how about drinking?



  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 282
    edited June 2006
    Rosemary, I love my broccoli...but my lentils?!? I'll be honest. I'll bet you I haven't had anything with lentils since I was about 5 or 6...that's a 40 year drought!! So honey, post the lentil soup recipe...I'm ready to try it!! I believe they're good for cholesterol, am I right? I know my mom was eating those when she was working at bringing her's down.

    As for food and alcohol...I can see the connection and I know that it is a concern. My problem is the opposite. On Girls Night Out -- the food is more the enticement (and too much of it and so many good restaurants to go and try)...the wine is an accompaniment. One of the posts I made, probably the first of the few on this thread, was in response to someone who has a friend in France where wine is part of most every evening meal...and I know that's true of Italy as well having been there.

    I also want to say that I respect "Hats" perspective on this. Giving up anything is a major life accomplishment and a major life change. The fact that we are all different and have different viewpoints is what makes life what it is and thank goodness for that. I would say having read through this thread that there is no offence meant to anyone and I would hope no offence taken. Everyone I've met through this board has been very warm and friendly. We may have very little in common other than breast cancer but I think we do a great job of co-existing under difficult circumstances.

    So bring on the lentil soup and let's all get on with living our best life!
  • pdgd
    pdgd Posts: 18
    edited June 2006
    Rosemary, lol! My margarita recipe is to go buy the bucket of stuff at Target or Costco, add the tequila, freeze it, and Yahoo!
    Ronda, LOVE your new pic! You look great! I have a good lentil recipe that I'll pm you. Pam
  • Rosemary44
    Rosemary44 Posts: 272
    edited June 2006
    I'm glad you asked. This recipe is so good, you can open your own restaurant with it. Hmmm, they may have already.

    Lentil soup

    1 lb. Italian sausage (very optional)
    1 onion, chopped
    1 stalk celery, chopped
    2 large carrots, chopped
    1 small zucchini, chopped in medium size quarters
    6 cups chicken broth or vegetable broth
    1 (small) can diced tomatoes, undrained
    3 cloves garlic, minced
    1 cup dry lentils, rinsed or 2 cups if your feeding more.
    ¼ cup of barley (optional, adds more fiber and Vitamin K)
    Black pepper, basil, oregano, parsley, thyme, sage, crushed red pepper flakes and fennel seeds to taste

    Brown sausage and add to pot
    In a large pot combine all ingredients; bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover. Simmer for about 1 hour or until lentils and barley are tender. Add water, if necessary, for desired consistency.

    Drizzle a little olive oil on top of individual bowls of soup prior to serving.

    I found this recipe on the net.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 282
    edited June 2006

    This sounds delicious, and with all these ingredients, it's something that my family will eat as well. I'll give it a whirl! Thanks for sharing...and keeping us healthy!!!

  • 2up
    2up Posts: 944
    edited June 2006

    my recipe for margueritas is a little different, for my version you lay around the pool at the RiuMayaBeach and the nice "senor" just keeps them coming! lol!

  • rondab
    rondab Posts: 87
    edited June 2006
    Rosemary - the lentil soup sounds good, thanks! We often substitute Ro-tel for plain tomatoes - think that would work with this?

    Pam - your recipe sounds good also, so I'll be trying it soon too. I got brave today, came to work without a hat/scarf. Everybody has been congratulating me on having hair again. Ronda
  • Rosemary44
    Rosemary44 Posts: 272
    edited June 2006

    I like your picture too. Very nice. Sure any type of tomatoes as long as it is bite sized. They won't reduce in such a short cooking time. I'm growing my own organic tomatoes just to use in this recipe. We'll see how that goes since I never did it before.
  • hats_are_better_then_wigs
    edited June 2006

    Post deleted by hats are better then wigs

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 282
    edited June 2006
    OH "Hats", I'm sooo glad you came back!! We all have stinking rotten days, and then we have some gorgeous, beautiful days...and this is the best place to be on either of them. As soon as I read your post, my heart just filled with joy.

    I'm happy to call you Susie, I'm happy to call you my friend and I'm happy that your world is looking a little brigher today. You rock woman!
  • 2up
    2up Posts: 944
    edited June 2006

    i couldn't have said it better myself! i was elated to read that post!

  • pdgd
    pdgd Posts: 18
    edited June 2006
    Shel, your recipe is so much easier than mine! lol! I'll have to try it!
    Susie, no sweat. This is a bumpy road. Glad you're feeling better. Pam
  • HERO2
    HERO2 Posts: 19
    edited June 2006
    YUM !!!!!!!!!

