how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2010

    Ha ha ha ha! My hubby would love this one (if he drank) and he just came in asked if he could have BLT's for dinner!

  • AStorm
    AStorm Member Posts: 1,393
    edited September 2010

    Stanzie - shower? I'm so jealous! I go back on Thursday to deliver the Jackson-Pratts to their final resting place but I'm not sure what will happen with the bandages. I can't believe I have real sutures. I've been glued many times so I thought sutures were a dead art. Things change over time (including one's perspective).

    Kathy - your dad is a clever man! Enjoy your trip and your time with family... we'll keep your barstool warm.

    Lori - in culiary school they use 10:1 (water to bleach) concentrate. I used to use 2:1 but they said it's toxic. So now I use 5:1. I can't believe some of the things that my family puts on the kitchen counters and my butcher block! I don't think I want to wait 2 weeks for a glass of wine. I feel fine and I'm not taking pain meds. I think one glass of wine would help me sleep better... besides, wine helps me relax and most of my pain is actually from sore muscles. Not sure what they did to me in the OR but I feel like I just had the most intense workout of my life! As for sex, maybe that rule is more for DH's benefit than mine! Thanks for the vodka and tomatoe!

  • AStorm
    AStorm Member Posts: 1,393
    edited September 2010

    bacon vodka? ewww! I used to be a vegetarian so bacon is kind of hard for me. Once my friend and I smuggled vodka into a girl scout camp (should clarify, we were the MOMS) and stayed up all night making up "try it" badges and laughing our A'sO with a group of like-minded moms. We woke to the stench of bacon being fried by a perky scout-mom in crisp white shorts with perfect hair and makeup. That's when I gave up bacon.

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited September 2010

    Hey, I think Connie is under the knife today.  Good luck Connie.  Happy anniversary Bean.  Glad you found that ring.  Stanzie...don't worry about nipples.  I think they will be ok.  I just got back from PS and got a look at my boob job.  Black and blue but I am a very happy camper.  Plus....I am drainless!  YEA!  Kathy, you did see the picture...good job.  Hope you are having a good time.  Junie....are you at the pool?  Don't splash me if I come out there.  Lori, we have tons of tomatoes.  I am just going to probably make some fresh salsa with a good bit of cilantro, onions, etc.  I will eat as many as I can fresh too.  I love them.  Hope you aren't sick.  Ick!  Dee...miss ya if you are reading.  AStorm....I say screw the rules.  NM....hope you are enjoying your work.  I got a note from PS saying I can't work.  I feel like a little kid with a note to miss school.  LOL!  Hi MrsNice!  Jaybird, Casino, all the rest....Cheers....I am going to break some rules today.  HD

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited September 2010
    Hi my classy, tipsy friends, just popping in to say hi and I'm hittin the road again tomorrow for more MF fun in Seattle. Goldie, I'll order a bottle of that Bakon stuff for my DH's anniv, looks like a guy thing. Stanzie - I'm sorry you lost those rings, it's awful, I was so lucky to get mine back! Also hope you like your nips!! AStorm hope you lose JP soon...I use 1+4 bleach and don't forget, add bleach to water for safety. Wahine - hope you are having a blast! Connie - all best wishes if you're getting stuff done today. HD - Wow, you're on a roll of good news this week, nice boob job and no JP!! (bruises will fade quickly)...Thanks for the fun pic yesterday, which caused me to stare aimlessly at my screen for hour after hour, kept finding more things in it, socks, spiders, ninjas, my long lost cousin, Eddy...amazing, wondered where he went.  MrsNice - comeon back, same with all the other gals. Hope you have a wonderful day and don't forget Keep Drinking!!! Your friend, Beanius
  • junie
    junie Member Posts: 784
    edited September 2010

    Hard to type when you're cross-eyed--which is what I am after staring at HD's pic for hours!!!   Those pics were so much fun some years back--they always fascinated me!

    Y''all got a little wild at the HTL--I was worried that Jocks would hide the Percotini fountain!   Nahhh, he just kept it filled and flowing!!!!     Finding lost things is such a great relief--have a few little things that I've misplaced--have a feeling they will show up some day in the most incredible places!

    Jocks is icing my bucket for me and I'm heading to the pool--just about the time I get my eyes uncrossed, I'm off to get them crossed again!!! 

    bottoms up and cheers to dog beers, big ears and chairs!      BARMEN!!!!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2010

    All of y'all got me crackin up!

