how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2010

    Hey everyone! Just popping in to say hi and Happy Labor Day! Grabbing me some of that champagne that is leftover from yesterday.....thank you Pants dear!

    Glad to hear that everyone that has had procedures done are doing well. And the same goes for our chemo girls!

    HD, did you win a bunch of money and are off getting a facelift? And that is why you have no avatar? LOL!

    Kathy, I don't know how you can make time to check in, but I love it! How is your dad doing?

    Jaybird, hope you enjoyed Ireland and can now enjoy a day off!

    Dee...think of you often, hope all is well! MISS YOU!

    Lowes had mums on sale for .74 cents! I need to get outside and plant them, before it gets too hot.. Bought 5.

    Been sniffling and sneezing for about 5 days now. Can't tell if its a cold, or new allergies. I have not been sick in 10 years! So I guess I'm hoping it's a cold! But it's not getting any worse.

    Happy Monday!

    Top Labor Day 2010 Cocktail: Close of Summer Coolata
    After all those non-stop Labor Day festivities, you'll need a quick pick-me-up that not only quenches your thirst, but gives your body an energetic zap. One quick and easy way to have the best of both worlds is by sipping on a creamy Close of Summer Coolata. Featuring Baileys, ice cream, and coffee, it's a smooth and dreamy morning elixir that also serves a post-celebratory dessert. Could you really say no to either choice?

    1 oz. Baileys Original Irish Cream
    2 Scoops coffee ice cream
    1 oz. Iced coffee
    Whipped cream

    Add Baileys, ice cream, and iced coffee to a blender. Add one cup of chipped ice and blend until smooth. Pour into a pint glass and top with espresso, mint, and fresh whipped cream.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2010

    I think we should have a picnic barbeque today!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,962
    edited September 2010

    Goldie--What a great drink!  It looks soo yummy I want several for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert!  Ah, I see the tenders and wenches are unloading cases of Bailey's and ice cream, so they have anticipated how popular this drink is going to be!  And a BBQ is a wonderful idea.  What a way to end the summer!

    Waheni--glad you had a moment to check in.  It sounds like you are having a wonderful time.  Belated birthday wishes to your Mom!  I hope you are taking pictures to share with us when you get back!  

    Have a happy Labor Day Holiday, everyone!  Hmmm, should we give the Tenders and Wenches the day off?  CAN we give them the day off and survive?  Hmmm.  

    I went out to check the garden before Earl came throug (what was left of him, anyway) and found that my tomato plants had exploded!  They had gotten huge and are loaded with green tomatos!  I am going to have some nice tomato sauce to freeze for winter!  Yeah!  I wonder how much of this is due to the coffee grounds I put in the dirt around them a couple weeks ago.  Starbucks had a bin of bags of coffee grounds, free for the taking for gardens and compost piles.  Yet another reason to go to my favorite coffee house!  

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited September 2010

    HD - I think you have to be well tipsied to enjoy caviar. I only had some cheap stuff once, took it home and cooked it, tastes like fish (j/k that's a Rodney Dangerfield joke he said about sushi). Kinda sounds icky with the chemo thing going, to tell the truth.

    Wahine - So good to hear from you and sounds like you are having fun. I just have one question though, have you found any good caviar? Happy Birthday again to your Mom and I'm so glad you're having fun!!!

    Goldie - hi there and happy labor day to you too! If anyone is laboring I hope they'll just stop and hang out at the bar instead. Wow, I hope you just have allergies and no nasty bug brewing. You might try a little extra vit C and echineachea and some caviar just in case. Great drink choice...remember the Monkey's tune, cheer up sleepy Jean? Well for me it should be wake up sleepy Bean. I need an energy sap in my booze big time. God that sounds sosoooo good, I'm heading to the bar right away!!! What a great feast too - yippeeeeee!!! LOL at the ants running off with the hot dogs, that is so cute!

    NM - are you planning to make any tomato wine? Just kidding... actually I've been wondering if you have any good wines you are working on. Also if you have any good caviar...

    Now I have a new stupid problem...yesterday I was making pita bread which starts with a yeast dough. Well, I took off my wedding ring which is just a (highly sentimental) weird gold band, and my engagement ring that has some diamonds and is higher value. And I put them both in my pocket, like normal, so they wouldn't get all covered with dough when I kneeded it. So then I forgot about the rings in my pants pocket due to this stupid f&king chemo induced idiocy that has taken me over. Later I went to change and the engagement ring fell out on the floor, but my wedding ring has gone missing. It's been driving me crazy. It's not much value, but it's the sentiment, arrrrrrgggghhh. DH was so sweet and said he'd get me a new one. We looked all over and in p traps and I can't find it. I just can't imagine it could get anywhere cuz I haven't been anywhere. Thought it might turn up in the dough, but I rolled all of them and no sign of it. Makes me soooooo sad. Our 15 aniv is tomorrow. At least I have my engagement ring still. So for labor day I'm having a bunch of those CLOSE OF SUMMER COOLATA'S and turning this place upside down to look for my ring. It's a funny one that DH had made special to fit the engagement ring. It's hard to explain, but it didn't turn out like he wanted and I love it cause it's truly unique. Oh, I hope everyone is having a better day than me. Cheeers my dear friends!!!!

