tree

    Old antique rusty car in the yard

    May be an image of nature and tree

    Pathway to get to the cabin. Looks as tho the snow is packed enough that they can walk on top of it!

    May be an image of tree, snow and nature

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    In looking for a spring cocktail, I found this and chose it because it looks so pretty.

    DOTD: Tropical Strawberry Hibiscus Rum Smash.

    Tropical Strawberry Hibiscus Rum Smash | @hbharvest

    2 tablespoons dried hibiscus flowers

    1 teaspoon honey

    8 fresh mint leaves

    1/2 a lime, quartered

    1/4 cup mango, pineapple, or passion fruit juice

    1/4 cup coconut water

    2 ounces rum

    sparkling water, for topping

    2 strawberries, sliced


    1. Bring 1 cup of water to a boil in a medium size pot. Remove from the heat, add the hibiscus flowers and 1-2 teaspoons honey. Cover and let steep for 10 minutes. Strain into a pitcher and discard the hibiscus flowers.

    2. In a tall glass, muddle the lime and mint leaves. Add a handful of crushed ice, the mango juice, coconut water and the rum, gently mix to combine. Pour sparkling water over top to about 3/4 the way up the glass. Add the sliced strawberries and top with hibiscus tea. DRINK.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited March 2023

    That is a pretty drink, Goldie!

    I got some fresh news from my studio that is in a unionization battle with our franchiser. We offer online booking as a convenience for our clients, but half of our therapists are suddenly not showing up on the booking page. This, compounded with the problems we've been having with the phones (half the time, clients can't get through to the front desk), makes our franchiser look incredibly suspicious. We suspect he's trying to pull a shadow closing. He can't legally close the studio because we're in negotiations. But if he neglects the facility and drives away the workers, then he can claim it's not his fault. We also found out that the lead therapist at one of his other studios is trying to bogart one of our union-friendly new hires. We're looking at filing more NLRB complaints against him.

    The Union


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2023

    Tonight's sunset. Trees are really starting to bloom with all the rain


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    Jazzy - beautiful photo

    Lori - thanks for asking. SIL is doing well, thankfully.

    Miriandra - what type of studio/therapists?

    I spoke with a "match" this afternoon who is both a BC and Multiple Myeloma survivor. She is 15 years BC and 10 years MM. She was very positive but it's hard for me to be there yet. It's still so much to absorb. I will be on some sort of treatment for the rest of my life. PET/CT scan is tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 and I have to fast, water only after 9:30am.

    School shooting in my district this morning. Student shot two staff members. On the news all day and even NBC news. I covered at this school 5 years ago for spring semester. The amount of school violence is unbelievable. My husband worries about me whenever he hears anything like this. I'm mostly in elementary schools, but as a float I have done middle and high school coverage. My husband said this afternoon, he hopes they keep me out of high schools.

    As far a protein shakes, I've thought about it, but that would have to be instead of something else, not in addition to. Hopefully, once I start treatment, my stomach won't be so painful - its in knots a lot of the day.

    Waiting for the neck CT to be scheduled. Tired of appointments and lots to come. Trying to figure out the best way to make a calendar or spreadsheet for meds. What to take when. I do have several pill holders. I already use 2 for the Rx I currently take. Now I'm adding several more - some taking every day or twice/day for the 16 weeks, some are just day of weekly injections. And the chemo drug I take at home is 21 days on and 7 days off - I told someone just like birth control pills - not sure why I thought of this analogy as I have used them in decades.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,906
    edited March 2023

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday! We've had a technical issue with our electronic documentation system over the last couple of days that's keeping everyone very, very busy working around the problems it's causing. Just plain craziness. I'm hoping the problem is fully fixed now and we can all get back into the usual routine of things. Time will tell I guess. I went in to the office extra early yesterday as our receptionist was off and there were going to be a million phone calls from staff looking for ID numbers and program reinstallation instructions and help. I am so looking forward to vacation and being able to totally unplug from all this stuff!

