how about drinking?



  • junie
    junie Member Posts: 784
    edited September 2010

    OMG--you guys make me laugh out loud!!!   Ned is my favorite guy but that Jose dude comes in a close second!!!   Now, I can't get that song out of my head--one of my all-time favorites (thanks, mrsnice!!!)    Will share a tekillya story with y'all-----Was with DH and friends at a resort in Mexico...after dinner there was a table set up with pre-filled shot glasses of tequila.   I volunteered to go get them for our table.  The shot glasses were the tiny, tall slender ones....lovely display.   Unfortunately, by that time my eye-hand coordination was a bit impaired and as I reached to pick up a shot, I missed------holy cow!  it was a magnificent domino effect--that first shot glass toppled and hit the next, then the next, and on and on--about 50 shot glasses toppled before a waiter got it stopped!   And, I did the only thing I could think to do--I stomped my foot and got outraged and snapped at the poor man standing next to me--"Look what YOU did!!!"   aaahhhhh, the good old days!!!

    LoriG--good luck with the PET results....when you pop back in to let us know the results, I've got Jocks ready to give you a shot glass of Almond Tequila--this is a slow sippin' liquor--not the toss it down and slam your empty shot glass on the bar drink.   It is also yummy drizzled over vanilla ice-cream!!!

    I've been signaling to Jocks for another dog beer, but he has somehow managed to get me settled in on a lounge chair by the pool with promises to bring my bucket right out--I think he's hoping I will fall asle e e e e p.......

    big huggsss to ALL!!!!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2010

    Ok junie....remind me to never stand behind you when drinks are involved! OMG....can imagine your shock when all those shot glasses went over...hope they didn't charge the poor man behind you for them! Funny story though!!!

    Well gals it got real cold here in the mountains today, but DH has a nice fire in our room, and a lorikeet is climbing on the branch right outside our window.....ahhhh this is the life! I will see if I can post a pic of the birds at the birdfeeder outside, soon.

    Dog Beers followed by shots of Jose Cuervo for all......

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2010

    Okay....just took these from our B&B.....Lorikeet, Crimson Rosellas, and Sulfur-Crested Cockatoo....saw them flying in flocks too...amazing....



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,962
    edited September 2010

    The birds are BEAUTIFUL! 

    DOTD for Lori: Hot Jose

    1/2 oz JOse Cuervo Tequila
    1/2 oz (chilled) Cinnamon Schnapps

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2010

    Up WWWAAAAAAYYYYYYY too early this morning, 3am!

    Waiting for the bus to pick me up. Connie, we promise not to make too much of a ruckus and probably leave for a bit so we can go hang with Lori while she gets her results, and then back with you. Good luck and check in when you can.

    Junie,'ve always got a story to tell! Too funny.

    Kathy, love the bird pictures. OMG I just can't imagine what it would be like to have such beauties flying around. Glad you found the feeder and thanks for sharing.

    My not so good drinking story was from a Slow Gin Fizz, well not "a" Slow Gin Fizz, more like "way too many". Never had another one!

    Welcome Lori, and please BARGE in anytime!

    Heather, Darrell loves bacon too. Anytime we are somewhere that sells candles, he always asks for one the smells like bacon! Thank goodness he hasn't found one yet! For his birthday, I did get him some "White Castle" candles. Not sure how many of you know what those are. Little burgers, mostly in the mid west. I think he could live on them.

    I am too tired to think, to post any more! Think I'll go to the back of the bus and sleep until we make it to Connie!

    Huggles to all...zzzzzzzzzzzz Lori...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • AStorm
    AStorm Member Posts: 1,393
    edited September 2010

    I didn't eat strawberries for years due to dacquari overdose in my teens.

    Oh, Kathy, those birds are beautiful! We used to have so many songbirds in our backyard before the property behind us sold and they ripped out the trees to build eco-friendly homes. I put feeders in my herb garden and planted sage, etc. to try to keep them happy. We still get a few sparrows, chickadees and goldfinches, but nothing very coloful. My kids (and cats) grew up watching the birds outside the kitchen window and the girls still like to identify birds when we travel (my travel planning includes researching wineries, book stores, restuarants, and birds). We live in the Monterey Bay ocean sanctuary and how lots of shore birds to admire a few miles away. Thanks for sharing!