    Just got back from work and came in to 'visit'....that lentil soup recipe sounds yummy! I just need to find someone to fix it for me ! LOL

    See, I have the same theory for the soup that PGDG has for margaritas...I just go out and buy it !

    Glad we're all here...waiting for Janie to come back in and say "hi"

    HERO, Class of '04
  • texgirl
    texgirl Posts: 19
    edited June 2006

    Just found this thread..well just actually read it and have been laughing for 30 minutes ! Have thought it was more of the don'ts of breast cancer...boy was I wrong ! I have read every post and somewhere a margarita recipe was mentioned... I LOVE margaritas on the rocks..anybody have a good recipe ?

  • 2up
    2up Posts: 944
    edited June 2006

    welcome recipe is pretty lame but i'm sure somebody has a great one!

  • Rosemary44
    Rosemary44 Posts: 272
    edited June 2006

    I have a cheating kind of recipe. They sell frozen lime juice and it makes a great margarita. Isn't there a second kind of liquor besides the tequila that goes in it?

    Sherry, I meant to reply to you about the cholesterol, yes high fiber foods reduces cholesterol. You need 25 - 30 grams a day. Think beans...beans...beans...beans
  • 2up
    2up Posts: 944
    edited June 2006

    triple i put myself through nursing school by bartending (in a strip club no less) me a drink and i can make it!

  • sierrasusieq
    sierrasusieq Posts: 16
    edited June 2006
    Okay guys this is the BEST margarita recipe. Equal parts tequila, triple sec, margarita mix and orange juice. The orange juice makes it less sour and much smoother.

    Poor me another please
  • HERO2
    HERO2 Posts: 19
    edited June 2006
    Buenos dias, to all !!

    shel...TOM COLLINS

    I was at a party recently and they had two drinks TOM COLLINS and BLUE CURACAO

    When I asked about the recipe, they had bought both in gallons from someone that makes kinda tastes like lemonade

    Do you know that recipe?

    HERO, Class of 05

    <<psst: I never, EVER thought I'd be asking for a recipe for a drink on this site! >> L O L

    .....guess I'm following my ONC's instructions -
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 282
    edited June 2006
    Goodness you ladies are on here late at night!! The story of my life...I miss all the good parties!!

    Thanks for the cholesterol info Rosemary...beans, beans, family will LOVE me for that -- mind you, I live with all men in this house and they can turn the air blue in the snap of their fingers...I'll blend right in!! I'll just be "one of the guys"!!

    I have never been able to make a margarita from scratch -- not one that tastes "right" anyway -- so the orange juice that Sierra recommends might be the key. I love to do tex-mex nights with my friends -- we make lots of great food and usually start with a margarita and then switch to Corona with lime. I find that helps take the heat out of the jalapenos & chipotles!! Talking about this is making me think how long it's been since we've done that...end of the month is weekend at a friend's cottage so I'll bring along that margarita recipe.
  • Rosemary44
    Rosemary44 Posts: 272
    edited June 2006

    Do you write for a living? If not, you should be. Turn the air blue, I laughed out loud. I didn't even mention the olive oil, look out.. everyone out of the way! 2 tbls a day keeps the Dr. away.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 282
    edited June 2006
    No Rosemary, I don't write for a living, but do you know, in the last 6 months the number of people who keep insisting that I should? Perhaps that's another door that breast cancer has opened for me. What I do, is LOVE to talk...betcha hadn't figured that out!?! And I thank you sincerely for the compliment.

    Well, I admit. I do love my olive oil -- and my garlic -- and use both daily, so I'm doing something right! Adding that to the beans though? You're right -- get out of the way

    Now, you being a good Texas girl and all, I'll bet you've got some really good recipes that I could take away with me for my weekend at the cottage. Anything you think of that would "light a little fire" would be much appreciated!! Keep in mind, it's a "small" cottage, there are 4 of us and one bathroom...and the beds are bunks. Please be kind!! Just a little fire, no explosions!!
  • Rosemary44
    Rosemary44 Posts: 272
    edited June 2006

    A door has opened for you. Time to walk through it? Actually, I'm a displaced N.Y.'er so I have none of those fire recipes.

    But I do have a very tasty one for bbq chicken.

    In a 1/2 cup of olive oil, put in 2 cloves of diced garlic, oregano and fresh parsley, and the juice of one lemon. Let it sit while the chicken is cooking, and pour it over the cooked chicken and let that sit covered (if you can) for about 2 mins. Ok, longer is better.

