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  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited November 2006
    Today I give thanks…

    To God, who was still around and still loving me after I quit yelling at him for letting me get cancer.

    For my husband, my rock, my anchor and the love of my life.

    For my beautiful daughters, Carol and Katie, my wings, my reason for living.

    For the rest of my family, whether they are related to me by blood or not.

    For all of you! You have lifted me up and carried me through the rough spots. You laugh with me and raise my spirits.

    For life, for laughter, for snow and sun, for grace and peace…..for simply being her to give thanks.

    Love ya ladies…

    Deb C.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2006
    HAPPY TURKEY DAY TO EVERYONE!!!! To those of you north of the border or across the ocean, happy thursday. My pies are in the oven and the sweet potatoes and stuffing is done. Smoked turkey is defrosting (hubby smoked it a few weeks back). Now just need to heat everything up at dinner time. Its only the 4 of us, and now I kind of wish I had invited people, but when it was inviting time, I just wasn't up to it. Maybe next year. Its still up and down. I cut back on the Effexor to 37.5mg and the first day I felt great - I'm still better than when on the 75mg, but not quite right. Still haven't been able to cry, and deciding if I want to stay on the 1/2 dose of Effexor or go all the way off. I know some of what I am feeling is normal post treatments - but I'm inpatient. As my darling hubby says, I just want my old life back. I guess I just have to wait and see who the new me really is.
    This afternoon we are off to the movies. Craig and Noah (17 year old son) are going to see the James Bond movie. This is the first time in a while that they have done anything together I will go see a movie with Miriam(8 year old daughter) - just need to decide which one. Hubby wants to eat an early dinner. The Broncos are playing tonight and I think he wants to watch the game. Leah (20 year old daughter) is in Chicago and going to friends for dinner. She was in NY Tuesday and Wednesday for a wedding - short and sweet trip - but a good time. I miss her, but I am so glad that she is happy at school. Her winter vacation is the end of January, but she is planning on staying in Chicago as none of her friends will be here. She says a few other girls are staying and they will spend time visiting the city they never have time to see - museums, shopping etc!!!
    Cheryl - CONGRATS on the good mammo and the news of a new grandbaby. When is the baby due?
    I love the picture of the MIL!!!
    Betty - welcome - glad you found us. This is a great bunch of gals.
    Wishing everyone in the circle feel good days. I'm sure I will be checking in again later tody.
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited November 2006
    Hey CG''s been a while, but I couldn't let today go by without extending my inexplicable gratitude for all of you, and those of you who have been really looking out for me lately. I was doing the "gratitude" thing in the shower earlier, and knew I had to get here and express my thanks to everyone here. Your support and love has never and will never go unnoticed or unnappreciated.

    Amy...thanks for the pm...I just got it today. your pm's and call me.

    I haven't had time to catch up....welcome to all our new CG's and love and peace to all of you today and always...Mena...xo
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited November 2006
    CG'S I AM NOW OUT OF THE PITTY PARTY, still don't know much about my health, But as i told all of you earlier, I have been having a BIG problem with my son, just out of the military, He would not except calls from anyone, we did not know is he was dead or alive ( YES that serious) But, My Precious Mena got ahold of him for me, God has worked through My Sweet Sister Mena, he said to her he will call me tonight( crying my eyes out with joy) She told him if he did'nt She will continue to call him!!!!! Yes, Sisters there is a GOD, and He Has Angels Among us! Now i can Pray again, thank you for ALL your support and prayers!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo Puppy
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    (((MENA))) Always love to you
    (((DEBBYFIVE))) Ok...nuf crying...lots of love for you here too.
    So good to see you...have a wonderful day both of you!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited November 2006
    Isn't it cool that we got to page 100 on thanksgiving?? Hugs
    Deb C.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2006
    Everyone has their wagons all spiffed up.
    The good linens are out, the ones our grandma's did the special crochet and embroidery on. All of our specialties are being shared with one another. All the tents have their flaps open to show the beautiful and festive decorations. There are three fires blazing, one for the celebration, one for the power of the sisterhood, and one always burns for hope.

    The circle is so big now I bet it can be seen from space.

