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how about drinking?



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    That's what I remember about Chevy's status, too.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,394
    edited October 2023

    I did something to my right foot. If my own dx is correct, it is extensor tendonitis. The swelling is going down and the pain is nearly gone. I suspect it was due to wearing newer Topo shoes which have an incredible amount of toe box space and my feet had too much room (the day we walked from the hospital to the ferry terminal).

    This morning I am going to the eye doc for mapping of my eye to see if my elevated eye pressures are stable and not causing any damage, which would mean I can kick the can down the road for eye drops.

    Last night was a glass of Cotes du Rhone (kirkland) and for dessert, some kirkland bailey's dupe.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    Now my dh is having intermittent jaw pain that he says is quite intense before it eases. He has self diagnosed as sinuses being the problem. He tried to get an appointment with the modern equivalent of an ENT and they had nothing available before December.

    Our cool fall weather has given way to middle of the day heat and the a/c is on.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,394

    Carole, so very sorry to hear about your DH's oral discomfort. Sinuses can certainly cause tooth pain; not sure about jaw, though I suspect hard to distinguish.

    My eyes are stable and healthy, so nothing to do for now. I so wish I could get cataract surgery, but he is saying not close enough yet. Why do they wait till you're too old to care?! LOL.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Good morning friends- getting a bit of moisture here today, first time in a month or so and we need it.

    I did hear from the courts here and am on petit jury vs. grand jury and considered "on call" for the period that begins in early December and will be notified 2 days in advance if I need to go. The only day they are closed is 12/25 so I changed my first holiday get away to be gone that weekend and Monday, then will be flying out to my sisters on Friday evening instead of thursday morning. I just plan to take an extra day on the back end and will still have my time in with family in CA. Now I just have to figure out some things out to do some handoffs to a few people if I am away.

    Chi, like your DH, I see this as an opportunity for a good break when I get called, even if it's for a day or a trial. I found out my job will cover my pay on these days, which was a concern. But there is also another benefit which is to get my slacker co-worker to step up more. She has become more absent/slacker with working remote and barely showing up for things or doing her work since last fall and it's getting worse. Another co-worker talked to me about the same issues on her project, but advised her to focus on her work and if she doesn't deliver or fails, the managers can handle it. I think many of us have had the "slacker" coworker experience and one of the many things I won't miss when I retire.

    Speaking of that, I am going to the retirement planning session with our HR department tomorrow morning. Armed with my questions and will get some info for my planning purposes so I know what types of things I will have available on the way out when that time comes. Still have a couple years to go to get to Medicare and full vesting in my retirement, but one never knows if you may need a quick get away…

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2023

    Unreal weather today—it hit 80! Too self-conscious to wear shorts, but rocked a T-shirt & sandals. Slightly cooler (low 70s) the next few days before the temps drop like the unlucky participant in a "dunk-tank." Halloween will be a high of 47 and a low of 28, chance of flurries. I predict a run on white puffer coats and a plethora of pint-sized Michelin and Sta-Puft Marshmallow Men. (Not looking forward to freezing on my porch handing out candy, then packing for a flight to FL the next morning to join my sister in meeting with our 94-yr-old cousin who wants us to help him reminisce. It'll be raw and rainy up here and hot and rainy down there.

    With grilled fish tonight, a Leese-Fitch 2017 Napa Sauv. Blanc. (For the life of me, I can't remember where we bought it).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! Waking up to yet more rain. So tired of wet weather, but grateful it's not snow. There's a big, all staff meeting scheduled for this week, I suspect it's to announce who the new Patient Care Managers are going to be, but I already know. The director sent out a couple of emails to people sending out reports and such asking them to take my name off the list and put on the new ones. I think they will be good choices, they are both friends of the director and current PCM.

    Carole--Jury duty like that would make me crazy, too!


    Teka--I remember Chevy moving, too. Can't remember exactly where.

    Well, it looks like I didn't post on Monday. Monday night into Tuesday I was up much of the night with diarrhea and an uset stomach, so I took yesterday off and slept most of the day. Feeling fine today, and have to take mom to have something done on her nose, she isn't very clear exactly what. I hope I can find out more when we get there. She's sure she can tell me how to get there, but can't tell me the name of the doctor's office or address, so this should be interesting.

    Wally--sorry to hear about the sore foot, and glad its getting better. Hoping for good results at the eye doctor.