    Karen--it sounds like your daughter has a good strong support system, I'm sure she'll be ok when you tell her. It's going to be hard, but she'll be ok. Insurance is such a pain in the anatomy and getting worse as time goes by. It's amazing that the insurance company is balking at the promethazine, it's a very old drug, known to be very effective in nausea control in many settings, and 60 tablets of the strongest dose costs $14. It must be nerve-wracking to be trying to sort all that stuff out, it's not like insurance companies make it easy to understand how things are covered and decided. It's good that they are understanding at work. You'll be able to tell your teammates when the time is right. I think anger is a pretty normal and expected reaction to this situation. Hugs.

    Karen-- yes, I did get hold of Mom, actually she finally called me. She now has to call me twice a day so I know she's alive and breathing, until she comes out of quarantine on Friday. More testing, just what's needed right now. I can relate to the distraction of working, I depended on that, too. Hopefully you'll feel less unsettled once active treatment starts and be able to eat more and feel a bit better. The waiting is so, so hard.

    Good morning, Carole and Teka!

    Goldie--Mom probably got it visiting Dick, his daughter tested positive the other day. Dick passed away peacefully Tuesday afternoon. Last I heard his son was not feeling well and planning on getting tested, too. WOW, have some snow!!!!

    Very pretty DOTD!

    Miriandra--oh my goodness, what a mess at the work situation! It does sound like the franchiser look suspicious! The Union DOTD looks very fun and tasty!

    Karen--I'm glad you found someone with similar diagnoses first-hand experience with living with and through all this. The school shooting/school violence thing is getting very scary. Not as scary as a shooting, but one local elementary school had 2 students bring in knives yesterday. Keeping all those medication doses straight can be a big job. I'm sure you'll figure out a way that works for you.

    Well, had a hard time dragging my butt out of bed this ayem, now I'm running a little late for work, see you all tomorrow!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    Kim - sorry to hear about Dick. How is your Mom taking it?

    Frustrated this morning as I really shouldn't use my under the desk elliptical this morning - so I'm pedaling for a minute or two, then stop for a few minutes. They said no raising heart rate or stressing muscles night before or morning of PET/CT. I use it every morning for an hour. I don't think I get my heart rate up, but I enjoy the pedaling early in the morning.

    Have a great Thursday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    Miriandra, I was wondering the same thing as Karen. We'll use your "Union" cocktail for the DOTD today. I had to look up the Strega, never heard of it.

    Strega Liqueur (Liquore Strega) is an herbal Italian liqueur with a unique flavor and a distinctive bright yellow color. It's a digestif (or amaro) made from a secret recipe that includes about 70 botanicals, most notably saffron, mint, and juniper berries. It hails from the town of Benevento, Italy and is also known as the "witches liqueur."

    Pretty sunset Jazzy. I had a rainbow out my window that is in front of my chair for about an hour yesterday morning.

    Karen, I drink the protein shakes when I don't feel like eating. For me it's easier to sip on something and it goes down easier than food. I don't do Ensure or Boost, don't like the ingredients. I use Vega Sport, 1 scoop provide 1VStrega Liqueur (Liquore Strega) is an herbal Italian liqueur with a unique flavor and a distinctive bright yellow color. It's a digestif (or amaro) made from a secret recipe that includes about 70 botanicals, most notably saffron, mint, and juniper berries. It hails from the town of Benevento, Italy and is also known as the "witches liqueur." 60 calories and 30 g of protein. They also have a few other flavors besides vanilla and chocolate. It's a plant based product. I've been in treatment for 9 years now and will be for the rest of my life. I don't have an answer for the pill situation, as I don't take any. Working at a school, keep in mind your immune system will be compromised. I don't think it matters what kind of school you are in, there have been shootings at all grade levels, whether it's a student or some random a$hole.

    NM, as far as the busy work week....the week end is almost here! I'm sorry to hear about Dick, I hope your mom is handling it well. Hopefully mom will remember to call you twice a day!

    Need to crack the whip and get on the phone today for a new urologist, I'm procrastinating! I have still not heard back from the current one, even after I was told last Thursday someone would call me within 24-48 hours. Grrrrr!