    Music is playing, girls are dancing and laughing and no one is feeling bad today. No side effects from tx today, just joy and thankfulness for the gifts of eachother. The simplest gift of all and we are blessed with it in abundance because we have each other to understand, to cry with, to laugh with and to celebrate with.

    People outside the circle think we must be crazy. How can we be so happy and find so much joy in the smallest of things? We have battled cancer... shouldn't we be miserable?


    That is our gift. And only we understand it. Only people who have walked in our shoes know that after the fear, the fight and the side effects comes the peace and the ability to find beauty in everything we see.

    We are given a second sight along with our side effects and that sight allows us to find true friendship, love and joy.

    Thank you - each and all - for this beautiful gift we share.

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited November 2006
    Hello Circle Girls,

    Does anyone have any hand lotion? I just finished washing the last pot and now I have dishpan hands!!! Oh well, I wouldn't have it any other way. What a blessing we have to be able enjoy the day with family and loved ones, both near and far. I did not have all my children home for this holiday, but such is life. They grow and go!

    I agree with NoSurrender. We come to this circle to laugh, cry, shake from fear, feel warmth - there is no emotion that can't be expressed. We understand. I told my daughter today that no one can feel anyone's pain or fear. That there is part of this journey that I alone had to travel - but - I know I really haven't been alone because you have all been here.

    Yes, thank you all - this is indeed a beautiful gift.

    Happy Thanksgiving!!! (and some hand lotion please)
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited November 2006
    I want to add my best wishes for all of you. I hope you are all having a wonderful day. I am. Mena thanks for checking in and thank you for getting a hold of Debbie's son. She has been so worried.

    Robin, dear, I hope you are having a good day today!

    And to all the rest of you, NS, Chemosabi, Madison, AlaskaDeb, Newvickie, Amy, Liz, CherylG, Brenda, CherylCy, Colleen, Jeannette, Jeannie, Karen, Christine, RondaB, Betty, Lynn, Shirley, Carrie, Denise, Kristin, Tracy, LauraB, Shel, Lini, Purplemb, Sherndon, Peggy, Snowmen n thongs, MargaretB, tgirl, Mazer, Distorted (and anyone else I left out): You are wonderful ladies (or animals)! And I'm so fortunate to know you.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    What a wonderful beautiful day it has been.
    Hope that everyone has had such a special day as I have had...happier today than I have been in quite some time. Had a wonderful time with dear Nathaniel, my sister and brother in law...took some pictures that I will try to post later.

    You are all so very special to me and I am thankful for all of you and this amazingly beautiful circle that we have created here.

    I guess I can only second NS's said it all sweet girl of ours.
    God bless us one and all.

    Oh...passing the hand lotion to Madison...glad you had a good day!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited November 2006
    Evening girls,

    I will ditto all that has been previously posted. I hope everyone had a great day today.

    My wonderful son cooked the entire meal for me, my mom and aunt. My DH went to his parents and we all enjoyed ourselves by overeating. LOL However, my mom fell early this morning and wasn’t going to tell me. Her twin sis ratted her out so after we all ate, I took her to the ER to have her extremely swollen ankle checked. Fortunately it wasn’t broken just badly sprained with some pulled ligaments/tendons. They wrapped it up and put her in an air cast.

    I am so blessed to have such a wonderful group of women who “get” it. I know I would have made it through this journey without you guys, but it is wonderful to have you all.

    Mena, I was so very happy to see you here. What a wonderful thing you did for Debbyfive.

    To everyone else, have a wonderful evening and don’t over shop tomorrow. I personally think I will avoid all stores! LOL

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    Pics of me and Nathaniel
    me and my sister who went through chemo with me
    my sister and her husband
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited November 2006
    hey happy thanksgiving girls!

    i am actually going to attempt shopping over the boarder but not till sunday because our bridge and tunnel will be backed up for hours (literally) tomorrow and saturday.

    is there crazy ass fog anywhere else or just out here in the sticks? mac and i went for manicures and dinner in town tonight and the fog was so thick on the way home you couldn't even see the stop signs until you were half way through them!