    Carole--your poor DH!

    Wally--glad to hear the news was good!

    Jazzy--The slacker experience seems to be universal. Good advice to focus on your own work and let management handle the rest.

    Chi--Wow, that's warm for this time of year! Reminiscing with the family will be wonderful.

    Spiced Maple Bourbon Fizz




    • â–˘1 1/2 ounces (3 tablespoons) bourbon
    • â–˘1 ounce (2 tablespoons) lemon juice
    • â–˘1-2 dashes orange bitters
    • â–˘1 ounce (2 tablespoons) spiced maple syrup
    • â–˘champagne, for topping


    • 1. To make the spiced maple syrup. In a medium pot, bring 1/2 cup water, the maple, cinnamon, cardamom, star anise, and ginger to a boil over high heat. Boil 2-3 minutes, then remove from the heat. Stir in the orange zest. Let cool, then strain the syrup into a glass jar. This syrup makes enough for about 6 drinks.
      2. In a cocktail shaker, combine 1-2 tablespoons maple syrup, the bourbon, lemon juice, and orange bitters. Add ice and shake. Strain into a glass. Top off with champagne. Garnish with an orange slice and star anise, if desired. 

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Mon. night at L. Woods, I had a very forgettable Gamay from the Loire Valley. I chose it because as the varietal in Beaujolais it has a distinctive bouquet; but not this one. Confirms my suspicion that whatever red you order by the glass there, it's gonna be whatever they have open (or even the dreaded "house red"). They all smell and taste the same to me there—and I have a darned good palate. Doesn't help that they use the cheap thick-rimmed generic Libbey restaurant stemware.

    With steak tonight, Signorello Estate 2013 Napa Cabernet Sauvignon.Delicious but bittersweet: the winery was damaged in the first Napa-Sonoma wildfire but then totally destroyed in the Howell Mountain fire a year or two later. (Such a beautiful building: stone with a gorgeous round leaded glass window). Some wineries rebuilt, but they threw in the towel.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Kim, just heard about the mass shootings in Lewiston. Hope that's nowhere near you.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes!

    I am safe and fine. Lewiston is a 2 hour drive from where I live. The bulk of the activity has moved to Lisbon, a smaller town about 10 miles away from Lewiston. The Person of Interest's car was found in Lisbon. A Shelter in Place order was put in place for Lewiston and then Lisbon and now all of Androscoggin county. Schools and businesses are closed in both areas. The local colleges are on lockdown.

    For those who are interested, Lewiston is about halfway between Portland and Augusta. On a map, find Portland, then follow I95 north, the next big town it goes through is Lewiston. Keep following I95 north to Newport, that's the area where I live.

    Just in, the shelter-in-place order has been extended to Bowdoin, where the Person of Interest lives, about 15 miles from Lisbon. Bowdoin College in Bowdoin and Bates College in Lewiston have been on lockdown since last evening.

    The guy is a weapons instructor, with military experience, who has expressed wanting to shoot up the base in Saco that he is associated with. He was hospitalized for mental health issues recently. His vehicle was found at a boat ramp on a river with access to the Atlantic. By now he could be anywhere.

    It's a frightening situation. As many or more people killed in one night than are usually killed in the state in a year. I was really hoping he would have been caught by the time I got up this morning.

    It's going to be a long day today, I think.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    I wasn't aware of the latest shootings. That's just horrible. Since I lived in Maine (Waterville) for a couple of years, this hits a little closer to home. Quiet Maine, where strangers stop to help you when you spin out on black ice on the Maine turnpike? What is the world coming to? Scary times. Stay safe, NM!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Mental illness knows no state lines nor city limits.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes!

     Getting up this ayem to news that the gunman is still at large, not very comfortable news
    to be hearing. The office pulled us all off the road yesterday, so I spent most
    of the day with Mom watching the news and keeping each other company. It's
    supposed to be back to work as usual today, except that schools and businesses
    further and further away from Lewiston are being closed as the fear caused by
    not having any idea where the gunman is grows. That's the hardest part, not
    having any idea where the guy is, and by now he could be anywhere. So many back
    roads, camp roads, waterways on and off the river and ways a person can travel
    around in Maine and never see another person or be seen. There was activity at
    a relative's home in Bowdoin last night, but nothing came of it. Rumors are
    running rampant, trying to verifying any information is difficult.


    to hear about the winery that couldn't rebound from the double whammy.
    Particularly when it's a favorite.


    just getting crazier and crazier everywhere, including Maine.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    Goldie hasn't checked in for several days. Thinking about her.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283

    I too am worried about Goldie.