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited September 2010

    HD - I meant brass knuckes (in white gold) not iron fists. Just another day in the breeeeezy chemo fog.


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited September 2010

    ...Adding a little caviar and champs to the Labor Day festivities.


  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited September 2010
    Remember the fun with the magic eye?  I have been at the P-fountain and I can see the 3D image in this picture.  Can you?  HD
  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited September 2010

    Looks like ants stealing hot dogs from a BBQ...hey, I think they have my ring in there too.

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited September 2010

    LMAO!  No ants or hot dogs in there.  Your ring could be in there though.  Inside something. 

  • AStorm
    AStorm Member Posts: 1,393
    edited September 2010

    maybe too much percotini for me but I see indian women holding hands, walking to the left and warrior faces looking to the right, below the women. Not sure how I knew they were indian women but the warriors definately have painted faces. 

    Sorry, Beanie, don't think the natives have your ring. Hope you find it soon though. My wedding ring is soldered to my diamond engagement ring. I lost it once while working at the school (volunteer cleanup day)... found it several months later under the seat of my car even though it had been vacuumed at the car wash several times... not sure how that happened. DH lost his ring several years ago. I suspect his slipped off in the garbage when he was taking out trash and cleaning out the garage. When I was a little kid my mom told me not to touch her rings because if she lost her wedding ring she wouldn't be married anymore and unmarried women can't have kids. I bought that... had images of being ushered into a prison-type cell (which is where they must have kept orphans back then). So wedding rings are powerful for me. There are days (ok, weeks) when I take my ring off and put it away but the family keeps coming home for dinner. Then I forgive them and put it back on. No one notices. It's just my little silent protest...  much more productive than counseling!

  • AStorm
    AStorm Member Posts: 1,393
    edited September 2010

    I just re-read the memo from my doctor about post-op diet and activity. I was looking for an exemption for wine. It says not while taking pain meds and preferably not for 2 weeks post-op. darn. Oh, and no sexual activity for 4 to 6 weeks. Really don't remember reading this. I will surely die of boredom.

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited September 2010 funny.  I don't think after this surgery I could get my ring back on.  Something about having 18 gallons of iv solution pumped into you that just doesn't come out as fast as it gets pumped in.  Where is the percotini fountain you have been at?  I sure as hell see no indian women or warriors. LOL!  Beans....still hope you find your ring. HD

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,962
    edited September 2010

    As ususal I can make out the 3D image, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what it is.  Once in a great while could I actually tell what the 3D image was supposed to be.  Just my own brand of weirdness, I guess. 

    Tomato wine.  Hmmm.  I've heard of pumpkin wine, and I know wine can be made from veggies, it just needs more like 2 years of aging rather than the 6 months to a year that fruit and berry wines need.  If there's any tomatos left over after sauce making I may try a small batch.  

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited September 2010
    NM...not sure about the tomato wine.  Makes me want to take a whole bottle of prilosec pills.  We have a good batch of tomatoes on our plants this year too. I hope just to make some fresh salsa and eat what I can fresh before it freezes. 
    I am going to tell you all what is in that random dot stereogram picture.  It is a teapot and teacup.  Now I know you gals that aren't on pain meds should see it now.  You have to look just right.  I promise it is there.  Hope this Monday finds everyone well.  Kathy....good morning!  You are just getting up maybe!  HD
  • AStorm
    AStorm Member Posts: 1,393
    edited September 2010

    Tomato vodka? It would be a good mixer. I get a % if this makes you rich, NM.

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited September 2010

    Hey, I found it...LOOK...the ants did have it!

    ant ringHurray Hurray my wedding ring is back (AStorm sometimes it goes in my drawer for a little while too). I love your story about your mom LOL! The truth is I've been moping around crying like it was the end of the earth, I looked in the same places a zillion times, checked my pocket 2 zillion times. Then DH came in with a flash light and found the little ant carried under a cabinet. Now I can get back to important things like figuring out what's in that perco-pic. No way is that a teapot and tea cups. I think if it isn't ants carrying hot dogs and rings, and it's not Indian women holding hands then, tt's gotta be a bunch of aliens, yeah, and they're on their way to Vegas looking for tomato wine and prilosec.


  • AStorm
    AStorm Member Posts: 1,393
    edited September 2010

    gawd, Beanie, you are so funny!

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited September 2010

    Oh boy!! I saw it, I saw it...That's cool! Thanks HD, wow another productive day!!! Cheers!

  • AStorm
    AStorm Member Posts: 1,393
    edited September 2010

    It's giving me a headache.

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited September 2010

    AStorm I'm sorry I missed your post before my last's giving me a headache too and yet I strangely feel compelled to stare at it (thanks HD)...and IMO whoever painted it was smoking lefty luckys. Is it wine time yet?

