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  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited November 2006
    Deb C ... Have a great time in Hawaii You deserve it after all you have been through. Check out our map ... we have one lonely little sister there
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited November 2006
    Oh Jeannie, crap!! Sorry you have to go through this. Look the technician in the eye and tell her you will worry yourself sick. Ask her what she can tell you. Try the ole "I know you can't tell me anything but if you could what might that be???" and smile real big. And let us know what she says. I wish I had your daughters blood pressure!

    Cheryl, I see you have your avitar posted. Lookin' good.

    Nicki, $5.00 presents. What a great idea. I hope your onc visit is just a routine follow-up.

    Amy, were you the one with the $5.00 presents? I'm confused. Anyway, good luck with you skeleton survey. We don't allow bone mets during chemo!!!
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited November 2006
    Evening CGs!

    OK, sat here with a glass of red wine and got all caught up!

    Liz - I'm saying a prayer for Danita, hope she finds healing.

    Cheryl - Cloe is adorable!! Poor Scooter - wah!

    Nicki - I agree, I'd love to see your crafts, but I can't post pictures either. Crazy that you would run into your sister, I didn't know that she had bc as well, what a lot for you all to go through.

    Lynn - Yikes!! Bundle up and stay warm!

    CherylG - Hope your son feels better, and that you don't catch his cold.

    MB - loved the happiness exercise, will try it out on my son tomorrow. It reminds me of a thing he did for a special project he did on hypnotism. You closed your eyes and held your hands out at waist level. He tells you that one hand is holding a heavy rock and the other one has a balloon tied to the wrist. He says it a number of times and then has you open your eyes. You guessed it! The rock hand is lower and the balloon hand is higher - pretty neat!

    DebbyFive - Glad that your scans are good so far. Sorry about your son, must be even more frustrating to feel like you're getting close and then have him shy away again. I have to believe he will eventually feel strong enough to get in touch. I'm so sorry you need to have that worry on your mind though...

    Vickie - Huh? Even if she really did make that error, who in their right mind would go TELL the person?!? What a zipperhead! (BTW I had toe socks when I was a kid - loved them!)

    Tracey - Yikes to you too! Bundle up and stay warm!

    Amy - I'm thinking of you, good luck on your scan and yes, the waiting is the worst!

    Susan - I know what you mean, it makes me feel better just to read about what's going on in everyone's lives.

    Jeannie - good luck with the ultrasound tomorrow!

    OK ladies, well I bought myself a paperback at BJ's today, so I'm going to try to read. I used to be an avid reader, and was NEVER without a book. I have a really hard time reading now, I find it difficult to remember who the characters are and follow the plot. It bummed me out so much that I have read only 2-3 books in the last couple of months. (I used to read 2-3 books a month!) So, hopefully it will go easier, which will be nice, since watching TV is an escape, but it's not the same as reading was for me!

    Goodnight Circle Girls, stay warm and sleep well!
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited November 2006

    Hey NS - where are you? are you OK?

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2006
    here I am! here I am!!!

    Sorry I have missed a day or two.

    I don't know what happens to me I really don't. I get through with work and I go outside since it is 70 degrees, start to do too much both inside and outside and never get back to the computer. I will be lying on the sofa thinking, "I have to go to the circle!!!" This is really the most important place for me to ever be on this internet- and that includes my work! LOL!!

    I have a quick funny story. My cat (star of avatar)decided to wow and amaze my dad yesterday. He came down for a visit and he doesn't like cats at all. He has a really sweet but VERY DOPEY Sheltie. They are great for herding but catch and fetch is NOT part of their repetoire!!! So my cat starts running around chasing his ball and he never does this when my dad is around- they have an arrangement: avoid each other at all costs. But yesterday he was a maniac! So the ball rolls by my dad's feet. I say "Dad can you reach down and toss that ball to the cat?" Dad looked at me like I was nuts ( I am VERY USED to that look!) and he does it. My cat throws it back to him. Dad thinks it was a fluke. So he the throws it back and my cat lies on his side and swats it right back! He played catch with him for a good two minutes (which to a cat is about three days) Dad is SO unaccustomed to an animal being interactive! If you throw a stick for his Sheltie to go fetch the Sheltie just looks at you like Why are you throwing pieces of wood around???

    After all this time, Mr. Fluffy actually impressed Dad. And I must say, I think there MIGHT be a little thawing in the chilly relationship between them! MIRACLE!

    Speaking of chilly....Cheryl how are you doing with all that snow in Seattle?? I was just watching Monday Night Football and boy oh boy did you guys get it good!! Stay warm!

    How am I supposed to pick a favorite Christmas movie?? Well A Christmas Story is always at the top. Then It's a Wonderful Life, Rudolph, The Bishop' s Wife (original with Cary Grant), Miracle on 34th Street (original!), Holiday, Holiday Inn, White Christmas, The cartoon A Little Drummer Boy, and more than I can remember now with my chemobrain.

    Nicki, Ikea was jammed packed on Saturday but there was tumble weed blowing down the aisles today. You can REALLY get good deal there on some nice things. Very pretty frames that can be matched with some of their prints or you can put your own photos in. Vases and candle holders and glasses,etc for not a lot of money at all.

    Shirley, did you really have a fire on Thanksgiving??? Oh my! but what good idea for me! I am single- could have made my Thanksgiving a lot more interesting!!!

    Tracey, you live in dangerous territory! 1000 pound bull elk! That thing sounds like it is three times the size of my little Mini!

    Lisa, I hope you had a great birthday...and how great to be at six years!

    Vickie, aren't you having a hard time putting out the decorations this year? I know I am. It is SO WARM and I keep thinking if I hang garland around my picket fence it will be brown by Christmas. I have things still BLOOMING in the garden! Very strange for New York this time of year. Not good for retailers though- the cold weather gets people in the Christmas/shopping mood... not this weather- who wants to shop when they can be outside enjoying it? Oh how I HATE MICE! I can't believe they chewed through the plastic!
    Now listen to me- I have seen your pictures. You are one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen-- your co-worker didn't mistake you for a boy-- she is JEALOUS of you. Here you had cancer and you still look THAT GOOD! Why people have to be petty, mean and shallow I do not know. But I do know you - and your beauty is on the inside as well as the outside. So just look her straight in the eye and smile. Because she can't touch you. Can't even come close.

    Glad to see you Helen. A short in the cord that leads to the computer?? I hope you didn't lose anything- and I am glad you didn't have a fire!

    Oh boy Liz, you have a lot on your plate with family medical procedures. I hope all goes well for you. And you have my prayers for your cousin. I have been hearing of more suicides and suicide attempts this year than any other I can remember. I pray everyone can find the help and comfort they need when things seems so very desperate. I am so sorry your family is hurting with this now.

    Karen, my step mother and sister celebrate both holidays. A tree next to the Menora! I guess it is all in the spirit of the season!

    Lynn- try to stay warm!!! yes I am the one with three fires-- thanks for helping out keeping them blazing!!!

    CherylG, I love seeing your face! How exciting it is to be able to put a face to a name! And I just adore the map. I think it is truly awesome. Thank you so much for doing it!!!

    Nicki, I am praying all goes well with your appointments. Isn't it amazing when we realize it has been a year since the last chemo ? We never thought we would get here but we did. And look at all you do for so many people... you really are an amazing woman.

    MB- I love your "exercise"- THANK YOU!! You are almost DONE with your shopping?? WOW!

    Deb, I love it! From Alaska to Hawaii!!! What's the matter? Don't you like us here on the continental US??? j/k- I hope you have a GREAT TIME!! You deserve it!!!
    I also want to thank you so much for taking the time to put the list together. It really means alot.

    Debby, my prayers are with you and your son. I am sure in time everything will work out. And bless sweet Mena for reaching out to him for you!

    Amy, I will be praying for you and your scans. I pray they are not new mets but something that was nothing that was always there. Come sit near the center of the circle until we know, OK??

    LINII!! NO FLIP FLOPS?? Oh the humanity!! I take it things are a bit chilly in Caleeforniea?? Well, just wait - it will warm up again... until then, welcome to our world!! xo

    Hi Susan, always so good to see your smiling face!!

    Jeannie, I am praying for you and the Lone Ranger. May this be another nothing lump. I have had many nothing lumps since bc. I hope the same is for you!! Come by the center of the circle. I have the fountain out and everyone is having fun with it! And may SUNSHINE brighten your day VERY SOON!!

    Hmmm Shel -- I am liking the sound of this neighbor MORE and MORE! you go girl!!!

    Kristin, hope you are haning in there and feeling ok. When is your next tx?

    So Colleen Baby! Here I am!!! I hope you are doing fine! Thanks for looking out for me!!

    Love, g
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited November 2006
    Oh NS, I am with you. My mother, while growing up. and I have only used fresh in the past, but it is so warm, my fresh garland and Scotch Pine will surely be brown before 12/25! I was thinking of buying the artifical version of both, but I LOVE the smell!!
    Hey Deb- Aloha from the midwest (y'know the World Series Champs?) I am sorry but I had to, since we really had a slim chance against your dh's team.
    Susan- how about this excellent weather! Cold front coming-yuk!!
    Sorry I did not take notes, love to all- Best of health and happiness. You girls are sure gabby when I am gone.

    Shel, glad your are home safe and sound- we MUST chat on the other thread!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited November 2006
    Well it decided to stay between 30-37 here today and of course there was snow here and there. I wacthed a very nice but cold day out my window today at work, then on the way home from work got hit with the snow again.

    Last year my snap dragons stayed all year but this year they went away early. Guess they new this year was going to be cold.

    Liz, I recieved your Christmas card today! How appropreate, a snowflake and a circle! I love it! It's my card this year!

    Ladies just a thought but this is something I've done in years past. After the holidays are over and you're taking down the cards. don't throw them away. They kids love to cut them and make them into ornaments for the next year. i've sent my to St Jude so the kids there can do this. My kids loved doing it.

    We alternate years of home made decorations only and comercial. We do this to remember the years when we couldn't afford Christmas and we made a tree shape on the wall with the side stipes of computer paper and we also made stars. It was one of the best Christmases we had. It was the last one we had with just the girls and me. Scott came along the next year.

    Amy, We are there with you as you go for your tests. i found another Party Fountain for punch it was right next to the chocolate fountain!

    Deb maybe you can look up Nacy, AKA trk_koa she's in South Kona, while you're in Hawaii! I was born in Honalulu. I took my hubby to Kauai for 11 days in 2000. I loved it!

    Vickie I think you are just too much for her to handle and she just doen't know how to deal with the fact that you look so great!

    Well i best be off to bed since I'll need to get up early to beat the idots that forgot how to drive in the snow tomorrow morning.

    Hugs & prayers and throwing a few more logs on the fires
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: Another beautiful day in the Chicago end of the circle. Im counting the hours now. By Thursday morning it will be cold, icy and snowy. Due for an accumulation but dont know how much yet. So today Im gonna enjoy going outside without a coat!

    Jeannie: I put a few more logs on the campfire. Its glowing and warm. Gotta a special place for you to come and sit - and talk. The wagon circle was begun so there was a place for us all to get support and give support through difficult times. You should never, ever fear coming here to talk - especially when your going through another "event." I too found a lump in the same spot where my cancer was. Now I had a bil. mast so it worried me alot. Was so tired of feeling something in that same area. Anyways, I was lucky - it turned out to be nothing. So Im hoping the same for you. This last 3 months has certainly been a roller coaster ride for you.

    Vickie: Now I have had over night to think about what your coworker said. I always have better responses when I think about things. I think I would have confronted her by saying "Now thats a really mean thing to say." And I would have done it in front of others so they could see just how mean she was being. But sometimes you just gotta let things go. Much better to blow it off than internalize it.

    Shel: Good to hear from you. The brave at heart is anyone who goes shopping the week-end after Thanksgiving. I went to the stores yesterday during the day and it was pretty calm. No waiting - so I loved it. Just didnt find anything that caught my eye.

    Krisitn: Last A/C is today. Wooo Hoooo! That will make you officially half way done with treatment. I remember being very glad to kiss that A/C goodbye!

    Susan: Your so funny. It was both Amy and I talking about $5.00 presents. Even though inexpensive, Im looking for the sentimental value.

    Colleen: A glass of red wine sounds so good. Usually when I get home from work and come to the circle I have a glass of pinot grigio. Just so relaxing. So what book are you reading?

    NS: Your cat story was just too funny. Cats - they have a mind of there own, but when they want attention - you better give it to them. My dog is half border collie (known for herding) and sometimes he tries to herd my 2 cats! What would we do without our animals?

    Christine: We always get a real tree every year. And every year we always say "This is the best one yet." We probably wont get our tree for another 1 1/2 weeks. My biggest problem with the real tree is my cats climbing up it. Last year knocked it over 2 times! But there is nothing like the aroma of a fresh Christmas tree.

    Cheryl: You are such an inspiration. I think I will string popcorn this year for my tree. I used to do that every year for many years and then just stopped. It always looks great on a real tree.

    Well time is up. Gotta get ready for work. Will grab some shopping time too. Ive never been to IKEA. The only IKEA I know of is need Woodfield Shopping Center - and your life is in your own hands if you go there during the Holidays.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited November 2006
    It is very warm at my end of the circle, a high today of 78. The air conditioner and ceiling fans are turned on in the house. I just walked my dogs wearing tee-shirt and shorts.

    Cheryl, please enjoy that cold weather and snow for me!!! OMG, Cloe is beautiful and her smile lights up our circle.

    I am going to read everyone's posts this morning so I will know how all of you are. This is such a busy time of year.

    I haven't been in the circle for a few days. You have all been so very busy. I am going to post a few notes this morning, then hopefully, be able to “catch up” this afternoon.

    NS, I have to smile when I read about your cat and your Dad. Cats are funny because they usually like to get close to the one person that doesn't like them. My husband HATES my daughter’s cat Baby (with good reason because she is HUGE and mean). Baby loves to jump in his chair to sleep every time he gets up in the evening- just to aggravate him!!! I swear there is a smile on that cat’s face each time he says “MOVE”.

    Wow Deb, have a GREAT time in Hawaii. I look forward to hearing about your fantastic trip.

    Amy, good luck with your test

    I haven’t been posting over the holidays due to some stress on the home front. My oldest daughter has asked her husband of 4 years for a divorce (we are sad but respect her decision). Our family has become very close to her husband’s family over the years. I went to her mil’s home on Saturday to say hello and talk. I am thankful that there is no anger, only sadness. I told her mil that I can’t make everything perfect, I can’t wave the magic wand and their relationship would be healed, that I would always love her son and only want him to have a wonderful future. We cried together and she said we would always be family. Geez, life sure does hit you in the gut sometimes. I am thankful there is no anger, only sadness. I also know (if I am honest with myself) that my child has made the right decision. Life can get so darn complicated!

    Yikes!!! I have to get dressed for work.

    I’ll catch up with you later…

    Have a GREAT DAY everyone!!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited November 2006
    good morning ladies....
    another day and back to work!
    there sure is a bad case of the cold going around .. eeks
    well i am sure envious of you ladies in the southern sphere:):)
    ok is it just this time of yr or what?
    last yr just before christmas i had a panic attack.. which was very scary as i have never had anything like that happen before.
    i am feeling like a nervous bundle of lose wiring...
    also its prob my imagination but my chest feels heavy and when i think about it its hard to breath..
    well i guess its time for a doctors appointment anyhow...
    i feel so lost in the system as i dont seem to proper reg check ups, i dont have anyone to see except my family physican and he is the first to tell me he does not know much about bc.......
    so any how i am going to demand a chest xray and the ca125 blood test for markers and overies.......
    i do feel not to bad but lately i am sooooo soooo tired out
    i can hardly make it to 9:00 pm anymore:(
    well there is my rant for the day....
    hope all else is well and thinking of you ladies always!!!

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited November 2006
    Ok all you out of the counrty(USA) people (Canada, even Alaska?), this is silly but I have the xmas cards ready to go and ...will a 39cent stamp get it to you?
    And I'm missing some friends.....Pm me with your snail mail
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited November 2006
    Hi CG’s,

    Thanks for all the prayers for Danita. I haven’t talked with my cousin so don’t have an update. I’ll try to get her later.

    I have the dreaded dentist appointment this afternoon. This is for the crown so hopefully there won’t be any pain. I hope he asks me my opinion on the Endontist he sent me to. Won’t be favorable. LOL

    All you ladies in Canada stay warm. The cold front with sleet, freezing rain and snow is headed my direction. This town will be a zoo tomorrow. Everyone going to the store to stock up. Therefore, I’m going this afternoon after the dentist.

    CherylG, hope your son is feeling better. Once again, thanks for the map. I love seeing where everyone is.

    CherylCY, my dog is having some surgery next week. I am so dreading the lamp shade. He will go bezerk! I didn’t even think of the circle on the card. I bought several different kinds. Glad you liked it.

    Nicki, I have two calendars plus one in my purse I write all the appointments in. Used to be just for me but now I have the in-laws and moms. Stress? Why ever would I be stressed? LOL

    MB, thanks for the mile info. I’ve just decided to walk! I have a cheap pedometer but am going to go out and buy a good one soon. I’ve been walking around 6,000 steps a day. Will have to hit mom’s treadmill when it gets cold. MB, it costs more to mail to Canada. I think it’s around 65 cents or so.

    Puppy, you need to keep coming in. That’s why we’re here. To help you. Please keep in touch.

    Mena, need an update my friend. How are you?

    Vickie, what an insensitive thing to say! I would definitely complain about her. She’s the last thing a newly diagnosed person needs.

    Tracey, drive carefully! I’ve always said it’s not my driving I worry about. It’s the other guy who drives on slick roads like they’re clear that scare me.

    Amy, let us know when you get results. I agree, the fun keeps coming doesn’t it?

    Toe socks! I had forgotten all about those. LOL

    Sher and DebC, I couldn’t get into the suitcase! I need to drop a few more pounds. Maybe next time I’ll hope in and go with you guys. Hope you guys are having a great time!

    Jeannie, hopefully the lump is nothing on the Lone Ranger. I’ve been thinking of you.

    Shel, wooohoooo! You go girl! Enjoy yourself and have a little fun.

    Colleen, I was a huge reader pre BC. I’m like you now. I can’t keep track of the storyline, characters etc. I would read anywhere between 1 – 3 books a week. Maybe I’ll try it again. I did enjoy it a lot and it relaxed me.

    NS, love your story about the cat. My husband hates cats. We were at my cousin’s house and her cat is really picky about people he likes. He jumped right into my hubby’s lap. We laughed about that. They do have minds of their own.

    Kristin, #4! You can see the finish line now girl. Take care of yourself.

    Madison, wish I could walk in shorts and t-shirt. It is nice here today (high 60’s) but will be 30 tomorrow. I don’t do cold well. Sorry about your daughter. But it’s great that there’s no fighting and everyone can hopefully remain friends.

    Okay, going to go get ready for the dentist. Have a great day everyone.

    Those I’ve missed, know that you’re in my thoughts and prayers. I didn’t take many notes today.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited November 2006
    Hi everyone,

    I've been catching up on everyone. Know you all are in my thoughts and prayers.

    I had a dentist appointment this morning and still am numb on that side. Next week, they get to do an extraction. Oh, what fun. I hate going to the dentist.

    It's unseasonably warm here in TN. Sounds like it is in all the US except the northwest. Boy, you guys are getting hit.

    I got some decorating done this weekend, but with the weather so warm, it's hard to think about Christmas. I have the all Christmas station on here at work to get in the mood.

    Speaking of which, I better get back to work. LOL

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited November 2006
    afternoon all,
    getting the wood pile ready winter is coming soon...
    TOE SOCKS....I have an old worth lots of $$$ original
    Liz, thanks for the postage info thats what I thought...and a cheap pedometer...$3.00 at walmart is all I have works just fine counts to 10,000 no problem, its me that has a hard time getting,000 is pretty good, last night I walked around the living room just to get to that...usually at 5,500 a day so I really must work harder and stop chatting so

    Ok no one has cooked in awile so I thought I'd make some pasta salad, cheese, pepperoni, broccoli, cauliflower carrots and celery....and pudding for dessert....
    then I'll make the rounds around the perimeter then off to the hot tub for glass of wine before bed...
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited November 2006

    Thanks MB, That's just taking my walk. I haven't kept it on all day. Think I'll do that and see where I get.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited November 2006
    NS - glad to hear that all is A-OK, and that Dad and kitty are becoming friends!

    While I can relate to the lack of "holiday spirit" when it's warm out, I'm a little bit jealous... Of course, I'm cold when it's anywhere below 60 degrees (wimp!)

    Nicki - Tried to start reading a book called History (I think?) last night, apparently it's about vampires and history (sounds odd I know!) and it's supposed to be "spellbinding!" Well, I read and re-read the first page about 3 times and then gave up! I also got a book by the guy who wrote Hoot (Carl Hiassen?) which might be easier for me to get into. This from the girl who's favorite author of all time is John Irving (talk about a complex story line!) Oh well, I was a little bit tired so I'm going to try again....

    Tracey - I apparently had a panic attack once years ago (pre BC) It felt hard to breathe, and then my arms and hands started to feel numb and tingly! I was FREAKING out! I have such a dislike of doctors/hospitals though, (insert ironic smiley here!) that I went home and had some chicken soup and relaxed on the couch and felt better. A few days later I did go into my doc (thought I had bronchitis or pnuemonia) and she said I was describing a panic attack. Go figure! Hope that you are feeling less stressed!!

    MB - Yikes! I just bought the cards yesterday. Planning on putting on some christmas music and starting writing this weekend though - I'm looking forward to it!

    Liz - I know, it really bums me out because it was my primary method of relaxing. My book club finally had to just not consider me when choosing a book because I had always already read them all!! (Luckily, I'm happy to re-read!) I am going to keep trying, because it makes me feel sad that I've lost something that meant so much to me. Maybe we could try a virtual book club!!

    Betty - Dentist - yuck! Hope it goes well!

    Everyone else - Hoping you're all doing well!!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited November 2006
    Good Afternoon circle girls,

    Had the skel. survey done this morning and got in every postition known to man I think but hopefully out of all of that nothing and I say nothing will be found. Man I dread the results. I told my nurse I wanted to know before my appt with is Dec 12th but then again I dont want to know. Oh well, whatever will be will be I suppose. Sometimes I just get into that tired of chemo mode and why why why stuff so just smack me.

    NS your cat story was excellent. I have always had dogs because growing one of my sisters was alergic to cats so we couldnt have any. I now have about 6 strays in the area that I have adopted and keep them fed and a nice warm doghouse out for them for the cold weather. We are 78 or so today but due to be freezing sleet possibly snow on Friday so who knows. You sure cant pack up your summer stuff around here because you might need it. I had on shorts last night as a matter of fact. No flip flops though.

    I am one of the ones with the cheap Christmas presents. We have done that for as long as I can remember. In fact when I was a child the limit was a dollar. Children always get more spent on them though. Its amazing at the cool socks (I am a sock person) and panties you can get at Christmas. Work gloves are always good because my dogs seem to always run off with them.

    By this time alaskadeb is sunning herself in Hawaii. I am sure she is having fun and I do hope she is having a drink for me. Lucky girl! I think I am more of an Alaksa person than a Hawaii person though. Give me the mountains and wildlife anytime and I am happy.

    Awww the lovely panic attacks. I had never had one until I was diagnosed in 04. I thought I was dying and had no idea why. I woke up from a dead sleep not able to catch my breath. Maybe I was a bit stressed ya reckon?

    Chemosabi-Mazer said she would gladly share her teddy grahams with distored humor. She, of course was fluttering her eyes when she said it. I guess shes just crazy about him. We better buckle up tightly if they are pulling our wagon cause she can be crazy. She was trying to impress distored humor with her uhh donkey noise which resembles a fog horn but he didnt have the heart to hurt her feelings. Shes got the haawwwwwwwwww part but forgets the heeeeeeeeeee. Shes so proud of herself though.

    purplemb-you are correct, we havent cooked in a while. I think we have all been too full from Thanksgiving to think about cooking. dinner sounds great though and I really hope you are sharing that bottle of wine.

    Betty-sorry you are numb on one side of your mouth. I hate that feeling but then again there isnt anything I like about the dentist.

    lizws-please keep us informed about your dog and its surgery. We seem to be a bunch of animal lovers around here.

    mena you are in my thoughts and robintn you are also. Come down to the circle and relax by the fires.

    ok gotta run,,work is needing me. bye for now. Amy
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2006
    Good Evening Everyone: Hope you have enjoyed your day and hoping you all have a great evening. I had a wonderful day. Even got to go Christmas shopping for about 1 1/2 hours and picked up alot of stuff. Found out our consolodation line got approved which is great - that will end all the financial garbage from this whole bc journey.
    Two years ago I was in a high profile, high stress job. Working 10 hour days and being on call 24/7. Got woke up alot!! And now I still have a nice job - and no stress.

    Madison: Sorry to hear about your daughter. That is really tough anytime, but especially around the Holidays. I can recall many Holidays, based on events that have occurred in my life. Some good - some bad.

    Tracey: Sure sounds like anxiety to me. And no wonder, this time of the year is full of demands and stress. Why don't you have an onc? I see my PCP every 3 months to monitor my blood pressure. I see my onc every 3 months to monitor my cancer. Im still seeing my PS. And I see my surgeon yearly, unless - something comes up that scares me about the cancer. My surgeon is my quarterback when it comes to my bc. Even if its just emotionally. Make sure to ask for a complete blood workup. Lipid profile, Thyroid profile, CMP (comprehensive metabolic profie) and CBC. That will pretty much tell you how everything is. And definitely the chest x-ray. But, I still think it's anxiety. My best friend is xanax.

    PurpleMB: and what would the "new normal" be? You are a wild woman already

    Liz: You are so funny. Yes, I need an appointment book. Can use it for work and home. I just love being so popular. Never before did I ever think I would be seeing so many doctors. PS is tomorrow! PCP is Thrusday. So by now your dentist appt is probably over. I got your card today. The woman at work were so funny cause I have a mail box, but I never get mail. They came running up to me "oh Nicki look you got mail." Made me open it in front of them. Getting the card was so cool. Alas - I havent even bought mine yet.

    Betty: Oh you lucky dog. You can sneak in at work. I know what you mean about not having the feeling of Christmas when its warm. 60+ degress and a Christmas tree just dont go together.

    Colleen: I go on reading binges. But, I have read every Stephen King book. No time for reading here. When Im not at work, Im at home. When Im at home, Im usually sleeping. When Im not sleeping, Im doing crafts. When Im not doing crafts, Im spending time with my husband. Poor guy, hes gotta feel neglected.

    Amy: I dont blame you. Part of me would want to know and part of me wouldnt. And I bet you are darn tired of chemo! Waiting - Im almost sick of that word! But I think the chemo is kicking butt Distored Humor is so much in love with Mazer the Tazer. When she tries to hee haw, he just looks down and winks at her. And she isnt innocent here. He is loving the cinnamon bears.

    Ok - husband is quite talkative. Gotta go. Hope you all have a great evening. See ya in the morning.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    Evening ladies.
    Wrote a long long post earlier and lost it somewhere in cyberspace...aaauuugghhhh. That is so annoying.
    Wanted to say thanks for all you kind words about my wonderful (ha) coworker. It was really appreciated. I probably took it harder than I should's just one of those things...I don't know the girl I see in the mirror...long blonde hair replaced by short brown curly hair, was always breasts and it's hard when someone says something mean.
    NS...oh such kindness that always comes from you...thanks. Its is hard to put up the decorations. We are having some pretty strange weather for this time of year and they are predicting 60 degrees tomorrow! I spent the weekend cutting back all my "frosted" flowers and my sedums and lupins are coming back!!! They think it's spring. I hate mice...they can chew throught anything! Guess I won't store any of my decorations in the garage this year. Loved your cat story. My daugher had a cat that was just a terror...her friends would come over...stick there heads in the door and say "Sarah...where is Malaci?"...she always had to put him in her bedroom because if anyone got to close to her he's actually bite them.
    Amy...ONLY GOOD RESULTS...we are a force to be reckoned with here and good results are all we will have!
    Colleen...I love to read too but I'm lucky if I can get past three or four pages before I nod off then can't remember what I read the next night...annoying!
    MB...coming for dinner...sounds wonderful and need to learn that spinning roundhouse kick!
    Tracey...I know all about panic attacks...scary stuff. I had my first one when my mother was in the hospital...couldn't breath, felt like my heart was coming out of my chest and my throat was closing in...went to the ER and found out it was just stress...Xanex is still my best friend. Hope all turns out well.
    Kristin...are you seeing the light at the end of the's getting brighter every day.
    Madison...sorry to hear about your stress but happy that there is no anger.
    Liz...saying prayers for Denita.
    Started Lexapro last night...nausea was my friend all day...hope its a side effect that goes away. Had enough of that feeling through chemo!
    Missing a bunch of you but too tired tonight to take notes...saying prayer and sending healing thoughts to all.
    Oh one more thing
    LINI LINI LINI...sent you a package today...oh wait till you see!!!
  • evilelf
    evilelf Member Posts: 274
    edited November 2006
    Hi ladies, have been on a real bummer lately, all I've really been doing a lot is walking and hiking the woods with my pups and had my grand baby for the long weekend and enjoyed that... Always enjoy seeing the world through a 6 years eyes...
    Where's the action tent, have been given heads up on that tent.... maybe I'll go to the pissy or blues tents.
    Have missed you all

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    I'm hanging in the out with one foot in the pissy tent and one foot in the blues tent with Vera...somebody get us a map to the action tent. Last I knew Bruce Springsteen was there and Matthew Mc.
    We missed you too Vera...bunches.
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited November 2006
    So good to see you posting again, Vera. I see lots of things to read tonight in the Humor thread.

    Vickie - A package, for me?? I'm so excited.

    I'm feeling kind of odd this week. Suddenly I'm being invited to all kinds of Christmas parties from people that I've just become friends with over the past year. Am I just being sensitive, or is it just a coincidence? I hope it's because I'm fun and not because I'm the "C" girl and they feel sorry for me. Does anybody else feel like this?

    Any ideas for hostess gifts? I'm going to each an every one of those parties and going to have grand time.

    It's so nice to see a full circle. You all warm my heart and brighten my day.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited November 2006

    It's because you're a fun friend. Take a nice candle. I keep some in the closet for just that type of thing. Everyone always seems to appreciate it. Of course, they may throw the thing out after I leave. LOL

    Vera, so good to see you. I was in the pissy tent last week. Hang in there.

  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited November 2006
    Hello to one and all from chilly BC (it's -14 C right now)!!

    There hasn't been much happening that's new around work work...dw and I purchased a nice 32" flat screen TV on the weekend and an HDTV cable box so we've been busy trying that out!

    We have an older house and we've been battling the "sweating windows" that come around when the weather gets colder...those of you from cold climates will know exactly what I'm referring's become somewhat of a "mission" of ours to figure out how best to deal with them...haven't figured it out yet (ie: the dehumidifier is going BACK to the store tomorrow lol).

    We have been doing our Christmas shopping and we're about halfway there so that's been fun...haven't started the Christmas baking yet...maybe this weekend.

    It's countdown time for youngest son to move out...he's making the big change on Saturday so he can have some help moving...I'm actually doing pretty well with it.

    So I have to run and eat dinner...healing thoughts & lots of energy to those who need it...a HUGE welcome to those of you I haven't met before...a giant HUG to Shel, cuz she's my hero...and lots of love to everyone else!


    PS: I asked my onc today if I should be getting a flu shot...never really have in past years and never seem to get the flu...she said and I am "fit and well" and if I feel like I want to get it, great, but not just because of the bc...I could have hugged her..."fit and well" to my ears!!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited November 2006
    I'm not sure whether I should bring this up or not, it's embarassing and in the category of too much information. I had this big talk with my husband today. He told me he's not attracted to me anymore. I guess I knew it. It sure explains a lot. I'm just sitting at my computer here crying. I don't know what to do. We talked about a lot of things. It's not good here and from my perspective he wants me to be the one to change everything -be exactly what he wants me to be so he'll find me attractive again. I feel defeated before I ever start. I'm overweight and my hair is thin and all my joints hurt. It's hard to be sexy. I can't leave, I don't have a job and I don't have health insurance. I'm sorry to throuw all this out here but I don't have anywhere else to go. I know in a couple of days I won't hurt so bad and I'll be able to think clearly but now I can't. so sorry but boy am I glad you all are here. I feel a little better just having spit this all out.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited November 2006
    oh man susan........cry your eyes out, then buck up and face him head on.

    some men are just selfish, self centered souls.

    i outta know lol!

    i know what you mean about nowhere else to go......we're here (i know it's not the same, trust me) but we're here!

    don't be his scape goat for his own are beautiful, intelligent and vibrant........don't let him defeat are such assholes........give him back a little of what he has handed out and you'll see him start to rethink his he "all that"? i bet not! let him know he's not exactly "mel gibson" to you, but you took your vows seriously.......then tell him to choose........YOU CAN DO IT ON YOUR OWN.......i've done it off and on for 8 years (this time being the last).......i'm sorry if this isn't exactly what you need to hear but i've had a huge reality check lately, and while i'm far from cured, i'm finally done with arrogant, shallow, self serving morons........cry, cry, cry.........then fight, fight, fight.....not for him, but for yourself!
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited November 2006

    I'm so sorry to hear this, and I'm not even sure what to say at this point. The obvious thing of course is what in the hell was he thinking??!?! What I do know is that from the content and tone of your posts, I can tell you are a beautiful person. I'm so sorry you feel stuck. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. Colleen
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited November 2006
    Susan, What is he thinking? We all change over the years. I very seriously doubt that anyone can take a look at there wedding pictures and look in the mirror and say "wow I look just like I did back then". Ask him to make a list of all the positive things about you. I'm sure it will be a very long list. Then when he's done remind him that you are still the person he married. Then think about what "YOU" want to do to make yourself feel good for "YOU"! Believe me when you make yourself feel good, they like it too!

  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited November 2006

    I'm so sorry - that is just an awful thing to say to someone - no matter what. Cheryl is right - we all change - we all age - and nobody stays beautiful and young. I have no advise, just get through this first stage any way you can.

    Hugs to you and I'll be thinking of you...

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited November 2006
    Vera so good to see you again!

    Peggy you too! By the way I like to share, but you can take the cold back! I don't like it. It never even got above 27 here today. Burr! I don't mind the snow but I hate the ICE! There were only 2 of us covering 10 jobs for about 3 hours today until 2 more made it in to work today!

    I average about 6000 steps just at work. Remeber that some people will hit the mile mark in less steps and some in more depending on how long their stride is.

    Amy glad the test is done so at least now you'll get some answers and you'll have an even better base line since you took them in even possible position.

    I use to read a lot too but my eyesight has gotten so bad since chemo that I just can't read for very long. I'm trying books on tape or CD as it may be and find I can't wait to get in the car to hear more of the story. Plus when I get distracted I can always rewind it to hear what I missed.

    Can't listen to it in the house though cause the hubby would interupt me to much and I'd never be able to keep track of what's going on.

    Well my sister called me tonight and asked if I could drive back to Portland to pick her up this weekend as she gave notice on her job. She told them when she came out here that she would drive back and forth over the mountains in the bad weather. They've had her going across the mountains every other day for the last two weeks. Now driving the mountains when it's snowing is bad enough in a regular truck but she drives a simi and the loads have been at or above leagal limits in weight. Just too much danger involved and I don't want to see her have a heart attack doing it. She weighs over 300 lbs and being scared that you might lose control on top of it is just too much.
    I told her if the weather changes and it's safe for me to drive down I would go get her this weekend. I sure hope it stops snowing and get a bit warmer so the ice goes away. My hubby is having a cow about me driving down there again. But I can't leave her stranded down there.

    I found these clocks with places to put picetures around it for $10 at Big Lots. So I picked up one for each of the kids, my Mom, MIL & BIL for christmas. So now I need to get some fresh ink and find some good pics to put in them for everyone.
    I have a small problem. I always find these really neat things for my two girls and Cloe that I pick up here & there for Christmas, But I always have such a hard time figuring out what to get for my stepkids and their children. Is that bad of me? I think it's just because I know my girls so well that I know what they would like or they might need. Don't get me wrong I do get things for them just not as much. Sometimes I think it hurts my hubby that this happens. I don't mean to do it. But I know that their Mother is getting things for them & i work hard for the money I spend on my girls, (My hubby only works part time, cause he needs to be able to take of at a moment notice to take care of his Mom). I've been in their lives for 16 years but this happens every year. Except one. The year we had all four of them together for Christmas.

    We are so blessed that we have all you wonderful ladies to hear our thoughts and feelings that we just may not be able to share with those at home or around us. Thanks for listening and giving such wonderful advice to us all.

    Scooter is doing much better except now he's mad cause there is snow on the ground so when he finally got to go out side he ran back in cause it's too cold! Poor Puppy, i mean kitty!