    NM - I hope what I heard this afternoon - the the perp has been located at a particular location - is true.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,394

    Also sending healing and caring thoughts to Goldie.

    Having some Cotes du Rhone as I type.

    From what little info they are sharing about Maine, the note the perp left indicates he wanted to be found dead…let us hope. I had a scary incident when I lived in WI with a guy (shockingly, after coming from a bowling alley), holding a rifle and acting erratic. Helicopters in a small area to "catch" him after I dialed 911…scary crap, indeed.

    My foot is feeling better. DH is acting mildly better. He is re-thinking treatment 5. Sigh. Hate that we are forced to make these hard choices.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    The report on the Maine gunman is that he was found dead, shot by himself. I have more things to say on the subject of guns and mass shootings but will restrain myself.

    Hope Goldie is managing her challenges of selling her house and undergoing new treatment. Goldie, Eric on the What's for dinner? thread was asking about you.

    I bought yarn yesterday for crocheting hats and caps for chemo patients. Any suggestions welcome. I was fortunate not to have chemo. My aim is to make attractive hats that are comfortable.

    Wishing everyone a good Saturday.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969

    Hi ladies- happy last week of October. Today will be our last good weather day before a cold front moves in tomorrow and drops temps to below freezing. My gardens have had a beautiful bloom this fall after things cooled down, and more tender houseplants are being integrated indoors now and finished today, and will try to winter a few things on my porch which I was able to do successfully last year.

    Did my annual review this week on my 3 year anniversary which went okay. The more interesting thing was a four hour retirement session put on by my employer that was very valuable. I am still planning to do this FT job for 2 more years until I am to Medicare and full vesting in the retirement plan. Got some of the info I was looking for, got info on some other things I didn't know about. I want to also be prepared if I need to leave early. One never knows when they will need a quick get away…..

    NM- I let the program, consultants and my teams know this week I will be on jury duty in Dec, and we will let them know how anything we need covered. I plan to go over my list with my director next week and make recommendations of who should cover what. Then he can tell them and let the directive come from him. I have worked with slackers in many situations and know unless they report to you and you have a say their performance, it needs to come from above. She is the only one who does not know at this point, lol.

    It sounds like they found the shooter deceased somewhere yesterday and glad the worry is over with him being on the loose. Such a tragedy for that community as it has been for many in these situations. I hope your mom is doing okay.

    Wallycat- funny you should mention cote du rhone, I was going through my red wine stash last night and found a nice bottle and opened it up. I drink more red in the cooler weather months and enjoyed a glass too. Cheers!

    Chi- we had that same weather through last weekend, it was in the mid 80s when I went on my foliage trip and most of last week, but it's been cooling down since. Sounds like the Rockies are going to get this big storm and who knows where that is going next, but maybe your way?

    Time to get going to my yoga class. Hope everyone has a good weekend and a good Halloween too. I am opting out of the candy distribution this year, going to the movies instead.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Carolehalston, have fun with your hat making. I'm finding it easier to crochet hats (beanies, I guess) than to knit them. Using a double crochet stitch makes them go pretty fast. I've tried some of the bulkier yarn, but they a little challenging for me. Lion Brand makes a "Soft as Butta" yarn that knits up nicely, is really soft, and is machine washable. I've made several baby blankets with that yarn.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Good afternoon, ladies. I have been and still, in the hospital. Lots going on in my body with this new cancer spread. I've had an NG tube (gone now), surgery to the right kidney, so a tube coming out each side of my back now for kidney drainage. Had to have a stent put in my stomach to the intestines to bybass the bowel blockage caused by the cancer. Yesterday was the first day I was able to eat since last Friday! I've been able to keep everything down, so they are thinking of releasing me today or tomorrow. Most likely tomorrow. Will have chemo on Monday and then head back up the mountain after that. I've never been in the hospital this long before! Thank goodness, the staff here is beyond AMAZING. Not sure if I told this or not, but I was given weeks to months for life expectancy. Told my MO, I'm going for "months" and months and months! It may be a bit before I log in again, but "I'll be bock!"