    Karen, almost bumped you into the pewl! I thought you were going to say you shouldn't use your eliptical because of your foot. What are they going to do about that?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2023

    Hi ladies- almost to da weekend. We had some nice soaking moisture on Sunday night into Tuesday and it cleared yesterday but a bit cooler the next few days. It's birthday week for this old girl (turning 63 on Sunday) and doing a lot of things to celebrate this week- happy hour tonight after work, birthday lunch tomorrow, birthday brunch on Sunday. Work is nuts as usual but am giving myself the gift to not let people or situations under my skin this week.

    Karen- I think you are finding your way through this time very mindfully, even though it's the highest stress time ever. I worked through my bc treatment, part time to start, full time later. I know. I know it's a different story adjusting to the news of a longer term regular treatment for anything. I hope you can get through all the tests and with good information for your care.

    The story about the shooting is on the Today show right now and seeing what happened right now. Ever since Columbine, we have been in a bad place with this and more. What is scary to me is how violent young people have become, the stories here about students with guns, beating each other up, etc. are endless in Albuquerque.

    Hi to everyone else here!

    Time to get ready to go to work and off to my busy day. I may post my DOTD if I have something interesting tonight. Going to a place with the best craft cocktails.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited March 2023

    I'm a massage therapist. We unionized in October, but we're still in contract negotiations. Until we get that first contract done, we don't have many protections in place. The NLRB will likely find in our favor for our complaints, but they take a while. He can do a lot of damage in the mean time. Hopefully his lawyer will talk him back to the straight and narrow. I'm sure he knows his shenanigans aren't going to help him at the bargaining table.

    Next week is spring break for the kids, but they closed all Denver schools for a mental health day tomorrow. My kids seem to be taking it in stride. They don't have any connections to the high school where the shooting took place.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304
    edited March 2023

    NM - adding my condolences for Dick's passing. Hope your Mom really does call.

    Goldie - I'm going to have to try Strega. Sounds like it's not too sweet. I like Tuaca so there's a good chance. ( A tempting blend of Italian brandy, Mediterranean citrus & vanilla spice.)

    Jazzy - Happy, Happy B-day. Hope you have some fun celebrations. And why shouldn't we celebrate every day???

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited March 2023

    Heard the CO school shooter had previously been expelled from another school over weapon issues.

    Karen, have you considered blending a protein shake with a scoop of your favorite ice cream (of a flavor that matches that of the shake), malted milk powder and perhaps a little syrup? Premier Protein on its own doesn't taste as good as Ensure, Boost or Sustacal, but it is high in protein and has almost no sugar. Might make a nice "blank canvas" to create something both more palatable and nutritious. Also, for the promethazine you might want to see how much it costs out-of-pocket on GoodRx.

    Happy birthday in advance, Jazzy--you young li'l whippersnapper! (I'm 72, so I can say that).

    Last night's DOTD was 2018 Kendall Jackson Vintner's Reserve Chardonnay. Tonight, a Blanc de Blanc from SW France and a Sonoma Pinot Noir (I forgot the name--it was a limited edition at Brasserie C&C, and therefore not listed in its online menu). Their espresso machine was down, so when we got home I made decaf cappuccino with a 50-50 blend of FairLife whole milk and unsweetened Silk oat milk.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2023

    Dotd - we drank 2:bottles of this Italian Pinot grigio tonight. We were all very taken with the wine bag turned ice bucket


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    Jazzy, with all the snow melt and recent rain we had here, lakes are full, dry creeks are full, lots of flooding, it's crazy! It enjoys your birthday days.

    Miriandra, when can I make an appt.? Have never had a massage, except for PT long ago when I injured my back. Mental Health day? Is that a yearly thing of just because of the recent shooting?

    Minus, you'll have to let us know if you try the Strega, I wouldn't even know where to find most of this stuff! Never heard of Tuaca either.

    Made an appt. with a new urologist, they are just down the road from the cancer center. So I will do chemo on the 4th, stay the night and see them on the 5th, then head home.


    "Chai Massage"

    I don't know what is in it, as it's a You Tube video!

