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  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2006
    Hi everyone..just need to is my birthday(64)
    and my six year cancerversay..yes they called me just when I was leaving for my party..not good timing!! But here I am today and we had a wonderful dinner yesterday.
    Hope everyone's Thanksgiving was as good as possible...
    Hugs, Lisa
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited November 2006

    Happy Birthday!!! Many, many more to come.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    Happy Birthday Lisa and congratulations on your six years...NED forever for you...that is my wish.
    I know I know...I need to go to bed!!! Waiting for Nate to finish watching "Polar Express"...what a great movie. We watched "Chronicles of Narnia" yesterday...another wonderful movie but my favorite Christmas movie has always been "It's a Wonderful Life"...anyone else have favorites.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited November 2006
    Lisa! I didn't know today was your birthday. Hope you've had a wonderful day. You are such a wonderful lady. Woohooo for 6 years too!


  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2006
    Happy Birthday Lisa!!!!
    Happy SIXTH Anniversary with NED!!!

    Oh girls, I just finished writing the longest post to you and it went bye bye. I hate when this system does that!!

    I will try to remember,

    I am guessing Madison's hands are nice and soft now since everyone sent her hand cream! Welcome Betty! So glad to have you here! Vickie, i just love your pictures, beautiful so beautiful as always...

    Peggy and Lini- GOOD TO SEE YOU!

    Mena- HELLO STRANGER! Way to go with Debby's son!

    Liz, I hope your mom's ankle is better today. Shel, I hope you got some shopping in, it is the best therapy at least until the bills comein! Debby you had to go WAAAY back to find THAT song! Colleen, your fiance sounds pretty cool himself!

    Nicki, thank you for helping to keep the fires burning. May they always be a source of comfort and inspiration for everyone who walks the path we have. About your pictures, you still are pretty fiesty and you are still young- and with all this exercising and South Beaching you are probably still skinny too!

    I actually braved the crowds today only to find there weren't any. That was relief. Linens and Things was NOT crowded so if anyone needs something there I recommend it!

    I am missing a whole bunch of girls here,
    but you know you are all in my heart -

    I hope this posts this time!
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited November 2006
    LOL NS, I did have to go way back! after Your thanksgiving wish, I wanted to post somthing Special for You( But you know me and posting by now- not good at sp) OH Lisa, happy birthday, and Happy #6, I also wish that you always be living with NED! wishing, everyone life with NED also! OK, i am like Vickie, gotta take meds, then the lights go out! xoxo debby
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited November 2006
    Happy birthday Lisa!!! Lisa -n- NED 4-ever

    Deb C.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited November 2006
    happy birthday, Lisa and happy 6 year anniversary. That's great.

    Deb C. thanks for the card list. I'll get started soon!!

    Debbyfive, you sound like you are doing a little bit better.

    Have a great evening everyone.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited November 2006

    Just sent you a PM AlaskaDeb. I have only one message from you and it doesn't have your name on the list. Don't you want a card??

  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited November 2006
    Hello sweet C G'S
    Checking in on all of you and saying Hi .It sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. This year my thoughts go back to last year at this time when when Denise , my sister was doing chemo , Taxotere of the AC + T and her
    taste buds were on the fritz, and how very Thankful that we had this year to be together . Mena it is so good to hear from you . Deb I got your list, thank you so much for doing this !! Keeping all of you close to my heart and in my prayers ~

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited November 2006
    Well it has been a cold day here in Seattle, but at leat it's not snowing yet. I wasn't going to shop today but couldn't help myself. I made it to the Dollar Store for picture frames. Went into Fred Meyer then turned around and walked out as it was just to busy for me. The it was off to Big Lots to get a few things. And off to the grocery store to get the fixins for potatoe salad for tomorrow Thankgiving dinner at my daughters.

    Went to visit my granddaughter Cloe and her other grandmothers. She only lives a block away so when ever one of us has Cloe we can visit all we want.

    Found a common factor to losing posts. Whenever I lose a post it is usally when someone else is posting at the same time!

    So I'm going to copy it everytime before I try to post it so I don't lose them anymore.

