how about drinking?



  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited October 2010

    Junie, you remember too well.  I think those were in the TE days or something.  We better just float in the pool and drink our beer.  We have security here at the need to worry about protection.  If you see a stray float tube...please check the bottom of the pool.  Hugs...HD 

    Edited to add:  It really isn't good to be armed and hammered! 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2010

    Junie, Glad you got the fire going. Maybe we can have s'mores.....and have the hunky firemen on call,"just in case"of course! ;)

    HD, That looks like a good patch....could be our logo!

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited October 2010

    I think Bean and AStorm must have turned in.....I think I better too.  I just remembered I have to work tomorrow!   I am going to have to continue my party tomorrow night after work.  Thanks for the company girls...I doooo appreciate it!  XXOO HD

  • AStorm
    AStorm Member Posts: 1,393
    edited October 2010

    HD - nope, still here... just helping DD with an essay. Great idea - sex on the beach followed by parental editing of essay...

    Other DD is a vegetarian but she draws a line just below field mice so spiders don't get rights. Not sure PETA would agree but thankfully she doesn't know that yet.

    Tomorrow is ultrasound day. I have a good feeling about it, not too worried. It is what it is. Knowing people like kittycat and our chemo girls helps me face whatever I need to. Love you all!

  • junie
    junie Member Posts: 784
    edited October 2010
    Wolf_Whistle.gif Whistle 2 image by mrgoorn        Outta the pool--grab a towel and dry off--bus is pulling up right now.   Jocks has it fully stocked so we can Par Tay on our way to Calif!     Hugs AStorm!!!!   We'll be there with you tomorrow!!   We'll try not to make too much noise--You can lay there during the ultrasound and figure out who's belching; who's farting; who's smuggled in dog beers; who's drinking wine; who brought their fur baby along; who's on the phone ordering stuff; who's taking pictures; who came armed; who's trying to find the nearest casino; who's writing fab poetry--we're all there with you!!!!   BIG HUGGGSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!
  • dee1961
    dee1961 Member Posts: 902
    edited October 2010

    Good morning ladies and TGIF!!

    Well, you'd think I'd have alot to talk about but I just can't focus my thoughts enough to write anything that would make Just been busy and I am running on empty. I hope to get caught up on some much needed rest this weekend but will have to see how that goes ;) I hope everyone is well and I think about you all often. Peace and love to you all!

    Cheers, Chairs, Ears and dog beers!

    OXOX Dee~

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,963
    edited October 2010

    Wow, what a partay last night!  I see some remnants still sacked out around the pool by the firepit, the Tenders have covered everyone up with a hand-made quilt.  

    It is blow'n and rain'n up a stahm as we say here, not sure but it might quality as a Nor'Easter.  The power's been buming for the last 46 mintues, so the electricity will go out sometime today for a while.  Leaves and branches are flying past the windows, the plastic deck chairs will be pushed off the deck soon.  Should have brought them in last night, I guess. 

    Before I lose the power I better think up a DOTD--how about a Rainstorm?

    1/2 oz Benedictine

    2 oz Scotch Wiskey

    1 tsp Sweet Vermouth

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2010

    Hey Hunky, I could always send you a recording of her's enough to rattle the rafters let alone chase off some potential robbers!

    download034.jpg picture by chrissyb_bucket

    KI2007boys149.jpg picture by chrissyb_bucket

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2010

    AStorm, Glad that junie got our bus trip organized, and we are on our waaaay to see you! Thinking of the best for you today.

    Junie, Love your funny post! How is the clutter-busting going?

    NM, Sure hope you don't lose power, or lose any outside furniture! Neat idea for a drink! And love the "Nor'easter" likker! Think it might help Dee to get some energy so she won't be runnin on empty? BTW, good to see you again Dee!

    chrissy, Wow.....nice pictures! And how do you get your sig on the pics? Cool.

    TGIF, esp for you "workng girls"! For us retired gals, everyday seems like a workday (well, to me anyway!). Weather is gawgeous for our bus trip to be with AStorm. Hey, did anyone remember to bring some likker and dog beers????? "On The Road Again".......

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2010

    Wahine, I use photobucket and there is an edit available where you can add a text to any photograph in your uploaded files.