    Cocktail "Chai Massage" - YouTube


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    I'm a School Psychologist

    DPS superintendent called the MH day as teachers were talking of a walk out - this was his way of looking good and not having to worry about staffing schools.

    Miriandra - we should try to connect some time - and I'd love to get a massage from you.

    Waiting for DD#2 to call. If she doesn't call soon, we'll call her. It's 4:30pm her time, 7:30am my time

    For smoothies, they would have to be fruit based nothing milky. We used to have a smoothie make, but I think my son took it so I'll buy another or a blender.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,925
    edited March 2023

    I just returned from a great trip to Manzanita, OR. We had 2 sunny days with warmish temps. When we left yesterday it was pouring rain and the power went out. There was snow in the pass coming home. We walked the Manzanita beach and Cannon Beach. Poked around Cannon Beach stores in the afternoon. I stayed home when everyone else went to a beach that required rock scrambling. It was my first chance to look at anything on my computer. I took the train between Edmonds (just north of Seattle) and Vancouver, WA (just before Portland). The trip was pleasant; I enjoy trains. I wouldn't want to drive that far.

    NM, I hope your Mom does OK with losing Dick and does remember to call.

    Karen, My Mom had a chart on her kitchen cabinet door telling her when to take which med. And hers wasn't intermittent which makes it much harder.

    Happy Birthday Jazzy. Enjoy the week.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,606
    edited March 2023

    Wren - I'm making a spread sheet that I will print off and put with my meds in the bedroom and the kitchen.

    We spoke to DD#2 earlier this morning. DH and I were both on face time and the first think she asked was "is everything okay"? It broke our hearts. She was crying and so worried and scared. She was planning on staying in Israel for Passover and asked if she could come home. Of course we said yes. I also said I don't want the visit to mess up with school. She said she was going to tell friends and I told her she can tell anyone she wants, even on of her bff's mom who she is she knows well and is a nurse.

    DD#2 called me back about an hour ago and she sounded good. She had questions and had told one of her bff and I forget what her friend said was funny - something I said. When I told DD#2 I would be on medicine for the rest of my life, she didn't think it was a big deal. She takes meds, my husband takes heart meds so to her it's normal. It made feel so much better. Lastly, she texted me a photo of a shot of single malt scotch with the bottle behind it and wished me a good Shabbat. I love that kid.

    For me saying I wasn't sure I wanted to share with many people, I saw someone in the parking lot at the grocery store and she commented that my husband and I don't age. She asked jokingly who our PS was and I said he did my boobs (she knew I had BC) and then she said I'm doing good right? For someone strange reason, I said no and told her about the MM. My husband can't quite figure me out. But I told this person not to tell anyone and she says she's become a hermit and I said so are we, but let's get together for drinks. We've been acquaintances for 30+ years.

    DD#1, when I told her about DD#2, she said I haven't cried yet, but I'm worried too. I just want to be a support for my sister. I texted DS about the PET/CT scan results and the way I worried it, he had lots of questions. I said favorable no surprises. I can tell that he too is really worried. I really do have wonderful, caring loving children.

    The hematologist's nurse called around 9 with PET/CT scan results. They were good - no bad news on them. What a relief. I asked what time is best to take the oral drug and she asked the doctor and he said at bed since it can make people tired. So that was one of my concerns. So for the moment, I'm feeling a little bit positive - but I'm sure that will change throughout the day. Waiting on the courier to deliver the oral chemo. They said between 9 and 1.

    Well, I best get busy if I want to get anything done today. It's already after 11:00 and other than the grocery store, I haven't done anything in the house.

    Have a good Friday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    Wren, that sounds like a lovely trip. Where are your pictures to share? We love pictures!

    Karen, so glad you got that over with! Sounds like it went pretty well. I'm sure your DD will feel better when she see's you. And YES, you have wonderful children and your DH is pretty good too...wink wink!