    i hope you all have a blessed holiday. i'm dreading christmas (again).......i'm holding out hope that this is the last crappy one though!

    i did have a bit of fun today though, i got mac her lime green converse high tops,a really cool ski jacket, a new laptop, and a better ipod.......(i hope she doesn't expect much more for christmas lol!)....cause i broke the bank!

    even though it's not "my" thanksgiving i wanted to come here tonight to let you all know how thankful i am for your support, love, kindness and generousity! i couldn't do all of this right now without you all!
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited November 2006
    Circle Girlfriends, Thanksgiving is almost over but just had to drop in and say I hope each of you had a wonderful day with family and friends. This is a special group and one in which everyone is welcome.

    Mena great to see you post. Peggy, glad you dropped by; I had a hard time adjusting when my son left home as he was the youngest one. Betty, glad you decided to post, welcome. Have been to Jonesborough many times. Susan, my faith is as much a part of me as having had breast cancer is. I think it shows in our post and this is one area that I have always felt I could come and not worry that I would offend anyone.

    For me it has been a long day and ate the most today since my surgery. I am really tired so overlook any spelling errors or if I didn't mention you by name. Each of you brings something special and unique to this thread. I am honored and blessed and so very thankful that you are here to encourage, advise, cry and laugh, accept my up times and my down times - thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are one special group of ladies.

    Hugs and blessings, Brenda
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited November 2006
    Hey Madison,
    I'm passing you my vanilla bean hand lotion. I hope it helps the dishpan hands

    Below is a list of everyone who is participating in the holiday card exchange:
    Snowmen n thongs
    Karen1956 Karen in Denver

    If you are on this list, you should have gotten a PM from me with everyone's mail address. I couldn't figure out how to send A PM to more than one address at a time, so I hope I didn't mess up and miss anyone. If you are on the list and DID NOT get a PM from me, let me know.

    The first 10 or so people on the list actually got 2 PMs from me. Like a dork I forgot to put my own address on the list. Thank goodness Shel noticed my mistake and sent me a PM before I got ALL the lists sent...thanks Shel!

    I know that we all celebrate different holidays. I plan on sending Christmas cards because Christmas is the holiday I celebrate. If you celebrate a different winter holiday I would love to get a card that honors your traditions. One of the things I love about the circle is that we are all different but are all united in caring about each other.

    There is a left-over piece of pumpkin pie with my name on it...and then I think I need a tums before bedtime.

    Deb C.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited November 2006
    Thank you each and everyone for making this circle what it is.
    Blessings to all
    Love always
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    Yeah...we have our addresses...thank you Deb...something fun to do and I can't wait to get started! What a wonderful idea!
    Brenda...hugs and blessing back to you...good to see you and glad you had such a happy day!
    (((Cheryl))) and blessings to you.
    Shel...hope you have a great shopping day...stay safe and buy yourself something deserve it. Coming across the border brings you closer to lots of left over turkey!
    Off to do the crazy shopping thing with my sister this morning...we always have a ball!
    Still glowing from our wonderful day yesterday...hope I can keep the glow.
    Thinking of you all this morning...I think I'm "board" obsessed but there could be worse obsessions!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: What a glorious day. The weather is still being kind in the Chicago end of the circle. Weather report says it may hit the 60's! Now thats something here in Chicago, considering its the end of November! And I looked around - many of you are already awake and out into the town for shopping. Heard the stores open at 5am today with lots of specials. Not for this girl though. Have to go to work, just like a regular work day. And even if I didnt have to work? There is no way I would be shopping today. You would have to pretend you are a football player - a running back - and pushing through to get to where you want. Oh and then there is the lines. Nothing like standing in line for 1/2 hour or longer. But for some, shopping the day after Thanksgiving is a tradition. Our tradition is to start decorating the house for the Holidays. But before I do that - I need to clean my closets and get rid of all my summer clothing. So that will be on my agenda sometime this week-end.

    I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I enjoyed spending time with the family. And the food was good too. Still have a piece of pumpkin and apple pie in the refrigerator for later.