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited October 2010

    Oh, good, I passed out at the Par-tay last night and need a good RAINSTORM to get me going. What's all the gun talk??? HD you must re-tell this one... Great to see ya'll thru bleary morning after Seagrams & Coke and Sex on the Beach eyes...looks like the party is still going so I think I'll roll off my hammock into the pool and grab some vodka for my cheerios, and some of the awesome Nor Easter likker!!!! Cheers!!!!

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited October 2010

    Oh yeay, Happy Friday, let's have a big old PARRRRRRRTEEEEEE tonight!!!

  • AStorm
    AStorm Member Posts: 1,393
    edited October 2010

    ok, here's the update on my lump... the pathologist thinks it is an inflamed lymph node and my PS says we'll follow up in 3 months. ? Hmm. Hold the bus, I'm going to call my onco.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,963
    edited October 2010

    ASortm, is the pathologist basing his/her opinion on a biospy sample?  A Pathologist should be able to look at  a biopsy sample and tell the difference between inflammation and cancer. 

  • AStorm
    AStorm Member Posts: 1,393
    edited October 2010

    It's based on an ultrasound. I haven't had a biopsy... trying to avoid that if its unnecessary.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,963
    edited October 2010

    I see.  That makes a 3 month follow up make more sense.  You're stronger than I am, I'd be a basket case until I had a biopsy and got the results. 

  • AStorm
    AStorm Member Posts: 1,393
    edited October 2010

    Actually it was a radiologist (not pathologist). And, yes, I am a basket case. Don't know how I'm going to put this out of my mind for 3 months! It remonds me of when I used to have "abnormal" mammos and they'd tell me to come back in 6 months. I'm thinkin about drinkin.

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611
    edited October 2010

    Oh AStorm - I was so hoping you would get an all clear definate message. Oh I so hate you will have to wait! How do they do a biopsy with implants? What did your onco say? I do remember when I had my ultrasound the radiologist was nicer than others and showed me what concerned him about the ultrasound and what the different shapes meant in that some were cupped and somewere really bright. I would think he/she could tell the difference but I guess they must have some question saying to come back in 3 months. That doesn't seem right with everything you have already been though. What about your BS would they have any valuable input? I'm so sorry I know you are worried and so are we. Hope you can get better answers more quickly.

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited October 2010, I would have let that big girl sleep on my bed with me last night.  Very pretty pictures by the way!  Looks like a breath taking area.  OK, I only thought about getting the gun out once last night when our motion light kept coming on at the back of our garage(alley).  Beanius, to answer your question, it started with my exchange surgery I believe,  followed by a f'rickin break in to my white trash villa here the second day I went back to work after my surgery.  Go back to last October a few hundred pages and you might find the beginning of the story.  It really pissed me off about the break in.  So, therefore, some on this board know I that I (we) am indeed a gun owner. Now, AStorm.....I am sure you are so anxious about this inflamed node and you know US won't tell you why the hell it is flaring.  Is this node in your auxillary region?  If I remember we had somre recon surgery close to same time.  Hopefully your lymph node is doing its job picking up any kind of infection.  I think surgery makes one quite prone to infection even weeks later.  I just got off antibiotics myself due to a red area.  I am like NM though.....there is not a chance in hell I could wait for 3 months.  My Dr's know exactly how anxious I get with scans, etc.  Just a needle biopsy would make you feel better.  Of will drinkin a little.  My thoughts are with you!!!  So, I am ready to continue the party tonight if anyone is interested.  Dee, nice to hear from you whether you have anything to say or not.  Junie...glad you got the bus trip organized and are a good party girl...Thnx!  Wahine...TGIF back to ya!  Work is done for two days for me.  Time to clean up my crib.  Claire...good story about the lady on the porch.  Lori? Pop in here a bit.  Well, the virtual beer is not cutting it for me.  I am getting a real meal deal and supersizing it!  Maybe even cheerios for dinner!  Chow now!  HD
    PS. " MJ.....come here girl" 

  • AStorm
    AStorm Member Posts: 1,393
    edited October 2010

    Ok, just talked to onco. He is not the least bit concerned. Says this is a "benign" situation. The follow up is just to make sure the lymph node returns to normal. yay!