    I am in the mood for a celebration! Just got back from the PS and they are still beautiful!!! I was starting to think that the bodaciousness might be just swelling, But no, they are so perfect I can't believe they are mine! And no one is going to tell me otherwise, they are mine like my children are mine because I went through childbirth. Even my fipples are in the right place! I'm still bandaged until Monday so no shower and I don't even care. The drains are gone and my foobs are beautiful. 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2010

    Gail, I am SO happy about your results!!!! Much better when you have a good outcome out of all the crap we go through with bc. I like mine too, but need lipo on the sides...fat appeared where there was none before my that part I don't like. Oh, we love watching birds too! I have our backyard certified as a Wildlife Habitat, as DH loves taking care of his birds. We get blue birds, blue jays, cardinals, mourning doves, purple finches, gold finches (and more I can't think of right now), and before we left a darn hawk landed on one of the birdfeeders chasing away the birds. Our "Molly" is trained to chase away the squirrels from the bird feeders...feels so important when she does that! Of course the squirrels eat most of the bird seed anyway.

    Good thing I brought a bit of bourbon as my dad didn't and he sure appreciated my sharing with him so we could have happy hour by the fire, last night! Have an Italian Asti (from Moscato grapes) to try, but DH wanted to wait till my b'day on the 13th. He is stretching it out and has said happy birthday to me every day since we got Even got a back massage last night, so I don't need to hog Jocks for awhile.

    Nice being with everyone on the bus! Hope LoriG and Connie did well today (it is the 9th there, but morning of the 10th here). Lets PARTAY!!!!!

    Drink Up Gals!


  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited September 2010

    AStorm, glad your recon went well.  I got my drain release on Tuesday.  It is great.  I am done with my antibiotics but have a refill if you need one for the corgi AStorm....LOL!  Connie, hope you are sailing smooth.  Check in when you can.  Kathy, thanks for sharing the Bird pictures.  So pretty.  Hope you are having a great time and glad you took the booze for you and dad.  Cherish these times with your folks!  Junie....Jose Q accident was funny.  You do always have a good story.  Remember the peeing in the cup story?  That was classic.  Beans...are you coming back from the MF fun again?  Now you just pop C pills I guess for a while.  Good luck!  I got a whole 6 hours of sleep last night but was so tight when I woke up wasn't sure if I was going to make it out of bed to the bathroom.  I did after hitting the wall twice to get there. Sleep is a beautiful thing.  Got to sign off quick....storm rolling through and internet has been off twice today already....grrr.  Only made it to 54 degrees here so far.  I am headed to the P-fountain.  Goldie, hope your day was nice.  Cheers!  Hundkydory

  • ConnieS
    ConnieS Member Posts: 89
    edited September 2010

    Hi ladies!

    Just a quick pop in to say that things went well. I'm sore, tired and bruised and can't sleep but am otherwise doing well. Kind of curious to see what the nip looks like (hey, I actually went for a nip and tuck today!) and we'll get a quick glance on Saturday when I change the dressing.

    Thanks for the well wishes and I'm sure that no one noticed the bus in the OR with me!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,962
    edited September 2010

    AStorm--Hooray for great boobs and perfectly placed fipples!  Enjoy!

    Goldie--what on earth were you doing up at that unholy hour?  I hope you got the tenders to make up a big drink of something relaxing and you were able to get some more sleep! 

    Waheni--Happy almost birthday! 

    hunky--congrats on getting rid of the Jackson Pratt brothers!  I've had Jocks put double strength percotini in the fountain for you. 

    Connie--Glad you're home and doing well.  Go sit next to hunky by the double strength percotini fountain and get comfy!  

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited September 2010

    Hi There, My DH has dominated my laptop on our trip to the coast. Have no time to say anything, cept I'm thinking of you with all the very best thoughts. CMF is going. Blood is great, no big problems and I'm half way thru!! Love annd hugs to my BC friends. Hugs and kisses, Weenie Beeenie

     P.S. Be sure to have a few drinks for me as I can't stand it for a few more days!!! Cheers!!!

  • lorieg
    lorieg Member Posts: 79
    edited September 2010

    Hey ladies, sounds like everyone is doing well!