    After dinner, we saw slides of old family pictures. My goodness my husband and I were a good looking couple! My one nephew didnt recognize me and asked who is that sexy girl with the hat on. Good to see pictures of the old me. The hat thing was funny, cause I always wore hats. Long before chemo - and during chemo it gave me a reason to buy more hats. I think I have 15 of them now!! That picture was probably 30 years old! When I was skinny, young, and feisty.

    Jeanette: You get the special wagon award for the first post on page 100.

    Karen: Make sure if you are gonna go off the Effexor you wean yourself. I dont know if you remember my attempts at trying to get off my Lexapro. Well let me say, it wasnt successful. I turned into this grouchy, whipper snapper. Went back on it and I feel nice again. It took me a very long time, but I finially realized, I wasnt gonna find the old me. Im never gonna be that person again. But, Im laughing and smiling and enjoying life. The new me is pretty good - just different.

    Mena: My dear sweet Mena, it was so good to read your post. We have missed you very much. Im thankful I have been given the opportunity to meet you. So dont stay away. The circle girls need you and you need us.

    Debbiefive: I am hoping by now you have talked with your son and all is well.

    NS: I love the 3 fires. I think we should keep them lit all the time. One for celebration. One for sisterhood. And one for hope. I put fresh logs on all three. They are burning brightly. There are so many people flying in airplanes this week-end and I heard many pilots are pointing us out as a historical marker. The wagon train of the 21st century. During the day, you can see hundreds of wagons. And at night, the 3 fires burning brightly. It is a beautiful sight indeed.

    Madison: I think I must be the luckiest person around the Chicago area. I had a wonderful dinner and left before the dishes were done. Now how good is that? Everyone understood cause I had an hours ride home alone and had to work the next day. Husband and I drove separate. He played at a pub last night after our wonderful dinner. Hope you found that hand lotion.

    Susan: I just told distored Humor you said hello and he did the weirdest thing. He hee hawed! And then gave the biggest smile showing all his teeth. Hmmmm wonder what else Mazer the Tazer is teaching him? Hope you had a wonderful TG.

    Liz: What a good boy your son is for cooking the entire meal. Thank goodness yor moms ankle isnt broken. But geez, another trip to the hospital. If I had enough hair, I would be pulling it out right now.

    Shel: Are you a crazy woman? Shopping across the border this week-end of all week-ends! I too am dreading Christmas. Seems like I do that every year. So much to do, so much to buy. But then when Christmas comes, its always special. Sounds like your daughter got her Christmas presents early.

    Vickie: The pictures are great. And what the heck time did you get up this morning? You are the crowned the queen of the early morning circle today. Im so glad you had a good day. Still glowing? Thats a great description.

    Brenda: So good to hear from you. And yes, the circle is a safe place. We can come here and be ourselves. To me, spirituality is a big part of recovery. Being spiritual doesnt always mean religious. We are each so unique individuals. This is why the circle is so good. We can be who we are, who we want to be.

    DebC: thanks for the list. Now I have to figure out where and when I will have time to write cards. Sounds like you had a great TG and enjoyed that last piece of pumpkin pie.

    Well, Im pouting this morning. I really wish I didnt have to go to work. My little pity party. It seems like everyone in the world is off today but me! So its time to shower and get off to work. Then I will have the entire weekend to continue making Christmas presents. I went to a craft store on Wednesday and found tiny little pink ribbons - like if you were gonna make a charm bracelet. Well each thing I make, is gonna have a pink ribbon. That will be my signature for this years gifts. Hey, October is over - I can go back to the pink ribbons lol.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited November 2006
    good morning ladies...
    going to be cold here this weekend spose to hit -20c that would be -4f i believe... yuck!!!!!!! and were spose to go out to get wood this weekend...
    so good to see you posting again mena you have been missed so much:) hope your feeling better!
    well ladies its 32 days before christmas time to shop..
    liz that was very sweet of your son.... good job:)
    hope you all had a great thanksgiving:) and thought of me while you had turkey:):)
    awwwww chemosabi its ok to pout:) we all do:):) i didnt want to come to work either today...
    alaskadeb this christmas card exchange is truley exciting:) great idea!!!!!!
    and to all our circle girls have a great weekend!!!!!!!!
    lots of hugssssssssssssss
    someone send me a little warmth brrrrrrr
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited November 2006

    Wagon Circle Song

    With sisters like you, pals good and true
    I'd like to leave the world behind
    and go out and find
    A place that's known to God and us alone
    Just a spot we could call our own
    We'll find perfect peace
    Where joys never cease
    Somewhere beneath the stary skies
    We'll build a sweet little nest
    Somewhere out in the west
    And let the rest of the world go by
    With sisters like you...
    We'll let the rest of the world go by

    Reporting for duty...