    As for Chevy, yes she moved after her husband passed. Into a senior place, not assistied living, but similar. Can't think what they call that! She is right across the street from where her DD works. I too would love if she would come back, but I think the new format would discourage her from it. I know for myself, I have to click in 8-9 times until I can get to my bookmarks!

    Karen, where is your DD?

    Carole, that was sweet of Eric to ask about me. You have my permission to report in for me, or just copy/paste my post or tell them to come here if they want to know!

    NM, I think you and mom both moving to NC is an awesome choice!


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,704

    Goldie, I was not aware of the extended hospital stay or the prognosis but I hate both for you. I hope being home and having chemo will do wonders, and yes, for many months! Thinking of you 🙂

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,168

    Sending you comfort and strength for many many more months, Goldie!


  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 581

    Goldie, I did not know that it had progressed that much. I am sorry to hear this and am praying for months and months and months for you.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283

    Goldie - yes we've all been worried about you. Sorry to hear about the prolonged hospital stay but glad it sounds like you'll head for home soon. I'll copy to the dinner thread tomorrow if Carole doesn't.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Lori, hugs & prayers that you will have months & months—and that they will be comfortable. Glad you can finally eat!

    Hoping that whatever Karen's DD decides to do she will be safe.

    God cold overnight. We hit 80 on Thurs. and never cracked 55 today. By Halloween it won't even reach 40 during the day—and there will be flurries or maybe even wet snow (hopefully not sticking) by peak trick-or-treat time. I leave for FL the next morning to meet up with my sis—we will visit our 94-yr-old cousin and his 89-yr-old girlfriend and help him reminisce and record those memories. We fly back home Fri. night and it's off to rehearsal Sat. morning. (Will have to take the train, as the autumn Chi. River drawbridge openings will still be in progress for the sailboaters to get to drydock inland). Wardrobe will be a challenge: 40s & rain here, 80s & rain there. And I'm not checking a suitcase. Oy.

    Went out tonight to Cafe Touché on the NW outskirts of town. Had a split of François Montand Blanc de Blancs. (The other night I cracked the split of Korbel I'd brought home from Vegas).

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    Definitely months and months and months, Goldie. Gentle hugs. Minus can do the copy and paste for Eric.

    I'm betting Chevy has a garden of sorts in her new abode. Maybe in patio pots. She enjoyed her garden at her house and spent a lot of time puttering. She posted pictures on the Oldies thread.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,168
    edited October 2023

    Carole, if you're not already on the site, has a lot of free hat patterns for crochet. And Pinterest is always a rabbit hole for ideas.

    Someone in my area must have an incredible stash that they unload. I have found incredible yarns for ridiculously low prices - alpaca, merino, bamboo, silk blends, … beautiful stuff!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107

    Thank you, Miriandra. I will check out Ravelry. I paid full price at Hobby Lobby on Friday and starting tomorrow yarn is 30 per cent off for the entire week.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 931

    Lori you're in my prayers and I do hope you get discharged to many, many months. Filled with friends, family and peace.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monday!

    I wrote quite the long note Saturday, apparently didn't post it. Short verson: the gunman's body was found in a trailer in the overflow parking lot of a recycling plant where he once worked. The site is near where his car was found abandoned. The recycling plant had been cleared, but law enforcement didn't know about the overflow lot until the recycling plant manager asked them if they looked there, too. A note was found in the home of a relative, addressed to his son, with phone lock and bank account information and a tone of him not being alive when the note was found. His death is reported as a result of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. A gun found in the abandoned car tested as the one used in the killings. The approximate time of the shooter's death has not been reported publically. I have very mixed feelings about the whole thing. So many people, lives, families, businesses damaged by this.

    I've been in that bowling alley. My brother is a league bowler who bowls in tournaments regularly, that alley hosts tournaments regularly. I've met some of the people that were in the alley at the time. There are two bowling alleys locally that host tournaments and where I still go from time to time to bowl with friends. I've even bowled in a Ladies League in the past. It's a great way to spend a weekday evening.

    Jazzy--time for me to start seriously working on retirement things. Not much available through work that I can see, but other resources are available and I'm going to take advantage of them.

    Teka-- beautiful flowers! First frosts and snows seem to be coming later and later in the season over time.

    Goldie--wow, lots going on inside you! Praying for months and months and months of good time for you.