    After an extra/surprise scan today to follow-up on something weird (but evidently NOT cancer) on my PET, I got the all clear from my onc and am happy to report that 1 year and 3 weeks after diagnosis I am having an amazing affair with NED.  I am hoping to keep him in my life for a long time! 

    Have a great weekend, and thanks again!  I will definitely be enjoying some more adult beverages when I fly home from MDA tomorrow!



  • Unknown
    edited September 2010

    Cheers to your great news, Lori!!

    I am enjoying my first glass of Chardonnay since August 31 . . .  tummy's doing good so I think I shall enjoy!!

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611
    edited September 2010

    Goldie - Here is to sleeping!

    Beanie - hope all continues to go well.

    Astorm - I'm so thrilled you are so happy - perhaps that antibotic did the trick ! 

    Kathy - you are so good keeping us all in on your vacation so we can enjoy it with you! 

    It is late can't keep up with everything. Had a rough day with my SO who now may not be anything - just constants fights and misunderstandings ever since the diagnosis. Just so much stress it is hard. Hoped to go out of town to get away with a friend but he was going to take care of the pets so now sounds like it won't happen. How is it that little stuff can just smack us down so hard! Well off to try and sleep. 

    Hope everyone else is doing well. Hopefully a nice quiet day at the HTL with just you all and lots of laughing.....

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2010

    Aaahhhhhh, a good nites sleep! Feel so much better. Hate when I have those bad nights, but glad they only come along once in awhile. Its bad enough that I only get sleep an hour or so at a time, but when I can't sleep......well, just sucks!

    Lori, great news for your results, congrats. We all LOVE Ned and have a special relationship with him, but definately one I don't mind sharing with other women!

    Connie thanks for checking in and glad all went well.

    Kathy, agree with what Stanzie said about taking us with you on vacay! I so miss feeding the birds. It just draws unwanted critters here and the blue jays are not the same. The ones here are noisy, annoying and pigs! I think they might be called Scrub Jays. My home in Michigan, OMG I had so many birds. Gold finches, purple finches, chicadess, 2 kinds of nut hatches, cardinals, tufted titmouse, downy woodpeckers and the smaller one, towees, doves, juncos, several different sparrows.....and I think more!

    Stanzie, so sorry about your SO, and that it could mess up plans with your friend to get away. I hope today is a better day.

    HD, glad you are feeling better. Had to LOL at the pee cup......that's not an old story, but an ongoing one!

    MrsN, no tummy issues with your wine? I think you should have another!

    Beans, Half way there....wooooo hoooooo! Now take your laptop back!

    Astorm, DOTD for you! "BEAUTIFUL" (no pic tho)


    1 oz cognac1 oz Grand Marnier

    Preparation: Build brandy and Grand Marnier in a brandy snifter.

    The Beautiful is a simply beautiful way to enjoy a very nice cognac. It goes along the theory of the B&B and is nearly as popular. It is in these two drinks that one can see the beauty of simplicity, even the absence of ice allows the drinks to come together in a true way. This is also where you can feel free to bring out the nicer cognacs you want to appreciate without diluting with uncomplimentary mixers.

    My weekend starts today!  CHears and BARMEN!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,962
    edited September 2010

    My weekend starts today, too!  Yeah for long weekends!  Love the DOTD!  Can't wait to have one, but need to get some computer work done frist, and maybe sweep the floors. 

    Hooray for all the good news on the thread recently! 

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited September 2010

    Great news Lorieg.  How wonderful.  That definately deserves a celebration.  Stanzie, sorry about SO.  Hope you can get things worked out.  I noticed you still used the acronym SO instead of SOB.  I guess that's a good sign?  I would pooch set for you if I could.  Cheers to all on long weekend.  MrsNice, I am with Lori....have another glass.  BBL.....Hunkydory

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2010

    I have long been a believer in celebrating the minor events in making it through the day!

    And doing the major ones up right.

    So let the party begin......

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611
    edited September 2010

    Today is better if for no other reason it is day light and it is a very pretty day here - not too hot!

     I feel guilty I'm sitting my an actual pool and so wishing I could jump in but PS says I have to wait till everything has healed but it seems to be healing amazinly fast! He said there would be scabing and weeping and such. There was a little weeping but hardly and no scabbing yet. I'd almost say it has healed but it has to be too soon but might??? Don't think I'll chance it yet with the pool though....