    HD, glad the boobs are lookin good and ya got rid of those pesky brothers! Our tamotoes that DH planted in the buckets are not doing so well, but they have no way to drain with how he has them. So next year, I am doing my OWN experiment with growing in the bucket. Connie is not having surgery today, but did go in for mamo. That is all I know. (Connie, I hope you don't mind me telling) That darn picture! I can't see the stupid teapot or Beans' cousin Earnie....LMAO! And Astorm smuggling in vodka at GS camp! Not sure if its better coming from the mom or the kid!

    I use straight bleach, only because I remember from back when I worked with handicapped kids, that we were told after "X" amount of time, the bleach was no longer effective if mixed with water. And we made fresh batches every day for disinfecting. (don't remember the ratio we used)

    ~~looking for Junie~~ I know she has enough beer to share in that bucket!

  • ConnieS
    ConnieS Member Posts: 89
    edited September 2010

    Hi ladies!

    My surgery was reset for Thursday (9/9) but this way I get to be first on the list instead of last! No, goldie, I don't mind you sharing.

    I did have a mam today and the tech didn't see anything alarming although because of the lift and reduction they did see a lot of stuff in there. My PS will be doing stuff to it on Thursday anyway.

    I am having some liposuction on some fat necrosis stuff and getting a nipple. I think they do the tattoo on a different day. I finally decided that I'd get a nipple - more in the way of symmetry than anything.

    I'm sorry for not posting - although I have been reading every day - I have been struggling very much with mood, to the point where I dug out my leftover lorazapam to keep me from crying all the time. Now it's just at the drop of a hat.

    For those on Arimidex - how much weight have you gained and what other side affects have you experienced?

    I'll post once more before my surgery and then right after when I can to let you all know that I'm doing ok.

    Take care,


  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2010

    Hi Connie,

    I have actually lost a bit of weight over the summer from all the cycling events, although up a bit from all the microbrew I drank over the weekend.  (To keep the three adults of on the cycling/camping adventure civil to each other and be on speaking terms at the worked.)  So back to good red wine!

    Other effects have been minimal....a bit of a metallic taste.

    Perhaps the 'tini fountain is better than the microbrew one for that reason.

    Funny how I think of Sultan in terms of the bakery and all the wonderful rides I have done from Snohomish up to Sultan and back.

    Good luck on Thursday! - Claire

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2010

    Forgot to mention that it was so miserable and wet yesterday that one of us switched from microbrew to a hot toddy.

    I was driving so abstained and had coffee upon returning to the main land from the San Juan Islands.  Hot bath was VERY welcome.

    So another drink to consider as winter approaches.

  • Unknown
    edited September 2010

    Hi to my bar friends!

    Good day - no nausea, didn't need a nap, and drove my car for the first time in a week (just to pick up my  son at school).  A little bizarre trying to pay attention to everything on the roads, but we made it home just fine!

    So, serious question on the drinking thing - I LOVEwine; 7 days post-chemo infusion, but had Neulasta on day 2 and still having a bit of bone pain.  Tummy seems okay to handle just about anything (even a small cup of coffee this morning).  Is a glass or two okay even with Neulasta?

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited September 2010

    I didn't drink wine or anything else, other than major slurps of Communion Wine, during chemo.  Major bummer, but I thought too dangerous as liver was working overtime to process the chemo drugs.

    I scheduled a Global Virtual Wine Party for three weeks post chemo, and partook then.

    That would be my counsel. - Claire

  • AStorm
    AStorm Member Posts: 1,393
    edited September 2010

    MsNice - I drove for the first time today too -- to pick up my daughter and others (carpool). It felt really good to get out but I'm sore now. Wish I could get these darn drains out. I don't like going out in public looking like I escaped from a Frida Kahlo painting.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2010

    AStorm....such a funny description of you w/ the drains! I remember that well....and sitting in a restaurant thinking how weird the other customers would feel if they knew I had all those yucky drains under my shirt! Hope you can ditch them soon!

    Such good posts everyone!!! Lori, maybe we might find Elvis in that pic HD posted too. I didn't think I would see it, but just kept staring then it popped up. Would LOVE for you to post more of those HD.....really enjoyed it! Might be more fun after a drink (or ten) though! Hope you enjoyed being off of work.

    Connie, Good luck with your procedures on the 9th (which is just tomorrow, here in OZ). Will be thinking of you. Glad you will let us know how you are doing.