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited October 2010

    Amen AStorm!  Yay for sure!  Party time!

  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited October 2010

    Junie - I go to Reno quite a bit for work (or I used to - before chemo).  I'm actually going to be there on Tuesday (and LA on Monday).  Reno is a quick flight from Vegas. 

    Chrissyb - love the lap dog!  Soooo cute!  :)

    Beanius - Yay - no pills and I can't wait until we're both done with chemo and onto rads (well, I'm not that excited about rads, but I want to be done with EVERYTHING soon)! 

    TGIF everyone!   Have a few drinks for me.  I am so drained from chemo, as usual.  This is my "normal" Friday night now.  I'm excited that I only have 2 more chemo treatments left!!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited October 2010

    Hi Kittycat,

    So glad I don't need to worry about that extra glass of red wine I drank on your behalf!  And it will be over sooner than you think. the word on the interview that I wasn't right for the team (no surprise), but got a referral to someone else to talk to.  I take this as major progress.

    Anyway, out of the funk I was in a week ago as good stuff CASH and WORK.  The other will happen.  In fact, I got two small (paid) projects w/i the past 24 hours.

    And discovered that Chateau St Michele Grand Estates is jiust fine in terms of price/quality, even more so because Safeway has on sale.

    Even hair is better than a week ago.  More need to celebrate. - Claire

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611
    edited October 2010

    well Yahoo ! finally lots of good news to celebrate!!!! I do so like it better when things are good and fun and no worries - I think that is something huge to celebrate even if the chipmunks, falling ceilings, leaks, and not the right job interviews come along, we can handle all that just give us our health and no scares. So AStorm - now you can at least enjoy the rest of the weekend.

    So as you all have guessed with my inability to figure out the whole picture posting methods I'm not very sharp when it comes to electronics. My kids are driving me nuts wanting a phone and I've held out so far but I know the time is coming. .....So I asked this one lady at Target who sells from different carriers and lo and behold she has talked me into upgrading my phone! Rats didn't mean for that to happen. Well, of course now that is does more than just call someone it has been fun to play with so the main thing l liked about my old phone was the blue tooth capabilities with my car so I can be hands free.... so I find out this phone isn't compatible with my car! Huh? you are supposed to check out phone with the type of car you own??? Just too strange. I've been working with the crazy thing for days now. So the guy at the car place says to let him have a go to see if he can make it work. I do hate electronics! Have been having battles with Comcast since Oct 1st and so far no one can make it work.... grrrrr. I keep waiting for my kids electronic super powers to kick in - so far nothing! However I did manage to get a fun picture of my son batting at the pinata that my son with down syndrome really wanted - it turned out great if and when I can make that work, I'll share!!! Anyway, Happy happy weekend to all! And Claire, I'm sure you will find the job you are supposed to have, sounds like they wouldn't have appreciated you anyway. 

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611
    edited October 2010

    Oh, and HD - I can't imagine how scary your break in was - I'll share my story sometime but I don't have a gun and have no clue how to use one but now after the pinata I have a baseball bat so at least its something!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,963
    edited October 2010

    AStorm--so good to hear that the lymph situation is B9!  Hooray! 

    Claire--so glad you've got a lead on a job, and some paying projects coming in.

    The wind has calmed down quite a bit, still raining here.  Had some power bumps yesterday and last night, but no outages.  The town around the corner was without power most of the day, apparently.  All the pretty leaves are on the ground instead of on the trees, now, though. 

    What shall we have for a DOTD today?  Something celebratory, perhaps?  How about a Celebration? 

    1 part brandy

    1 part Triple Sec

    2 parts Gold Rum

    1 part lemon juice

    5 drops orange bitters

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited October 2010

    Astorm - whew!!! B9 is super good news, I was wondering and hoping and glad to hear this!!

    HD - Thanks for the gun you live in WT land too? Both DH and I have wicked weapons, usually carried for hikes in the woods to protect against cougars & bears. We have been hiking for years with no incidents, but we watch those "I shouldn't be alive" shows on TV, so like to take some protection just in case. Hope you are doing well and healing up and enjoying your weekend!!!