     HD - that is funny about the So vs SOB! He is trying to apologise I guess I need to figure out when too much is just too much.

    So they have filmed a lot of movies in my neighborhood the most famous being Driving Miss Daisy. Well they are going to do a very small TV movie - Hallmark movie and they are filming at the house diagonally down from me. Yesterday I got a flyer saying they are looking for one more bedroom location shot. So, I thought why not, I called and the guy came over yesterday and he was really nice we talked about almost 2 hours! Anyway, they might use my living room as the bedroom location. If so I know I am TOTALLY crazy as it is for a very small fee and it would mean moving ALL the furniture out and being totally disrupted for 3 days but its a movie !!! When I was in college they shot The Four Seasons at my school and it was spring but they put fake leaves on all the trees and made it fall. I was almost in one shot with Carol Brunette but ended up on the cutting room floor after 4 says of walking slowly behind her... LOL. Anyway, if they do chose my house the bedroom will be for Betty White so I'd get to meet her! Anyway, that would be a fun kind of exciting. I'm hoping to get some movie to want to use my yard and get actual money - now that would be nice so perhaps this is a small toe in the door.

    Claire -- Like and agree with your way to celebrate!!!!! so Onwards!!!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2010

    "Sloe" reminds me of the sloe gin my mother used to make.  We had two plum trees, so my mother bought gin and poured over plums.  Would macerate for something like six months.

    Then, she would spring it on visitors.  They would ask "is this wine" and she would say "not exactly, here have a glass".

    Amazing what the guests would reveal as they thought they were imbibing something quite "mild"!!!

    I have some plums bud don't think quite the same w/o the gin.

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited September 2010

    Claire_IS.  Now there is a word I haven't heard in a long time  "macerate!"  It's time we get this party started yes?  Don't know where everyone is, but I am worn out.  I just gutted a desktop computer to get rid of.  Hardrive and bios on motherboard are out and ready for DH's cutting torch.  Everything is so outdated that it is time to purge.  Also found a whole box VCR's.  I don't even own a VCR player.  I need to get my act together, but I have done enough for today and not supposed to lift.  Crawling under the desk un-tangling the wires was a job in itself.  I'm starting the party.  Please join if you can!  HD  

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2010

    HD....will join the party, but have to get my sorry hide out cycling first.  Need three days of it to be in shape for next weekend's metric century.

    I have wine....but perhaps will do a Bellini or a Hypnotiq.  Mix things up a bit.

    My friend Nadine's 40th is tomorrow so more than enough excuse.

    Go give your old computer a decent farewell.  I upgraded the week of the switchover from AC to Taxol.  Napped during the file transfer.  One of my friends said that this was the best time, as was forced to read the instructions.  So went better than it would have otherwise.

    Then I was forced to learn Office 2007......

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2010

    Hi girls! Wow, lots happening here! Glad for the GOOD NEWS that some of you have had...HOORAY!!! And that is awesome Stanzie that they may shoot that movie in your living room....I would love to meet Betty White. How cool is that. Hope it actually happens, and like you said, maybe it will lead to more. I think we all need to hide out in your guest room and peek out the windows...LOL. Sorry about the SOB SO....or maybe we can drop the SOB part if he apologized nicely enough! Milk it for all its worth!

    HD...what a job....decapitating a 'puter...sure don't want anyone to get your information! I still have a hard drive to drill holes through...but thats on the back burner...when I have some time.

    Still having an amazing time here....wonderful elegant lunch out with relatives. Tomorrow off to Brisbane....and have to try the Morton Bay Bugs! Haven't had a chance to get into many liquor stores...would like to try some more Aussie wines.

    Its the weekend.....anyone planning a great party at the HTL???



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,962
    edited September 2010

    It's a beautiful morning here, and I've had my first cup of coffee. Time to start the partay!  Do we need a reason for a partay?  I had a really good trial run with a project at work this week, is that excuse enough?  Ahh-here's what we need: 

    Party Starter

    1 1/2 oz Cointreau
    3 oz Lemon Juice
    3 oz Lime Juice
    5 drops Bitters 

    Sorry, pics don't seem to want to work for me right now for some reason.  