    Beans, as usual, I love your posts, usually end up ROFLMAO. Actually there have been several gals here posting such funny stuff lately! I just feel lucky to get wifi when I can, to catch up. Just got to a GAWGEOUS B&B in the mountains....with spa in our room....and saw flocks of Cockatoos on the way up. The owner of the B&B said they would fill the bird feeder and then we would see lots, close up, BUT I can't find the bird feeder...LOL.

    Lori, Good reminding us of putting bleach on counters etc! Will have to remember that. I read somewhere that it takes at least a couple of minutes for anything to work, so its better to not wipe it right off. Is that right? any dog beers left? I am ready for pau hana time...been in the car all day....area looks like the Grand impressive. BUT I don't think anyone is going to have a drink....I did bring stuff (duh!) so might just drink alone here, or join you by the pool.

    ChEARS to Dog Beers! BARMEN!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited September 2010

    BARMEN!!!!!!!!  LIne me up what ever's going I neeeed some relaxation.  Starting to get uptight, been getting some liver pain...don't think it mets probably gall bladder as it's mainly after eating........but still a big pain....UGH!!!!   what next??  nothing..I hope.  BARMEN !!!!! where are those drinks??

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2010

    Pants, Jocks, PULEEZ fix up some fantastic drinks for Chrissy! Sorry to hear about your pain.....hope you get some relief from that soon.Your area wasn't affected by all that flooding in Victoria, was it? I think you are further over, but not sure all of the areas affected. I'll join you at the bar......looks like some pretty fancy drinks they are lining up...Bottoms Up!

    I can't believe we have wifi 24/7 at this place...feel like a kid in a candy store. Speaking of that, I can't wait to go to the "lolly shop" tomorrow. See all the things we don't have in the US. Dee, where are you??? Hope you are doing okay!! Hi to all the new gals...this is a fun place to be. After sampling those drinks with chrissy, I think I'll help junie drink her ML's (TWO bucketfulls is more than you need, Miss you all.....

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited September 2010

    Wahine, glad to see you're enjoying OZ and thanks for joining me at the is always good.  Thanks for asking re the flooding, although we got heaps of wind and rain (which bought down another of my big trees...grrr) we didn't get flooded out.  One good thing about it was that it got our town creek running and it hasn't done that in quite a few years.  Our position on the map is south central Australia.

    Wow!  those drinks look great....bottoms up!!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2010

    Arimidex - 15-20 lbs (thanking God that I am tall), major hot flashes, some bone pain (mostly in my feet) sometimes a dry mouth, and the worst one ........NO DESIRE WHAT SO EVER (if ya know what I mean)

    Connie, I see the Tattie Tenders getting our Magic Bus ready. Jocks said they will go and grab Wahine and Jaybird first, then  start over in Maine grabbing NM and working their way across the country. So we can all be there with you for that surgery. I so sorry you are having the melt downs. Hang in there!

    MrsNice, as for the glass of wine. You will get every imaginable suggestion on that one. You may not feel like drinking it! Of course the doctors are going to say no. For me, I am not letting cancer run my life, if I feel like doing something, I'm doing it. I don't think I did drink while on chemo, but it was because it didn't appeal to me. So I think that is just a "loaded" question!

    Claire, Hot Toddies, hot bath are for sure nice things to endure when its cold, wet and gray out. But could we not mention the "W" word just yet! I hate "W" and I'm hanging on to every day that's left of the summer and fall. I have at least 2 more months of nice weather! Glad you all were able to enjoy the micro brew!

    Chrissy, I think you might not have the right idea on "BARMEN" Our bar tenders are referred to as "Tattie Tenders" as the name of the lounge is The Hot Tatties Lounge aka The HTL. BARMEN was a play on the word "AMEN" from a so called drinking prayer that was posted earlier. At the end of it was BARMEN, instead of AMEN.

    Oh Kathy, how beautiful it would be to see all of those Cockatoos. I do hope you find that bird feeder. Ask someone and then be sure to take your camera. I hope you will post a few pics when you get home.

    Astorm, glad you are feeling a bit better too. Take it easy.

    Hey about "Lolliepop Cocktails" for everyone!

    Gin & Tonic

    4 - 5 ices cubes made with tonic water 

    3 oz gin

    4 oz tonic water

    1 tablespoon fresh lime juice

    lollipop of choice for stir stick

    Place ice cubes in glass. Add gin, then tonic, then juice. Stir with lollipop. Enjoy!

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611
    edited September 2010

    Hello all -

     Wow, so much to catch up on..... As for the bacon ick vodka... one sister has always been nuts over bacon so last Christmas the other sister found some odd bacon things such as bacon mayo, bacon lip gloss, bacon sented enevelopes and bacon pens - got pretty awful actually..

     AStorm - I know all the PS are different so sorry you can't shower - hopefully soon as that just helps so much. My PS said yes to showers with the drains, I just pinned them to a ribbon around my neck to get them out of the way.

    I got my curtains back today and no scent to dead chipmunk - yay!

    So changed the bandages last night on the new nips and aerolas.... so felt a bit frankenstein-like. Not really thrilled and sort of made everything hit home that my real ones are totally gone so got pretty upset. When I took off the bandages and the many layers of gauze and took the shower, I was sort of confused and thought it was perhaps just all the old antibotic ointment that was covering everything as they were kind of whitish. Not till I got out of the shower did I realize a piece of gauze was still stuck... So kind of had to scrape it off. No feeling at all so not a problem. As to Kathy, you saying don't worry the color will fade... they are extremely light in color very very pale pink and very little projection. Also as the circles from the M are sort of what... not a perfect circle and the scars for those are still bright red..... I don't know - just looks odd all around to me. I think the biggest disappointment is what I had noticed in pictures and forgot to ask my PS about but is that the areola is more flat than a real one so it just doen't look right. Anyone else notice that?

    Anyway, did have some wine last night which was nice... I get to go away on a mini-vacation with my friend and her daughter - probably my first get-awy like this in 20 years - so excited - going to Charleston! So my friend overheard her daughter who is 16 taking to her friend who is going... She said oh my mom is bringing her friend who is funny and they will probably just sit on the beach all day drinking wine and rum drinks so we won't have to worry about them.! Works for me!

    Clarie - can you hsare some of your energy with me! I'm just so tired all the time.....

    AStorm - funny about the vodka story - reminds me of my friend who went camping with her son's class or boy scout troup or something. Anyway, she brought some either bourbon or scotch as she wasn't all that keen on camping to begin with. Anyway, on the way, she discovered all the other parents were tea-totlers so she thought well, I'll have to be very discreet. So they had pitched the tents and all and she went in to get something out of her bag and somehow the liquor had spilled over everything in the entire bad so it reaked to high heaven and of course while trying to clean it up /salvage something it got all over her. So she now smelled like a drunk. She just went out and pretended nothing was amiss. Of couse her husband's face was one of totally horror as the smell wafted around everywhere she went.....

    Connie - best wishes for surgery tomorrow! 

  • AStorm
    AStorm Member Posts: 1,393
    edited September 2010

    Stanzie  - this sounds weird but it worked for me: I used disposable nursing pads (from grocery store) and corn pads (the ones with the smaller holes) and paper tape. First you place the corn pad around the nip with the stickum facing out or leave the backing on it (don't stick it to your skin!), then the nursing pad (I cut out the nips at first) and use some long strips of paper tape across the nursing pad to secure it in place. I did this for a couple of months. All the PSs I went to for 2nd opinion on a revision admired my nips. Now of course they are probably pointing in every which direction! I'm planning on having tattoos over the areaola grafts because one of mine is not round and looks odd. Have to wait 3 months from revision cuz they don't like to tat over incision from rev. You can ask your PS about an injection. My PS mentioned that there is something they can inject if they go flat. I was hugely disappointed after nip surgery but it was more because the foobs were not right and I felt like the PS just slapped nips on me and called it a day. They were looking more natural before the revision but maybe it was just my head adjusting to them... Have a great time on your getaway - that girl's got your number! My DD once commented that one of my hobbies was sipping wine while talking on the phone. I thought she was just proving her when she followed my outside one evening while I was on the phone with a friend. She went into the house and came back out with her sketchbook and drew a really cute bug swimming in a wine glass ... looked in my glass and there it was.

    Connie - congrats on making it thru mammo-day. Good luck tomorrow! We'll have the tenders refresh the fountain for you but I may still be visiting,

    Lori  - thanks for the drink. DH asked what I wanted to drink with dinner last night and I asked if Tanq & Tonic was on the menu...nope. I almost had a little wine last night but decided it was time for some insomnia med instead since I haven't been sleeping.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2010

    Oh Lori what a perfect drink!!! A LollyPop Cocktail! I will share that idea w/ my cousin...although no one else is drinking any thing but coffee and TEA....tons of tea w/ milk all day long. I think I'll stick to the LollyPop cocktail....LOL.

    Stanzie, Sorry to hear that your nips still aren't looking how you would like them to look. AStorm mentioned having add't tatts over the others....good artists like Earleen can do the 3D effect and do amazing things. I need a "touchup" and planned to go in Oct, but since I have leg vein surgery when we return, and then the %#*!!#%^ mess we will return to, re the flooring....yuck...prob won't get to anything but reno after we get home (as you are well aware of!). But some of the scars may fade too, and it possibly could look better as time goes on. I waited a long time for my tatts, so the other scars were faded and not very noticeable. That vaca sounds FANTASTIC!!!

    Well, the breakfast will be served in a tata for now.....


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,962
    edited September 2010

    The lollipop cocktail sounds perfect! 

    And I'm following the fipples discussions closely as I have to decide if I want fipples or not.  Right now I enjoying going braless way too much, and have been thinking about the 3-D tattoes.  Don't know what I'm going to do yet, if anything.  At least I don't HAVE to do anything, but can anytime later if I decide to. 

    Bacon vodka?  Is there such a thing?  I am NOT going to try to make bacon wine.  Ever.  I only drank vodka once, at a Friday night dorm party when I was a sophmore in college.  I was sick all weekend.  Been afraid of vodka ever since!  

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611
    edited September 2010

    Well, NM I'm thinking these new nips won't make a bit of difference as far as going with or without a bra.

    Kathy, I was thinking about Erleen! As I have " heard" she does amazing work! My biggest question is I can understand doing the 3-d tatoo on flat skin - and on skin that is still numb - but what one earth do she do with a nipple and sensitive skin? Or at least I'm hoping for sensitive skin....... 

  • lorieg
    lorieg Member Posts: 79
    edited September 2010

    Hi ladies!

    Totally barging in to your thread to say that I will be getting results of my first PET scan in 6 months tomorrow, and I am thinking a few shots of jose cuervo may be in order?

    Anyone agree?



  • AStorm
    AStorm Member Posts: 1,393
    edited September 2010


    lorieg - pull up a barstool!

  • Unknown
    edited September 2010

    . . .  singing the tune . . .  Jose Cuervo, you are a friend of mine . . .

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited September 2010

    Yeah...sounds like Cuervo might do the trick! And welcome lorieg, to our fantastic lounge!!! Stanzie, yup, as you know, Earleen does good work, AND is so helpful. You can email her or send a PM here, and ask her about that. I think she has done several 3D tatts over nips, as well as w/out nips.I don't have her email addy here, but you can search for "Beauty Through Cancer" which she started.

    chrissyb, SOOOOO very glad you didn't suffer too much with all that bad weather. Bummer losing that big tree though. I am getting a kick out of how they shorten words football is footie, rugby is ruggie,woolworths is woolie (not sure if these are with "y" or "ie"..breakfast is brekky...even on the ads and the news. Having a great time though! If I lived here it would solve my problem of being a shopaholic as everything is SKY HIGH $$$ here! Nice country though; very beautiful and very friendly.

    Lori, Took a pic of a cockatoo on the feeder today, as well as a crimson rosella (red/blue parrot)...will have to see how the pics turned out!

    ChEARS to Cooper Pale Ale!

  • lorieg
    lorieg Member Posts: 79
    edited September 2010

    Thanks, ladies.  i will toast to you all tomorrow around 11am!  hee hee.


  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited September 2010
    Good luck lorieg.  I will be thinking about you and with prayers as strong as a good shot of Jose Cuervo!  HD
  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited September 2010

    Beanius - I'm so glad you found your ring.  I lost my wedding ring once and thought I might have accidentally flushed it down the toilet, while going to the bathroom in the middle of the night (and yes this was before BC and chemo).  I finally found it in my bedside table!  Whew!!!  We always have to consider the idea that my cats can bat things anywhere! 

    Lori - Bacon vodka - yuck!  I saw bacon flavored candy in a candy store once - ewww!!!  My DH loves bacon - it's okay, but only as bacon!!!

    NM - I had a bad vodka experience too (and it was only a couple years ago).  I've tried, but can't drink it much! 

    So, I got a brunette wig today.  My DH and the wig lady talked me into it!  I haven't been brunette in 15 years.  I had a brunette wig that I got at the wig outlet, but this other one I can wear everyday.  It has great style.  I'm going to wear it out and see coworkers and customers (that know what I'm going through).