    -------" Life is like a box of chocalates" " You never know what is inside" Thank You, NS for Taking the first bite!!! " THANK YOU FOR THIS SPOT" xoxo debbyfive
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited November 2006
    Hello Circle Girls,

    Wow debbiefive, I love the Wagon Circle Song. This song is one I want playing in my head! Did you get to speak to your son? I hope so. Yes, there are Angels among us. I felt sorry for myself this morning because my daughter didn't call yesterday, nor did she answer her phone, nor respond to the e-mail I sent. She is a resident (in another state) doing ER night rotation, so I guess it is okay.

    AlaskaDeb, got the hand cream, and I really needed it. My hands were washing dishes from sunup to sundown yesterday. I woke up this morning and decided (since my office was closed) to change and wash sheets, clean bathrooms, dust, etc. so I will need the hand lotion again. I am taking a break from house work to visit with all of you.

    I am sooooo excited to be participating in the holiday exchange. It is going to be fun, fun, fun.

    Tracey, I live down south, so I can send some warmth your way. I have to admit that I do envy those of you who live in a climate that gets cold in winter, you see snow, and you have changes in seasons. Enjoy your scenery. I look outside and the grass is still green!

    Nicki, I am sorry you had to go to work. I hope your day was great (and maybe, just maybe you were able to leave work early, I hope)

    Vicki, I just loved the pictures. Your smiles definitely light up our circle.

    To everyone else, Hello, I will catch up with your later.
    My vacuum cleaner is calling for me!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 4,011
    edited November 2006
    Hi Girls!
    Just wanted to pop in and say hi! Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving Day.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2006

    Nicki - I am weaning myself from the Effexor - went form 75mg to 37.5mg to zero. I wasn't even on it two weeks. So far so good. Didn't take any yesterday and probably won't today. I will then give myself some time before I do anything. The side effects are gone, but not sure how I am feeling. Stressed due to 17 year old son - also still feel kind of down. Don't know what is depression and what is normal reaction to the whole BC journey and finishing treatments. I really feel that I just need to give myself and my body a little bit of time and then make a decision. Thanks for all your support.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited November 2006
    Madison, You are Sooooo Sweet!!!! sorry, you never got to talk to Your daughter!! I never got a call from my son, But Mena got to talk to him, and at least I know He is OK!! so to speak( a very long sad story) He is a very Lost soul right now, He needs lots of prayer and support, the reason he wont speak nor let me know where he is, Is because I would Be there, something he wants from no one right now! YES, The wonderful Song, I wanted to give NS a High Five, for The Wagon, and let Her know, many of Us would not have each other,If We Did Not Have The Wagon of Sisters,We are So Strong because We Refuse To Surrender!!!!!!! Vickie, You Cherish Your Little Nathaniel, My Baby's middle name is Nathaniel also( the chosen one ) to all of you, I am thinking of you, and Susan, how would I ever have got this far without YOU, Thank You!!!!!!! xoxoxo Puppy (aka-debbyfive)
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited November 2006
    Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving - I feel like the Circle really understands what it means to be thankful!

    NS - Thanks for the wonderful visual, I will carry that with me for a long time to come.

    Everyone else - Glad to hear that it sounds like we all had a good turkey day (or just plain Thursday!)

    DebbieFive - Great news about your son, and Mena, what a wonderful friend you are!

    Vickie - Awesome pics, I love the smiles!

    Nicki - Sorry you had to work today! I'll bet you do feel like the only one, but there are lots of us out here! Stinks though....

    Liz, Shel, Cheryl, Brenda, Tracey, Laura, Madison, Susan and anyone I forgot (not taking notes, just scrolling!) hugs to all of you.