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2010

    OMG Stanzie, that is way to cool. If this all happens, you MUST take pictures and share, you just must! Glad you are having a better day and I hope things work out with your SO. And if not, then it just wasn't meant to be. I wish you whatever is best for you! Hugs!

    HD, no lifting....but are you suppose to be doing all that crawling around under a desk??? I've never actually seen that on restrictions from after surgery, but you just better be darned careful girl.

    Hi Bonnie, and welcome to the greatest place in the world! Hope you stick around, we could some help with our DOTD (drink of the day). Who started that, anyways???

    Wahine, when are heading home? We will be heading to TN next month, flying in and out of Nashville. I'll let you know more, when I can double check on dates and times.

    NM, I looked for a pic of the "Party Starter" but couldn't even find one. Maybe that's why you get the picture to work! LOL.....j/k!

    I made some zucchini bread last night. Brought you ladies some to have with your coffee ths morning. Claire - not to worry.......not one calorie in it!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2010

    Hey Junie, I bet when you knocked those shots over, and got the domino affect....I bet it went something like this:

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited September 2010
    I am also enjoying a nice cup of coffee.  Then, up an at em....I have a DH that I am sure is just waiting cheerfully to help me clean out my office.  Bawahaaaaaaaa! 
    P.S.  Liked the video Lori.  Would like a piece of that bread too. 
  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611
    edited September 2010

    So excited off to the mountains with the munckins even if it is only for one night! the car is packed full - when can we all just take one small overnight bag???? Just silly! Glad we are driving!!

    Hope it does work out with the movie if not the guy was so nice he kept saying well come over and see what we are doing anyway... Don't have to ask me twice! 

    I've just had coffee too and I don't ever drink coffee - just thought it might help to stay awake on the road since sleeping is still my biggest challenge. 

    Junie - that is so something I could do but I'd never be able to think fast enough to blame it on someone else - LOL!

    Kathy - can't believe you are so far away but so glad all is going great!

    Well, Happy Weekend to Everyone!!!

  • Unknown
    edited September 2010

    Good morning!

    Only 9:00 a.m. here in overcast San Diego.  Having my first cup o'coffee, and Goldie I'll have a slice of that bread!  Thanks!

    NM - the smallest of excuses is all we need to start a party!!  Any good news on the work project is enough for me!  Cheers!

    Stanzie that would bo SO cool for them to film in your house.  Meeting Betty White would be da bomb!  They used to film a show called Silk Stalkings  and Renegade  here in San Diego, probably 15 years ago.  Lorenzo Lamas was in it, and all the 20-something's in my office building would hide out and wait to get a peek.  I was just annoyed with the jammed streets and downtown traffic!

    Claire - have a great time celebrating your friend's 40th.  That was a big milestone for me and the party will never be forgotten!

    My son's first football game is today - his school is doing a commemorative 9/11 game day so all 3 teams (freshmen/jv/varsity) are playing.  My DH will be there all day since he volunteered to flip burgers at the freshmen game, then we'll watch the jv game, and possibly the varsity game as my son has been getting playing time on both. Not sure I'll make it for 2 games, but we'll see.

    Have a great weekend, ladies!

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited September 2010

    Hi Loungies, I'm back online and back in the mountains. We tried to stay at the coast but it was just too gray, gloomy, drizzly. So much nicer to be in the dry mountains even if there are scattered clouds.

    Junie - your posts always crack me up! HD's picture of the (yeah right) teapot had us going! LOL - you toppled 50 shots and got away with it!! Wow! Great story! And great You Tube by Goldie!

    Connie - So glad to hear your surgery went well. Sorry to hear you were struggling with moods. Me too! I got so depressed yesterday that we just hopped in the car and drove back to the mountains. I don't know if it's gray where you are, but lack of sunshine really gets me down. That's not all, of course, I could rattle on for pages about shit that's bugging me and making me cry. But at least I can be in a place that is cheerful to me and get out for some exercise without getting rained on. I'm wishing the best for you!!

    Claire - congrats on yourcycling and brewdrinking!