  • Unknown
    edited September 2010

    i see gargoyles and dancing ninjas

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited September 2010

    LMAO again!  HD

  • Unknown
    edited September 2010

    in my world, tomato juice/wine is not to be consumed without vodka.  ever.

    glad you found your ring, beani!

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited September 2010

    MrsNice - gargoyls and dancing ninja LMAO again too! Oh boy vodka!! Is it vodka time? I'll take mine with our without the tomato wine. Now I must go back to staring...

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited September 2010

    Dont stare too much.  Your vision will stick in that mode and you will walk into walls and shit during the day.  LMAO!  Bring out the tomato juice vodka!

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited September 2010

    You loungie ladies have had me ROFLMAssO all day, thanks for all the funny stories and great shits too! Yeah to tomato juice & vodka!!! Cheeers till the next Happy Hour. Love ya gals, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEnie

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611
    edited September 2010

    Hi All - There are NO tea cups in the picture! HD are you sure you posted the right picture?

    Bean- I am so so glad you found your ring!!! I hate losing rings. I lost a very special ring last Winter. It was a gold peridot with two little diamonds that my Mom designed and gave to me when I was 8 after I had finished my foot surgery and it meant the world to me. When I do my diagnosis I looked for it everywhere as it would have made me feel so much better going to all those doctors but I never have found it. Lately I have lost another ring, I remember taking it off for some reason while I was in the car and putting it in the pocket of my pocketbook but I've looking in all of them and no luck. I can't even claim chemo brain but I certainly have menopause in full force. Love you little avatar - reminds me of that cute Alien that was on the old Flintstones.

    AStorm - wow I don't remember that much information about any surgery I had, are you sure you can't do anything fun at all? Well, at least HD will be suppling pictures to keep us all occupied even though I really don't get how to look at those things I guess.

     So, I was able to look at the PS's work before he bandaged me up. And well..... I guess OK??? I am supposed to take the bandages off tomorrow, take a shower and get wet and them put on antibotic ointment and rebandage. I'm really nervous about looking I must say. I know they will be icky and scaby and such. But what if they point odd directions or droop or look either too big or too small??? Yikes I don't think I want to look! The bandages are weird and I guess cause they worked on them my boobs are swollen and larger. Makes me think - oh should I have gone bigger? Oh well, not doing anything more to them, at least I hope not. So, will let you know. I think that was truely the strangest surgery I have ever had. I can't remember if I told you about it all or not with the machine not working at first and all. Anyway, so tired ..... will try and do better catching up sometime tomorrow. Cheers! 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2010

    Cool pic...was upside down though since I am "down under"...LOL....did see the teapot...and window with sun shining....OH....and all that caviar too!!! Just have a sec....good posts...glad the wedding ring was found...and happy 15th!!!!! Want to comment on everything, but this wifi is sooooooooo slow it would take all night!!!! Off to the Blue Mountains tomorrow.....gorgeous weather here...and should be really cold in the mtns....YAY.....gone with the 100+temps from last month!!!!

    P.S. Sunday was "Fathers Day" here in my dad and dh had TWO fathers days this that even permitted???  LOL

    Cheers and G'Day everyone!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2010

    First things first.....I keep forgetting to answer about the bleach. I keep a spray bottle under my kitchen sink to use on anything that raw meat/poultry has been on. My counters, cutting board and dishes. I also use it my coffee cups on occasion.

    NM, I use coffee grounds in the garden too. But the dirt here is so terrible, we have a hard time growing things. Had a tomato that was a good size, getting ready to turn and we went to town, when we got home the tomato was gone!

    Beans, I don't have any echinacea....but like I said, it's not getting any worse. But thanks anyways for the concern. I think I'll live! thank you! Oh Beans, I am so sorry about your ring, but like you said, it has to be there somewhere. Are you sure you didn't go anywhere. Could it be hung up on something in your pocket? OH YAY....typing as I read, so I didn't know you found the ring. I am so glad! Whew! Happy Anniversary!

    HD, that picture drove me nuts before, and it's doing it again. I SOOOOO used to be able to pick the pictures out in those, in about 15-30 seconds. But I STILL can't get this one!

    Astorm, lol about being orphaned if your mom lost her wedding rings. Post op directions: no sex for 4-6 weeks-not a prob for me, do that anyways (thank you Arimidex). no wine-it will just make the pain pills work better, I'd go for it!

    Stanzie, try not to fret too much about your nips. I did not have recon, but from the tissue they took from my lumpectomy, which was near the nipple, it caused my nipple to invert. So I look like I have winking boobs!

    Good one Wahine! LOL @ upside down cuz you are down under! Glad you are having so much fun and can still make time for us. When do you return?

    MrsNice, welcome!

    Oh....and NO, I don't think the Tattie Tenders can have a day off. At least not all of them at the same time. Only 1 at a time....we NEED them too bad.

    Well about just a good ole Vodka and Tomato for our DOTD? Those that like it spicey can have a Bloody Mary. Just V and T for me.

    A nice pretty one!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2010

    Kazoo - TAKE ME AWAY!

    As for the Tomato Vodka, I think we are too late Astorm