    Wow it's getting late and I shopuld try to sleep.

    will make another round and put more logs on all three fires to keep them burning brightly and giving us warmth!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited November 2006

    Cloe says "HI" to all of her Circle Aunties & Grandmas
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: Its still warm here in the Chicago end of the circle. Im gonna apreciate each day now, cause I here a cold front is on its way the middle of the week. Snow and cold weather - which is what is normal for Chicago, Snow and Cold! I cant wait until we start talking about Spring! Work was busy, but the traffic was great - there was none. It was so nice driving with no rush hour traffic. The shopping centers were packed. I heard there was a 4 hour traffic jam on the way to one of the outlet malls west of Chicago. Now thats what I really want to do the day after Thanksgiving. Sit in a 4 hour traffic jam. Guess I will wait and go during the week. I always feel so much better once all the presents are done.

    Im working on Christmas present #3. This one is a ginger bread man. He is sitting down, and where his legs extend with be a place to put candy and stuff. He has a cap and shoes. Very cute. This plastic canvas is fun, but very slow.

    Anyways it is Saturday here in the circle. Got lots of coffee, tea, and hot chocolate brewing. Just gonna sit here and enjoy my time with all of you. Then clean out my closets - oh yuck. Im gonna go to town for breakfast. I feel like some fried eggs over easy, wheat toast, bacon and sausage, and a stack of pancakes! Oh yummy. then I will come home and exercise my arse off.

    Tracey: Oh my -4 F is cold, cold, cold!! I think your weather is coming our way. Gonna be in the teens next week-end. I did think of all of you on Thanksgiving. When we sat down to eat, there was a moment of silence - and I thought of each and every one of you during that time. Yes you all are so far away, but yet so very close.

    Debbyfive: Thanks for reposting the Circle song. It sure is great. Sorry about your son. Im hoping things do get resolved though and you can see him soon.

    Madison: Im sure your daughter had a good excuse working the night shift and all, but it still had to be disappointed not to get a phone call from her. My son stopped calling me on Holidays years ago. In fact, he never called to see how I was after I had my surgery. I guess we are estranged! Ah and its warm all year round where you are. The Rolling Stones Song "You cant always get what you want." Those of us here that get 4 Seasons - well we hate Winter. The first snowfall is always pretty, but that feeling goes away very quickly. Then is off to shoveling, driving in it, and getting stuck in it! And I yearn for warm sunny weather.

    LauraGTO: So glad you stopped by to say hello. I hope all is going well and life is getting somewhat back to normal. Whatever normal is.

    Karen: Sometimes the side effects to medications can be worse than the problem. If you have the choice to go off of it, then do it by all means. Im glad your feeling better. Some of you are so strong. Im just whimpy whimpy whimpy. I take a medication for every problem I have. Got Lexapro and xanax - they are my friends. Depression is a big part of this journey. We have experienced a loss and we are grieving. They say it takes about 18 months to move forward. So I say, one day at a time. Baby steps turn to giant steps.

    Colleen: Yep! Gettting people to understand how important this site is to us is very hard. They just dont get it. Your fiance sounds cool too.

    Liz: 1000 steps = one mile? Hmmmm. How many feet are in a mile? 3000 something. There is alot to calculate there depending on how big your walking stride is. And Im too confused this morning to think about it. Your right! Purple MB will know that answer. My hair grew back exactly the same. Not curly, not straight. Its thick, but still short enough that I can pull it out if necessary. Ya know - on those bad days!!

    Vickie: I cant believe your shopping is done. I have not yet begun. And dont even know who is getting what. All I know is its gonna be a nice holiday with lots of sentimental gifts. No big money spending this year.

    Lisa: Happy Birthday. And congratulations on your 6 year cancerversary. Wow, to get the call right before you were going to your party sounds pretty intense. How in the world did you do it? Anyways, I hope you had a wonderful day.

    My favorite movies to watch around the Holidays are.
    ...A Christmas Story
    ...The Bells of St. Marys
    ...Going My Way
    ...The cartoon "Santa Clause is coming to town." I just love the winter warlock.

    NS: I also thought there were not as many people out and about as I imagined. I guess it depends where you go. The malls were full, downtown Chicago was busy, but the individual stores were just fine. Stopped at Michaels craft store. Lots of parking. Didn stand in line to pay. But did get bumped by a few people in the store. There was one young man about 15 or 16 who went running past me in the store. Almost knocked me down. I turned around to glare at him, but he was moving so fast he was gone.

    Susan: writing a card to yourself. Now thats funny. I cant believe you all are already writing your cards. I havent even bought them yet. Never was a big card sender - so I guess I better get my butt in gear and buy some cards. But not this week-end. This weekend had relaxation and staying at home written all over it.

    Carrie: Oh my it was so good to see you post. Just like Denise, one year ago I was getting my taxotere. Was bald, no taste buds. This year I had a cute little hair style. Had my taste buds back, but still couldnt eat the Turkey. I think I will always associate poultry with my chemo. And as a result - wont eat it. Hope you and Denise are doing well.

    Cheryl: Your grand daughter is just beautiful. Here is my version of an Irish Blessing for you. "May the daughters of your daughters smile up in you face."

    Well, this has been a wonderful way to start out my Saturday morning. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Time for me to and be productive doing something!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited November 2006
    One tray bacon wrapped scallops... $20.00
    OOne very fancy house....gazillion dollars
    One super fancy smoke detector....came with fancy house
    Having the fire department show up for dinner....priceless
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited November 2006
    good morning cg's
    omg shirley is that your place??? hope all is ok...
    socal happy bday sorry i am a day late... but hope you had a great one!!!!! and 6 yrs whooooohoooooooooooooooooo!!!!
    cthomson .. cloe is georgous give her big hugssss for me:):)
    chemosabi your gingerbread man sounds cool,,, wish i had some talent like that....
    well today is another cold one spose to drop another 10 degrees...:( snowing lighly to now...
    whewww had a close call this am.. took hubby to the next town to catch his ride to work and came around a corner and standing right in front of me was 1000 lb bull elk..
    first time i heard hubby scream like a little girl......
    i hit the brakes hard and the elk looked right at me then took off.. thank god or i dont think i could of stopped in time....... that was a early morning hyperventalating.. i shook so bad......finally just now i am now able to stop shaking..........
    well i hope today proves better than that start!!!
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2006
    Good grief shirley...what an experience...glad you figured out how to do the picture is worth...
    Cheryl...awwwww..what a sweetie!
    Everyone..thanks for the Happpy Bdays
    Hugs, Lisa
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited November 2006
    crap, lost another one. Lets try this again.

    Tracey, not my house, my daughters. All is well. Just a lot of smoke from bacon drippings. It was hysterical. 20 people running around with towels trying to fan the smoke out windows and doors. 15ft ceilings no one could reach to turn off the alarm. The hunky firemen didn't seem to mind paying us a visit. We gave them goodies to take back to the firehouse. And the best part....daughter will never let me cook anything in her house again. hehehheh

    Socal....I do know how to have a good time. The picture thing was pretty easy once I actually found the place.
    Happy Birthday to you my dear.

    Favorite Christmas movies.
    White Christmas
    Bells of St Marys
    The Family Man
    Miracle on 34th Street
    The Polar Express
    Frosty the Snowman
    and on and on...I love them all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    Cheryl...that granddaughter is just a doll! Sending her (and you hugs).
    OH Tracey...laughing out loud about your husbands screaming like a girl...wouldn't you have loved to have a video of that moment! Soooo glad your ok...after my deer incident I can't imagine hitting something that big...scary indeed. nearly gave me a heart attack! What a bit of excitement to laugh about in the years to come. I filled my house with smoke Thanksgiving morning because my apple pie boiled I have to clean the oven. us some pictures of your crafts...they sound so beautiful. I love to craft and I'm making hats and scarves for everyone this year with the new funky yarns. I'm also doing a lot of candy making so Nathaniel can help. Found really cute snowman plates at the Dollar General for a buck apiece so I bought six to fill for the girls at work.
    A beautiful day here...sunny and would you believe 60 degrees!!! NOT normal for NY at this time of year but I'm loving it. Have got our tree up and the house decorated...mice got into my collection of santa's so I lost four of them...guess I won't store them in the garage next year...had them in the plastic container and they chewed right through them!! Got almost all my housework done and we're going outside to finish putting up the lights and clean up the lawn a bit...lots of branches down as usual.
    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day,
  • Helen1
    Helen1 Member Posts: 24
    edited November 2006
    I haven't been on the computer much these past few weeks. I had a short in the cord between the modem and tower, thats finally fixed. I did want to wish Lisa a happy birthday even if it is one day late and congratulations on NED.
    I am so glad I found this thread again. I dont go in chat much anymore, and I really miss talking to old friends.
    especially you NIckii.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited November 2006
    Helen glad you got the cord fixed. Chat goes to fast so these thread is awesome!

    Lisa, Happy Birthday! What part of San Diego are you in I grew up in Lomita Village, Near Spring Valley.

    Oh got to goe check on the pumpkin cheesecake, I'm trying a new recipie.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited November 2006
    Hi girls,

    I can’t believe it, but all the cards have been addressed and they’re in the mail! I didn’t write anything in them or it would have been next year before I got them out. Know that each of you are always in my thoughts and prayers.

    Sher, oh my! Glad there was no damage. Nothing like a hunky fireman to liven Thanksgiving up.

    CheryCy, I write my post in Word and then copy and paste it to the boards. It’s worked well for me so far. Chloe is precious.

    Nicki, that’s why I haven’t figured the mile/stride etc. thing out. I just can’t think anymore. Hope you had a great relaxing day. Good for you for making your Christmas presents. I haven’t even thought Christmas yet. FIL has a procedure on Monday and MIL has labs on Tuesday along with my dentist appointment. Mom’s ankle is looking better thank goodness.

    Tracey, glad you guys are okay. That would have made me pee my pants. Too bad you didn’t have a recorder for the hubby. He’ll never admit to it.

    Vickie, pack your collection up and then add steel wool around the areas that mice can get through. They hate it. They also hate moth balls. I need to get my decorations down. Maybe tomorrow.

    Helen, so good to see you here. Thanks for emails. As usual, they’re always great. Keep posting!

    Mena, thanks for letting me know you’re getting better. I sent you a pm earlier.

    Carrie, lini, shel, DebC and everyone else I’ve missed. Hugs.

    Let’s see favorite movies:

    Miracle on 34th Street
    It’s a Wonderful Life
    A Christmas Story
    Frosty the Snowman
    White Christmas

    I know there are others. But as usual, my chemo brain isn’t working.

    Hugs and Prayers girls,
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2006
    Lisa - sure hope you had a great birthday yesterday. Wishing you many more years of happy and healthy birthday celebrations. Congrats on 6 years !!! wow!!! I look forward to making it to one year.
    Cheryl - Cloe is adorable. Give her kisses and hugs from all of us.
    Nikki - my daughter is in Chicago in college in the western suburbs. She hasn't updated my on the weather the past few days. Denver is heading into the cold by wed or thurs. Turkey day was 60's+ and by midweek it will be teens to 20's. I'm not ready for it to be that cold!!! Anymore I am either cold or hot - never just the right temperature!
    Liz - your cards are all done - amazing.
    Deb - I celebrate Chanukah, but usually send Christmas cards (non religious ones) to my friends who celebrate Christmas and Chanukah cards to my friends who celebrate Chanukah. I need to go out and buy some more cards. The card exchange will be fun. I think I counted 29 or 30 names.
    NewVickie - Polar Express is a great movie. We took in two movies this week - Happy Feet and Santa Clause 3. Miriam has a few more movies on her list to see. Will wait till winter vacation.
    Shirley - glad to hear that everyone was okay. How scary.
    I really thought about shopping yet. We keep it small, just give the kids gifts for Chanukah. My bigs kids like money or gift cards. Miriam has already given me a list. I did pick up a couple things on sale at Target on Wednesday. There is a doll that she wants - similar to American Girl doll that I will order on line. The doll's name is Miriam I also need to get for the youngest two nieces, but thinking of just getting gift cards to save on the hassles and save on postage. Hubby and I only do gifts for our b'days and mothers/fathers day. Then he really treats me royally. My birthday is nears mothers day so it all comes at once!!!
    Cyber hugs to everyone and wishing everyone feel good days.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited November 2006
    Evening girls,

    I just got a phone call from my 26 y/o cousin. She's asking us for prayers for her best friend who attempted suicide last night. This was her way of crying out for help. Danita is in ICU right now and will be moved to another hospital soon for treatment. So if we could, add Danita to our prayers for a few days that she receives the help she desperately needs.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited November 2006
    Danita has been sent to the center of the circle so she can feel our healing presence. Your cousein too as she will need help understanding all this. We just wnet through a sucessful attempt from a close friend too and it is really hard to understand what can bring them so low that they feel this is the only way out.
    Hugs & prayers
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: Its a wonderful Sunday morning filled with many surprizes. Still got warm temperatures going on this end of the circle. Yesterday had the feel of Spring in the air. Now how is that? In Chicago, in November!! Gotta enjoy every minute of it - cold front is on its way.

    Its nice this morning by the campfire. I woke up late, and the sun is just coming up over the horizon. Im gonna savor every minute of its beautiful orange haze. Thinking this might be the last time I see the sun for a while. Its funny, we talked about how pretty autumn was, but the trees are naked. All the leaves are gone. The singing birds have gone south. Thank goodness, the cardinals like to stick around through winter, but they arnt singing their pretty songs either. Yep! Its winter.

    Sherloc: OMG! I can see the Happy Thanksgiving sign on the wall in front of the fireman! Now who says your life isnt exciting? I hope everything is ok, no damage to the house. Were you able to save the bacon wrapped scallops? They sound so good.

    Tracey: Reality check. 1000 pound bull elk? Gosh I would give anything to see one - well almost anything. Seems to have gotten your adrenalin going. Glad you didnt hit him and there was no damage to your car. I did crack a smile picturing your husband scream like a little girl. The only Elks we have here are the ones on a private forest preserve. Almost like an Elk petting zoo! But we have deer. Lots of deer.

    SoCalLisa: I hope you had a great birthday.

    Miracle on 34th street. Now how could I forget that one. Must add it to my favorite christma movie list.

    Vickie: Oh the homemade candy sounds like so much fun. I wish I knew how to post pictures. But computer illiterate I am - dont even own a camera! When I want pictures, I buy the disposable ones. Crafts are fun and a good stress reliever also. Those scarves outta the funky yarn sound cute. But everyone got hats and scarves from me last year. So now Im in a rush to make different presents this year. The plastic canvas is much slower than crocheting. And I have so many more things to make. Im thinking maybe I will make some fudge to give along with the presents. My gingerbread cookie idea, well, lets just say it sounds like it will be way too hard. I wonder what fudge tastes like using splenda instead of sugar?

    Helen1: Aww, I sure do miss talking to you also. We sort of went hand in hand through our journey. You about 3 months ahead of me. And I do miss talking to you. Im so glad your computer is fixed. And happier you came here to the circle. This is where I hang out. Rarely go to chat anymore. Its not that I dont like to chat, cause I do, but I just dont have the time anymore. Work has pretty much taken away my computer time. But here in the wagon circle I can come and visit with all of my friends. So please make sure to come back. We can sit by the campfire and just talk for a while. I have the biggest smile on my face. Was thinking about when you first named "George?" Hope you have a wonderful Sunday and hope the chiefs win today.

    Liz: Now who says the Holidays dont cause stress. Oops wait a minute. How in the world can you think of the Holidays between your in laws and your mom, you hands are quite full I would say. Geez - you have already mailed the cards? I havent even bought cards yet! Running around like a hamster in a circle. So much to do - so much to do!

    Karen: I always liked the idea of Chanakuh. Getting presents each day over several days sounds just fine to me. My husband and I have sort of done the same thing. We dont buy lots of big things anymore. We have a $50.00 limit on each other. So either he gets one good thing or several cheap things! He is easy to please though. Anything with a guitar or music symbols he goes crazy over. So your daughter is probably very close to me as I live in a Western Suburb of Chicago. She probably hasnt updated you on the weather, cause she is out there having fun. I ran up to Michaels craft store yesterday and thought I was crazy for sitting in the house. Had the urge to shop, but knew it would be disaster the Saturday after Thanksgiving. My next project - its gonna be a train. With Santa sitting in the caboose waving at everyone. And then gonna make a personalized depot. Geez - Im getting creative with these crafts! Just hope I have enough time to finish them.

    Bringing "Danita" to the middle of the circle. Protecting her and giving her some sense of peace.

    CherylCy: My goodness. Pumpkin cheesecake. Please let us know how it came out. Sounds delicious. Im surprized it didnt bring Mena out from hiding behind the bushes.

    Speaking of hiding behind the bushes - Peggy how are you? Hoping all is well and missing you - yes - everyday.

    Ok, time to go. Made a batch of fruit and yogurt parfaits. Thought maybe a healthy breakfast was in order. Yesterday - everything was fast food. Yuck, I already feel fat. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

    I will be working on my projects and watching the cardiac Bears. They are playing the Patriots. This is gonna be a tough one.

    See ya all in the morning

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2006

    Good morning Nikki - its 11:00 am in denver and the cirle is kind of quiet. Hope that means that everyone is enjoying their sunday. The weather is gorgeous today - sunny and in the 50's but that is all going to change by mid week. Not sure what I want to do yet today. I'm still in my sweats and need to shower. I think I will take a long walk this afternoon while the sun is still out. I try to walk everyday - was walking twice a day, but the past few weeks haven't been able to get up in the morning to walk before work. I am either COLD or hot, so I wonder how I will walk later this week when it is in the teens. I guess I will have to get the long johns and ski suit out!!! Wishing everyone a good day and I'm sure i'll be checking in later today again.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2006
    Thanks everyone for the birthday celebrate we went to a Dixieland Jazz Festival and had a wonderful time.

    Cheryl..we live in Bonita, very near Spring Valley!!
    Helen.. good to see you once again...!!
    Liz, sorry to hear about Danita..she is in my thoughts

    Hugs, Lisa
  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited November 2006
    Hi CG's,
    Boy you all are quite today ! Hope it is because you are out enjoying the day ! It is so nice here in Ohio,I have had my windows open letting in the fresh air.

    Lisa I want to wish you a belated Happy Birthday !
    It sounds like you had a nice one.

    Welcome Karen I don't think we have bumped into each other
    before glad to see you here.

    Sherloc you might not remember me ,but when I first came to the boards I went to chat to ask questions and you were so nice to me and answered my questions . Thankyou it meant alot to me .

    Liz sending up prayer for Danita that God will heal her
    pain form the inside out.

    Cheryl your Grandbabie is sooo cute !!

    Tracey Yiiikees ! I am so glad you are okay heck it shakes me up if I hit a bird ,let alone a bull elk !

    Helen I love your tag line !

    Shirley !! that was a funny story I have caused a couple of
    smoke alarms to go off with my cooking too !! and even a small fire in the oven ! Glad everyone is okay.

    Nicki how fun doing crafts ,I like to do them too very relaxing for me too .

    Hugs to you all and I hope you all had a very nice weekend.

  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Member Posts: 69
    edited November 2006
    Evening Circle Girls,

    Brrrrr, it is downright COLD here at this end of the circle! -10F at present, snowing (but thankfully not blowing at the present!) and supposed to get colder. Have had the wood stove going to help the gas bill, and it is so comforting too. Monday to Wednesday night it is supposed to go down to mid -30's celsius (thats DARN COLD!).
    I have been fighting a head cold the last few days, and working nights so have fallen behind. It sure has been busy. Didn't take notes so will go from Memory (what there is of it)lol.
    DebC, thanks for the addresses, have to go get some cards now. Can't remember who is already ahead of the game and got them out, but way to go!
    Liz, said a prayer for Danita in Church today, hope she gets the help she needs. Sounds like she already has some good friends.
    Lisa, belated Birthday wishes, and WOOHOO on 6 yrs NED! I am not quite four months from diagnosis, so have a long way to go and stories like yours give me much hope.
    Joan, Happy Birthday.
    Tracey, glad you didn't hit that Elk. How awesome to have so much wildlife close by, un-nerving, but cool. Are you getting this cold weather too?
    NS, was it you had the idea for the 3 fires? Way cool. Keep them burning girls, I'll throw in my biggest logs from the woodpile at this end.
    DebbyFive, believe you've been having probs with your son. I will keep you both in my prayers. Just know that you are there for him will eventually bring him back. He may just be too embarassed at this point to contact you. Hope he sees the light soon. And thanks for reposting that song. Very nice.
    Nicki, keep on with the crafting. I bet you've put a digital camera on your list so you can show us your stuff. It sounds very detailed and time consuming.
    That's about all I can remember and must get ready for work. To those I didn't mention by name, you are all in my heart. Hugs and prayers,
  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited November 2006
    Hi Everyone
    Didn't have much time to read or post since Friday and no time to take notes.

    I have upgraded the map now so that you can click zoom up to 8 times now which spreads out our little people.Some of you in the eastern area might want to check thier location as they are sitting in the ocean LOL

    Deb C .... thanks so much for doing the card list. Now I need to go and buy some. Gotta get them out quick since most of you dear sisters live in the USA and snail mail takes forever to get from here to there.

    Lynn48 ... friends of ours live in Edmonton and they just called saying how cold it is there. We are really lucky right now. We actually saw the sun 2 days in a row and it is +10 celcius. Gotta love it. Of course it will never last.

    Well gotta run and get Danny (9yr old son) to bed. He's got quite the cough and cold ... hope I don't catch it

    Hugs to all, I think of you all the time even when I don't have time to come here.