    MrsNice - Congrats on no nausea, no nap and driving while under the influence of chemo successfully. I love wine and chemo has really cramped my style. My oncologist's nurse said no wine or beer while I'm on the CMF (2weeks at a time) but a little inbetween cycles was okay. Like Claire mentioned, there's so much going through the poor liver anyway, best not to push it. But, Pullleeeezzzz save me some chardonnay - only 3 more days and I can have a glass. Hope your son's first football game is a blast, another reason to party!!

    AStorm - hurray on your first drive. I remember mine post surgery on my right underarm. I'm right handed and my car has a stick shift. It was a sunofabitch, had to reach over with my left for so much. I hope you are doing better now!! Frida Kahlo painting - LOL! So glad your foobies are looking beautiful and drains are gone!! Great news!

    Wahine - since I had a drain back in June I now wonder that too, how many people are walking around with how many drains stuck under their shirts!! Did you find Elvis in that pic??? How funny! Sounds like you are having a fabulous trip! Your photos are beautiful and thanks for posting. Good thing you brought some bourbon! I'm glad I haven't missed your birthday! Happy Birthday early!!!

    Hi chrissyb - Hope the liver pain has backed off since you posted. I'm sure a big drink will help! Yikes more drinks will also help with the wind and flooding and rain, hope you are okay!

    Oh Goldie - Armidex...I'm sorry it's giving you trouble, thank God you are tall and gorgeous! Not sure what to tell you about deeeesire. With all I've been going through that's about the last thing on my mind. I love summer too, I think part of my tears is not wanting this beautiful summer to ever end!! Those Lollipop Coctails are perfect for summer, how wonderful!! Glad you got some sleep, I hate it when I can't sleep. Another great drink for AStorm, BEAUTIFUL! Just poifect! The zucchini bread looks delicious and no calories - hurray! Thanks for sharing!

    Stanzie - Bacon ick vodka - LOL! So glad your curtains got no dead chipmunks in them (or odor)! That's great news. Boy I know the Frankenstein feeling! At this point my scars are starting to fade and not look so awful. It is upsetting to see things are really not the same any more, I'm sorry you got upset. It's so awful to be disappointed and I'm hoping this will improve with a little more time. I'm so glad AStorm and wahine have some good advice. Sorry to hear of fights and misunderstandings. Seems to go with the territory. My nerves are always about raw so I'm aware of being extremely sensitive and any little thing can set me off. Then it all seems to pass. Glad to hear you're having a better day and hope your day at the mountains is excellent. Too cool if they do a mooVeee at your house. Neeto

    NM - LOL at that passed out photo. That's been me lately and not even from drinking. This chemo has had me passing out here and there and it's so weird, I just go out like a light. Great drink for Lori - Hot Jose, sounds like a winner. Oh, good, and now a PARTY STARTER! Let's Party!!!

    Hi lorieg - Gigantic congratulations to you!! I'm so happy to hear your good news!

    Kittycat - thanks for the kind words about my wedding ring - imagine losing it the day before my anniv!! Ha, ha, Glad you found yours too! How's the brunette wig working out? Sounds nice!

    HD - Yeah to no drain and no more antiB's - yucko!! So nice of you to still be thinking of AStorm's poor corgi who got shorted. I'm 1/2 way thru MF and I gotta pop C for 3 more days then I'm half-way thru this part of the joy ride, then I get 2 weeks off. I'lll make it, but not without a lot of complaining and a lot more booze! Glad you didn't knock yourself out when you hit the wall (twice?) and find pee pee on the floor in the morning. I'm amazed I don't get more bruises from my mid night bathroom runs "high" on Ativan. I have to drink so much water every day, then at night I feel like a groggy pin ball bouncing off this and that to get to the head. Can we start the party under the desk? Then I can help you with the wires...You better take it easy, you're doing way too much cleaning, organizing and crawling around.

    Hi Gg08 - that looks like a wonderful drink!! I think some of us definitely need at least one!!

    Now, I tell HD not to do all that, but guess what I'm doing, cleaning, organizing, and crawling around. Hope you all have a great day. LET'S PARTY!!! IT'S SATURDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT'S THE NIGHT FOR BIG PARTIES!!! Cheeerrrs and don't forget to drink a lot and even more for me since I can't for a few more days.

    Love and hugs, Beeeenie Weeenie