    Hey - Last night I shared my feelings about with site, and this thread in particular, with my fiance. He is wonderful, but not always great about talking about the cancer stuff. He listened, and then he said, "sounds cool", which was really the perfect response. Smiles!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited November 2006
    Happy Friday All!

    It’s been a rather lazy day for me today. There was no way I was going shopping. I did however, come across a great bargain. A Fossil watch for my son for 29.99! Regular price was 75.00.

    DebC, you are a gem for getting together the Christmas card list. I had to laugh at your forgetting yourself. I caught myself addressing one to me. LOL

    Vickie, great pictures. My son took one of me, mom and my aunt. Geez, I hope I don’t look that bad. LOL

    Shel, be careful shopping. You know how the holidays bring all the crazies out. At least they do here.

    Brenda, rest and let yourself recover from surgery. Good to see you.

    Nicki, fortunately my hair came in much thicker than before. At this rate though, I may not have much left. I always hated having to return to work the day after Thanksgiving. I was always pouty as well. I love the pink ribbon idea. That will be really special.

    Tracey, 32 days! Oh no. I’ve got 2 gifts. Years ago, I would have been done by now. Stay warm girl. I can’t imagine going out in that weather you endure.

    Debbyfive, what a great song. Thanks for sharing.

    Madison, I have the dishpan hands today. Did some cleaning earlier. I’ll share my lotion with you.

    Laura, so good to see you. How are you?

    Karen, I remember when my son was 17. I swore aliens had replaced him with someone else. It does get better. Take one day at a time.

    Colleen, I agree. I know I can come here and make a comment and everyone will understand. I sometimes feel like I now live in another world. Family and friends sometimes don’t get it.

    Okay, who know how many steps equals a mile? I've read 1000? Is that right? MB will know. LOL

    I’ve missed many today. I’m going to go address my cards and get them in the mail. I probably won’t write much in them. Just know you’re all in my thoughts and prayers daily.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    Evening ladies...
    Nicki...sorry you had to work today I was up at marathon shopping day but I'M DONE!!! Just need to pick up a few little things for the girls at work. Had a great time...found some great bargains and I am WIPED OUT...It's a good thing we took my sisters SUV because by the time we got home at 1pm it was loaded from front to back to the ceiling...WILL SLEEP WELL TONIGHT!!! I love your pink ribbons idea...can I steal it?
    Sending hugs to Shel and Brenda.
    Thanks to NS for our wonderful circle...
    Colleen...I showed my sister our circle yesterday as she just didn't "get" it and she was so amazed. I showed her the map that dear Cheryl set up and she couldn't believe what a huge group of "sisters" we are.
    Snowmaninthongs...better get something more than those thongs on at those temperatures. It was actually beautiful here today...first day of sunshine in 15 days and 50 degress!!! Supposed to be the same tomorrow and I plain on spending it picking up the yard and relaxing!
    Thanks for the song Debbyfive!
    Hi Madison...I'm sorry your daughter didn't get to call you...hope you have heard from her by now. My daughter is in Florida and it drives me crazy when I don't hear from her...sometimes because I'm worried about her sometimes just because I need to hear her voice.
    Still glowing but a bit dimmer...just need to recharge my batteries...totally exhausted.
    Missing a lot of you but thinking of all of you. Going to find a nice quiet wagon and sleep till lucky if I can sleep past 5 but I intend to try to sleep until at least 7.
    Hugs all around.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited November 2006
    Vickie, Wow girl. I bet you are exhausted. I used to do the shopping thing, but some of the people here who do it are actually violent. There wasn't really anything in the ads I needed either.

    Sleep well.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited November 2006
    CG'S , NS posted the song, I just reposted it to Thank Her for ALL She has done for us, sorry i never put that in. god bless xoxo debbyfive
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    Hi Debby...that's ok...thanks for reposting it for those of us who may have missed it before. God bless you too.

    Liz...everyone here was actually pretty good natured and I didn't go with a plan or list...just along for the ride and what a ride it was!
    101 pages ladies...we are growing bigger by the day! Guinness book of records maybe LOL!
    Night all...sweet dreams.