    A little update on Chevy. I had found a couple of phone numbers, but neither were in service. So I went on FB to find her DD that lives near by to send her a private message. It was her b-day back in Feb. I saw someone say "I'm sorry for your loss". Well, I knew that was not going to be good. Chevy lost her dear husband. She was so broken when her brother died, I can't even imagine how she is feeling now. I'm waiting to hear back from her DD, hopefully I will. I also gave her my phone number and asked her to give it to her mom.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,972
    edited March 2023

    Red Aurora borealis seen here in New Mexico last night


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304
    edited March 2023

    Goldie - Somehow Strega in my brain relates to gangsters. I'll let you know if I find it. Glad you found a urologist & that you can do it all in one trip. Thanks for pursuing finding Chevy. I agree, it must have been her DH. I hope her DD answers.

    Wrenn - I like Cannon Beach. Although I've driven both down from Sequim and up from San Francisco - the train sounds much better.

    Karen - Great that your kids are so supportive. And I too would like a massage with Miriandra.

    Jazzy - amazing picture. I miss the skies of New Mexico.

    Here's the link for the Boston Mob Tours w/dinner at Strega's

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,173
    edited March 2023

    Peace and ease for NM's Mom and Chevy. 😔

    Ladies, I'd love to see you all on my table! But I don't do a typical Swedish fluffy massage. It's deeper tissue but still gentle. I saw a lady this week, and I could tell by the tendons in her forearm that she did something that used a lot of moving her fingers independently. As we were walking out I asked her if she was a musician. "Yes! I play piano and violin! Are you psychic?" "No, the body just speaks to us."

    I watched the Chai Massage video, but it didn't give any ingredients much less amounts. What was the point of making a video?

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,130
    edited March 2023

    I feel so sad for Chevy. I wonder if she will stay in her house. She used to post pictures of her garden.

    Jazzygirl, that photo is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing. Nature is amazing as well as brutal.

    Wren, your vacation sounds delightful. Glad you had a change of scenery.

    Hello to everyone else and hope you enjoy your Saturday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    Jazzy, I thought that was only going to be visible in the most northern parts of the US. Did you get to see it?

    Miriandra, funny that person thought you were a physic. I didn't even watch the video, but you are right, why bother! I couldn't find it anywhere else.

    Chevy's DD did give her my number and she called me. She sounded WONDERFUL. She is moving into an Independant Living place and sounded quite excited about it. She's hoping to be all moved in by the end of the week. Her DD from Florida is there and will be there for another week. Her other DD works across the street from where she is moving. I did ask her permission to let you all know this and I told her that gals were asking about her.

    DOTD: Physic Martini

    How to make a Physic Martini

    50ml Physic Gin

    10ml Dry White Vermouth

    Add lots of ice to your martini glass.

    Pour the Physic Gin and Dry White Vermouth into your martini glass over the ice.

    Stir and taste until the elements have combined to create a silky texture.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2023

    Thought this too cute not to share.....

    Today I was in a shoe store that sells only shoes, nothing else. A young girl with a tattoo and green hair walked over to me and asked, "What brings you in today, I looked at her and said, "I'm interested in buying a refrigerator." She didn't quite know how to respond, had that deer in the headlights look.

    I was thinking about old age and decided that old age is when you still have something on the ball, but you are just too tired to bounce it.

    When people see a cat's litter box they always say, "Oh, have you got a cat" I just say, "No, it's for company!"

    Employment application blanks always ask who is to be called in case of an emergency. I think you should write, "An ambulance."

    The older you get the tougher it is to lose weight because by then your body and your fat have gotten to be really good friends.

    The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement.

    Have you ever noticed: The Roman Numerals for forty (40) are XL.

    The sole purpose of a child's middle name is so he knows when he's really in trouble.

    Did you ever notice that when you put the 2 words "The" and "IRS" together it spells "Theirs"

    Aging: Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it.

    Some people try to turn back their "odometers." Not me.

    I want people to know why I look this way.

    I've traveled a long way and a lot of the roads were not paved.

    Ah! Being young is beautiful but being old is comfortable.

    Lord, keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth.

    May you always have:

    Love to share,

    Cash to spare,

    Tires with air,

    And friends who care.🤣🤣🤣🤣