    I love to presoak my bbq chicken for one hour in raspberry beer. What a nice flavor that gives to the chicken and they get so plump, and so do I.
  • pdgd
    pdgd Posts: 18
    edited June 2006
    Sherry, lol! I always visualized a green haze! Blue? That sounds like such an icy clean color!! Pam
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 282
    edited June 2006
    Pam, it must be because I'm Canadian, just a little colder that bit boys play so much hockey I'm always thinking of "ice"

    Rosemary, as for walking through that door, I think I will be doing that. I keep saying to myself "and I'm waiting for "what" exactly? An invitation?" Thank you for the "push" of encouragement.

    A displaced New Yorker in about the battle of the accents!! I'll bet they love you wherever you are in the Lone Star State...

    I love the chicken recipe and that's been printed off...raspberry beer? If memory serves, there are references to raspberry beer earlier in this thread so I will have to re-read..and hit the LCBO to see what kind of unusual beer they carry. I have just come from the grocery store and have the rest of the ingredients I needed for lentil soup...yes my dear, tonight's meal is lentil soup, a loaf of crusty french bread and an English cucumber/tomato salad -- with plenty of olive oil and garlic. I'm salivating just talking about it! Bon apetit mes amis!
  • hats_are_better_then_wigs
    edited June 2006

    Post deleted by hats are better then wigs

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 282
    edited June 2006
    That 4 people one bathroom could prove tricky of the women in the group has Irritable Bowel Syndrome...we're all used to it and think nothing of it, but she's still, after all these years, embarrassed when things act up. And as much as I understand, she'll be having the "bottom" bunk!!! As for going outside? Sometimes you've just gotta do, what you've gotta do...

    Tired of chocolate??!?! That can happen??! Yikes!! I'm not a huge chocolate fan -- bits now and then and since chemo I actually enjoy it more than I did beforehand. As for those Ensure drinks...I'm not too too impressed with those. My 14 year old was drinking a lot of those and Boost last summer to put on some weight (he's 5"8" and 125 lbs. -- a long tall stick, compared to my 18 year old who is 6'3" and 225 lbs! He's thick, solid and wide, not overweight)while he was doing training for hockey -- to build muscle. He wasn't too fussed but didn't mind the vanilla ones and like it when I'd put bananas, strawberries or yogurt in them and mix it all up in the blender.

    Hope the teeth and mouth feel better soon Susie and you can get back to something solid.
  • mc24
    mc24 Posts: 10
    edited June 2006

    Welcome to the state of Texas Sherry. Lylas, hope the dental work goes well and easy. I don't post much, but always check this one. This is a very entertaining thread.

  • dentalgirl
    dentalgirl Posts: 1
    edited June 2006
    Wow, I have been steady laughing with you guys since i started reading everyone's post. I to am new to this thread, but believe me I will most definitely will be back very very soon. Where else can you get a lentil recipe along with Margaritas!!!! This sounds like my kind of place!!!

    Rock on girls, and remember the following:
    Up front parking = Rock Star
    Pretty close to the front = Roadie
    In the middle = groupie
    Way in the back = Band Ho

    Hope ya'll find that as funny as I did!!

    Looking forward to beans and tequila
  • 2up
    2up Posts: 944
    edited June 2006 and beer..........a Canadian institution!.........i am born and raised into a hockey family! "I AM CANADIAN" lol!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 282
    edited June 2006
    Yes Shel, hockey & beer.. but do you have the t-shirt?!? My 18 year old bought that when he was going to NYC for an art trip (when he was 16) and people loved it (all about I Am Canadian -- it was hysterical). Of course he comes home with a novelty shirt he bought in SoHo which he wore to school (!) -- it's a blue scrubs shirt -- one pocket says "gynecologist" the other pocket says "Dick"...

    Hockey is my husband played, my 2 boys play, I managed my younger son's team for 3 years, the older one's for's a good thing I love the game!!

    Welcome to the new posters -- "MC" and "Dentalgirl". Glad you decided to post after reading and don't need to be a drinker, just open hearted with a sense of humour.

    Rosemary...did the soup, ate my lentils and guess what? I liked them!! You'll be so proud of me -- I even included the barley for the extra fibre and Vitamin K...tell you what Shel, I'm giving away my Canadian roots here with my spelling aren't I?? (fibre vs. fiber!!).

    And "Texas" MC, if you've got any good recipes, we'd love to have them!