    I've been super bizzzy and dizzzzy trying to sell some stuff so I can make a donation to as Oct if BC awareness month. I think for us every month is bc awareness month - oye vey! I will have to catch up with all the posts... NM I love the monkey Celebration drink - the monkey looks so fun!! Stanzie - good luck with your kids, you sound like a super nice mom! Claire - way to go on the referral, glad you're outta da funk (I know it well). BTW - got my bikes tuned up and played a little yesterday it was way fun!! Glad you're hair is getting BetR!! Yeah Kitty! You and me got two rounds to go, whew, never understood fatigue like this B4, we'll be through soon, hang in there my friend!!!!! Wahine, dee, goldie, junie, jaybird and all of you beauties, many hugs to you! And cheers, lets have some beers! ~Beans

  • hunkydory
    hunkydory Member Posts: 722
    edited October 2010

    Hey Beans.....we live in desert land where rattlesnakes sunbathe within city limits.  We have always packed when hiking, etc.  My new weapon is the perfect gun for snakes and 2 footed predators also as it shoots both .45 ammo and 410 shotgun shells.  It has a laser light on it so you can't miss.  I am holding the fort down thus far.  Did some cleaning today that might be considered for a reality TV hoarder episode.  Lot's of trips to the garbage.  I have showered and need to go out and pick some more tomatoes.  Don't have the energy to do anything with them tonight.  NM....I think you would do well with a greenhouse and a still.  I know they are spendy but if you have the provides a lot of satisfaction.  I know Lori loves hers.  Hi Lori!  Hi Dee!  Hi Kathy,  Hi Junie, Hi Chrissy, Hi Jaybirdie, Hi AStormie, Hi Connie, Hi Kitty, Hi Stanzie, Hi Beanie, Hi Lady Madonnie, Hi Clairie, Hi Mrs Nicey, Hi Casinogalie(wherever you are), To all those I've missed...I'll catch you next time!
    ""Romper, bomper, stomper, boo. Tell me, tell me, tell me do. Magic Mirror, tell me today. Did all my friends have fun today?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2010

    AStorm, HOORAY that it is B9.....reason to celebrate! NM, Cute DOTD with the monkey! I thiink I need a bar-full of drinks today. Beans, good for you, selling stuff to be able to contribute to! I hope you are able to get lots of $$$ from your things!! HunkyD, glad you are surviving w/o DH there, but know you will be glad when he is back home (which will be when?)! Well, I am down-in-the-dumps today (is it my turn??LOL)....our flooring installer that we like so much feels that this is too big a job for him. SO we won't get to have him do any of our wood flooring, or the kitchen and utility room that he previously thought he could do. RATS! He will replace a floor at a townhouse we will rent out, but this really SUCKS. Still can't find a match, and really hate to rip out the rest of the wood flooring that is perfectly good. $HIT!!! So today I used more bondo on the steel doors at my parents place, and I think I get as much on me as on the door...and that stuff DOES NOT come off easily. I look like I should be an auto I need a lot of those drinks now, so Pants and Jocks, don't let me down!!!

    Hi to all of those that HunkyD said Hi to. I ditto the list!!!!



  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited October 2010

    HD - LMAO!!! Cute pic!! I'm jealous tho cuz I loooooooooooooooooove the desert and would switch in a hearbeat for the coast and mountains, I'm grounded at the coast starting next Thurs to finish this n that crapola. Glad you're "loaded" so to speak and good luck with the tomaters. I did have fun today, thanks for asking. I sold 2 things!!

    wahine - sorry you're feeling in the have had so much going on it's no do need lots of drinks tonite and good for you it's Happy Hour again!!!! So drink up and just know (take it from me, the master cry baby) the blues do subside. Gallons of Seagrams and diet coke will help!! Jocks and Pants are on their way to you!!

    Now to just plain old copy HD: Hi Lori!  Hi Dee!  Hi Kathy,  Hi Junie, Hi Chrissy, Hi Jaybirdie, Hi AStormie, Hi Connie, Hi Kitty, Hi Stanzie, Hi HD, Hi Lady Madonnie, Hi Clairie, Hi Mrs Nicey, Hi Casinogalie(wherever you are), To all those I've missed...I'll catch you next time!

     Who else is coming to Happy Hour???? Wine is fine, but likker is quicker!!!

    Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers, ~ Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeens